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The Sub-Carpathian Messenger

Newsletter of the Study Circle

for the Postal History of the Carpatho-Ukraine

Number 50 – November 2023

Current map of the ЗАКАРПАТТЯ district in Ukraine

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 1

About us and the Newsletter

The Study Circle is (was) a loose group of persons who are interested in the postal (and
general) history of the area known as Kárpátalja in Hungarian, as Podkarpatská Rus during
the First Czechoslovak Republic, which had a short day of independence as Carpatho Ukraine,
and later was integrated into the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union as the ‘Zakarpatskaja
Oblast’. Since 1991 it is ЗАКАРПАТТЯ, the westernmost administrative district in the now
independent Ukraine.

The Newsletter came out of a meeting of a few collectors during the PRAHA 2008, its first
number appeared in November 2008. In the last years we have always produced at least four
issues per year but may not be able to keep this high level due to a substantial lack of
contributions. On the other hand, as we can see from the access counts at the public web
site, this Newsletter is read by hundreds of people.

When meeting our Hungarian colleague and friend JAKAB András during the International
Philatelic Exhibition in Essen (Germany), he asked me why not continue the Sub-Carpathian
Messenger. The “public” interest, he said, would be there. My answer, of course, was: I have
no interest in writing all articles myself.

Few pieces of interest have come up since I terminated my engagement in this Newsletter
five years ago. But there is one development which causes me to break my stopover: Just
these days the Jiří MAJER collection of Carpatho-Ukraine 1944-1945 is offered at Raritan
Stamps Inc. (auction #98). This is an opportunity not to be missed.

Distribution method

All issues of the »Sub-Carpathian Messenger« can be browsed at and downloaded from the
Internet address

Everybody can freely access the uploaded numbers of the Newsletter but the notification
service for new numbers is limited to the actual members of the Study Circle.

Rules and Regulations

All articles in the Newsletter carrying the name of an author are the sole responsibility of
this author and should not be taken to represent the common opinion of the Study Circle.
Such articles are, if not marked otherwise, copyrighted by the respective author. Free use
within the Study Circle is granted. We thank our authors for their much appreciated work
and contribution.

Your editor through ten years:

If need arises, you can reach Helmut Kobelbauer at his e-mail address

With my regards and best wishes !

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 2

1. Table of Contents

SCM #001 (November 2008, 16 pages)

(kb) Meeting in Prague – the Founders page 3

(kb) Auction News page 4
(kb) Obituary for Vladimir Markus page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Memories of Vladimir Markus page 5
(kb) From Exhibitions page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer The meeting of Hungarian and Polish forces in mid March 1939 page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer Another letter from the Romanian occupation page 13
(kb) Snippets – would you have known this ? page 15

SCM #002 (January 2009, 18 pages)

Tønnes Ore Latest Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Watching eBay … for the occasional item which is worth page 5
Jan Verleg Censorship of the K. u. k. army in Carpatho Ukraine during page 6
the years 1914 – 1918
Helmut Kobelbauer Czechoslovak Field Post 1938 – the Rumunský Unit page 11
and Juan E. Page
Helmut Kobelbauer The meeting of Hungarian and Polish forces in 1939 - page 15
(with the help of Tønnes additions
Ore and others)
(kb) Snippets – would you have known this ? page 18

SCM #003 (March 2009, 16 pages)

Jan Rompes The first postmarks from UNGVAR page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer VISSZATÉRT in reverse – another correction page 8
Dr. Simády Béla The [Hungarian] Fieldpost in Kárpátalja 1939 page 10
Helmut Kobelbauer The »Pěší Pluk 45 „Rumunský”« was stationed in Chust page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer But where is TISZALONKA ? page 14

SCM #004 (May 2009, 16 pages)

Jan Verleg and Auction News page 3

Tønnes Ore
Tønnes Ore Maps of Carpatho-Ukraine page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Ballonpost Przemysl 1915 – A Few Additions and Remarks page 14

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 3

SCM #005 (June 2009, 16 pages)

Tønnes Ore Auction news page 3

Otto Hornung Letter to Jerusalem page 4
Nagy Gábor The Battles in the Carpathians in 1914-15 and the Operations page 5
of the Szurmay Corps in the Ung Valley
Helmut Kobelbauer Final remarks on »Pěší Pluk 45 “Rumunský”« page 10
and Juan E. Page
Alexander Malycky A Postal Card of the Carpatho-Ukrainian Seech page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer The 70th Anniversary of the Independent Carpatho Ukraine page 16

SCM #006 (July 2009, 16 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Transliteration from Cyrillic (Ukrainian) to Roman letters page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer New books on old places page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Censorship during the Romanian occupation 1919 and 1920 page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer Meeting at the Hungarian-Polish Border in March 1939 – page 13

SCM #007 (September 2009, 16 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer The second pre-stamp postmark of Tisza Ujlak page 3

& Friends
Tønnes Ore Challenging prephilatelic letters page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer Registered letter from DOMBÓ – October 26, 1870 page 10
Seppo Laaksonen A curious postcard from Munkács in 1902 page 12
Voloncs Gábor Use of Czechoslovak stamps in Hungary page 13

SCM #008 (November 2009, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Members of the Study Circle – The First Year page 3
Helmut Kobelbauer eBay: Incredible prices for unusual Carpatho Ukraine items page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer The Quarantine Station Borsa page 6
Martin Jurkovič PĚŠÍ PLUK 45 “RUMUNSKÝ” and Czechoslovak money orders page 12
from several days close to the mobilization in the year 1938
Alex Popovych and From „Gróf Schönborn“ to the Sanatorium „КАРПАТИ” page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer
Jan Verleg The field post of the Red Army during the Carpathian campaign page 19
of October 1944
Savoy Horvath In memory of Vladimir Markus: His last published article page 23

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 4

SCM #009 (February 2010, 24 pages)

Jan Verleg The Andrew Cronin collection sold at the September 24, 2009, page 3
Auction of “Cherrystone”
Tønnes Ore Unbelievable prices page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Highlights from the 134th Special Auction of PROFILA (Budapest) page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Map of Hungary 1786 – Detail of Postal Routes in the Kárpátalja page 9
Dénes Czirók Contribution to the Discussion in “The Sub-Carpathian Messen- page 10
ger” No. 7
Nagy Gábor The Battles in the Carpathians in 1914 – 1915 and the page 15
Operations of the Szurmay Corps in the Ung Valley – Part 2
Helmut Kobelbauer Cholera station in Ungvár in November 1914 page 20
Helmut Kobelbauer Collection of Martin Jurkovič at EXPONET page 22
Juan E. Page A New Postal Agency Mark page 23
Helmut Kobelbauer Was there a Hungarian Fieldpost during the November 1938 page 24
Campaign ?

