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ATIONS FOR TH) DEGREE OF BACHELOR QUANTITY SURVEYING. * STANDARD FORMS OF donertea ON CONTRACTS ea THWUE: 8:00 4. 11.00 AM. D a i of Siu erin as gives expression in the ects 2 _...and Conditions. of Contract for “Buildin: Works” (Published by. TRC! with the ; sax@ion of The Architectural “Assootation of Kenya:and The Kenya Associatio ‘ Building and Civil Engineering Contractors). fet! 4 tetas (30'marks) = # fej RO = sisnabines,, '3f Waik-No: Words Lal has been invited to tender o> andl parkiament buildings for a ‘cbunty:-in-the devolved system of govertiment in’ Kenya The bia documents’ are ‘divided into’ 3 settion’ labelled “Manilatory. Requirements” “Technical Bid”, and “Financial Proposal". You have been hired: as a pibcurement expert. to, assist the, Matiaging Dirertor of WorkeMo- Words L documents end . Gat ie so expham 3 The meaning of, a af SS ovthin the cote io the ‘bid ddcimients. ‘ y Sees @amiatks) 2 27 b) The purpose ofeach section of © @ mars) “'¢) © “The: apptoach to be adoy'ted in ‘the prepatation of each’stetion « {the bid, 1 atte i @ marks) % ne plain the meriis'and challenges of sig tancer8 forms of contract in building and: civil engineering a5 romper to. bexpokeasannem— 2 ao satis) 5.x) “The procurement of contrabiots id the‘constractio industry th Keniahas been dated juth' Financial and:ethical improprieties for along time, With reference td the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, Chapter 412C, Lavy of Kenya, explain how the lai has" : anempled Yo confront the.vices. oon) GY { @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ie 5 ; (OND va STER EXAMINATIONS, 01512016 KOURTH YEAR EXAMINATIONS FORTHE DEGREE OF BACUELOR OF QUANTITY SURVEY DAT! MAY 12, 2016 TIME: INSTRUCTIONS: ‘i Seki seca /nawer Question ONE aid TWO other gestions. a : =< 1. List essentials of valid contract’and explain, how they ‘are given expression” inthe “Agreement and Conditions of Contract for Building Worl 8” [Published by JBCwith, the sanction of Thé Architectural. Association, of Kenya and ‘The Kenya Association Of. Building + and Civil Engineering Contractors) by eiving examnples, “Explain how they ate felevant to @ eonstruetion contract, : [30,natks : “For every, contractual pitrpose, there is “a contractually binding contract provedare”.~ Using the “Agreement and. Conditions of Contract for Building’ Works” “and the PPOA. Conditivis of Contract, deseribe the procedure for defects ibility, explaining the purpose of cach step in the procedure.” ESS : (20 marks} °°3. Explain the merits ‘ind hallenges of using Statidand fornis of vontract, in building, and civil -~enginéering projecis as Compared With bespoke ‘agreements. : Ro marks) 4. Explain the contractual reasons and procedute for termi: provided for in thé : 5.’ Agreement and Conditions of Contract for Building Works (BC); give reasons why. cach step in the proveduré is important. ar or 0 mares] ng a conta by the ‘employer as 6. Define the term “variation’ used in construc quantity surveyor in.the preparation of va tion contracts tind explain th a he role of a tion'gecounts, andl the provedure for doing s Ro maiks) i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner madi Ot NAIROBI + DEPARTMENT. OPREAL EST ay TE AND CON BQS 406 - STANDARD £ORMS OF Con es rs ; s CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TRS S\ DATE: s/Lan015 5 TIME: 40 WANT S$ MRUCTION MANAGEMENT The Agieemen and: Conditions oF Contract’ tor + ~laterim pay @ penviltimare. payment and a final y yr Explain the: full proceduite’ “oy the «th where the Einyt fails -to-patesthe= ae ia es site wf dg iecbad sal leks cat ene t ta hag? earyes sag an ele = ae ey waht eis Aennadsas 3 se eee eee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner : UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI : : UNTVERSUY E MUNATIONS 2016/2017 ‘ FOURTH YEAR RX AMINA TIONS KOR THE DEG! EU OF BACH RD FORMS OF BUILDING CONTRACTS DING CONTRACTS. DECEMBER 16, 2016 : STIMU! 