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Good afternoon, everyone, especially to our dear panelist,

capstone advisers, and to everyone who have joined us today.

On behalf of the entire team, it is an absolute pleasure for us to
stand before you and share the culmination of our hardwork- An
Innovative System that is designed for the students of Metro
Manila College. But before anything else, I would like to invite
Jie to lead us an opening prayer

Let’s Bow our head and feel the presence of God

Lord God,

Thank you for everything that you gave us.

Today, as we are going to have our oral defense, please continue

to guide us. Please grant us your knowledge and wisdom. Please
help us to execute our presentation very well. Please help us to
answer the questions. Please help us to have positive results

We offer to you Lord all of these. All of our hopes and dreams.

Thank you Jie for your wonderful prayer. Now, let me take a
moment to introduce myself and acknowledge the remarkable
co-researchers who gave their heart and knowledge in the
success of this capstone study. I am John Carlo S. Pelayo, the
leader of the team, System Analyst, Quality Assurance,
Technical Documentation. Alongside with me, is the co-
researcher who have dedicated their time and effort for this
capstone study. Jessie (DEVELOPER/QUALITY
ASSURANCE ANALYST) - Introduce yourself
Jie (Technical Documentation) - Introduce yourself
I AM PRINCESS JIE P. CENIZA Technical Documentation in
the team

Eidriel - (Technical Documentation) - Introduce yourself

Juan Miguel (Technical Documentation and Quality Assurance)

- Introduce yourself
Specific objectives are the outcomes that you aim to achieve
when conducting research so here’s the specific objectives of
our study:

 To provide a system that will assist the School Admission

Office and Students in having the best experience possible
during the enrollment process and to have accurate data and
avoid losing data of students.
 To update the students about their missing requirements
and requirements that they had passed on the registrar.
 To check and remind the students about their balance
tuitions and to avoid accumulation of student debt.
 To build a system that will atomically optimize and update
itself every week to sustain its capacity to hold data and
information of the students and to avoid getting error or
bug from the system.
The researchers used Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
for designing, developing, and testing the Innovative School
Admission System for Senior Highschool in Metro Manila
- The purpose of this research design is to outline the methods to
the analysis that is being used by the researchers ang ginamit
namin dito ay agile method

In the summary of Innovative School Admission system in
Metro Manila College, the proponents gathered important
information’s and analyzed every detail to the objectives, goals,
features and functions of the existing system that needs to
improve. The main goal of the study was to build a user-friendly
system that will provide efficient storage of data and secure the
data files of the students for the betterment of the admission
process for student, faculty members, and registrar department.
The problem and issues from the existing system was solved by
the Innovative School Admission System that built by the
proponents. Therefore, the goal of the study and system has met
the expectation and served its purpose for the students and
administrators in Metro Manila College.

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