SCM #010 (April 2010, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Sale of the Georg von Steiden Carpatho-Ukraine Collection page 3
Helmut Kobelbauer The Development of Postal Connections in Hungary: Snapshot page 6
from 1780
Jan Rompes Some more Schönborn covers page 10
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Piece from the Romanian Occupation page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer The 9th Company of the »Pěší Pluk 45 “Rumunský”« in Vylók page 13
Juan E. Page How many “Red Bears” exist ? page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer The meeting of Hungarian and Polish forces in 1939 - continued page 17
Mervyn Benford On the Question of Hungarian Field Posts in 1938 and 1939 page 19
Helmut Kobelbauer The Holocaust for the Jews from Ruthenia page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Special Catalogue for the 1944/1945 Issues page 23
Jan Verleg A hilarious little mistake page 24

SCM #011 (June 2010, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Our Best Wishes to Andrew Cronin page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer A Map of Hungary from 1528 page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer The Development of Postal Connections in Hungary: Snapshot page 8
from 1709
Helmut Kobelbauer Registry Numbers on Pre-Stamp Letters to Bishop Bazil Popovics page 11
Dénes Czirók Carpatho-Ukraine Pieces in HUNFILA 2010 page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer Ungvár 1914 – The k. u. k. Infantry Regiment 66 was stationed page 14
The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Ballonpost Przemyśl 1915 – Further Additions page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Hint to the Location of Czechoslovak Polní Pošta 12 page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer On Hungarian Postal Tariffs from 1938 to 1944: Deviating Cards page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer On the Question of Currency in the NRZU in 1944/1945 page 20
Helmut Kobelbauer Illustrated Covers from the Soviet Kárpátalja page 21
Alexander Malycky Ukrainan Commemorative Postal Stationery page 24
The Editor Corrections page 24

SCM #012 (September 2010, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News: Czech Military Air Mail in June 1919 page 3
Helmut Kobelbauer The »Itinerär der k. k. österreichischen Staaten« from 1831 page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer The blue-green postmarks of Huszt and Ungvár page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer Some information on the Austro-Hungarian Field Post Office 47 page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer The railway network in and around Kárpátalja during WWI page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer Repatriation Camps 1918 – Do you know anything about them ? page 14
Helmut Kobelbauer Pictures from the Podkarpatská Rus page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Remarks and Thoughts on the Independent State Carpatho- page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer On Hungarian Postal Tariffs from 1938 to 1944: Deviating Cards page 17
– Part 2
Tønnes Ore Postcards sent as printed matter page 20

SCM #013 (November 2010, 24 pages)

Tønnes Ore Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Czech Military Air Mail in June 1919 – revisited page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Investigating a Pre-Stamp Letter of 1784 page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Another horizontal strip of 3 x 1 kr from Beregszász page 10
Jakab András (and Three Letters with Austrian Issues 1850 and 1858/1859 page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer)
Dénes Czirók Where is “Paszika” ? page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Beware of Forgeries page 19
Helmut Kobelbauer On the Question of Currency in the NRZU in 1944/1945 – page 24

SCM #014 (February 2011, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Dénes Czirók SZEREDNYE and the EXPONET page 5
Petr Gebauer Field post of the German Southern Army in Subcarpathia in page 10

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 6

Helmut Kobelbauer Another Piece from the Czechoslovak Military Air Mail ? page 18
Helmut Kobelbauer Additional information to an item from the Romanian page 19
Mervyn Benford Avias vs. Fiats – Air War in the Carpathians in 1939 page 20
Jay T. Carrigan Census of Overprinted Revenue Stamps page 21
Helmut Kobelbauer Postcard from 1960: Miroslav Blaha to Viktor Indra page 24

SCM #015 (April 2011, 24 pages)

Tønnes Ore Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Postal Connections in and around the Kárpátalja: Snapshot page 4
from 1849
Helmut Kobelbauer The Forgotten People page 7
Peter Cybaniak and Contributions and Questions page 11
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Item from the “Kaiserlich Deutsche Südarmee” page 14
Michal Zika Provisional Registration Label of Užhorod in 1920 page 15
Peter Cybaniak On the Use of Prepared Hungarian Postmarks for Zone 2 in 1939 page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer On the Question of Currency in the NRZU in 1944/1945 – page 18

SCM #016 (June 2011, 24 pages)

(kb) Society News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3
Peter Cybaniak and Further Traces of the “Kaiserlich Deutsche Südarmee” in 1915 page 5
Roman Dubyniak
Petr Gebauer Field Post of German Air Force in Subcarpathia in 1915 – page 7
Dreams may come true
Peter Cybaniak and WWI Field Post from the Carpathians page 10
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Romanian Censorship in Occupied Sub-Carpathia page 12
Nagy Gábor Was there a Hungarian Field Post during the November 1938 page 13
Campaign ?
Helmut Kobelbauer Regular Use of Czechoslovak Stamps in Hungary – continued page 15
Nagy Gábor A Few Postal Items from November 1938 page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer Postmark of Chust from January 1939 in red page 20
Helmut Kobelbauer Hungarian Field Post in March and April 1939 – continued page 21
Helmut Kobelbauer Postcards as Printed Matter page 22
(kb) March 2011 News from Trans-Carpathian Ukraine page 24

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 7

SCM #017 (September 2011, 32 pages)

Tønnes Ore Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Postal Agencies: Part 1 – Hungarian Administration page 5
(1900 – 1919)

SCM #018 (November 2011, 32 pages)

Tønnes Ore Auction News page 3

(kb) Announcement: Guided Bus Tour to Transcarpathia in page 4
September 2012
Dénes Czirók An Examination of the Negative UNGVAR Cancellation page 5
Tønnes Ore A Postmaster Contract signed by Count Schönborn page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer The Austrian TPO “Stanislau – Körösmező” and its Postmarks page 17
Mervyn Benford Railway Finds page 22
Tønnes Ore Use of Czechoslovak Stamps in Hungary in late November 1938 page 25
Peter Cybaniak, Postmark of Chust from January 21, 1939, in red - continued page 26
Roman Dubyniak,
and Helmut Kobelbauer
Dán János Why did the field post not work on the Felvidék (Uplands) page 28
return ?
Helmut Kobelbauer A Postal Stationery from Munkács to Theresienstadt page 30
Helmut Kobelbauer Czechoslovak Forces in Exile: Great Britain 1941 page 31
(kb) New Literature page 32

SCM #019 (February 2012, 32 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer New Literature page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer The Neglected Pre-Stamp Post Office: Nyíresfalva page 4
Jan Rompes Registered Pre-Stamp Letters page 10
Helmut Kobelbauer On the Location of Austro-Hungarian F. P. O. 47 in March 1915 page 14
Petr Gebauer German Field Post in Subcarpathia 1915 page 16
Juan E. Page News from Huszt ? page 19
Helmut Kobelbauer Borsa and the “Prislop Bahn” – continued page 20
Béla Simády Overprinted Issues of Carpatho-Ukraine, 1945 (reprint) page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer A Registered Letter from Vasily Petretsky page 31

