AJ HER 5: Which of The Following 1s Her Most Likely Di Noss?

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=U Rathore

luestion 13 of 30 (Multiple

: a eeing ] 57Of /
year -old A ‘Oman A who ( O 11 pl INI| Ol f ¢ Hutt
f lutteri 1 nn e€ 5est She N
xamination he pulse rate) apid ar ur otherwise%
quia \AJ - ind de nies 5 shortness
> 1s wi of b reath or
Which the 5 g
followin 1s her most likely di Noss?

1 Hyperthyroidism

able ventricular tachycardia


supraventricular tachycardia (PS )

3 Paroxysmal

Atrial (brillation

nu Rathore

iS |
j{uestion 10 of 30 (Multiple Choice)

, in the
\ ion. 1 In addition to acuts fiuresis, which of the following is the best first-line agent to use for treatment
i | yecaus
becat ol oft left ventricu lar
ventricul a systolic
st dysfunct
\ nosea d
diag 49-year-old m in with CHE
You have
absence of contraindications?

1 Nitrates

channel blockers
2 Calcium

3 Blocker

A ACE inhibiors

s , Hydialazine

wi a
A&P PE Laan 5

term | Gr.317.11 202
Family Medicine | Mid

Veenu Rathore

30 (Multiple Choice
. His clectrocardi
ogran (ECG) showsQ wavesi lead
Questio n 9 of durin q exercise OCCULT ed 7 days
eri or ches t | ain that occu red rcti on (MI) hav ing
eezing ant of a mys scardial infa
s afte r a 4-h out bout of squ spe cih ic! \di cat or
to his family doc
tor? day most sen: itive and
smoker Comes te rc would be the
AS-year-old male ilat \e laboratory
ion which of the following ava
AVF but no ST deviat

(CK NB fraction)
ph sphate


arnino transterase

~ dP pume
Veenu Rathore

Question 24 of 30 (Multiple Choice

The classical risk factors for CAD according to INC ind ESH/ESC recommendations include

1 Hypenension,

2 Al of the above

3 Smoking

Family history of early CAD



td PO Type hee to seach

x re
| Midterm Bra 17.
Family Medicine
yJeenu Rathor

e Choice)
of 30 (Multipl
Question 14

following 1s de
Which of the

d pressure
m m Ha , diastolic bloo
2) A0
d pr essure
aq O qystolic bloo 0;
pressure 29
HY : di as tolic blood
30 mn
pressute »1
solic blood 280;
ood pressure
m m Ha . diastolic pl
re =! 20
ood Pr essu
gyst ofic bl pr assure
3 O lic blood
Ha. diasto
es su re 2140 mm
plood pr
gystolic Jood pI e
ss re 290;
2) Ha. di
150 mm
Pr essure Zz
So od
5 O

Question 6 of 30 (Multiple Choice) : —

Which of the following is true

about w ell Adult Care-Im muni
zations and chemoprophylaxis

1 (O) Allofthe above

2 O Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is indicate for 65 years old pacients and older

3 (1) Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is indicate for pacient after45 years of pacient ando

4 () Tetanus, diphtheria acellular pertussis (TdaP/Td)- All adults 18 age 65 (TdaP) 65 and older (1d

of age (CDC recom:

influenza vaccine (including HTN- All patients gre ater than 6 months
third trimester

| Antwer | Sake

-ami Medicine
icine || Midterm
Midterm| Gr.3
Gr.3 17.11 2020
Veenu Rathore 00-47-31

Question 17 of 30 (Multiple Choice

YOU ate seeing a patient who was discharged from the h pital She init esented to the emergency room with d prea and was foundto be in CHE. They admitted
het for diuresis and inttiation of a
appropriate first line therapy.| Since being released, she reports that <he i mfortable at rest, but tha ordinary activity results
functional classification, which class in mild dyspnea. According
to the New York Heart Association (NYHA)
of heart failure best d this patient §

1 Clay

2 Clay

a Cla

a Coss IV
Question 19 of 30 (Multiple Choi

Which of the {oll WING screening tes ts characteristics is nessesa r eflective screening?

