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Answer all questions in this section based
on face to face discussion so far

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1) ..............occurs when an intentional

injury is inflicted on a child, can be
physical, emotional, sexual, or neglectful

A child abuse

B discipline

C child neglect

D tough love
2) The failure to provide a child with the
basic necessities of life, like
food/clothing/shelter/medical care/etc
is known as

A resilience

B tough love

C neglect

D discipline

3) Usually a confidential record of

suspected abuse or neglect is called

A mandated reporter

B documentation

C police ?le

D anonymous phone call

4) When children learn to cope with
difficult situations and eventually
recover/overcome from them it is
known as

Option 1A resilience

B inspiration

C positive neglect

D tolerance
5) Means, other forms or possibilities of
something known as

A resilience

B alternative

C generic

D mandated
6) This is a person required by law to
report abuse if they suspect it

A snitch

B law enforcement

C mandated reporter agency

D bystander

7) This is the type of abuse that involves

physical contact intended to
punish/intimidate/cause suffering

A neglect

B physical

C emotional/verbal

D sexual
8) This is the type of abuse that occurs
when things are said or done to hurt the
feelings of a child

A emotional/verbal

B physical

C neglect

D sexual

9) Encouraging a child to commit illegal

acts such as stealing is mainly what
type of abuse?

A neglect

B physical

C emotional

D sexual
10) This type of abuse is when a child is
subjected to any sexual activity even if
they are not physically touched

A physical

B sexual

C neglect

D emotional/verbal

11) Showing pornography to a child is

mainly considered what type of abuse?

A sexual

B physical

C neglect

D emotional/verbal
12) Abusers often intimidate or threaten
the victims to keep them from telling

A false

B true

13) Abusers sometimes spoil their

victims, such as buy them whatever they

A false

B true

14) Making your child get braces is

considered neglect

A false

B true
15) This is the #1 cause of abuse to
occur from an abuser

A they deserved it

B unemployment/no money

C grati?cation

D stress

16) Almost everyone who works with or

around children are mandated reporters

A true

B false

17) Abuse can greatly impact a child's

learning ability negatively

A true

B false
18) There are not any resources to really
help abusers get help

A true

B false

19) Abuse can impact a child's behavior,

even into adulthood

A true

B false

20) 90% of abusers are ...

A someone the victim knows

B priests

C parents

D strangers
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