Freestanding Appliances 2023/2024 - LIEBHERR

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Refrigeration and freezing

When it comes to groceries, you care about top quality
and an authentic culinary experience. You take detours to
visit stalls selling regional cheeses, you appreciate freshly
caught fish, and you like to grow your own radishes.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could still taste this quality,
even after several days in the fridge? Almost as if time
were standing still? We think it would.

That is what motivates us to constantly develop new

and even better solutions that guarantee perfect storage
conditions for all kinds of groceries. For long-lasting
freshness, to protect valuable vitamins, and for food
that tastes as if it had just been bought or harvested.
But why not find out for yourself? Check out our
2023 freestanding units.

2 3


Liebherr Corporate Group 6

Quality 8
Product responsibility 10
World first: BluRoX 14
Freshness technologies 16
EasyFresh 18
BioFresh 19
BioFresh Professional with HydroBreeze 20
BioFresh Professional with Fish & Seafood Safe 22
Design 24
Convenience and flexibility 30
Water and ice 36
Connectivity 40
User interface 42
Flexible accessories 44
Series 46

Freshness centres 48
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers 52
Frenchdoor fridge-freezer 64

Fridge-freezers 66
Fridge-freezers (with bottom freezer) 66
Fridge-freezers (with top freezer) 98

Fridges 100

Freezers 130

Chest freezers 152

Wine Fridges 156

Design & LifeStyle 172

RDsfe 5220 Plus series

Liebherr Group Liebherr Group

Global success:
The Liebherr Group.
Liebherr is a third-generation,
family-­owned company founded
in 1949 by Hans Liebherr with his
ground-­breaking invention of the
world’s first mobile tower crane.

With over 70 years of success, ­Liebherr is known as

a pioneer in high-quality, breakthrough innovations
and countless cutting-edge technologies in numerous
industries. One of the world’s largest manufacturers Mobile cranes
of construction machinery, Liebherr has expanded its
broadly diversified portfolio to 13 product segments
including earthmoving, deep foundation machines, mobile
and crawler cranes, tower cranes, concrete technology,
material handling technology, mining, maritime cranes,
aerospace and transportation systems, gear technology
and automation systems, components, hotels and
refrigeration and freezing. The company currently employs
about 48,000 people in more than 140 companies in
over 50 countries worldwide.

Deep foundation Refrigeration and freezing

Liebherr-Hausgeräte ‒
Specialists in refrigeration and freezing.

Liebherr-Hausgeräte covers the full range of refrigeration and

freezing for domestic and commercial use.
Headquartered in Germany, Liebherr-Hausgeräte has an
impressive range of more than 3,000 products in its portfolio.

Earthmoving Crawler cranes Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH, Germany

6 7

Even the smallest

detail deserves the
utmost attention.
We prioritise uncompromising Convenience for everybody.

quality – down to the tiniest screw. Our new freestanding units are available in different series:
Pure, Plus, Prime and Peak. But whatever series you opt for,
And we have done so from the very
every single Liebherr comes with uncompromising Liebherr
start. We have been manufacturing quality. This is because even in the Pure series, every
high-quality refrigerators and freezers appliance comes with a wide range of features. One example
is NoFrost – the automatic defrosting function. Another is
and selling them worldwide since our EasyFresh technology for storing fruit and vegetables.
1954. However, at heart we are still Then there is our DuoCooling feature. With two separate
CNbdd 5733 Plus series
refrigerant circuits, it ensures that no air is exchanged
a family business with deep roots in between the fridge and freezer compartments. The stored
Germany. It is here that we continue groceries do not dry out and no odours are transferred.

to develop all our products just as Built to last.

And if, contrary to expectations, a small detail no longer meets
before. German engineering – out of
You can experience our quality standards in the smallest of your requirements, you or our premium service partners can
loyalty to our founder and with the details. For example, before a door hinge is approved by us, usually correct it quickly. Because all our appliances are
knowledge built up by generations it must pass through at least 100,000 opening cycles. This extremely repair-friendly. We keep all essential spare parts in
corresponds to a usage period of more than 15 years. We also stock for well over 10 years. This practice is not just sustainable,
of engineers. test all other functional parts to ensure that they can last it also saves you money on minor repairs or the purchase of a
just as long. new appliance.

We don’t just say it. We also guarantee it.

During manufacturing we inspect all components of our

refrigerators with great care and test them far more rigorously
than required by law – and we do this for the last time just
before they are packaged. It is only then that our appliances
can relax a little. All of our manufacturing sites are certified
in accordance with the international standards for quality
ISO 9001, energy management ISO 50001 and environmental
management ISO 14001. Therefore, nothing could be easier
for us than to guarantee for at least two years that our
products are free of material and manufacturing faults and
are particularly easy to install.

In short: one thing is certain – you will be able to enjoy your

Liebherr for a long time.

EasyFresh for fruit and vegetables from the Pure series upwards. Magnetic door gasket ensures safe closing.

8 9
Product responsibility Product responsibility

Reducing food waste. Efficient in every aspect.

Thinking beyond Everyone who stores food in the optimum climate plays a
This year’s range is also filled with appliances which rank
big part in reducing unnecessary food waste. Our appliances
just today. make this possible – with a combination of innovative
among the most energy-efficient available on the market.
And that goes for all our product groups: fridges, freezers and
fridge-freezers in the new freestanding appliance generation.
--- First: Our freshness technologies. DuoCooling in our
Of course there are plenty of other details, some very minor,
We are fastidious in adopting a fridge-freezers, for example, prevents your groceries from
that make a significant difference to a Liebherr in terms
drying out faster than need be. Innovative freshness
holistic approach to sustainability technologies such as BioFresh ensure perfect storage
of efficiency, such as the many energy-saving modes.
These include EnergySaver, which increases the standard
when designing our appliances. conditions that significantly extend product life and
temperature to +7 °C, or HolidayMode, which only cools those
freshness. So there’s no need to throw food away before
The key elements of this are the its time, and you don’t need to go shopping so often.
items which really need to be kept chilled when you are
on holiday, as well as CleaningMode for energy-efficient
durability of our appliances, And the largest zero-degree compartments on the market
cleaning of your appliance.
maximum energy efficiency and provide enough space for extra-large amounts of groceries.

reducing food waste. Why do we do Second: Our SmartDevice app also helps you to store your
Quality for people and the environment.
all this? Because a holistic approach food properly, giving your food a longer shelf life so you can
enjoy it for even longer. Responsible handling of resources using durable materials.
is needed to protect both people and Our concern for the next generation means we work
the environment in equal measure. Third: Our appliances are intelligent and let you know if exclusively with long-life vacuum panels and natural
perfect storage for your groceries is at risk. For example, refrigerants, and we will not use any HFO propellants
by using a door alarm to tell you if the appliance door is until their environmental effects are fully understood.
still open. Even in the manufacturing process, we are mindful of
the environment. We predominantly install materials
that can be recycled after the appliance is scrapped.
We also ensure that excess plastic is consistently reused.

Liebherr RBa 4250 Prime series

With this BioFresh fridge, we have managed to
achieve the maximum energy efficiency class
with a balanced complete package.

Thanks to Interior-Fit, the appliance does not

need ventilation gaps on the sides, and thus fits
seamlessly into your kitchen. It also has one of
the most spacious BioFresh safes on the market.

For water without plastic.

Our InfinitySpring brings cold, perfectly filtered

water right to you in the kitchen. Cutting your need for
plastic bottles.

10 11
Performance in balance Performance in balance

Our fridges are real all-rounders. Along

Perfectly thought out: with their low power consumption,
Energy consumption

they also have impressively low noise

a powerful, complete
Our new freestanding units occupy top positions in the
Performance in balance perfected:
efficiency rankings. In this way, they protect the precious
levels, plenty of space for groceries, Our BluPerformance technology
resources of our environment and – thanks to low electricity

package. a long service life and reliable power costs – your wallet too.
What is innovative about our BluPerformance models?
reserves for when it really matters. We have integrated all of the refrigeration technology

--- We take account of a great many Cooling volume

in the appliance base. As a result, the appliances of the
same size have a considerably greater net capacity.
So you have noticeably more space for your food and
factors during the development stage We have the perfect appliance for all family sizes, lifestyles
drink. In addition, we were able to further improve energy
and niche heights. We make sure that we do not waste a
and can offer a perfectly balanced single litre of capacity in the extra-large drawers – right
efficiency thanks to improved ventilation and extraction
in the base. And our appliances are now even quieter.
appliance. Or to put it another way: down to the smallest detail, for example with the lighting
We are certain that this technology will appeal not only
solutions that have been integrated in the housing to save
all good things come in fours. space.
to fans of new technology.

Noise level

The boundaries between the kitchen and living areas are

becoming ever more blurred in modern households. This
underlines the importance of particularly quiet appliances.
Our new freestanding range therefore offers a wide
selection of extremely quiet appliances. In some cases,
it even reaches the ultra-quiet noise level of 32 db.

Cooling performance

Intelligent sensor technology constantly adapts the cooling

performance to current use, making our freestanding units
very energy-efficient and economical in everyday use. At
the same time they also have plenty of power in reserve, for
example to cool down a large quantity of groceries after the
The current EU energy label
weekly shop.
for electronic appliances

1 1. The QR code for identifying

the product in the EU’s EPREL
2 database (European Product
Database for Energy Labelling).

2. The model identifier for

manual identification of
the product in the EU’s EPREL
database, e.g. using the
article number.

3 3. The new A to G efficiency scale.

Note: G is solely used for wine
High efficiency: fridges.
This is how economical a Liebherr can be
4. The total volume*
You can find out how efficient our appliances are using of all freezer compartments.
4 5
the online tool from the EU-financed projects LABEL2020 5. The total volume* of all cold
and BELT. At this site ( you can view and storage and refrigerator
compare the electricity consumption and lots of other 6

product data for electrical appliances. The calculator also 6. The noise level is classified in
takes account of local electricity prices and shows the costs classes A to D.

for the entire period of use. The comparison shows that a

Liebherr is worth it! * The term “volume“ is defined in current Regulation (EU) 2019/2016.

12 13
Dieses Jahr bringen wir mit unserer innovativen Vakuum-Perlit-Technologie eine Weltneuheit auf den Markt, die die Welt
des Kühlens und Gefrierens nachhaltig verändern wird.
Dürfen wir vorstellen? BluRoX. Die neuartige Technologie nutzt anstatt des herkömmlichen Polyurethan- (PU-) Schaums
World first: BluRoX eine weitaus effektivere Form der Kälteisolierung: ein Vakuum. Fein gemahlenes Lavagestein, so genanntes Perlit, World first: BluRoX
stabilisiert dabei die vakuumierten Bauteile.
Schon im Oktober 2022 führen wir ein Gefriergerät ein, bei dem die Tür mit BluRoX-Technologie ausgestattet ist und als
erstes seiner Art die Effizienzklasse „B“ gemäß dem neuen EU Energielabel besitzt. Voraussichtlich im Laufe der kom-
menden zwei Jahre folgt dann der erste vollständig mit Vakuum-Perlit-Technologie ausgestattete BluRoX-Gefrier-
BluRoX: Cold insulation with innovative schrank – noch energieeffizienter und mit noch mehr Fassungsvermögen.
Maximum energy efficiency.
Die innovative BluRoX-Technologie von Liebherr bringt zahlreiche Vorteile für Mensch und Umwelt.
BluRoX provides cold insulation that is so effective that

vacuum perlite technology. Liebherr models with this innovative vacuum insulation
can deliver maximum energy efficiency. The first model is

currently the most efficient freezer of its type: the Liebherr
FNb 5056 with BluRoX technology in the door.

BluRoX represents a major step towards

an energy-efficient and recyclable future.
To transform cooling and freezing in a Höchste
sustainable way, the pioneering BluRoX More volume. Energieeffizienz
technology from Liebherr does not simply With the same external dimensions,
Durch thanks to BluRoX
die Kombination there is around
von Vakuum
use conventional polyurethane foam but 25 percent more usableund
und Perlit
space entsteht
inside. eineunübertroffen
eine unübertroffen
The particularly effective
insulating effect of theenergieeffiziente undgleichzeitig
vacuum enables walls gleichzeitig
and doors to be
instead utilises a much more effective form kompakte
thinner compared to freezers Lösung
made zurKälteisolierung.
usingzur Kälteisolierung.
polyurethane foam, creating
of cold insulation: a vacuum. Finely ground valuable space for all the frozen goods you like to have at home.

lava stone, known as perlite, stabilises the

vacuumed components – with numerous
advantages for people and the environment. Größeres
Energieeffizienz Fassungsvermögen
Recyclable product design.

Durch die Kombination von Vakuum BluRoX is a new type

Die besonders of insulation
effektive BluRoX-which does not use conventional polyurethane
und Perlit entsteht eine unübertroffen Isolierung
foam. BluRoXsorgt für etwa
delivers ein Drittelusing a vacuum that is stabilised with finely
cold insulation
energieeffiziente und gleichzeitig dünnere
ground Wände
lava und hat daher
stone (perlite). mit an incomparably energy-efficient and
This creates
kompakte Lösung zur Kälteisolierung. denselben Außenmaßen
simultaneously ein um At the end of the lifespan of a BluRoX freezer,
recyclable solution: DasPerlit
Das Perlitkan
rund 25 Prozent größeres Fassungs-
the perlite can be reused without significant processing. Gefriergeräts


BluRoX Das Perlit kann am Ende der Lebensdauer eines BluRoX-

Gefriergeräts aus dem Gerät entfernt und ohne wesentliche
Aufbereitung wiederverwendet werden.

The future is circular.
Unveiled in the Liebherr FNb 5056.

To learn more about this exciting technology Available from the 2nd quarter of 2023 BluRoX can first be seen in the Liebherr FNb 5056. In the door of this freezer, the innovative vacuum
and the many advantages of BluRoX, insulation celebrates a very special world first: in accordance with the new EU energy label, the Liebherr
visit: FNb 5056 is the first freezer of its type to be awarded efficiency class “B”. And to ensure this remains the
case for many years, the high-quality insulation also boasts the durability that Liebherr is renowned for.

14 15
Freshness technologies Freshness technologies

Tasty for longer.


You don’t compromise when you’re

shopping. You look for natural
ingredients, the best quality and RBa 4250 Prime series
maximum freshness. Of course,
anyone who values good food Full-space BioFresh. Enough space for an entire field.
Especially at harvest time, you may need to store a lot
EasyFresh. Ideal for fruit and vegetables.
Unpackaged fruit and vegetables feel right at home here. Stored at
BioFresh. Our all-rounder.
The reliable BioFresh technology stores groceries at a temperature
wants to keep it fresh for as long as of fruit and vegetables at the same time. Our full-space
BioFresh refrigerator is idea for this. At just over 0 °C and
the same temperature as the fridge compartment and sealed airtight
in the safe, lettuce, for example, is still crisp and fresh after 7 days.
just above 0 °C, much cooler than in the rest of the appliance. With
the perfect humidity, fruit and vegetables stay fresh even longer in
possible. That is precisely why we with flexible humidity, everything stays crisp and fresh for a the airtight Fruit & Vegetable safe. Meat, fish and dairy products can
long time. And, if it’s a smaller harvest this year, the drawers enjoy ideal conditions in the Meat & Dairy safe.
have developed innovative freshness keep dairy, meat and sausages fresh for longer than in the
regular fridge compartment. This appliance is rated in the
technologies and improve them highest Energy Efficiency Class A.

year after year, so your food still

tastes fresh after some time in the

BioFresh Professional with HydroBreeze. BioFresh Professional with Fish & Seafood Safe.
Refrigerate like the professionals. Like freshly caught fish from the market.
A cold mist that covers fruit and vegetables like a protective balm. Particularly delicate foods like fish and seafood are best stored in icy
It ensures crisp freshness and improves structure - the special wow temperatures and at low humidity. The constant temperature of -2 °C
effect for fruit and vegetables in the BioFresh Professional Safe. in the Fish & Seafood Safe is therefore ideal to keep these items tasting
fresh for longer.

DuoCooling. No drying out. NoFrost. No more defrosting.

The two completely separate refrigeration circuits ensure that there The automatic defrosting function guarantees that frozen foods remain
is no air exchange between the fridge and freezer compartments. fresh. There is no longer a need to store frozen food temporarily during
Groceries do not dry out nor spread odour. manual defrosting. The constant optimal freezing remains the same
without interruptions.

16 17
EasyFresh BioFresh

+10 days

+8 days
+11 days
+12 days

+3 days
+10 days

+40 days

+40 days
+48 days
Specifications made in days are comparisons
to the normal fridge compartment.

18 19
BioFresh Professional with HydroBreeze BioFresh Professional with HydroBreeze

Cool and misty. Hydro

Perfect weather for
your vegetables.
Our HydroBreeze feature exemplifies
our highest standard of freshness.
A cold mist covers fruit and vegetables +8 days
like a protective balm in the BioFresh +10 days
Professional Safe. The mist ensures
Nature’s freshness secret.
crisp freshness, improves structure
The Salinas valley in California is known as the salad bowl
and keeps produce with fine leaves of the USA. And that is because of the particularly favourable
fresh for longer. It also creates an climatic conditions. Its proximity to the cool waters of the
Pacific means a fine, moist mist covers the valley and its
optical wow effect in the BioFresh fields in summer. This prevents the crops growing here
Professional Safe. from drying out. It is precisely this idea which inspired our
BioFresh Professional with HydroBreeze. +8 days +12 days
+40 days

+11 days

+12 days

More about Specifications made in days are comparisons

Every time the door is opened, a fresh, cold mist is generated. HydroBreeze to the normal fridge compartment.

20 21
BioFresh Professional with Fish & Seafood Safe BioFresh Professional with Fish & Seafood Safe

To keep fish and seafood tasting as

Like freshly caught fish fresh as at the market stall, even
after a few days, you need a fridge
from the market. Our compartment which maintains their
Fish & Seafood Safe. freshness; such as our Fish & Seafood
Safe. Fish and seafood can be stored
--- here at –2 °C and low humidity.
Perfect conditions to enjoy that freshly
caught flavour for much longer.

+ 5 days Flexible use

The surface of the BioFresh Professional Safe
can be adjusted to individual requirements.
The –2 °C can be partially or even completely
adjusted to a temperature zone at just above
0 °C. This is the optimal storage environment
for meat and dairy products. We have illustrated
these four options below:

+ 3 days
–2 °C –2 °C 0 °C

+ 3 days
+ 5 days
Fish &

+ 3 days
–2 °C 0 °C 0 °C
+ 14 days

+ 3 days

Specifications made in days are comparisons to the normal fridge compartment.

22 23
Design Design

Make a statement.
In your kitchen.
Fridges stopped being uniform white A classic, exclusive look that allows
kitchen appliances a long time ago. our appliances to blend seamlessly
Now that dining and living areas are into any modern kitchen and yet still
no longer clearly separated, design stand out. But there’s no need to say
plays an increasingly important role. any more: after all, the design already
The new puristic design language of speaks for itself.
Liebherr appliances catches the eye
with its exceptional lines, elegant
surfaces and simple silhouette.

Our appliances are available with a display integrated in the

door. Or, for purists, in the interior of the appliance. XRFbd 5220 Plus series

InteriorFit. Fits perfectly.

Make elegant use of niches in the kitchen. With InteriorFit,

our freestanding appliances fit into your kitchen without using
much space – they don’t need a ventilation gap between
the appliance and the walls or adjacent furniture. Only the
fridge door itself projects into your kitchen. Everything else
is invisible.

