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20ASE431A Launch Vehicles and Missiles

L4 - Introduction to Propulsion System

Dr. A. T. Sriram
Associate Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering, RTC,
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru -

Major Portions

• Introduction

• Orbits and Introduction to Orbital Mechanics

• Aerodynamics and Propulsion

• Rocket/LV dynamics & Missile trajectory

• Guidance and Control

L4- Introduction to Propulsion Systems

• Describe propulsion requirements for Launch vehicles and Missiles

• Explain propulsion systems for Launch Vehicles and Missiles
• Discuss the importance of propulsion system in LVMs

Application of Rockets (1/4)

Four types of rocket motors can be used for different and diverse applications:

1. Launch Vehicles: Rocket motors used in launch vehicles are designed to provide high
thrust and momentum to lift the vehicle off the ground and into space. They must be
powerful enough to overcome Earth’s gravitational attraction and give the required kinetic
and potential energy for the spacecraft and its payload to reach orbit.

2. Spacecraft: Rocket motors used in spacecraft are designed to propel and maneuver them
in space. They are typically smaller and less powerful than the motors used for launch
vehicles. Still, they must be highly reliable, efficient, and versatile to enable the spacecraft
to travel long distances and perform complex missions.

Application of Rockets (2/4)

Four types of rocket motors can be used for different and diverse applications:

3. Missiles: Rocket motors used in missiles usually operate on solid fuel and are designed to
provide the speed and maneuverability to carry warheads or other payloads to their
targets. Missiles must be highly precise and reliable and may need to operate in various
flight conditions and environments.

4. Miscellaneous: There are other applications for rockets, including suborbital flights,
scientific experiments, and even recreational activities like model rocketry. These motors
may have specialized requirements depending on their specific use.
Application of Rockets (3/4)

Application of Rockets (4/4)

Requirements of Launch Vehicles

• Lift the payload (satellite or any other)

• Very high Velocity Requirement

• Appropriate orbit and path

• Successful mission

Propulsion System Provides Very High Velocity Requirement

Requirements of Missiles

• Lift the payload

• High Velocity Requirement

• Appropriate mission path, guidance and control

• Successful mission

Propulsion System Provides High Velocity for Better Impact

Propulsion Systems for Launch Vehicles

Solid Rocket Motors

Liquid Rocket Engines

Hybrid Rocket Motors

Electric ion thruster for Space Propulsion

Propulsion Systems for Missiles
Ramjet Engine – Gas dynamics

Ideal Ramjet Engine

No total pressure loss, this gives

Inlet Mach number is equal to exit Mach number 12

Ramjet Engine - Thermodynamics

Cycle or thermal efficiency is ONLY function of flight Mach number 13

For Calculations

For Calculations

Dual-mode Ramjet/Scramjet Engine

Hypersonic Missile 17

The hypersonic technology demonstrator vehicle or HSTDV,

Solid Rocket Motor

Basically three types of propellant grains:

• Homogeneous or colloidal propellants

• Fuel and oxidizer are contained in the same molecule
which decomposes during combustion
• Single base NC [(C6H7O2–(ONO2)3]n
• Double base: NC and NG; Nitroglycerin NG, C3H5(ONO2)3
• Composite or heterogeneous propellants
• Oxidizing crystals
• Powered fuel (usually aluminum)
• Held together in a binder (synthetic rubber or plastic)
• Composite modified double-based propellants

Solid Rocket Motor

Liquid Rocket Engine

Hybrid Propellant Rocket Engines

General Characteristics

Propulsion System for Space Crafts

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