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The study outline for the competition on understanding the 60

years of construction and development of Quang Ninh province

Question 1: Uncle Ho first visited Quang Ninh on which date, month, and year?

A. March 24, 1945

B. April 23, 1945

C. March 24, 1946

D. April 23, 1946

Question 2: According to you, how many districts in Quang Ninh have a completely
island terrain?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Question 3: In the list of Quang Ninh's specialty foods that travel websites often
describe as "memorable for a lifetime" and suitable as gifts, which of the following
dishes is most commonly ranked at the top by most travel websites?

A. Sam Quang Yen

B. Sa Sung Quang Ninh

C. Ngan Quang Ninh

D. Cha muc Ha Long

Question 4: By 2023, for how many consecutive years has Quang Ninh held the top
position in the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI)?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8
Question 5: As of June 2023, how many OCOP (One Commune, One Product) products
with ratings from 3 to 5 stars does Quang Ninh have?

A. 236

B. 336

C. 436

D. 536

Question 6: In 1967, Quang Ninh province had nearly 2,000 miners and some other units
gathered to go to the battlefield in the South to fight for the defense of the Fatherland.
The leadership of Quang Ninh province and the coal industry collectively referred to this
force as?

A. Binh đoàn bộ binh (Infantry Division)

B. Binh đoàn 14 (Division 14)

C. Binh đoàn sông Cửa Lục (Cua Luc River Division)

D. Binh đoàn Than (Coal Division)

Question 7: Quang Ninh province was awarded the First Class Labor Medal for its
achievements in building the New Rural Area program in which year?

A. 2012

B. 2015

C. 2017

D. 2019

Question 8: What is the goal that Quang Ninh set when transitioning from the "brown"
development model to the "green" model?

A. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, move towards a low-carbon economy

B. Gradually reduce mining and shift towards tourism and services

C. Promote investment in green industry, clean industry, processing and


D. All three options are correct

Question 9: In the provincial planning of Quang Ninh for the period 2021-2030 with a
vision to 2050, by 2030, how many directly-controlled cities does Quang Ninh aim to

A. 5 cities

B. 6 cities

C. 7 cities

D. 8 cities

Question 10: The international border gate of Móng Cái/Vietnam - Đông Hưng/China
was officially opened by both countries under which of the following bilateral legal

A. Border agreement on land between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the
People's Republic of China on December 30, 1999.

B. Boundary demarcation protocol on land between Vietnam and China signed on

November 18, 2009.

C. Agreement on the rules for border management on land between Vietnam and
China signed on November 18, 2009.

D. Agreement on border gates and regulations for border gate management on

land between Vietnam and China signed on November 18, 2009.

Question 11: What is the largest city in Quang Ninh province?

A. Ha Long

B. Cam Pha

C. Uong Bi

D. Mong Cai

Question 12: Which bay, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is located within the territory
of Quang Ninh province?

A. Van Don Bay

B. Lan Ha Bay

C. Ha Long Bay

D. Bai Tu Long Bay

Question 13: Quang Ninh province proudly welcomed Uncle Ho (Bác Hồ) for how
many times?

[How many times did Uncle Ho (Bác Hồ) visit Quang Ninh province?]

A. 7

B. 8

C. 9

D. 10

Question 14: Quang Ninh province's east-west span extends from Vang Chua River in
Binh Duong Commune and Nguyen Hue Commune, Dong Trieu Town, to the
easternmost point, which is Mui Got (Sa Vi) in the northeast of Tra Co Ward, Mong Cai
City. What is the distance between these two points?

A. 175 km

B. 185 km

C. 195 km

D. 205 km

Question 15: Quang Ninh province has which intangible cultural heritages in the list of
national-level intangible cultural heritages?

A. Yen Tu Pagoda Festival; Quan Lan Traditional Festival, Van Don District;
Nha To Singing, also known as Cua Dinh Singing, in Mong Cai City; Then
Singing, Binh Lieu District; Tien Cong Festival, Quang Yen Town; Cua Ong
Festival, Cam Pha City.

