A Quick and Easy Introduction To The Safemoon Discord Servers

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SafeMoon International Discord User Guide

V 1.00

A quick and easy introduction to the SafeMoon Discord servers.

Version Date Writer(s) Description

V 1.00 10/xx/21 Hallogen The Clown#2319, TheC#3945, Initial version

MomoKombat#7892, 💜 Zoomin 💜#4399
How to download Discord? 4

How to register and create an account? 5

How to join the SafeMoon Discord Servers? 6

How to get verified? 7

Profile Customization 14

Rules and Channels 15

Need Help ! 17

Tips and tricks to keep you safe 18

What are roles and what do they look like? 20

What are notifications and how do they work? 21

Various 22
How to download Discord?
● Download discord at https://discord.com (available on PC, Mac, Android, iOS)
It may be more helpful to download Discord on Desktop first, get acquainted with
the layout and then use on mobile.

How to register and create an account?
● Click Register ● Create Account

How to join the SafeMoon Discord Servers?

● SafeMoon English Discord link:


● International SafeMoon Discord link:


How to get verified?
There is a verification system to protect the SafeMoon community on Discord.

There are 3 different ways to be verified:

1) By Captcha
2) By /verify
3) By a Moderator

The 3 are explained here after, but you only need to complete one to be verified.

Verification by Captcha in SafeMoon’s Discord
● Click on “Complete a Captcha to join the chat”

● Check your DMs for Captcha.

(On phone, swipe right to see the screen where the different servers
and DM notifications are, then type on the first icon to see your

● Once the verification is successful, you can go back to the server by

clicking on the icon and you will see the unlocked channels .

Having trouble? Check the next slide.

Verification by Captcha in SafeMoon’s Discord (video)

Watch the video to see how

to get verified by Captcha

Available at

On phone, you might have

to swipe left or right to see
the separate screens

Still doesn’t work?

Check the next slide. 9
Verification by /verify command
If you are unable to verify by using the Captcha...
● Join the #verification channel by clicking of the channel name:
(on phone, swipe left to see the list of channels)

● New users will have a 10 minute timer

before they can type. If it is the case, a message with a
countdown will inform you in the text bar

● Type the /verify command and follow the prompt.

Still not working? Check the next slide.

Verification by /verify command (video)

Watch the video to see how

to get verified by the /verify

Available at

On phone, you might have

to swipe left or right to see
the separate screens

Still doesn’t work?

Check the next slide. 11
Verification by a Moderator
Still need help?

● Join the #verification channel on the server by clicking of

the channel name and type @SafeMoon Mod to ping a

● Please be patient! A moderator will replies in the same

channel and assist you to get verified.

● Once verified, the other SafeMoon Discord channels will

be unlocked and visible.
Verification by a Moderator (video)

Watch this video to see

how to get Verified by a

Available at

On phone, you might have

to swipe left or right to see
the separate screens

You can ping a

moderator by posting
@SafeMoon Mod
Profile Customization
● Click on ‘User Settings’, at the bottom left of your
screen. (On phone, swipe right and click on your
profile picture, bottom right of your screen)
● Click on ‘Edit’ to change the username or on ‘Edit
Profile’ then ‘Change avatar’ to change the profile
picture. (On phone, click on ‘My account’ or ‘User
● To change your server nickname:
1) Right-click the SafeMoon logo on the left side
of your screen (or hold for mobile).
2) Click ‘Edit Server Profile’ and change
Rules and Channels


-Personal Messages
-Start Here: Information for new members
-Main Categories for Channels
-Rules of the Discord

On phone, you will see this screen by swiping right.

Rules and Channels


-Mute Server Toggle
-Pinned Messages
-Active Members

On phone, you will see this screen by swiping left.

Need Help !
● Need help in discord? Contact a moderator
by typing @Safemoon Mod in any channel or in the #help channel.

● For Safemoon information check the pins on each channel.

(top right of your screen on your computer,
and on your phone, swipe left and find the icon on top of your screen)

● Mods will never direct message you

In cas
first, please be aware of scammers e of d
trying to direct message you. repor
t to a m
Do not click on any links sent to odera
you in direct messages.

Tips and tricks to keep you safe
● Never click any links you are not sure about especially in direct messages.
● A moderator will never direct message you first to offer any “support guidance or
● For moderator support, please go to the #help channel. All communication should be done
You can ping for a moderator to help you by typing @Safemoon Mod.
● Never give out your passwords or crypto wallet 12 or 24 words seed phrase. You will never
be asked by a moderator to share this information.
● Do not join other discord servers that you are not familiar with.
● Do not share your Safemoon balance information with anyone.

Security continued
Please read this graph
for security and safety steps.

What are roles and what do they look like?
(SafeMoon English Discord)

Roles are assigned to people in the server.

You can check roles by clicking on the user’s profile.

What are notifications and how do they work?
● Notifications (or “ping”) are alerts in that channel.
If you look at picture on the right, my name
or role has been “pinged” once in main-chat chan of the SafeMoon Discord.

● In order to ping someone by their name simply type

@username then your message.

● To ping someone by their role you should

type @rolename (For example, @Help will
alert everyone to this message with the role Help.)

● Notifications can be turned off in ‘Server Settings.’

Right-click the server icon on the left
of the screen and click notification settings.
On phone, swipe left and hold-press on the server icon.

● You may also receive notifications from direct messages.

● If a significant amount of time has passed from this ping you can search
for ‘mentions: (your username)’ to find the missing ping.

● You can’t “Subscribe” or “ ” a channel the same way it works on
Telegram. You will get an error message. Click outside the message to delete it.

● Detailed list of roles on SafeMoon English Discord.

For more Discord tips, tricks, and features check out the following
❏ https://discord.com
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnYGrq95ezA
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BFytSpuAWs
❏ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIqyPJQAgT4

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