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Experiment #6

1. Depending on the particular experimental setting, colored water and flowers in test tubes may not
look the same at first.

a. You should see an increase in the water level in the test tubes as the rose stems are submerged in the
colored water. This suggests that water is being absorbed by the roses.

b. Yes

2. Through a process called transpiration, the color of the water in the rose experiment predominantly
affects capillary action.

3. Particularly in relation to health and medicine, the recorded capillary refill rates may have wider
ramifications and practical applications in a variety of domains.

4. Water rises to the flower after being drawn via the stem.

5. capillary action and transpiration because together, these mechanisms make it easier for water to
travel from the roots to other areas of the plant, and the addition of colored water makes this dynamic
process visible.

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