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Society of Petroleum Engineer'S

SPE 12591

System Survey for Improving Injection Efficiency

by C.L. Crow and R.E. Keeling, Gulf Oil E&P Co.
Members SPE-AIME

Copyright 1984 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AI ME

This paper was presented at the 1984 Permian Basin Oil & Gas Recovery Conference held in Midland, TX, March 8-9,1984. The material is subject to
correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Write SPE, 6200 North Central Expressway, Drawer
64706, Dallas, Texas 75206 USA. Telex 730989 SPEDAL.

Injection water quality is a primary factor During the early period of waterflooding,
affecting the ease with which water can be injected economical considerations such as filtration,
into a reservoir and the overall success of a chemical costs and low oil prices, were all major
waterflood operation. Proper water quality can restraints on water quality improvement. With
also keep waterflood maintenance costs low by advances in technology and a better understanding
reducing the amount of remedial work normally of reservoir characteristics, efficient water-
required on injection wells. Most injection sys- flood operations have been designed and imple-
tems if properly designed minimize oil carryover mented. Many systems in operation today, however,
and solids content. Water conditioning prevents were not designed with quality water objectives
scale deposition, reduces solids, and allows in mind. For these systems, a survey of the entire
recovery of carryover oil, resulting in minimutl in- injection system is needed, along with a periodic
jection pressures. The type of water conditioning monitoring program. Several different systems
process necessary is determined by equipment eval- have been observed in these studies, all of which
uation and water analyses (including compatibility are "closed" systems, essentially free from air.
predictions and membrane filter testing). Specific studies are described herein which can
be used to ascertain current operating perfor-
Equipment evaluations, such as retention time manceand methods to improve injection efficiency.
studies that determine vessel residence time,
describe the current mechanical operation of the EQUIPMENT EVALUATION
system. Water analyses and compatibility studies
predict the probability of scaling, corrosion, and The mechanical operation of the system is
solids formation occurring within the system. Mem- the first consideration in an injection system
brane filter tests are performed to determine the survey, since it can significantly affect a chem-
type and amount of suspended solids contained in ical program's ability to deliver quality water.
the water. From these tests, proper water condi-
tioning techniques are implemented. All data should Current equipment performance should be
be gathered throughout the system to detect changes established by both water quality measurements and
occurring between the water source(s) and the in- visual inspection. Water quality measurements will
jection wells. Changes in such factors as pressure, show the effectiveness of the current mechanical/
temperature, and dissolved solids influence prob- chemical arrangement. Retention studies will show
lem developmen't. how well the equipment is currently operating.
Graphic representation of data, such as oil Most produced waters contain some combination
concentration (ppm) versus time (days) of a parti- of entrained oil, insoluble iron compounds, sand,
cular vessel's influent and effluent, assists in clays, and paraffin. The content of these foulants
setting and meeting objectives for injection water in the \'later should be determined both before and
quality. Special analyses, such as core flow tests after each separation vessel, to es:tablis:h how well
and filtration studies, also define cost-effective the vessel and chemical program are performing.
solutions to problems. The test method "Methods for Determining Water
Quality for Subsurface Injection Using Membrane
Filters"l is the most practiced for solids deter-
mination. To realize the true effect of poor
References and illustrations at end of paper. equipment performance, oil and solids content

