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49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

December 15-17, 2010

Hilton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, GA, USA

Stability of Networked Passive Switched Systems

Michael J. McCourt and Panos J. Antsaklis.

Abstract—In this paper the problem of controlling nonlinear The framework for control of passive systems over a
switched systems over a network with time-varying delay is ad- network applies to non-switched systems. The present paper
dressed. The solution presented is an extension of results from the expands the framework to switched systems. This allows for a
control of continuously-varying passive systems over a network
using the wave variable transformation. Background material much larger class of systems to be controlled over a network.
is presented on passivity and the wave variable transformation. The extension presented here uses a definition of passivity
The concept of passivity for switched systems is also covered in for switched systems in [10]. The present paper applies the
this paper. Stability results are then shown for passive switched concept of passive switched systems to networked passive
systems connected over a network with time-varying delay. systems using a modified wave variable transformation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Back-
I. I NTRODUCTION ground material on passivity theory and the wave variable
Passive systems theory is a widely used tool for the analysis transformation for networks is covered in Section 2. The
and synthesis of nonlinear systems [1], [2]. Passivity is a constant time delay case is covered first, and then the time-
characterization of system behavior based on energy. Passive varying delay case is presented with a modified wave vari-
systems store and dissipate energy without generating their able transformation. Section 3 covers a previously presented
own. This implies that passive systems are Lyapunov stable definition of passive switched systems. Section 4 presents
and minimum phase. Passivity can be used to assess the new material on interconnecting passive switched systems
stability of a single system, but it is more restrictive than over a network with time-varying delay. Section 5 contains
directly showing Lyapunov stability. A real benefit is that concluding remarks.
when two passive systems are combined in negative feedback,
the resulting interconnection is passive and stable. These II. BACKGROUND M ATERIAL
results provide open-loop conditions to guarantee closed-loop A. Passivity Theory
stability. Passivity is a characterization of system behavior based on
Although passivity is often used to assess stability of
a generalized notion of energy. A passive system is one that
feedback systems, these results do not hold when systems are
stores and dissipates energy without generating its own. For a
interconnected over a delayed network. The delays cause the
thorough background on passivity, refer to [11] and [12].
energy being sent over the network to be different than the
In this section of the paper, passivity will be applied to
energy received at the other side of the network. Typically the
continuously-varying systems of the form,
interconnection becomes unstable even for small delays.
There are many applications where systems must be con- ẋ = f (x, u)
trolled over a delayed network. One solution to the delay y = h(x).
problem is covered in [3] and [4]. This framework uses Showing passivity is typically done by finding a storage
passivity theory and the wave variable transformation [5]. The function V (x) that represents a notion of internal energy. V
approach was first used to guarantee stability in telemanipu- is required to be positive definite; that is, it is strictly positive
lation systems over networks with constant time delays [6]. for all arguments not equal to zero, V (x) > 0 for x 6= 0,
It has been expanded in many works such as [7] and [8]. and equal to zero only for the zero argument, V (0) = 0. This
In general, it can be applied to any system that is passive or function is used to show passivity in the following definition.
can be made passive with a local controller. The wave variable
transformation is used to map the generalized power variables, Definition 1. Consider a nonlinear system (1). This system is
the ones used to show passivity, to wave variables. After passive if there exists a positive definite storage function V (x)
being transformed to wave variables, the energy exchanged such that
Z t2
with the network is decoupled between waves going out over
(uT y − ǫy T y)dt ≥ V (x(t2 )) − V (x(t1 )), (2)
the network and waves coming in from the network. The t1
decoupling makes the delayed channel lossless; no energy is
for ǫ ≥ 0. If ǫ > 0, the system is said to be output strictly
added or removed by a channel with constant delays. Later,
passive (OSP).
this work was expanded to apply to networks with time-
varying delay [9]. The approach for treating time-varying This definition uses the system input u and output y. In this
delays is used in the current paper. paper, these will be referred to as power variables even when
their product is not a traditional notion of power.
M. J. McCourt and P. J. Antsaklis are with the Department
of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, e-mail: When two passive systems are interconnected in negative
{mmccour1,antsaklis.1} feedback the resulting system is passive. This property of