SCM #020 (April 2012, 32 pages)

Martin Jurkovič A Meeting of Carpatho-Ukraine Experts at the PRAGA 1988 page 3

Dr. Endre Vajda Postal Services of Ferenc Rákóczi II. (reprint) page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer One More Registered Letter from the Pre-Stamp Period page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer An Addition to the Postal History in the Pre-Stamp Period page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Cholera Letter from the Subcarpathian Region page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer Further Information on Nyíresfalva and Szőllősvégardó page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Piece with the “KÖRÖSMEZÖ – STANISLAU” TPO Mark page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Piece from the “Deutsche Südarmee” in 1915 page 18
Helmut Kobelbauer The “Industriegruppe der 12. Abteilung“ and its Labour Camps page 19
(with the help of
Herbert Robisch and
Oskar Schilling)
Nagy Gábor More on Borsa and the Prislop Railway page 28
Miroslav Bachratý On the Late Use of Hungarian T. P. O. Marks after the Great page 30
Helmut Kobelbauer The Repatriation Camp 706 (Havasalja / Körösmező) page 32

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 8

SCM #021 (June 2012, 32 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Some Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Ruthenian Emigration to North America page 5
J. B. Heisler and There Was Once a Hucul Republic (reprint) page 12
J. E. Mellon
Petr Gebauer An Interesting Pair of Postcards from February 1919 page 14
Jeanne Gyurik Searching for my Roots – Alien Immigrants to the U. S. of A. page 17
Peter Cybaniak, A Strip of Ten Cards with “Folklore” Motifs page 22
Roman Dubyniak
Peter Cybaniak, Additional Information on the 3 K Stamp of 1939 and its Postal page 24
Roman Dubyniak Use
Helmut Kobelbauer Visiting the Zakarpattya District of the Ukraine Today page 29
Helmut Kobelbauer New Literature page 32

SCM #022 (September 2012, 32 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Wołosianka – Galicia or Hungary ? page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer The Forgotten People – continued page 10
Helmut Kobelbauer A Tribute to Independence page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer The Czechoslovak Field Post in Sub-Carpathia in 1919 and 1920 page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer A Curious Postmark on a Curious Picture Postcard page 21
Helmut Kobelbauer The Teresva – Neresnice Railway: Another Unlisted T. P. O. page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer Civil (and Military) Censorship in Czechoslovakia 1938 page 25
(with the help of
Miroslav Bachratý)
Helmut Kobelbauer The “Monograph of Czechoslovak Stamps” on the 1939 Jasiňa page 28
3K Stamp

SCM #023 (November 2012, 36 pages)

Andrew Cronin Pre-Stamp and Stampless Mail from the Carpatho-Ukraine page 3
Jan Rompes Forgery of the “K. K. BILKER QRNT AMT” Mark page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Pre-Stamp Letter to Szőllősvégardó page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer But Where is Bozos ? page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer Two Unusual Letters from Przemyśl in 1914 page 17
(with the help of
Alexander Kustan)
Helmut Kobelbauer A Few Additions page 19
Helmut Kobelbauer Rare Hungarian Postmark Sold on eBay page 20
The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 9
Helmut Kobelbauer Late Parcel Card from Hungarian Postal Agency Derczen page 21
Helmut Kobelbauer Drawing of Gypsy Quarters in Užhorod page 21
Miroslav Bachratý Additional Information on the “Neresnice - Teresva” Postmark page 23
Mervyn Benford The Visszatért Period in Kárpátalja (Carpatho-Ukraine/ page 25
Tom Cossaboom A Week’s Trip to Transcarpathia – Travel Report page 33

SCM #024 (January 2013, 20 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer But Where is Bozos ? page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Early Picture Postcard from Ungvár page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer Ukrainian Volunteers in the Austro-Hungarian Army page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Offer for Czechoslovak Military Air Mail in June 1919 page 10
Franz Hochleutner Another Schönborn Letter from Beregszász page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer Civil and Military Censorship in 1938 – Further Examples page 12
Michael Winch The Klempus Brothers (reprint) page 13
Peter G. Stercho From »Diplomacy of Double Morality« (reprint) page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer Beware of Costly Jokes page 16
Helmut Kobelbauer The Schönborn Summer Residence in Berehove (Beregszász) page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer New Literature page 19
Helmut Kobelbauer More Photographs from Zakarpattya page 20

SCM #025 (March 2013, 24 pages)

Andrew Cronin Pre-Stamp and Stampless Mail from the Carpatho-Ukraine – page 3
Part II
Franz Hochleutner Further Examples of the “KÖRÖSMEZÖ – STANISLAU” T. P. O. page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer Further Austro-Hungarian Cachets from WWI page 14
Helmut Kobelbauer Czechoslovak Field Post 1938 in the Podkarpatská Rus – Part I page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Picture of a Post Office in Uzhgorod page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer From the Salzkammergut to Németmokra (and back) page 23
Helmut Kobelbauer Last Letter from Otto Hornung page 24

SCM #026 (June 2013, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Otto Hornung (1920 to 2013) – A Life Passion for Philately page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer A Letter from 1748 to St. Basil’s Monastery near Munkács page 8
Franz Hochleutner Curious Letter from Saloniki to Ungvár page 10
Friedrich Laux Zur Feldpost der Ukrainischen Legion im Verband der k.u.k. page 11
Armee 1914 – 1918 (reprint)
The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 10
Helmut Kobelbauer Heimkehr(er)lager – Repatriation Camps in 1918 page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Censored Registered Express Letter from Berehovo in 1921 page 20
Helmut Kobelbauer Justice for the People of Rákóczi page 21
Helmut Kobelbauer Field Post of the Hungarian Forces in 1939 page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer USSR Stamp – 20 Years Union of Carpatho Ukraine and Soviet page 23
Helmut Kobelbauer Twenty Years Ago … page 24

SCM #027 (September 2013, 24 pages)

Dénes Czirók Forgery Alert – The Strange Story of the Hand Stamp page 3
Jan Rompes Double Circle Postmarks in the Pre-Stamp Period page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Rare Military Cachet from the Great War page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer Overview Map of Military Commands in the Habsburg Monarchy page 14
Helmut Kobelbauer Women Fighting in the Ukrainian Legion page 16
Miroslav Bachratý Special Cancellers of the Postal Directorate in Užhorod page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer Unlisted Czech T.P.O. Cancellation from 1930 page 18
Juan E. Page Open Questions page 19
Peter Cybaniak and A Letter from 1939 page 21
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Hitler and Horthy page 24

SCM #028 (November 2013, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Registered Letter from Ungvár to Upper Austria page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Civil Censorship Mark “Weiterleiten” from Beregszász in WWI page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Update to “The Czechoslovak Field Post in Sub-Carpathia in page 6
Miroslav Bachratý Some Remarks to “Orange Užhorod” page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Czechoslovak Field Post in the Podkarpatská Rus – Part II page 9
Helmut Kobelbauer Early Letters from the Soviet Period page 16
Gábor Nagy Letter to the Editor page 21