8.30 AML : NSVER.QUESTION L AND ANY OTHER EW OUIESTLONS st “i 1. With reference to provisions inthe Agreement tind Conditions of Contract for Building’ Works (IBC, 1999 edition), describe; ror nas (2) The procedure for validating aio (8 Mark.” (c) Mow to determining the rae to,isisfor valuing a aviation { ~~ to natural stone walls (per ‘Squate metre). (6 Marks). = (d) the powers of the Clerk of Watk and the Source Of the p awers, WMavgsy oT D.-The Contractor:wrote and-detivereil 0 th: Apchitest ng And Somctly stited that the “Architeet suspended the work to pusish. the Contractor Because he embirrassed the 'Arthitedt gn another site” ‘The stspension . all activity on site and the Architect lied the suspeision, afer two weeks n his anger = had adequately subsided. Upon receipt of the notice, the Architect held onto it Ford days (howe atop after which he wrote the following in respousé: “Your notice pf delay has besh rejected. Te = sie has no merit") . : : ‘ * Kige of a gvo.iveek dolay’in work &) Advise the Contractor gn the provisions of the Sontragtiwhiah address the situation Re? + and the eonsequencts of the exchange on his tights {0 Gnanciat compensation; (15 Macks) sae ees ~ . ¥) Explain the concepe of liquidated and aseert JBC ahd PPOA standard forms of contact for bull ined damayes as used ia both the ding works. (Starks) ontract, ‘the troduces hin ws Mr Sana: had obseived thal everybody «! to “put eveiyboiy back on to the Contractor suspetiding a” fora quality. audig” He"'also for Stmouths in project nan. on- the MC" Cy nto. the site mesting where’ he Kall the pinieet manager foF the project, He said thet he he was sleeping on the job an their toes". The following substantial pottion of the ordered graft of omnis ongoing wotks “Ne pave way sions of works to be eartied out ty “properly trained peapte” ener 6 signed “Sana Kath, PMP, Rrojeet Managee™ Sie Content or eee 4 75 Nhe acters at ae Sah yuR ON A Sat ate @ scanned with OKEN Scanner oa). With reasons, advige the Contractor. whether or not to eed the otders issued by Mr Sana Kali.(6 Marks) fie satay Bole ge Saad gn aa 3 7 0) Reforming ts eleyant provisiohs of the Contract, draft a letter for the Contractor to the Employer. challenging Mr. Kali's letter abd pointing out Sontrachiél implications of ©” + "the intended suspension and variations. (15 tars) PRES ag ators tte oe ‘A-dispute has occurred between a: Contractor and “his Employer’ regarding’ the computation of the ‘final accounts, 'Write-a btief explain to the Contractor the canitac a TSE foro Abittation: beginning wit Raw SoRREISS it'to the ‘point of the Arbitrator’s award, (20 Marks) © s2erte sky 3 pees Latesee : @ scanned with OKEN Scanner OW SHUR DEGREE OF BACHELOR.OF VYING, INSTRUCTION: Answer Question Land nny other TWO p Guatls 4 : context of a’ construction, apni (G0 Marky 8) OffeF sind Recepptan eb) -Considernian.. roject and-it allows'for resolution’of dis Utes: through arbitral ‘after. Ie settléinents. Write’a brief to. cxplaiti:to ‘the Conttactor the contract’ procedure for Arbitration beginning with how to commence it to'the: point of. the Arbittator's, award sind gxiplain the’ “iepose of each step in the pretediré, (20 ‘far, 3) Ow" ae the procedure of termination as proved in the IBC cect from the time thy Architect \* tified a defect to the time the contract: cuminated. (20M ls) i a) Definitions (5 Mavis), by Appendix to conditions of contract 6 Ors). cy Articles of Agreement (§ Marks) dl) Conditions, of Contest 6 Marks)” @ scanned with OKEN Scanner The Agreement and Condition of Contract by the Joint Buliding Council: (SC) with th 2 for Building Works (Apa, 1999 wales published ‘ le sanction of the Architectural Association of Kénya (AAI) and Kenya Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contactors (RABCEC) has had its merits which has miade it invaluable in the Kenyan Building Industry to date. However, there have been initiatives to Teview-it given the changes in the Kenyan Building and. Construction - Industry. Discuss the challenges or A ges OF inadequacies of using this standard forth oF Contrdet din ‘the < current Kenyan Building aut ontstion Industy. Ga Maris) ‘ ig examples, discuss three ) coabachial diate ‘hat a ‘conttac! Iding project can ke Use Provisions ftom. the IBC, -PPOA or BIDIC ius inanswers. oie eae 2 Raabe nd? pes lees. fl + : uP : een @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ONS HOR PU QUANT DEGREE OF BACHELOR Or BOS 406: STANDARD FORMS O} CONSTR JCNION CONTRACTS: OCTOBER 25, “For every conttactual purpose, thére-is contractually binding contract procedure”. 1 {sing the Agreement and Concitions of Coniraet for Luilding works (BC). Lixplain the full procedure for int ment and final, payment, is ir fails (6 pay’ the contactor “30 Marks) The actions of the employer cai tesult ima repudli Use. provisions from the Agreement and eonditi Works (JBC) to ilfustrate'your answer, atory breach of the. ‘outcast, : lons: of contract for Building (10 Marks), ©) Disedgs the nimedies for breach of ental, (10"Marks) A dispute is: vceuired between ‘he tractor regarding. the compitation of the ly Were not in the Bill of Quantiti¢s, “tuently affected the agreeable. calculations of the final secounls. Briefly explain’ what variations ate, the rules and timelines of valuing °°: ‘Vatlation works executed tinder the Contract A Brovi in the variation clauses of the JBC, FDIC and POA," 2 i Employer’ and the 4. Deseribe i Reged i, Agreemen ving examples how the essentials ofa valid contact are ark * t and Conditions of ‘Contract for Building Works QBC). +, (20. Marks) * @ scanned with OKEN Scanner SATIONS FORTHE DEGREE OF. 3 CHELORO# ou IANTITY SURVEYING BOS 400: QUANTITY. SURVEONG PRA Cte AND exocupuen determination of the profes ‘ory in the Kenya today, Surveying wcoupation i" Bis 20 mats] @ scanned with OKEN Scanner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner unt ERSITY OF NAIROBI : ; ARTMENT OF REY AL ESTATE, & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEME! NT. » WL6/2017 SECOND § LESTER CONTINOUS ASSESSMENT TEST BQS 404; CONSTRUCTION PLANT & VQUIPMENT DATE:30™ NOVEMBER, 2016 QL. A bobcat wheel loader has. the following data: Deyteciatis Interest rate 3 Q _ Tax, Insurance and Storiige 4% Rated power » © 1 Ohp ore) per agnu. ® per annum, + Kshs, 2,000 petday! 4.@ Kshs. 200 har * Buel price KshS.'80.00- per‘titee — Calcutate its-own andoperaiing east per anny orn nent a Q2. Briefly discuss the® services and facilities offered. by equipment to the construction firms S manufacturers and distributors “of plant r . ¥ (S marks) > QS. Briefly discuss with the aid of neat of the following categories of const vt eration and'uses: 8) Conereting : (Aimarks) b) Hoisting (Amarks) Sketches ai’ FUYpEs f Eonsteudtig jon work hight hting theic modes of apy Q4. Explaiy +duties of a construction pl vould cans ey i marks)’ set and deseritic the ftois.hedshe i equipment to achieve maximu. utilisation and produto el SS @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Cost delivered“ ‘Estimated life Ieage value Depreciation aietho’ “cintereserte Rated power Fuel consumption, ‘working RT littes Ws ¥ el ‘ ats | of operation, Calcule. of.ops the’ coral opérating costs der-anhiini, Scanned with OKEN Scanner Acguisition of reasons. Desert! sosteuction plant md equipm nent i eommonly Discuss the raudes of operation and use under the follo:ving functions: Seg cat (2) Transporting (b) Conersting ) (ce) Hoisting Tere (d) (20 marks) Qt. @) © t6 ti