Unit 1 Agricultural Crop Production

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Crop Production
Practical Applications
The knowledge gained in this unit can be applied to the
● creating or pursuing an agriculture business
● enhancing characteristics, attributes, traits, and
skills for success in the business venture
● observing safety in using and maintaining farm tools
and equipment
● executing appropriate calculations and estimations
in the agriculture industry
● applying and following safety measures and
guidelines when working in the field
Introduction to Organic Crop Production:
The Entrepreneurial Skills, the
Environment & the Market
In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
Lord, we offer to you our class today.
We pray that through your Divine Guidance,
we would learn how to listen attentively to the inputs of our
May we appreciate her effort in imparting her knowledge to
May we value each other’s contributions as a building block
towards harmony and peace.
Grant that we recognize the fact that all our learning activities
should be accomplished for your greater glory.
And we would be able to apply correctly what we have
All these we ask in your powerful name.
God, our loving Father, through Your Holy Spirit,
enable us to participate in Jesus’ saving mission to
make You known and loved throughout the world.
May we joyfully live out our Paulinian identity as
gleaners who are:

PRAYERFUL, mindful of who we truly are and why we

are here – Your children called to follow Your
Holy Will;
SELF-EFFACING, quick to transcend when we
are not recognized for the good we have done or
when we are taken for granted;
With TRANQUIL-DARING to proceed when we
feel that the work and responsibilities given us
are back-breaking and beyond our capacity;
ALL TO ALL, willing to faithfully serve everyone
especially the least, the last, and the lost.
Our Lady of Chartres, pray for us.
St. Paul the Apostle, our Patron, pray for us.
Fr. Louis Chauvet and our First Sisters,
intercede for us.
Caritas Christi Urget Nos, now and for ever.

T-alk (with correct volume of voice)

E-veryone’s ideas are important
A-ctively participate
M-anage your behavior

I am a
consciously expressing
my Faith. (LPO1)

EPO1: Assess their unique

personal qualities, thinking
processes, and talents, and
explain how strengthening them
can help them choose their
specialized TLE program and open
doors to continued learning and
personal fulfillment.
1.1. Cultivating one’s Personal Competencies and
Skills needed in agricultural crop production

2.2. Compiling the premises under the environment of

the market, the target customer and their needs/wants.

2.3. Constructing business strategies and pitching

new ideas using the various techniques and based on
the analyses of the market for Agricultural
Crop Production.
Why is it important to know
your interest in life?
is a method of farming that focuses
on the use of natural and sustainable
it also involves caring for the
practices to grow crops.
environment. Organic farming
Organic farmers use techniques such practices prioritize the conservation of
as crop rotation, composting, and soil, water, and biodiversity.
biological pest control to maintain soil
health and produce high-quality
Organic Crop
In conclusion, organic crop production
it is essential to have a set of combines entrepreneurial skills,
entrepreneurial skills. These skills environmental stewardship, and market
opportunities. By embracing organic
include business planning, marketing, farming practices, entrepreneurs can
financial management, and risk contribute to the health of consumers, the
assessment. environment, and their own financial
How will you differentiate
Entrepreneur from Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship

someone who takes refers to the process of

the initiative to creating and managing a new
create a new business venture to achieve
business venture. financial success and make a
positive impact on society.
Agent of economic Strategic process of
change; they innovation; convert
organize, manage business ideas into
and assume risks of marketable product or
a business services to improve the
quality of living.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
make critical involves the
decisions about process of making
their informed decisions
businesses. The Decision throughout the life
decisions are
focused on the
Making of the business. It
is mostly ongoing
initial creation decision-making to
and growth of ensure the long-
their business. term success of the
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
have an impact on
has an impact on the
the market by
economy by creating
creating new
jobs, generating
products or
services. Its Impact wealth, and driving
innovation. It includes
impact is focused
the broader impact of
on the creation of
creating and
their specific
managing a successful
product or
business on the
economy and society.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
focus on growing involves creating a
their businesses business that can
through sustain growth over
innovation and
expansion. Their Growth the long term. It
includes the ongoing
main focus is on management and
the initial growth maintenance
of their necessary to ensure
business. that growth is
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship

own and involves the process of

manage their starting and managing
businesses. a business, regardless
They have a Ownership of who owns it. It is
personal stake focused on the
processes necessary to
in the success
make a business
of their successful, regardless
business. of who owns it.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
take calculated
involves assessing and
risks to achieve
managing those risks
their goals. There
is a willingness to
take risks.
Risk- throughout the
process of creating
Risk-taking is an Taking and managing a
business. It requires
essential element
ongoing risk
of creating a
management to
ensure the business’s
long-term success.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
are known for focused on
their ability to creating a business
innovate and
that can sustain
develop new
products or Innovation that innovation. It
services. Their includes the
primary focus is processes
on developing new necessary to
ideas and bringing support innovation
them to market.
over the long term.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship

bear the involves various

responsibility for processes and activities
the success or involved in creating and
failure of their managing a business. It
businesses. So,
Responsibility includes broader
they have the responsibilities such as
financial management,
marketing, strategic
responsibility for planning, and
their business. leadership.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
focus on
identifying focused on creating
business and managing a
opportunities and
turning them into
Focus business. It
ventures. They includes the long-
have a narrower term management
focus on the initial and growth of that
creation of a business.
Entrepreneurial Skills
1. Business Planning
• Essential for any entrepreneur.
• This includes setting clear goals, identifying
target markets, assessing competition, and
creating a roadmap for success.
• A business plan helps in making informed
decisions and securing financing.
Entrepreneurial Skills
2. Marketing
• Understanding market trends, consumer preferences, and
effective marketing strategies is vital for organic farmers.
• Entrepreneurs need to identify their target audience,
differentiate their products, and develop a strong brand
• Be knowledgeable about various marketing channels,
including online platforms, farmers' markets, and direct
Entrepreneurial Skills
3. Financial Management
• Entrepreneurs need to create budgets, track expenses,
manage cash flow, and analyze financial statements.
• Be aware of funding options, grants, and subsidies
available for organic farmers.
Entrepreneurial Skills
4. Risk Assessment
• Organic farming faces various risks, including weather
conditions, pests, diseases, and market fluctuations.

• This may involve implementing risk mitigation strategies,

such as crop diversification, insurance coverage, and
contingency planning.
Entrepreneurial Skills
5. Problem Solving and Adaptability
• Often requires innovative solutions to challenges that
• Entrepreneurs need to be proactive in identifying
problems and finding creative solutions.
• Be adaptable and able to adjust their strategies based
on changing market conditions or unforeseen
Entrepreneurial Skills
6. Networking and Collaboration
• This includes connecting with other farmers, industry
experts, suppliers, and potential customers.

• Collaborative efforts, such as forming cooperatives or

participating in farmers' associations, can provide
access to resources, knowledge-sharing, and market
Entrepreneurial Skills
7. Continuous Learning
• The organic farming industry is constantly evolving, with
new research, technologies, and regulations emerging.
Entrepreneurs need to stay updated with the latest
industry trends, best practices, and certifications.

• Continuous learning through workshops, conferences,

and online resources is essential for success.
Why Entrepreneurial skills are
important in crop production?
Possessing entrepreneurial skills is essential for
entrepreneurs in organic crop production. These
skills enable them to plan and execute strategies,
effectively market their products, manage
finances, assess risks, solve problems, collaborate,
and stay informed about industry developments.
By honing these skills, organic farmers can
increase their chances of success in this growing
Characteristic of a Good Entrepreneur
1. Optimism- Be someone who always feels positive in
every effort in order to achieve something.

2. Self-Confidence -once the plan to do is ready to be

started, assure yourself to overcome risk and many
other forms of business constraints.

3. Self-Control- in any situation that needs to be

handled never react immediately instead respond to
the situation in the most legal and beneficial ways.
Characteristic of a Good Entrepreneur
4. Courage- Be a risk taker with alternative action.
Business risk are always there however one’s readiness
to face, reduce or eliminate them depends on how
brave you can be.

5. Committed- sustain every effort you have started.

6. Creativity- Do not stay inside the box, go out and

discover your potential to be effectively different. Use
your imagination to create ideas and push it through.
Characteristic of a Good Entrepreneur

7. Leadership ability- guide direct and influence

according to what benefits the business.

8. Responsibility- as a leader, you are

accountable to everyone and everything in the
business, including your strategies. Value
everything and everyone as you value oneself.
Characteristic of a Good Entrepreneur

9. Decision making skills- one’s ability to make a good

decision in every circumstances.