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 11

SCM #029 (May 2014, 24 pages)

Jan Rompes A Remarkable Prestamp Letter page 3

Bernd Reichwein Incoming Mail page 4
Bernd Reichwein Destinations and Incoming Mail page 6
Roger Morrell A Mystery Censor Mark page 7
Miroslav Bachratý More Information on Field Post Office 29 in 1938 page 10
Roger Morrell Is this the world’s heaviest fieldpost card ? page 11
Mervyn Benford A Carpathian Mystery page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer From the Ukrainian SSR to the Independent Republic Ukraine page 18

SCM #030 (September 2014, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer The “Sub-Carpathian Messenger” and its Reception on the page 3
Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 4
Andrew Cronin Addenda to Pre-Stamp and Stampless Mail from the page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Registered Letter with Double Circle Postmark page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Austro-Hungarian Field Post Offices 40 and 650 in the Huszt page 17
Juan E. Page Unsolved Questions – The Meter Marks of C. U. page 21

SCM #031 (November 2014, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Incoming Mail from the Papal States page 4
Jan Rompes Incoming Mail from the Prestamp Period page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Pictures from Técső (Tiačevo, ТЯЧЕВО/Tiachevo) page 8
Miroslav Bachratý A Curious Censorship Mark of Czernowitz page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer Pictures of another ex-German Village page 14
Bernd Reichwein Question: Who Knows More about the Pictured Village ? page 16
Miroslav Bachratý Advertisements on Hungarian Telegram Forms page 17
Gábor Nagy Translation for Cards from SCM #030 page 23
Peter Cybaniak and The “New” Post Office in Užhorod page 24
Roman Dubyniak

SCM #032 (February 2015, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer „Kob. Poly.” is Kobylecká Polyana (Gyertyánliget) page 4
Peter Cybaniak and CERNOWITZ Censorship Mark: Some More Examples page 9
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer War Reports from 1914 page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer Romanian Censorship Marks in Máramarossziget page 17
Peter Cybaniak and Additions to the “Pictures from Técső (Tiačevo, page 18
Roman Dubyniak ТЯЧЕВО/Tiachevo)
Helmut Kobelbauer Pictures from Técső – continued page 21
Andrew Cronin International Reply Coupons in the Russian Empire (reprint) page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer More Postal Stuff from the Great War page 23
The Czechoslovak Display to the Royal Philatelic Society London – 21 November page 24
Philatelic Society 2013
of Great Britain

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 12

SCM #033 (May 2015, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Gábor Nagy The Formation of “1. k. u. Landsturm-Husaren-Brigade” page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Piece from Postal Agency Őrhegyalja page 7
Bernd Reichwein Postal Agencies in the Carpatho Ukraine page 8
Juan E. Page The Meter Mark of Užhorod: The Earliest Date ? page 10
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Picture of the Schönborn Summer Residence in page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer The “Visszatért” Mark for Munkács page 12
Peter Cybaniak & Additions to the Frame Display of Labor Kunc page 13
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Extended Use of NRZU Stamps after November 15, 1945 page 15
Alex Popovych Old and New Pictures from Zakarpattya – First Part page 19

SCM #034 (August 2015, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Jan Rompes A Letter from Máramarosszigeth page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Report from the Europhilex 2015 in London page 6
Juan E. Page Unsolved questions – The district marks during the Hungarian page 7
Gábor Nagy Through Western Eyes on the Eastern Marches – The “half-tones page 10
on the map” Syndrome
Ingomar Pintar More Examples of Travelling Post Offices 523, 524, and 527 page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer Repatriation Camp No. 702 – Tiszakarácsonyfalva page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer A New Book on Ruthenian (and Slovak) Railway Cancellations page 19
Alex Popovych Old and New Pictures from Zakarpattya – Second Part page 21

SCM #035 (November 2015, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Another Ruthenian TPO page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Picture Postcard from Hajasd / Volosianka page 6
Mervyn Benford Munkács VISSZATÉRT and more ! page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Picture of Gypsy Quarters in Ruthenia page 17
Helmut Kobelbauer More Literature page 18
Tom Cossaboom From the “International New York Times”, 11 August 2015 page 21
Alex Popovych Pictures from Zakarpattya (2012 to 2014) page 22

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 13

SCM #036 (February 2016, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Ron Lustig e-Mail to the Editor page 4
Jan Verleg Mail from Volosianka page 5
Nagy Gábor A Royal Visit to Kárpátalja during the Great War page 8
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Royal Visit to Munkács page 12
Nagy Gábor The History of Industry in Subcarpathia page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer The Provisional Postmark of Dombó page 20
Filep László Review of Horváth Lajos’ Book page 23

SCM #037 (July 2016, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Jay T. Carrigan (1939 – 2016) page 3

(kb) The Jay Carrigan Collection of Carpatho-Ukraine page 4
Alex Popovitch Photographies of the Rahó – Körösmező Railway page 24

SCM #038 (August 2016, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Jay Thomas Carrigan (1939 – 2016) – Part 2 page 3

SCM #039 (September 2016, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Jay Thomas Carrigan (1939 – 2016) – Part 3 page 3

SCM #040 (October 2016, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Jay Thomas Carrigan (1939 – 2016) – Part 4 page 3

Bernd Reichwein Another Picture Postcard from Volovec page 21
Bernd Reichwein Another Cover from the Early Soviet Period page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer Polish Refugees in Hungary 1939 to 1944 page 23

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 14

SCM #041 (November 2016, 24 pages)

Peter Cybaniak and More Pictures from Volosyanka / Вοлосянка page 3

Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Czechoslovak Air Mail Related to the Podkarpatská Rus page 9
Filep László The Provisional Marks of the VISSZATÉRT Period – Part XII page 21
Miroslav Bachratý A Rare Provisional Line Mark: Ungtarnóc page 23
Helmut Kobelbauer A Field Post Card of Viktor Indra from WWI page 24

SCM #042 (February 2017, 40 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Hungarian Type of First “Correspondenz-Karte” used in Ungvár page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer More to the Pictures from Volosyanka / Вοлосянка of SCM #041 page 4
Helmut Kobelbauer Czechoslovak Field Post from Perecsény (Perečín) page 8
Dr. J. Král Guide to the Czechoslovak Republic (reprint) page 9
(kb) Neubertova generální automapa page 17

SCM #043 (May 2017, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer A Third Cover to Szőllősvégardó page 5
András Jakab Early Letter from Kaszony page 6
Dénes Czirók More on the First “Correspondenz-Karte” page 9
Tom Cossaboom From the 1905 Baedeker for Austria and Hungary page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer Railway Building in 1905 page 14
Helmut Kobelbauer Some Other Postal Items from Volosyanka / Волосянка page 15
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Hungarian District Mark page 17
Peter Cybaniak and Polish Refugees in Hungary page 19
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Hungarian TPO 61 – Examples from 1941 and other Pictures page 21