978-1-4244-7744-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 1263


passivity, feedback invariance, makes it a strong tool for the The network is modeled as a constant delay in each direction,
analysis and synthesis of interconnected systems. This prop-
erty is essential for the networked control systems framework u2 (t) = u1 (t − T1 ) (6)
presented in this paper. v1 (t) = v2 (t − T2 ). (7)
The subset of passive systems that are OSP is important
because these systems are L2 stable. They also form feedback The wave variable transformation (WVT) is defined as in [5].
interconnections that are L2 stable. These results can be The linear transformation to wave variables is
extended to internal stability with an appropriate detectability
u1 1 bI I y1
assumption. One such definition, asymptotic zero-state de- =√ (8)
v1 2b bI −I y2d
tectability, is given. Systems that are L2 stable can be shown to
be asymptotically stable if they are also asymptotically zero- u2 1 bI I y1d
= √ , (9)
state detectable. v2 2b bI −I y2
Definition 2. [10] Consider an unforced nonlinear system, where b is the impedance of the channel and can be chosen
ẋ = f (x) in the synthesis of a controller. With the inputs and outputs of
(3) the two wave variable transformation blocks as defined in the
y = h(x).
figure, the transformation is actually implemented as
This system is asymptotically zero-state detectable (ZSD) if    √  
∀ǫ > 0, ∃δ > 0 such that ||y(t + s)|| < δ for some t ≥ 0, u1 −I
√ 2bI v1
= (10)
∆ > 0 and 0 ≤ s ≤ ∆ implies ||x(t)|| < ǫ. y2d − 2bI bI y1

This form of detectability for nonlinear systems is less  q


I − bI
restrictive than zero-state detectability. It can be used to show v2 u2
= q  . (11)
that OSP systems are asymptotically stable. It also can be y1d 2
− 1b I y2
applied to general systems where the output approaches zero
asymptotically. The energy stored in the network is the sum of the energy
going into the network minus the energy coming out of the
B. Network Structure
1 t T
The networked control structure used in this paper is given VN = (u u1 + v2T v2 − uT2 u2 − v1T v1 )dτ. (12)
in Fig. 1. Typically, G1 is a given passive plant and G2 is a 2 t0 1
designed passive controller. For this initial work, the delays in When the system delays are constant, this expression can be
the network are assumed to be constant but the two delays T1 simplified to show that the energy in the network is positive.
and T2 can be different. The signal relationships are given as,
1 t 1 t
VN = uT1 u1 dτ + v T v2 dτ ≥ 0 (13)
2 t−T1 2 t−T2 2
The quantity VN is always nonnegative. This can be used to
show that the network is a passive system. By the definition
of energy stored in the network (12), it can be seen that the
energy on the G1 side of the network bounds the energy on
the G2 side.
1 T T 1 T T
(u1 u1 − v1T v1 )dτ ≥ (v v2 − uT2 u2 )dτ (14)
2 t0 2 t0 2
=⇒ y1T y2d dτ ≥ y2T y1d dτ (15)
t0 t0

This fact can be used to show stability of the overall system.

Theorem 1. Consider two passive systems of the form (1)
Fig. 1. This figure shows the network structure for control of passive plants where fi (0, 0) = 0 and hi (0) = 0 for i = 1, 2. These two
using the wave variable transformation. The blocks T1 and T2 are the network systems are interconnected over a delayed network using the
time delays. The two blocks labeled WVT are the transformations to wave
variables on each side of the network.
wave variable transformation (Fig. 1). If the delays in the
network are constant, the interconnected system is L2 stable.
Additionally, if the two systems are asymptotically zero-
e1 = r1 − y2d (4)
state detectable, the overall system is asymptotically stable
e2 = r2 + y1d . (5) for r(t) = 0.