24 25

Your options: Your kitchen is unique. So why should

your fridge be off-the-shelf. Choose
Elegant, elegant from appliances with different
or elegant. high-quality materials, restrained
colours and ergonomic handle
--- designs. No matter what you choose:
you really can’t go wrong with these
exclusive options.

Handle solutions

Handle with opening mechanism Recessed grip

The door handle adapts gently to your hand movement and is thus This handle does not extend into the room. The elegant recess
even easier to open. harmonises with your kitchen’s slick, handle-free design.

Door fronts
Choose from one of the designs below.
One thing is certain: your appliance will draw the eye.

SmartSteel BlackSteel SteelFinish White GlassBlack GlassWhite Beige (optional)

XRFst 5295 Peak series

26 27

For groceries with the

highest requirements.
No matter how much you love the Design meets functionality.
exterior of your Liebherr, at some Traditional and timeless on the one hand, elegant and
stage you actually have to open it. exclusive on the other. The new design language seamlessly
blends into any interior. The interior features elegant glass
So it’s lucky that its interior is and stainless steel elements. The precise machining, an
visually appealing as well. eye for detail and the harmonious combination of materials,
shapes and colours create an appealing overall appearance.
This is subtly highlighted by the new lighting concept.

The LightTower lighting concept evenly illuminates the

interior while supporting the glass shelves. Flexible,
CNsfd 5723 Plus series space-saving, unique.

28 29
Convenience and flexibility Convenience and flexibility

How about a cold drink? The glass shelf above the BioFresh

We have made simple safe can be converted into a bottle shelf in next to no time.

even simpler. In our fridge-freezers with VarioTemp, the freezer compartments

can be switched variably to another temperature. As a result,
the freezer compartment can be used as a fridge or cellar

--- compartment.

Fridges and freezers are used

In turn, VarioSpace provides enough space in the freezer
every day. That is why we develop compartment for even the largest turkey or tallest ice-cream
freestanding appliances that offer cake. Speaking of cake: For fans of baking, the fridge
compartments in our fridges and fridge-freezers are even
ease of use, clarity and flexibility – spacious enough for a full baking tray.
from the first opening of the door
down to the tiniest feature.
Full of food. And convenience.

The drawers in the fridge and freezer compartments of our

appliances glide in and out smoothly on telescopic rails,
Sometimes in life we can have everything we want. so all your groceries are always in perfect reach. Rails also
support the pull-out tray with two bottle baskets, which are
The features of the new freestanding appliances give you easy to remove by their built-in handles. And even once you
more space. The divisible glass shelf, with its effortless have found all the ingredients and drinks you need, things
one-handed operation, creates space for tall containers and remain convenient. Thanks to the SoftSystem. This means
carafes. Do you like things to be well organised? With the that our doors always close gently and quietly, even if the
VarioBox and the VarioSafe you can store smaller objects force applied is a little too strong.
neatly in the door or interior – always exactly at the height
you like.

30 31
Convenience and flexibility Convenience and flexibility

Variable temperature
space as required
With VarioTemp, there is flexibility
for every situation. The freezer
compartment can be adjusted to
Drawers on telescopic rails a variable temperature between
Pleasantly easy opening and closing – even
when fully loaded – ensures that all of the –2 °C and +14 °C.
groceries are perfectly accessible.

As a result, you are always perfectly prepared, even for

big parties. If necessary, the freezer compartment can be
used as an additional cooling zone for appetisers or drinks.
Or as a cellar compartment for groceries that are sensitive
to cold, such as potatoes, onions and other similar items.

Your family has grown and you are running out of space
in your fridge-freezer? Not a problem. VarioTemp allows
you to use the freezer compartments as a fridge in your
kitchen. If combined with a separate freezer, this means
you have enough space to supply even a large family with
Use as freezer compartment (–18 °C)
fresh groceries.

Ensures clear order in the BioFresh safe.
It is perfect for storing smaller portions of
fruit and vegetables or sensitive groceries.

Allows you to arrange smaller
items clearly in the interior – at
whatever height you prefer. Use as fridge compartment (between –2 °C and +9 °C) Use as cellar compartment (+14 °C)

32 33
Convenience and flexibility

Freezers that are difficult to open:

Now a thing of the past.

Thanks to the new EasyOpen technology,

our freezers can be opened smoothly
and easily at any time. Even without a
handle. How do we do it? With the help
of an innovative door gasket and the new
BluPerformance technology module, we
have managed to reduce the door-opening
force by half. Space-saving, simple,

SpaceBox SoftSystem soft stop mechanism Handy for large frozen
Ideal for anything that requires a little more space. The particularly quiet and soft door closing mechanism is items, for example a
integrated into all models from our Prime series upwards. tiered birthday cake.

34 35
Water and ice Water and ice

This spring
has its source
in the fridge.
With the InfinitySpring, we bring Ice-cold water on tap with no heavy lifting.

a crystal clear, cold water source The flush-mounted water dispenser is always there when
it is needed and almost invisible when it’s not. It is suitable
right into the heart of your kitchen.
for containers of almost any size, including carafes or
Because water is healthy. This makes bottles for soda makers. The integrated filter system
lugging heavy crates and water in ensures perfect water quality. By the way, unlike traditional
table-top water filters, this one only needs to be replaced
plastic bottles a thing of the past. every six months.
This relieves the strain on your back
and on our environment. Simple and


Provides extra-fast cooling for drinks. And reminds

you via the SmartDevice app not to forget bottles
in the freezer compartment.

36 37
Water and ice Water and ice

Cocktails will run out

before the ice does.
You like inviting people around and
Enough ice for even the largest
enjoy having as many guests as party: the IceTower.
possible? Then you will love our
The IceTower in our freezers sets new
ice features. One thing is certain: standards. It combines two large
no drink will remain uncooled at compartments: the automatic IceMaker
for up to 8 kilograms of ice cubes, and
your party. another spacious compartment – large
enough to store a few family pizzas
upright, for example. And because
this was not convenient enough for us,
both of them glide in and out on a
pull-out shelf with telescopic rails.
We have even included an ice scoop,
so your hands stay warm.

Ice in a jiffy with EasyTwist Ice. Rains ice cubes: the IceMaker.

Make a supply of ice cubes quickly – without a fixed water The IceMaker produces up to 130 ice cubes a day, which
connection. Simply fill the tank with water, let it freeze and automatically drop into two drawers. When MaxIce is
then release the ice cubes with a twist. The EasyTwist Ice is activated, it is even possible to speed up the production of
simple to clean, and is installed in most of our freestanding ice cubes if more guests arrive than expected. The IceMaker
appliances in the Pure series. Alternatively, it can be added is connected to the fresh water pipe. If no fixed water
easily as an accessory. connection is available, there is also a model with a water
tank in the fridge compartment.

38 39
Connectivity Connectivity

We are already providing

what the future will bring.
One thing is clear: Technology will get
smarter and smarter in the future. But
does a fridge need to be intelligent?
It doesn’t have to be. But we believe:
Another cool head in the household
can’t do any harm. Thanks to many
smart functions, our appliances have
proven themselves to be reliable
helpers behind the scenes.

Always perfectly networked. We play it very, very safe.

Built-in progress. All our new freestanding models are either already networked We take data protection very seriously. For this reason,
at the factory or can be retrospectively connected to a we have chosen a software partner who shares our high
Your fridge helps with thoughtful features whenever it
WiFi network using a SmartDeviceBox. Appliances with a standards: Microsoft. Microsoft, as the first leading
can. For example, it reminds you of forgotten drinks in the
built-in SmartDeviceBox can be identified by the lower-case provider of cloud services, is certified in accordance with
freezer – thanks to the integrated BottleTimer. Making burst
“i” behind the model designation (e.g.: RBstd 528i). the international standard ISO/IEC 27018, which regulates
bottles a thing of the past.
You therefore benefit from all our SmartDevice app options data protection, and uses AES-256 – the same encryption
and from integrating the refrigerator into an existing Smart technology employed in the banking sector.
NightMode is especially interesting for anyone who is
Home environment.
sometimes drawn to the fridge late at night. The interior is
Availability may vary according to country.
then only illuminated with a dimmed light. Then after your
Important status and alarm notifications are sent directly
midnight snack, you can quickly go back to bed and not
to your smartphone, for example notification of an open
wake up from your half-asleep state.
fridge door via door alarm. However, our SmartDevice app
has much more to offer. Besides the simple management Learn how digitally networked refrigeration
of appliances and controlling them while on the move, the makes your everyday life easier:
app also helps with storing food correctly and therefore
provides even greater culinary enjoyment and extends
shelf-lives. The right accessories for each refrigerator,
access to guarantee extensions and much more can also
You can download the SmartDevice app here:
be found here.

Learn how digitally networked refrigeration

In short, our appliances prepare people for tomorrow, today.
makes your everyday life easier:

40 41
User interface

Refrigerators, We don’t develop refrigerators

with the most functions. We develop
that leave all your refrigerators with exactly the right
functions to store food safely and
options open – and give our customers what they really
your doors closed. need. To make their lives noticeably
easier. And then we implement these
--- features to technical perfection.

Display in the door Display behind the door

You can never be too safe. A touch more convenience. Core competence cooling. Simply smart with the app.

Door alarm CleaningMode Temperature display NightMode

Alarm when the door is open, For a perfect view when cleaning, the lights The display always shows the current temperature value. All sounds and noises are switched off –
visual as well with pulsating LED lighting. stay on while the cooling system switches off. Flashing items in the menu indicate changes. and the lighting is dimmed. For undisturbed quiet.

Temperature alarm PartyMode SuperFrost BottleTimer

Visual and audible warning as soon as the temperature PartyMode activates functions like SuperCool Increased cooling in the freezer compartment Extra fast cooling by activating SuperFrost.
in the freezer compartment reaches a critical level. and maximum ice production. for vitamin-preserving freezing. The app sends an automatic reminder to take
the bottles out of the ice compartment.
Power failure alarm HolidayMode SuperCool
Visual and audible alarm in case The fan, SuperCool and SuperFrost are switched off Increase the cooling performance until the fresh EasyTwist Ice
of power failure for safe storage. and the fridge temperature is increased to +15 °C to save food is as cool as the rest of the contents. Conjure up ice cubes quickly: Fill the tank with water,
electricity. The freezer compartment stays switched on. let it freeze and then release the finished ice cubes
Appliance failure alarm VarioTemp with a twist.
Optical and acoustic warning EnergySaver Variable temperature setting between –2 °C and +14 °C
in case of appliance failure. Raises the standard temperature to means the entire freezer compartment can also be used IceCubeTimer**
maximum 7 °C to reduce power consumption. for cooling or as a cellar compartment. Faster rate of ice cube production. As soon as the
Reminder ice cubes are ready, the app sends a notification.
Automatic reminder SabbathMode
for maintenance and care. All lighting and sounds are switched off,
reactivating themselves after 80 hours.
Input lock
Prevents all changes to settings Language settings*
or activation of functions. Variable language setting for 12 languages on the display.

For optimal presentation of the appliance in showrooms: Status indicator
User interface and lighting on, cooling system off. Be sure everything is OK at all times – thanks to the integrated
status display in the appliance door. A blue light indicates
everything is OK. If the status is anything but OK, the display
flashes red and a warning tone also sounds.

*Function only available with Touch & Swipe display. **Available only in the Prime and Peak series.
42 43
Flexible accessories Flexible accessories

Organisational systems
Practical A fridge compartment design to suit your needs: If you want to sort your groceries clearly, you could use the VarioSafe,

VarioBoxes, variable egg trays and the FlexSystem, for example. Additional bottle shelves and clip-on labelling systems
provide a clear overview of wine stocks.

for every need.

Discover the versatility of
the original Liebherr range of
accessories for your fridge VarioBoxes FlexSystem Bottle shelf

– and make your daily life a

little easier.

Useful help of all kinds

From the practical butter dish to the easy-fill ice cube tray with a lid or the handy freezer tray, the range of accessories offers
plenty of smart solutions for serving food and keeping it fresh.

Butter dish Ice cube tray with lid FlexCube

EasyTwist Ice FreshAir activated charcoal filter SmartDeviceBox

Ice in a jiffy – without a fixed water connection. Cleans the circulating air and quickly binds You can retrofit your Liebherr with a
Quickly build up a stock of ice cubes with a unpleasant odours. The filter is easy to SmartDeviceBox to connect it to the internet.
water tank and a simple twist. Easy to retrofit replace and ensures optimum air quality. The SmartDeviceBox can be installed in
as an accessory. just a few steps and will open up the whole
world of digital possibilities to you today.

Please note that not all accessories fit all models. To find the accessory range for your appliance,
please visit the Liebherr website for details or buy them from your Liebherr dealer.

44 45
Series Series

Pure series
The Pure series is our basic +8
class. Simple, clear and perfectly
equipped for all essential needs.
Appliances in the Pure series are
stripped down to the essentials.
But are to the absolute highest days
level of Liebherr quality.
+ 10
For a clear overview. days

Even before you

EasyFresh Connectivity

open the fridge. Plus series

+ 11 The Plus series builds on our Pure
--- days
series and has many impressive
additional details. Above all, Plus
means a plus in comfort. The
appliances not only provide first-class
refrigeration and freezing, they are
+ 40 also just that little bit smarter. They
help make operation a little easier.

+ 48
days BioFresh EasyTwist Ice

Pure Plus Prime Peak Prime series

With the Prime series things get
much more classy. It makes an
unmistakable mark in terms of
design and material. Above all,
genuine quality materials are used
inside the appliances, such as
stainless steel. But special lighting
solutions also make the appliances
Which appliance is right for me? in this series particularly appealing.
LightTower Touch & Swipe
A customer question that is not always easy
to answer. That’s why we have made it easier
for you to navigate through our product range, Peak series
by dividing it into four logically structured The Peak series is our premium series.

series. Here the best is combined with

the best. There is no compromise.
Innovative Liebherr technology meets
exceptional high-end design and
convenience all in a class of their own.
Appliances in this series are for those
who want to have it all.

BioFresh with HydroBreeze InfinitySpring

46 47
Freshness centres

XRFbd 5220 Plus series

48 49
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers

Quality in every detail


BioFresh with HydroBreeze EasyFresh Fish & Seafood Safe NoFrost LED freezer compartment Bottle shelf above the
lighting BioFresh safe
Do you want to cool fruit and The guarantee of market freshness in Love fish? Your Liebherr keeps fish fresh! When you open your freezer, you want
vegetables like professionals? You’ll be the home is our EasyFresh Safe. The Fish & Seafood Safe stores fish and to see frozen food – and certainly not When you open the drawers in your Expecting guests and want to chill a
inspired by HydroBreeze. The cold mist Whether it’s unpackaged vegetables or seafood at the optimum temperature of ice and frost. NoFrost protects the Liebherr freezer, not only are you few more drinks than usual? The bottle
combined with a temperature in the fruit, this ensures optimal storage for -2 °C; as professionally as your fishmonger. freezer compartment from unwanted welcomed by the sight of your food, shelf above the BioFresh safes exists
safe of around 0 °C gives food that everything. Thanks to the air-tight Adjust the size of the -2 °C zone as much icing, which consumes a lot of energy but also by the attractive lighting. This for this very reason. Simply remove the
extra boost for longer shelf life. And closure, the food causes the humidity as you want – and store the remaining and can be expensive. NoFrost means is provided by powerful, long-life, glass shelf above the bottle shelf in one
it creates a genuine visual wow effect. in the safe to rise. This keeps the food meat and dairy products at the optimum no more tedious and time-consuming environmentally-friendly LEDs. The easy step – and you can now safely
HydroBreeze is activated every 90 min. fresher for longer. 0 °C. An LED display indicates that the defrosting of the freezer compartment, lighting makes it even easier to see all store and cool bottles of various sizes.
for 4 seconds and for 8 seconds when -2 °C zone is currently active. more time for other things – and saving of the contents and is also a unique
the door is opened. money. design element.

DuoCooling PowerCooling Touch & Swipe display SoftSystem LightTower IceTower

DuoCooling uses two completely Do you want to be sure that the cold Control of your Liebherr at your fingertips: From breakfast to a midnight snack – Enjoy an optimally illuminated interior: You will never run out of cold drinks at
separate refrigeration circuits to is distributed as evenly as possible thanks to the Touch & Swipe display, a fridge needs to be open and closed the LightTower shows off the food in its your party. The IceTower, which holds
ensure no air is exchanged between in your refrigerator? If so, the you can operate your refrigerator on many occasions. And your Liebherr best light and is positioned so that all 8 kg of ice cubes, makes sure of that.
the fridge and freezer compartments. PowerCooling system is what you intuitively and with ease. Simply select makes this is a lot of fun. With the of your filled fridge is illuminated at all The ice cube scoop and the pull-out tray
The food neither dries out nor is odour need. The fan – as powerful as it is functions such as SuperCool on the SoftSystem, your fridge door closes times. The flush mounting of the on telescopic rails allow easy access to
transferred. This means throwing less quiet – distributes the cold air colour display by tapping and swiping. softly and safely, and in a way which is LightTower in the side walls means the ice cubes. An extra insert tray
away, shopping less often, but saving efficiently throughout the entire The temperature is controlled just as pleasantly quiet and light. Bottles there is also more space for your food. means you can also store less ice and
more and greater enjoyment. refrigeration compartment. easily. And, what if you are not actively stored in the inside door remain make room for frozen food underneath.
using the display? Well, it then shows securely in place – nothing rattles or The adjacent drawer provides storage
you the actual temperature. wobbles. space for frozen goods.

