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Question Bank ~ LL.B, ~ Second Semester - 3 - YOC (HONOURS) 2 PAPER -1: LAW OF CONTRACT - Il OSMANIA UNIVERSITY PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS Code No. 5111 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B, (Hons.) (3 YDC) | - Year Il - Semester Examination, December 2020 Subject : Law PAPER - 1: LAW OF CONTRACT -II Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(4 x 10 = 40 Marks) Answer any FOUR questions from the following : 1. Indemnity, 2. Pledge by non-owner. 3. Surety. 4. — Hire Purchase Agreement. 5. Delegation of Authority. 6. Unpaid Seller. vt Sleeping Partner. & LLP. PART - B (1 x 20 = 20 Marks) Answer any ONE question from the following : 9. Define Bailment and Pledge. When a pledge created by non-owners valid? 10. Whatare the rights of the surety against the principal, debtor, creditor and co-sureties? 11. Discuss the rule an agent shall not delegate his authority’. 12. Define condition and warranty. Distinguish between condition and warranties. PART -C (1x 20= 20 Marks) ‘Answer any ONE question from the following : 13, ‘A’lends a horse to ‘B’ for his own riding. B allows C:a member of his family to ride the horse. ‘C’ rides with care, but the horse accidently falls and is injured. Decide. *X’ helds a lease from Y, terminable on 3 months’ notice. ‘2’ an athorised person gives a Notice of termination to ‘X’. Can the notice be ratified by Y. 15. ‘A’ stands as a surety for the good conduct of ‘B’. Who is employed in a cooperative society ‘B’. Misappropriates some money. The Bank excuses him without informing ‘A’ of ‘B's misconduct, ‘B’ again misappropriates Rs. 50,000/- the society files a suit against ‘A’ on the strength of the guarantee. Decide giving reasons. “D' a carrier discovers that a consignment of tomatoes owned by ‘E’ has deteriorated badly before the destination is reached. He, therefore, sells that consignment for about a third of the market price. ‘E' sues ‘D' for damages. Decide. 16. Code No. 15671 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (Hons.) (3 YDC) I - Year Il - Semester Examination, August / September 2019 Subject : Law PAPER - 1: LAW OF CONTRACT - Il Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE questions from the following : 1. Co-Surities. 2. Contractof Indemnity, 3. Bailment. 4. Finder of Goods. 5. Pawnor. 6. — Universal Agent. 7. Unpaid Seller, 8. — Reconstitution of Firm. 28 9. 10. iM. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. a: 3) 5. 7. 9. 10. 1. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. Question Bank ~ LL.D. ~ Second Semester ~ 9 YDC (HONOURS) PART - B (2 * 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO question from the following : What is the nature of a Surety’s authority? State his rights against the principal debtor. What is Contract of Agency? What aro the essentials of relationship of Agency? Explain the Nature ofa contract of sale of goods and bring out clearly the distinction betw a sale and an agreement to sell “a partner is the agent of the fim for the purpose of the business of the firm”. Explain, PART -C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO question from the following : ‘Agives sik to B a tailor, to be stitched into. coat. B promises ‘A’ to deliver the coat as soon as itis made and to give ‘A’ three months credit for the charges. Is B entitled to retain the Coat until the charges are paid. +R enters into a contract with ‘B’ for buying B's cat as agents for ’C’ without B’s authority, Repudiates the contract before ‘C’ comes to know it. ‘C’ subsequently ratifies the contract and gives to enforce it. Advise B. A sold 100 quintals of groundnut oil to B. Before it could be delivered to 'B’ the Govt. of India requisitioned the whole quantity lying with ‘A’ in public interest. ‘B’ wants to sue ‘A’ for breach of contract. Advise B. "A of Agra ordered certain specified goods from 'B’ of Bombay. ‘B’ sends the goods, not ordered, along with them, What should ‘A’ do? Code No. 15106 / BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (Hon.) (3 YDC) I - Year Il - Semester Examination, July / August 2019 Subject : LAW PAPER - 1: LAW OF CONTRACT - I Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following. Contract of Guarantee. 2. Caveat Emptor. Auction Sale. 4. Unpaid Seller. Rights of Pawner. 6. Delegation of Authority. Hypothecation. 8. Rights of the Surety. PART - B (2 x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following. Define Bailment, What are the essentials of Bailment. Define Contract of Guarantee. What are the effects of misrepresentation and concealment on contract of guarantee? What do you mean by Pledge? Who can Pledge? Discuss with latest examples. How partnership firm are registered? What are the consequences of registration and non registration of partnership firm? PART -C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following, ‘A’ lends a horse to ‘B' for his own riding only. B allows C, a member of his family, to ride the horse. ‘C* rides with care but the horse accidentally falls and is injured. Decide. *X' holds a lease from “Y’, terminable on 3 months notice. ‘2’ an unauthorized person gives a notice of termination to ‘X’ Can the notice be ratify by ‘Y*. ‘# stands as a surety for the good conduct of ‘B'. Who is employed in a Bank. ‘B’ misappropriates some moneys. The bank excuses him without informing ‘A’ of 'B* is misconduct | B again misappropnates Rs. 50,000/-, The bank files a suit against ‘A’ on the strength of guarantee. Decide giving reasons ‘P’ gives authonty to ‘A’ to sell 'P's laud to pay himself, out of the proceeds, the debt due to him from‘P*, Subsequently ‘P* revokes the authority given to ‘A’. Advise 'P* a Er ‘Question Bank ~ LL.B. ~ Second Semester ~ 3 YDC (HONOURS) 29 Code No. 9848 / BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (Hons.) (3 YDC) I - Year Il - Semester Examination, August / September 2018 Subject : Law PAPER- |: LAW OF CONTRACT - II Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following : 1. Liability of Bailor, 2. Contract of Indemnity. 