should be magnified to the equivalent of daily indicate scale formation. Suspended solids can
production rates; oil in barrels per day and solids also include corrosion by-products, oil and water
in pounds year. dispersible chemicals. Decreases in suspended sol-
ids may pOint to deposition within the system.
For vessels thought to have poor separation, a
retention study should be performed. This study Increases in pH in Figure 1 and increases in
measures the time available for separation within bicarbonate in Figure 3 are good indications of
the vessel. 2 Visual inspection of piping config- scale deposition, as witnessed in Figure 4.
urations, valve positions, and tank inlet/outlet (Observe increase in calcium carbonate scaling
positions will help indicate where mechanical tendency as fluid moves toward the injector). The
changes can be made to increase retention time. mixing ratios of the two waters and variation in the
chloride levels also influence this deposition.
This mechanical evaluation may show the need The possibility of calcium sulfate scale is negative
for various improvements, including (a) an addition and formation of this product is therefore doubt-
of storage capacity to the system, (b) mechanical ful, as shown in Figure 6. Note that all suspended
changes to certain vessels to improve retention solids present at the injector in Figure 5 will be
time, and (c) the initiation of a coagulation deposited in or near the well bore. In many water-
chemical program to aid in solids and oil removal. flood systems, this amounts to tons per year and
A coagulent causes the conglomeration of some fine causes expensive remedial work that mayor may not
particles and the adsorption of others to produce be successful. The result of this particular system
a large particle called floc. This coagulated survey was a scale inhibition program at the in-
material becomes "conditioned", to separate from jection pumps.
the water. Gravitational separation alone may be
effective, especially if a vessel provides ade- WATER COMPATIBILITY
quate retention time. A chemical coagulant enhan-
ces the process and particle size buildup improves Waters that are compatible can be mixed with-
filtration efficiency. out producing any undesirable chemical reactions
between dissolved components in the individual
WATER ANALYSES waters. This is of primary importance in oper-
ating a waterflood system. If solids are created
After the system's mechanical operation is due to combining incompatible waters, a separation
evaluated, all water involved in the injection or a chemical alteration is needed.
process should be carefully studied. Samples
should include water produced from the oil reser- In Figure 5, iron sulfide was produced when
voir as well as all other sources of injection the source (reef} water and produced water were
water. Inspection of the water across the system combined at the tank inlet. If a source water
will indicate trends and point out areas which must be used, and the reaction cannot be chemi-
require further investigation. cally prevented, an isolation of the problem in
order to remove the solids may be an alternative.
Obtaining representative samples is one of This could be as simple as placing a suction line
the most important aspects in determining problems in the bottom center of the tank along with a
and their sources. Sampling procedures are out- means of agitation to periodically clean out the
lined in "Analysis of Oil-Field Waters"3. Measure- deposits. Or, it could be as complicated as
ments of pH, dissolved oxygen, H2S, and alkalinity filtration (usually successful if the chemical
must be determined immediately upon collecting reactions have reached completion before the
the sample. Additional measurements include iron, filter}. Otherwise, depOSition will continue to
calcium, sulfate, turbidity, temperature, sus- occur in injection lines or injection wells and
pended solids (membrane filter), corrosion rates, cause plugging.
oil carryover, and bacteria counts.
Iron sulfide is not the only undesirable by-pro-
Graphical presentation of sample data is one duct of mixing incompatible waters. Scale such as
technique for correctly analyzing problems in the calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sul-
fluid cycle. 4 Examples are given in Figures 1 fate, and iron oxide may also form. When water
through 6 in the Appendix. While these examples that is incompatible with formation water is in-
portray scale problems, other waterflood problems jected, deposition will occur at the interfacial
such as corrosion, plugging by suspended solids, point of contact between the two waters. This
and bacteri a1 acti vi ty coul d also be graphi ca 11y mayor may not be significant in the development
represented. of problems. Once the producing we 11 bore is
reached and complete mixing occurs, the solids
The calcium carbonate predictions in this will precipitate and cause damage to the well.
study were made using the Stiff and Davis exten- Compatibil ity tests should be performed in order
sion of the Langlier saturation index.5 The cal- to predict, and thereby avoid, this problem. 7
cium sulfate solubilities were determined using
the Metler and Ostroff Method. 6 Important factors FILTRATION
in the precipitation of calcium carbonate are:
temperature, pH, carbon dioxide, alkal.i;nity and;tne One alternative to remove solids from incom-
calcium content of the water. The solubility of patible or turbid waters is filtration. The water
calcium carbonate varies directly with acidity used for injection is usually produced water.
and carbon dioxide content, but varies inversely Initially this water is in equilibrium with the
with temperature. Increases in suspended solids, gas, oil, and solids present in the formation.
as measured by membrane filter analyses, may However, critical transformations occur as the

