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Hello everyone I hope everyone already start work and start earning from PEC .

I want tell
all of you guys PEC will be one of the biggest online market where soon all over the world
brands will provide their products and we are as a distributor will sale their products in all
over the world market and we will make high profit from our shops .

PEC has established PEC companies in the UK, USA, and China, and has a company business license.
You must understand that we are completely formal and legal, and you can find us on the website.
UK company registration number: 14827638

You can also verify by yourself on UK Government's Official Site.

PEC is future and we are now part of PEC . I want you all guys must understand What is PEC ? how
you can work in PEC ? How much you can earn in PEC ? how long you can become senior Agent of
PEC . I want you know all working procedure in PEC .

PEC is a company dedicated to the global brand mall operation field, currently has 60+ international
famous brand partners in the world, the global agency user volume of more than 5 million, China
market agency users accounted for 90%, other countries agency users accounted for 10%, Chinese
agency users can only be the agent of the Chinese market business, can not be the agent of foreign
market business, the Chinese market agency users are close to saturation state The Chinese agent users
can only represent business in the Chinese market and cannot represent business in foreign markets. At
present, PEC company in Europe and the United States market is mainly committed to the expansion of
the network consumer market, for the development of partner brands in Europe and the United States
network consumer market share to provide greater power, currently in a large number of recruitment of
global agents.

PEC is a Online Market where people will make good earning some people will make 1000$ monthly
some will make 10000$ monthly and some will make more it will depend how much they understate
work and how much effort they put in work . So I want you all guys focus and try to understand how
much important for you and your future and you must read and understand these all information .

we will discuss in start what is PEC and how it is works ?

So As I Told you PEC is a online Market where we can do Brands Drop-shipping and can sale almost
60 international brands products and make profit from margin .

How Drop-shipping is different in PEC as compare to other Drop shipping platforms .

There is One Application Store TEMU which is famous all over the world but in UK and USA it top 1
Store where people can buy cheapest Products easily . In TEMU products are too much cheap and
people Avoid Brands and start buy These cheap products because of Low prices and TEMU capture all
market .

Brands Decide to Re gain their Place in Market and they make Contract with PEC ( Partner E -
Commerce ) which is work Under Chinese Biggest Commerce Company XCXD . PEC is a Big Online
Store same like Amazon . PEC helps brand to promote their products with large number of Stores .
PEC start Doing only Brands Drop Shipping and PEC need Distributors and Shop Owners who open
Shop in their Stores and sales Brands products . If PEC have more Shop Owners and Stores more
Brands will contact with PEC and Provide Facilities to PEC members . So PEC management Start
Hiring new Shop owners and Distributors who can help them to capture all online market .

Your daily work will be very easy. PEC will operate your brand store for you, including product
construction, one-click distribution, customer service, logistics service, warehousing service, order
service and all other operational services.
, every day you will receive orders from the brand side for your drainage, your daily work only needs
to process orders, and PEC will take care of everything for you.

It means you will receive order easily because Brands will help PEC to promote you products by
Private domain means you no need worry from where you will get customers . you will get fast Orders
because when you become distributor or shop owner PEC will start promote your shop all over market

PEC has been successful in China, the UK, and the United States. Since the Chinese brand agent store
manager market is saturated, it is now recruiting brand agent store managers around the world to gain
more consumer markets
I hope you understand all about PEC now first of all I want you know this why you need money ?

You need money for food, for rent, and to have fun with their friends and family. Independence.
Money isn't the only reason to work. Working can also give you more independence and more
control over your own life.

And it is important to understand how much online earning is important nowadays Online earning is
basically a method of earning money with the sources of the internet .

Reasons why making money online is something you should do sooner than later
1: You’re The Boss
2: Work Anywhere You Want
3: There’s No Limit For The Income You Can Earn
4: You Get Paid For Every Work You Do
5: You Have The Freedom To Choose your working hours .

now we will discuss how much you can earn in PEC and how you can maximize your profit in PEC ?
So first of all in earning we must know how much other platform members drop shipper is earning they
set mostly target 20 % to 30 % profit from their investment . In PEC they are giving 10 % profit but in
other platform a drop shipper get his profit within 15 days his 20 % or 30 % profit but in PEC you are
receiving profit after three days its means you will make in 15 days 50% profit of you investment and
also your principle amount will increase due to compound profit system which I will explain you later
with orders details .

So in PEC you will make high profit as compare to other platforms of drop shipping .

So now I will discuss about shops types in PEC .

