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Sophie Calle – Picalso

Atelier EXB 2023 ISBN 9782365113885 Acqn 33906
Pb 17x22cm 196pp col ills £56
Text in French

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso, the Parisian museum
dedicated to the painter invited Sophie Calle to take over the Hotel Sale. Confronted with the
figure of one of the masters of modern art, she chose to completely empty the spaces of the
museum - Picasso was expelled! - in order to install her furniture and personal objects there, on
the upper floors, and to unfurl, on the ground floor, a fresco imagined as an echo of the famous
Guernicabut composed like an immense collage of the works she has been exchanging for years
with other artists. To accompany this exhibition, Sophie Calle has imagined a work in which she
lists her "rendezvous" with Picasso. Testimonies from guards, paintings packed during lockdown,
etc. : so many stories presented in this art of storytelling so particular to Sophie Calle.

Designed like an artist's book with its intimate format and its alternations of Bible and creative
papers, Picalso immerses the reader in the funny, poetic and singular universe of the artist. An
essay by Yve-Alain Bois, entitled Picassiette, recontextualizes these "rendezvous" in the work of
Sophie Calle and revisits her favorite themes of memory, lack, disappearance or even absence.

Sophie Calle – Erratum

Atelier EXB 2023 ISBN 9782365113816 Acqn 33905
Hb 21x27cm 220pp col ills £56
Text in French

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pablo Picasso, the Parisian museum
dedicated to the painter invited Sophie Calle to take over the Hotel Sale. As part of this exhibition,
Sophie Calle has chosen to showcase the "succession" of her possessions. The Drouot auction
house then took part in the game by establishing 482 lots among the artist's personal belongings:
from her furniture to her crockery, from her stuffed animals to her collection of art works, all
published in a catalog as is customary at an auction. To complete this artistic gesture, the artist
imagined an Erratum with the catalog of the Hotel Drouot: identical in format, this erratum reveals
other keys to reading. Sophie Calle has chosen more than 100 pieces from among her
possessions, the hidden history of which she reveals. Objects offered or exchanged with other
artists, or collected during her travels or received as an inheritance: over the course of these
stories another story emerges which recounts moments of private life, romantic or artistic
encounters, secrets sometimes.

Raymond Depardon & David Burnett - Septembre au Chili 1971/1973

Atelier EXB 2023 ISBN 9782365113700 Acqn 33904
Hb 20x27cm 192pp col ills £52.50
Text in French

Two major photographers, two months of September at the polar opposite: this book recounts the
events that have shaped Chilean history as seen through the lenses of two leading figures in
photojournalism. In September 1971, Raymond Depardon set off for Santiago to capture the
effervescence that followed the election of socialist president Salvador Allende in 1970, before
continuing his journey in the south of the country. Two years later, in September 1973, it was
David Burnett's turn to arrive in the Chilean capital shortly after General Augusto Pinochet's coup
d'etat, photographing the moments of tension and terror that followed. This immersion in the Chile
of the 1970s questions what the country has become today, fifty years after the events.

At the heart of these two photographic corpus composing the book, we discover the reproduction
of the iconic photograph by Leopoldo Vargas, capturing the last image of Salvador Allende alive,
leaving La Moneda, the presidential palace, weapon in hand. Several texts by Robert Pledge and
Luis Poirot punctuate and contextualize this double visual corpus. They are supplemented by two
personal accounts of the time: that of Sonja Martinson Uppman, former secretary at the Swedish
embassy in Chile in 1973, who succeeded in protecting and exfiltrating nearly 80 people
threatened by the military junta, and that of Alejandra Matus, then a little girl at the time of the
coup and the seventeen years of her youth that followed, marked by the dictatorship.

Albarran & Cabrera - On Listening to Trees

Atelier EXB 2023 ISBN 9782365113663 Acqn 33908
Hb 21x29cm 184pp col ills £53

The Spanish artists duo Albarran Cabrera has a special relationship with nature. Source of
inspiration, photographic subject or almost unreal setting, it is always, in one way or another,
present in their images. A common thread in their production, trees are often seen there: the
shadow of a branch, the drawing of foliage that has become abstract or even a tortuous silhouette
in the center of the frame. The images alternate between a palette of vivid colours, bordering on
abstraction, and more monochrome tones, evoking a certain melancholy, plunging us into
timeless landscapes. The result is a dreamlike, almost surreal world, unique to the Spanish duo.

However, the tree is not the only subject of this series. For them, it is a question of exploring
man's relationship with nature more broadly by also associating literature and in particular the
writings of the German novelist, poet and painter Hermann Hesse to give shape to their thoughts.
A text by the author and agronomist, Yves Darricau, on the historical complicity of man with trees
through the ages, now in danger, completes the book celebrating their presence in our world.

Paulo Roversi - Des Oiseaux

Atelier EXB 2023 ISBN 9782365113861 Acqn 33907
Hb 21x26cm 96pp col ills £39.95

For this fifteenth title in the collection, the great fashion and portrait photographer Paolo Roversi
invites falconry birds into his studio and produces an intriguing series in which owls, owls and
falcons appear drenched in saturated light on large-format Polaroids. The Italian photographer's
signature minimalist approach to portraiture and monochrome tones reveal these birds of prey in
all their majesty.

Installed on a stool or the back of a chair, the birds pose elegantly, their eyes sometimes
astonished to have become subjects worthy of attention. Time seems to stand still: in shades of
violet or almost old gold with a patina, the birds' quiet presence, sudden flight and surprised gaze
almost verge on the painterly. This new series by Roversi offers a new way of looking at birds:
their relationship with man, as an artistic model.

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