10. Strong desire to achieve- develop a competitive

attitude. Right pricing and quality-based product
services. Work with the goals in mind and take the
best way to achieve them.
Values Integration: Enthusiastic
Reflect on the lesson by answering the guide question.
o As a Paulinian student, how can you assess your
personal qualities and talents in making the mission
in agricultural crop production successful?

o Why do we need to have such entrepreneurial skills

including characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, and
traits in running a farm or a garden?
Two Critical Factors that Impact Crop Production

1. The Environment
• prioritize environmental sustainability and conservation.
• avoiding synthetic inputs like chemical fertilizers and
pesticides to protect the health of soil.
• Techniques such as crop rotation, composting, and
integrated pest management promote natural
ecosystem balance and long-term sustainability.
• Organic crop production aims to minimize the
environmental footprint of agriculture and promote a
healthier ecosystem.
Two Critical Factors that Impact Crop Production

2. The Market
• Increasing consumer awareness about health and
environmental concerns has led to a higher demand for
organic products.
• Consumers are willing to pay a premium for organic
produce due to its perceived health benefits, better taste,
and environmental sustainability.
• Identifying, developing strong branding, marketing
strategies, and maintaining consistent product quality are
essential to succeed in the organic market.
• In summary, the environment and the market are closely
intertwined in organic crop production.
• Organic farming practices prioritize environmental
sustainability, contributing to soil health, biodiversity
conservation, and climate change mitigation.
• The growing market demand for organic produce presents
opportunities for entrepreneurs, but understanding
consumer preferences and market dynamics is crucial for
• By aligning with sustainable practices and meeting market
demands, organic farmers can contribute to a healthier
environment and tap into a profitable market.
Application (Reflections)
Directions: Relate to a real-life experience/situation the importance of
personal entrepreneurial skills in operating the agricultural crops
production. Present your answer in a descriptive essay. At least 3-5
•Why do we need to market our product mostly in our agriculture
Descriptor 5 4 3
- pieces was in -piece had little
- piece was written in interesting style style
an extraordinary style
Quality of Writing
- very informative and -somewhat -gives some new Rubrics for the
informative and information but
well organized
organized poorly organized
Grammar, Usage, &
-virtually no errors - few errors - a number of errors
- more on life - not enough idea to
Moral Values and - somewhat has life
reflections and realize the life
Lessons realizations
realizations lesson
Values Integration: Zealous

•As a Paulinian student, how can you assess your personal

qualities and talents in making the mission in agricultural
crop production successful?

•Why it is essential to know the environment of the market,

our target customer and their needs/wants in our
agricultural mission?
Application (Reflections)
•Directions: Relate to a real-life experience/situation the significance of distinguishing
environment of market, the target customer and their needs/wants in operating the
agricultural crops production. Present your answer in a descriptive essay. At least 3-5
Descriptor 5 4 3
- pieces was in -piece had little
- piece was written in interesting style style
an extraordinary style
Quality of Writing -somewhat -gives some new
- very informative and Rubrics for the
well organized informative and information but
organized poorly organized Descriptive
Grammar, Usage, - a number of Essay
-virtually no errors - few errors
& Mechanics errors
- more on life - not enough idea
Moral Values and - somewhat has
reflections and to realize the life
Lessons life realizations
realizations lesson
Analyze one's personal entrepreneurial skills:
characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits.
SEED Model
1. Self Mastery: This refers to personal qualities and
characteristics that contribute to entrepreneurial success.

Self-motivation: Key attribute of self mastery.

The ability to drive oneself forward, set goals, and take action
without external pressure.

• stay motivated by reminding themselves of their

purpose and the positive impact their farm can have
on the community and the environment.
• takes initiatives like attending workshops on organic
farming, networking with other farmers, and
conducting thorough market research.

• set clear goals and break them down into actionable

steps, such as creating a business plan, acquiring the
necessary equipment, and developing a marketing

• prioritize tasks, stay organized, and remain

dedicated to their vision.
By demonstrating self-mastery through self-
motivation, as entrepreneur you set- up for success
in entrepreneurial journey. You can persevere
through challenges, maintain focus, and take
proactive steps to achieve their goals.

Self-motivation is an essential characteristic that

drives you to entrepreneurial spirit and helps them
navigate the ups and downs of starting and
managing their organic farm.
Resilience: The capacity to bounce back from setbacks,
learn from failures, and persevere in the face of
•ability to adapt and remain determined.
•view challenges as opportunities for growth and use
them to refine their business strategies.
•enables them to navigate through difficult times,
maintain their motivation, and ultimately
achieve success.
•By demonstrating resilience, as entrepreneur it
is better equipped to handle the uncertainties,
obstacles and able to bounce back from
setbacks, learn from failures, and maintain a
positive mindset, ensuring the long-term
sustainability and growth of the business.
Adaptability: The willingness to embrace
change, be open to new ideas, and adjust
strategies as needed.
Passion and dedication: Having a deep passion
and commitment to the business idea or
Time management: The ability to prioritize
tasks, manage time effectively, and maintain
a work-life balance.
2. Environment Mastery: This involves
understanding and navigating the external factors
that impact the business. Some skills and traits
• Market knowledge: Being well-informed about
industry trends, customer needs, and competitive
• Networking: Building relationships with customers,
suppliers, mentors, and other professionals in the
• Communication: Effective communication
skills, both verbal and written, to convey
ideas, negotiate, and build partnerships.
• Problem-solving: The ability to identify and
solve problems creatively and efficiently.
• Emotional intelligence: Being aware of one's
emotions and those of others, and using that
knowledge to build relationships and make
sound decisions.
3. Enterprise Mastery: This focuses on the skills and
traits needed to manage and grow the business.
Some relevant characteristics include:

• Leadership: The ability to inspire and guide a team,

delegate tasks, and make strategic decisions.
• Financial management: Understanding basic
financial concepts, tracking expenses, managing
cash flow, and making informed financial
• Marketing and sales: Knowledge of marketing
strategies, branding, customer acquisition,
and sales techniques.
• Innovation and creativity: The ability to think
outside the box, find unique solutions, and
adapt to changing market demands.
• Risk management: Assessing and mitigating
risks, making informed decisions, and
developing contingency plans.
4. Development of Business Plan: This involves creating a
comprehensive plan for the business. Skills and traits related to
this stage include:

• Strategic thinking: The ability to analyze market

opportunities, set goals, and develop a clear roadmap for the

• Research and analysis: Gathering and analyzing data to

make informed decisions and identify market trends.
• Financial forecasting: Creating realistic financial
projections and budgets for the business.
• Writing and presentation skills: Effectively
communicating the business plan to potential
investors, partners, and stakeholders.
Analyzing one's personal entrepreneurial skills using the
SEED model can help identify strengths and areas for
improvement. By understanding one's characteristics,
attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits, entrepreneurs can focus
on developing the necessary skills and seeking opportunities
for growth in their entrepreneurial journey.
Lesson 1.2. The Business
of Agricultural Crop

EPO3. Describe and explain the

new abilities you have
developed as the result of
self-initiated learning
experiences and projects.

● Appraise one's characteristics, attributes,

lifestyle, skills, and traits, and compare them to
that of a Filipino crop production practitioner.
● Identify the crops commonly grown in the
● Determine the factors that motivate customers to
purchase agricultural crops.
● Create a tagline for a proposed crop production
What factors do you need to
consider to have a successful
business in the field of
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

1. Assess your PECs using the checklist provided. Analyze the statements
carefully; then, rate yourself honestly. The ratings are as follows:
3 – Always like me
2 – Sometimes like me
1 – Not like me

2. After identifying your strongest and weakest PECs based on your

rating, create a plan for how you will address and develop your
weakest PEC.
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) Checklist
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies 3 2 1

Achievement Cluster
Does things in advance, foresees future opportunities, and seizes

Not afraid to take risks, and calculates possible losses and gains
Accomplishes quality work in a better, faster, and cheaper way
Copes with pressing situations and tackles challenges head-on
Puts the customers’ needs first before one’s self and can deliver
duties despite difficulties
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies 3 2 1

Planning Cluster
Collaborates with coworkers, clients, and administrators and communicates
needed feedback
Sets SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound)
goals for the best interest of the business
Creates, monitors, evaluates, and recreates strategic plans based on data
Power Cluster
Encourages clients to avail of the business’s products and services, as well
as create and maintain a strong connection with them.

Decides with prudence for the best benefit of the business

If you got 10 to 17 points then you need
to work on your PECs; if you got 18
points to 24 points then you have good
PECs; and finally if your rating is 25 to
30 then you have excellent PECs and
may try starting a simple horticulture
Activity Processing

Answer the following questions to process the

a. How important is it to identify and analyze
one’s PECs?
b. What did you learn from this activity?
c. How would you address your weakest
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) are an
entrepreneur's essential traits or characteristics that will help
him or be successful in a business venture.

• are a set of skills and characteristics that are essential for

entrepreneurs to effectively start, manage, and grow their

• pertain to the key characteristics that successful

entrepreneurs should have in order to be successful.

