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November 21, 2023 (Tuesday)

8:30-9:30 AM

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:
 Define law of reflection
 Demonstrate the difference between irregular and regular reflection.
 Understand the characteristics plane mirrors and how images formed.
Topic: Reflection and Mirror
Sub-topic: Law of reflections, Types of reflections, Regular and Defuse reflection and Image formation
of plane mirror

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, visual Aids, Video clip, Laptop/ Mobile phone.
References: Science for innovative minds



A. Preparation

1. Routinary Activity/Daily Routine

a) Greetings Good morning ma’am!
Good morning Class!

b) Prayer Lord, thank you for this day, and sorry for all the
Who will lead the prayer? thing we’ve done wrong. In Jesus name we pray.
Yes Julia, please lead the prayer. Amen.

Thank you ma’am.

Please be seated.

c) Monitoring of attendance
Secretary of the class, who is absent for None ma’am.
Very Good!

2. Review
Do you still remember our lesson last meeting? About electromagnetic spectrum
what had we discussed?

Anybody What are the different regions of Radio wave ma’am

electromagnetic spectrum? Can you give one?
Starting from the Lowest to highest frequency.
Very good! Whats next? Microwave ma’am
Very good Romeo.
What else? Infrared radiation
What’s next to the infrared radiation? Visible light ma’am
Very good, what else? Ultraviolet

And the last two region, whats that? Ma;am x-ray and gamma ray
Very good!
Now can you give me example of application It used for communication ma’am like solar or
of EM spectrum? Any application. Sophia? cellphone communication.

Very good! Microwave and radio waves is

used for communication.
What’s other application or used of EM wave
It helps doctor to diagnose patient and treat
to our life?
Yes it is convenient for the doctors because it
help them in a wide variety of medication.


3. Motivation

Before we begin to our new lesson, do you want Yes ma’am

to play a game first?

Okay, lets play a game. Our game for today is

entitled “Magic mirror sight word” you will
identify the words laterally inverted. Here is the
first picture.

Number 1:


Number 2:


Number 3:


Number 4:


Number 5:

And there's have a puzzle picture here. Try to

figure it out if what is this image okay? Okay ma’am

Mirror ma’am

Mulan ma’am

B. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-Activity

Before we start, I have here a video clip and

let’s answer the guide questions after watching the
video. Yes ma’am

Would you read the guide questions Ronald?

Guide questions:
1. What is the difference between incident ray and
reflected ray?
2. Where is the location of normal line?
3. It is the surface of mirror that strikes the
incident ray.

Very good. Now, please listen carefully on the

video, then answer the guide questions. (student will start doing the activity)

Did you understand the video clip?

Very good! Can you explain the difference Yes ma’am

between incident ray and reflected ray? Lyca?
The incident ray ma’am is light approach the
mirror and the reflected ray that leaves the mirror.
Very good! i have here laser and plane mirror,
I will show you that when the light ray fall into a
mirror that what we called incident ray and when
the incident ray fall into the surface and the light
ray that’s bounce of is what we called reflected

Where is the location of normal line?

Ma’am the location of normal line is in the middle
Very good! Denice. of incident ray and reflected ray.

It is the surface of mirror that strikes the incident

ray. What did you call that? Point of incidence ma’am

John martin, What do you call the angle between

the incident ray and the normal line?
It is the angle of incidence ma’am
What about the angle of reflected ray and nornal
line? What do you call that, Niel justine?
It is the angle of reflection ma’am
Okay very good Thank you.

Now let us proceed to the two laws of reflection.

Can you read the first law, and what that’s mean?
Lyca? The first law of reflection state that the incident
ray, reflected ray and normal line all lie in the
same plane. And base of my understanding, the
incident ray, reflected ray and normal line is in the
same location.

Very good lyca. They all in same plane or surface.

What about the second law of reflection? Whats
that mean? Romeo? The incident ray and reflected ray are same angle
Very Good! For example if the angle of incident
ray is 30 degree then the angle of reflected ray is
also 30 degree

Now I am going to show you what are the

difference between specular and diffuse
I need two student here in front, I will
demonstrate to you what are the differences
between the two.

The first student point the laser in the surface of

the mirror, and the second student will blow the (The students do their task on the front)
powder in the surface of the mirror to see that
produce reflection.