50 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 51
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers Side-by-Side fridge-freezers


121 121

SBSes 8496 XRFbs 5295

PremiumPlus Peak

SWTNes 4285 SKBes 4380 SFNbsd 529i SRBbsd 529i

¹ ¹ ¹ ¹
Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 187 / 0.512 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 133 / 0.364 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 198 / 0.542 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 134 / 0.367 kWh ¹
Total volume ²: 289 l Total volume ²: 371 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 386 l
Volume: Wine compartment: 156.4 l / Freezer compartment: 133 l Volume:Fridge: 235.7 l / BioFresh compartment: 135.8 l Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Volume:Fridge: 246.2 l / BioFresh compartment: 140.6 l
Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as 0 °C Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: BlackSteel / BlackSteel Door / side walls: BlackSteel / BlackSteel
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185 / 60 / 66.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185 / 60 / 66.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Soft- Soft-
Super Fish & Super Super Space Super Light
Wine Telescopic LED Telescopic
Frost Seafood Cool Rails Frost Box Cool Rails Tower

Controls Wine compartment Controls Key features Ice

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 2 separately controllable temperature • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • Side wall heating left, suitable for
touch electronic zones, which can be regulated between touch electronic combination with other refrigerators,
• Digital temperature display for wine and +5 °C to +20 °C Controls Key features Controls Key features
• Digital temperature display for fridge and freezers and/or wine appliances
freezer compartments • Tinted insulated glass door with UV • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • Side wall heating right, suitable for • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • Side wall heating left, suitable for
BioFresh compartments • HardLine
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory protection touch- & swipe combination with other refrigerators, touch- & swipe combination with other refrigerators,
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Aluminium handle with integrated
• FrostControl • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via • Digital temperature display freezers and/or wine appliances • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezers and/or wine appliances
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and opening mechanism
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and FreshAir activated charcoal filter • SmartDeviceBox included • Slimline handle with integrated opening BioFresh compartments • Slimline handle with integrated opening
acoustic • Versatile installation due to front
acoustic • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and mechanism • SmartDeviceBox included mechanism
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic ventilation
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Beech wood fittings acoustic • Transport handles, front and at back, • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Transport handles, front and at back,
• Child lock • 4 shelves, of which 4 on telescopic rails • Transport handles, front and at back,
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic transport castors at back transport castors at back
and 2 foldable Fridge and BioFresh compartments transport castors at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Height-adjustable feet at front
Freezer compartment 4 • Partially-foldable wooden shelf on • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Height-adjustable feet at front
Freezer compartment 4 • Reversible door hinge, left • PowerCooling with Ambilight and • Reversible door hinging
• 5 drawers, of which 2 set on roller tracks, telescopic rails charcoal filter • Reversible door hinging
• 7 drawers, of which 4 set on telescopic • Replaceable door seal FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Replaceable door seal
VarioSpace • LED lighting permanently on, dimmable • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Replaceable door seal
• IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection rails, VarioSpace • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Dry rear wall and door panel in stainless
bottle holder, VarioBoxes, adjustable egg • Concealed hinge with restricted opening
• Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg Key features • Top drawer with convenient tilting bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, steel with SmartSteel
tray, butter dish
• Ice cube reservoir 1.8 kg • Side wall heating right, suitable for function adjustable egg tray, butter dish
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1
• LED lighting combination with other refrigerators, • IceTower • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1
is divided into two parts
• Temperature rise time: 16 h freezers and/or wine appliances • IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection, is divided into two parts
• VarioSafe
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 9 kg • HardLine LED lighting • VarioSafe
• Variable bottle shelf
• 2 Cold storage accumulators • Aluminium handles with integrated • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.8 kg • Integrated bottle shelf
• LED ceiling lighting with dimmer function
• Safety glass fittings opening mechanism • Ice cube reservoir 8.0 kg • LED light panel both sides
• Versatile installation due to front • LED BioFresh lighting
• LED lighting • LED BioFresh lighting
ventilation • LED rear wall lighting
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic,
• Transport handles, front and at back, • 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, of
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg 2 Fruit & Vegetable-Safes, of which 1
transport castors at back which 2 variably adjustable from Fruit &
• 2 Cold storage accumulators with HydroBreeze, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe,
• Height-adjustable feet at front and back Vegetable-Safe to DrySafe, 1
• Safety glass fittings 1 FlexSystem
• Reversible door hinge, left Fish & Seafood-Safe
• InfinitySpring with fixed 3/4" water
• Replaceable door seal
• Concealed hinge with restricted opening connection

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
52 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 53
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers Side-by-Side fridge-freezers


121 121

XRFst 5295 XRCsd 5255

Peak Prime

SFNstd 529i SRBstd 529i SBNsdd 5264 SRsdd 5250

¹ ¹ ¹ ¹
Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 198 / 0.542 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 134 / 0.367 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 171 / 0.468 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 99 / 0.271 kWh ¹
Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 386 l Total volume ²: 313 l Total volume ²: 401 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Volume:Fridge: 246.2 l / BioFresh compartment: 140.6 l Volume: BioFresh compartment: 180.7 l / Freezer compartment: 133 l Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as 0 °C Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Soft- Soft-
Super Space Super Light Super Vario Super Light
LED Telescopic Telescopic
Frost Box Cool Rails Tower Frost Temp Rails Cool Tower


Controls Key features Controls Key features Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Key features
• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • Side wall heating right, suitable for • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • Side wall heating left, suitable for • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • Side wall heating left, suitable for
touch- & swipe combination with other refrigerators, touch- & swipe combination with other refrigerators, touch- & swipe • IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water touch- & swipe combination with other refrigerators,
• Digital temperature display freezers and/or wine appliances • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezers and/or wine appliances • Digital temperature display for BioFresh connection • Digital temperature display for fridge freezers and/or wine appliances
• SmartDeviceBox included • Slimline handle with integrated opening BioFresh compartments • Slimline handle with integrated opening and freezer compartments • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg compartment • Slimline handle with integrated opening
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and mechanism • SmartDeviceBox included mechanism • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Ice cube reservoir 5.4 kg • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory mechanism
acoustic • Transport handles, front and at back, • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Transport handles, front and at back, • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • LED lighting • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Transport handles, front and at back,
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic transport castors at back transport castors at back acoustic • Temperature rise time: 20 h transport castors at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Height-adjustable feet at front • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg Fridge compartment • Height-adjustable feet at front
Freezer compartment 4 • Reversible door hinge, left • PowerCooling with Ambilight and • Reversible door hinging • 2 Cold storage accumulators • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Reversible door hinging
• 7 drawers, of which 4 set on telescopic • Replaceable door seal FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Replaceable door seal Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Safety glass fittings charcoal filter • Replaceable door seal
rails, VarioSpace • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Dry rear wall and door panel in stainless • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with
• Top drawer with convenient tilting bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, steel with SmartSteel charcoal filter Key features bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, SmartSteel
function adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Side wall heating right, suitable for adjustable egg tray, butter dish
• IceTower • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes combination with other refrigerators, • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1
• IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection, is divided into two parts • 1 GlassLine storage shelf, of which 1 is freezers and/or wine appliances is divided into two parts
LED lighting • VarioSafe divided into two parts • Slimline handles with integrated opening • VarioSafe
• Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.8 kg • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf mechanism • Bottle shelf
• Ice cube reservoir 8.0 kg • LED light panel both sides • LED ceiling lighting • Transport handles, front and at back, • LED light panel both sides
• LED lighting • LED BioFresh lighting • LED BioFresh lighting transport castors at back • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on telescopic rails
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, • 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, • Height-adjustable feet at front • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer on
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg 2 Fruit & Vegetable-Safes, of which 1 2 Fruit & Vegetable-Safes • Reversible door hinge, left telescopic rails
• 2 Cold storage accumulators with HydroBreeze, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe, • Replaceable door seal
• Safety glass fittings 1 FlexSystem • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with
• InfinitySpring with fixed 3/4" water SmartSteel

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
54 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 55
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers Side-by-Side fridge-freezers

121 123

XCCsd 5250 XRFsf 5245

Prime Plus

SCNsdd 5253 SCNsdd 5253 SFNsfe 5247 SRBsfe 5220

¹ ¹ ¹ ¹
Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 201 / 0.550 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 201 / 0.550 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 248 / 0.679 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 158 / 0.432 kWh ¹
Total volume ²: 331 l Total volume ²: 331 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 382 l
Volume:Fridge: 228.7 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 228.7 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Volume:Fridge: 288.7 l / BioFresh compartment: 93.7 l
Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as 0 °C Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Super Vario Super Super Vario Super Space Ice Super
Cool Frost Temp Cool Frost Temp Frost Box Tower Cool

Light Light Controls Controls

Tower Tower
• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
touch- & swipe • Ice cube tray with lid touch- & swipe • Ice cube tray with lid
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Digital temperature display for fridge and • LED lighting • Digital temperature display for fridge and • LED lighting
Fridge and BioFresh compartments
freezer compartments • Temperature rise time: 20 h freezer compartments • Temperature rise time: 20 h
Freezer compartment 4 • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• 7 drawers, VarioSpace • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • 2 Cold storage accumulators • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • 2 Cold storage accumulators
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
acoustic • Safety glass fittings acoustic • Safety glass fittings
• IceTower • VarioSafe
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection • Integrated bottle shelf
Key features Key features
• Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.8 kg • LED ceiling lighting
Fridge compartment • Side wall heating right, suitable for Fridge compartment • Side wall heating left, suitable for
• Ice cube reservoir 8.0 kg • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe
• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated combination with other refrigerators, • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated combination with other refrigerators,
• Temperature rise time: 16 h
charcoal filter freezers and/or wine appliances charcoal filter freezers and/or wine appliances
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg Key features
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Slimline handles with integrated opening • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Slimline handles with integrated opening
• Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators,
bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, mechanism bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, mechanism
Key features freezers and/or wine appliances
adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Transport handles, front and at back, adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Transport handles, front and at back,
• Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, • Vertical recessed handle
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 transport castors at back • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 transport castors at back
freezers and/or wine appliances • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
is divided into two parts • Height-adjustable feet at front is divided into two parts • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Vertical recessed handle • Height-adjustable feet at front
• VarioSafe • Reversible door hinge, left • VarioSafe • Reversible door hinging
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Reversible door hinging
• Bottle shelf • Replaceable door seal • Bottle shelf • Replaceable door seal
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal
• LED light panel both sides • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with • LED light panel both sides • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with
• Reversible door hinge, left
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on telescopic rails SmartSteel • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on telescopic rails SmartSteel
• Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
56 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 57
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers Side-by-Side fridge-freezers

123 123

XRFsf 5240 XRFsf 5225

Plus Plus

SFNsfe 5247 SRsfe 5220 SFNsfe 5227 SRBsfe 5220

¹ ¹ ¹ ¹
Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 248 / 0.679 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 123 / 0.337 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 248 / 0.679 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 158 / 0.432 kWh ¹
Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 399 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 382 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Volume:Fridge: 288.7 l / BioFresh compartment: 93.7 l
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as 0 °C Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Space Ice Super Super Space Super

Frost Box Tower Cool Frost Box Cool

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
Fridge compartment Fridge and BioFresh compartments
Freezer compartment 4 • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter Freezer compartment 4 • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• 7 drawers, VarioSpace • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • 7 drawers, VarioSpace • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• IceTower • VarioSafe • Ice cube tray • VarioSafe
• IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection • Bottle shelf • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Integrated bottle shelf
• Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.8 kg • LED ceiling lighting • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • LED ceiling lighting
• Ice cube reservoir 8.0 kg • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer Key features
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, Key features
Key features freezers and/or wine appliances • Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators,
Key features • Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, • Vertical recessed handle freezers and/or wine appliances
• Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, freezers and/or wine appliances • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Vertical recessed handle
freezers and/or wine appliances • Vertical recessed handle • Height-adjustable feet at front • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Vertical recessed handle • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Reversible door hinge, left • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal • Reversible door hinging
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal
• Reversible door hinge, left • Replaceable door seal
• Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
58 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 59
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers Side-by-Side fridge-freezers


XRFbd 5220


SFNbde 5227 SRbde 5220

¹ ¹
Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 248 / 0.679 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 123 / 0.337 kWh ¹
Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 399 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Door / side walls: BlackSteel / black
Door / side walls: BlackSteel / black Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Space Super

Frost Box Cool

Controls Controls
• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic
Fridge compartment
Freezer compartment 4 • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• 7 drawers, VarioSpace • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• Ice cube tray • VarioSafe
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • Bottle shelf
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • LED ceiling lighting
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
Key features • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
• Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators,
freezers and/or wine appliances Key features
• Vertical recessed handle • Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators,
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back freezers and/or wine appliances
XRFbd 5220 Plus series • Height-adjustable feet at front • Vertical recessed handle
• Reversible door hinge, left • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Replaceable door seal • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
60 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 61
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Side-by-Side fridge-freezers Side-by-Side fridge-freezers

123 123

XRFsf 5220 XRF 5220

Plus Plus

SFNsfe 5227 SRsfe 5220 SFNe 5227 SRe 5220

¹ ¹ ¹ ¹
Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class: Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 248 / 0.679 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 123 / 0.337 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 248 / 0.679 kWh ¹ Energy consumption year / 24 hrs: 123 / 0.337 kWh ¹
Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 399 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 399 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Door / side walls: white / white
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Space Super Super Space Super

Frost Box Cool Frost Box Cool

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
Fridge compartment Fridge compartment
Freezer compartment 4 • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter Freezer compartment 4 • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• 7 drawers, VarioSpace • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • 7 drawers, VarioSpace • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• Ice cube tray • VarioSafe • Ice cube tray • VarioSafe
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • Bottle shelf • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Bottle shelf
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • LED ceiling lighting • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • LED ceiling lighting
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
Key features • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer Key features • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
• Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, • Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators,
freezers and/or wine appliances Key features freezers and/or wine appliances Key features
• Vertical recessed handle • Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, • Vertical recessed handle • Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators,
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back freezers and/or wine appliances • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back freezers and/or wine appliances
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Vertical recessed handle • Height-adjustable feet at front • Vertical recessed handle
• Reversible door hinge, left • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Reversible door hinge, left • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Replaceable door seal • Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
62 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 63
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Frenchdoor fridge-freezer


BioFresh drawers
CBNes 6256
Both BioFresh drawers are mounted on telescopic
rails which extend effortlessly providing easy
access to and a full view of your food. The lateral
LED lights ensure perfect illumination of the
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

341 / 0.934 kWh
Total volume ¹: 522 l
drawers. The integrated glass shelf and bottle
Volume:Fridge: 292.2 l / BioFresh compartment: 70.6 l / Freezer compartment: 160 l
shelf provides dual purpose storage solutions
depending on your requirements. Noise output / noise class: 42 dB(A) / D
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: Stainless steel / stainless steel
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 203.9 / 91 / 61.5

Super Super
Cool Frost

Controls Freezer compartment 4

• MagicEye behind-the-door, touch • 2 drawers on telescopic rails, self-
electronic retracting
• Digital temperature display for fridge and • IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water
freezer compartments connection
• FrostControl • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.9 kg
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Ice cube reservoir 2.7 kg
acoustic • LED lighting
• Door alarm: acoustic • Temperature rise time: 12 h
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
Fridge and BioFresh compartments
• PowerCooling Key features
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • HardLine
bottle holder, adjustable egg tray • Aluminium handles
• 3 GlassLine storage shelves • Front ventilation
• Variable use bottle trays • Versatile installation due to front
• LED light column on both sides and LED ventilation
The IceMaker with fixed water connection provides ceiling lighting • Transport handles at back, transport
you with a constant supply of ice cubes for every • LED BioFresh lighting castors at back
occasion. An integrated water filter ensures • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails set • Height-adjustable feet at front
variably to either HydroSafe or DrySafe • Door hinge left fixed/right fixed
optimum water quality at all times. The electronic
display indicates when the water filter needs
replacing. The NoFrost technology keeps the
freezer constantly frostfree.

CBNes 6256 PremiumPlus

1 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the
nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
64 You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a. 65
BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezer


CBNes 5778
The NoFrost system from Liebherr provides rapid,
fan-assisted, frost-free freezing for the safe,
long-term storage of food. The NoFrost technology
creates a much larger storage capacity and keeps
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

187 / 0.512 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 392 l

the freezer constantly frost-free.
Volume:Fridge: 168.5 l / BioFresh compartment: 112.6 l / Freezer compartment: 112 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201 / 70 / 66.5 ¹

Super Super Telescopic
Cool Frost Rails

Controls Freezer compartment 4

• 7" TFT-colour display in-the-door, touch • 3 drawers, of which 2 set on roller tracks,
electronic VarioSpace
• Digital temperature display for fridge, • Ice cube tray with lid
BioFresh and freezer compartments • LED lighting
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Temperature rise time: 16 h
• FrostControl • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 9 kg
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • 2 Cold storage accumulators
acoustic • Safety glass fittings
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic
Key features
Fridge and BioFresh compartments • HardLine
• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Aluminium handles with integrated
charcoal filter opening mechanism
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Versatile installation due to front
bottle holder, VarioBoxes, adjustable egg ventilation
tray, butter dish • Transport handles, front and at back,
The BioFresh safes with SoftTelescopic provide a • 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 transport castors at back
convenient, self-retracting system with soft is divided into two parts • Height-adjustable feet at front
closing, making their daily use both practical and • Variable bottle shelf • Reversible door hinging
• LED ceiling lighting with dimmer function • Replaceable door seal
secure. The drawers can be fully extended and
• LED BioFresh lighting • Concealed hinge with restricted opening
completely removed, if required, from a door
• LED rear wall lighting
opening angle of 90°. • 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, of
which 1 variably adjustable from Fruit &
Vegetable-Safe to DrySafe

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the
CBNes 5778 Premium the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
1.5 cm. If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
66 but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a. 67
BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezers NoFrost fridge-freezers

70 70 70 70

CBNes 5775 CBNef 5735 CNef 5745 CNef 5735

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

149 / 0.408 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

234 / 0.641 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 392 l Total volume ²: 392 l Total volume ²: 411 l Total volume ²: 410 l
Volume:Fridge: 168.5 l / BioFresh compartment: 112.6 l / Freezer compartment: 112 l Volume:Fridge: 168.5 l / BioFresh compartment: 112.6 l / Freezer compartment: 112 l Volume:Fridge: 299.2 l / Freezer compartment: 112 l Volume:Fridge: 299.2 l / Freezer compartment: 112 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201 / 70 / 66.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201 / 70 / 66.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201 / 70 / 66.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201 / 70 / 66.5 ¹

Soft- Ice
Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super
Telescopic Maker
Cool Frost Rails Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost
Water tank

Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4
• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, of which 2 set on roller tracks, • 2.4" TFT-monochrome display behind- • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-monochrome display behind- • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-monochrome display behind- • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
touch electronic VarioSpace the-door, touch electronic • Ice cube tray with lid the-door, touch electronic • IceMaker with water tank the-door, touch electronic • Ice cube tray with lid
• Digital temperature display for fridge, • Ice cube tray with lid • Digital temperature display for fridge, • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Temperature rise time: 16 h
BioFresh and freezer compartments • LED lighting BioFresh and freezer compartments • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 9 kg freezer compartments • Ice cube reservoir 2.2 kg freezer compartments • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 9 kg
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Temperature rise time: 16 h • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Safety glass fittings • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Ice cube tray • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Safety glass fittings
• FrostControl • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 9 kg • FrostControl • FrostControl • Temperature rise time: 16 h • FrostControl
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • 2 Cold storage accumulators • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and Key features • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 9 kg • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and Key features
acoustic • Safety glass fittings acoustic • HardLine acoustic • Safety glass fittings acoustic • HardLine
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Aluminium handles with integrated • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Aluminium handles with integrated
Key features opening mechanism Key features opening mechanism
Fridge and BioFresh compartments • HardLine Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Versatile installation due to front Fridge compartment • HardLine Fridge compartment • Versatile installation due to front
• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Aluminium handles with integrated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated ventilation • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Aluminium handles with integrated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated ventilation
charcoal filter opening mechanism charcoal filter • Transport handles, front and at back, charcoal filter opening mechanism charcoal filter • Transport handles, front and at back,
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Versatile installation due to front • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with transport castors at back • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with • Versatile installation due to front • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with transport castors at back
bottle holder, VarioBoxes, adjustable egg ventilation bottle holder, Egg tray • Height-adjustable feet at front bottle holder, Egg tray ventilation bottle holder, adjustable egg tray • Height-adjustable feet at front
tray, butter dish • Transport handles, front and at back, • 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Reversible door hinging • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Transport handles, front and at back, • 5 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Reversible door hinging
• 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 transport castors at back is divided into two parts • Concealed hinge with restricted opening is divided into two parts transport castors at back is divided into two parts • Replaceable door seal
is divided into two parts • Height-adjustable feet at front • Integrated bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Height-adjustable feet at front • Bottle shelf • Concealed hinge with restricted opening
• Variable bottle shelf • Reversible door hinging • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • Reversible door hinging • LED ceiling lighting
• LED ceiling lighting with dimmer function • Concealed hinge with restricted opening • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, of • 1 BioCool-Box on roller tracks • Replaceable door seal • 1 BioCool-Box on roller tracks
• LED BioFresh lighting which 1 variably adjustable from Fruit & • Concealed hinge with restricted opening
• LED rear wall lighting Vegetable-Safe to DrySafe
• 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, of
which 1 variably adjustable from Fruit &
Vegetable-Safe to DrySafe

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
68 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 69
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.