B. Yen Tu Pagoda Festival; Quan Lan Traditional Festival, Van Don District; Den
Tran Festival, Dong Trieu Town; Then Singing, Binh Lieu District; Tien Cong
Festival, Quang Yen Town; Cua Ong Festival, Cam Pha City.

C. Tra Co Traditional Festival, Mong Cai City; Quan Lan Traditional Festival,
Van Don District; Bach Dang Festival, Quang Yen Town; Then Singing, Binh
Lieu District; Tien Cong Festival, Quang Yen Town; Cua Ong Festival, Cam Pha

D. Tra Co Traditional Festival, Mong Cai City; Quan Lan Traditional Festival,
Van Don District; Nha To Singing, also known as Cua Dinh Singing, in Mong Cai
City; Then Singing, Binh Lieu District; Tien Cong Festival, Quang Yen Town;
Cua Ong Festival, Cam Pha City.
Question 16: During the period from 1986 to 1996, Quang Ninh implemented which
economic programs? (Multiple answers can be selected)

A. Food and foodstuff program.

B. Consumer goods program.

C. Import and export program.

D. Economic development and production increase program.

Question 17: In Quang Ninh, what percentage of the area of residential areas is covered
by 3G and 4G mobile network signals?

A. 94%

B. 95%

C. 96%

D. 97%

Question 18: According to Resolution No. 09-NQ/TU of the Provincial Party

Committee's Standing Board on Comprehensive Digital Transformation..., what
percentage of the provincial GRDP does the digital economy account for by 2025?

A. 15%

B. 20%

C. 25%

D. 30%

Question 19: Where did female martyr Hoang Thị Hong Chiem die?

A. Po Hen Border Post

B. Cao Ba Lanh High Point

C. 207 Hoanh Mo Border Post

D. Bac Phong Sinh Border Post

Question 20: Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW, dated November 23, 2022, by the Politburo,
outlines the vision for Quang Ninh Province's development in the Red River Delta
region by 2030 and 2045. The resolution aims to transform Quang Ninh Province into
which of the following?

A. A regional and international financial, trade, and tourism service center.

B. A modern international logistics center.

C. A major fisheries center of the region.

D. A tourism center connecting with the region and the world.

Question 21: Quang Ninh Province aims to develop with what characteristics?

A. Transparent administration - Economic development.

B. Distinctive culture - Civilized society.

C. Happy people.

D. All of the above (A, B, and C).

Question 22: According to the Quang Ninh Province plan for the period 2021-2030,
aiming towards 2050, what is the target for the number of tourists to be received by
2030 (including approximately 8 million international tourists) and the average annual
growth rate of tourists?

A. 15 million tourists, with a 5% annual growth rate.

B. 20 million tourists, with a 5.5% annual growth rate.

C. 25 million tourists, with a 6.5% annual growth rate.

D. 30 million tourists, with a 6.5% annual growth rate.

Question 23: Which famous mountain in Quang Ninh is known for the highest statue of
Bodhisattva Quan Am in Vietnam?

A. Yen Tu Mountain

B. Ba Den Mountain

C. Ban Co Mountain

D. Mat Rong Mountain

Question 24: Which is the largest fishing port in Quang Ninh?

A. Cai Lan Port

B. Cua Ong Port

C. Hon Gai Port

D. Ha Long Port

Question 25: During the rally on the morning of the 1st day of the Lunar New Year 1965
at Hon Gai High School, Uncle Ho (Bác Hồ) awarded the "Flag for the Best
Competitive Emulation" to which unit?

A. Regiment 244

B. Agriculture sector

C. Trade sector

D. Coal sector

Question 26: How long is the coastline of Quang Ninh Province?

A. 175 km

B. 200 km

C. 225 km

D. 250 km

Question 27: How many national special historical and scenic sites does Quang Ninh
currently have, and can you name those sites?

