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Joses Kevyn C.

Grade 8 - Our Lady of Lourdes


HO! HO! HO! HO! Sounds familiar, indeed – it's Santa Claus! Christmas is in the air, and
everyone, especially us Roman Catholics, is filled with joy in our hearts when the "ber"
months arrive. With all those colorful Christmas lights, lanterns, Christmas carols
playing, well-decorated houses, malls, and churches – almost all institutions are
shouting out loud: Christmas Season is here.

We Filipinos celebrate the season with the longest term, a uniqueness that defines us
as a culture. With lots of preparations to do as the "ber" months approach, we have
many things that make us unique in our preparations for the birth of our Savior, "Jesus
Christ." These include foods such as "puto bungbong," "keso de bola," "hamon," and
many more.

TIKTALAOK! TIKTALAOK! TIKTALAOK! Did you hear that, guys? It's a rooster saying,
"Wake up! Wake up! It's time for church." The "Misa de Gallo," or commonly called the
"Simbang Gabi," is a great chance for Ate and her boyfriend to attend mass together 9
days before Christmas, with the positive belief that when completed, their wishes will all
come true. Amazingly, even Lolo and Lola started with this "Simbang Gabi."

"Sa may bahay ang aming bati, Merry Christmas na maluwalhati," "Thank you, thank
you," "Ang babait ninyo, oh my, oh my," while others chant, "Ang babarat ninyo." Filipino
children carry out their yearly devotions of singing Christmas carols from house to
house. Without any hesitations, they love filling the air with their amazing voices 9
nights before Christmas.

There go Nanay and Tatay to Divisoria – there they come, buying toys, dresses, and
almost all presents as gifts for the Christmas party and the "inaanak." For sure, they will
come on the 25th of December as promised. Other "ninong" and "ninang" will go on
vacation somewhere out there and won't be found on Christmas day – perhaps trying to
hide from their godchildren.

I still have many stories related to Christmas. Maybe next year, I will continue narrating
them. But for now, it is my great pleasure to greet you all: MERRY CHRISTMAS and a
HAPPY NEW YEAR! HO! HO! HO! Hey, Rudolf, wait for me.

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