CBNstc 579i Peak series

70 71
Range overview of fridge-freezers

Range overview 60


by device height

and series

↓ 185

Fridge-freezers – BioFresh Professional
Peak series
Prime series HydroBreeze
CBNstc 579i
Plus series HydroBreeze/Fish & Seafood
CBNstd 578i
Pure series

Fridge-freezers – BioFresh
IceMaker/VarioTemp CBNbsd 576i
EasyTwist-Ice/VarioTemp CBNbsa 5753
EasyTwist-Ice/VarioTemp CBNsda 5753
VarioTemp CBNsdb 5753
EasyTwist-Ice CBNbda 5723
EasyTwist-Ice CBNsfd 5723
EasyTwist-Ice CBNsfc 522i
EasyTwist-Ice CBNsfd 5223




201 ↑
↓ 185
↓ 165

Fridge-freezers – EasyFresh
with IceMaker Watertank CNsdd 5763
CNsfd 5743
with EasyTwist-Ice CNsdb 5753
CNsfd 573i
CNbdd 5733
CNsfd 5724
CNd 5724 CNsfd 5223
CNsfd 5723 CNd 5223
CNsfd 5723 Plus series without EasyTwist-Ice CNsfd 5704 CNd 5224 CNsfd 5023
CNd 5704 CNsfd 5204 CNd 5023
CNsfd 5703 CNd 5204
CNd 5703 CNsfd 5203
CNd 5203

72 73
Series Series

Pure series Plus series Prime series Peak series

Fridge-freezers Freshness technology EasyFresh on integrated

drawer guide
EasyFresh on integrated
drawer guide
on telescopic rails
on telescopic rails

BioFresh BioFresh BioFresh Professional
on telescopic rails with SoftTelescopic with SoftTelescopic


Fish & Seafood safe

DuoCooling DuoCooling DuoCooling DuoCooling

FreshAir filter FreshAir filter FreshAir filter FreshAir filter

VarioTemp VarioTemp

NoFrost NoFrost NoFrost
on telescopic rails

Comfort and flexibility Divisible glass shelf Divisible glass shelf Divisible glass shelf

SoftSystem SoftSystem
soft closing mechanism soft closing mechanism

VarioSafe VarioSafe VarioSafe

VarioBoxes VarioBoxes

Butter dish Butter dish

Egg tray Egg tray Adjustable egg tray Adjustable egg tray

Bottle shelf Bottle shelf Bottle shelf Bottle shelf

Ice cube tray Ice cube tray

Ice cube tray
with lid with lid


Design Ceiling lighting Ceiling lighting

Pure series Plus series Prime series Peak series LightTower LightTower
fridge compartment fridge compartment

Lighting Lighting
BioFresh safe BioFresh safe

Freezer compartment Freezer compartment

lighting lighting

IceMaker lighting

Fan lighting

SmartSteel rear wall SmartSteel rear wall

SmartSteel door interior

Transparent glass Transparent glass Satin finish glass Satin finish glass

Stainless steel look shelves Stainless steel look shelves Glass & stainless steel rack Glass & stainless steel rack

Touch display Touch display Touch & Swipe display Touch & Swipe display

Display behind the door Display behind the door Display behind the door
Display behind the door orn orn orn
Display in the door Display in the door Display in the door

Slimline door handles with

Recessed handles Recessed handles Recessed handles
opening mechanism

Connectivity can be retrofitted or is can be retrofitted or is can be retrofitted or is

can be retrofitted
(SmartDeviceBox) included with “i” models included with “i” models included with “i” models

Water and ice IceMaker or IceMaker or

EasyTwist-Ice EasyTwist-Ice


The standard features mentioned above may vary depending on the model. Details can be found in the model description.
74 75

Quality in every detail


BioFresh with HydroBreeze EasyFresh Fish & Seafood Safe SoftSystem LED ceiling lighting Recessed grip

Do you want to cool fruit and The guarantee of market freshness in Love fish? Your Liebherr keeps fish fresh! From breakfast to a midnight snack – The LED ceiling lighting illuminates the Special and functional: You can open
vegetables like professionals? You’ll be the home is our EasyFresh Safe. The Fish & Seafood Safe stores fish and a fridge needs to be open and closed interior from above – providing a good the appliance very easily using the
inspired by HydroBreeze. The cold mist Whether it’s unpackaged vegetables or seafood at the optimum temperature of on many occasions. And your Liebherr overview of your food. Another vertically integrated and ergonomically
combined with a temperature in the fruit, this ensures optimal storage for -2 °C; as professionally as your fishmonger. makes this is a lot of fun. With the highlight: the LEDs are positioned in fitted handle. Additionally, the modern
safe of around 0 °C gives food that everything. Thanks to the air-tight Adjust the size of the -2 °C zone as much SoftSystem, your fridge door closes front of the glass shelves so that even and puristic design fits perfectly into
extra boost for longer shelf life. And closure, the food causes the humidity as you want – and store the remaining softly and safely, and in a way which is a full refrigerator is well lit. your hands-free kitchen.
it creates a genuine visual wow effect. in the safe to rise. This keeps the food meat and dairy products at the optimum pleasantly quiet and light. Bottles
HydroBreeze is activated every 90 min. fresh for a long time. 0 °C. An LED display indicates that the stored in the inside door remain
for 4 seconds and for 8 seconds when -2 °C zone is currently active. securely in place – nothing rattles or
the door is opened. wobbles.

InfinitySpring PowerCooling Touch & Swipe display IceMaker with water tank LightTower IceMaker with fixed water
A source of fresh, cool drinking water Do you want to be sure that the cold Control of your Liebherr at your fingertips: Whether it's for a party or a spontaneous Enjoy an optimally illuminated interior:
in your kitchen. InfinitySpring sounds is distributed as evenly as possible thanks to the Touch & Swipe display, cocktail, the integrated IceMaker means the LightTower shows off the food in its Are there any ice cubes left? The
like something from a fairy tale. The in your refrigerator? If so, the you can operate your refrigerator you always have enough ice cubes in best light and is positioned so that all IceMaker means you never have to ask.
water dispenser enables drip-free water PowerCooling system is what you intuitively and with ease. Simply select stock. With the IceMaker with water of your filled fridge is illuminated at all With the IceMaker with fixed water
dispensing and provides fresh, cold need. The fan – as powerful as it is functions such as SuperCool on the tank, you simply fill the removable times. The flush mounting of the connection, the water comes directly
water. Simply press the panel with the quiet – distributes the cold air colour display by tapping and swiping. water tank with water. The MaxIce LightTower in the side walls means from the tap. The MaxIce function
carafe or glass, and enjoy the water. efficiently throughout the entire The temperature is controlled just as function allows you to produce up to there is also more space for your food. allows you to produce up to 1.5 kg of ice
This enables you to save on purchasing refrigeration compartment. easily. And, what if you are not actively 1.5 kg of ice cubes a day. The ice cube cubes a day. The versatile ice compartment
bottles of water and to live more using the display? Well, it then shows separator helps to divide the drawer as divider lets you choose the amount of
sustainably. you the actual temperature. you wish, for example, ice cubes on the ice cubes you want to store; easy and
left, ice cream on the right. just as you like it.

76 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 77
BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezer BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezers

60 60 60

Our energy saving fridge-freezers in class A
CBNbsa 5753 CBNsda 5753 CBNbda 5723
That feeling of getting fresh fruit and crisp
vegetables out of the fridge just got better.
With our class A fridge-freezers, you have the
best energy efficiency available and sophisticated
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

116 / 0.317 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

116 / 0.317 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

116 / 0.317 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 362 l Total volume ²: 362 l Total volume ²: 360 l
freshness technology to keep your food fresher
Volume:Fridge: 159.9 l / BioFresh compartment: 99.2 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 159.9 l / BioFresh compartment: 99.2 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 158.8 l / BioFresh compartment: 98.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l
for longer - saving resources twice over.
Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: BlackSteel / BlackSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: BlackSteel / black
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Soft- Soft- Easy

Super Super Vario Super Super Vario Super Super
Telescopic Telescopic Twist
Cool Frost Temp Cool Frost Temp Cool Frost
Rails Rails Ice

Easy Easy
Light Light
Twist Twist
Tower Tower
Ice Ice

Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • LC-Display monochrom/hinter der Tür/ • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
touch- & swipe • LED lighting touch- & swipe • LED lighting Touch und Swipe • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Digital temperature display for fridge, • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Digital temperature display for fridge, • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
BioFresh and freezer compartments • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg BioFresh and freezer compartments • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg freezer compartments • Safety glass fittings
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • 2 Cold storage accumulators • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • 2 Cold storage accumulators • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Safety glass fittings • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Safety glass fittings • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and Key features
acoustic acoustic acoustic • Vertical recessed handles
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic Key features • Door alarm: visual and acoustic Key features • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Transport handles, front and at back
• Slimline handles with integrated opening • Slimline handles with integrated opening • Height-adjustable feet at front
Fridge and BioFresh compartments mechanism Fridge and BioFresh compartments mechanism Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Reversible door hinging
VarioTemp • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Transport handles, front and at back, • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Transport handles, front and at back, • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Replaceable door seal
charcoal filter transport castors at back charcoal filter transport castors at back charcoal filter
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Height-adjustable feet at front • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Height-adjustable feet at front • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder Colour / material options:
VarioTemp means you have plenty of scope when
bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Reversible door hinging bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Reversible door hinging • 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 CBNsda 5723 with Stainless steel front
storing food in your fridge freezer. This is because
adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Replaceable door seal adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Replaceable door seal is divided into two parts
you can also set the accurate temperature in the • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with • Integrated bottle shelf
freezer compartment in a range between -2 °C and is divided into two parts SmartSteel is divided into two parts SmartSteel • LED ceiling lighting
+14 °C – and therefore also use this compartment • VarioSafe • VarioSafe • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails,
as a further cooling zone. For example, it can be • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-
• LED light panel both sides • LED light panel both sides Safe
used over the short term for drinks and snacks
• LED BioFresh lighting • LED BioFresh lighting
at parties – or over the long term as a cellar • 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, • 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic,
compartment for storing potatoes. 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy- 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-
Safe Safe

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
78 used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. If the wall spacers are not used, the and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 79
appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezers BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezer

60 60 60 60

CBNstc 579i CBNstd 578i CBNbsd 576i CBNsdb 5753

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

181 / 0.495 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

225 / 0.616 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

226 / 0.619 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

144 / 0.394 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 362 l Total volume ²: 359 l Total volume ²: 362 l Total volume ²: 362 l
Volume:Fridge: 160.3 l / BioFresh compartment: 98.7 l / Freezer compartment: 104 l Volume:Fridge: 160.3 l / BioFresh compartment: 96.1 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 159.9 l / BioFresh compartment: 99.2 l / Freezer compartment: 104 l Volume:Fridge: 159.9 l / BioFresh compartment: 99.2 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l
Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: BlackSteel / BlackSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Soft- Soft-
Super Super Vario Fish & Super Super Vario Super Super Vario Telescopic
Super Super Vario Telescopic
Cool Frost Temp Seafood Cool Frost Temp Cool Frost Temp Rails Cool Frost Temp Rails

Light Telescopic
Light Light Light
Tower Rails Tower Tower Tower

Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4
• 2.4" TFT-colour display in-the-door, • 3 drawers, of which 2 set on telescopic • 2.4" TFT-colour display in-the-door, • 3 drawers, of which 2 set on telescopic • 2.4" TFT-colour display in-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
touch- & swipe rails, VarioSpace touch- & swipe rails, VarioSpace touch- & swipe • IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water touch- & swipe • Ice cube tray with lid
• Digital temperature display for fridge, • IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection, • Digital temperature display for fridge, • Ice cube tray with lid • Digital temperature display for fridge, connection • Digital temperature display for fridge, • LED lighting
BioFresh and freezer compartments LED lighting BioFresh and freezer compartments • LED lighting BioFresh and freezer compartments • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg BioFresh and freezer compartments • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• SmartDeviceBox included • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg • SmartDeviceBox included • Temperature rise time: 20 h • SmartDeviceBox included • Ice cube reservoir 5.4 kg • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Ice cube reservoir 5.4 kg • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • LED lighting • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • 2 Cold storage accumulators
acoustic • LED lighting acoustic • 2 Cold storage accumulators acoustic • Temperature rise time: 20 h acoustic • Safety glass fittings
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Safety glass fittings • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features
Fridge and BioFresh compartments • 2 Cold storage accumulators Fridge and BioFresh compartments Key features Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Safety glass fittings Fridge and BioFresh compartments • Slimline handles with integrated opening
• PowerCooling with Ambilight and • Safety glass fittings • PowerCooling with Ambilight and • Vertical recessed handles • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated mechanism
FreshAir activated charcoal filter FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Transport handles, front and at back, charcoal filter Key features charcoal filter • Transport handles, front and at back,
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with Key features • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with transport castors at back • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Slimline handles with integrated opening • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with transport castors at back
bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Vertical recessed handles bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Height-adjustable feet at front bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, mechanism bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Height-adjustable feet at front
adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Transport handles, front and at back, adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Reversible door hinging adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Transport handles, front and at back, adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Reversible door hinging
• 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 transport castors at back • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Replaceable door seal • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 transport castors at back • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Replaceable door seal
is divided into two parts • Height-adjustable feet at front is divided into two parts • Dry rear wall and door panel in stainless is divided into two parts • Height-adjustable feet at front is divided into two parts • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with
• VarioSafe • Reversible door hinging • VarioSafe steel with SmartSteel • VarioSafe • Reversible door hinging • VarioSafe SmartSteel
• Integrated bottle shelf • Replaceable door seal • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf • Replaceable door seal • Integrated bottle shelf
• LED light panel both sides • Dry rear wall and door panel in stainless
• LED light panel both sides • LED light panel both sides • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with • LED light panel both sides
• LED BioFresh lighting steel with SmartSteel
• LED BioFresh lighting • LED BioFresh lighting SmartSteel • LED BioFresh lighting
• 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails,
• 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, • 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, • 2 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic,
1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe with
1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe with 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy- 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-
HydroBreeze, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe,
HydroBreeze, 1 Fish & Seafood-Safe, Safe Safe
1 FlexSystem
1 FlexSystem
• InfinitySpring with fixed 3/4" water

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
80 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 81
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezers BioFresh NoFrost fridge-freezer NoFrost fridge-freezer

60 60 60 60

CBNsfd 5723 CBNsfc 522i CBNsfd 5223 CNsdd 5763

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

226 / 0.619 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

170 / 0.465 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

213 / 0.583 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

203 / 0.556 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 360 l Total volume ²: 320 l Total volume ²: 320 l Total volume ²: 373 l
Volume:Fridge: 158.8 l / BioFresh compartment: 98.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 164.7 l / BioFresh compartment: 52.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 164.7 l / BioFresh compartment: 52.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 269.5 l / Freezer compartment: 104 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 32 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Easy Easy Easy

Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Vario
Twist Twist Twist
Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost Temp
Ice Ice Ice

Water tank

Controls Key features Controls Key features Controls Key features Controls Freezer compartment 4
• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, • Vertical recessed handles • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, • Vertical recessed handles • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, • Vertical recessed handles • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
touch electronic • Transport handles, front and at back touch electronic • Transport handles, front and at back touch electronic • Transport handles, front and at back touch- & swipe • IceMaker with water tank
• Digital temperature display for fridge and • Height-adjustable feet at front • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Height-adjustable feet at front • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Height-adjustable feet at front • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg
freezer compartments • Reversible door hinging freezer compartments • Reversible door hinging freezer compartments • Reversible door hinging freezer compartments • Ice cube reservoir 5.4 kg
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Replaceable door seal • SmartDeviceBox included • Replaceable door seal • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Replaceable door seal • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • LED lighting
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Temperature rise time: 20 h
acoustic acoustic acoustic acoustic • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • 2 Cold storage accumulators
• Safety glass fittings
Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge compartment
• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated Key features
charcoal filter charcoal filter charcoal filter charcoal filter • Slimline handles with integrated opening
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with mechanism
• 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Transport handles, front and at back,
is divided into two parts is divided into two parts is divided into two parts adjustable egg tray, butter dish transport castors at back
• Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Height-adjustable feet at front
• LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting is divided into two parts • Reversible door hinging
• 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, • 1 BioFresh-Safe on telescopic rails, • 1 BioFresh-Safe on telescopic rails, • VarioSafe • Replaceable door seal
1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy- 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe • Bottle shelf • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with
Safe • LED light panel both sides SmartSteel
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on telescopic rails
Freezer compartment 4 • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
• 3 drawers, VarioSpace • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
• Safety glass fittings

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
82 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 83
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost fridge-freezers NoFrost fridge-freezer

60 60 60 60

CNsdb 5753 CNsfd 5743 CNsfd 573i CNbdd 5733

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

129 / 0.353 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

203 / 0.556 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

203 / 0.556 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 372 l Total volume ²: 371 l Total volume ²: 359 l Total volume ²: 371 l
Volume:Fridge: 269.5 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 267.9 l / Freezer compartment: 104 l Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l Volume:Fridge: 267.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l
Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 32 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: BlackSteel / black
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Ice Easy Easy

Super Super Vario Super Super Super Super Super Super
Maker Twist Twist
Cool Frost Temp Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost
Water tank Ice Ice


Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Freezer compartment 4 Controls Key features Controls Key features
• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-colour display in-the-door, • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2.4" TFT-colour display in-the-door, • Vertical recessed handles • 2.4" TFT-colour display in-the-door, • Vertical recessed handles
touch- & swipe • LED lighting touch- & swipe • IceMaker with water tank touch- & swipe • Transport handles, front and at back touch- & swipe • Transport handles, front and at back
• Digital temperature display for fridge and • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 1.2 kg • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Height-adjustable feet at front • Digital temperature display for fridge and • Height-adjustable feet at front
freezer compartments • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg freezer compartments • Ice cube reservoir 5.4 kg freezer compartments • Reversible door hinging freezer compartments • Reversible door hinging
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • 2 Cold storage accumulators • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Temperature rise time: 20 h • SmartDeviceBox included • Replaceable door seal • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • Replaceable door seal
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Safety glass fittings • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and
acoustic acoustic • Safety glass fittings acoustic acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic Key features • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Slimline handles with integrated opening Key features
Fridge compartment mechanism Fridge compartment • Vertical recessed handles Fridge compartment Fridge compartment
• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Transport handles, front and at back, • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • Transport handles, front and at back • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated
charcoal filter transport castors at back charcoal filter • Height-adjustable feet at front charcoal filter charcoal filter
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with • Height-adjustable feet at front • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Reversible door hinging • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, • Reversible door hinging • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Replaceable door seal • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • 5 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1
adjustable egg tray, butter dish • Replaceable door seal is divided into two parts is divided into two parts is divided into two parts
• 5 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with • VarioSafe • VarioSafe • VarioSafe
is divided into two parts SmartSteel • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf
• VarioSafe • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting
• Bottle shelf • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
• LED light panel both sides
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on telescopic rails Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
• 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
84 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 85
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost fridge-freezers NoFrost fridge-freezers

60 60 60 60

CNsfd 5724 CNd 5724 CNsfd 5723 CNsfd 5704

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

203 / 0.556 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 359 l Total volume ²: 359 l Total volume ²: 371 l Total volume ²: 359 l
Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l Volume:Fridge: 267.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Easy Easy Easy

Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super
Twist Twist Twist
Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost
Ice Ice Ice