A. 3 (Yen Tu historical site and scenic area, Bach Dang historical site, and Ha
Long Bay scenic area)

B. 4 (Yen Tu historical site and scenic area, Tran Dynasty historical site in Dong
Trieu, Bach Dang historical site, and Ha Long Bay scenic area)

C. 5 (Yen Tu historical site and scenic area, Tran Dynasty historical site in Dong
Trieu, Bach Dang historical site, Cua Ong historical site, and Ha Long Bay scenic

D. 6 (Co To Island Historical Site in memory of President Ho Chi Minh, Yen Tu

historical site and scenic area, Tran Dynasty historical site in Dong Trieu, Bach
Dang historical site, Cua Ong historical site, and Ha Long Bay scenic area)

Question 28: Quang Ninh Province began to have a balanced budget and contribute to
the Central Government from which year?
A. 1994

B. 1995

C. 1996

D. 1997

Question 29: What is Quang Ninh province's target for the number of tourist arrivals in

A. 10 million

B. 12 million

C. 14 million

D. 16 million

Question 30: What relic left behind by the heroic miner Dang Ba Hat after the battle on
July 12, 1972 (when the U.S. Air Force attacked Bai Chay ferry), is currently displayed
at the Museum of Military Region 3?

A. The national flag

B. The command flag

C. A uniform pierced by a bomb fragment

D. A diary

Question 31: Who among the following are labor heroes of Quang Ninh? (Multiple
answers may be selected)

A. Nguyen Trong Thai

B. Ha Van Hong

C. Nguyen Duc Thin

D. Nguyen Ngoc Ham

Question 32: "Quang Ninh must break free from the old ways, constantly innovate and
reach new heights" is a statement made by which of the following leaders during their
working visit to Quang Ninh province?

A. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

B. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

C. Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan

D. Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue

Question 33: According to the Quang Ninh province's planning for the 2021-2030
period with a vision to 2050, what percentage of the labor force should be trained?

A. 70%

B. 80%

C. 90%

D. 100%

Question 34: As of June 2023, among the following countries and territories with
investment projects in Quang Ninh, which country provides the largest ODA loans?

A. China

B. United States

C. Japan

D. South Korea

Question 35: Quang Ninh shares its border with which country?

A. China

B. Laos

C. Cambodia

D. Thailand
Question 36: Which famous place in Quang Ninh is known for its lantern festival?

A. Sapa

B. Yen Tu

C. Mong Cai

D. Binh Lieu

Question 37: "Coal in the mining area belongs to the world's best quality. The landscape
of the mining area is a wonder of mankind. You all must mine coal efficiently..." is a
statement made by President Ho Chi Minh when visiting which unit?

A. Deo Nai Mine

B. Coc Sau Mine

C. Trang Bach Mine

D. Thong Nhat Company

Question 38: By the end of 2022, Quang Ninh has the longest provincial highway in
Vietnam, accounting for about 10% of the total length of highways in the country. How
many kilometers of highway does Quang Ninh own?

A. 86 km

B. 116 km

C. 136 km

D. 176 km

Question 39: How many historical, cultural, and scenic relics does Quang Ninh province
currently have?

A. 562

B. 592

C. 632

D. 652
Question 40: In order to advance agriculture, the Quang Ninh Provincial Party
Committee set out the "3 spearheads of advance" in the First and Second Party Congress
of the province. What are they?

A. Irrigation, fertilizers, and aquaculture

B. Irrigation, fertilizers, and pig farming

C. Irrigation, fertilizers, and poultry farming

D. Crop varieties, cattle farming, and fertilizers

Question 41: How many industrial parks does Quang Ninh province currently have,
including industrial parks that are operational, those under construction, and those being
planned and seeking investors?

A. 10

B. 13

C. 16

D. 19

Question 42: By the end of 2022, what percentage is the poverty rate in Quang Ninh

A. 1%

B. 0.34%

C. 0.06%

D. 0.14%

Question 43: In the book "Heroic Vietnamese Mothers of Quang Ninh Province," how
many Heroic Vietnamese Mothers in Quang Ninh were honored and posthumously
awarded by our Party and the Government from 1994 to October 2002?

A. 91

B. 111

C. 121

D. 131
Question 44: Which was the first commune in Quang Ninh province to achieve the
standards of the new rural area and the national model new rural area?

