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Falcon Amur Reimbursements December 2021


Upload Data
1. Upload .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf files (One per page)
2. Copy the URL




Copy to clipboard 

If the upload is successful, copy the URL shown above, into the job below.

3. Paste the URL of the file below: (required)

4. Fill in these fields

What is your AC Id? (required)

What is the job id of the receipt you are submitting? (required)


Please enter a brief description of the item you purchased (e.g: Shein Dress,
Apple headphones, Amazon mirror, etc.) (required)
Chocomory Choco Pie Isi 5 - 150 Gr x 1 Pc

Which workflow was the item on your request assigned? (required)


What is the price on your receipt? (required)


Remember: The amount you submit for reimbursement should not exceed $150 USD

What is the currency used on your receipt? (required)

IDR- Indonesian Rupiah

Is this request: (required)

Original request
Resubmission (due to original request being rejected)
Additional Fee (additional reimbursement request after original request(s) were submitted)

Click here to receive Submission ID

After seeing the Submission ID, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click the bottom-
right button to submit your work.
Submission ID: zB9nF49IEpJur6xy

Please keep in mind the following questions when you are submitting your receipt. In order to
be reimbursed you need to provide valid proof of purchase.

The questions below do not always apply, but are some basic guidelines for a valid submission:

Does your receipt or proof of purchase have the store name?

Does your receipt or proof of purchase show the individual item listed?
Does your receipt or proof of purchase show the delivery charges?
Does your receipt or proof of purchase have a timestamp?
Does your receipt or proof of purchase’s amount match the total amount that you entered?
(Please enter the exact amount that shown on your receipt, no need to do any conversion)
Did you select the EXACT same currency that was used on your receipt or proof of
purchase ?
If your receipt include multiple items, did you include a screenshot of how the bundle was
listed on vendor’s website and/or the minimum purchase requirement policy on their
website on the same receipt file. Otherwise, your request will be rejected. (Purchasing
multiple items solely for discount purpose without the task’s requirement will result in
rejection of your request)

Submit & Continue

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