water is brought to the surface and as the water is the addition of the pilot filter test unit, oil
transferred through the system. Suspended solids, carryover was consistently held to less than 5 ppm
such as oil, iron sulfide, and scale can result. downstream. In Table I, note the reduction in
suspended solids of influent versus effluent.
The type and amount of water contaminants that
cause scale and solids formation influence the need To determine the performance of the pilot
for filtration. Reservoir characteristics of the filter, particle size distribution was oberved
injection well are another contributing factor. with a Coulter Counter. Influent oil concentra-
If the reservoir is dense to begin with, forcing tions were greater than 1,000 ppm, with the
unfiltered water through the pores is likely to effluent less than 5 ppm. Table II shows addi-
plug off the well, or at least reduce the effi- tional performance data.
ciency of the VJaterf100d.
The pilot test was successful and construc-
In one system, a mineralogical survey was tion of a full scale filtration unit is planned.
conducted on core samples to quantify the effects Results of the implementation will be reported
of using unfiltered water on the reservoir. The at a later date.
formation consisted mainly of sandstone, class-
ified as a "dirty" sandstone with large amounts CONCLUSION
of clays and other minerals blocking pore spaces,
Electron microscope photographs were taken to While the survey presented is a good repre-
obtain the initial pore space data. Two cores sentation of field testing, it is not the only
were then cast and mounted such that fluid flow way to perform a complete system survey. The
would be oriented horizontal to the formation, methods presented are an approach to determine
as would occur during actual water injection. The problem areas of a particular injection system.
inlet and outlet core ends were broken rather than Alternatives to consider in solving these prob-
cut to minimize further core damage. Flow tests lems were also discussed. The main topics covered
were conducted on the cores using both filtered in the paper are:
and unfiltered water while the flow rates were
held constant. The pressure differential and flow 1. A method for evaluating waterf100d systems.
rates were measured and the permeability calculated.
2. Equipment evaluation and mechanical changes
These tests indicated that unfiltered water necessary for effective operation.
greatly reducec;l, permeabil ity by p1 uggi ng pore
throat passages. From electron microscope photo- 3. A survey of water characteristics, beginning
graphs taken of the rock matrix after unfiltered at the source and continuing to the injector.
water passage, it was evident that the we11bore
area would be reduced by the solids. Flow through 4. Water compatibility and some adverse effects
the porosity would therefore be restricted, causing on the injection system.
possible channeling prop1ems.through fractures and
i;fn i.neffi cfent~weep. Figures 7 through 11 5. Filtration as a possible alternative for
illustrate these occurrences in. the formation. solids removal.
Figure 7 represents a clean broken core face
as compared to two cores whi ch had unfi ltered i n- Variable conditions in a waterf100d may
jection water flowed through them. The material cause one or all of the problems mentioned. These
filtered out on the core faces was reddish in problems are closely related to the origin of the
color and x-ray analysis indicated that it was water and should be approached with this in
primarily iron compounds. Note also that the mind. By improving the water quality, a reduction
core plugs did have small fractures present and in maintenance costs and a more efficient water-
once the flow channels plugged, the majority of flood operation can be realized.
the flow was through these small fractures. Fig-
ures 8 and 9 depict a sample from the first core ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
plug before and after the injection of unfiltered
water. Framework grains and flow channels are The authors wish to express thanks to the
very evident initially. Then, the material from management of Gulf Oil Corporation for permission
the unfiltered injection water completely covers to publish this paper. Special acknowledgements
the framework grains and plugs the flow channels. go to J. A. Moody, Gulf Oil Corporation, for core
Figures 10 and 11 also depict similar occurrences flow evaluation, and to S. L. Ryman, Na1co Chem-
in the second core sample. ical Company, for her interest and contributions.
Special thanks go to R. K. Hummel with L'eau
A pilot filtration study was run using an Claire Systems, Inc., for field testing and data
upf10w filter test unit. The filter unit con- evaluation, and to Ha11iburtion Services Company
s i sted of a si ng1 e, 16"-di ameter, upward-fl owi ng, for performing core flow simulation tests.
sand media filter capable of operating at 6-8
gpm/ft 2 at 30 psi. The rate tested was 7 gpm/ft 2 REFERENCES
at 30 psi through the vessel. The pilot test
was conducted on a station that processed 180,000 1. NACE Standard TM-Ol-73 (1973) "Tes t r~ethod for
BWPD. Of this total, 160,000 was produced water Determining Water Quality for Subsurface
and 20,000 was water from a nearby reef. The Injection Using Membrane Filters, Materials
system received over 1,000 ppm of oil per day, Protection and Performance", Vol. 12, No.5.
which was reduced upstream of the filter by a
flocculating agent to less than 300 ppm. With 2. Sevin, R. J. (1971) "How to Evaluate Water