1 Validity and realiability ( sensitivity and


2 mexpensive

3 Simple, easily acceptable

A Acceptable for patients

§ () Alofiheabove

Swer | Previous Rese

Y teview

0m PO ype hes ta search

Question 7 of 30 (M
ultiple Choice)

vs WwW

1 fb ‘essure is ahov : —
O fblood pressure is above the goal with 20 mmHg systolic or 10 mm Hg diastolic, treatment should be

In 2/3 of cases controlling blood pressure is impossible with monotherapy.

lhiazides usually are not used as monotherapy

In combination therapy one drug is usually thiazide diuretic.

sti Rev jew
Previous Reset
uestion 12 of 30 (Multiple

You have seen a 56-year-old m nN with ¢ levated blood pressure.

encouraged On one o ccasion,
lifes tyle modifications his blooe | pressure was 163/90 mm
inc luding weight 105s using exercise Hg. and on a second occas
1s the best and dietary changes bespite some modest weight loss,
treatment strategy at this point? at his current visit, hie

1 ( an angiotensin
Use receptor blocker

2 Use a F-blocker

3 a two
Use drug combination of medications

A se a thiazide diaret

. an ACE inhibitor
“77 wr sv awviuriple Ch

Whic h of the following

i ECG & abnormalitys
i are shown in pacient wiht Atrial

1 O Absence P waves, imegular chaotic T waves

A oO Absence of P waves, irregular chaotic ORS complexes;

| O Absence of P waves, regular ORS complexes;

4 O Regular P waves, irregular chaotic ORS

r chaotic T waves,
5s (() RegqularP waves, irregula


to search
= £0 Type here
Question 3 of 30 (Multiple Choice)

»5 years old man admits s forfc health
an admits 2 evaluation.
| Which preventiveve actions
action are shown
f in this case except:

1 (0 Lipid profile

2 ( ) Askabout alcohol use

3 () Askabout physical activities

Calculate BM!

Abdominal US for Abdominal aortic


| gg © _Typebereto search
Question 4 of 30 (Multiple Choice)
Which of the following is true ab
out the com pherentive con

Changing attitude toward one's health and health


Solving additional problem;

Oppertunistic health promotion;

All of the above;

Solving the presenting problem;

| Ansger | Fr

i = 0 E pe here 10 sed ch
Question 25 of 30 (Multiple Choice)

Which of the following is true about the characteristic f the disc ipline of FM/GP

1 Manages only chroni health problems of individual

Manages only acute health¥ problems [individual

Normally is the point of fust medical contact withinthe health re system, providing open : and unlimited access i to1 its users dealing with all health problems reqardiess of the age. sex, or any other
person concemed chars

with health problems in their only medical dimension

£ Type hereto
nestion 23 of 30

we al pressure of ( e has never had any ophthalmologic, cardiovascular or renal complications of diabet
(HTN). Based on recent recommendations es or hypertensi
of the JIN e Eighth Report of the it Nat
1s the
mmit ef 1 ; Frevention, Detect 'n, Lvaluation, and Treatmof
entHigh Blood
currently recommended goal for Pressure) which of the follow]
blood pressur ntrol in tf

A Le than 140/90

2 LE han 0/80

3 Less than 120/70

a Less than 145/98

Less than 160/90

Family Medicine | Midterm | Gr3 17.11 |

Veenu Rathore

e Choice)
Question 11 of 30 (Multipl

To fe eving the
is a contraindication

all aduhe

betwees ear old and puberl

2 hildren

nant ear old


J exposed | tient

5 pregna


Family Medicine | Midterm | Gr.3
17 11.2020
Veenu Rathore

Question 1 7 of 30 (Multiple Choice

YOu are nt wh
appropnate li therap HE. They admitted her for diures
is and imitiation of
lunctional classitic atl 1, which ording to the New v York Heart
fF heart § lug Asso tion (NYHA)
Family Medicine | Midterm | Gr.3 17.11
Veenu Rathore

Question 18 of 30 (Multiple Choice)

All of the toll Wing preventive actions are shown in firs trimester prenat
alex ept

1 Hemoglobin/hematocrit

2 Gonorrhea/Chlamydia

3 Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsA 1.