3. Indemnity. 4. Partnership at Will. 5. Caveat Emptor. 6. Co-Surety. 7. Minor’s Contract. 8. Registration of a Firm. PART - B (2 x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 9. | Whatare the implied conditions and warranties in a contract of sale? 10. Define contract of indemnity. In what aspects Indian law differs from English law on contract of indemnity? Explain. 11, Whatis bailment? What are the essential features of bailment with suitable examples? 42. Whatis agency by ratification? Examine the condition of a valid ratification with illustrations. PART - C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 13. X aactive partner of a firm with Y and Z. X retires without giving a public notice. Whether Xis liable to the creditors to a loan sanctioned after his retirement Decide. 44, Anunregistered partnership firm borrows Rs. 1,00,000/- from X the firm failed to repay it within time. Now that can Mr Y do to recover the amount? Advise. 15. Adirects B his agent to buy a certain house form him. B tells A that, it can’t be bought at itis already sold out, but buys the house for himself. Acame to know about the travel committed by B. Can Acompel B to sell the house to himself? Decide. 16. Aeentrusted some books to B for binding B promised to complete the work and retum the same within ten days. B failed to return the books within the agreed time. Subsequently the books were burt in an accidental fire. Can A recover damages for the loss from B? Decide. Code No. 1659 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B. Honours (3 YDC) I -Year Il-Semester Examination, September / October 2017 Subject : LAW Paper - 1: Law of Contract - Il Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 PART -A(5 * 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following : 1. Contract of Indemnity. 2. Contract of “Suretyship", 3. Simple Guarantee. 4, Movable Goods 5. Agency by Operation of Law. 6. Specific Goods. 7. Actual Delivery. 8. Mercantile Agent. » ‘question Bank ~ LL.B, ~ Second Semester ~ 3~ YDC (HONOURS) PART - B (2 * 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions ; 9. Explain what actions and omissions would discharge a surety from obligations. 40. Discuss the duties and rights of Balor and Bailee with sultable case laws. 41. Discuss the position of Undisclosed Principal in the Law of Agency. 412. Whatare the circumstances in which a non-owner of goods can convey 2 g00d title to goods? PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions : 13. ‘B’ isthe principal debtor of ‘A’. Cis the surety of the debt. A, the creditor makes a promise to sp neighbeur of B to give time to 8. Discuss the effect f any ofthis promise on the contract of guarantee. 14. ‘A’ being Y's agent for the sale of goods, induces K “x? was not authorised by ‘Y’ to make. Can this contr the reasons for your answer. 45. sells goods to‘B'. B pays o‘A'through a cheque. Before B could obtain the delivery of goods, his cheque has been dishonoured by the bank A, therefore refuses to give delivery of ‘the goods until paid. Is A’s action justified or not? 46. ‘A holds a lease from ‘B" terminable on three months’ notice. C without B's authority, gives notice of termination to ‘A’. B ratifies the notice and files a suit forrejectment. ‘B’ is entitled to to buy them by a misrepresentation, which ract be set side at the option of K? State get decree or not. Code No. 3086 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) |- Year Il - Semester Examination, May / June 2016 Subject: LAW PAPER - |: LAW OF CONTRACT - Il Time : 3 hours: Max. Marks : 80 PART -A(5 * 6 = 30 Marks) Write short notes on any FIVE of the following : 4. Bailment. 2. Caveat Emptor. 3. SubAgent. 4. Consequences of Non Registration of a Firm. 5. Termination of Agency. 6. Pledge. 7. Suretyas a Favored Debtor. 8 Contractof Indemnity. PART -B (4 x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 9. Define Partnership and distinguish it from agency. 40. What is meant by specific performance of a contract? Discuss the provi specific performance under the Act. 1. ae eet characteristics of contractof guarantee? Distinguish between indemnity 42. Explain the rights pf agent against principal. : PART - C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following : 43. ‘8’ and ‘B’ are the partners in a firm. ‘A’ is the managing partner who managed the fim for 3 ars and misappropriated the funds. ‘B it ies Hs ippropri 1e funds. ‘B’ wanted tofile a suit regarding settlement of accounts. 14. Asells to B a horse and agrees to deliver it the coming week. B Q reed t i Gelvery. But the horse died before tis delivered. Who hasto sufferthe lose?) 15, ‘A’lends abook to ‘B’ and 'B’ promises to retum it one week before examina ds a book to “B examinations. B di retum it in spite of ‘A's’ repeated demands. Asues Bforbreach i tren claims a oa B pleads absence of consideration and therefore not a contract. Decide. amen 46. Advances to B a minor, Rs. 50,000 on the guarantee of C, On demai refuses to pay on the ground of minority. Can A recover the amount TRC eer ns relating to ‘Question Bank ~ LL.B. ~ Second Semester ~ 3 ~ YDC (HONOURS) u Code No. 6176 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC)1- Year il- Semester Examination, August / September 2015 Subject : LAW PAPER - 1: LAW OF CONTRACT - Il Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following: 1. Indemnity Contract, 2. Contract of Guarantee. 3. Gratuitous Bailment. 4. GeneralLien. 5. Agency by Ratification, 6. Unascertained Goods. 7. *Nemodat quod Non-Habet’. 8. Unpaid Seller. PART - B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following question: 9. Whatis a “continuing guarantee"? How is it revoked and with what consequences? 