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sophisticated systems can handle various types of less structured data and
connect them in more complex ways. End users can now create, protect,
read, update, and remove data in a database with the help of a DBMS.
(techopedia, 2023) Main Types of Database Management Systems There are
four main types of database management systems. 1. Hierarchical database 2.
Network database 3. Contact database 4. Object-oriented database
1.Hierarchical DBMS An example of a hierarchical database is data organized
in a tree-like structure. Data is stored in a hierarchical manner. Data is
represented using a parent-child relationship. (spiceworks, 2022) 2.Network
model Network database model Each child can have multiple parents. It
helps you to solve the need to model more complex relationships like
order/parts many-to-many relationships. In this model, entities are organized
in a graph that can be accessed through several paths. (spiceworks, 2022)
3.Relationship model Relational DBMS is the most widely used DBMS model
and is one of the easiest. This model is based on the normalization of the data
in the rows and columns of the tables. The relational model is stored in static
structures and manipulated using SQL. A separate explanation has been
made about this below. (spiceworks, 2022) 4.Object-oriented model In
Object-Oriented Model, data is stored in the form of objects. Structures are
called classes that display data within it. It is one aspect of DBMS that defines
a database as a collection of objects that store both values and operations of
data members. Images and other media types that one cannot keep in a
relational database are included in multimedia databases. (spiceworks, 2022)
Characteristics and properties of a database management system ● Provides
protection and removes excess ● Self-describing nature of a database system
● Insulation between programs and data abstraction ● Providing support for

multiple views of data. ● Data sharing and multi-user transaction processing

● Database management software allows entities and relationships to be

created in tables ● It follows the ACID concept (atomicity, consistency,

isolation and durability). ● A DBMS supports a multi-user environment that
allows users to access and manipulate data in parallel. Relational DBMS A
relational database management system (RDBMS) is one of the most popular
database systems among organizations worldwide and is a collection of
programs and capabilities that enable technology teams and others to
create, update, administer, and otherwise interact with a relational database.
It offers a combination of system performance and ease of operation while

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providing a reliable method for storing and retrieving large amounts of data.
Relational DBMS is based on the relational model that represents data as
tables with rows and columns. RDBMSs store data in tabular form, with most
commercial relational database management systems using Structured
Query Language (SQL) to access the database (OCI, 2023) Popular DBMS
Software ● MySQL ● Microsoft Access ● Oracle ● PostgreSQL ● dBASE ●
FoxPro ● SQLite ● IBM DB2 ● LibreOffice Base (spiceworks, 2022) MySQL This
is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) with a
client-server structure.Even developers consider MySQL a database with a
human-like language. One of MySQL's drawbacks is the scalability embedded
in its code, which was not taken into account when it was developed.
(spiceworks, 2022) Microsoft Access Microsoft's DBMS, called Access,
integrates a graphical user interface, software development tools, and the
associated Microsoft Jet Database Engine.The advantages of MS Access
include its quick and easy creation of a fully effective relational database
management system, ease of importing data from many sources, and
simplicity of customization to suit individual and business needs. (spiceworks,
2022) Oracle It is the company's fourth attempt at developing a relational
database management system.Large enterprises, especially, can store large
volumes of data on the Oracle database. In addition, it supports adaptive and
shared structured query language (SQL) and locking. (spiceworks, 2022)
PostgreSQL The open source database management system PostgreSQL is
designed for businesses.For flexibility and SQL compatibility, it allows both
relational and non-relational queries in SQL and JSON.All popular operating
systems, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows, support PostgreSQL. It also
goes by the name Postgres. (spiceworks, 2022) Data Administrator As a data
administrator, they support the marketing, sales, finance, and operations
departments by providing accurate, complete, and current data on customer,
product, inventory, and vendor data.Database administrators (also known as
database managers).Companies take care of databases so that information is
stored securely and is only accessible to authorized personnel.Database
administrators must also ensure that these individuals can access the
information they need when they need it, and that it is in the format they
need. (TargetJobs, 2023) Database Designer 'What is a database designer?'A
database architect is in charge of designing, developing, implementing, and
maintaining a company's data management systems.You can look at their
various daily tasks that range from creating to maintaining an organization's
database to facilitate their performance.

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Aug 18, 2022 · Today’s sophisticated systems can handle various types of less
structured data and connect them in more complex ways. End users can now
create, protect, read, update, and remove data in a database with the help of a
DBMS. The database management system is the link between the databases
and the end users or application programs.


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What is a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)?




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