SCM #044 (August 2017, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer The Never-Ending Story of Szőllősvégardó page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Early Communications with Galicia and the Bucovina page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer I Stand Corrected page 18
Peter Cybaniak and A Few Additions to Articles in the “Sub-Carpathian Messenger” page 19
Roman Dubyniak
Helmut Kobelbauer Czech Military Post Offices in Podkarpatská Rus – Volume III page 20
Helmut Kobelbauer Two Books on the German Minority in the Kárpátalja page 23

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 15

SCM #045 (November 2017, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer The 3rd or Web Edition of Jan Verleg´s Monograph page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Prisoner of War Camps in the Kárpátalja page 6
Mervyn Benford Ruthenia: Some Aspects of Railway Post and TPOs 1939-46 page 9

SCM #046 (February 2018, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer An 1871 Letter with a 5 kr Lithography Stamp page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Excerpt from the Belá Simády Collection and Exhibit page 6
Helmut Kobelbauer From the »Edition d’Or« page 23

SCM #047 (May 2018, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Jan Rompes Additions to the Information from the ‘Steinbach’ Book page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Picture of the Iron Works in Kabola Polyana page 11
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Postal Item from Hajasd / Volosianka page 12
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Field Post Card from the ‘Kaiserlich Deutsche Süd- page 13
Helmut Kobelbauer Railway Stations – A Few Pictures page 14
Joseph Rothschild East Central Europe between the Two World Wars page 18
Helmut Kobelbauer A Registered Letter from Užhorod to Bosnia in Late 1919 page 19
Helmut Kobelbauer Further Pictures from the ‘State’s Wine Cellar’ in Berehovo page 21
Ludvik Z. Svoboda Postal Map of the Podkarpatská Rus (1929) page 22
Helmut Kobelbauer And Finally some Pictures from Beregszász page 24

SCM #048 (August 2018, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Auction News page 3

Helmut Kobelbauer Another Cancellation from Rahó during the Period of the First page 4
Austrian Issue
Helmut Kobelbauer Another Bluish-Green Double-Circle Stamp from Ungvár page 5
Helmut Kobelbauer A Letter from Rawa Ruska to Beregszász page 6
Nagy Gábor Once again about the Huculs page 7
Helmut Kobelbauer Ukrainian Map of the “Zakarpatska Oblast” (1993) page 10

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 16

SCM #049 (November 2018, 24 pages)

Helmut Kobelbauer Excerpt from the Béla Simády Collection and Exhibit – Part 2 page 3

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 17

2. List of Authors
The following list is in alphabetical order; minor contributions of the working editor have not
been listed. The articles are given as a reference to the respective issue #nnn of “The Sub-Car-
pathian Messenger” plus the page or pages in it. Where articles were written by more than one
person, each author is included in the list.

Miroslav BACHRATÝ:

#020 (30-31); #022 (25-27); #023 (23-24); #027 (17); #028 (7-8); #029 (10); #031 (13;
17-22); #041 (23)


#010 (19-21); #014 (20); #018 (22-24); #023 (25-32); #029 (13-17); #035 (7-16); #045 (9-24)


#014 (21-23); #037 (3-23); #038 (3-24); #039 (3-24); #040 (3-20)


#023 (33-36); #035 (21); #043 (11-13)

Andrew CRONIN:

#023 (3-14); #025 (3-11); #030 (5-14); #032 (22)


#015 (11-13; 16-17); #016 (5-6; 10-11); #018 (26-27); #021 (22-23; 24-28); #027 (21-23);
#031 (24); #032 (9-10; 18-20); #033 (13-14); #041 (3-8); #043 (19-20); #044 (19)


#009 (10-14); #011 (12-13); #013 (15-18); #014 (5-9); #018 (5-15); #026 (3-6); #043 (9-10)

DÁN János:

#018 (28-29)


#015 (11-13); #016 (5-6; 10-11); #018 (26-27); #021 (22-23; 24-28); #027 (21-23); #031 (24);
#032 (9-10; 18-20); #033 (13-14); #041 (3-8); #043 (19-20); #044 (19)


#014 (10-17); #016 (7-9); #019 (16-18); #021 (14-16)

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 18


#021 (17-21)


#021 (12-13)


#024 (11); #025 (12-13); #026 (10)


#005 (4); #025 (24)


#008 (23-24)

Viktor INDRA:

#041 (24)

JAKAB András:

#013 (11-14); #043 (6-8)


#008 (12-14); #020 (3)

Helmut KOBELBAUER (working editor):

#001 (3; 4; 5; 6-12; 13-14; 15-16); #002 (5; 11-14; 15-17; 18); #003 (8-9; 12-13; 14-16);
#004 (14-16); #005 (10-11; 16); #006 (3; 4-5; 6-12; 13-16); #007 (3-5; 10-11); #008 (3; 4—5;
6-11; 15-18); #009 (7-8; 9; 20-21; 22; 24); #010 (3-5; 6-9; 12; 13-14; 17-18; 22; 23);
#011 (3; 4-7; 8-10; 11; 14; 15; 16; 17-19; 20; 21-23; 24); #012 (3; 4-5; 6; 7-12; 13; 14; 15;
16; 17-19); #013 (4; 5-9; 10; 19-23; 24); #014 (3-4; 18; 19; 24); #015 (4-6; 7-10; 14; 18-24);
#016 (3-4; 12; 15-16; 20; 21; 22-23; 24); #017 (5-32); #018 (17-21; 30; 31; 32); #019 (3;
4-9; 14-15; 20-21); #020 (12; 13-14; 15-16; 17; 18; 19-27; 32); #021 (3-4; 5-11; 29-31; 32);
#022 (3-4; 5-9; 10; 11; 12-20; 21; 22-24; 25-27; 28-32); #023 (16; 17-18; 19; 20; 21; 21-22);
#024 (3; 4-5; 6; 7-9; 10; 12; 16; 17-18; 19; 20); #025 (14; 15-21; 22; 23; 24); #026 (3-5; 6-7;
8-9; 15-19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24); #027 (13; 14-15; 16; 18; 24); #028 (3; 4-5; 6; 9-15; 16-20;
18-24); #030 (3; 4; 15-16; 17-20); #031 (3; 4; 8-12); #032 (3; 4-8; 11-16; 17; 21; 23);
#033 (3; 7; 11; 12; 15-18); #034 (3-4; 6; 17-18; 19-20); #035 (3-4; 5; 6; 17; 18-20); #036 (3;
12; 20-22); #037 (3-23); #038 (3-24); #039 (3-24); #040 (3-20; 23-24); #041 (9-20; 24);
#042 (3; 4-7; 8); #043 (3-4; 5; 14; 15-16; 17-18; 21-24); #044 (3-6; 7-12; 13-17; 18; 20-22;
23-24); #045 (3-4; 5; 6-8); #046 (3-4; 5; 6-22; 23-24); #047 (3-4; 11; 12; 13; 14-17; 19-20;
24); #048 (3; 4; 5; 6; 10-24); #049 (3-24)


