09 - eLMS - Review - 1 - ARG (8) SUMAYAO KIMBERLY

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Watch 09 Video 1 and answer the guide questions below. Strictly limit your answers to three (3)
sentences per item.

1. What was the speaker’s project/idea?

 The main idea on this video is to discuss the effects of feeling bored a common human
emotion as well as the brain remarkable’s ability to generate the ideas where we are pre
occupied. When we are bored we go to the automatic mode because if forces our mind
to access the subconcious.

2. How did the speaker come up with the idea?

 She had worked as a writer before becoming a mother she grow unexpectedly tired while
taking care of her child during this period of being a motherhood.

3. Was her project informative? List down all the information you learned from her TED talk.
 The younger generation use of digital media is having an impact on their capacity to
resolve conflicts in interpersonal and social life. Because most of the people use their
phone nearly 24 hours a day very few people have time to think about other real things.

4. How frequently do you use your phone? Can you see yourself doing the speaker’s challenge?
 Im probably using my phone every day every single minute , we must communicate via
technology in epidemic that is currently plaguing our country.

5. What are the possible implications of multitasking? Do we finish more, or do we complete fewer
tasks than focusing on one (1) task at a time?
 Multitaskers have challenges such as more complex and challenging tasks , memory loss
after acquiring new information , learning curves for new abilities and increased stress
levels from attempting to do everything at once.

6. According to the search engineer at Google, why is the technology built to trigger social media
users an itchy feeling if they are not with their phones?
 Human needs face to face interactions even with the multitude of social media
platforms at our disposal there are also occasions when we have to go far to visit people
in person. But as we can all agree taking into account phone use is more important
business that make mobile ads use technology studies and holding customer’s attention
is highly prized.

09 eLMS Review 1 - ARG *Property of STI

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