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Return on equity (ROE) ROE=Net income/shareholders’ equity  Important for shareholders, investors, and
 Measures how much net profit is made per
one crown of invested capital (%)
 By comparing company’s ROE to the
industry’s average, you can see company’s
competitive advantage
Return on assets (ROA) ROA=net income/total assets  Measures the profitability of a business in
relation to its assets
 Measures the efficiency of each krone of
assets employed by the firm at producing
Return on capital employed (ROCE) ROCE= EBIT/total assets – current  Measures how efficiently a company is
liabilities using its capital to generate profit (%)
ROCE=operating profit/capital employed
x 100
Operating margin (OM) OM=operating earnings or EBIT/total  Measures how much profit a company
revenue makes on a krone of sales after paying for
variable cost of production, such as wages
and raw materials, but before paying
interest or tax
Rate of asset turnover (ROAT)
Earning capacity
Gross margin GM=sales – cost of goods sold/sales  The total margin available to cover
operating expenses and yield a profit
Operating gearing/laverage OL= fixed costs/total costs  Describes the effect that fixed cost can have
on the relationship that exists between
sales and your operating profits
 Fixed costs can simply be defined as the
costs that the company has to pay
regardless of the output that they are
operating at.
Capacity ratio Capacity ratio = total availability of  Measures of solvency in which availability
experiences/ total placement needs + for a particular academic year is divided by
placement changes the placement needs for that same year.
 Inserting different numbers of these
parameters facilitates projections for future
Break-even sales Break even sales = fixed  Is the dollar amount of revenue at which
expenses/contribution margin percentage a business earns a profit of zero. This
sales amount exactly covers the
underlying fixed expenses of a business,
plus all of the variable expenses
associated with the sales.

Safety margin Margin of safety = actual sales – breakeven  Is the amount of sales a company can lose
point before it actually starts to lose money or
stops making a profit.

Index Revenue
Solvency and liquidity
Equity ratio Total equity/total assets  Measures the amount of leverage used by a
company. It uses investments in assets and
the amount of equity to determine how
well a company manages its debts and
funds its asset requirements.
 How effectively they fund asset
requirements without using debt
 Equity ratios that are .50 or below are
considered leveraged companies; those
with ratios of .50 and above are
considered conservative, as they own more
funding from equity than debt

Liquidity ratio 2

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