10. Define a “contract of sale” and “Agreement to sell” and distinguish between them, 11. Explain the doctrine of ‘Caveat Emptor’ and state the exception to it. 12. Whois “unpaid seller"? What are his rights according to the sale of goods Act. PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions: 13. ‘A’ advances Rs. 500/- to a minor ‘B’ on the guarantee of ‘X’ on demand for payment. The borrower pleads minority. Can’A' recover the amount from ‘X’ 14, ‘A’hires a carriage of 'B’, The carriage is un-safe although injured. |s B responsible to ‘A’ for the injury. 15. ‘A’agrees to sell B, 50 bales of cotton out of 300 bales in his own godown. The godown at the time of contract has been destroyed by fire unknown to A. What are the remedies of 'B against ‘A’, 16. ‘X' was given power of attomey by Y to manage his business ‘X’ had to leave the place and he authorized his son ‘2"to look after the business ‘Z’ had a power from his father. He entered into ‘a contract in the name of ‘Y" and signed the same. Discuss the rights and liabilities, " is not aware of it and ‘A’, Is Code : 1248 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) I - Year Il - Semester Examination, August / September, 2014 Subject : LAW Paper =I : L awof Contract - Il Time : 3 Hours Max, Marks : 80 PART -A(6 x 6 = 30 Marks) Write short notes on any FIVE of the following : 1. Indemnity. 2. Bailment. 3. Conditions and Warranties. 4. Caveat Emptor. 5. Sleeping Partner. 6. Sale bynon-owner. 7. Termination of Agency. 8. Contract of Partnership, PART - B (2 x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions : 9. What is contract guarantee? Discuss the law relating to rights and liabilities of surety. 10. Explain the concept of “Delegation of Authority”. When an agent can delegate his authority to ‘someone. ‘1. Explain the doctrine “Caveat Emptor and state the exceptions to it 12. ‘What is contract of partnership? An discuss the law relating to nature and formation of Partnership. 2 Question Bank pART -€ (2x 10 = 20 Marks) J the following questions : 2 nore Troe tromiibilty arising outof any proceedings which C’ may take os uncer espe oe terain sum of Rs, 2000, What is the nature of this contract. 14. innkes a carriage of ‘B". The carriage is unsafe, ut ‘B' is not aware of it. ‘A’ is injured. Is B responsible forthe injury. 45. Xrentsouthis houses to ‘y’ and the contract is terminable on thre X's authority gives notice to termination to'y’. X ratifies the notice an Is ‘X’ entitled to get decree. 46. '® contracts to sell java sugar’ according to s same to ‘B' the buyer, it appears that the sugar: 1 months’ notice. Z, without \dfiles a suit foreject ment, ample produced by him. On the delivery of the ‘agrees with the sample, butitis not java sugar. Will'B' be entitled to any remedies. Code : 83112 FACULTY OF LAW Law (3-YDC) - ll Semester Examinations, September, 2014 PAPER -1; LAW OF CONTRACT - It Max Marks: 80 Hours Time : Part -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following : 4. Indemnity. 2. Bailment. 3. Caveat Emptor. 4. Unpaid Seller. 5. Limited Liability Partnersbip. 6, Dissolution of Partnership. 7. Pledge. 8. Warranties. Part -B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following : 9. Discuss the definition of Guarantee Guarantee. 40. Explain the Rights and Duties of seller and buyer before and after sale. 44. Discuss the Rights and Duties of Partners. 42. Define “Property”. Explain the Possession of and Rules relating to passing of property Part -€ (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following : 43. Agave his watch for repair to B. B misplaced relevant law. 44, Aretaller received the goods from an agent ofthe firm X and paid the amountto the agent who misappropriated it. Discuss the liability of the agent and the firm X. 45. Apartner filed a criminal case against a person accusing him of theft of the firm's assets. Hawever the court found the accused innocent. Then the accused filed suit against the firm for damages and malicious prosecution. Is the firm liable? Discuss. 46, Moffered to sellhis motor vehicle to N and received a cheque from him towards the advance, N. then sold the vehicle to 0. The cheque issued by N to Mwas dishonoured Consequently M sued N to return the vehicle, Decide, and explain the essential characteristics of Contract of it, What is the liability of B? Discuss the Code : 4507 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) I- Year Il- Semester Examination, August / September 2013 Subject: LAW PAPER -|: LAW OF CONTRACT - II Max. Marks : 8 PART -A(5x 6 = 30 Marks) Write short notes on any FIVE of the following : 4. Contract of Indemnity. 2. Bailment. 3. Pawnor. 4. Caveat emptor. 5. Surety. 6. Contract of partnership. 8. Reconstitution of Firm. 7. Company asa partner. ‘Answer any TWO of the following : 9. 10. 1. a ‘Answer any TWO of the following : 13. 4 15. 16. Time: 3 hours ‘Max. Marks : 80 Answer any Five of the following . 4. Rights of indemnity holder. 2. Doctrine of Contribution. 3. Pledge. 4. Unpaid sellers rights. 5. Caveat emptor. 6. Termination of Agency. 7. Definition goods. 8. Minorasa partner PART -B (2.x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any Two of the following. 9. Define the contract of guarantee, and discuss the extent of the | liability of the surety. 40. What are various methods for creations of agency? 41. Define contract of sale of goods, and distinguish the contract of sale from the agreement to sell. 42. Define contract of partnership and discuss the important elements for formation of partnership. PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any Two of the following. 43. Aand B enter into a partnership. One of the clauses of the partnership agreement Is to the effect that oTIthe death of either partner his heirs shall take his place in the partnership. Adied. Can his heir automatically become partner with B. 44. Aenters into a contract with B to supply iron to be delivered in four monthly installments of ‘about 150 tons each and supplied only 25 tons in the frst month. The buyer refuses to accept delivery. Examine the rights of the parties. 