In PEC there is 4 kinds of Shops and stores

Open a 1-star store operation package

(LEGO, CASIO, LOGITECH), and put all the products in the 100 $ store on the shelves.
Open 2-star store operation package

The PEC platform will build and operate the brand stores in the 500 $ store for you, including
and put all the products in the 5 00 $ store shelves.

Open the 3-star store operation package

The PEC platform will build and operate 20 00 $ for you. The brand stores in the store include
LG, NESPRESSO, FUJIFILM, LEGO, CASIO, LOGITECH ), and list all the products in the
store for 2000 $ .
Open the 4-star store operation package
The PEC platform will build and operate 10,000 $ for you. The brand stores in the store include
BOSS, LEGO, CASIO, LOGITECH), and put 10,000 on the shelves $ All products in the store.

Subscription fee detail :

Each Shop have different subscription fee to operate any store you can choose store type and can
start work after pay subscription fee .

After you pay this subscription fee you are able to receive orders and you can place order and
can make good profit from this shop Products and continue your activities in PEC .
Promotions for Subscription fee :

In this promotion you now if you open your own shop they will give you free subscription fee for
1st month and 2nd month 50% discount

This promotion for subscription fee which is 40 $ , 140 $ , 360$ and 850$ you will get free if you
achieve this promotion you will get this free
when you open shop you can sale different international brands :
The amount of profit is related to the amount of products sold in the brand agency store, members who
are rich enough to invest a lot of money to open a lot of brand agency stores in the early stage of
joining, not very rich people invest in the more cost-effective $500$-2000$ brand agency store waiting
to earn enough money before opening other brand agency store operation services.

After opening the 1-star store service, you will be able to sell all products in the 100 $ brand store

$100 store per day, you'll get $200 worth orders in sales but you can place order only
100$ because of your balance

So how to solve remaining orders and get benefit from these orders .?

To solve remaining order and make profit from this have three ways i will guide you one by one ok ?
you can top up your balance it means if you have balance 200$ then you can take this order also and
you can make 10 % profit from 200$ it will be 20 $ . now here you must remember Compound profit
system .
What is Compound Profit system ?
Compound profit system means your principle amount will increase gradually with addition of you
profit .
its very important to understand Compound profit system . it is like Atomic Bomb in your earning
which will boost your Profit at hig level . Copmound profit system will help to increase your profit .

How Compound Profit help to increase your profit ?

As you know Compound profit system helps gradually increase your principle amount by this you
profit automatically will increase .

For Example :
In start you deposit 100$ you will get profit after 3 days 10 % of 100$ it will be 10 $ now next time
you will not invest 100$ now you can place order 110$ and you will get profit 10 % from 110$ it will
be 11$ . So now when you place next order you principle amount will be 110$ +11$ = 121$ .
when you place order with 121$ you will get 10 % of 121 $ which is 12.10 $ and your principle
amount will be 133.10$ . now you can see here your profit start increasing from 10 $ to 12.10 $ only
with 3 time placing of orders . if you continue place order your principle amount will help you make
big profit .

You can see in below picture how your profit will increase with only 30 orders

when you complte your 58 orders you can see in below picture how much you will make
with only 58 orders
So I hope now you understand how compound profit system will help to increase your principle
amount and helps you make high profit

Reinvest income for higher returns:

When you earn revenue by processing sales orders, allocate a portion of that revenue for reinvestment.
For example, if you process a $100 sales order and earn $10 in sales revenue, consider reinvesting that
$10 in processing new orders and earning additional revenue.
Compound and reinvest:
Keep reinvesting the income you earn from each order to process new orders. As you repeat this
process, the income generated through compounding and reinvestment will gradually increase.
Monthly Income Growth:
Using the compounding and reinvestment method, your monthly income will grow significantly over
time. Here's an example of the potential monthly income progression: running an agency store with a
$100$ balance
First month: $250+
Second month: $650+
Month 3: $1,500+ (at this point you can open a $500 Proxy Shop)
Month 4: $4,000+ (consider opening a $2,000 store)
Month 5: $7,500+ (enjoy $2,000 agency income)
Month 6: $13,000+ (Consider opening a $10,000 agency as monthly revenue continues to grow)
These numbers represent the projected monthly income you can earn through continued reinvestment
and compounded sales order revenue.

Remember to regularly monitor your progress and adjust your reinvestment strategy as needed. By
consistently reinvesting your income, you can achieve significant monthly revenue growth and
maximize the profitability of your branded agency. And you can reinvest additional distribution income
for even higher returns!

