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Nama : Harnung Indah

NIM : 120230201006


Accredited BAN-PT “A”

Mid Exam Semester I Academic Year 2023/2024

Subject : Defense Research Methodology (RIDU 1102 MP) 2 Credits

Study Program : Defense Management
Faculty : Defense Management
Lecturer : Letjen TNI Jonni Mahroza, Ph.D
Date and Time : Friday, October 27, 2023
Time : 03.30 to 05.10 PM (100 minutes)
Traits : Open Book, online

1. Explain each stage in the Method of Scientific Thinking and provide your
argument for why each stage is important in initiating research!
Scientific Thinking is the process of scientific thinking or thinking with
rational, logical, empirical, and credible scientific procedures to investigate,
understand, and explain a phenomenon. This thinking process is structured
and there are methods that researchers usually use to develop knowledge.
The axiology of MST is that the results of research work can be useful, the
work is quoted by many people, and the researcher becomes known to

Stage in Scientific Thinking

1. Ask a question/Observe
Asking a question about something you have
observed—How, What, When, Who, Which,
Why, or Where—is the first step in the
scientific method.
2. Do background research
Looking for as much information as possible
about what you want to research, initial
research can be done by looking for
secondary data from the internet, books,
articles, etc. This stage will involve a lot of previous research.
3. Construct Hypothesis
A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work. This is an
attempt to answer the question with a testable explanation. State the
hypothesis and predicted results that you will test. Predictions should
be easy to measure.
4. Test the hypothesis by doing Experiment
This experiment tests whether your predictions are accurate so that
your hypothesis is supported or not. It is important for your experiment
to be a fair test. At this stage data collection will be carried out.
5. Analyze the data
Scientists analyze the collected data using statistical and analytical
methods to draw conclusions and determine whether the results
support or refute the initial hypothesis.
6. Communicate the result
Communicate your results to others in a final report, publish the report
in a scientific journal, present the results, lecture at a scientific meeting,
science fair, etc.

Why all stage important?

Because all stages are important and have their respective functions. The
stages carried out must be sequential and structured. All strands form a
process that ensures validity, reliability, and accuracy in scientific research. To
ensure that scientific research is reliable, structured, and objective, these
steps must be followed correctly. Violating these steps can lead to bias, error,
or lack of validity of scientific research.

2. Create a research title related to Israel and Palestine from the perspective of
Defense Management. Then, specify the research object, research focus, and
research sub focus, complete with your arguments, each in one paragraph.
Title: Management of aid management during war in the context of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Object of research
This research will examine how aid entering Palestine was managed during the
conflict with Palestine. The lack of available resources during the conflict, especially
electricity and fuel, is a problem for both the community and public facilities such as
This research will focus on aid management systems that focus on supply chains that
occur in the Israeli and Palestinian regions. This will relate to observations of the
routes used in distributing aid from various countries to Palestine and the obstacles
that occur there. This research will discuss aid management by understanding how
humanitarian aid is managed, distributed and monitored amidst the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. Then another focus in the research will discuss the role of government and
its collaboration in dealing with this problem.
Sub Focus
When looking at aid management issues, we will also touch on political issues that
occur in the border areas where aid routes pass. Apart from that, this problem will
touch on problems from various fields such as economics, diplomatic relations,
regular regulations between countries. Aspects of international law will also be
discussed and comparisons with other similar conflicts. Apart from that, it will also be
discussed in detail the impact of the obstruction of aid and its consequences for the
welfare of the Palestinian people and efforts to overcome this.

3. Based on the question number 2, students elucidate the research problem

from the given research title by considering the opinions of experts from the
past and present, relevant literature, prior research, and empirical data that
demonstrate the existence of the problem and its potentially negative or
serious academic and practical implications if not addressed. Fictitious

literature and empirical data can be employed to support the problem
The Israeli and Palestinian conflict is a prolonged conflict in the Middle East
that has existed since 1917 but peaked in 1948 when Israel proclaimed its
independence. Many events have occurred since then such as the Six Day War,
Intifada, Oslo Accords, Gaza War, etc. This conflict occurred in areas around the
West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights.
This has been the world's concern for a long time and has involved various
diplomatic efforts but has not been resolved to date.
In the latest case in October 2023 the conflict between Israel and Palestine
heated up again. Starting from Hamas attacking Southern Israel on October 7 2023
which was named Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. In this attack, 1,400 Israelis were killed.
This is the background to Israel's increasingly violent attacks recently, which even
declared war called Operation Iron Sword. To date, more than 7,000 Palestinian
victims have died because of this incident.
Initially Israel attacked military bases but now all of them are Israel's targets.
The attacks were carried out by bombarding strategic buildings such as residences,
mosques, hospitals and banks. This caused many civilians to lose their lives, even
innocent children, babies and the elderly. This was even considered to have
amounted to genocide by several countries because Israel's attacks were so cruel
that they did not see who the target was. Not Israel also implemented a blockade of
electricity, food, fuel and water. The European Union's chief diplomat Josep Borrell
called Israel's actions to cut off water, electricity and food supplies "incompatible with
international law". On October 14, UNRWA announced that Gaza no longer had
clean drinking water, and two million people were at risk of death from dehydration.
Based on the Geneva conference, Israel also violated medical neutrality by
attacking hospitals. Israel even attacked ambulances and other health facilities. On
October 14, the World Health Organization said the killing of health care workers and
the destruction of health facilities "deprives civilians of their human right to life-saving
health" and is prohibited by International Humanitarian Law. Apart from that, Israel
also used white phosphorus artillery shells which are prohibited in Protocol 3 of the
Convention on Conventional Weapons to be targeted at civilians. In addition, Israel
also carried out forced evaluations of 1.1 million people from North Gaza.