15. Ais B's agent for buying goods. B pays money to A for the purchases. A, however, as agent purchases goods on credit from C. Can C recover the price from A? 46. Agave her costly sik saree for dry cleaning to B. B gave a receipt with printed conditions on, (Question Bank - LL.B, - Second Semester - 3 ~ YDC (HONOURS) a3 PART -B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Whatis a contract of guarantee? What are its characteristics? Distinguish between a contract of guarantee and a contract of indemnity. What are the rights of a bailor against a bailee when the later mixes his own goods with those of the former? Define Agency. Explain the law relating to termination of Agency. Explain the Definition and nature of Partnership and discuss the rights and duties of Partners. PART -C (2.x 10 = 20 Marks) *X’ agrees to buy from ‘Y" a cow. Ittums out that the cow was dead at the time of the bargain though neither party was aware of the fact. Is the contract valid “R delivers to ‘B’ a gas matter on 1-3-2011 on sale or retum basis. B retums it on October 2011, but‘A’ refuses to take it back and sues B for price. Will he succeed? Give the reasons. ‘A directs his solicitor to sell his estate by auction. The solicitor employs an auctioneer for the purpose. Is the auctioneer the sub-agent of ‘A’ "B’ borrowed from A Rs.50,000/- C.D. and E were co-sureties who have put themselves in the ‘sums of Rs.10,000/-Rs. 15,000/-and Rs.25,000/-respectively. Examine the night to contribution as between the sureties. Code : 4582 FACULTY OF LAW B.A. LL.B. (5 YDC) II- YearlV - Semester Examination, Aug. / Sept., 2013 Subject : LAW PAPER - IV : LAW OF CONTRACT - II PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) its back. One condition is that B will not be liable for any damage in dry cleaning. The sik saree is damaged by B's negligence. Can A recover damages. _- second Semester = 2~ YDC (HONOURS) uM ‘Question Bank ~ LL Code : 1007 [= FACULTY OF LAW ) 1Year il Semester Examination, September / October 2012 c Z LAW PAPER -1: LAW OF CONTRACT - II LL.B. (3 YDC) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Write short notes on any five of the following : 4. Contract of Indemnity. 2. Pledge. | 4. Del Credere Agent. Caveat Emptor. ‘Compulsory Dissolution of a Firm. : 3. Continuing Guarantee. 5. Unpaid Seller. 6 7, The Property of Firm. 8 PART -B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any two of the following : 9. Whatare the essential characterstios of contract of guarantee? Dist and Guarantee. 40. Explain the rights of Agent against Principal. 44. What are implied conditions and warrantees in a Contract of Sale? 42. State the essentials of Partnership and distinguish Partnership from a Joint Stock Company. PART - € (2x 10 = 20 Marks) inguish between Indemnity| ‘Answer any two of the following : 43. Aoffered his car for sale B agreed to buy irom him and gave a cheque. B then sold the car to C. The cheque was dishonoured and A sued C for retum of the car. Decide. 44, Ais B's agent for buying goods. B pays money to A for the purchases. A, however, as agent purchases goods on credit from C. Can C recover the price from A? 145, A consigned goods for the value of Rs. 50,000/- by ralway. He pledged the PLR. with Bank for Rs. 30,000/-. The goods were lost in transit. The Bank sues Railway for recovering Rs. 50,000. Decide. 46. Apartner filed a criminal complaint and prosecuted a person for theft of partnership property. The prosecution failed and the accused who was acquitted brought an action against the firm for damages for malicious prosecution. Is the firm liable? NOTE While revising Sujatha Law Series Notes, I am also compiling the Bare ‘Acts for the Criminal Major Acts keeping in view of the students require- ments or the Internal, Problems and Notes. Within a short period, I would like to the Criminal Major Acts for Advocates, incorporating the Ingredi- ents, latest and leading case-laws, etc. which can be useful in the Courts. GADE VEERA REDDY ‘vestion Bank ~ LL.B. ~ Second Semester ~ 1 YOC (HONOURS) _OSMANIA UNIVERSITY PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS FACULTY OF LAW LLB.(3 Y0C)/ LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) |- Year l- Semester Examination, December 2020 Subject : Law PAPER - I: FAMILY LAW - I Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(4x 10 = 40 Marks) ‘Answer any FOUR question from the following : 4. Hanafi School. 2. Sources of Mustim Law. 3. Nikah 4. Grounds for Divorce. 5, _ Kinds of Guarandian Ship, 6. Wagt. 7. Mutawal 8. Domicile. PART - B (1 x 20 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any ONE of the following questions 9, Discuss about various kinds of Mohammadian Law? 40. Explain the incidents of Muta Marriage under Sunni law and Shia law? “1. Discuss various methods of inforce under Muslim Law and shwo how the position of a woman inthis regard. 42. “Under Mohammedan law the mother is entitled tothe custody of her minor chiren but shes not a natural guardian. Discuss. Part -C (1 * 20 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any ONE of the following questions : 413. ASunnidied leaving behind leaving behind his wife, father, mother full brother. 14, Hmarred Wr inthe year 1980 and ved wth her for some time. Due tothe cruel havo of TW left him and stared ving with her parents, H maried W2 in the year 1989 and never He nsck for WW filed an application for divoree and maintenance on the grounds of ely. H fled a counter petition for Restitution of Conjugal rights against Wt. Decide. 