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1. Who are you at home, at school, and in the community? (WITH PHOTOS TO SUPPORT

At home, I am a daughter, knees, and an older cousin at home. I am the most comfortable version
of myself in my house. I did choirs and took care of my youngest cousin.

At school, I am the type of student that is easy to approach and friendly, but sometimes I usually
like to be alone.

While in the community, I am just a typical type of person who donates clothes and offers help
with my family to the people who need help. I am also nice and friendly wherever community I
am in.
2. What do you think is the quality of life at present, in comparison to what it was in the past?
At Eighteen years of existence, life at present is like a roller coaster. Sometimes, I face
hardships, like getting triggered by my childhood trauma. Having insecurities and forgetting to
love myself, and getting hurt mentally, emotionally, and physically. There are also times when
life brings me joy, happiness, and contentment; that was when I realized that life is just being the
life and I have a purpose for living in this world. When I was younger, I always thought my life
was at its worst because of the hardships I was going through. I felt misfortune and lonely
because no one was there for me to understand how I felt in that particular situation I was in. I
almost gave up my life because I was hopeless about being free and happy from the heartache
that my parents caused.
3. What is a man to society and vice versa? SUPPORTED BY COMMENTARIES AND/OR
A clear statement about the relationship between man and Society, As seen in the primary
population - family, play or for educational groups, production teams, or other types of Formal or
informal collective. Family, individually, gives up some of its particularity to become part of the
whole. Various moral, legal, and psychological relationships bear the primary responsibility. for
example, if a one-child grows older, they enter the reality of society, which may serve as their
first duty to the social group, culture, and humanity. A person's whole intellectual makeup bears
the unmistakable imprint of the life of society. A man's practical activities are individual
expressions of humanity's historically formed social practice. The implements that he uses have
in their form a function evolved by a society that predetermines the ways of using them. The
wealth and complexity of an individual's social content conditioned by the diversity of social
connections. Overall, how well are different areas of life in the society are the assimilated and
collapsed awareness and activity. For this reason, the level of individual development is an
indicator of social development and vice versa. But the individual does not dissolve in society.
Keep its unique independent personality and contribution to the community as a whole: Just as
society itself forms man, People make up society.
The key to the mysteries of human nature is to be found in society. Society is the human
being in its social relations. Every human being is an individual embodiment of social relations,
a product not only of the existing social system but of all world history. There is a saying that
Modern man carries within himself all the ages of history and all his own individual ages. His
personality is a concentration of various strata of culture. That is why living memory of the past
is the focus of all the wealth of knowledge, abilities, skills, and wisdom that have been amassed
through the ages. Man is a kind of super-dense living atom in the system of social reality. But
sometimes, the relationship between man and society is interpreted so that the latter seems to be
something that goes on around a person in which he is immersed. But this is a fundamentally
wrong approach. Society exists outside the individual as a kind of social environment in the form
of a historically shaped system of relations with rich material and spiritual culture independent of
his will and consciousness. The individual floats in this environment all his life. But society also
exists in the individual himself and could not exist at all, but it flows in this environment of its

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