#042 (9-16)
The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 19
Lubor KUNC:

#032 (24)

Alexander KUSTAN:

#023 (17-18)


#007 (12)


#036 (23-24); #041 (21-22)

Friedrich LAUX:

#026 (11-14)


#036 (4)

Alexander MALYCKY:

#005 (12-15); #011 (24)

Vladimir MARKUS:

#008 (23-24)


#021 (12-13)


#029 (7-9; 11-12)

NAGY Gábor:

#005 (5-9); #009 (15-19); #016 (13-14; 17-19); #020 (28-29); #028 (21-24); #031 (23);
#033 (4-6); #034 (10); #036 (8-11; 13-19); #047 (7-9)

Tønnes ORE:

#002 (3-4; 15-17); #004 (3; 4-13); #005 (3); #007 (6-9); #009 (5-6); #012 (20-24); #013 (3);
#015 (3); #017 (3-4); #018 (3; 16; 25; 31-32)

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 20

Juan E. PAGE:

#002 (11-14); #005 (10-11); #009 (23); #010 (15-16); #019 (19); #027 (19-20); #029 (3);
#030 (21-24); #033 (10); #034 (7-9)

Ingomar PINTAR:

#034 (11-16)


#008 (15-18); #033 (19-24); #034 (21-24); #035 (22-24); #037 (24)


#029 (4-5; 6); #031 (16); #033 (8-9); #040 (21; 22)

Herbert ROBISCH:

#020 (19-27)


#003 (3-7); #010 (10-11); #019 (10-13); #023 (15); #027 (7-12); #031 (5-7); #034 (5); #047


#047 (18)


#020 (19-27)


#003 (10-11); #019 (22-30)


#024 (16)

Ludvik Z. SVOBODA:

#047 (22-23)

VAJDA Endre:

#020 (4-10)


#002 (6-10); #004 (3); #008 (19-22); #009 (3-4); #010 (24); #036 (5-7)

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 21


#007 (13-16)

Michael WINCH:

#024 (13-15)

Michal ZIKA:

#015 (15)

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 22

3. Names of Persons
This part covers all names mentioned in the Newsletter except the names of authors as given
on top of the relevant articles. Where some additional (very short) information is available,
this is given, too.

The sequence of names is that of an extended alphabet – extended, i. e., with all the peculiar
characters of the Central European languages.

Edvard BENEŠ -- Czechoslovak politician

#002 (11)

Miroslav BLAHA -- Collector from Czechoslovakia

#001 (4); #002 (12, 13)

M. BODOR – Expert for Hungarian philately

#002 (4)

Jay T. CARRIGAN -- Collector from the USA, member of the Study Circle
#001 (3); #002 (2, 5)

Robert “Tom” COSSABOOM –- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Andrew CRONIN –- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Peter CYBINIAK -– Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Rex A. DIXON –- Founding father of the Study Circle

#001 (2, 3); #002 (2, 15)

Roman DUBYNIAK -– Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Fedor FEKETA –- see FEKETE Ferenc

FEKETE Ferenc –- Postal messenger of Turja Remete in the 1830s

#001 (1); #002 (2)

David FELDMAN -- Auctioneer from Switzerland

#001 (4)

Harald FORD -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

GIDÓFALVY Péter -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

#002 (11)

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 23

David HOLT -- Member of the Study Circle
#002 (2, 16, 17)

Otto HORNUNG -– Honorary member of the Study Circle

#001 (2, 3, 4, 5); #002 (2)

HORVÁTH Lajos -- Historician and Author on Carpatho-Ukrainian History

#002 (6, 7, 8)

Savoy HORVATH -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Alexander IVAKHNO -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Martin JURKOVIČ -- Member of the Study Circle, Philatelic Expert for Carpatho-Ukraine
#002 (2)

Helmut KOBELBAUER – Founding father of the Study Circle, working editor of the SCM
#001 (2, 3); #002 (2)

Ingert KUZYCH -- Member of the Study Circle, Author on Ukrainian Postal History
#002 (2, 5)

Seppo LAAKSONEN -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

John LECHTANSKI -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

LELKES György -- Author of gazetteer for Historical Hungary

#002 (10)

Hartmut LIEBERMANN -- President of the German “ArGe Tschechoslowakei”

#001 (5)

Jiří MAJER -- Auctioneer from the Czech Republic

#001 (4)

Alexander MALYCKY -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Vladimir MARKUS -- Collector from Austria

#001 (5)

Jerry MARKEWICH -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Heinz NAGEL -- German author on location of field post offices

#002 (10)

NAGY Gábor -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 24

Tønnes ORE –- Founding father of the Study Circle
#001 (2, 3, 5); #002 (2, 16)

Juan E. PAGE -- Collector from Spain, member of the Study Circle

#001 (3); #002 (2, 14)

Alex POPOVITCH (POPOVYCH) -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Jan ROMPES -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Oskar SCHILLING -- Swiss philatelist and author

#002 (6, 10)

Michael SHULEWSKY -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

SIMÁDY Béla – Hungarian philatelist and author

#002 (6)

Jim SIMON -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Ctibor SOBOTKA -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

Georg von STEIDEN -- Collector from Germany, author of special catalogue

#001 (5); #002 (5)

Horst THIELK -- German author on censorship

#002 (6, 7, 8, 10)

Jan VERLEG –- Founding father of the Study Circle and author of the essential Monograph
»Carpatho Ukraine – Postal History and Stamps 1786 - 2000«
#001 (2, 3, 5); #002 (2, 12, 15, 16, 18)

Miroslav VOSTATEK -- Author on Czech(oslovak) field post

#002 (12)

Michal ZIKA -- Member of the Study Circle

#002 (2)

[This is the current state of the Index of the issues 1 to 49 of the Messenger.]

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 25

Letter from Polena, 22 September [1862], to Bodrog Szerdahely

From the collection of JAKAB András

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 26

Main field post office #5 (for 7th Army) in Huszt

From the collection of Helmut Kobelbauer

Two picture cards from Main Field Post Office number 5 (for the 7th Army), 1st December
1916, to Rákoscsaba. With military cachet “K. u. k. Bahnhofkommando | HUSZT” in violet.

We take these pieces as a (possible) proof that the main field post office of the 7th Army was
(at least for a short period of time) in Huszt. The (more general) catalogues locate the army
headquarters in Galicia and Bukovina without any details.

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 27

K. u. K. Krankenhalte-Station DOMBO

Field post card from Dombo, 13rd March 1917, to Vienna. Military cachet “K. U. K. |
KRANK.HALT.STAT. | DOMBO” in blue. From the collection of Jakab ANDRÁS.