45, ‘X’gited his house to his son under registered git dead which was accepted by Ine son. ater on father cancelled the git deed unilaterally. Discuss the validity of aft. 416. AMucimvaf claims dower from her husband when the dvoroe takes effect he objects othe payment of fll dower on the ground tha the mariage Is not consummated. Decide Code No. 15672 FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (DC) /LL.B. (Honours) (3 YDC) I~ Year ll- Semester Examination, ‘Aug. / Sept. 2019 ‘Subject : Law PAPER - Il: FAMILY LAW - I Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60 PART -A(5 x 6= 30 Marks) ‘Answer any FIVE question from the following 1, Deffered Dower. 2. BalilManiage. 3. Bequeathable One Third Principle. 4. Acknowiedgement of Patomity. 5. Khula, 6, Apostacy. 7. Dodttine of Aut 8. Schools of Muslim Law. CS _ Code No. 5112 ‘n= second Semester ~~ YDE (HONOURS) 6 vestion Bank ~ Ct ee Bann Ee TF PART -B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions o. Whatare the essential requirements of Musi Mariage? Distinguish between Vala, Void any irregular Mariage under Muslin Law. 40. Whatare the grounds of divorce under the Indian Divorce Act, 1869. Explain the Decrees of Judicial Separation and Restitution of Conjugal Rights under the Spec Mariage Act, 1954 Explain the Rules of Succession of a Muslim Male property under Sunni Lav. Part-C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) 49, ‘A’ a Muslim husband pronounced talag thrice to one of his wives ‘B’. Explain the rights of € underthe law. 44, °X' a Muslim wife, Sunniby sect. died leaving behind her husband and two sisters. Distribute X's aproperty 45. A.aHindu husband converts to Islam and contracts a second marriage with a Muslim womar ‘without dissolving the first marriage. Explain the validity of the second marriage. 16. ‘P* Muslim married to Ms. K. After a period of 6 years he lost his job and became bankrupt He divorced his wife. K filed a maintenance case against P. Will he be successful Code No. 984¢ 1 2 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) /LL.B. (3 YOC) (Honours) I- Year Il - Semester Examination, ‘August / September 2018 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 8¢ PART -A(5 «6 = 30 Marks) Write short notes on any FIVE of the following 1. Schools of Mustim Law. 2. Khula, 3. Puberty 4 will 5. Deferred Dower. 6. Iddat Period. 7. Legitimay of Children. 8 Mutawalli PART -B (2 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 9. Explain various sources of Muslim Law. 40. Discuss the essential requirements of Muslim Marriage. Distinguish between void, iregula ‘and valid marriages, 11. Explain the law relating to maintenance of a Muslim divorced wife. 12. Explain tow the property of a Christian male devolves. PART -C (2 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following 13. _AMuslim marriage is contracted without any Dower fixed by the parties. Will such marriagt be valid? Explain. 14.” AHindu male converts into islam and contracts a second marriage, without dissolving the firs ‘marriage. Explain the validity of the second marriage 48. ‘A'a Muslim Pronounced Talag for 3 times to one of his wives ‘ under Musiim Law. 16. ‘Ma Muslim female died leaving her two daughters father, mother and husband. Distribub her property . Explain the rights of B Bank ~ UL Second Some Coo No, 1696 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B, Honours (3 YDC) | -Yoar Il - Semestor Examination, Soptomber / Octobor 2017 Subject : LAW PAPER - II: FAMILY LAW - I Timo : 3 Hours Max, Marks : 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of tho following 1. Hib, 2, Mutamariago, 3. Legitimacy of Children, 4, Tiplo Talag, 5. Doctrine of Aut 6. Mutawa 7. Option of Puberty 8. Waal. PART -B (2 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions 9. What is Dower? Explain its objects and classification, 10, Explain the sources of Muslim law. 11. Discuss tho essontial requirements of Muslim marriage. Distinguish between vold, regular ‘and valid marriages. 12, Explain the essentials of Wagf. Hows itcreated and ravoked? PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions 13. AMuslim male already married to a Musiim lady, wants to marry her sister, If contracted, what willbe the nature of such marriage, Willitbe valid? 14, A Muslim male, who is living abroad would like to divorce his wife living in India, For this Purpose, he delegated this right o his father. Will such delegation be valid? 15. AMuslim male dies intestate leaving behind two sons and two daughters. Distribute his property ‘as per Sunni law of succession, 16, A Muslim would lke to give away 50% of his property by will to his near relatives, Can he bequeath such an extent of property? Explain, Code No. 1696 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B, Honours (3 YDC) | -Year Il- Semester Examination, ‘August / September 2016 Subject : LAW PAPER - Il: FAMILY LAW - Il (MUSLIM LAW) Time : 3 Hours Max, Marks : 80, PART -A(S x 6 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any FIVE of the following 4. Sources of Mustim Law. 2. Ballee's Digest. 3. Jabar 4, TalakAnasan. 5. Mohammed Ahmed Khan Vs. Shahbano Begum, AIR 1985 SC 945, 6. Sajadanashin Hib-bi-iwaz. 8, Doctrine of AUL. ee 3 9. 40. 1 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 9 40. 11 12, 13. 14, 15, ‘Answerany TWO of the following questions Answer any TWO of the following questions. Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following: 4. Shia School, 2. _ Effect of conversion to Islam 3. Dower. 