A. Quang Minh Commune, Hai Ha District

B. Tien An Commune, Quang Yen Town

C. Cam Hai Commune, Cam Pha City

D. Viet Dan Commune, Dong Trieu Town

Question 45: In the provincial planning of Quang Ninh for the period 2021-2030 with a
vision to 2050, what is the determined viewpoint for organizing spatial development?

A. "One center, two multi-directional axes, two breakthrough points"...

B. "One center, two multi-directional axes, two breakthrough points, three

dynamic areas"...

C. "One center, two multi-directional axes, two breakthrough points, three key

D. "One center, two multi-directional axes, three breakthrough points, three

dynamic areas"...

Question 46: According to the provincial planning of Quang Ninh for the period 2021-
2030 with a vision to 2050, what percentage of the population is expected to have health
insurance cards?

A. 80%

B. 85%

C. 90%

D. 95%

Question 47: What is the famous feature associated with the Bai Chay Bridge in Quang

A. The lowest sea level point in Vietnam

B. The largest near-sea port in Vietnam

C. The meeting point of two major rivers

D. The convergence point of three sea regions

Question 48: Which river flows through Quang Ninh's territory and forms the northern
border of the province?

A. Red River

B. Lo River

C. Ma River

D. Quang Ninh River

Question 49: Quang Ninh Province's current name is a combination of the last letter
from Hong Quang District and Hai Ninh Province. Who suggested and named it?

A. The National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

B. The Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

C. President Ho Chi Minh

D. The Party Committee and people of Hong Quang District and Hai Ninh
Province proposed it

Question 50: Quang Ninh is one of the richest mineral resource areas in Vietnam, with
billions of cubic meters of limestone and other minerals such as red clay, white clay,
kaolin, hot mineral water, etc. What is the estimated reserves of coal?

A. 3.6 billion tons

B. 4.7 billion tons

C. 5.2 billion tons

D. 6.6 billion tons

Question 51: Which are the national treasures in Quang Ninh? (Multiple answers)

A. Ngoa Van Gold Box - Yen Tu; Quang Chinh bronze drum; Tran bronze drum

B. Đau Ram ceramic jar, also known as Hoang Tan pottery; Multicolored
enameled ceramic tray; Ly Dynasty brown lotus ceramic jar; Lu Dynasty brown
flower vase with the inscription Kinnari; Ly Dynasty brown ceramic tower with
the inscription

C. Kính Hoa bronze drum; Lavender enameled ceramic plate; Tran Dynasty
dragon head; Le Trung Hung’s God of Plough bronze gun

D. Statue and wooden saddle of King Tran Nhân Tong in Hoa Yen Pagoda
Question 52: As of June 2023, how many effective FDI projects are there in the province
and how many countries and territories around the world are investing in Quang Ninh?

A. 100 effective FDI projects with a total registered capital of over 4.6 billion
USD; 18 countries and territories worldwide are investing

B. 110 effective FDI projects with a total registered capital of over 5.6 billion
USD; 20 countries and territories worldwide are investing

C. 120 effective FDI projects with a total registered capital of over 6.4 billion
USD; 21 countries and territories worldwide are investing

D. 130 effective FDI projects with a total registered capital of over 10.2 billion
USD; 22 countries and territories worldwide are investing

Question 53: According to Resolution No. 09-NQ/TU of the Provincial Party Committee
on Comprehensive Digital Transformation by 2030, what is the target percentage of the
adult population with electronic payment accounts by 2030?

A. 70%

B. 80%

C. 90%

D. 99%

Question 54: Who was the first Provincial Party Secretary of Quang Ninh Province after
the merger of the Hong Quang District Party and the Hai Ninh Province Party?

A. Hoang Chinh

B. Nguyen Tho Chan

C. Nguyen Cong Hoa

D. Nguyen Đuc Tam

Question 55: Tran Island is one of the important islands of the nation's sea and islands,
with a strategic location for national defense and security. It has been approved by the
Prime Minister as one of how many key youth islands across the country?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6
Question 56: According to the "3 strategic breakthroughs" in Quang Ninh, what are

A. Administrative reform, development of high-quality human resources, and the

construction of a comprehensive infrastructure system.