C. Compensating for time-varying delay the substitution s = τ − T1 (t).

Z t
The proposed architecture applies to constant time de- f12 uT1 (τ − T1 (τ ))u1 (τ − T1 (τ ))dτ
lays. However, typical communication channels include time- t0
Z t
varying delays. One method of solving this problem is to dT1 T
≤ (1 − )u (τ − T1 )u1 (τ − T1 )dτ
introduce a modified wave variable transformation in order t0 dτ 1
to compensate for time-varying delays in the system. This Z t−T1 (t)
solution is a simple modification of the solution presented in = uT1 (s)u1 (s)ds
[9]. It is assumed that the delay in the network is measurable t0 −T1 (t)
Z t
in real-time and that the maximum rate of change of each
≤ uT1 (s)u1 (s)ds
delay is bounded, dTdt ≤ 1.
The time-varying delays are compensated by time-varying A similar derivation can be done to show that,
gains in the transformation. Essentially, each received wave Z t Z t
variable is scaled before the transformation is applied. The
f22 v2T (τ − T2 (τ ))v2 (τ − T2 (τ ))dτ ≤ v2T (s)v2 (s)ds
scaling is defined as t0 t0

Applying these two inequalities to equation (22) shows that

û2 (t) = f1 (t)u1 (t − T1 (t)) (16) VN is always nonnegative despite time-varying delay. This
v̂1 (t) = f2 (t)v2 (t − T2 (t)). (17) leads to the result that the energy on the G1 side of the network
bounds the energy on the G2 side, as in the constant time-delay
These time-varying gains can be can be incorporated into Z T Z T
the wave variable transformation,
y1T y2d dt ≥ y2T y1d dt. (23)
√ t0 t0
u1 −f2 (t)I
√ 2bI v1 From this inequality, a stability result like Theorem 1 can be
= (18)
y2d − 2bf2 (t)I bI y1 shown even when there are time-varying delays in the system.
 q 
f1 (t)I − 2b I
v2  u2 .
y1d 2
−1I y2
b f1 (t)I b
The concept of passivity is applicable to a wide range
of systems. Recently there have been several generalizations
Now this wave variable transformation can replace the previ- of passivity to switched systems [10], [13], [14]. These ap-
ous one (10-11). The architecture in Fig. 1 can still be used proaches can be summarized as requiring two fundamental
for the time-varying delay case. The gains f1 and f2 are time- conditions. The primary condition is that each subsystem is
varying and are chosen such that passive when it is active. The second condition varies between
these works. In each, it is a condition that is sufficient to
dT1 ensure that energy added due to switching is finite. If this
f12 (t) ≤ 1 − (20)
dτ more general condition was able to be guaranteed directly, then
2 dT2 showing that each active subsystem is passive is sufficient to
f2 (t) ≤ 1 − . (21)
dτ show the system is a passive switched system. However, this
condition typically depends on the switching signal chosen,
If the gains are chosen to satisfy the above inequalities with and in general it can’t be shown for arbitrary switching. The
equality, the channel remains lossless. notion of passivity for switched systems adopted in this paper
The energy in the channel is now given as is from [10].
In the present paper, passivity is applied to switched systems
t of the form,
VN = (uT1 u1 + v2T v2 − ûT2 û2 − v̂1T v̂1 )dτ. (22) ẋ = fσ (x, u)
2 t0 (24)
y = hσ (x),
Substituting in û2 and v̂1 as defined above (16-17) gives where it is assumed that f (0, 0) = 0 and h(0) = 0 for all sub-
systems. The switching signal σ(t) indicates the current active
Z t subsystem out of the set Σ = {1, ..., m}, i.e. σ : R+ → Σ. A
VN = (uT1 u1 + v2T v2 − f12 uT1 (τ − T1 )u1 (τ − T1 )− single switching instant is denoted tik , which is the k th time
2 t0
that the ith subsystem becomes active. This system becomes
f22 v2T (τ − T2 )v2 (τ − T2 ))dτ. inactive at time tik +1 and becomes active again at time ti(k+1) .
The values of i are a subset of N from 1 to m, and k take
The two time-varying terms in the above integral can be on values in N that is allowed to be infinite. To avoid Zeno
bounded by a constant term. The following derivation uses behavior, it is assumed that on any finite time interval, t0