4, Acknowledgement of Patemity 5. Mutawall 6 Domicile 7. Hiba. lanship Answer any TWO of the following questions: ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions: it~ tcp, ~ Second Semester ~~ YDC (HONOURS) PART -B (2 « 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Sate the concept of “Dower” under Muslim law with relevant case laws, Distinguish between valid and void mariages and pointing out the creumstances under which ‘a mariage is considered irregular ‘Who may be appointed as Mutawalli? State the powers of Mutawali over the Wakf property. ‘Slate the grounds of divorce provided to the husband and wife under the Indian Divorce Act, 1868. PART - (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Ashia woman marries a Christian male under Islamic law. Is the marriage valid? Will it make any difference if she is a Sunni woman? ‘A. amuslim woman is not married to B, amustim man. Aconceives a child from B. When the child is born, B acknowledges the child as his child. Is the child legitimate? ‘Amahomedan dies leaving behind hima son, father and patemal grandfather. He leaves a wil bequeathing his property to his paternal grandfather. Is the bequest valid? ‘A sunni muslim dies leaving behind two wives, mother and three daughters. Distribute the estate, Code No. 617 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) I- Year - Semester Examination, August / September 2015 ‘Subject : LAW PAPER - Il: FAMILY LAW - Il (MUSLIM LAW) PART -B (2x4 Explain the nature of Muslim marriage and discuss the essential requirement ofa valid marriage. Discuss the law relating to maintenance of a divorced wife with the help of decided cases. ‘Write the meaning of Will and discuss the requisites of a void Will and distinguish between. Will and Gift under Mustim law. Discuss the salient features of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869 with latest amendments, PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘A’ a Shia Woman, marries a Christian male. Is the marriage valid? Willit make any difference I’ ina Sunni woman? ‘AMohamedan marries a minor gid who has not yet attained puberty. He sues to recover ‘custody of the minor from her mother. Decide. ‘A.2 Mohamedan widow who retained possession of her husband's properties in exercise of her lien for dower dies leaving B, her father, as her sole legal heir. Can B succeed to her possession of her husband's properties. /AMahomedan minor daughter, lving separately with her divorced mother, claims maintenance from her father. Is the claim valid? Question Bank ~ LL.B. - Second Semester - 3 - YDC (HONOURS) 30 Code : 1249 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) 1 Year Il Semester Examination, August / September, 2014 LAW PAPER - Ill : FAMILY LAW - Il MUSLIM LAW (INCLUDING OTHER PERSONAL LAWS) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Write short notes on any FIVE of the following : 1. Sources of Muslim. 2. Mahr, 3. Muta Mariage. 4. Ha, 5. Talag, 6. Option of puberty. 7. dat. 8. Residuaries. PART - B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions : 9. — Explain the conditions that render a Muslim marriage void and irregular and what are the effects of such marriages. 10. How cana marriage under Muslim law be dissolved? Examine the rights of a divorced Muslim wife to seek maintenance from the husband. 11. Whoare the sharers according to Hanafi law? Examine the extent of their share under Hanafi (Sunni) law. 12. Critically analyse the radical change brought by the Amendment to Indian Divorce Act, 2001. PART - C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions : 13. A Muslim male dies leaving behind his two wives, a mother and three daughters. Divide his property among the sharers. 14, ‘Ava Hindu married male converted to Istam, after conversion he married again another Muslim girl. Examine the validity of ‘A's second marriage with Muslim, 15. ‘A’ Mohammedan had two sons B & C. B dies during A's life time leaving several children. When ‘A’ dies the children of 'B’ and ‘C’ claim succession to ‘A's property -Advise ‘C’. 16. ‘A’ an Indian Christian dies leaving property of the net value of Rs. 5,00,000 (Five lakhs). He is survived by his widow and son. Distribute the property. Code : 83112 FACULTY OF LAW Law (3-YDC) - Il Semester Examinations, September, 2014 PAPER - Il: FAMILY LAW Time : 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 Part -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following : 1. Tradition asa source of Muslim Law. 2. Dower (Mahr). 3. Imegular marriage. 4, Talag-ul-sunnat. 5. — Iddat period. 6. Wasiyat. 7. Mutavall 8 Ha Part -B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 9. Discuss Origin and development of Muslim Law. 10. Explain Divorce among Muslims. Discuss the classification and different modes of Divorce in case of Muslim marriages, Define “Waqf”. Explain Essentials and kinds of Waqf. 12, Explain the salient features of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869. n. 1d Semester ~ 3~ YOC (HONOURS) 4” Question Bank Part -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : : : 43. A-aMuslim, pronounced triple talag to his wife at 2 time. Explain the rights of such divorced wife. ter, 44. ASunni Muslim male died leaving behind his mother, two wives, one son and one daughter. Decide the shares of each of the legal heirs. band wants to seek divorce from his wife due to incompatibility. Advise him the 45. AChristian hust grounds available to him. 46, A Muslim male divorced his wie and refused maintain his divorced wife beyond the Iddat period, Advise her as to her rights. Code : 1008/R FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) | Year!l Semester Examination, September! October, 2012 LAW Paper - Ill: FAMILY LAW - II MUSLIM LAW (INCLUDII Time: 3 Hours] ING OTHER PERSONAL LAWS) [Max. Marks: 80 PART -A(5x 6 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any five of the following. 4. Schools of Muslim Law. 2. Void and Iegular Marriage. 3. Triple Talaq 4, Acknowledgement of Patemity. 5. Will. 6. Mutawalli. 7. Wagf Tribunal. 8. Indian Succession Act, 1925. PART -B (2x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any two of the following. 9. Whatare the sources of Muslim Law? 40. What are the grounds of divorce a Muslim woman can seek relief under Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939. 1. Sn the meaning of the Guardian. What are the different kinds of Guardians under Muslim 42. Whatare the salient features of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869? PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any two of the following. 