firms? : ia ans : (4 aarks) ole : te) “wy a a) Economic order quant (ii) Stock control and spa (ii) Job reporvcard : __.fiv),_Andirect maintenance costs @ scanned with OKEN Scanner UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2016/2017 FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF QUANTITY SURVEYING BOS 404s ‘CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2016, "Cost delivered Estimatéd life “Salvage v Depreciation iiethid: Interest rate. Tax/insurance/storat Rated power: Fuel congumption' = “Service.cost factor’ “Lifetime repair cost factor ‘Sum of yeats digit 10Yeper annum yd ites @ Kai. $0,000 “; Operator wages: “Kshs, 3,000.00 per d 2 ‘Typleal tite life <9 "2190 hones": “2,000 hours” -Assume-1:day «Assume. | “galfon = “Catclate the total opetating 3 -stoperations: @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Qa, Acquisition of construction piant and equipment ig based on tech echni reasons. Describe the methods.of acquisition commonly used ons! xiving the sources of funds, advantages and disadvantas Discuss the modes of operation and uses of plant and equipments which are cl under the following functions: (a) Transporting ear i () - Conereting . : B (©). Hoisting as . (@) Road constructiod and finishing : ’ (20 marks) (@) "What is plant maintenasice and what isits impovtatice to construction fins? See EES ne PPE (4 tharksy ©, () Economic order quantity = cess & PO Gi) Stock control-and spare parts policy” (iii), Jobreport card: » 7 (iy) Indirect ajaintenance Costs @ scanned with OKEN Scanner , UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBE _- UNIVERSr FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATION: QS 404; DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2018 S: Answer question-ONE and’any 9 Cost delivered, Estimated life Salvage value Depreciation method Interestrate Tax/insurance/storage ” Rated power.” “Fuel price. Fuel consumption’ Service cost factor Lifetime repair cost facto Operator wages. -Annual working time NB: = (i). “-1galion’ Gi) 1 day.. @.. (b) operation. (© ©. Compute the hire rate per hour for the NS 2017/2015 : i BACHELOR OF ouANTITY ther tWo questions, etannm for the tir @ scanned with OKEN Scanner be ‘the varidus “methods of plant and echtipment “acquisition used by SCnstruction firms and highlight their merits and demerits foreach. (20 marks) Write short notes on the following: @) Powertools (©) Read making and finishing equipment © Moisting equipment © Conereting equipment, ©). Stotk control and spare arts policy Plant management ey “Plant maintenance’ ~. Job Yepart card as been’ awarded a contract constattct ‘six “Blocks: oF 60 luxury apartments An Nairobi City, County.“ The directors: haye decided to acquiré a bacl hoe for use i been instructed to.” he “should “follow ine ompany, p+ Cbielaey sy ccalel in Vapéat oie “alot @ scanned with OKEN Scanner UNIVERSITY GF NMIROME UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019, RAR EXAMINA TIONS FOR-THIE DEGREE OF BACHELOM OF QUANTITY. SURVE’ XING i BOS 404: constucr LON: PLANT AN 1D We noun APMENT RUCTION SUESTION.ONE A bobeat wheel Loaler: Cést delivered: = _ Estimated life Salvage.value ~. Depreciation method. ‘Interest rate Fax/Insurance,/ storage Rated power Seivive cost factor Lifetime repair c Tyres eat Operator wages : Typical tyre life | * Annual working time | -galion Iday @ scanned with OKEN Scanner operation, s -10.m (a) Caloutate the total owning costs per dianum for the fist and (b). Calculate the total operating costs per antium for the firsU ard Second yous 6t” « operation, z 283 C8 marks) (©), Coinpute'the hte rate per hour inthe second! yeas &f operation, (6 3) QUESTION two mnt ‘and economic of plant acquisition mostly’ needed in the. Kenyan, ng their merits and-demerits Discuss the modes of operation and uses of plan and “under