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 Born on 1480 in the town of Sabrosa, Portugal

 Studied Cartography and Navigation
 Proved that world was round
 First person to lead the expedition across the Pacific Ocean
 Gave the name Archipelago de San Lazarus to our country
 Died April 27,1521 in Mactan Cebu


 The purpose of the expedition is to find a western route to the Moluccas

(Spice Island)



 On June 7,1494 Portugal and Spain signed a Treaty of Tordesillas. All of the
lands from West will belong to Spain and all the lands from East will be on

 In 1517, King Manuel I of Portugal refused to allow Magellan to organized an

expedition to the Spice Island and renounces Magellan Nationality as
 Magellan went to Spain and welcomed by King Charles I and proposed an
expedition to look for the Spice Island. (Western route)

 TRINIDAD – Magellan as captain and chief commander of expedition

 SAN ANTONIO- Juan de Cartagena as captain
 CONCEPCION- Gaspar Quesada as captain
 VICTORIA- Louis de Mendoza as captain
 SANTIAGO- Juan Serrano as captain


1519: Departure from Seville
September 20: Departure from Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
September 26 - October 3: Stopping in the Canary Islands to take in provisions.
November 29: Fleet reaches the vicinity of Cape St. Augustine.
December 13: Entering the bay of Rio de Janeiro.
December 27: Departure from Rio de Janeiro.
February 27: Entering Bahia de los Patos.
March 31: Beginning of the overwintering stay at Puerto San Julián.
April 1 and 2: Mutiny on Victoria, Concepcion and San Antonio; death of Louis de
Mendoza. Later execution of de Quesada, marooning of de Cartagena. Alvaro de
Mesquita becomes captain of San Antonio, Duarte Barbosa of Victoria.
End of April: Santiago is sent on a mission to find the passage. The ship is caught in
a storm and wrecked. Survivors return to Puerto San Julián. Serrano becomes
captain of the Concepcion.
July: Encounters with the “Patagonian giants”
August 23 or 24: Fleet departs Puerto San Julián for Río Santa Cruz.
October 18: Fleet leaves Santa Cruz.
October 21: Arriving at the Cape of the Eleven Thousand Virgins, entry to what
would be known as Strait of Magellan.
End of October: San Antonio, charged to explore Magdalen Sound, fails to return to
the fleet, instead sails back to Spain under Estêvão Gomes who imprisoned captain
de Mesquita. The ship arrives in Spain on May 21, 1521.
November 28: The fleet leaves the strait and enters the Pacific Ocean.
When out in the Pacific some of the crew get scurvy.
January 24/25-28: Landfall on an uninhabited island, which Magellan names St
Paul's . They stay for a few days before continuing on.
March 6: Arrival at Guam and encounters with the Chamorro people.
March 16: Arrival of Magellan's expedition to one of the Philippine Islands.

Timeline of Magellan Expedition to the Philippines

HOMONHON - On March 16,1521, Magellan reached the island of Homonhon in the
Philippines, with 150 crew left, and became the first European to reach the Philippines
Blood compact (Spanish: Pacto de sangre; Filipino: Sanduguan) was an ancient ritual in
the Philippines intended to seal a friendship or treaty, or to validate an agreement. The
contracting parties would cut their wrists and pour their blood into a cup filled with
liquid, such as wine, and drink the mixture.

 March 28- He reached Limasawa on Holy Thursday.

 March 29- Rajah Kulambu and Magellan made a blood compact.
 March 31- First Mass in the Philippines it was Eater Sunday, officiated by Fr.
Pedro de Valderama in an island named Masao.
 April 07- Magellan reached Cebu with the help of Raha Kulambu.
 April 14- Raha Humabon and Magellan’s Blood Compact.
The First Filipino Christians

 April 14 1521, a solemn mass was held on the shore of Cebu.

 Magellan planted on the shore a wooden cross.

 800 Cebuano were given Christian baptism.

 Among them were Humabon, who was given the name Juan.

 The queen of Cebu, was baptized.

 She was named Juana.

 Magellan gave her an image of the Child Jesus.

Burning of the Pagan Idols

 Magellan requested the Cebuano to burn their Pagan Idols.