43. (boy) and (gi) are persons professing different religions in India. They are living different districts in Andhra Pradesh. What is the law applicable to them? What is the procedure to be followed for solemnization of marriage. 44. AMuslimwants to gift away his entire self acquired property for religious and spiritual He is seeking your legal opinion. Advice. e le oan a 45. A,a Muslim male always describes and compares his wife with his sister. Aggrieved b behavior of the husband, the wife seeking your lagal advice. Explain. sd 16. AChristian wants to marry according to the Christian law of marr in hi iage. Explain him th and formalities to be fulfilled for solemnization of marriage under: tan law. proce * Allot at least two to three hours per day to study the subjects of LL.B. Do practise writing every day. It enhances the writing speed in the examination hall Do read and practise English Grammar every day. It enhances the confidence. tee Do practise communication skills every day. It enhances the confidence. (Question Bank ~ LL.B. ~ Second Semester = 1 YDC (HONOURS) “ Code : 1008 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) I Year Il Semester Examination, July / August, 2012 LAW PAPER - Il: FAMILY LAW - Il Hours} [Max. Marks : 80 PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Time: ‘Answer any five of the following 1. Schools of Muslim law. 2. Dower. 3. Hba. 4. Acknowledgement cf paterity 5. Triple Talag 6. Mutawall 7. Sharers. 8. Indian Succession Act, 1928. Part - B (2.x 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any two of the following 9. What are the sources of Muslim Law? 10. What are the essential requirements of a marriage under Muslim Law? 11, What are the different modes of the Talaq? 12, What are the salient features of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869? PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any two of the following : 13. A Sunni male married a Hindu girl (Non Kitabiah). What isthe status of the Marriage? 14, Muslim died intestate leaving behind his mother, daughter and son. What are the shares of these legal heirs? 15. Christian died leaving behind his mother, father, wife and two children. What are the shares of legal heirs? 16. AWagfis created for the purpose of providing medical education to poor Muslim children. But the Mutawalli used the funds for constructing a new Mosque. What s the legal validity of the act done by Mutawalli? GADE VEERAREDDY, ase, 08,ma S.MLH. QADRI, 8.5. M.A, MA, LLM, POPMLR. & LM. DICTIONARY OF LAW (English - English - Urdu) This is @ unique Legal Dictionary. It contains meanings more than 18,000 words (approximately) in English-English-Urdu. is very useful for Law Students, Urdu knowing. The Legal Maxims, phrases, terms, etc. are explained in English and Urdu. Itcontains updated information on all important areas of the Indian Law & other Laws. The Provisions of the Acts have also been referred to wherever possible and relevant. The alm being to provide in convenient ‘and legible form of comprehensive legal vocabulary aid in English and Urdu for Law Students in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and other Urdu related countries, Pages 698 Paper Back / No Discount Editor. Cost Rs. 500/- a Question Bank - LR. ~ Second Semester ~ 3~ YOC (HONOURS) PAPER - Ill; CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - I! OSMANIA UNIVERSITY. PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS ‘Code No. 5113) FACULTY OF LAW | | (3 OC) I- Year! -Somostor Examination, ecembor 2020 Subject : LAW SONSTITUTIONAL LAW «Ii | Max. Marks : 80) LL.B, (3 YDC)/LL.B. (Hons.) PAPER - Il Time : 2 Hours PART -A(4 x 10 = 40 Marks) Answer any FOUR of the following : 4. Competition of Electoral College. 3. Meaning of prorogation and Dissolution. 5. Appointment of State Executive. 7. Doctrine of occupied field. 2. Election of President. 4, Court of Record. 6, MonoyBills. 8, Concurrent list. PART - B (1 x 20 = 20 Marks) Answer any ONE of the following questions : 9. Explain the powers and functions ofthe president of India under the Indian Constitution. 10. Explain the different types of Jurisdictions exercised by Supreme Court of India. 4, Whatis State Emergency? Explain whether the power to impose state emergency in India has been misused. 42. Explain the scope of relationship between the Union and States. PART -C (1x 20 = 20 Marks) Answer any ONE of the following questions 43, Alady of ST category gets married to a person belonging to upper caste and she wants hor Children to claim S.. reservation - whether her children has right to claim the same or not - Advice 44, The state legislative had enacted the Transport Service Act, 1955 by this Act. the state govemment had been authorized to frame schemes of rationalization of motor Transport. The Shion Parliament amended in 1956 the motor Vehicle Act, 1939 by adding a new schme of rationalization of Motor Transport. The two laws occupied the same field. Which lawis to the extent of Rapugnancy be void? Give reasonable Answer, 45, Awasatemporary Govemment Servant. He was given a memorandum containing two charges against him. He asked to explain why disciplinary action should not be taken against him. His, sonvices were terminated without assigning any reasons - decide its validity with reason. 46. Alaw was passed by a State prohibiting the sale and possession of liquor in the state. twas ‘Challenged on the ground thal incidentally encroached upon import and export of liquor across custom frontier a central subject ~ Decide. Code No. 15673 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC)/ LL.B. (Hons.) (3 YDC) |- Year I! -Somoster Examination, August / September 2019 Subject : LAW PAPER - Ill: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - II 3 Hours Max, Marks : 80 Tim PART -A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following 4. Effect of Anti Defection Law. 3. Pardoning Powers of the President, 5. Doctrine of Repugnancy. 