Ex 11-12

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1. Mrs Harrison is known for her kindness and goodness.
2. Her attempt to write a novel always ended in failure; she never managed to
finish it.
3. The firefighters made a heroic effort to save everyone in the burning building.
4. Mr Williams is a teacher who always offers his students encouragement and
5. During rush hour, the underground is packed with commuters.
6. During the earthquake, a large object hit him on the head and knocked him
7. Heather wanted to study physics, but she ended up studying chemistry.
8. After she started taking the medicine, she got better and was eventually
9. Don’t feel guilty; what happened was not your fault.
10. After discussing the events, we all came to the conclusion that he had been
lying to us.

1. Fred asked him if he wanted some coffee and he nodded. (b.
2. Caroline snapped her fingers to get my attention. (a. snapped)
3. Mark is quite big-headed; he acts as if he knows everything. (a.
4. George has come up with something. He hasn’t come to work
for two days. (a. up)
5. f you think that something wrong is going on, you should never
turn a blind eye. (c. eye)
6. I was taken by surprise when I saw Dean at my door. (d.
7. Occasionally, the children play video games, but only during
the weekends. (b. Occasionally)
8. The man who made the large donation didn’t give his name and
preferred to remain anonymous. (d. anonymous)

1. a. appreciation
2. a. poverty
3. d. about
4. b. moment
5. c. approached
6. a. ends
7. d. deed
8. b. intends

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