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Amina al mufti pdf somali

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preview. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 202 to 267 are not shown in this preview. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 277 to 310 are not shown in this preview. Jump to ratings and reviewsAmiina Raaxo ku kor, u dhalatay dalka Urdun oo qalbijabkii koowaad ee nolosheeda kala kulantay wiil Falastiini ah oo kaga baxay caashaq carruurnimo,
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Falastiiniyiintu ku fashiliyey basaasnimadeeda iyo ku soo noqoshadeedii Israa’iil. Buuggani waxa uu si faahfaahsan u soo bandhigayaa sheeko isaga dab qaadaysa Urdun, Usteri, Israa’iil iyo Lubnaan. Waa qiso dhab ah oo marka laga tago xiisaha ku jira ee hawlaha sirdoonka, sida oo kale xambaarsan xogo dad badani aanay ka warhayn oo la xidhiidha
loollanka Falastiiiniyiinta iyo Israa’iil, waxa se intaasba dheer duruus cilmiya oo la xidhiidha cilminafsiga. Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviewsJanuary 19, 2021August 17, 2019Sheeko aad uxiiso badan bay ahayd, si wacan loo qoray dhamaan suaalihi is waydiinta lahaana uu buugu sii waafiya uga jawaabay. Thanks kamaal will read more books from your
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