7. Actof State 2. Collective Responsibility, 4. Curative Petition 6. Doctrine of Pleasure, 8. Judicial Accountability Question Bank - LL.B. ~ Second Semester - 3 - YOC (HONOURS) 4“ PART - B (2.x 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions : 9. Explain the relation between the President and the Union Council Ministers. 10, Make a critical analysis of the Supreme Court Judgment in “Supreme Court Advocates on Record Association V. Union of India" (2015, SC) in the context of challenge to the NJAC Act. 41. Explain the recent trends in relation to the tortious liability ofthe State, 12. Discuss the evolution of the Basic structure theory in India PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions : 13. _ The Speaker of Lok Sabha expelled 20 members for receiving money for raising questions in the house on behalf of vested interests. They challenged the expulsion before the Supreme Court. Decide. 14. A State Government issued several ordinances continuously on the same subject without introducing a regular Bill in the State Legislature. Decide the Constitutional validity of such practice. 15. A State has issues with its neighbouring state regarding the sharing of the waters of a river flowing across both the States. What is the constitutional mechanism to resolve the said dispute? Explain, All the 150 public servants working in a Government department were dismissed from service, ‘as most of them participated in a Dhara cum Gherao Programme. No inquiry was conducted ‘on the ground of impracticability. Discuss the validity of such dismissal. 16. Code No. 9850 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) / LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) | - Year ll - Semester Examination, August / September 2018 Subject : Law PAPER - Ill: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - I Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 PART - A(5 x6 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any FIVE of the following : 1. Anfi-Defection Law. 2, _ Pardoning Power of the President. 3. Judicial Accountability, 4, Transfer of Judges. 5. Residuary Powers 6. Doctrine of Repugnancy. 7. Public Service Commission. 8. Kinds of Amendment. PART - B (2 * 15 = 30 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following : 9. Discuss the powers and functions of the President under the Indian Constitution. 10. Explain the powers and functions of the state executive under the constitution of Indi 11. Howare the Supreme Court and High Court Judges are appointed? Explain. 12. Explain the scheme of distribution of Legislative powers between the Union and States. PART -C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following : 13. Apublic servant failed to discharge his duties as imposed under a law. Explain the appropriate constitutional remedy. 14. The Telangana State Govt. passed a law that transport of rice outside the state is prohibited because of price hike. Is the legislation valid? 15. Aa Civil Servant (Collector) was suspended without holding any departmental enquiry. What are the remedies available to the suspended person? Decide. 16. Articles 14, 19, 20, 21 and 22 guaranteed by the Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution to the citizens of India are suspended by the President of India during the National Emergency. A Person wants io challenge in the Supreme Court - Advise, 3 - YC (HONOURS) A Question Bank ~ LL.B. - Second Semester ~ Code No. 1697 FACULTY OF LAW LLB. (3 YDC) /LL.B. (3 YDC) (Honours) | - Year Il- Semester Examination, September / October 2017 Subject : LAW PAPER - Ill: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - LL j Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 80 PART -A(5 * 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following : 4. Ordinance. 3. Doctrine of Colourable Legislation. 5. Doctrine of Pleasure. 7. Size ofthe Ministry. Independence of Judiciary. Promissory Estoppel. Basic Structure Theory. . Vicarious Liability. PART - B (2 * 15 = 30 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following: 9. _ Explain the powers, privileges and immunities of legislatures in India. 410. Discuss tne jurisdiction of tlhe Supreme Court of India. 41. Explain the constitutional safeguards available to Civill Servants. 42. Discuss the impact of National Emergency with special reference to Fundamental Rights. PART - C (2 * 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following: 13. A State Governor issued successive ordinances on the same subject, on the advice of the Cabinet and after the lapse of each ordinance. The State Government did not introduce any bill to replace such ordinance. Decide its validity. 14. Aperson, unhappy with the judgment in an appeal decided by a High court, made personal allegations against the judges of the Bench. Decide whether such action invites contempt of court, with reasons. 15. Government department allowed the confiscation of certain perishable goods under a statute, but failed either to preserve them or to sell them at market value, during the pendency of litigation. Consequently all such goods got perished. Later the owner of the goods won the case and claimed compensation. Is he entitled to it? Decide. PoaN 16. A constitutional amendment was made to make India ‘non-socialist republic. Does such amendment violate the basic structure of the constitution? Decide with reasons. Code No. 3438/BL FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC) & LL.B, 3 YDC (Honours) I- Year Il - Semester Examination, August / September 2016 ‘ Subject : LAW PAPER - Ill: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - II Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 PART - A(5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following: 1. Executive Power. 3. Curative Petition. 5. Full Faith and Credit Clause. 7. Allindian Services. Anti Defection Law. Doctrine of pith and substance, National Emergency. Judicial Accountability. PORN

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