Business English Assignment

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NOVEMBER 19, 2023



KOLM691DEL: English for International Business – CW1 Report
Table of Contents
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................2
Wild Planet Foods introduction .........................................................................................3
Overfishing a global issue in brief .....................................................................................3
Analysing Wild Planet Foods .............................................................................................4
Sustainable sourcing practices .................................................................................................. 4
Certification and Standards ...................................................................................................... 5
Supply Chain Transparency ...................................................................................................... 5
Customer Relation Management and customer education ........................................................ 6
Innovation in Fishing Practices ................................................................................................. 6
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................7

This comprehensive case study meticulously analyzes how Wild Planet Foods, a prominent
figure in the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) realm of the seafood industry, strategically
incorporates sustainability into its business model to combat the critical challenge of
overfishing. The looming threat of overfishing poses a tangible risk to marine ecosystems,
necessitating a nuanced reassessment of existing industry practices. In this strategic
landscape, Wild Planet Foods, uniquely positioned for direct consumer engagement, provides
profound insights into the intricate interplay between business strategies and sustainability

Wild Planet Foods introduction
Wild Planet Foods, a prominent player in the B2C seafood industry, is synonymous with
sustainability. Specializing in responsibly sourced seafood, the company seamlessly integrates
eco-friendly practices into its core business strategies. Uniquely positioned for direct
consumer engagement, Wild Planet Foods sheds light on the dynamic intersection of business
strategies and sustainability commitments.

Founded on environmental stewardship principles, the company actively confronts the critical
challenge of overfishing. This exploration delves into Wild Planet Foods' sustainable practices,
certifications, transparent supply chain, consumer education, and innovative fishing methods.
The case study aims to showcase the company's approach, offering valuable insights for
businesses navigating the landscape of environmentally conscious consumerism.
(Wild Planet Tuna Procurement Policy – n.d.)

Overfishing a global issue in brief

The international longlining fleet, comprising thousands of vessels, extracts millions of tons
of tuna and swordfish annually, deploying ultra-efficient lines up to 60 miles long. However,
challenges persist in enhancing selectivity, impacting marine ecosystems.(The Bluefin Tuna:
Overfishing Takes a Toll 2021)

Post-World War II, the global marine fishing fleet expanded to 4.5 million vessels, facilitated
by technological advancements. Despite a peak in the fish catch at 86 million metric tons in
1996, the oceanic catch has slightly declined since. Fish remain crucial to global food supply,
with over 4 billion people obtaining 17 percent of their animal protein from fish.

As demand rises, aquaculture production has expanded, with half of global fish consumption
now from farms. Looking forward, fish farms are set to be the primary seafood source globally
due to the troubled state of wild fish stocks. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization notes
that only 6 percent of the world's marine fisheries can sustainably increase output, while 60

percent are fully exploited. Most concerning are the 34 percent of fisheries at risk of collapse
due to overfishing.

These challenges emphasize the urgent need for sustainable fishing practices to preserve
marine ecosystems, ensure food security, and protect cultural traditions amid a changing
industry landscape.(Case Study: Marine Fisheries | Sustainability: A Comprehensive
Foundation n.d.)

Analysing Wild Planet Foods

Sustainable sourcing practices
In fostering a sustainable seafood supply chain, Wild Planet Foods cultivates partnerships with
small-scale fishermen who demonstrate profound respect for their catch and the oceans they
traverse. At every stage of the meticulous process, from hooking and landing to chilling the
fish, Wild Planet Foods prioritizes methods that uphold the quality of its products.

Wild Planet Foods is unwavering in its commitment to sustainability, a dedication rooted in

foundational principles. The company's sourcing practices epitomize responsible seafood
procurement, as it exclusively selects fish from non-overfished stocks, avoids gear that
damages habitats, and steers clear of fisheries with excessive bycatch discard mortality.

In the realm of tuna sourcing, Wild Planet Foods embraces a diverse and eco-conscious
strategy. Procuring albacore from the Pacific, skipjack from the Pacific and Indian Ocean, and
yellowfin from the South Atlantic, the company ensures eco-conscious tuna sourcing. A
noteworthy distinction is that 100% of Wild Planet Foods' tuna originates from pole & line,
troll, or handline fisheries, rejecting the environmental impact associated with alternative

Going beyond mere selection, Wild Planet Foods' commitment to environmental stewardship
extends to refusing fish from vessels using Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) and actively
supporting the establishment of Marine Protected Areas. This proactive stance positions Wild
Planet Foods as an industry leader in marine conservation, showcasing its dedication to
sustainable practices that transcend industry norms.(Wild Planet Tuna Procurement Policy –

Certification and Standards
Wild Planet Foods proudly aligns itself with the gold standard of sustainability in the seafood
industry through its commitment to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification. This
globally recognized certification attests to the company's dedication to responsibly sourcing
seafood, ensuring that its practices contribute to the health and vitality of marine ecosystems.
The MSC certification serves as a testament to Wild Planet's commitment to maintaining fish
populations, minimizing environmental impact, and promoting sustainable fishing methods.

