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- Shadowheart / Minthara / Halsin
- Astarion / Lae’zel / Jaheira / Minsc
- Karlach / Halsin / Lae’zel / Jaheira / Minthara / Shadowheart

- The Great Old One

Base Attributes
- STR: 10
- DEX: 16
- CON: 14
- INT: 8
- WIS: 8
- CHA: 17

- Arcana
- Deception
- History
- Intimidation
- Investigation
- Nature
- Religion

- Wood Elf / Wood Half-Elf / Half-Elf / High Elf / Gold Dwarf / Halfling (any) / Gnome
(any) / Drow / Asmodeus Tiefling

- Charlatan / Criminal / Urchin

Class Feature
- Eldritch Blast: Conjure beam(s) of crackling energy. The spell creates more than one
beam when you reach higher levels.
(Two beams at 5th level and three beams at 10th level. Each beam is rolled
separately and causes 1d10 of Force Damage.)

- Armour: Light Armour
- Weapons: Simple Weapon
- Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma Skills: Choose any 2 Skills from - Arcana,
Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, Religion

- Weapon: Duellist’s Prerogative (Legendary Rapier)
- Armour
- Helmet: Hood of the Weave
- Chestplate: Spidersilk Armour
- Cloak: Cloak of Protection
- Gloves: Gloves of Power
- Boots: Vital Conduit Boots
- Jewelry
- Necklace: The Sapphire Spark
- Ring 01: Novice Crusher
- Ring 02: Eversight Ring

Spells and Leveling

- Level 1
- The Great Old One
- Cantrips: Blue Ward, Eldritch Blast
- Spells: Hex, Dissonant Whispers
- Level 2
- Eldritch Invocation: Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast
- Spells: Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
- Level 3
- Pact Boon: Pact of the Chain
- Spells: Shatter
- Level 4
- Ability Improvement: Charisma
- Cantrips: (any)
- Spells: Hellish Rebuke
- Level 5
- Eldritch Invocation: Devil’s Sight / Beast Speech
- Spells: Fear
- Level 6
- Entropic Ward
- Spells: Fly / Counterspell
- Level 7
- Spells: Blight
- Level 8
- Ability Improvement: Charisma
- Spells: Dimension Door
- Level 9
- Eldritch Invocation: Book of Ancient Secrets
- Spells: Telekinesis
- Level 10
- Thought Shield: Psychic Resistance
- Thought Shield: Psychic Reflection
- Cantrips: (any)
- Spells: Hold Monster
- Level 11
- Spells: Banishment
- Level 12
- Feat: Warcaster
- Eldritch Invocation: Minions of Chaos
- Spells: Evard’s Black Tentacles

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