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Chapter-wise Important Questions

Chapter1: Typical configuration of computer system

1. Explain types of motherboards.
2. Define UPS. Explain its types.
3. Explain characteristics of motherboard.
4. Explain different types of ports.
5. Explain cache memory.
6. Explain components of motherboard.

Chapter 2: Boolean Algebra

7. Explain properties of 0’s and 1’s.
8. Explain basic postulates of Boolean algebra.
9. Explain Indempotence law, involution law, complementary law.
10. Explain principles of duality.
11. Explain AND/OR gate with truth table.

Chapter 4: Data structures

12. Explain different types of data structures.
13. Define Stack, Queue, Data structure, Linked list, Graph.
14. How to calculate length of an array. Give example.
15. Write an algorithm for PUSH/POP operations of stack.
16. List the applications of Stack, Queue.
17. Write an algorithm for Binary search.
18. Explain row-major-order with example.
19. Explain column-major-order with example.
20. Explain different types of queues with neat diagram.
21. Explain different types of Linked list with neat diagram.
22. Explain new and delete operator with syntax and example.
23. Write a note on Binary tree.
24. Explain Graph.

Chapter 6: OOP concepts

25. Mention the characteristics of OOP.
26. List the limitations of OOP.
27. List the application of OOP.
28. Mention the advantages/disadvantages of OOP.
29. Differentiate between procedure and object-oriented programming language.
Chapter 7 : Classes and objects
30. Write the general syntax for defining a class.
31. Explain access specifiers of a class.

Chapter 8 : Function overloading

32. Define function overloading with example.
33. Explain inline function with advantages and disadvantages.
34. Write a note on friend function.

Chapter 9 : Constructor and Destructor

35. Define constructor. Explain rules to write constructor.
36. Explain constructor with syntax and example.
37. Explain default constructor.
38. Explain parameterized constructor with invoking methods.
39. Explain destructor.

Chapter 10 : Inheritance
40. Define inheritance, base class, derived class, abstract class.
41. Explain different types of inheritance with neat diagram.


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