 The Cebuano were reluctant to do so.

 They had been offering sacrifices to the idols to restore the health of the
crown prince’s brother, who was then very ill.

 Magellan went to his house and convinced him to embraced Christianity.

 The Cebuano prince rise from his sick-bed. His miraculous cure led the
Cebuano people to believe that the Christian God is stronger than their Pagan
Battle of Mactan
Causes of Mactan Battle
1. They want to surrender all of the kings/ chieftain in Cebu and near island.
2. Zula seek for the help of Magellan to defeat Lapu-Lapu.
3. Magellan had wished to convert Datu Lapu-Lapu to Christianity.

Result/Importance of Mactan Battle

The outcome of the battle resulted in the departure of the Spanish crew from the
archipelago, and delayed the Spanish colonization of the Philippines by 44 years until the
conquest by Miguel López de Legazpi in 1564–1565
In Philippine history, the Battle of Mactan is one of the most significant events
that happened. It showed how the Filipinos were fearless in fighting against the
foreigners who conquered the country. ... Because of that, Lapu-lapu is considered as the
first Filipino hero in the Philippines.


Introduction of Controversy
Where was the first mass held in the Philippines? Butuan or Limasawa? There is a
controversy regarding the site of the first Mass ever celebrated on Philippine soil.Pigafetta
tells us that it was held on Easter Sunday, the 31st of March1 521, on an island called
"Mazaua". Two native chieftains were in attendance: the Rajah of
Mazaua a n d t h e R a j a h o f Butuan. After the Mass the crowd went up a
little hill and planted a wooden cross upon its s u m m i t . T h e su b j e c t o f
c o n t r o v e r s y i s t h e i d e n t i t y o f this p l a c e w h i c h P i g a f e t t a calls
"Mazaua," There are two conflicting claims as to its identity: one school of thought
points to the little island south of Leyte which in the maps is called Limasawa; the
other school rejects that claim and points instead to the beach called Masao at the
mouth of the Agusan River in northern Mindanao, near what was then the village (now
the city) of Butuan.

Study on Controversy
 Jaime De Vera stated that the first mass was celebrated in Limawasa not in
 Historian Pablo Pastells stating by the footnote to Francisco Colin’s Labour
Evangelica that Magellan did not go to Butuan but from Limasawa to Cebu.
 Francisco Albo, pilot of Magellan’s flagship does not mention the first mass
but he writes that they erected a cross on a mountain which overlooked three
islands the west and the southwest.
 James Robertson agreed with Pastells in a footnote that “Mazua ” was actually
 In the authentic account of Pigafetta, the port was not in Butuan but an island
named Mazua (Masawa).
 Father Bernard studied all the Pigafetta’s maps, which place in Mazau off the
southern tip of the larger island of Leyte. A check with the modern maps will
show that this will jibes with Limasawa and not Masao or Butuan.

Evidence for Limasawa

1. The evidence of Albo’s Log-Book.

2. The evidence of Pigafetta.
 Pigafetta’s testimony regarding the route
 The evidence of Pigafetta’s map
 The two native kings
 The seven days at “Mazaua”
 An argument from omission
3. Summary of Albo and Pigafetta.
4. Confirmatory evidence from the Legaspi expedition.

Result of Controversy
After decades of debate, the long-standing issue of the exact location of the Easter
Sunday Mass celebrated by Fr. Pedro Valderama during the Magellan-Elcano
expedition on March 31, 1521 was finally resolved by the National Historical
Commission of the Philippines (NHCP).

In a statement released on August 18, the NHCP affirmed the findings of the
investigation conducted by the panel of scholars that the commission created in 2018,
recommending the recognition of Limasawa, located in today’s Southern Leyte, as the
site of the said event.

The date on which the Spaniards first set foot in the Philippines may have been well-
established in history books. But there was controversy on the site of the first Easter
Sunday Mass celebrated in 1521 that emerged in the last years of the 19th century and
the early decades of the 20th century. This came about when both foreign and local
historical research scholars of that period shifted their view from the traditionally
recognized site of Butuan in Agusan del Norte to Limasawa island in Leyte.

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