to arbitrary time T , the system switches a finite number of be OSP and have all subsystems be asymptotically zero-state
times K where K typically depends on the time T chosen. detectable. When each of these switched systems meets the
To avoid trivial asymptotic analysis, it is assumed that the two open-loop conditions, the resulting interconnected system
system switches an infinite number of times on the infinite time is OSP and asymptotically stable. These open-loop conditions
horizon. Passivity for switched systems is defined as follows. for closed loop stability can be applied to networked control
systems in the following section.
Definition 3. [10] A switched system (24) is passive if there
exist positive definite storage functions Vi (x) and cross supply
rates ωji (u, y, x, t) such that the following conditions hold. IV. M AIN R ESULTS
1) Each subsystem i is passive while active, i.e. for ǫ ≥ 0, The main results of this paper are presented incrementally
tik ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ≤ tik +1 and ∀i, k, in the following lemmas and in Theorem 3. Lemma 2 shows
Z t2
how the network structure including the wave variable trans-
(uT y − ǫi y T y)dt ≥ Vi (x(t2 )) − Vi (x(t1 )). (25) formation preserves the OSP nature of the active subsystems.
Lemma 3 shows how the definition of passive switched sys-
2) Each subsystem j is dissipative when it is inactive, i.e.
tems implies that the energy accumulated due to switching is a
∀j 6= i, and for tik ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ≤ tik +1 ,
Z t2 finite quantity for arbitrary switching. Lemma 4 expands upon
Lemma 3 to show that the L2 norm of the output is also finite.
ωji (u, y, x, t)dt ≥ Vj (x(t2 )) − Vj (x(t1 )). (26)
t1 Finally, Theorem 3 shows that two OSP switched systems in
3) For all i and j there exist absolutely integrable functions this network structure produce a compensated system that is
φij (t) and some input u∗ (t) such that, ∀t ≥ t0 , asymptotically stable.
The first lemma of this section, Lemma 2, shows how
ωji (u∗ , y, x, t) ≤ φij (t), ∀j 6= i. (27) the wave variable transform and the network interconnec-
A system is considered an output strictly passive (OSP) tions preserve the output strictly passive nature of the active
switched system if it is passive with all ǫi > 0. subsystems. For this result, it should be noted that the set
of switching instants of the overall system is the union of
In the previous definition, for each subsystem i there is the sets of switching instants of the two systems in the
a single Vi (x). However, it is often convenient to index the interconnection. This means that, if the systems G1 and G2
storage functions, as the time indices are indexed, by Vik . This have m1 and m2 subsystems, the total number of subsystems
notation denotes the storage function for the ith subsystem in the interconnection can be up to m = m1 · m2 . Each
over the k th time it is active. Of course the storage function subsystem has storage functions Vi1 for G1 and Vi2 for G2 .
doesn’t change for the same subsystem over different active Note that the loop signals can be stacked to make the vectors
time intervals, i.e. Vik1 = Vik2 for all k1 , k2 . Although the e = [eT1 eT2 ]T , r = [r1T r2T ]T , and y = [y1T y2T ]T .
notation Vik seems to imply that there are an infinite number
of storage functions, there are actually only m unique storage Lemma 2. Consider the architecture in Fig. 1 with mea-
functions. surable time-varying delays and the modified wave variable
Passive switched systems are Lyapunov stable. Asymptotic transformation (18-19). If each system G1 and G2 is an OSP
stability can be shown when negative output feedback is switched system then each active subsystem of the switched
applied or when the system is an output strictly passive system r → y is OSP.
switched system. Proof. Since the mapping e → y is OSP, Vi1 and Vi2 exist
Theorem 2. [10] Consider a switched system that is output for G1 and G2 , respectively, that satisfy
strictly passive. If all of the subsystems are asymptotically Z t2 Z t2
zero-state detectable, then the switched system is asymptot- T
e1 y1 dt ≥ ǫ1i y1T y1 dt+Vi1 (x1 (t2 ))−Vi1 (x1 (t1 )) (28)
ically stable. t1 t1
Z t2 Z t2
By itself, this result is only an indirect method of showing eT2 y2 dt ≥ ǫ2i y2T y2 dt+Vi2 (x2 (t2 ))−Vi2 (x2 (t1 )), (29)
t1 t1
asymptotic stability. There are more direct methods of showing
asymptotic stability in the literature (for example, see [15] and for tik ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ≤ tik +1 , ∀i, k. Using the wave variable
[16] and the references therein). However, when using The- transformation (18-19,23) and the signal relations in the loop
orem 2 in conjunction with Lemma 1, open-loop conditions (4-5), the following derivation holds.
for asymptotic stability of the feedback interconnection of two Z T Z T
switched systems are derived. y1T y2d dt ≥ y2T y1d dt
t0 t0
Lemma 1. The negative feedback interconnection of two Z T Z T
output strictly passive switched systems is again an output y1T (r1 − e1 )dt ≥ y2T (e2 − r2 )dt
strictly passive switched system. t0 t0
These two results can be applied to the feedback intercon- (y1T r1 + y2T r2 )dt ≥ (y1T e1 + y2T e2 )dt.
nection of two switched systems. The switched systems must t0 t0