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 28

Raritan auction #98 (November 29-30, 2023): The Jiří MAJER collection of Carpatho-Ukraine
1944-1945. Catalogue with 4+172 pages.

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 29

In addition to that, Mr. Majer was also (at least to the best of my knowledge) the proud
owner of the respective collections of Miroslav BLAHA, Jan VERLEG, and Dr. Walter RAUCH.
It is not known what became of these collections.
The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 30
Results of the Raritan auction #98

Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price

1 250 250 51 250 250 101 1.500 ---

2 250 325 52 350 --- 102 400 ---
3 150 210 53 1.500 --- 103 1.200 1.200
4 750 800 54 1.200 --- 104 1.200 ---
5 300 300 55 600 600 105 1.200 ---
6 200 --- 56 150 150 106 2.000 ---
7 300 300 57 400 400 107 1.800 ---
8 300 300 58 800 --- 108 1.300 ---
9 150 --- 59 200 200 109 300 ---
10 400 --- 60 600 --- 110 500 ---
11 300 300 61 750 --- 111 1.500 ---
12 150 --- 62 1.200 --- 112 1.500 ---
13 250 --- 63 350 350 113 1.500 ---
14 100 100 64 1.200 --- 114 1.500 ---
15 400 --- 65 200 --- 115 1.500 ---
16 150 150 66 500 --- 116 2.500 ---
17 300 325 67 400 --- 117 1.500 ---
18 200 --- 68 300 --- 118 600 ---
19 150 --- 69 400 400 119 750 ---
20 150 150 70 400 --- 120 1.200 ---
21 300 --- 71 200 --- 121 1.200 ---
22 200 --- 72 150 --- 122 1.200 ---
23 400 425 73 200 --- 123 800 ---
24 400 --- 74 250 --- 124 1.000 ---
25 500 --- 75 200 --- 125 1.000 ---
26 150 150 76 400 --- 126 1.200 ---
27 100 100 77 200 --- 127 1.200 ---
28 250 --- 78 200 --- 128 1.200 ---
29 150 160 79 500 --- 129 1.200 ---
30 250 --- 80 200 --- 130 1.000 ---
31 150 150 81 400 400 131 1.200 ---
32 150 --- 82 250 --- 132 350 ---
33 600 600 83 250 --- 133 250 ---
34 500 500 84 500 --- 134 1.500 ---
35 250 250 85 300 300 135 300 ---
36 400 --- 86 300 --- 136 600 ---
37 100 110 87 600 650 137 1.000 1.000
38 400 400 88 500 650 138 1.000 ---
39 600 600 89 1.200 --- 139 300 ---
40 400 400 90 300 --- 140 600 ---
41 400 400 91 600 600 141 150 ---
42 250 --- 92 750 --- 142 150 ---
43 200 --- 93 600 --- 143 400 ---
44 350 --- 94 600 --- 144 600 ---
45 350 --- 95 250 --- 145 250 ---
46 500 --- 96 500 500 146 250 ---
47 900 --- 97 400 --- 147 500 ---
48 400 --- 98 350 --- 148 600 ---
49 350 --- 99 1.500 1.500 149 200 ---
50 200 --- 100 1.500 --- 150 100 ---

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 31

Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price

151 600 --- 201 150 150 251 800 ---

152 200 200 202 300 --- 252 500 500
153 400 --- 203 1.500 --- 253 1.500 ---
154 300 --- 204 350 400 254 2.500 2.500
155 1.000 1.000 205 1.000 1.000 255 800 ---
156 400 --- 206 2.500 2.500 256 800 ---
157 500 --- 207 250 --- 257 300 ---
158 1.000 1.000 208 1.000 --- 258 1.000 ---
159 750 --- 209 500 --- 259 1.000 ---
160 450 --- 210 350 --- 260 100 ---
161 1.200 1.200 211 2.000 --- 261 200 210
162 700 --- 212 500 --- 262 750 800
163 400 --- 213 1.000 1.100 263 1.500 ---
164 200 200 214 450 --- 264 500 ---
165 750 --- 215 100 --- 265 500 ---
166 800 --- 216 1.500 --- 266 2.500 2.500
167 1.000 1.000 217 350 --- 267 2.500 ---
168 500 --- 218 2.000 --- 268 300 ---
169 350 --- 219 500 --- 269 2.000 ---
170 500 --- 220 1.200 --- 270 500 ---
171 500 --- 221 400 --- 271 1.500 1.600
172 500 --- 222 400 --- 272 150 160
173 500 --- 223 2.000 --- 273 2.000 ---
174 1.000 1.000 224 3.000 --- 274 500 500
175 250 --- 225 1.000 1.000 275 4.000 ---
176 500 --- 226 2.500 --- 276 800 800
177 250 --- 227 500 500 277 1.500 1.500
178 400 --- 228 2.500 --- 278 2.500 2.500
179 200 --- 229 600 --- 279 2.500 ---
180 1.000 --- 230 1.800 --- 280 500 ---
181 1.000 1.000 231 300 --- 281 3.000 3.000
182 600 --- 232 800 --- 282 2.000 ---
183 600 --- 233 900 --- 283 100 ---
184 600 --- 234 2.000 --- 284 150 150
185 300 --- 235 500 500 285 1.500 ---
186 500 --- 236 400 --- 286 500 ---
187 500 --- 237 750 --- 287 2.500 2.500
188 300 --- 238 1.500 --- 288 2.000 ---
189 500 --- 239 750 --- 289 350 ---
190 500 --- 240 500 --- 290 2.000 ---
191 750 --- 241 900 --- 291 750 ---
192 1.000 --- 242 750 --- 292 800 ---
193 1.500 --- 243 900 --- 293 100 100
194 1.200 --- 244 1.000 1.100 294 2.500 ---
195 100 --- 245 100 --- 295 650 ---
196 1.000 1.000 246 4.000 --- 296 3.000 3.000
197 750 --- 247 800 --- 297 3.000 ---
198 1.500 1.600 248 2.000 2.000 298 300 ---
199 200 --- 249 400 400 299 3.000 ---
200 1.200 --- 250 2.200 --- 300 750 ---