• It is divided into three clusters: Achievement, Planning,

and Power.
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Achievement Cluster
Opportunity-seeking Does things in advance, foresees future opportunities,
and initiative and seizes them

Risk taking Not afraid to take risks and calculates possible losses and
Demand for Accomplishes quality work in a better, faster, and cheaper
efficiency and quality way

Persistence Copes with pressing situations and tackles challenges

Commitment to the Puts the customers’ needs first before one’s self and can
work contract deliver duties despite difficulties
Planning Cluster
Information-seeking Collaborates with co-workers, clients, and administrators and
communicates needed feedback
Goal-setting Sets SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-
bound) goals for the best interest of the business
Systematic planning Creates, monitors, evaluates, and recreates strategic plans based on
and monitoring data gathered

Power Cluster
Persuasion and Encourages clients to avail of the business’s products and
networking services, as well as create and maintain a strong connection
with them.
Independence and Decides with prudence for the best benefit of the business
In this stage of the
course, you will learn
about the PECs which
are significant in
achieving success in a
business venture. You
will also learn about the
different disciplines of
agriculture and the
customers’ motivational
factors to determine
their needs and wants.
Personal Competencies and Skills needed in agricultural
crop production
1. Knowledge of Crop Science: A strong foundation in crop
science is essential to understand the biology, growth patterns,
and nutritional requirements of different crops. This knowledge
helps in making informed decisions related to planting,
fertilization, pest management, and harvesting.

2. Agricultural Practices and Techniques: Familiarity with

various agricultural practices and techniques, such as irrigation
methods, soil management, crop rotation, and integrated pest
management, is crucial for optimizing crop production and
ensuring sustainable farming practices.
3. Problem-solving and Critical Thinking: Agricultural crop
production often involves facing challenges such as crop
diseases, weather fluctuations, and market uncertainties. The
ability to think critically, analyze problems, and develop
effective solutions is vital for overcoming obstacles and making
sound decisions.
4. Time Management and Planning: Agricultural crop
production involves managing multiple tasks and adhering to
seasonal timelines. Strong time management and planning
skills are crucial for scheduling planting, fertilization,
irrigation, harvesting, and other essential activities to
ensure efficient operations.
5. Adaptability and Resilience: The agricultural industry is
subject to various external factors, such as weather conditions,
market fluctuations, and regulatory changes. Being adaptable
and resilient in the face of uncertainties and challenges is
important for navigating through difficult times and finding
alternative solutions.
6. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication
and collaboration skills are crucial in agricultural crop
production. This involves collaborating with team members,
suppliers, and customers, as well as effectively conveying
information, instructions, and negotiating contracts.
7. Business and Financial Management: Understanding
basic business principles, financial management, and
budgeting is important for running a successful agricultural
crop production operation. This includes knowledge of market
trends, pricing strategies, cost analysis, and financial
8. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The agricultural
industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies,
research findings, and best practices emerging. A willingness
to learn, stay updated with industry advancements, and adapt
to new techniques and technologies is essential for
staying competitive.

1. Group yourself, 5 members in each group.
2. Choose a representative from your group to
Afterward, identify agricultural crops that are
commonly grown in the Philippines. Do this within
5 minutes.
3. List the agricultural crops identified by your
group on the manila paper you provided.
4. Present your group’s output to the class.
Answer the following questions to
process the activity:
a. How important is agriculture?
b. Why is it important to learn about
the different kinds of crops?
c. Is agriculture a productive business
or career? Why or why not?

Agriculture pertains to the cultivation

of land and breeding of animals and
plants in order to provide the basic
needs of people and promote
sustainability and self-sufficiency.
Disciplines under Agriculture

Crop production deals with

the cultivation of farmland
and the propagation of edible
crops. In doing this, you
should be able to identify
which crops are suitable for
The science and art of growing, caring, and selling fruits, vegetables,
nuts, ornamentals, and flowers includes services such as plant
conservation, landscape restoration, soil management, landscape, and
garden design.

Animal Raising or Animal Husbandry

concerned with the raising and breeding of animals for livestock

Aquaculture or Aquafarming
deals with the raising and breeding of different fish, crustaceans,
mollusks, aquatic plants, algae, and other marine organisms.

Agricultural Crops in the Philippines

An entrepreneur dealing with crop production should be able to
know the different crops suitable for planting. We wouldn’t want
to waste any money or resources that is why it is important for
one to capitalize on the most profitable crop.

• The country's main agricultural crops are rice, corn, coconut,

sugarcane, bananas, pineapple, coffee, mangoes, tobacco, and
abaca (a banana-like plant).

