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Blooket: A new take on a trivia/review game. It is an engaging and fun game for students
to play of all ages.

Blooket Key Features:

 Online Trivia and Quiz Review Game

 You can search already made review games or create your own
 You can search questions that are in other games, when creating your own game
 Unique compared to other review games
 Different types of "games" to play
 Can set a time limit or a certain goal based on the game you choose
 Most of the games allow students to work at their own pace
 Able to see the percentage of questions each student gets correct

How do it work:

 Choose a set of questions or create your own set of questions

 Select a game mode
 Host and join
o Teacher hosts the game-a code will pop up for students to enter into the game
 Play to review
 Analyze that resutls
o Teacher is able to look at each of the students scores (based on the review
game she chooses)

How does it work for educational purposes?

 Blooket is a review game that is very engaging for the students. Students think they
are just playing a game, and usually not even realizing that they are actually review
material. The review questions can be anything from vocabulary words, to math
problems, to identifying a time on a clock. Teachers are able to create any questions
they want for their students to answer.
 An example is a teacher wanted to review addition facts. The teacher can either
"disover" addition facts that have already been created by another user, or make her
own set of addition facts that they want their students to complete. The teacher will
then host the game and the students just have to type a 6 digit code into their tablet
and their name. Once all of the students do these two simple steps, they are able to
start the game once the teacher sees all of the students have joined. The teacher is
also able to look at each of the students accuracy scores once they are done with
the review game.

1 Institute using Blooket

 Teacher at Martin Road use Blooket as a review game every single day. I have used
Blooket many time to review math addition and subtraction facts with math groups.
Teacher also use blooket to review their ELA vocabulary words with their class in a
fun and engaging way.

Why did I select this technology for this project?

 I selected this technology for this project because I think many people have not
heard of Blooket and it is an excellent review game to use for students. I also chose
Blooket becuase it is a technology game that I have used countless times, and the
teachers I work with also use Blooket on a regular basis.
 What are the challenges/downsides to using it and what tips can you give users to
deal with these?

Challenges/downsides to using Blooket-Tips for users to deal with


 One challenge with blooket is if students are first using blooket they are going to ask
a lot of questions and ask for help. A tip for this is to just be patient with your
students the first few times you use it. Once students use blooket a few times they
will get the hang of it, and be able to join a game very quickly.
 Sometimes students are more concerned about winning the game instead of
answering the questions correctly. I suggest telling your students that you are
focusing on the accuracy at the end of the game, not the person that comes in 1st.
 Another challenge sometimes is internet issues, this is something that everyone
experiences and theres nothing we can do about it. I would just have a backup when
wanting to complete a blooket just incase the internet is not working.
 A challenge is also to make sure you go through all of the questions in a blooket
before giving students the code. This is because students are also able to create
their own blookets if they create an account. Sometimes questions and answers can
be wrong or innapropriate, so teachers just need to be sure to look through the
questions and answers prior to assigning it to students.
Future uses and implications of this technology in the context of three educational
levels: K-12, Higher Ed, and Corporate

 Blooket can really be used for any age and for many situations.
 For grades K-12 I would use it for mostly review games for any subject. You can
even use Blooket as a reward or for recess or free time. You can just pick a fun
Blooket game, like what animal do you see in the picture.
 For higher ed I would use Blooket as a review game as well. Even when students
are older they still love to play games and win. The Gold Rush version on Blooket is
competitive and fun and at any age you want to get the most gold. No matter what
age, it is an awesome game to use to review.
 For corporate, you could quiz your workers about any subject. Maybe you had a staff
meeting or a business meeting and you could type the questions into Blooket to see
who was acutally listening and paying attention. Another option would be to ask
them random question about their place of work or history question about the
company they work for. For example, if you work in a large building ask, "How many
doors are in the building?" It is a great fun, engaging game for people of all ages to

Views on OERs

 I think that OERs are great resources for people to use. I think that it is beneficial
when to reuse teaching materials. Teachers are able to resue their own materials,
and use other teachers materials when using OERs. Also customizing content is
crucial becuase every teacher, and every student are different. Being able to
customize work is important in order to meet the news of students best. In blooket
teacher are able to resue other teachers blookets created as well as customize their
own blookets if they want to as well. Remixing several sources is another amazing
benefit with OERs. With Blooket you can combine different sets of games that other
teachers have created. This allows teachers to just go through different sets and find
the perfect set of questions needed. Another benefit with OERs is that you can co-
create reusable content with students. Teacher could make a blooket with their
students using previously created blookets or create a new blooket with their
students imput. Students could also collaborate to create content and make their
own blooket. That could be an assignment given to the students.

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