B. Strengthening the transport infrastructure; developing high-quality human

resources; improving the investment environment, and environmental protection.

C. Completing a comprehensive institutional framework; developing high-quality

human resources, especially high-quality human resources; building a
comprehensive infrastructure system.

D. Developing transport infrastructure; developing tourism and specialty

agricultural products of high quality along value chains; creating livelihoods and
improving material and spiritual life for the people.

Question 57: According to the Quang Ninh Province planning for 2021-2030 with a
vision to 2050, what is the average annual growth rate of the Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GRDP) during the period 2021-2030, and what percentage is the digital
economy expected to contribute to GRDP?

A. The average economic growth rate is 10% per year, and the digital economy is
expected to account for about 20%.

B. The average economic growth rate is 10% per year, and the digital economy is
expected to account for about 30%.

C. The average economic growth rate is 11% per year, and the digital economy is
expected to account for about 30%.

D. The average economic growth rate is 11% per year, and the digital economy is
expected to account for about 40%.

Question 58: Quang Ninh has become one of the exemplary provinces leading the
country in many fields, and it has become a bright spot in the innovation of the Red
River Delta region, a growth pole in the Northern region. These are acknowledgments
and commendations from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at which event?

A. General Secretary's visit and work in Quang Ninh on April 13-14, 2016

B. Opening of the 15th Provincial Party Congress of Quang Ninh, 2020-2025

term on September 26, 2020

C. General Secretary's visit and work in Quang Ninh on April 6, 2022

D. National Conference to implement and concretize Resolution No. 30-NQ/TW

of the Politburo on the development of the socio-economy and national defense
and security in the Red River Delta region by 2030, with a vision to 2045, on
November 29, 2022

Question 59: Which city in Quang Ninh is famous for its coal mining industry?

A. Ha Long

B. Cam Pha

C. Uong Bi

D. Mong Cai

Question 60: Which coal mine's workers and officials received praise in a letter from
President Ho Chi Minh on September 7, 1968, for exceeding the annual coal production
target in 1968?

A. Deo Nai Coal Mine

B. Mong Duong Coal Mine

C. Coc 6 Coal Mine

D. Ha Lam Coal Mine

Question 61: How many major ethnic groups are there in Quang Ninh?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6 (Kinh, Dao, Tày, Sán Dìu, Sán Chỉ, Hoa)

D. 7

Question 62: Quang Ninh province has a unique landscape, with more than 2000 islands,
accounting for over 2/3 of the country's islands. What is the exact number of islands in
Quang Ninh?

A. 2078

B. 2251

C. 2562

D. 2779
Question 63: What are the characteristics of the people that Quang Ninh aims to build,
as outlined in Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU dated March 9, 2018, by the Provincial Party

A. Unity - Creativity - Energetic - Healthy - Civilized - Friendly

B. Unity - Creativity - Open-minded - Knowledgeable - Civilized - Friendly

C. Dynamic - Creative - Energetic - Healthy - Civilized - Friendly

D. Dynamic - Creative - Enthusiastic - Healthy - Civilized - Friendly

Question 64: What are the basic principles of Quang Ninh's OCOP (One Commune One
Product) program? (You can choose multiple answers)

A. Local action, with a global focus.

B. Self-reliance, confidence, and innovation.

C. Workforce development.

D. Emphasis on products (goods and services) and economic organizations (with

a focus on cooperatives, small, and medium-sized enterprises).

Question 65: How many years ahead of schedule did Quang Ninh province complete its
National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the 2021-2025 period?

A. One year

B. Two years

C. Three years

D. Four years

Question 66: In 2022, Quang Ninh ranked what position in the list of regions with the
best infrastructure index in Vietnam?

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fifth
Question 67: To enhance the effectiveness of administrative reform, Quang Ninh
province has put forward the "6 dares." What are they?

A. Dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to be transparent,

dare to innovate, dare to lead.

B. Dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to
innovate, and dare to face challenges.

C. Dare to lead, dare to propose, dare to amend, dare to innovate, and dare to face

D. Dare to propose, dare to amend, dare to think, dare to do, dare to lead, and dare
to take responsibility.

Question 68: According to Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU dated March 9, 2018, by the
Provincial Party Committee on building and developing culture, the goal for the people
of Quang Ninh is to meet the requirements of sustainable development. What is that

A. Preserve and promote the unique cultural identity, natural heritage, cultural
heritage values, and the strength of national unity.

B. Build people of Quang Ninh with characteristics of being Dynamic - Creative -

Energetic - Healthy - Civilized - Friendly.

C. Develop culture and people of Quang Ninh into a vital resource for building
and developing Quang Ninh with the characteristics of "Transparent
administration - Economic development - Unique culture - Civilized society -
Happy people."

D. All three options are correct.

Question 69: According to the development directions for important sectors and fields
and the organization of socio-economic activities in Quang Ninh's planning for the
period 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050, how many inter-district regions and district
regions is Quang Ninh building?

A. 5 inter-district regions and 10 district regions.

B. 4 inter-district regions and 11 district regions.

C. 3 inter-district regions and 12 district regions.

D. 2 inter-district regions and 13 district regions.

Question 70: "During a working session with the Standing Committee of the Quang
Ninh Provincial Party Committee in 2023, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stated that
"Quang Ninh must break free from the old ways, constantly innovate, and strive for new
heights." He suggested that Quang Ninh launch and carry out three movements that are
linked to common interests and each individual. What are these movements?

A. Movement for patriotism, labor, and creativity; movement for the development
of culture, arts, physical education, and sports.

B. Movement for environmental protection; movement for foreign language

learning to enhance labor competitiveness; digital transformation movement.

C. Movement for the development of modern and comprehensive infrastructure;

the practice of saving and preventing waste; the "Joint Efforts to Build New
Countryside" movement, and the "Officials, civil servants, and employees strive
to implement office culture" movement.

D. Movement for the development of the economy; labor and creativity

movement; and a study and physical training movement.

Question 71: What is the common name for the vegetation that covers the plains in
Quang Ninh?

A. Specialties

B. Countryside

C. Grasslands

D. Paddy fields

Question 72: On May 9, 1961, during a visit to and conversations with fellow
countrymen and soldiers on Coto Island, President Ho Chi Minh emphasized:

A. "Although Hanoi, the capital city, is far from the islands, the Party and the
Government always care about island residents and hope for their unity."

B. "Hai Ninh Province has various ethnic groups and a tradition of unity. Now,
we should be even more united, fostering labor education and strengthening the
Viet-Trung (Vietnam-China) unity."

C. "Fellow countrymen of various ethnic groups, soldiers, and cadres in our

province, during the resistance, fought valiantly. We have a glorious tradition.
Our fellow countrymen should uphold this glorious tradition."

D. "Although Hanoi, the capital city, is far from the islands, the Party and the
Government always care about island residents and hope for their unity and
Question 73: In local legends, who are the founders of Ha Long Bay?

A. The Dragon and the Horse

B. Ngoc Hoang and Bach Ho

C. Lac Long Quan and Au Co

D. Thanh Trung and Luu Bac

Question 74: Which historic battle took place in Quang Ninh during the 1979 Chinese-
Vietnamese Border War?

A. Battle of Co Lap

B. Battle of Lao Cai

C. Battle of Dong Dang

D. Battle of Lang Son

Question 75: What is the largest seaport structure in Quang Ninh?

A. Bai Chay Bridge

B. Bach Dang Bridge

C. Cua Ong Bridge

D. Cai Lan Bridge

Question 76: Quang Ninh is located in which economic region of Vietnam?

A. Northeast region

B. Southeast region

C. Northwest region

D. Southwest region

Question 77: Which district in Quang Ninh do the islands in Ha Long Bay belong to?

A. Co To District

B. Cam Pha District

C. Van Don District

D. Tien Yen District

Question 78: On November 23, 1963, during a visit to Tuan Chau Island, President Ho
Chi Minh instructed to transform Tuan Chau Island into what?