Define a new energy storage function Vi (x) = Vi1 (x1 )

+ This leads to a bound on the energy added due to switching.
Vi2 (x2 ). Applying (28) and (29) to the above inequality gives K−1
the following result. X
[Vik (x(tik )) − Vik −1 (x(tik ))]
ik =1
y T rdt ≥ y T edt ≥ ǫi y T ydt+Vi (x(T ))−Vi (x(t0 )). Xm Z ∞ 
t0 t0 t0
≤ φi (t)dt + Vi1 (x(ti1 )) < ∞
where ǫi = min{ǫ1i , ǫ2i }. This shows that each active subsys- i=1 t0

tem i of the mapping r → y is OSP with storage function Vi . Each of the terms in this finite sum is a finite quantity so
the energy is bounded. This upper bound is independent of
This lemma verified that the network structure using the the choice of T . Taking the limit as T → ∞ shows that the
wave variable transformation preserves the OSP behavior of energy is bounded for all time.
each active subsystem. This result shows that the energy added due to switching
As explained before, the differing definitions of passivity is finite for arbitrary switching sequence. This meets the
for switched systems have two main conditions. The first generalized second condition required of a passive switched
is that the active subsystems are passive. The second is a system discussed earlier. This result will be used in the
condition that is sufficient to show that the energy added due to following lemma to show that the L2 norm of the system
switching is finite. The following lemma will demonstrate how output y is bounded.
a switched system being passive guarantees that the energy
added to the system due to switching is bounded. Lemma 4. If a system e → y is an OSP switched system and
r is defined as in Fig. 1, then the L2 norm of the output is
Lemma 3. If a system e → y is a passive switched system, finite for r = 0.
then the energy added at switching instants is finite for
arbitrary switching. Proof. The L2 norm of y is taken from initial time t0 to
arbitrary time T . As assumed earlier, over this time interval
Proof. The first line of the following derivation is the energy
there are K switches and Ki switches to the ith subsystem.
added at switching instants tik from initial time t0 to arbitrary
In the following derivation, note that t0 ≤ t1 ≤ ... ≤ tk ≤ T .
time T for a particular subsystem i. It can be assumed that
Lemma 2 is invoked to upper bound eT y by rT y and then
K switches occur on this interval where K depends on T .
r(t) = 0 is applied.
Denote the number of times that subsystem i is active on this
interval by Ki . Z T K Z
X t ik Z T
y ydt = y ydt + y T ydt
X t0 ik =1 tik −1 tK
[Vik (x(tik )) − Vik −1 (x(tik ))] "Z #
K tik +1
ik =1 1 X
m X
≤ e ydt+Vik (x(tik ))−Vik (x(tik +1 ))
ǫi tik
k =0
= Vik+1 (x(tik+1 )) − Vik (x(tik +1 )) + " #
i=1 k=1 1 X tik +1 T
m ≤ r ydt+Vik (x(tik ))−Vik (x(tik +1 ))
X   ǫ i =0 ti
Vi1 (x(ti1 )) − ViKi (x(tiKi )) k k