4 Glucose 1olerance 1est (t lood glucose measured 1 hour after oralin jestion of 50 g glucose in 150 mit fluid)

Rubella titer

Type here 10 seach

Question 8 of 30 (Mul
tiple Choice)

Which of the following are Red

Flags Sug gesting Life-threatenin
g Disease in Patients with Che

1 (7) Electrocardiogram changes, especially ST segment elevation or new left

bundle-branch block:

2 5) All of the above

Hypotension, poor tissue perfusion, pulmonary edema, or oliguria

4 () Tachycardia, tachypnea, hypoxia

Ansvlr Previous Reset Ji RYTON Revs
Question 21 of 30 (Multiple Choice)

A9( years « old N

Nom an admits . for health evaluation WwW
Which preventive actions ¥ ire sh
in nthis » CASEcase excep

1 Mammography

2 Calculate Biv!

aC Colonoscopy

= > Lipid profile

Ss Ga Pap test


= 2 lype bete to search

TESTU AD of 30 (Multiple

You have diagnosed a 66-ye

ar-old woman with heart
failure. She h as a history
evaluation of a person w ith a new dia of hypertension, but has
gnosis of heart f ailure?

1 S) Echocardiogram;

2 O stress test

3 () lefthean catheterization;

Holter menitor;

Treadmill stress 1es

Question 2 of 30 (Mul
tiple Choice)

You are evaluating a 61 ye ar-o

ld man in the office
w ho is complaining of che
ECG feature s, if present, wo st p ain. Given his hist
uld most m arkedly increa
se the likelihood of an acute orandy risk fa
myocar dial infarction?

Any Q wave;

Any ST-segment depression;

Any conduction defect;

- . . 5
JJ waves
C in at rast
| eas two 0 d
| lesads, noC 1 |
ncn It ling avR, no kr ] ownltobI e old

New conduction defect

Reset ol Review
P revious rese

= £2 Type here to search

Question 20 of 30 (Multiple

Which of the follc WING statemen

ts is true acc ding to preventi

1 All of above

2 Primary Prevention early diagnostics of pre-clinical lage of a disease

3 Secondary Prevention disease preve nnon- avoiding development of 4 disease

B Teriary Prevention: prevention of raplications, disability

Type hers 10 search

Question 5 of 30 (Multiple

Which of the following is not considere

d to be routine test during primary evaluati
on of patients wi

1 (OO) Pottasium;

2 O Blood glucose test


Chest x-ray;

Lipid test;

Question 9 of 30 (Multiple

A 45-year-old male smoker comes to

SIE : Ta his family doctor7 d ays after
a 4-h fo
AVF but no ST deviation . Which of the following ’ our would be Squeezing
available laboratory tests the most sensitiv


Creatine phosphate (CK-MB fraction)


\spartate amino transferase

Previous Reset
Question 22 of 30 (Multiple

Which of the follc Wing characterist

ics of disease ic nessesary for effec
tive screening

1 The disease must have |¢ ng lasting

pre-clinical phase

2 The disease must be comm fh (prevalence of the disease):

3 Availability
of effective treatment n preclinical phase

4 Morb
it ty, y frequency of fatal omcome

All of the above:

= £2 Type bere Wo search


Question 26 of 30 (Multiple Choice)

65 years old men admits for health evaluation

She denies any com plains. All of the foll Wing
preventiveactions are shown in this case except?

Lung xtay

oult blood lest;

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