A. Pearl Island

B. Ngoc Chau Island

C. Jade Island

D. Diamond Island

Question 79: According to statistics as of June 2021, what was the population of Quang
Ninh province?

A. 1 million people

B. 1.3 million people

C. 1.6 million people

D. 1.9 million people

Question 80: Researchers from the World Nature Conservation Association discovered
how many unique plant species in Ha Long Bay? (These species can only be found
living on the limestone islands in Ha Long Bay, not anywhere else in the world).

A. 5

B. 7

C. 9

D. 11

Question 81: When was the first exchange of singing competitions between Vietnam and
China held on the border river (Mong Cai - Dong Hung)?

A. 2002

B. 2008

C. 2012

D. 2016
Question 82: According to the Resolution of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, what
will Quang Ninh's economic structure be like by 2025?

A. Industry - construction 49-50%; Services 3-5%; Agriculture, forestry, and

fisheries 46-47%

B. Industry - construction 49-50%; Services 41-45%; Agriculture, forestry, and

fisheries 5-10%

C. Industry - construction 49-50%; Services 46-47%; Agriculture, forestry, and

fisheries 3-5%

D. Industry - construction 46-47%; Services 49-50%; Agriculture, forestry, and

fisheries 3-5%

Question 83: In the 2006-2011 period, what was the average GDP growth rate of Quang
Ninh province?

A. 10% per year

B. 11% per year

C. 12% per year

D. 13% per year

Question 84: Since 2012, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of
Quang Ninh has outlined the sustainable development direction shifting from "brown" to
"green" based on three pillars. What are these three pillars aimed at utilizing internal
resources, attracting investment in the context of peace, cooperation, and integration?

A. Infrastructure - Tourism - Services

B. Industry - Tourism - Digital Transformation

C. Nature - People - Culture

D. Infrastructure - Human Resources - Environment

Question 85: What is the largest seaport structure in Quang Ninh?

A. Bai Chay Bridge

B. Bach Dang Bridge

C. Cua Ong Bridge

D. Cai Lan Bridge

Question 86: Quang Ninh is located in which economic region of Vietnam?

A. Northeast region

B. Southeast region

C. Northwest region

D. Southwest region

Question 87: What is the special feature of Quang Ninh's seaport entrance that makes it
one of the largest ports in Vietnam?

A. Depth and width

B. Reliability

C. Proximity to the Chinese border

D. Proximity to the capital city, Hanoi

Question 88: How many historical relics related to Uncle Ho are there in Quang Ninh
province? How many of these are classified as National Historical Relics?

A. 5 relics, 1 National Historical Relic

B. 6 relics, 1 National Historical Relic

C. 7 relics, including 1 National Historical Relic and 1 Special National Historical


D. 8 relics, including 1 National Historical Relic and 1 Special National Historical


Question 89: According to the provincial plan for Quang Ninh during the period 2021-
2030, with a vision to 2050, what is the basic and stable growth rate of coal extraction in
Quang Ninh, and what is the expected coal extraction by 2030?

A. 1% per year, 45 million tons

B. 1.1% per year, 47 million tons

C. 1.2% per year, 49 million tons

D. 1.3% per year, 52 million tons

Question 90: Quang Ninh has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperative
relations with three northern provinces of Laos. What are the names of these provinces?

A. Luong Phabang, Houaphan, Xiengkhouang

B. Luang Prabang, Huaphan, Khounkham

C. Luang Prabang, Houaphan, Bolikhamsai

D. Luang Phabang, Houaphan, Xiangkhoang

Question 91: Quang Ninh is famous for which industry that is a major source of its

A. Oil and gas industry

B. Electronics industry

C. Tourism industry

D. Automobile manufacturing industry

Question 92: What is the current percentage of schools meeting the national standards in
Quang Ninh?

A. 57.32%

B. 67.32%

C. 77.32%

D. 87.32%

Question 93: Quang Ninh has produced 3 champions in the "Duong Len Dinh Olympia"
contest in which years?