Due to this, many countries sympathize with Palestine. Many countries have
provided support in terms of diplomacy, campaigns, assistance from medical
personnel, and even provided quite large financial assistance. If accumulated, as of
Wednesday (18/10/2023) there were 10 countries that had stated their commitment
to aid to Palestine, with a total aid value of around IDR 2.27 trillion. Countries that
provide assistance include the European Union, the United Arab Emirates, Ireland,
England, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Scotland, Iceland, Indonesia, and many more.
However, the problem is that Israel even blockaded all aid supplies provided
by other countries to Palestine so that much of the aid was held up and could not
arrive. "The Egyptian government said that Israel did not want to cooperate in
sending aid to Gaza, causing hundreds of tons of aid supplies to be held up," said
Reuters, Tuesday (17/10/2023). A similar problem was also reported by OCH, "The
total siege of Gaza continues. The Rafah crossing (a city in the Gaza Strip directly
bordering Egypt) remains closed, preventing the entry of urgently needed
humanitarian aid, including food, water and waiting medicines in Egyptian territory,"
said OCHA in a press release, Wednesday (18/10/2023).

The Rafah border post has become a focus for access for aid deliveries to
Gaza, as the Israel-Hamas conflict escalates. It is the southernmost exit from Gaza
and the only border crossing that does not lead directly to Israel. Currently, this route
is the only one that is safe to pass. However, the fuel supply still cannot be
distributed. Fuel is usually allowed into Gaza via a pipeline at the Kerem Shalom
border crossing and is funded by a grant from Qatar. Apart from water fuel, water
problems are also the current crisis in Palestine and have not yet received an
effective solution.
This makes the atmosphere in Palestine even more miserable. Thousands of
victims were scattered but could not be handled properly due to lack of infrastructure
and limited resources. This is certainly very dangerous for national defense. In this
research, there is a gap, namely that there is a lot of sympathy from many countries
for Palestine but it is hampered by the Palestinian blockade. This needs to be
researched and a solution is sought to find out how to manage aid so that it can
arrive and be distributed well.

4. Use the research problem you completed in question number 3 to create a

research design in the form of a table or matrix containing the problem
statement, research objectives, supporting theory, methodology, and
triangulation. Then, explain the purpose of the table’s contents and the
interconnectedness of the elements within the table, demonstrating interactive
relationships, as a characteristic of qualitative research design.

problem statement How can managing aid during war affect national defense?

research Understand the influence of aid management during war on

objectives national defense

supporting theory Management, supply chain, good governance, diplomation,

international law

methodology Case studies, document studies, interviews

triangulation Data triangulation by taking data from various sources such

as journal articles, articles, news and journalist interviews.

Case triangulation by comparing cases that occurred in

Israel-Palestine with those that occurred in conflicts in other

The problem taken is a problem that is still new so there is not much previous
research. So it would be suitable to carry out qualitative research so that you can
explore one focus in more depth. Apart from that, this phenomenon is an abstract
phenomenon so it is difficult to measure quantitatively with numbers. To carry out this
research, triangulation will be carried out using various methods, sources and points
of view to produce a more comprehensive understanding. This research chose the
case study method because it looked at it from the perspective of real cases that
occurred in depth. Then use document studies because if you make direct

observations at the scene of the incident, this is not possible, so observations are
made through document media such as journal articles, published articles, news,
press conferences, etc. Interviews were conducted with journalists or representatives
of countries who studied the conflict.

Reference :
Ahdiat, Adi. 19 Oktober 2023. 10 Negara Beri Bantuan untuk Palestina tapi Masih
Diadang Israel.Data Box.Diakses pada 27 Oktober 2023 melalui

BBC News. Ribuan Ton Bantuan Siap di Salurkan di Gaza. Diakses pada 27 Oktober

Mahroza, J. 2023. Introduction to Research Methodology (ppt slide). Jakarta: Lecture

Materials of Defense Research Methodology. Universitas Pertahanan RI.

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