• Secondary crops include peanut, cassava, camote (a type of

root crop), garlic, onion, cabbage, eggplant, calamansi
(a variety of lemon), rubber, and cotton.
Breaking down the environment of the market, the target
customers, and their needs/wants involves conducting a detailed
analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of these key
1.Market Environment: This refers to the external factors and
conditions that impact the market in which a business
operates. It includes factors such as the overall economy,
industry trends, market size and growth, competition,
technological advancements, legal and regulatory factors, and
socio-cultural influences. By analyzing the market
environment, entrepreneurs can identify opportunities, assess
risks, and make informed decisions about their business
2. Target Customers: Identifying the target customers involves
defining the specific segment or group of individuals who are
most likely to be interested in and purchase the products or
services offered by the business. This involves analyzing
demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education
level, and geographic location. It also involves understanding
psychographic factors such as values, attitudes, interests, and
lifestyle choices. By clearly defining the target customers,
entrepreneurs can tailor their marketing efforts to effectively
reach and engage with this specific group.
3. Needs/Wants: Understanding the needs and wants of the target
customers is crucial for developing products or services that meet
their requirements and preferences.
• Needs are the basic requirements or problems that customers seek
to address or solve, while wants are their desires or preferences.
• This can be uncovered through market research methods such as
surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis.
• By understanding the needs and wants of the target customers,
entrepreneurs can develop value propositions that effectively
address their pain points and offer solutions that align with their
• To break down the market environment, target customers, and
their needs/wants, entrepreneurs can conduct thorough
market research.
• This involves gathering and analyzing data from various
sources to gain insights into market trends, customer
behavior, and competitive landscape.
• It helps entrepreneurs make informed decisions about
product development, pricing, distribution channels,
marketing strategies, and customer experience.
• By breaking down the market environment and understanding
the needs and wants of target customers, entrepreneurs can
develop strategies and offerings that are tailored to the specific
demands of their target market.
• This increases the chances of attracting and retaining
customers, gaining a competitive edge, and achieving
business success.
As an entrepreneur, one must also be able to
determine the needs and wants of the customers.
A customer pertains to an individual or business
that purchases the goods or services produced by a

A business can only be considered a successful one if

it can provide these needs and wants.

brand loyalty advertisement value for money

Customers’ Characteristics
Brand Loyalty The Filipino customers tend to stick to a brand they’ve been using for a
long time. However, this does not mean they do not entertain new brands.
Customers entertain new brands if they see that they are innovative, of
quality, and cheap and so the difficulty for any brand is to sustain the
customer’s desire to patronize the product.

Advertisement The Filipino customer believes in the credibility of the person advertising
products. It is one way of enticing them to try for themselves the product.
The evolution of mass media surely paved the way to improved
advertisements from simple brochures, radio broadcasts, TV commercials,
and now social media platforms.

Value for Money The Filipino customer is a hardworking one that is why they only want to
get most of their money. Promotions such as buy 1 take 1 and even the
seasonal sales and discounts are offered by the customers. It is to get
good quality products for a cheaper price that makes the customers
Young Entrepreneur’s Tagline
After learning so much on the PECs and major crops in the Philippines,
you as a young entrepreneur are asked to create a poster of your
business tagline. This business tagline must showcase the major crops
in the Philippines that you want to capitalize on. Remember to consider
the customers’ characteristics and the PECs as you go on with your
activity. This activity will make of recycled materials so be resourceful
and creative.

Rubric for grading the business tagline poster

Numerical Qualitative Tagline Logic Resourcefulness Creativity
tagline is 100% recycled colors and color
10 - 9 Excellent
purposive and materials were combinations
constructed with used. compliment the
due diligence design
8-7 Very with minimal 90% recycled with minimal
Satisfactory errors (1-2). materials were (1-2)errors.
6-5 Satisfactory with minimal 80% recycled with minimal
errors (3-4). materials were (3-4)errors.
4-3 Needs with errors (5-6). 70% recycled with (5-6)
Improvement materials were errors.
2-1 Poor erroneous 60% recycled with errors.
design. No logicin materials were
constructing. used.
“The customer is always right.”

Do you agree or not? Why or why not?

Design business pitch ideas with the intervention of
new applications and irritants.
Business pitch ideas that incorporate the intervention of new
applications and address irritants:

1.Personalized Virtual Assistant Platform: Develop a mobile

application that serves as a virtual assistant, using artificial
intelligence and machine learning algorithms to understand
and predict users' needs and preferences. The app could
automate tasks such as scheduling, reminders, and
recommendations, reducing the irritant of managing multiple
apps and systems.
2. Smart Home Energy Management: Create an application that
integrates with smart home devices and appliances, allowing
users to monitor and control their energy consumption in real-
time. The app could provide personalized suggestions to
optimize energy usage, reducing utility costs and addressing the
irritant of high energy bills.
3. Digital Healthcare Management: Develop a comprehensive
healthcare management app that enables users to store and
access their medical records, schedule appointments, track
medications, and communicate with healthcare providers. The
app could also incorporate telemedicine features, providing
virtual consultations and reducing the irritant of long wait
times and limited access to healthcare services.
4. Sustainable Shopping Assistant: Create an application
that helps users make sustainable shopping choices by
providing information on product sourcing, ethical practices,
and environmental impact. The app could also offer
personalized recommendations based on users' preferences,
making sustainable shopping more accessible and addressing
the irritant of limited transparency in the market.