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 5 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves
• VarioSafe • VarioSafe • VarioSafe • 3 bottle shelf
• Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • LED ceiling lighting
• LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
Freezer compartment 4
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • 4 drawers, VarioSpace
• 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Safety glass fittings
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
Key features
Key features Key features Key features • Vertical recessed handles
• Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles • Transport handles, front and at back
• Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
86 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 87
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost fridge-freezers NoFrost fridge-freezers

60 60 60 60

CNd 5704 CNsfd 5703 CNd 5703 CNd 5224

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

210 / 0.575 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

203 / 0.556 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

203 / 0.556 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

202 / 0.553 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 359 l Total volume ²: 371 l Total volume ²: 371 l Total volume ²: 319 l
Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l Volume:Fridge: 267.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 267.9 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 187.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l
Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 201.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super

Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 5 GlassLine storage shelves • 5 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• 3 bottle shelf • 3 bottle shelf • 3 bottle shelf • Bottle shelf
• LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Ice cube tray
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Safety glass fittings
Key features Key features Key features
• Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles Key features
• Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Vertical recessed handles
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Transport handles, front and at back
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
88 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 89
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost fridge-freezers NoFrost fridge-freezers

60 60 60 60

CNsfd 5223 CNd 5223 CNsfd 5204 CNd 5204

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

201 / 0.550 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

201 / 0.550 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

202 / 0.553 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

202 / 0.553 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 330 l Total volume ²: 330 l Total volume ²: 319 l Total volume ²: 319 l
Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 187.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l Volume:Fridge: 187.1 l / Freezer compartment: 132 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Easy Easy
Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super
Twist Twist
Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost
Ice Ice

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 3 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves
• Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • 3 bottle shelf • 3 bottle shelf
• LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings

Key features Key features Key features Key features

• Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles
• Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
90 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 91
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost fridge-freezers NoFrost fridge-freezers

60 60 60 60

CNsfd 5203 CNd 5203 CNsfd 5023 CNd 5023

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

201 / 0.550 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

201 / 0.550 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

191 / 0.523 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

191 / 0.523 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 330 l Total volume ²: 330 l Total volume ²: 280 l Total volume ²: 280 l
Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 227.1 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 177 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l Volume:Fridge: 177 l / Freezer compartment: 103 l
Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super

Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost Cool Frost

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and freezer compartments
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• 3 bottle shelf • 3 bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf
• LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
Key features Key features
• Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles Key features Key features
• Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Vertical recessed handles • Vertical recessed handles
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
92 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 93
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
SmartFrost fridge-freezers SmartFrost fridge-freezers

55 55 55 55 55 55

CUef 3331 CUel 3331 CUel 2831 CU 2831 CUel 2331 CU 2331

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
280 / 0.767 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
280 / 0.767 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
240 / 0.657 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
240 / 0.657 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
241 / 0.660 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
241 / 0.660 kWh
Total volume ¹: 296 l Total volume ¹: 296 l Total volume ¹: 265 l Total volume ¹: 265 l Total volume ¹: 210 l Total volume ¹: 210 l
Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 84 l Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 84 l Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l Volume:Fridge: 156.5 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l Volume:Fridge: 156.5 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l
Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: Stainless steel look / silver Door / side walls: Stainless steel look / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: Stainless steel look / silver Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 181.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 181.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 161.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 161.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 137.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 137.2 / 55 / 63

Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1
• CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves
• Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • LED lighting • LED lighting
• LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
• 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • 2 drawers, VarioSpace • 2 drawers, VarioSpace
• 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2 drawers, VarioSpace • 2 drawers, VarioSpace • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray
• Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Temperature rise time: 18 h • Temperature rise time: 18 h
• Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 20 h • Temperature rise time: 18 h • Temperature rise time: 18 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.8 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.8 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
Key features Key features
Key features Key features Key features Key features • SwingLine design • SwingLine design
• SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design • Recessed handles • Recessed handles
• Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging

Colour / material options:

CU 3331 in white

You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a. 1 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
94 and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 95
SmartFrost fridge-freezers

55 55 55

CUno 2831 CUkw 2831 CUfb 2831

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
240 / 0.657 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
240 / 0.657 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
240 / 0.657 kWh
Total volume ¹: 265 l Total volume ¹: 265 l Total volume ¹: 265 l
Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l Volume:Fridge: 212.4 l / Freezer compartment: 54 l
Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Door / side walls: NeonOrange / NeonOrange Door / side walls: KiwiGreen / KiwiGreen Door / side walls: FrozenBlue / FrozenBlue
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 161.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 161.2 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 161.2 / 55 / 63

Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1
• CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves
• Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf
• LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting
• 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 2 drawers, VarioSpace • 2 drawers, VarioSpace • 2 drawers, VarioSpace
• Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray
• Temperature rise time: 18 h • Temperature rise time: 18 h • Temperature rise time: 18 h
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings

Key features Key features Key features

• SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design
• Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
CUno 2831 CUkw 2831 CUfb 2831

1 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
96 and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 97
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
SmartFrost Top Mount fridge-freezers SmartFrost Top Mount fridge-freezers

55 55 55 55 55 55

CTel 2931 CT 2931 CTel 2531 CT 2531 CTel 2131 CT 2131

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
231 / 0.632 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
231 / 0.632 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
212 / 0.580 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
212 / 0.580 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
198 / 0.542 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
198 / 0.542 kWh
Total volume ¹: 270 l Total volume ¹: 270 l Total volume ¹: 233 l Total volume ¹: 233 l Total volume ¹: 196 l Total volume ¹: 196 l
Volume:Fridge: 218.6 l / Freezer compartment: 52 l Volume:Fridge: 218.6 l / Freezer compartment: 52 l Volume:Fridge: 189.5 l / Freezer compartment: 44 l Volume:Fridge: 189.5 l / Freezer compartment: 44 l Volume:Fridge: 152.2 l / Freezer compartment: 44 l Volume:Fridge: 152.2 l / Freezer compartment: 44 l
Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: Stainless steel look / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: Stainless steel look / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: Stainless steel look / silver Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 157.1 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 157.1 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 140.1 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 140.1 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 124.1 / 55 / 63 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 124.1 / 55 / 63

Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1 • Individually regulated cooling circuits: 1

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves • 3 GlassLine storage shelves
• LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting
• 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
• 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment
• Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray
• Temperature rise time: 19.54 h • Temperature rise time: 19.54 h • Temperature rise time: 17.12 h • Temperature rise time: 17.12 h • Temperature rise time: 17.3 h • Temperature rise time: 17.3 h
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.6 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.6 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.7 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3.7 kg
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings

Key features Key features Key features Key features Key features Key features
• SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design • SwingLine design
• Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles • Recessed handles
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging

You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a. 1 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
98 and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 99

RBsdd 5250 Prime series

100 101
Range overview of fridges

Range overview
by device height
and series

Peak series 60



Prime series

Plus series ↑

185 ↑
↓ 165 ↑
Pure series ↓
↓ 125

BioFresh Professional
HydroBreeze/Fish & Seafood RBstd 528i
RBbsc 5280 IRBd 4571 IRBd 4171
HydroBreeze SRBstd 529i
RBbsc 5250 IRBb 4170
RBsdd 5250
RBd 5250
RBsfe 5221
RBe 5221
RBsfe 5220
RBe 5220
Full-space BioFresh RBa 4250
Rd 5250
Pull-out drawer/bottle basket RDsfe 5220
Pull-out drawer/bottle basket Rsfe 5220
Re 5220
Rsfe 5020
Re 5020
Rsfe 4620
Re 4620
Rf 4200

RDsfe 5220 Plus series

102 103
Series Liebherr Series

Pure series Plus series Prime series Peak series

Fridges Freshness technology EasyFresh on integrated

drawer guide
EasyFresh on integrated
drawer guide
on telescopic rails
on telescopic rails

BioFresh BioFresh BioFresh Professional
^ on telescopic rails with SoftTelescopic with SoftTelescopic


Fish & Seafood safe

FreshAir filter FreshAir filter FreshAir filter FreshAir filter

Comfort and flexibility Divisible glass shelf Divisible glass shelf Divisible glass shelf

SoftSystem SoftSystem
soft closing mechanism soft closing mechanism

VarioSafe VarioSafe VarioSafe

VarioBoxes VarioBoxes

Butter dish Butter dish

Egg tray Egg tray Adjustable egg tray Adjustable egg tray

Bottle shelf Bottle shelf Bottle shelf Bottle shelf


Design Ceiling or
Ceiling lighting LightTower LightTower
side lighting

Lighting Lighting
BioFresh safe BioFresh safe

Fan lighting

SmartSteel rear wall SmartSteel rear wall

SmartSteel door interior

Pure series Plus series Prime series Peak series
Transparent glass Transparent glass Satin finish glass Satin finish glass

Stainless steel look shelves Stainless steel look shelves Glass & stainless steel rack Glass & stainless steel rack

Touch display Touch display Touch & Swipe display Touch & Swipe display

Display behind the door Display behind the door Display behind the door Display behind the door

Slimline door handle with

Recessed grip Recessed grip Recessed grip
opening mechanism

Connectivity can be retrofitted or is

can be retrofitted can be retrofitted can be retrofitted
(SmartDeviceBox) included with “i” models

Water InfinitySpring for

SBS-capable models

The standard features mentioned above may vary depending on the model. Details can be found in the model description.
104 105

Quality in every detail


Fruit & Vegetable safe EasyFresh LED side lighting, single sided Slimline door handle with Door shelf Bottle shelf above the
integrated opening mechanism BioFresh safe
Crunchy salad and strawberries: the The guarantee of market freshness in For a quick overview of everything in Do you want a safe storage area for
most delicate foods deserve a special the home is our EasyFresh Safe. the refrigerator: the LED side lighting Opening made easy: The practical and your drinks or food? And do you still Expecting guests and want to chill a
place so they stay fresh longer – in Whether it’s unpackaged vegetables or helps you to keep your food in view. elegant slimline door handle with an want to reach them easily? Our few more drinks than usual? The bottle
BioFresh safes. In the Fruit & Vegetable fruit, this ensures optimal storage for The LEDs are positioned so that the integrated opening mechanism allows height-adjustable door shelves offer shelf above the BioFresh safes exists
safe the temperature is close to 0°C. everything. Thanks to the air-tight light beams go up and down. And the you to open the appliance door you both – thanks to the safety glass for this very reason. Simply remove the
Combined here with the constant closure, the food causes the humidity LEDs integrated flush into the side effortlessly, even when it’s opened shelves and stainless steel rails. The glass shelf above the bottle shelf in one
humidity, thanks to the air-tight closure, in the safe to rise. This keeps the food walls mean that the valuable usable multiple times in quick succession. The sliding and removable bottle holder easy step – and you can now safely
unpackaged fruit and vegetables feel fresher for longer. area is fully maintained. classy, minimalistic handles are also also ensures that your bottles are held store and cool bottles of various sizes.
particularly at home. You do not have to an eye-catcher on your appliance. securely.
adjust anything.

3 bottle shelf LightTower Door hinge exchange, integrated SoftTelescopic FlexSystem Space for baking tray
freezer compartment
Now your bottles stay where they Enjoy an optimally illuminated interior: Look forward to opening your BioFresh Small and delicate fruit in the refrigerator Do you want to keep that home-baked
should. The 3 bottle shelf securely the LightTower shows off the food in its Switch the opening direction on your safes. And this is not just because of can easily roll out of sight or become fruit pie fresh? Or maybe a prepared
holds three bottles in your fridge ready best light and is positioned so that all 4* freezer compartment door quickly the fresh food – but also because crushed. That’s why your Liebherr pizza to be baked later on? If so, simply
to be used. The bottle shelf fits on of your filled fridge is illuminated at all and easily: The clever slide control opening is so easy, and closing is comes with the FlexSystem. Two slide your baking tray into your Liebherr
every glass shelf and is therefore very times. The flush mounting of the means this can be done in seconds and cushioned. The telescopic rails slide the flexibly positionable boxes in the – it has plenty of space for storing a
flexible. And if you need the space for LightTower in the side walls means without any manual skills. Simply slide safe gently towards you. And because BioFresh safe ensure everything is baking tray. Really convenient – you can
other reasons, simply take the bottle there is also more space for your food. the control on the 4*freezer compartment these extend fully, you have the best clearly arranged and organised. And slide the baking tray in and out when
shelf out of the fridge. right or left – that’s it, done. overview of the contents. they also safely protect even the the door is opened at 90°.
smallest raspberry from bruising or
from being mixed up with other foods.

106 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 107
BioFresh fridges BioFresh fridges

2022 2022 2022

60 60 60 60

SRBstd 529i RBstd 528i RBbsc 5280 RBbsc 5250

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

134 / 0.367 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

134 / 0.367 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

107 / 0.293 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

C ¹

107 / 0.293 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 386 l Total volume ²: 384 l Total volume ²: 384 l Total volume ²: 386 l
Volume:Fridge: 246.2 l / BioFresh compartment: 140.6 l Volume:Fridge: 246.2 l / BioFresh compartment: 137.9 l Volume:Fridge: 246.2 l / BioFresh compartment: 137.9 l Volume:Fridge: 245.8 l / BioFresh compartment: 140.9 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: SmartSteel / SmartSteel Door / side walls: BlackSteel / BlackSteel Door / side walls: BlackSteel / BlackSteel
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Soft- Soft- Soft- Soft-

Super Telescopic
Light Fish & Super Telescopic
Light Fish & Super Telescopic
Light Super Telescopic
Cool Rails Tower Seafood Cool Rails Tower Seafood Cool Rails Tower Cool Rails Tower

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe
• Digital temperature display for fridge and BioFresh compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and BioFresh compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and BioFresh compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge and BioFresh compartments
• SmartDeviceBox included • SmartDeviceBox included • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments
• PowerCooling with Ambilight and FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with Ambilight and FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with Ambilight and FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, adjustable • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, adjustable • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, adjustable • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, adjustable
egg tray, butter dish egg tray, butter dish egg tray, butter dish egg tray, butter dish
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• VarioSafe • VarioSafe • VarioSafe • VarioSafe
• Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf
• LED light panel both sides • LED light panel both sides • LED light panel both sides • LED light panel both sides
• LED BioFresh lighting • LED BioFresh lighting • LED BioFresh lighting • LED BioFresh lighting
• 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, 2 Fruit & Vegetable-Safes, of which 1 with • 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe with HydroBreeze, 1 • 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe with HydroBreeze, 1 • 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, 2 Fruit & Vegetable-Safes, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe
HydroBreeze, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe, 1 FlexSystem Fish & Seafood-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe, 1 FlexSystem Fish & Seafood-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe
• InfinitySpring with fixed 3/4" water connection Key features
Key features Key features • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism
Key features • Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Side wall heating left, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, freezers and/ • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Height-adjustable feet at front
or wine appliances • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with SmartSteel
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Dry rear wall and door panel in stainless steel with SmartSteel • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with SmartSteel
• Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal
• Dry rear wall and door panel in stainless steel with SmartSteel
1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
108 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 109
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
BioFresh fridges BioFresh fridges


60 60 60 60

RBd 5250 RBsfe 5221 RBe 5221 RBsfe 5220

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

134 / 0.367 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

205 / 0.561 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

205 / 0.561 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

158 / 0.432 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 386 l Total volume ²: 351 l Total volume ²: 351 l Total volume ²: 382 l
Volume:Fridge: 245.8 l / BioFresh compartment: 140.9 l Volume:Fridge: 223 l / BioFresh compartment: 93.9 l / Freezer compartment: 34 l Volume:Fridge: 223 l / BioFresh compartment: 93.9 l / Freezer compartment: 34 l Volume:Fridge: 288.7 l / BioFresh compartment: 93.7 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Telescopic
Light Super Super Super
Cool Rails Tower Cool Cool Cool

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge and BioFresh compartments • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments Fridge and BioFresh compartments
• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, adjustable • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
egg tray, butter dish • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • Integrated bottle shelf • Integrated bottle shelf • VarioSafe
• VarioSafe • LED light one-sided • LED light one-sided • Integrated bottle shelf
• Integrated bottle shelf • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe • LED ceiling lighting
• LED light panel both sides • 2 BioFresh-Safes on telescopic rails, 1 Fruit & Vegetable-Safe, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe
• LED BioFresh lighting Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
• 3 BioFresh-Safes with SoftTelescopic, 2 Fruit & Vegetable-Safes, 1 Meat & Dairy-Safe • 4-star freezer compartment, reversible door hinging • 4-star freezer compartment, reversible door hinging Key features
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Vertical recessed handle
Key features • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 5 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 5 kg • Transport handles, front and at back
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back Key features Key features • Reversible door hinging
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle • Replaceable door seal
• Reversible door hinging • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back
• Replaceable door seal • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front Colour / material options:
• Dry rear wall in stainless steel with SmartSteel • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging RBe 5220 in white
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
Colour / material options:
RBsdd 5250 with SmartSteel front

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
110 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 111
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
BioFresh fridge


RBa 4250
BioFresh guarantees the perfect temperature for
much longer freshness. At a temperature of just
over 0°C and with the ideal humidity, fresh food can
keep its appetising appearance and retain healthy
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

65 / 0.178 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 160 l

vitamins and minerals for considerably longer than
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
in a normal fridge compartment. While the DrySafe
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
is particularly suitable for storing meat, fish and
dairy products, the high humidity in the Fruit & Door / side walls: white / white

Vegetable safe can prevent fruit and vegetables Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 125.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

from drying out and helps preserve stored goods

for an even longer period.

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe
• Digital temperature display for BioFresh compartments
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge and BioFresh compartments

• LED BioFresh lighting
• 4 BioFresh-Safes on integrated drawer guide

Key features
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal

LED lighting

The LED lighting ensures your BioFresh safes are

pleasantly lit. This makes it even easier for you to
find the food you want. The energy-efficient LED
unit is elegantly positioned above the safes to
save space.