A. 2002, 2008, 2010

B. 2012, 2018, 2021

C. 2014, 2016, 2022

D. 2005, 2009, 2017

Question 94: At the 9th National Sports Festival in 2022, the Quang Ninh delegation
won a total of 69 medals (including 21 gold, 13 silver, 35 bronze). What place did they
rank nationally?

A. 5th

B. 9th

C. 12th

D. 15th

Question 95: What was the economic growth rate (GRDP) of Quang Ninh in 2022, and
in which consecutive year did the province maintain its two-digit growth target, even
during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is considered a remarkable record
after over 35 years of renovation?

A. Growth rate of 10.21% and 6 consecutive years

B. Growth rate of 10.28% and 7 consecutive years

C. Growth rate of 10.52% and 6 consecutive years

D. Growth rate of 11% and 7 consecutive years

Question 96: What is the main raw material used for coal production in Quang Ninh?

A. Oil

B. Limestone

C. Wood

D. Peat

Question 97: How many UNESCO-recognized world heritages does Quang Ninh have?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4
Question 98: What is the symbol of Quang Ninh province?

A. Peace

B. Dragon Mountain

C. Rice fields

D. Golden fish

Question 99: Quang Ninh is a pivotal point in the economic cooperation between
Vietnam and China and is also connected to the Southeast Asian region (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN). What is this region called?

A. "Two corridors, three belts"

B. "Two corridors, two belts"

C. "Two corridors, one belt"

D. "Two corridors, multiple belts"

Question 100: To which administrative division does Quan Lan Island belong in Quang

A. Van Don District

B. Co To District

C. Halong City

D. Tien Yen District

Question 101: Quang Ninh province is currently focusing on developing which main
types of tourism products?

A. Island and sea tourism

B. Spiritual tourism

C. Border trade tourism and community ecotourism

D. All of the above

Question 102: According to Resolution No. 09-NQ/TU of the Provincial Party
Committee on Comprehensive Digital Transformation, by 2030, what percentage of new
data-driven services for people and businesses is aimed for?

A. 20%

B. 30%

C. 40%

D. 50%

Question 103: "Build Quang Ninh to truly become a dynamic and connected
development hub with other localities in the Northern key economic region" is the
economic and social development direction set at which Provincial Party Congress?

A. The 10th Provincial Party Congress, 1996 - 2001 term

B. The 11th Provincial Party Congress, 2001 - 2005 term

C. The 12th Provincial Party Congress, 2005 - 2010 term

D. The 13th Provincial Party Congress, 2010 - 2015 term

Question 104: According to the provincial plan of Quang Ninh for the period 2021 -
2030, with a vision towards 2050, what percentage of communes is expected to reach
the new rural standards, and what percentage is expected to become role models?

A. 65% of communes reaching new rural standards and 35% becoming role

B. 70% of communes reaching new rural standards and 40% becoming role

C. 75% of communes reaching new rural standards and 40% becoming role

D. 80% of communes reaching new rural standards and 45% becoming role

Question 105: What is the iconic structure of Halong Bay and Quang Ninh province?

A. Statue of Goddess Quan Am

B. Cai Dau Temple

C. Statue of Saint Tran Quoc Nghia

D. Phat Da Statue
Question 106: What is the second-largest seaport town in Quang Ninh after Halong?

A. Mong Cai

B. Cam Pha

C. Uong Bi

D. Cua Ong

Question 107: Who founded the first university in Quang Ninh?

A. Hanoi National University

B. Halong University

C. Quang Ninh University

D. Yen Tu University

Question 108: What is the main material used in pearl production in Quang Ninh?

A. Seagrass seeds

B. Bright stones

C. Scallop shells

D. Fossilized fat

Question 109: Which place is called the "Green Beach" of Quang Ninh?

A. Co To

B. Tien Yen

C. Ha Long

D. Mong Cai

Question 110: What is the name of the cable car station located at the top of Bai Dai
Mountain in Quang Ninh?

A. Halong Cable Car

B. Yen Tu Cable Car

C. Tien Yen Cable Car

D. Bai Chay Cable Car

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