In addition to formal certifications, Wild Planet Foods actively aligns itself with Greenpeace
positions, showcasing a commitment to environmental advocacy and responsible business
practices. By adhering to Greenpeace's red list and avoiding sourcing from vessels engaged in
at-sea transhipments, Wild Planet demonstrates its dedication to sustainable practices
beyond traditional certifications.(Wild Planet Tuna Procurement Policy – n.d.)

Supply Chain Transparency

Wild Planet Foods places a strong emphasis on supply chain transparency, aiming to enhance
accountability and foster consumer trust. The company meticulously traces its seafood
products from fishing vessels to store shelves. Each lot code is intricately linked to specific
fishing vessels, ensuring complete transparency. This information is readily available on, allowing scrutiny from both ENGOs and retailers. This commitment aligns
with Wild Planet Foods' dedication to responsible and traceable sourcing, empowering
consumers to make informed choices and contributing to industry-wide transparency.(Wild
Planet Tuna Procurement Policy – n.d.)

Customer Relation Management and customer education
In driving customer education, Wild Planet executed a targeted digital campaign with Social
Nature, reaching 18,588 new consumers. This introduced 88% to the brand, showcasing the
campaign's efficacy in tapping untapped audiences. By focusing on sustainability-minded
shoppers and digital sampling, the initiative significantly expanded Wild Planet's consumer

As part of its CRM strategy, Wild Planet achieved a notable milestone, with 39% of shoppers
opting into the mailing list. This strengthened direct consumer relationships empower Wild
Planet to communicate regularly and retarget Kroger and Walmart shoppers, resulting in
enhanced brand loyalty and sustained sales growth.

Wild Planet Foods' holistic digital marketing approach, seamlessly integrating sustainability,
certifications, and consumer engagement, serves as a model campaign. This strategy not
only educates consumers but also establishes enduring connections, propelling the brand
forward in the competitive market.(Wild Planet Foods Case Study | Social Nature n.d.)

Innovation in Fishing Practices

The Research Topic on fisheries technology innovation showcased advancements in five key
areas: improving size selectivity, preventing interactions with protected species, enhancing
fishing performance, adapting to environmental changes, and studying fish behaviour.

Adjustments in trawl designs, such as mesh changes, proved effective for size selectivity.
Innovations like illuminated set nets and circle hooks showed promise in reducing bycatch
and enhancing capture conditions for certain species.

Trap designs addressed challenges posed by invasive species, while innovations like seal-safe
trap nets tackled population growth concerns. The study of fish behaviour, aided by AI and
observation technologies, informed the development of selective gears, such as a fish pot for
black seabream.

In essence, these innovations reflect the ongoing efforts in fisheries technology to balance
ecological sustainability, economic viability, and adaptability to changing environmental
dynamics.(Lucchetti, Melli, and Brčić 2023)

In conclusion, Wild Planet Foods, a key player in the B2C seafood industry, strategically
incorporates sustainability into its business model to address the critical challenge of
overfishing. Positioned for direct consumer engagement, the company offers valuable
insights into the intricate relationship between business strategies and sustainability

Synonymous with sustainability, Wild Planet Foods actively confronts overfishing challenges
through responsible sourcing practices. By partnering with small-scale fishermen, the
company ensures quality at every stage, adhering to foundational principles of exclusive
sourcing from non-overfished stocks, avoiding damaging gear, and minimizing excessive
bycatch discard mortality.

Certifications, including the prestigious Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification,

validate Wild Planet's dedication to responsibly sourcing seafood and promoting sustainable
fishing methods. Beyond formal certifications, the company aligns with Greenpeace positions,
emphasizing its commitment to environmental advocacy.

Supply chain transparency stands as a cornerstone of Wild Planet's approach, linking each lot
code to specific fishing vessels and fostering consumer trust. The company's comprehensive
customer education initiatives, executed through targeted digital marketing and CRM
strategies, have successfully expanded its consumer base and strengthened brand loyalty.

In the realm of fishing innovation, Wild Planet Foods embraces advancements to enhance size
selectivity, prevent interactions with protected species, and improve overall fishing
performance. These innovations reflect ongoing efforts to balance ecological sustainability,
economic viability, and adaptability to changing environmental dynamics within the fisheries
technology landscape.

PBS (n.d.). Case Study: Bluefin Tuna - A PBS NewsHour Special Report. PBS. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November

Case Study: Marine Fisheries | Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation (n.d.) available

from <
foundation/chapter/case-study-marine-fisheries/> [20 November 2023]

Lucchetti, A., Melli, V., and Brčić, J. (2023) ‘Editorial: Innovations in Fishing Technology
Aimed at Achieving Sustainable Fishing’. Frontiers in Marine Science [online] 10.
available from <>
[20 November 2023]

The Bluefin Tuna: Overfishing Takes a Toll (2021)

Wild Planet Foods Case Study | Social Nature (n.d.) available from
<> [20 November

Wild Planet Tuna Procurement Policy – (n.d.) available from

<> [20 November

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