Economy Energy Usage Statement

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MrSaad Asif
15 '^9 you mO*®
B68 8HA

Account Number 1109483

MPAN/MPRN Number 1460002192816/9212307400

Important information about your energy usage

Dear MrSaad Asif,

Here's the information you asked for

Furtherto our recent conversation, please find the usage and paymentsummary requested below. I can confirm thatthis
information is correct as of the

About your electricity tariff About your gas tariff

Account start date 27/03/2018 Account start date 27/03/2018
Tariff name Evergreen ^rect Saver Tariff name Evergreen Direct Saver
Unit rate(p/kWh) i5.45p Unit rate(p/kWh) 4.580p

Standing chaise 18.90p Standing charge 27.30p

(p/perday) (p/perday)
1« reading(27/03/2018) 4433 threading(31/03/2017) 587 m3
2"''reading(04/09/2018) 8696 2"" reading(04/09/2018) 866 m3
Usage in this period "4263 Kwh Usage in this period 279 kwh

Total spent during this period £951.00 Total spent during this period £143.00"

Things to remember
Some readings displayed above may not fall on the exact dates that have been requested for this report, this is likely to
be due to a lack of data from the meter.

if you've got any other questions, please call us on 03331039053. We're here Sam - 8pm weekdays and Sam - 6pm
on Saturdays.

Thanks for choosing to be with us.

Economy Energy

Economy EnergyTrading Limited. Registered in England No.07513319 Registered office: 10th Floor Filais House. ManorHouse Drive, Coventry,En^and.CVl 2TE

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