This is why we see our image in the mirror or any

silky, polish and smooth surface.

And when the light falls in the rough surface, we

can see but does not reflect any images

Now lets try on the wood, it doesn’t reflect right? Yes ma’am

That’s the reason why we cant see our image or

reflection in the wood.

What do you observe when the light of laser falls It easy to identify the incident ray and reflected
on the mirror? Yes Ron joseph? ray. And it reflect regularly ma’am
Very Good ron joseph.

When the light falls on a mirror, it is reflected

regularly. This is know as regular reflection.

And when the light falls into the rough surface Ma’am there's a lot of reflections in different
what did you observe? Alliah? directions ma’am

Very good alliah.

But when the light falls on rough surfaces, it is

reflected irregularly. This is diffuse reflection.

Now let us proceed to the image that form in the

plane mirror but before that, are you familiar on Yes ma’am, we can see our images because of
the plane mirror? that.

Very good, it is the flat mirror that we can use to

see our face, outfits and also used for mirror shot.

Let us talk about the characteristics of a plane


The images form in plane mirror is visual or not


The image formed in plane mirror is always erect

or upright. What do I mean by that.

I need one student here at front (the student stand up and go to the front)

Look at your image, is your image is inverted? Or

not? No ma’am
It is upside down or not?
No ma’am
That’s why the image formed in plane mirror is
erect and upright.

Now step back, what happen to the image in the

mirror? It also step back ma’am
The distance of the object is the same as the
image formed it also same height and size.

And the last the image form in plane mirror is not

upside down it is laterally inverted.

What do I mean by this?

When we raise our right hand in the front of the
mirror, the image formed raise left hand.
And if we raise our left hand the image formed in
mirror raise right hand. Because the image formed
in plane mirror is left and right reversal.

2. Activity Proper

Any question class?

Now let’s have an group activity. We will

learn more about reflection of light and we will be
using two plane mirror.But before performing the
90 Degree
activity you need to be learn first the different
60 Degree
position of the angle.
45 Degree
I will give you a protractor and it has already 30 Degree
position in every angle of what we need in this
The mechanics of the game is
1. Place the two plane mirror in the following
angles and place the coin between two mirror.

2. Count the number of image formed to each

given angle.

90 Degree
60 Degree
45 Degree
30 Degree

(Distribute the activity)

3. Post-lab Activity

May I request a two groups to present you work

on the front. And answer the following Questions
1. Based on the data that you have gathered. What
happens to the number of images formed as you
vary the angles between the mirror? If the angle decrease the number of images

Very good! Your answer are all correct.

C. Generalization
1. What are the two type of reflection?
2. The law of reflections state that?
3. The image formed by plane mirror is virtual or


Any question class?

Now lets have another activity, I'm going to give

you laterally inverted message to read in front of a
mirror or on the screen of your phone.
The first two students who got the answer, I ll
give them a prize

Who knows the answer? Anyone?

Yes Romeo?

The message is “this is what mirror writing looks

Very good romeo. like! Now you try it.

Bring ¼ sheet of paper. Read and analyze

carefully the following questions then right the
correct answer on your ¼ sheet of paper.

1. The reflection by the rough surfaces that

tend to reflect light in all directions is called?
a) Diffused reflection
b) Glossy reflection
c) Regular reflection
d) Specular reflection

2. The image you see in a plane mirror is

called a _________ image because it is not real
physical object.
a) Imaginary
b) Physical
c) diffused
d) Virtual
3. The image seen in a plane mirror is _______
a) Real and inverted
b) Real and upright
c) Virtual and inverted
d) Virtual and upright
4. If the angle of incidence is 20 degrees what
is the angle of reflection?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40

5. When lights hits a smooth surface, it is

a) Reflected
b) Diffused
c) Refracted
d) Polarized

Are you done?

Please submit your paper forward.


For your assignment, in a one whole sheet of

paper answer the following questions.

1. What is a curved mirror?

2. What are the types of curved mirror
3. Differentiate a plane mirror from a curved
4. What are the characteristics of image
formed by curved mirrors.

Is there any question about your assignment?

Okay, good bye class.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted

MARJORIE D. FELIPE Ms. PRECIOUS V. TRINIDAD ------------------------------------

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