5. Smart Parking Solution: Develop an app that uses real-

time data and sensors to guide users to available parking
spaces in congested areas. The app could also offer features
such as reservation, payment, and reminders, reducing
the irritant of wasting time and fuel searching for parking.
6. Virtual Event Platform: Create an application that offers a
virtual event experience, allowing users to attend conferences,
trade shows, and workshops from the comfort of their homes.
The app could provide interactive features such as networking
opportunities, live Q&A sessions, and virtual booths, addressing
the irritant of limited accessibility and travel restrictions for
These business pitch ideas leverage the intervention of new applications
to provide innovative solutions and address common irritants. By
incorporating technology and user-centric approaches, these ideas have
the potential to meet market demands and offer enhanced experiences for

Under the environment of the market, the premises refer to the

foundational factors and conditions that shape the market in which a
business operates. These premises include:
1. Economic Factors: Assess the state of the economy, including factors
such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and consumer spending patterns.
Understanding the economic conditions helps determine the overall
market potential and purchasing power of customers.
2. Industry Trends: Analyze the current and projected trends
within the agricultural crop production industry. This includes
advancements in technology, changes in farming practices,
regulatory developments, and shifts in consumer preferences.
Identifying industry trends helps businesses stay competitive
and adapt to market changes.

3. Competitive Landscape: Evaluate the existing competitors

in the agricultural crop production market. This involves
analyzing their market share, product offerings, pricing
strategies, distribution channels, and customer relationships.
Understanding the competitive landscape helps identify
opportunities for differentiation and positioning.
Regarding target customers and their needs/wants, the premises
1. Demographics: Define the characteristics of the target customer
segment, such as age, gender, location, and income level. This helps
tailor marketing messages and product offerings to the specific
needs and preferences of the target audience.

2. Psychographics: Understand the psychographic factors that

influence the target customers' buying decisions. This includes their
values, interests, lifestyle choices, and attitudes towards agriculture
and food production. By understanding psychographics, businesses
can align their offerings with the target customers' values and
3. Needs/Wants Analysis: Conduct research to identify the specific needs
and wants of the target customers in the agricultural crop production
market. This involves understanding their pain points, desired outcomes,
and preferences when it comes to crop quality, pricing, sustainability,
convenience, and traceability. Identifying these needs and wants helps
businesses develop products, services, and marketing strategies that
address customer demands effectively.

By considering these premises within the market environment, businesses

can gain a deeper understanding of their target customers and their
needs/wants. This knowledge enables them to develop strategies and
offerings that are aligned with market trends, customer preferences, and
competitive dynamics, increasing the chances of business success.
Here are some business strategies and pitching ideas based
on market analysis for Agricultural Crop Production:

1. Precision Farming Technology: Develop and implement

precision farming technologies that utilize sensors, drones,
and data analytics to optimize crop production. Pitch the
idea of a comprehensive platform that provides farmers with
real-time insights on soil health, weather conditions, and
crop growth, allowing them to make data-driven decisions
to improve yields and reduce input costs.
2. Sustainable Farming Practices: Emphasize the importance of
sustainable farming practices in the pitch. Highlight the increasing
consumer demand for organic and environmentally-friendly produce.
Offer strategies such as integrated pest management, crop rotation,
and water conservation techniques that can help farmers adhere to
sustainable practices and position themselves as eco-conscious
3. Farm-to-Table Delivery Service: Capitalize on the growing trend
of farm-to-table and local food movements. Create a platform that
connects farmers directly with consumers, offering a convenient and
efficient delivery service for fresh, locally-grown produce. Pitch the
idea of providing transparency and traceability, allowing consumers
to know exactly where their food comes from and supporting local
4. Crop Diversification and Niche Markets: Analyze market trends and
identify niche crop opportunities. Pitch the idea of diversifying crop
production to meet the demand for specialty crops such as organic
herbs, heirloom vegetables, or superfoods. Highlight the potential for
higher profit margins and reduced competition in these specialized
5. Agricultural Technology Incubator: Create an agricultural
technology incubator that supports startups and innovators in
developing cutting-edge solutions for crop production. Pitch the idea of
providing resources, mentorship, and access to funding to help
entrepreneurs bring their ideas to market. Emphasize the potential for
collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the agricultural community.
Values Integration: Passionate
Reflect on the lesson by answering the guide question.
o As a Paulinian student, will you take the risk of
innovation and try out other pitching business ideas
in order for you to gain? Why?

