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Minggu : 34 Hari : Sunday Tarikh : 26/11/2023

Mata Pelajaran/ Aktiviti Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan Refleksi/Impak/
Kehadiran Catatan
Theme: World of Stories Lesson 32: The Old House
2IS Main Skill : Reading Attendance (__/__)
10.15-11.15 a.m. Complementary Skill : -
BI Content Std. : 3.2. Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by 1. The number of pupils
appropriate reading strategies. that achieved the
Learning Std : 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple sentences. stipulated skill is
3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to find, list and categories words.
Objective : By the end of the lesson,
2. Enrichment activities
(i) All pupils can categories animal and its habitat.
(ii) Most pupils can categories animal, habitat and the features.
were given to achievers
(iii) Some pupils can read and give detail explanation for the topic. and remedial activities
Activities : Set Induction: Teacher plays a video. Pupils pay attention. were given to non-
Pre 1. Pupils say aloud animal/place they seen. achievers
While 2. Peer discussion- pupils take turn explain pictures given to them.
Post 3. Pupils categories animal, habitat and features while explains about it.
Closure : Gallery walk.
Teaching aids : ICT,
CCE / Added Value : Language / Creativity.

Theme : World of Knowledge Lesson 32 Language Awareness

3IK Topic : Year in, year out Focus Skills/Complementary: Writing/Speaking Attendance (__/__)
11.15-11.45 a.m. Language/Grammar Focus : Review of language from Unit 4
BI Content Standard : 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a 1. The number of pupils
range of purposes in print and digital media that achieved the
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly stipulated skill is
Learning Standard: 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately __/__
in guided writing at sentence level 2. Enrichment activities
2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic everyday routines were given to achievers
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to and remedial activities
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write at were given to non-
least 2 details about their friends correctly. achievers
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen to
the song and point correctly.
Cross Curricular Elements : Language
i. Pre-Lesson 1. Pupils play ‘Birthday Mix-up’ (students rearrange themselves
according to the order of their birthday.
ii. Lesson Development 2. Pupils listen to four children talking about what they
usually do on their birthdays and they have to guess the
season theirs birthdays are in.
3. Pupils complete the text (activity 2)
4. Pupils read their text to their classmates.
iii. Post-Lesson 5. Pupils play season survey (class survey about favourite
Theme: World of knowledge Lesson:129
6IK Topic : Unit 9: What's your opinion? Attendance (__/__)
12.15-1.15 p.m. Focus Skills/Complementary: Reading
BI Content Standard : Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and 1. The number of pupils
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies that achieved the
stipulated skill is
Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- __/__
linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading
2. Enrichment activities
Learning Standard : Main: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple longer texts
were given to achievers
and remedial activities
Complementary: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words were given to non-
from clues provided by other known words and by context achievers
Learning Objectives : i) Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and
answer the questions.

ii) Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Materials/References : textbook
Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Pre-lesson: Teacher draws a table with two columns (healthy and unhealthy) on the board. In
groups, pupils copy the table and write as many foods as they can based on the headings of
the columns. A correct item will get one point and if no other team has it, they will win two
Lesson delivery:
1. Teacher asks pupils if they like sugary food and drinks. Pupils share their thoughts.
2. Pupils refer to Activity 1 in textbook page 108-109. Teacher asks pupils where they can find
this kind of text. Pupils refer to question 1 and they can volunteer to answer. Pupils answer

Minggu : 34 Hari : Sunday Tarikh : 26/11/2023

question 2.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2 and tick the correct answers.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 3. Pupils look at the vocabulary panel. Pupils scan the text to find the
words and use the context to work out the meaning. Pupils share their thoughts.
Post-lesson: Teacher asks pupils if there is any information in the text that surprised them.
Pupils think and share their thoughts.

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