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 32

Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price

301 2.000 2.100 351 1.500 1.900 401 500 ---

302 2.000 --- 352 1.500 1.800 402 500 ---
303 2.500 2.500 353 1.000 1.200 403 2.000 ---
304 400 --- 354 500 --- 404 500 ---
305 1.000 --- 355 1.000 1.300 405 500 ---
306 1.000 --- 356 350 --- 406 700 ---
307 150 --- 357 250 --- 407 400 ---
308 2.200 --- 358 150 --- 408 400 ---
309 500 --- 359 350 --- 409 1.000 1.100
310 1.500 --- 360 250 --- 410 100 ---
311 1.500 --- 361 250 --- 411 600 ---
312 200 --- 362 250 --- 412 600 ---
313 150 --- 363 2.500 2.500 413 350 ---
314 250 --- 364 400 --- 414 750 ---
315 2.000 --- 365 300 --- 415 750 ---
316 2.000 2.000 366 200 --- 416 200 ---
317 1.000 --- 367 250 --- 417 1.000 ---
318 400 --- 368 600 --- 418 500 ---
319 3.000 --- 369 300 --- 419 1.000 1.200
320 300 300 370 500 --- 420 350 ---
321 1.800 --- 371 150 150 421 750 ---
322 600 --- 372 350 --- 422 750 ---
323 200 200 373 800 --- 423 4.000 4.000
324 300 300 374 1.500 1.500 424 400 ---
325 400 400 375 1.500 1.500 425 2.500 ---
326 1.000 --- 376 350 --- 426 2.500 ---
327 1.000 1.000 377 450 --- 427 2.500 2.500
328 750 --- 378 400 --- 428 4.000 4.000
329 1.500 --- 379 150 --- 429 350 ---
330 1.000 1.000 380 2.000 2.300 430 2.500 ---
331 1.500 --- 381 350 --- 431 2.500 ---
332 350 --- 382 250 --- 432 2.500 ---
333 1.200 1.200 383 300 --- 433 4.000 4.000
334 200 --- 384 200 --- 434 300 ---
335 1.500 --- 385 400 425 435 2.500 ---
336 750 750 386 1.000 --- 436 2.500 ---
337 750 --- 387 400 --- 437 1.500 ---
338 200 --- 388 500 --- 438 250 ---
339 300 --- 389 350 --- 439 2.500 ---
340 150 --- 390 600 --- 440 2.500 ---
341 1.500 --- 391 150 --- 441 250 ---
342 1.500 1.500 392 100 100 442 2.500 ---
343 1.500 --- 393 1.000 1.000 443 2.500 ---
344 150 --- 394 800 --- 444 750 ---
345 1.000 1.000 395 250 --- 445 2.500 ---
346 1.000 1.100 396 450 --- 446 2.500 ---
347 500 --- 397 250 --- 447 350 ---
348 1.000 --- 398 500 --- 448 2.500 ---
349 1.000 --- 399 1.000 --- 449 2.500 ---
350 100 --- 400 200 --- 450 2.500 ---

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 33

Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price

451 600 --- 501 600 600 551 150 200

452 2.500 --- 502 500 650 552 200 450
453 2.500 --- 503 200 250 553 150 150
454 2.500 --- 504 150 160 554 150 ---
455 300 --- 505 600 750 555 150 150
456 2.500 --- 506 100 250 556 150 ---
457 2.500 --- 507 150 210 557 150 150
458 2.500 --- 508 500 750 558 150 170
459 750 --- 509 250 450 559 100 350
460 2.500 --- 510 250 250 560 400 500
461 2.500 --- 511 250 250 561 150 ---
462 3.000 3.000 512 250 250 562 200 ---
463 250 --- 513 150 500 563 200 200
464 2.500 --- 514 1.000 1.200 564 100 100
465 3.000 3.000 515 1.500 3.250 565 5.000 8.500
466 400 400 516 500 600 566 100 100
467 250 300 517 600 750 567 200 240
468 150 360 518 350 750 568 300 ---
469 1.000 1.200 519 500 750 569 300 ---
470 300 375 520 400 550 570 250 250
471 500 550 521 200 275 571 250 250
472 250 375 522 150 400 572 250 250
473 150 210 523 750 1.900 573 250 250
474 300 450 524 1.000 1.600 574 300 ---
475 600 650 525 150 210 575 150 150
476 200 550 526 200 240 576 400 400
477 750 800 527 100 210 577 500 500
478 750 850 528 1.500 1.800 578 400 ---
479 500 550 529 150 180 579 400 ---
480 600 850 530 250 250 580 400 ---
481 250 300 531 200 230 581 400 ---
482 300 425 532 2.000 4.000 582 200 ---
483 250 450 533 250 300 583 600 ---
484 1.000 1.100 534 750 1.000 584 400 ---
485 500 650 535 100 130 585 200 ---
486 1.500 1.800 536 150 150 586 200 ---
487 1.200 1.200 537 1.000 1.200 587 250 ---
488 1.000 1.100 538 250 600 588 450 ---
489 400 600 539 300 600 589 300 425
490 200 275 540 200 450 590 200 200
491 250 375 541 200 350 591 400 ---
492 100 325 542 100 170 592 200 ---
493 100 300 543 300 650 593 250 ---
494 100 180 544 100 210 594 500 500
495 100 140 545 100 240 595 500 550
496 500 650 546 150 500 596 250 250
497 600 950 547 200 550 597 150 ---
498 75 275 548 100 250 598 400 400
499 4.000 4.250 549 75 75 599 600 ---
500 100 160 550 200 325 600 300 300

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 34

Lot# Call Price Lot# Call Price

601 150 150 651 100 ---

602 150 --- 652 100 100
603 300 300 653 100 ---
604 500 --- 654 300 ---
605 400 --- 655 150 150
606 400 --- 656 150 150
607 150 ---
608 200 ---
609 200 ---
610 100 700
611 100 100
612 150 ---
613 200 ---
614 300 ---
615 400 ---
616 250 250
617 150 ---
618 250 ---
619 500 ---
620 400 800
621 350 ---
622 300 ---
623 250 ---
624 300 ---
625 350 ---
626 350 350
627 300 300
628 250 250
629 250 250
630 200 ---
631 300 ---
632 150 ---
633 400 400
634 150 ---
635 400 ---
636 300 ---
637 300 ---
638 150 ---
639 300 350
640 200 325
641 200 ---
642 150 150
643 150 ---
644 250 ---
645 150 ---
646 150 150
647 200 ---
648 200 ---
649 150 ---
650 100 140

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 35

All given values are in USD; for the sold items one has to add 15 per cent as commission for
the auction house.

I would consider the results of this auction as disappointing. Only the postal history lots were
sold (nearly) all, the inverted overprint stamps (although one of the favourite features of
this area of Mr. Majer) haven’t done well at all. Also for many offerings there was just one
bidder so the competition was definitely weak.

The single lot which achieved the highest price was lot #499 with a result of 4.250 USD (plus
15 per cent). As a postal history item it is one of many to the address of Hynek Hloušek in
Užhorod. Mr. Majer described the tariff as 0.60 for the letter and 1.20 as recommendation
fee. The provisional date stamp is of 1945, June 14th.

For lot #565 the sales value was 8.500 USD (plus 15 per cent) which is surprising: until now
postal items from the Soviet issues period were – more or less – neglected. In general, this
period (1945 till 1992) is/was not considered “collectable” although even in duration it is
the longest in the 20th century.

The Sub-Carpathian Messenger – Number 50 (November 2023) Page 36

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