1 To
 achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the

RBa 4250 Prime series appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have
a slightly higher energy consumption level.
2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the
nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
112 and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
EasyFresh fridges EasyFresh fridges

60 60 60

Rd 5250 RDsfe 5220 Rsfe 5220
The guarantee of market freshness in the home is
our EasyFresh Safe. Whether it’s unpackaged
vegetables or fruit, this ensures optimal storage
for everything. Thanks to the air-tight closure,
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

99 / 0.271 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

123 / 0.337 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

123 / 0.337 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 401 l Total volume ²: 399 l Total volume ²: 399 l
the food causes the humidity in the safe to rise.
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
This keeps the food fresh for a long time.
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Light Super Super

Cool Tower Cool Cool

Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Removable VarioBoxes, adjustable • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
egg tray, butter dish • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • LED ceiling lighting • VarioSafe
• VarioSafe • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • Bottle shelf
• Bottle shelf • Pull-out drawer with partial extension on telescopic rails • LED ceiling lighting
• LED light panel both sides • 2 removable bottle baskets • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on telescopic rails • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
Bottle basket RDsfe 5220 • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer on telescopic rails
Key features Key features
Do your family and party guests love cold drinks? Key features • Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back
Often the inside door of the refrigerator isn’t
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
enough for bottle cooling. However, your Liebherr
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
will be happy to help. There’s plenty of room in the • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
bottle baskets for bottles and Tetrapaks – or even a • Replaceable door seal
whole crate of beer. The shelves of the baskets rest • Dry rear wall in stainless steel with SmartSteel Colour / material options:
on telescopic rails and slide out gently for easy Re 5220 in white


1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
114 used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. If the wall spacers are not used, the and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 115
appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
EasyFresh fridges EasyFresh fridges

60 60 60 60

Rsfe 5020 Re 5020 Rsfe 4620 Rf 4200

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

117 / 0.320 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

117 / 0.320 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

111 / 0.304 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

131 / 0.358 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 348 l Total volume ²: 348 l Total volume ²: 298 l Total volume ²: 247 l
Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 145.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 125.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Super Super Super

Cool Cool Cool Cool

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment

• PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter • PowerCooling with FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder
• 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 6 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 5 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 5 GlassLine storage shelves
• VarioSafe • VarioSafe • Bottle shelf • 3 bottle shelf
• Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting
• LED ceiling lighting • LED ceiling lighting • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
• 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails • 1 EasyFresh-Safe on running rails
Key features Key features
Key features Key features • Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle
• Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle • Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back
• Transport handles, front and at back • Transport handles, front and at back • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
Colour / material options:
Re 4620 in white

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
116 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 117
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Fridges Fridges

55 55 55

Bottle shelf
Ksl 2834 K 2834 K 2340

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

197 / 0.539 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

197 / 0.539 kWh ¹
The bottle shelf is the practical and elegant answer
for storing drinks. As many as five bottles can be
chilled and stored neatly.
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

126 / 0.345 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 250 l Total volume ²: 250 l Total volume ²: 214 l
Volume:Fridge: 229.8 l / Freezer compartment: 21 l Volume:Fridge: 229.8 l / Freezer compartment: 21 l Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: white / white
Door / side walls: silver / silver Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 114 / 55 / 63 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 140.2 / 55 / 63 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 140.2 / 55 / 63 ¹

Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function
Fridge compartment
Fridge compartment Fridge compartment • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray
• Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • 5 GlassLine storage shelves
• 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • Bottle shelf
• Bottle shelf • Bottle shelf • LED lighting
• LED lighting • LED lighting • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
• 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
Key features
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • SwingLine design
• 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• Ice cube tray • Ice cube tray • Versatile installation due to front ventilation
• Temperature rise time: 8 h • Temperature rise time: 8 h • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 3 kg GlassLine • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging
Key features Key features
The distinctive GlassLine interior conveys build
• SwingLine design • SwingLine design
• Stainless steel slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Ergonomically designed slimline handle and finish quality. The shelves are made of safety
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation glass. The split, slide-under glass shelf can be
• Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back located at different heights as required.
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging

2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the
1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm. nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and
118 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Under counter fridges

Quality in every detail

Under counter fridges ---

Premium GlassLine 4-star freezer compartment Slimline door handle

Premium GlassLine door shelves with You can freeze fresh food and store The slimline door handle is discrete and
stainless steel trim. Elegant stainless frozen food for long periods in appliances ergonomically designed for ease of
steel bars help protect taller bottles with the 4-star freezer compartment. opening. Under counter fridges with
and jars. Temperatures of −18 °C and lower ensure manual controls can be further reduced
food is stored with all the vital vitamins in height by removing the tabletop of
and minerals preserved. the fridge.

SuperCool function GlassLine Vegetable compartments

The elegant and precise MagicEye The distinctive GlassLine interior Ergonomically designed, the extra deep
control with its digital temperature conveys build and finish quality. The transparent vegetable compartments are
display lets you keep the temperature shelves are made of safety glass. The easy-to-clean and provide ample storage
at exactly the level you select. The split, slide-under glass shelf can be for fruit and vegetables.
clear arrangement of the function located at different heights as required.
buttons makes for easy and convenient
use. The automatic SuperCool function
lowers the refrigerator temperature to
+2 °C. It is perfect for quickly cooling
TP 1760 freshly stored food.

120 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 121
Under counter fridges Under counter fridges

60 60 60 60

TP 1764 TP 1760 TP 1724 TP 1720

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

146 / 0.400 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

93 / 0.254 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

146 / 0.400 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

92 / 0.252 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 135 l Total volume ²: 155 l Total volume ²: 143 l Total volume ²: 145 l
Volume:Fridge: 118 l / Freezer compartment: 18 l Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Volume:Fridge: 126 l / Freezer compartment: 18 l Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Door / side walls: white / white Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: white / white
Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 62.8 ¹ Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 62.8 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 62.8 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 62.8 ¹


Controls Controls Controls Controls

• MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • Digital temperature display for fridge compartment • CoolPlus function
Fridge compartment
Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray
• Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • Premium GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• 3 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • LED lighting
• LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
• 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
Key features
Freezer compartment 4 Key features Freezer compartment 4 • SwingDesign
• 4-star freezer compartment • SwingDesign • 4-star freezer compartment • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• Ice cube tray • Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Ice cube tray • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation
• Temperature rise time: 8.9 h • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Temperature rise time: 9 h (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 4.7 kg • Height-adjustable feet at front • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 4.29 kg • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
Key features Key features
• SwingDesign • SwingDesign
• Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation
• Height-adjustable feet at front (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop
• Reversible door hinging • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
122 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 123
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Under counter fridges Under counter fridges

60 60 60 60

TPesf 1714 TPesf 1710 T 1714 T 1810

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

183 / 0.501 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

115 / 0.315 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

183 / 0.501 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

118 / 0.323 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 143 l Total volume ²: 145 l Total volume ²: 143 l Total volume ²: 161 l
Volume:Fridge: 126 l / Freezer compartment: 18 l Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Volume:Fridge: 126 l / Freezer compartment: 18 l Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: Stainless steel / silver Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: white / white
Door / side walls: Stainless steel / silver Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 60.8 ¹ Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 62.8 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 60.8 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 60.1 / 62.8 ¹

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function
Fridge compartment Fridge compartment
Fridge compartment • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray Fridge compartment • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray
• Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • 4 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts
• 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • LED lighting • 2 GlassLine storage shelves, of which 1 is divided into two parts • LED lighting
• LED lighting • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • LED lighting • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
• 2 fruit and vegetable drawers • 2 fruit and vegetable drawers
Key features Key features
Freezer compartment 4 • HardLine Freezer compartment 4 • SwingDesign
• 4-star freezer compartment • Stainless steel slimline door handle • 4-star freezer compartment • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• Ice cube tray • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation • Ice cube tray • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation
• Temperature rise time: 9 h (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop • Temperature rise time: 9 h (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 4.36 kg • Height-adjustable feet at front • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 4.36 kg • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
Key features Key features
• HardLine • SwingDesign
• Stainless steel slimline door handle • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation
(exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
124 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 125
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Under counter fridges Under counter fridges

55 55 55

4-star freezer compartment
TP 1414 T 1504 T 1700
You can freeze fresh food and store frozen food for
long periods in appliances with the 4-star freezer
compartment. Temperatures of −18 °C and lower
ensure food is stored with all the vital vitamins and
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

176 / 0.482 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
180 / 0.493 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
116 / 0.317 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 120 l Total volume ²: 133 l Total volume ²: 149 l
minerals preserved.
Volume:Fridge: 106.3 l / Freezer compartment: 15 l Volume:Fridge: 116.9 l / Freezer compartment: 17 l Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C
Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 40 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: white / white
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 55.4 / 62.3 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 55.4 / 62.3 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 55.4 / 62.3 ¹

Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function
Fridge compartment
Fridge compartment Fridge compartment • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray
• Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • 4 GlassLine storage shelves
• 2 GlassLine storage shelves • 2 GlassLine storage shelves • LED lighting
• LED lighting • LED lighting • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
• 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
Key features
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • SwingDesign
• 4-star freezer compartment • 4-star freezer compartment • Recessed handle
• Temperature rise time: 9 h • Temperature rise time: 8 h • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 2 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 5.13 kg (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop
Slimline door handle • Height-adjustable feet at front
Key features Key features • Reversible door hinging
The slimline door handle is discrete and • SwingDesign • SwingDesign
ergonomically designed for ease of opening. • Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Recessed handle
• Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation
Under counter fridges with manual controls
(exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop
can be further reduced in height by removing
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
the tabletop of the fridge. • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
126 used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm. If the wall spacers are not used, the and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 127
appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Under counter fridges Under counter fridges

50 50 50 50 50

T 1414 T 1410 T 1404 Tb 1400 T 1400

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

176 / 0.482 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

114 / 0.312 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
176 / 0.482 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
114 / 0.312 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
114 / 0.312 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 120 l Total volume ²: 136 l Total volume ²: 120 l Total volume ²: 136 l Total volume ²: 136 l
Volume:Fridge: 106.3 l / Freezer compartment: 15 l Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Volume:Fridge: 106.3 l / Freezer compartment: 15 l Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Noise output / noise class: 40 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Noise output / noise class: 40 dB(A) / C Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: white / white Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Door / side walls: black / black Door / side walls: white / white
Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 50.1 / 62 ¹ Door / side walls: white / white Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 50.1 / 62 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 50.1 / 62 ¹
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 50.1 / 62 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85 / 50.1 / 62 ¹

Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls

• Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial • Mechanical control in interior, control dial
• CoolPlus function • CoolPlus function
Fridge compartment Fridge compartment Fridge compartment
Fridge compartment • Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray Fridge compartment • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray
• Comfort GlassLine storage shelf with bottle holder, Egg tray • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • Plastic door shelves with bottle holder, Egg tray • 4 GlassLine storage shelves • 4 GlassLine storage shelves
• 2 GlassLine storage shelves • LED lighting • 2 GlassLine storage shelves • LED lighting • LED lighting
• LED lighting • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • LED lighting • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
• 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer • 1 spacious fruit and vegetable drawer
Key features Key features Key features
Freezer compartment 4 • SwingDesign Freezer compartment 4 • SwingDesign • SwingDesign
• 4-star freezer compartment • Ergonomically designed slimline handle • 4-star freezer compartment • Recessed handle • Recessed handle
• Temperature rise time: 8.9 h • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation • Temperature rise time: 8.9 h • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 5.35 kg (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 5.35 kg ventilation (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and ventilation (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and
• Height-adjustable feet at front removable tabletop removable tabletop
Key features • Reversible door hinging Key features • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• SwingDesign • SwingDesign • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Recessed handle
• Under-worktop installation compatible due to front ventilation • Under-worktop installation compatible due to front
(exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and removable tabletop ventilation (exhaust ventilation via grills in worktop) and
• Height-adjustable feet at front removable tabletop
• Reversible door hinging • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
128 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 129
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.

FNsdd 5297 Peak series

130 131
Range overview of freezers

Range overview
by device height
and series

Peak series 70



Prime series

Plus series

185 ↑
↓ 165
Pure series ↓ 145

EasyTwist-Ice FNc 7277 FNc 7076 FNc 6675

without EasyTwist-Ice FNc 7227 FNc 7026 FNc 6625





185 ↑
↓ 165 ↑
↓ 145
↓ 125

IceTower FNsdd 5297
SFNsfe 5247
EasyTwist-Ice FNc 5277 FNb 5056 BluRoX FNd 4655 FNd 4254
FNsdd 5257 FNd 5056
FNd 525i
without EasyTwist-Ice FNe 5227 FNe 5026 FNd 4625 FNe 4224
FNf 4204

FNb 5056 Prime series

132 133
Series Series

Pure series Plus series Prime series Peak series

Freezers Freshness technology NoFrost NoFrost NoFrost NoFrost

Comfort and flexibility EasyOpen EasyOpen EasyOpen EasyOpen

--- FrostProtect

Tipping drawer

Tipping drawer

Tipping drawer

Tipping drawer

soft closing mechanism
for SBS-capable models

SpaceBox SpaceBox SpaceBox SpaceBox

Integrated Integrated Integrated Drawers guided

drawer guide drawer guide drawer guide on telescopic rails

Ice cube tray with lid for

Ice cube tray
SBS-capable models

Freezer tray Freezer tray Freezer tray

2 cold storage 2 cold storage

accumulators accumulators

VarioSpace VarioSpace VarioSpace VarioSpace

Design Status light Status light

Freezer compartment Freezer compartment

lighting lighting

IceMaker lighting

Touch display Touch display Touch & Swipe display Touch & Swipe display

Display behind the door Display behind the door Display behind the door Display behind the door

Slimline door handle with Slimline door handle with

Recessed grip Recessed grip
Pure series Plus series Prime series Peak series opening mechanism opening mechanism

Connectivity can be retrofitted or is can be retrofitted or is

can be retrofitted can be retrofitted
(SmartDeviceBox) included with “i” models included with “i” models

Ice EasyTwist-Ice or EasyTwist-Ice or

EasyTwist-Ice or
IceTower for IceTower for
SBS-capable models SBS-capable models

Ice cube tray for Ice cube tray for Ice cube tray for
SBS-capable models SBS-capable models SBS-capable models

The standard features mentioned above may vary depending on the model. Details can be found in the model description.
134 135

Quality in every detail


NoFrost SmartFrost Touch & Swipe display FrostProtect Cold storage accumulator SpaceBox

When you open your freezer, you want With the SmartFrost technology, ice Control of your Liebherr at your fingertips: Not all freezers are fitted in heated The cold storage accumulators are Accommodate the “big stuff” in your
to see frozen food – and certainly not build-up is greatly reduced. This makes thanks to the Touch & Swipe display, rooms. Some are located in cold doubly useful - both indoors and Liebherr: An XL turkey or a multi-layered
ice and frost. NoFrost protects the defrosting rarely necessary. The you can operate your freezer intuitively garages or sheds. It’s good then that outdoors. Inside the freezer, they keep ice cream cake simply needs more
freezer compartment from unwanted interior walls of the freezer compartment and with ease. Simply select functions your Liebherr is ideally set up for such the frozen food cold for a period should space. Your Liebherr has the SpaceBox
icing, which consumes a lot of energy are smooth and easy-to-clean offering such as SuperFrost on the colour a cool environment because all there be a power failure. And they are for exactly that purpose: At a generous
and can be expensive. NoFrost means additional capacity. Freezer drawers display by tapping and swiping. The components are designed to operate in on hand to chill your food and drinks height of 250 mm, it offers lots of
no more tedious and time-consuming and glass shelves made of safety glass temperature is controlled just as easily. ambient temperatures as low as -15 °C. when you’re on outings. extra space, even for large frozen
defrosting of the freezer compartment, can be removed easily. And, what if you are not actively using goods. Helpful for you when storing
more time for other things – and saving the display? Well, it then shows you the food flexibly.
money. actual temperature.

IceTower Status display LED freezer compartment EasyTwist-Ice Ice cube scoop VarioSpace
You will never run out of cold drinks at You want to check that everything is Whether it’s a summer day or a party: The Liebherr ice scoop makes portioning Want to store a multi-layer ice cream
your party. The IceTower, which holds OK with your appliance? The status When you open the drawers in your Thanks to EasyTwist-Ice, you can and transporting of ice easy. Thanks to cake safely until the summer party?
8 kg of ice cubes, makes sure of that. display on the appliance door lets you Liebherr freezer, not only are you prepare a supply of ice cubes quickly the slanted tip and the ergonomic No problem for your Liebherr freezer:
The ice cube scoop and the pull-out know very quickly, visually and audibly. welcomed by the sight of your food, and easily – without the need for a handle, ice cubes can make it from Sometimes you just need more space
tray on telescopic rails allow easy A blue light indicates: everything is OK. but also by the attractive lighting. This fixed water connection. Simply fill the your IceTower into your drinks quickly and it’s prepared for just that. With
access to the ice cubes. An extra insert If the status is anything but OK, the is provided by powerful, long-life, tank with water, let it freeze and then and easily. The robust ice scoop made VarioSpace you can remove individual
tray means you can also store less display lights up red and flashes. A environmentally-friendly LEDs. The release the finished ice cubes with a of sturdy plastic is also pleasing to the freezer drawers and the horizontal glass
ice and make room for frozen food warning tone also sounds. lighting makes it even easier to see all simple twist – and you’re ready to eye thanks to its satin surface in dividers below them, and hey presto,
underneath. The adjacent drawer of the contents and is also a unique serve cool drinks. The EasyTwist-Ice is transparent glacier green. you have an extra large storage space.
provides storage space for frozen design element. easy to clean and ensures hygienic ice
goods. cube production at all times.

136 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 137
NoFrost freezers NoFrost freezers

70 70 70 70

FNc 7277 FNc 7227 FNc 7076 FNc 7026

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

178 / 0.487 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

178 / 0.487 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

166 / 0.454 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

166 / 0.454 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 363 l Total volume ²: 363 l Total volume ²: 311 l Total volume ²: 311 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 69.7 / 76 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 69.7 / 76 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 69.7 / 76 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 69.7 / 76 ¹

Easy Easy
Super Super Super Super
LED Twist LED Twist
Frost Frost Frost Frost
Ice Ice

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 7 drawers, of which 5 set on telescopic rails, VarioSpace • 7 drawers, VarioSpace • 6 drawers, of which 4 set on telescopic rails, VarioSpace • 6 drawers, VarioSpace
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function
• LED lighting • Ice cube tray • LED lighting • Ice cube tray
• Status indicator • Temperature rise time: 19 h • Status indicator • Temperature rise time: 18 h
• Temperature rise time: 19 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 19 kg • Temperature rise time: 18 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 17 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 19 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 17 kg
• 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features • 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features
• Safety glass fittings • Vertical recessed handle • Safety glass fittings • Vertical recessed handle
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
Key features • Height-adjustable feet at front Key features • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Reversible door hinging • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Reversible door hinging
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Replaceable door seal • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Replaceable door seal
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
138 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 139
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost freezers NoFrost freezers

70 70 60 60

FNc 6675 FNc 6625 FNsdd 5297 FNc 5277

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

155 / 0.424 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

155 / 0.424 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

198 / 0.542 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

159 / 0.435 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 260 l Total volume ²: 260 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 277 l
Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures  as low as 0 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 145.5 / 69.7 / 76 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 145.5 / 69.7 / 76 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Easy Easy
Super Super Super Space Ice Super Space
LED Twist LED LED Twist
Frost Frost Frost Box Tower Frost Box
Ice Ice

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 5 drawers, of which 4 set on telescopic rails, VarioSpace • 5 drawers, VarioSpace • 7 drawers, of which 3 set on telescopic rails, VarioSpace • 7 drawers, of which 5 set on telescopic rails, VarioSpace
• LED lighting • Ice cube tray • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function
• Status indicator • Temperature rise time: 18 h • IceTower • LED lighting
• Temperature rise time: 18 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 16 kg • IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection • Status indicator
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 16 kg • Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.8 kg • Temperature rise time: 16 h
• 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features • Ice cube reservoir 8.0 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg
• Safety glass fittings • Vertical recessed handle • LED lighting • 2 Cold storage accumulators
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Status indicator • Safety glass fittings
Key features • Height-adjustable feet at front • Temperature rise time: 16 h
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Reversible door hinging • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg Key features
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Replaceable door seal • 2 Cold storage accumulators • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Safety glass fittings • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Reversible door hinging • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Replaceable door seal Key features • Reversible door hinging
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Replaceable door seal
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal

2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
140 1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 141
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost freezers NoFrost freezers

60 60 ⸺ 60

FNd 525i FNsdd 5257 FNb 5056

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

198 / 0.542 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

198 / 0.542 kWh ¹

Unveiled in the Liebherr FNb 5056.

Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

120 / 0.328 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 238 l
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent BluRoX can first be seen in the Liebherr FNb 5056. Noise output / noise class: 31 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) In the door of this freezer, the innovative vacuum Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures as low as −15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C insulation celebrates a very special world first: in Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver accordance with the new EU energy label, the Liebherr Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ FNb 5056 is the first freezer of its type to be awarded Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 65.5 ¹
efficiency class “B”. And to ensure this remains the
Easy Easy Easy
Super Space
LED Twist
Super Space
LED Twist case for many years, the high-quality insulation also Super Space
LED Twist
Frost Box Frost Box Frost Box
Ice Ice Ice
boasts the durability that Liebherr is renowned for.

Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• SmartDeviceBox included • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 7 drawers, VarioSpace • 7 drawers, VarioSpace • 6 drawers, VarioSpace
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function
• LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting
• Status indicator • Status indicator • Status indicator
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Temperature rise time: 17 h
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 17 kg
• 2 Cold storage accumulators • 2 Cold storage accumulators • 2 Cold storage accumulators

Key features Key features Key features

• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

To learn more about this exciting Available from the 2nd quarter of 2023
technology and the many
advantages of BluRoX,
2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the
nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and
142 1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost freezers NoFrost freezers

60 60 60 60

SFNsfe 5247 FNe 5227 FNd 5056 FNe 5026

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

248 / 0.679 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

248 / 0.679 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

187 / 0.512 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

234 / 0.641 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 277 l Total volume ²: 238 l Total volume ²: 238 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as 0 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: SteelFinish / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 165.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Space Ice Super Space Super Space Super Space
LED Twist
Frost Box Tower Frost Box Frost Box Frost Box

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4

• 7 drawers, VarioSpace • 7 drawers, VarioSpace • 6 drawers, VarioSpace • 6 drawers, VarioSpace
• Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function • Top drawer with convenient tilting function
• IceTower • Ice cube tray • LED lighting • Ice cube tray
• IceMaker with fixed 3/4" water connection • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Status indicator • Temperature rise time: 16 h
• Ice cube production in 24 hrs: 0.8 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 17 kg
• Ice cube reservoir 8.0 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 17 kg
• Temperature rise time: 16 h Key features • 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 18 kg • Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back Key features • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
Key features • Height-adjustable feet at front • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Side wall heating right, suitable for combination with other refrigerators, • Reversible door hinging • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Reversible door hinging
freezers and/or wine appliances • Replaceable door seal • Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal
• Vertical recessed handle • Reversible door hinging
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Replaceable door seal
• Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinge, left
• Replaceable door seal

2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
144 1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 145
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
NoFrost freezers NoFrost freezers

60 60 60 60 60

FNd 4655 FNd 4625 FNd 4254 FNe 4224 FNf 4204

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

176 / 0.482 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

176 / 0.482 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

166 / 0.454 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

208 / 0.569 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

260 / 0.712 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 199 l Total volume ²: 199 l Total volume ²: 160 l Total volume ²: 160 l Total volume ²: 160 l
Noise output / noise class: 34 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 145.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 145.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 125.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 125.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 125.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 ¹

Super Space Super Space Super Space Super Space Super Space
LED Twist
Frost Box Frost Box Frost Box Frost Box Frost Box

LED Twist

Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls

• 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • 2.4" TFT-colour display behind-the-door, touch- & swipe • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display behind-the-door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory • SmartDeviceBox: optional accessory
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
• 5 drawers, VarioSpace • 5 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace
• LED lighting • Ice cube tray • LED lighting • Ice cube tray • Temperature rise time: 15 h
• Status indicator • Temperature rise time: 16 h • Status indicator • Temperature rise time: 15 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 15 kg
• Temperature rise time: 16 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 16 kg • Temperature rise time: 15 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 15 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 16 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 15 kg Key features
• 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features • 2 Cold storage accumulators Key features • Vertical recessed handle
• Vertical recessed handle • Vertical recessed handle • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors
Key features • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back Key features • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back
• Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism • Height-adjustable feet at front • Slimline handle with integrated opening mechanism at back • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors at back • Reversible door hinging • Transport handles, front and at back, transport castors • Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal at back • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal
• Reversible door hinging • Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal
• Replaceable door seal • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
146 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 147
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Under counter NoFrost freezers Under counter SmartFrost freezer

60 60 60

GNP 1066 GN 1066 GP 1486

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

186 / 0.509 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

232 / 0.635 kWh ¹
The elegant and precise MagicEye control with its
temperature display lets you keep the temperature
at exactly the level you select. The clear
arrangement of the function buttons makes for
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

137 / 0.375 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 99 l Total volume ²: 99 l Total volume ²: 102 l
easy and convenient use. The automatic
Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 41 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C
SuperFrost function quickly reduces the
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) temperature to freeze your food while preserving Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white the vitamins. Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 60.2 / 62.8 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 60.2 / 62.8 ¹ Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 60.2 / 62.8 ¹

Super Super Super

Frost Frost Frost

Controls Controls Controls

• MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• FrostControl • FrostControl • FrostControl
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: acoustic • Door alarm: acoustic
Freezer compartment 4
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • 4 drawers, VarioSpace
• 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • Temperature rise time: 14.6 h
• Temperature rise time: 10 h • Temperature rise time: 10 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 8.2 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 11 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 11 kg • 2 Cold storage accumulators
• 2 Cold storage accumulators • 2 Cold storage accumulators • Safety glass fittings
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
Key features
Key features Key features • SwingDesign
• SwingDesign • SwingDesign • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Versatile installation due to front ventilation
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation The tabletop of the under counter freezers is • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front extremely robust, with a scratch and heat • Reversible door hinging
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging resistant surface.

2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the
nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and
148 1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Under counter SmartFrost freezers Under counter SmartFrost freezers

60 55 55 55 55

GPesf 1476 GP 1376 GP 1213 G 1213 GX 823

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

171 / 0.468 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

171 / 0.468 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

170 / 0.465 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

213 / 0.583 kWh ¹
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

199 / 0.545 kWh ¹

Total volume ²: 102 l Total volume ²: 102 l Total volume ²: 97 l Total volume ²: 97 l Total volume ²: 68 l
Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 39 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: SmartSteel / silver Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 60.2 / 61 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 55.3 / 62.4 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 55.3 / 62.4 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 85.1 / 55.3 / 62.4 ¹ Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 63.1 / 55.3 / 62.4 ¹

Super Super Super Super Super

Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost

Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls

• MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Graphic temperature display • Graphic temperature display • Graphic temperature display
• FrostControl • FrostControl • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 3 drawers, VarioSpace • 2 drawers, VarioSpace
• 4 drawers, VarioSpace • 4 drawers, VarioSpace • Temperature rise time: 17 h • Temperature rise time: 17 h • Temperature rise time: 14 h
• Temperature rise time: 17 h • Temperature rise time: 14 h • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 6 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 6 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 6 kg
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 6 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 6 kg • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings
• 2 Cold storage accumulators • 2 Cold storage accumulators
• Safety glass fittings • Safety glass fittings Key features Key features Key features
• SwingDesign • SwingDesign • SwingDesign
Key features Key features • Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Recessed handle • Ergonomically designed slimline handle
• HardLine • SwingDesign • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation
• Stainless steel slimline door handle • Ergonomically designed slimline handle • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Versatile installation due to front ventilation • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging

Colour / material options:

GP 1476 in white

1 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 3.5 cm. 2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments
150 If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level. and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point. 151
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Chest freezers

Quality in every detail

Chest freezers ---

StopFrost SmartFrost Condenser

StopFrost prevents a vacuum from With the SmartFrost technology, ice The heat-exchange condenser is
building up, ensuring the lid opens build-up is greatly reduced. This makes embedded in foam along the exterior
easily. Frosting over of the freezer and defrosting rarely necessary. The wall, minimising vibration and
frozen food is reduced, which limits the interior walls of the chest freezers are promoting quieter operation.
number of times you need to defrost smooth and easy-to-clean offering No condensation forms on the
the freezer. additional capacity. easy-to-clean outside walls.

FrostProtect LED interior light SuperFrost function

Due to their shape and size, many The bright LED interior light allows a The automatic SuperFrost function
chest freezers are kept outside of the clear view of all your stored products quickly reduces the temperature to
normal household environment so even in low ambient lighting conditions. freeze your food while preserving the
Liebherr has developed FrostProtect The one piece chest freezer lid and vitamins. As soon as the food is
to enable these models to work in low body is coated to ensure an excellent completely frozen, the automated
ambient temperatures. All chest finish resilience and to prevent SuperFrost function switches back to
CFf 2080 Pure series
freezer models will work in ambient corrosion. normal mode.
temperatures as low as −15 °C.

152 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 153
Chest freezers Chest freezers

168 126

168 126 105

CFd 2505 CFd 2085 CFe 2500 CFf 2080 CFf 1870

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

188 / 0.515 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

162 / 0.443 kWh
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

294 / 0.805 kWh
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

274 / 0.750 kWh
Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

249 / 0.682 kWh
Total volume ¹: 359 l Total volume ¹: 248 l Total volume ¹: 497 l Total volume ¹: 353 l Total volume ¹: 281 l
Noise output / noise class: 32 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 33 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 32 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 32 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C Designed to operate in ambient temperatures: as low as –15 °C
Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white Door / side walls: white / white
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 82.5 / 167.5 / 70.9 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 82.5 / 125.5 / 70.9 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 82.5 / 167.5 / 70.2 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 82.5 / 125.5 / 70.2 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 82.5 / 104.5 / 70.2

Stop Super Stop Super Stop Super Stop Super Stop Super
Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost

Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls

• Electronic controls in the casing, key electronic • Electronic controls in the casing, key electronic • Electronic controls in the casing, key electronic • Electronic controls in the casing, key electronic • Electronic controls in the casing, key electronic
• Thermometer with digital temperature display • Thermometer with digital temperature display • Thermometer with digital temperature display • Thermometer with digital temperature display • Thermometer with digital temperature display
• FrostControl • FrostControl • FrostControl • FrostControl • FrostControl
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic

Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4 Freezer compartment 4
• Low vibration, low noise, easy-to-clean foam-embedded condenser • Low vibration, low noise, easy-to-clean foam-embedded condenser • Low vibration, low noise, easy-to-clean foam-embedded • Low vibration, low noise, easy-to-clean foam-embedded • Low vibration, low noise, easy-to-clean foam-embedded
• LED lighting • LED lighting condenser condenser condenser
• Temperature rise time: 50 h • Temperature rise time: 50 h • LED lighting • LED lighting • LED lighting
• Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 15 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg • Temperature rise time: 40 h • Temperature rise time: 40 h • Temperature rise time: 40 h
• 1 Cold storage accumulator • 1 Cold storage accumulator • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 20 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 15 kg • Freezing capacity in 24 hrs: 10 kg
• Defrost drain • Defrost drain • Defrost drain • Defrost drain • Defrost drain
• Removable freezer tray as partition wall – can be used as a drip tray • Removable freezer tray as partition wall – can be used as a drip tray • Removable freezer tray as partition wall – can be used as • Removable freezer tray as partition wall – can be used as • Removable freezer tray as partition wall – can be used as
• 5 Suspension baskets as standard, 1 retrofittable • 3 Suspension baskets as standard, 1 retrofittable a drip tray a drip tray a drip tray
• 2 Suspension baskets as standard, 5 retrofittable • 2 Suspension baskets as standard, 3 retrofittable • 2 Suspension baskets as standard, 2 retrofittable
Key features Key features
• Recessed handle • Recessed handle Key features Key features Key features
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Recessed handle • Recessed handle • Recessed handle
• Concealed hinge with restricted opening • Concealed hinge with restricted opening • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
• Lock • Lock • Concealed hinge with restricted opening • Concealed hinge with restricted opening • Concealed hinge with restricted opening

154 1 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the
volume of the frozen compartments and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Wine fridges

WPbli 5231 GrandCru Selection

156 157
Wine fridges

Quality in every detail


TempProtect Plus Keeping corks in good condition UVProtect Plus SelfClosing Door with VibrateSafe Presentation light
EasyFill loading aid
Double protection. With TempProtect With HumiditySelect, the humidity in our Triple protection. For long-term storage, Your wine needs peace and quiet. Show off your wine to the best effect
Plus, our wine storage fridges constantly wine storage fridges can be adjusted in the wine storage fridges with glass door Let it lighten the load for you. The That’s why our wine storage fridges with your storage fridge’s presentation
measure the temperature with two two stages: Standard or High. Models in offer unprecedented protection from UV EasyFill loading aid ensures that the guarantee gentle storage with light. On units with glass doors, the
sensors. This gives you double the the GrandCru Selection series are radiation: three protective layers door of your wine storage fridge particularly quiet compressors light can stay on even when the door
assurance that your wines are protected equipped with HumidityControl. This consisting of tinted glass and a double remains open from an angle of 90° – specially developed by Liebherr and is closed. This way, your wine collection
from temperature fluctuations. This is function allows the humidity to be set layer of vacuum-deposited metal. Known for particularly easy filling. And thanks stable wooden shelves made of solid is always something to catch the eye.
because you are alerted as soon as one within a range of 50 % to 80 % RH* and as Low-E coating, it provides highly to the SelfClosing mechanism, the door beech wood. This allows your wine to The brightness of the lighting
of the sensors detects a critical change constantly displays the actual value. efficient protection for your wine against closes all by itself when opened less mature quietly and undisturbed. can be adjusted individually via the
in temperature, allowing you to take If the value falls below 50 % RH*, the harmful solar radiation. than 90° – always as gently as your SmartDevice app and the display.
action quickly. appliance indicates this. valuable wines require.

Mechanical door lock Neck-to-neck storage for Rear wall panel, stainless steel FreshAir activated charcoal filter Security SmartDevice
maximum bottle capacity
Keep your treasures to yourself. Wine Beautiful all around and even inside. To ensure that your wine can mature Protecting a valuable wine collection is Keep an eye on your wine wherever you
collections are usually also valuable Maximum capacity. A Liebherr wine The exterior of our wine storage in optimum air quality, all Liebherr a great responsibility. This is why our are. All new wine storage fridges come
investments and ought to be protected storage fridge also makes it easier to fridges attracts attention, but it’s also wine storage fridges have an activated wine storage fridges are equipped with network-ready or can be integrated
as such. A mechanical door lock ensures organise a growing wine collection. To worth a look inside. The combination of charcoal filter that reliably binds a comprehensive security package. into the smart home via the
that you always have control of who take full advantage of its capacity, the wooden shelves and a SmartSteel odours of all kinds. This means your Sophisticated alarm functions provide SmartDevice box accessory. This way,
accesses the wines in your GrandCru interior has been designed so that your stainless steel rear wall panel in the wine will keep its pure bouquet. To audible and optical alerts before the you benefit from the advantages of the
Selection wine storage fridge. The lock wine bottles can be stored neck-to-neck GrandCru Selection series is a delight make sure that it stays that way, your wine can come to harm. SmartDevice app and have access to
is flush-mounted and blends on the wooden shelves. This means even when empty. The technical Liebherr reminds you every 6 months to your appliance from anywhere. You can
unobtrusively into the overall design. there’s plenty of room even for benefits are as well thought-out as the change the filter, which you can easily change settings on the go, view the
ever-increasing wine stocks. So feel design. For example, the surface of the do yourself. temperature and get security
free to keep collecting. rear wall panel ensures balanced air information on your smartphone.

* For temperatures in living environment. In the case of very dry/cold environments, e.g. cellars,
we recommend the tailor-made water box from our range of accessories to support the system.

158 The features shown are model dependent; look for these features in your model choice. 159
Multi-temperature wine fridges Vinidor Multi-temperature wine fridges Vinidor

70 70 60

LED lighting
WTes 5872 WTes 5972 WTes 1672

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

206 / 0.564 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

191 / 0.523 kWh
The LED lighting in the wine storage compartments
can be dimmed to give a pleasing ambient light
inside the appliance. The LED lighting system can
be adjusted to activate during door openings or to
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

139 / 0.380 kWh
Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 178 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 211 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 34 ¹
be on continuously at various intensity settings
Total volume ²: 503 l Total volume ²: 521 l Total volume ²: 95 l
(depending on model).
Noise output / noise class: 35 dB(A) / B, SuperSilent Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 36 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Door / side walls: Glass door with stainless steel frame / stainless steel Door / side walls: Glass door with stainless steel frame / stainless steel Door / side walls: Glass door with stainless steel frame / stainless steel
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 192 / 70 / 74.2 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 192 / 70 / 74.2 Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 82.2 / 59.8 / 57.5

3 Humidity Fresh UV Vibrate Presentation 2 Humidity Fresh UV Vibrate Presentation 2 Humidity Fresh Steel
Zones Select Air Protect Safe Board Zones Select Air Protect Safe Board Zones Select Air Interior

Steel Steel
Interior Interior

Controls Controls Controls

• LCD display in the interior, touch electronic • LCD display in the interior, touch electronic • MagicEye control in interior, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display for 3 wine zones • Digital temperature display for both wine zones • Digital temperature display for both wine zones
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: acoustic • Door alarm: acoustic • Door alarm: acoustic
• Child lock • Child lock • Child lock

Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment

• 3 Temperature zones, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 2 Temperature zones, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 2 Temperature zones, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C
• 3 independently controllable zones • 2 independently controllable zones • 2 independently controllable zones
• Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan
• LED lighting permanently on, dimmable • LED lighting permanently on, dimmable Touch-electronic control system • LED lighting permanently on, dimmable
• Beech wood fittings • Beech wood fittings • Beech wood fittings
• 13 Shelves, of which 10 set on telescopic rails, of which 1 is a presentation shelf • 10 Shelves, of which 8 set on telescopic rails, of which 1 is a presentation shelf The electronic LCD display is an innovative • 5 Shelves, of which 3 set on telescopic rails

design feature. Clear menu navigation and a

Key features Key features Key features
• HardLine • HardLine Touch-electronic control system provides yet • HardLine
• Aluminium handle with integrated opening mechanism • Aluminium handle with integrated opening mechanism more information for tailored storage conditions. • Aluminium handle
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging The Touch-­electronic navigation ensures easy • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal selection and use of the numerous control • Replaceable door seal
• Concealed hinge with restricted opening • Concealed hinge with restricted opening • Lock
• Lock • Lock

2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the

160 1 These models are only bound for storing wine. Maximum DIN norm bordeaux bottles capacity (0.75 l) as per norm NF H 35-124 (H: 300.5 mm, Ø 76.1 mm)
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and
refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
Model groups Overview of the product range

Temperature ranges
With two to three temperature zones that can be set Freestanding wine appliances Compact appliances
2 independently from each other to between +5 °C to +20 °C
+5 °C to +20 °C – accurate to the degree – our multi-temperature wine
75 70 60

fridges offer the most flexibility for any use. That means
3 that red wines, white wines and champagnes can all be
+5 °C to +20 °C Zones
stored at the same time and at an ideal temperature in one
single appliance with three temperature zones. And these
+5 °C to +20 °C appliances also provide ideal climatic conditions for the 43

long-term storage of wines. With their temperature zones of
different sizes and temperature settings that offer complete
flexibility, these appliances are perfect for each individual Width in cm

wine collection.
Multi-temperature WTes 5872 P. 160 WTes 1672 P. 161
wine fridges
WTes 5972 P. 160

Wine storage fridges WSbli 7731 P. 166 WPbli 5231 P. 166 WKes 653 P. 173

Temperature range WSbli 5231 P. 167

Wine storage fridges recreate the conditions of a wine WPbli 5031 P. 168
1 cellar. A constant temperature is maintained within the WSbli 5031 P. 168
entire interior of these appliances. They can be adjusted WPbl 5001 P. 169

to between +5 °C and + 20 °C, depending on your WSbl 5001 P. 169

requirements. Wine storage fridges are specially WPbl 4601 P. 170

+5 °C to +20 °C designed to hold a large number of bottles for storage WSbl 4601 P. 170

and ageing, but they can also keep a larger stock of WPbl 4201 P. 171

wine at drinking temperature. WSbl 4201 P. 171

WKb 1812 P. 167

Humidor ZKes 453 P. 173

Compact fridges – as specialists in all things cooling,

storage and temperature control, Liebherr offers space-saving
wonders for any occasion. Enter stage right: our efficient
compact appliances for fresh ideas. Compact wine storage
fridges provide just the right dimensions for the niche wine
collection. Valuable cigars are kept under optimal storage
conditions in the humidor.