o How can you maintain & manage your business if

those irritants come, and the customer has doubt to
buy your product?
1. Create a business brochure about five well-known
agricultural crops in the Philippines that you want to
capitalize on and export to other countries.

2. Include a brief description of each crop. Highlight

its most salable qualities.

3. Develop a tagline to promote your product.

Answer the question to process the activity:
a. What are the country's main agricultural

b. Why is there a need for an entrepreneur to

recognize the customers’ needs and wants?

c. Is the agriculture business indispensable?

Scoring Rubric
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Standards Standards Standards Standards Score
4 3 2 1
Content All the facts Most of the Some of the The facts 30
stated in the facts stated facts stated in stated in the
brochure are in the the brochure brochure are
correct and brochure are are correct incorrect and
appropriate. correct and but inappropriate.
appropriate. inappropriate
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Standards Standards Standards Standards Weight
4 3 2 1

Tagline Logic The tagline is The tagline is The tagline is The tagline’s 20
created created creative purpose is
purposefully purposefully purposefully, unclear.
with no errors. with minimal but with
errors. many errors.
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Standards Standards Standards Standards Score
4 3 2 1
Visual The selection The selection The selection The 20
Appeal of colors, of colors, of colors, selection of
shapes, and shapes, and shapes, and colors,
sizes is sizes is sizes is shapes, and
visually appealing somewhat sizes is
appealing and appealing unappealing
and enhances the and and
enhances the message of enhances the inappropriat
overall the business message of e for the
message of brochure. the business business
the business brochure. brochure.
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Standards Standards Standards Standards Weight
4 3 2 1 (%)

Graphics All the Most of the Some of the All of the 20

graphics used graphics used graphics used graphics
represent the represent the do not used do not
information information represent the represent
appropriately appropriately. information accurate
and accurately. information.
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below
Standards Standards Standards Standards Score
4 3 2 1
Sources and All the sources Most of the Some of the None of the 10
References and references sources and sources and sources and
are indicated in references are references are references are
the brochure. indicated in indicated in indicated in
the brochure. the brochure. the brochure.
Rating Scale = Score x Weight /100
Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 5 x 100
Agriculture is vital
because it helps in
improving the country’s
economy by providing a
means of livelihood to
people, assuring food
security, and promoting
Wrap Up
● Agriculture pertains to the cultivation of land and breeding
of animals and plants in order to provide the basic needs of
people and promote sustainability and self-sufficiency.

● The other disciplines under agriculture are crop production,

horticulture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, and fish

● Crop Production pertains to the discipline that deals

with the cultivation of farm land and propagation of
edible crops.
Wrap Up
● Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies or PECs pertains to
the key characteristics that a successful entrepreneur
should have in order to be successful.

● The PECs has three clusters achievement, planning, and


● Customer pertains to an individual or business that

purchases the goods or services produced by a business.

● The Customers’ Characteristics include

brand loyalty, advertising, and value for money.
Brand signifies ownership of a product or service with a distinct mark.
Business is an entity that provides goods and services to individuals
and/or organizations in exchange of money.
Characteristic is a feature or quality of a person, place, or thing.
Commodity is something of value or importance.
Entrepreneur pertains to the individual who invest money and resources
in order to create a business.
Profit is the financial benefit realized when there is more revenue than
Self-sufficiency is the state of having enough.
Sustainability is the ability to maintain a certain level.
Trait is a distinguished quality or characteristic of an individual.

In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
Dear God, thank you for the lesson today.
It’s great to find out new things. It’s fun trying new skills and
learning. Help us remember all we have learn today in class.
Grant that we recognize the fact that all our learning activities should
be accomplished for your greater glory.
And we would be able to apply correctly what we have learned from
school. We look forward for tomorrow and all the wonderful things we
will be taught.
All these we ask in your powerful name.
Our Lady of Chartres, pray for us.
St. Paul the Apostle, our Patron, pray for us.
Fr. Louis Chauvet and our First Sisters,
intercede for us.
Caritas Christi Urget Nos, now and for ever.
Caritas Christi Urget Nos!

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