the following. functions ibe plant mainteriance and ain ©) Describe plant management and iportiice to constuction companies. (8): Write’ short notes on the following termi equipmient maintenance and management: ae sl). Economic order quantity : i) “Stock control and spare parts polie ii) Job-report caid sai Gy) Indifect mainienance cos Aes ron , 4 BOS 4: 200 | QUANTITY SURV EHING PRACTICE PROCEDURE. DATE: DECEMBER13, 2016 a ‘TIME: 11,30 AM=1.30 PM. LANSWE QUESTION ONE-AND ANY. TWO. OTHERS construction’ project’ You have been appoint project quantity construction Of a malt storey office block whose budget is Kshs, 1:80 Billion, Identify those be members of the d and discuss Hfow you, may interrelate: your provision on of professional quanti Soo sefvices_. megtien Ber Be : 7 oe =. Couesoeray: Ne ‘marks) ‘ at rity of nes Has ndches {o construct the gone ‘and only $Trusip in Noirobi’s Cential Business District“The'shairmasoh 2 | - eee approached you and says Whey Wiktrty-hire-eithier ‘a project quantity surveyor 3 ‘or ‘cost engineer! Prepare'a talicyou will dal iscrtomenbers of ASK the difference t atv) Of the tivo professions Ja the talk, discuss-your tole as.2 quantity-surveyor-stid pers plas of work fom inception ap pactcl completion ans Dissiise Ihe sipnificance-of tendering in’ construction pris” Costner Z by The onstruction industry ii gonslderedts be eof the most challenging inthe - market in tomms of «)-nplinnce with lscal prociuemént procédures. Disnuss atte four different tendesing se st highlight HE © billy, othervisé of, “e's procedure, : ‘ Saar "js Peaouteds Question THREE ie 4 ae y ‘: ‘Discus how: a project qusintity: surveyet § may resolve. whe oly cing. in in agrive st an amicable tesolution;- Se 3 ; i). Errors in tender pices, TOS sy 0 Bevors in eomputation ot Pages cd Provinsnal Suns iii)»; Errors inf tender sem evade. i : Ny oss preparation of nian alton of wt don wer Omissions eppeaing i the Bl of quests 2 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner QUESTION. FOUR 2) Discuss significance surveyor, Icy, in the cotistractidn i significant’ when 8 drafting a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner UNIVERSITY OF NATROBI UI RST iar IS =. 8 EQURTH YEAR. NATIONS} DE -OF BACHELOR OF.QUANTETY: ‘There isa general coi Persons’ niasque Discus-how. lation ma Fesponsible for the delivery; e, Building ea ir intetrelationships and:outl of work from inceptio} scribe t ei : tline the quantity survey; hap te final settlement of accounts, aa TH Construction’ projects are whic ue with each tequiring individual » re‘different tendeting.prolures that have emetged for seier: contract. Disciiss five. div. a clrcumstancés-in which 'a qu s.tity surveyor lay: Provide su" sble and practic sl method for cont StoF sestionsvlecfs.5 (10 imarkes 2 aay Bor ee es Tae ‘The!valits.ion foF-aithteritn-certiNeate’ shori Possible, ‘The contractor is ont‘ded to thé Discuss the’main item you’ - vid consider é. as “accurate. total value of the wo! when Valuing such y @ scanned with OKEN Scanner The construction Processis 4 high risk: business characterized” assurance, time and : ‘ed. by unfulfilled quality © ‘Ost overruns.. Discuss howa project quantity surveyor may. safeguard the employer against the following uncertain ies aS cpnstruction Projects : : TE ee ee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner UNEVERSITY OF NAIROBI UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2018/2019 UC TEE DEGREE OF BACHE OR oF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. ‘ BOS 400: QUANTITY SURVEYING PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE ; DATE: JUNE 3,2019 =, ; TIME: 9.09 A.M. = 11,60 AM. - INSTRUCTIONS: Ausiver question ONE anid any other TWO questions, Sou estion On se te (2) "Discuss significance of Code of Conduct and Ethics for a professional quantity surveyor, ee . ie {Smarks) a) (iii) Surveyor for-a,, it tict.