Treating Equipment", Petroleum Engineer Inter-
national, August, P. 73-79.
3. API Report 45 (1968) "API Recommended Practice
for Analysis of Oil-Field Waters", American
Petroleum Institute, Production Depar~~ent,
300 Corrigan Tower Bldg., Dallas, Texas 75201
4. Bilhartz, H. (1967) "A Standardized Method of
Monitoring Water Quality in Sub-Surface In- TABLE I
jection Systems", SPE Paper No. 1793.
5. H. A. Stiff and L. E. Davis (1952) " A Method TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS IN WATER
of Predicting the Tendency of Oilfield Waters
to Deposit Calcium Carbonate", Trans. AIME,
(mg/l) (mg/l)
6. A. V. Metler and A. G. Ostroff (1967) " The
Proximate Calculation of the Solubility of 11-09-83 18.0 0.6
Gypsum in Natural Brines from 28 to 70 C",
Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. I, 11-09-83 23.0 0.7
p. 185.
11-09-83 54.7 1.7
7. Ostroff, A. G. (1979) Introduction to Oilfield
Water Technology, NACE, Houston, Texas 77084 il-10-83 20.0 0.3
8. Cowan, J. and Weintritt, D. (1976) Water 11-10-83 23.5 0.5
Formed Scale Deposits, Gulf Publishing Company
Houston, Texas
9. Patton, C. C. (1981) Oilfield Water Systems,
Campbell Petroleum Series, Norman, Oklahoma




1.26 - 1.59 microns 89
1.59 - 2.00 microns 90
Greater than 2 microns 98-100

7 75


6.6 0::
::J 65
a: ......
6.4 a.
:!: 60

6.2 55

6 50
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Fig. 1-pH throughout injection system. Fig. 2-Temperature throughout injection system.


10 1.5

9.5 )-
z 1.2
9 w
8.5 I-
: ..
a: .6
7.5 u
7 : 0
: a: .3
6.5 : u

6 0
1 2 3 4 2 3 ..
Fig. 3;.....Bicarbonate throughout injection system. Fig. 4-Calcium carbonate scaling tendency
throughout injection system.


150 o
:: 130

~ -4
~110 ~ -6
III I- -8
90 ~

o ~ -18
70 5 -12
C'i 50 . .... -14
a. ~ -16
ijl30 u
2 3 .. 1 2 3

Fig. S-Suspended solids throughout injection system. Fig. 6-Calcium sulfate scaling tendency throughout
injection system.

Fig. 7-Clean broken lace (tlollom cenler) as compared with two core faces Fig. 8-First core plug before the unfiltered water was injected.
aller injection of unfiltered water.

Fig. 9-lnjection face of Ihe first core plug after the unfiltered water was Fig . 10-Second core plug before the unfiltered waler was injected.

Fig. t1 -lnjection face of the second core plug after the unfiltered waler was
injec ted

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