i=1 1X
m X m ≤ [Vik +1 (x(tik +1 )) − Vik (x(tik +1 ))] +
X   X ǫi
≤ Vik+1 (x(tik+1 ))−Vik (x(tik +1 )) + Vi1 (x(ti1 )) k =0
i=1 k=1 i=1 1 X 
Vi1 (x(ti1 )) − ViKi (x(tiKi ))
By the definition of passive switched systems, there exist abso- ǫ i=1
lutely integrable functions φij to bound the energy accumulated K−1
by the j subsystem while the i subsystem is active. For a 1 X
≤ [Vi +1 (x(tik +1 )) − Vik (x(tik +1 ))] +
particular switching sequence, a set of piecewise continuous ǫ i =0 k
functions can be defined to indicate the function φij that is m
valid at each time for the j th inactive subsystem, Vi (x(ti1 ))
 i ǫ i=1 1
φj (t) ∀i 6= j
φj (t) =
0 i=j In the last line of the derivation above, there are two
summations. The second summation is the sum of the initially
Since each φij is absolutely integrable, then each φj is also stored energy across all subsystems. Since initially stored
absolutely integrable. The energy accumulated by each sub- energy is finite, this sum is finite. The first summation can be
system i can be bounded. shown to be finite by applying Lemma 3. Again, this bound
  XK i Z ti
is independent of the time T chosen earlier. As we take the
Vik+1 (x(tik+1 ))−Vik (x(tik +1 )) ≤ φi (t)dt limit as T → ∞, the bound still holds. This shows that the
k=1 k=1 tik +1 L2 norm of the output is finite and bounded above by the sum


of the initially stored energy and the energy added due to the cable if it could tolerate a larger class of systems that aren’t
switching sequence. necessarily passive.
Remark. Lemma 4 assumes r(t) = 0 to show asymptotic
stability. However, this result is also valid for r(t) such that V. C ONCLUSION
rT y < ǫy T y. This paper presented a stability result for networked passive
The main result of the paper will now be presented. It as- switched systems with time-varying delay. When the systems
sumes that each system in feedback is an output strictly passive in the loop are output strictly passive switched systems with
switched system. It employs the wave variable transformation asymptotically zero-state detectable subsystems, the control
to guarantee stability despite time-varying delays. The proof loop is shown to be stable despite time-varying delays. The
is based on the lemmas presented. development is based on a previous framework for control
design of networked passive systems with delay. The extension
Theorem 3. Consider two systems, G1 and G2 , each an allows for the passive network approach to apply to a much
OSP switched system with all subsystems asymptotically zero- larger class of systems. The nonlinear switched system model
state detectable. These two systems are interconnected over is general and allowing for time-varying delay is a realistic
a network with measurable time-varying delays using the network model. This approach decouples the design of the
modified wave variable transformation as in Fig. 1. Then this network interface from the design of the controller. With this
system is asymptotically stable. decoupling, the approach is an intuitive approach to stabilize
Proof. By applying Lemma 4, the quantity a large class of networked switched systems.
Z ∞
y T ydt
t0 The support of the National Science Foundation under Grant
No. CCF-0819865 is gratefully acknowledged.
is finite. It will be shown by contradiction that y(t) approaches
zero asymptotically. Assume that it doesn’t. Since y(t) is R EFERENCES
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nonlinear switched systems that are connected over a realistic vol. 4, pp. 70–75, 2006.
network with time-varying delay. The main limitation to this [15] M. P. S. L. B. Decarlo, R.A.; Branicky, “Perspectives and results on the
setup is that the systems must be output strictly passive. stability and stabilizability of hybrid systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE,
vol. 88, no. 7, pp. 1069–1082, Jul 2000.
Although many realistic systems are passive, systems with [16] H. Lin and P. J. Antsaklis, “Stability and stabilizability of switched linear
unstable or non-minimum phase dynamics can’t be controlled systems: A survey of recent results,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic
using this framework. This framework would be more appli- Control, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 308–322, Feb 2009.


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