- The developer professional services you offer and Says, “Your professional fee.” - Shareesaré too much?” Discuss how you would comfort Prospective client, "..-: =" * Question Two' : GY“ Discuss the significance of ienderig in construction projects: (i. Sets 3 Cait fe ‘Scanned with OKEN Scanner Surveyor may ne; gotiate and resolve di in the following citcumstances:- lisputes amicably between (i) Valuation of variations i) Errors in computation of Prime Cost and Provisional Sums (ii) Errors in the Intetim Valuations - (©) Omissions appearing in the bills of quantities (20 marks) . Question Four: “Discuss. the: meaning ‘and’ the circumstanc ‘following the course of. constructior ices in which’ a Quantity Surveyor. may ‘apply’ the ° n prictice:- = 3 . ().-. Release of Retention Fund” Gi) ~ -Petformance Bond” il) - Defects Liability Perid “(iv)_. Liquidated Damages @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RSTTY OF NATROBI UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2013/2019 : FOURTH YEAR EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE FORBACHELOR | * a OF QUANTITY SURVEYING 4 ‘BQS 402: COST PLANNING AND COST CONTROL DATE: JUNE 4, 2019 TIME; 9.00.A.M.~11-00.4.M.: INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO questions our STION ON! You have ‘been’ appointed as a Quastity Surveyor foi a multi-puxpose, high vise’ bililding to be constructed in Lavington’ Green Shopping: Centre, Naitobi County." Discuss in detail the process you would apply to prepare a cost plan describing all the Rey terminologies used therein including drafting a typical cost plan. © BO marks), vas UESTION TWO, Cost control: seeks to dénnytify- cost planning. yet profettonal: have not fully’ embraced it {20 marke} ce QUESTION THREE ‘Thele’cuesdesign’ pataiheters in the. building industcy’ which ‘affeét the: Soa building project, Diseuss five-of these stating their effect in arsiving atthe cost of a buildiig project. © 20 marks} QUESTION FOUR Discuss. cost indices; their constfuction and application including ‘any. iititations i in their use in the construction industry. (20 atl ee eneines @ scanned with OKEN Scanner : INIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2015/20 2 7 1 :FQ RTH YEAR EXAMINATIONS FORTY IE DEGREE OF BACHELOR.OF. . QUANTITY SU RYEVING BOS 402: COST PLANNING: AND.COST CONTROL DECEMBER 14, 2016. TIME: 9.00 SF ANEStio8 ONE ‘and any: other- TWO Qy AM. = 11.00 4 QUESTION ONE, : You have been’ appointed a’ Piofesciowal ‘Quantity for by “Best Ceveloy Ud for & multi-faceted. sh Billion. picjeer in Upper Hills Nairobi. 7; asked You Prepare. for a repoit on cost planning ji tepatation. Horeineeptonsintey -thetender-stage.—. QUESTION FOUR > Given thé following iifoimatioe va tos types of tore Viable! ceca ne 2) sChadain'a tdst ot K€ § 00 £120,000 forthe rer: Swill be 50 Vearg: Os Scanned with OKEN Scanner Cladding ~ “BY costs K £130,000 and will last for tile whole life of the building © without any maintenance although a sum of K £ 40.000 will be allowed for general rep ater 20 years, INFORMATION The rate of interest allowed is 42%, Use Present Values Tables Provided. siddeads. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner UNIVERSITY OF NAIROSI SECOND SEI QUANTITY SURVEYING S402: COST PLANNING AND COST CONTROL pate: MAY 7, 2013 » - TIME: INSTRUCTIONS: “Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions. 1.00.4.M.- Cost isan eloment of design which may referred to'as “designing ie a cost” or “costing to a design’. Describe these two,"elemental systeins' of costs planning ftom inception to tender acticin. Cost iplatining isa 8 wetkng tool of quantity: surveyor. that midst oli are not aware. ane Discuss what jou would consider as the f cost planning Distiss the uundélying principles “Telia t design that may, Convince a client on the need for cost Planning. Describe "Building Cost Indéx' and Aiscuss at least four possible suse in the construction nua: measure. changes in, uilding costs at different times. You: to present your possible methods for,consticting reliable construction project. ‘What would you appliction? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Discuss ‘the supporting inremios that ‘you’ would “consider necessary +t0 simplify the cost analysis ofa project: shee: Cost plantig is nota: Substitute “by the process. ‘Descril @ scanned with OKEN Scanner UNIVERSITY OF Sek SEMESTER E: sightseers “OVS Rlotals the tan ‘Building: Cost sr indlcas, ts “pe se Desheds Hat may be used for itso constriveti ee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “UNIVERSITY OF NA ROI ‘SE SEMESTER Ey FOURTH YEAR. EXAMINA TIONS) SFOR THE DEGE DEGREE i 8 as Cost planning is tot a ube PS epeps Degerihe' os ig. Cost: Indices”, "it “methods that bd be Used for its _canstrtietion @ scanned with OKEN Scanner / Gest analysis shows the distrbition of the cost of a building among its elements. The use \ of Historical Information requires. th Quantity, quality and. price. fe quantity. surveyor to consider adjustments in . li In addition, market conditions and regional trends may. — intfoduce unpredictable factors. Discuss. (20 marks) + “@) Describe and distinguish the following terms: (i). “Cost analysis” and “Cost check" i) “Elemental cost analysis” and'"Element unit rate" Gy i) ost Limit and “Cost target” “lemental cost estimates” ‘and “Element Quantity” @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘UNEVERSITY OF NAIROBI UNI TIONS - 2017/2018 YEAR EX EG! OF QUAI S AK STRUCT! ND EQUIPME! - DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2018 Je TIME: 2,00 P.M-4 Re ee SC A Answer question ONE and any other two questions, “Qu. A power-shift crawler mounted bull door has the followitig data: “Gast delivered. Kshs: 4,300,000:00: Estimated life vage value. Kshs? 950,000.00; Depreciation method. sum of years digit Unterest rate: 2 “Tax/insurance/storage Rated power Fuel price. ; ‘ “Kshs, 90.00 per litre.” Fuelconstimption’ 5 ins 3 g/t, : Service cost factor Lifetime repair cost'factor Operator wages Annual working time 2,000 hours NB? (i). “gallon aves Gi). day, i (a) Compute hl owing cots per an Or the Ns and sea lye : ‘operation. (b)* Compute the ee costs ‘per anu for the firstand. second; years ~operation: © @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 4 Q2.” Describe the various “methods of Q3._°, Write short notes on the followin; plant, and equipment ‘acquisition: -used by construction firms and highlight their merits and denierits for each: (20 marks) © @).. Power tools ; (©), - Road making and finishingequijment ©) Hoisting equipment’ (@ Conereting equipment. - (©): Stock contiol'and spare p: ts policy “Plant management | me Plant maintenance: ‘Job report card” @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Bas Zio sy, “UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI = _ Department. of Real Estate and Construction Management BQS'402; coat Maing and Cost Control CAT DATE: Tuesday, 16" January, 2018 TIME: 10.00 AM - 11.00.AM. INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER QUESTIONS ONE AND TWO .QUESTION ONE: @ scanned with OKEN Scanner BEC Fido, UNIVERSITY oF NAIROBI " _Department of Real Estate and Construction Management BQS 402: Cost Planning and Cest Control : CAT TESA Es DATE: Tuesday, 16” January, 2018 TIME: 10.00 AM = 11.00 Ai. INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER QUESTIONS ONE AND Two ‘QUESTION ONE: eas ere m Désciibe the folowing | tein giving examples where possit Y eS (©.Cost analysis @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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