Bordeaux bottle size (0.75 l)

⌀ 76.1 mm

All specifications regarding bottle capacity refer to these


300.5 mm

WSbl 5001 GrandCru

162 163
Series Series

GrandCru GrandCru Selection

Wine Quality Constant temperature maintenance Constant temperature maintenance

Adjustable temperature range in one zone: Adjustable temperature range in one zone:

+5 °C to +20 °C +5 °C to +20 °C

Permanent display of current temperature Permanent display of current temperature

Triple UV and safety glazing / UVProtect Plus Triple UV and safety glazing / UVProtect Plus

Low-vibration storage / VibrateSafe Low-vibration storage / VibrateSafe

Neck-to-neck storage for maximum bottle capacity Neck-to-neck storage for maximum bottle capacity

Replaceable door seal Replaceable door seal

2 height-adjustable feet 2 height-adjustable feet

Feel good climate Adjustable humidity with HumiditySelect Controllable humidity with HumidityControl

Current humidity display

1 FreshAir filter with replacement reminder 1 FreshAir filter with replacement reminder

Temperature setting in 1 °C steps Temperature setting in 1 °C steps

Convenience and flexibility EasyFill loading aid EasyFill loading aid

SelfClosing Door SelfClosing Door

Wooden pull-out shelf, height-adjustable Wooden pull-out shelf, height-adjustable

Display: select from 9 languages Display: select from 9 languages

(DE / EN / FR / ES / IT / NL / CS / PL / PT) (DE / EN / FR / ES / IT/ NL / CS / PL / PT)

Design and lifestyle LED ceiling lighting LED ceiling lighting (solid door), LightColumn (glass door)

Rear wall panel: metal, graphite grey Rear wall panel: stainless steel

Touch display Touch display

Presentation light (glass door) Presentation light (glass door)

Handle: black Handle: brushed aluminium

Low noise Low noise

Safety TempProtect Plus TempProtect Plus

GrandCru GrandCru Selection
Door, temperature and power failure alarm Door, temperature and power failure alarm

Alarm issued both audibly and visually on display, via Alarm issued both audibly and visually on display, via
illumination and push message thanks to SmartDevice* illumination and push message thanks to SmartDevice*

DisplayLock DisplayLock

Mechanical lock, retrofittable Mechanical lock, integrated

Connectivity* SmartDevice ready SmartDevice (SmartDeviceBox incl.)

Presentation light* Presentation light*

Temperature setting in 1 °C steps* Temperature setting in 1 °C steps*

Display and control of relevant appliance functions* Display and control of relevant appliance functions*

* via SmartDevice app

The standard features mentioned above may vary depending on the model. Details can be found in the model description.
164 165
Wine storage fridges GrandCru Selection Wine storage fridge Vinothek

75 60 60 60

WSbli 7731 WPbli 5231 WSbli 5231 WKb 1812

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
GrandCru Selection

102 / 0.279 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
GrandCru Selection

115 / 0.315 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
GrandCru Selection

96 / 0.263 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

123 / 0.337 kWh
Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 324 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 229 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 229 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 66 ¹
Total volume ³: 628 l Total volume ³: 442.6 l Total volume ³: 433.9 l Total volume ³: 135 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C)
Door / side walls: Full door, black / black Door / side walls: Glass door, frame black / black Door / side walls: Full door, black / black Door / side walls: Glass door, frame black / black
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 204.4 / 74.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 188.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 188.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 89 / 60 / 61.3

Temp Self Temp UV Self Temp Self

1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh UV Vibrate
Protect Closing LED Protect Protect Closing Protect Closing LED
Zone Control Air Safe Fill Zone Control Air Safe Fill Zone Control Air Safe Fill Zone Select Air Protect Safe
Plus Door Plus Plus Door Plus Door

Steel Light Presentation Steel Steel

Interior Column Light Interior Interior

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • MagicEye on front, key electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: acoustic
• Child lock • Child lock • Child lock • Child lock

Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment

• 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C
• Humidity regulation adjustable between 50% to 80% RH * • Humidity regulation adjustable between 50% to 80% RH * • Humidity regulation adjustable between 50% to 80% RH * • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan
• Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Interior lighting permanently on
• LED interior lighting • LED light one-sided permanently on, dimmable • LED interior lighting • Adjustable grid shelves
• Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves • 3 Shelves
• 7 Shelves • 6 Shelves • 6 Shelves
Key features
Key features Key features Key features • HardLine
• Aluminium handle • Aluminium handle • Aluminium handle • Ergonomically designed slimline handle, black
• Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Reversible door hinging
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Replaceable door seal
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
• Lock • Lock • Lock

* For temperatures in living environment. In the case of very dry/cold environments, e.g. cellars, we recommend the tailor-made water box from our range of accessories to support the system.

1 These models are only bound for storing wine. Maximum DIN norm bordeaux bottles capacity (0.75 l) as per norm NF H 35-124 (H: 300.5 mm, Ø 76.1 mm) 3 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and

166 2 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Wine storage fridges GrandCru Selection Wine storage fridges GrandCru

60 60 60 60

WPbli 5031 WSbli 5031 WPbl 5001 WSbl 5001

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
GrandCru Selection

111 / 0.304 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
GrandCru Selection

97 / 0.265 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

113 / 0.309 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

97 / 0.265 kWh ²

Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 196 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 196 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 196 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 196 ¹
Total volume ³: 385.9 l Total volume ³: 378.2 l Total volume ³: 385 l Total volume ³: 378.1 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: Glass door, frame black / black Door / side walls: Full door, black / black Door / side walls: Glass door, frame black / black Door / side walls: Full door, black / black
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 168.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 168.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 168.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 168.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ²

Temp UV Self Temp Self Temp UV Self Temp Self

1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy
Protect Protect Closing Protect Closing LED Protect Protect Closing Protect Closing LED
Zone Control Air Safe Fill Zone Control Air Safe Fill Zone Select Air Safe Fill Zone Select Air Safe Fill
Plus Plus Door Plus Door Plus Plus Door Plus Door

Light Presentation Steel Steel

Column Light Interior Interior

Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Child lock • Child lock • Child lock • Child lock

Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment

• 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C
• Humidity regulation adjustable between 50% to 80% RH * • Humidity regulation adjustable between 50% to 80% RH * • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Humidity range adjusted between two levels • Humidity range adjusted between two levels
• Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • LED lighting permanently on, dimmable • LED interior lighting
• LED light one-sided permanently on, dimmable • LED interior lighting • Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves
• Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves • 5 Shelves • 5 Shelves
• 5 Shelves • 5 Shelves
Key features Key features
Key features Key features • Slimline handle, black • Slimline handle, black
• Aluminium handle • Aluminium handle • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back
• Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal
• Lock • Lock

* For temperatures in living environment. In the case of very dry/cold environments, e.g. cellars, we recommend the tailor-made water box from our range of accessories to support the system.

1 These models are only bound for storing wine. Maximum DIN norm bordeaux bottles capacity (0.75 l) as per norm NF H 35-124 (H: 300.5 mm, Ø 76.1 mm) 3 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and

168 2 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Wine storage fridges GrandCru Wine storage fridges GrandCru

60 60 60 60

WPbl 4601 WSbl 4601 WPbl 4201 WSbl 4201

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

111 / 0.304 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

84 / 0.230 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

95 / 0.260 kWh ²
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

76 / 0.208 kWh ²

Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 166 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 166 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 141 ¹ Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 141 ¹
Total volume ³: 328.7 l Total volume ³: 322.8 l Total volume ³: 272.2 l Total volume ³: 267.2 l
Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C Noise output / noise class: 38 dB(A) / C
Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C) Climate rating: SN-ST (from +10 °C to +38 °C) Climate rating: SN-T (from +10 °C to +43 °C)
Door / side walls: Glass door, frame black / black Door / side walls: Full door, black / black Door / side walls: Glass door, frame black / black Door / side walls: Full door, black / black
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 148.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 148.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 128.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ² Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 128.4 / 59.7 / 76.3 ²

Temp UV Self Temp Self Temp UV Self Temp Self

1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy 1 Humidity Fresh Vibrate Easy
Protect Protect Closing Protect Closing LED Protect Protect Closing Protect Closing LED
Zone Select Air Safe Fill Zone Select Air Safe Fill Zone Select Air Safe Fill Zone Select Air Safe Fill
Plus Plus Door Plus Door Plus Plus Door Plus Door


Controls Controls Controls Controls

• LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic • LC monochrome display in the door, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display • Digital temperature display
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic • Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Child lock • Child lock • Child lock • Child lock

Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment Wine compartment

• 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C
• Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• Humidity range adjusted between two levels • Humidity range adjusted between two levels • Humidity range adjusted between two levels • Humidity range adjusted between two levels
• LED lighting permanently on, dimmable • LED interior lighting • LED lighting permanently on, dimmable • LED interior lighting
• Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves • Adjustable beech wood shelves
• 5 Shelves • 5 Shelves • 4 Shelves • 4 Shelves

Key features Key features Key features Key features

• Slimline handle, black • Slimline handle, black • Slimline handle, black • Slimline handle, black
• Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back • Transport handles at back, transport castors at back
• Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front • Height-adjustable feet at front
• Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging • Reversible door hinging
• Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal • Replaceable door seal

1 These models are only bound for storing wine. Maximum DIN norm bordeaux bottles capacity (0.75 l) as per norm NF H 35-124 (H: 300.5 mm, Ø 76.1 mm) 3 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments and

170 2 To achieve the indicated energy consumption level, the wall spacers provided with the appliance must be used. These increase the appliance depth by approximately 1.5 cm.
If the wall spacers are not used, the appliance will remain fully functional, but will have a slightly higher energy consumption level.
refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Design & Lifestyle

43 43

WKes 653 ZKes 453

Energy efficiency class:

Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

78 / 0.213 kWh
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:

162 / 0.443 kWh

Max. Bordeaux bottles 0.75 l: 12 ¹ Total net capacity: 39 l
Total volume ²: 48 l Noise output: 40 dB(A)
Noise output / noise class: 37 dB(A) / C Climate rating: N (from +16 °C to +32 °C)
Climate rating: SN (from +10 °C to +32 °C) Door: Glass door with stainless steel frame and SmartSteel
Door: Glass door with stainless steel frame and SmartSteel Side walls: stainless steel with SmartSteel
Side walls: stainless steel with SmartSteel Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 61.2 / 42.5 / 47.8
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 61.2 / 42.5 / 47.8

1 Humidity Vibrate Fresh UV Steel Humidity Fresh

Zone Select Safe Air Protect Interior Control Air

Controls Controls
• LCD display in the interior, touch electronic • LCD display in the interior, touch electronic
• Digital temperature display • Digital display of temperature and humidity
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic • Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: acoustic • Door alarm: acoustic
• Child lock • Child lock

Wine compartment Humidor

• 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +5 °C to +20 °C • 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +16 °C to +20 °C
• Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter • Humidity range, adjustable between 68% to 75%
• Humidity regulation via adjustable fan • Convection cooling, fresh air supply via FreshAir activated charcoal filter
• LED lighting permanently on, dimmable • Humidity regulation via adjustable fan
• Beech wood fittings • LED lighting permanently on, dimmable
• 3 Shelves • Spanish cedar wood fittings
• 2 Shelves
Key features
• HardLine Key features
• Fixed door hinge, right • HardLine
• Replaceable door seal • Fixed door hinge, right
• Drawer for accessories • Replaceable door seal
• Suitable for wall mounting • 2 presentation boxes
WKes 653 GrandCru
• Lock • Suitable for wall mounting
• Lock

1 These models are only bound for storing wine. Maximum DIN norm bordeaux bottles capacity (0.75 l) as per norm NF H 35-124 (H: 300.5 mm, Ø 76.1 mm)
2 In accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments

172 173
and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Outdoor cooler


OKes 1750
Outdoor kitchens with refrigerators – whether
freestanding or built-in – also provide convenience
and perfect storage outdoors. The Outdoor Cooler
is ideally suited to outdoor use thanks to its
Energy efficiency class:
Energy consumption year / 24 hrs:
177 / 0.484 kWh
Total volume ¹: 109 l
rust- and weatherproof materials, robust construction
Door / side walls: Stainless steel / stainless steel
and high-quality components as well as its
Exterior dimensions in cm (h / w / d): 81.8 / 59.8 / 57.7
automatic shut-down function and integrated lock.

LED Outdoor

• LCD display in the interior
• Alarm in case of malfunction: visual and acoustic
• Door alarm: visual and acoustic
• Child lock

Outdoor Cooler
• LED lighting
• 1 Temperature zone, which can set from +2 °C to +14 °C
• Safety shut-down
• Ambient temperature range: +2 °C to +35 °C

Key features
• Can be installed underneath counters (ventilation via the base)
• Stainless steel slimline door handle
• Height-adjustable feet at front and back
• Reversible door hinging
• Concealed hinge with restricted opening
• Lock
Flexible and ergonomic interior layout • Splash-proof class: IPX-4

With bottles stored at the bottom, the two storage

racks are ideal for smaller packages. The glass
shelf on telescopic rails provides an overview of
foodstuffs stored at the back. Depending on the
size, containers can also be stored on two
height-adjustable glass shelves. And a separable
glass shelf means that larger and open bottles can
easily be stored upright.
OKes 1750

1 In
 accordance with Regulation EU 2019/2016 we indicate the total volume to the nearest
integer (rounded off) and the volume of the frozen compartments

174 175
and refrigeration compartments to one place after the decimal point.
You can find the full range of efficiency classes at page 13. According to (EU) 2017/1369 6a.
Brief explanation of features

Freshness technologies Wine

BioFresh-Professional offers even more flexibility for Humidity The humidity can be actively regulated in 5% increments
individual food storage. Control between 50% and 80% RH.

Cooling like a pro: Cold mist and a temperature in the

Humidity The humidity can be adjusted between two levels:
safe of around 0 °C ensure a longer storage time and Select Standard or High.
create a fabulous visual effect.

The Fish & Seafood Safe stores fish and seafood at the Temp Two sensors constantly measure the temperature in
Fish &
Seafood optimum temperature of -2 °C; as professionally as your Protect the wine fridge. A notification is sent in the event of a
fishmonger. critical change.*

The reliable BioFresh technology stores groceries at a

Vibrate The fully vibration-insulated cooling system allows the wine
temperature just above 0 °C, much cooler than in the Safe to mature undisturbed.
rest of the appliance.

Adjustable temperature range of 0 °C and −2 °C,

Fresh For a pure bouquet, an activated charcoal filter reliably
BioFresh-Plus safe includes a versatile Air binds odours of any kind.
Fish & Seafood-Safe.

UV Triple protection: a tinted glass door with two layers

Optimum humidity for fruit and vegetables via slider
Protect of vacuum-deposited metal provides highly efficient
control and longer term food storage. Plus
protection from solar radiation.

Double protection: a tinted glass door with one layer of

The air-tight safe allows humidity to rise keeping food UV
Protect vacuum-deposited metal provides efficient protection
fresher for longer.
from solar radiation.

Two separately controlled refrigeration circuits. Convenience and flexibility

The temperatures within the refrigerator and freezer
The door closes gently even when fully loaded inside.
compartments can be controlled independently.
The door automatically closes from an angle of
approximately 30°.

Defrosting is never needed as the freezer automatically

defrosts itself. Soft- Fully extendible drawers run on telescopic rails and
Telescopic feature a convenient self-retraction mechanism with

Defrosting is required much less often.

Drawers set on high-quality, smooth-running telescopic
rails for reliable and secure opening and closing.

SuperCool boosts the cooling power until the food

Cool recently placed inside reaches the temperature of the
rest of the contents. Intuitive control – simply by touching and swiping on the
colour display.

SuperFrost increases the cooling power for a short

Frost time – this means the temperature remains constant
when you place in unfrozen food. A Liebherr is really simple to use with a gentle tap of a
finger on the clear touch display.

Freezer section becomes alternative additional cooling

Temp zone by setting an accurate temperature of between
For flexible food storage: At a height of 250 mm, the
-2 °C and +14 °C. Space
Box space box offers lots of extra room even for really large
frozen items.
For extra high storage space: Simply take out the
1 With constant temperature throughout the interior,
Zone individual freezer drawers and the glass horizontal
adjustable from +5 °C to +20 °C.
dividers below and make space for extra tall frozen items.

EasyOpen means the freezer door can be opened

2 With two temperature zones, independently and
Zones multiple times one after another, conveniently
precisely adjustable from +5 °C to +20 °C.
and easily.

With three temperature zones, independently and Self The door of the wine fridge closes smoothly by itself
Zones precisely adjustable from +5 °C to +20 °C. when opened less than 90°.

*SmartDevice/Smart app required

Brief explanation of features

Convenience and flexibility Connectivity

The SmartDeviceBox allows the appliance to be

Easy Loading aid for easy stocking of the wine fridge. From an
Fill controlled and used via mobile devices.
angle of 90°, the door remains open.
The SmartDeviceBox can be ordered as an accessory.

Easy The SmartDeviceBox allows the appliance to be

The bottle basket for clearly arranged storage and easy
Serve controlled and used via mobile devices.
Basket accessibility at the bar.
The SmartDeviceBox is already included.

Product groups
Presentation Shows off exquisite wines and presents bottles that
have been opened.
Wine The perfect range for wine aficionados.


The interior features elegant glass and stainless steel Cigar Quality storage for fine cigars.

The new LightTower lighting concept evenly illuminates Outdoor kitchens with refrigerators also provide
Light Outdoor
Tower the interior while supporting the glass shelves. convenience and perfect storage outdoors.
Flexible, space-saving, unique.

LED light column from top to bottom evenly illuminates *SmartDevice/Smart app required
Column the interior. One-sided or double-sided depending on
the series.

Effectively showcases the wine collection even when

Light the glass door is closed. The brightness can be dimmed
using the display.*

Minimal heat generation, energy-saving and

maintenance-free for optimum lighting.

Not just an attractive design element, the SmartSteel

Interior stainless steel rear wall panel ensures balanced air

Water and ice

Ice-cold water on tap with no heavy lifting of bottles and

is better for our environment.

Ice Perfect for Parties: You will never run out of cold drinks.
Tower The 8 kg supply of ice cubes makes sure of that.

Automatic IceMaker with fixed water connection.

Easy Conjure up ice cubes quickly: Fill the tank with water,
Twist let it freeze and then release the finished ice cubes
with a twist.

Ice If no fixed water connection is available, there is an

Water tank IceMaker with a water tank in the fridge compartment.
Stay in touch
Our catalogue programme
Ask your Liebherr dealer for our main catalogues
for freestanding and fully integrated appliances
and for our specials. All catalogues are also
available for download at

SmartDevice app: The smart companion for your

Liebherr. Operate your appliances conveniently via
app, receive important status messages and benefit
from many other services relating to your fridge.

HNGRY: The smart every-day assistant for shopping,

storage and supplies. The app helps you organise
your shopping perfectly, keep an eye on your
supplies at all times, and store them correctly.

You can download our apps here.

Printed in Croatia by STEGA TISAK d.o.o. 7943 094–20/02.23

For latest available data, see
Colour deviations depending on media type.
Subject to technical changes.

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