Invite friends to distribute profits:

If you receive extra orders or want to expand your business, invite friends to join your agency. When
they sign up as members and help process orders, both you and your friends will receive the proceeds
of the distribution orders. This encourages collaboration and allows you to benefit from the efforts of
others. The more friends you invite to distribute, the higher your distribution earnings will be!
Click on the transfer option for new orders in the order center, you can select your subordinate ID and
you can transfer the order to your subordinate for processing, the subordinate will process the order and
you will receive 10% of the distribution revenue of the order after the order is completed, your
subordinate will receive 90% of the distribution revenue
For example: order revenue of 20$, after the completion of the order
You will get 20$*10%=2$ of the distribution revenue.
Your subordinates will receive 20$*90%=18$ of the distribution revenue.

For an order with a revenue of 100$, after completing the order

You will receive 100$*10%=10$ of the distribution revenue
Your subordinates will receive 100$*90%=90$.

For an order with a revenue of 1000$, after the order is completed

You will get 1000$*10%=100$ for the order.
Your subordinates will receive 1000$*90%=900$.

now we wil discuss other ways how to solve remaining orders in your account

first I already discuss that you can top up your account now the second one is

you can find your partners who can help you take your order from you it will can proceed in three ways
as well .

How to bring Partner have three ways :

i : You can just simply bring under you some one who looking for online legit earning platform you
can introduce him/her about PEC working after you can tell them they can work with you as your
partner . what you will do when you invite some one you already place orders with your balance
amount now remaining orders you can transfer to you down line people . after they helps you place
your reaming orders now question is what is his profit and what is your benefit from this ?
So first of all your down line will get 90 % profit from these orders and you will get 10% profit from
his /her orders
why you will get 10 % and He/she will get 90% because you will help them to place your orders .
Note : In this case he/she will not pay any subscription fee and he / she will not able to receive any
orders from PEC . they will receive order only from up line .

When you will bring down line you will get reward as well which will helps you increase your
principle amount and profit as well which you can see in below picture .

in this if you bring one new partner with 20$ you will get and he / she will get 1 $ reward let suppose
you bring daily 20 people you will get 20$ daily . in one month you can make 600$ .

if you bring with 50$ you will get 5$ and they will get 2 $ if you bring 20 people you will get daily
100$ . in one month you can make . 3000$

if you bring with 100 $ shop owner your will get 10$ and he will get 5$ if you bring 20 people you will
get 200$ daily . in one month you will make 6000$

if you bring with 500$ shop you will get 30$ and he will get 20$ if you bring 20 people you will get
300$ daily . in one month 9000$

So you can get a lot of benefits on inviting new brands to represent the store, and many members have
taken this opportunity to earn a lot.

Brands need a large number of agents to open their agency services to get more consumer market share,
and PEC platform needs a large number of agents to open more agency services in order to get more
agency service fees and rebates from brands. More agents' IDs/passports are required to open the
agency service.

Many people in start think this is difficult to bring people but let me tell you one thing already many
people have good team and getting weekly good salary If they can do it you can also do this.
Remember this everyone wants make money if they trust and understand your work they will jopin you
must .
now let suppose you are not bring 20 you can easily bring 10 people if you follow my guide lines so
make this earning half for example you bring only 10$ people with 100$ you will get 100$ reward
daily and in month you can make 3000$ and you will start getting weekly salary as well which I will
discuss also .

Second way to bring some partner under you

ii : you can bring some one who want open his/her own shop he decide to receive his/her own order he
will not take your order or may be he take your order and also he want get his own order then he have
to pay his subscription fee each month . which is different for different shops .
if your partner pay subscription fee monthly to PEC you will get 5 % commission from profit how
much profit he make PEC will give you 5% commission from his/her earnings .
now question is why PEC give you 5% commission because you bring new distributor for Company if
PEC have more Distributor more International company want make contract with PEC and PEC can
control all Brand Market.

Note : PEC have Mentors have promotion if you bring minimum 100$ shop owner or distributor if you
reach salary level you can get weekly salary which Mentors will send you weekly . which will helps
you for your daily spends and bills .

Salary will helps you solve your daily money issues and problem and these things will not effect your
Investment amount and you can continuously use for compound profit system .

You can see in below picture salary details :

in this if you have people 15 at your 1st level and 2nd level you will get weekly salary 70$ and
monthly it will be 280$ .
if you have 30 people in your down line at 1st and 2nd level you will get 110$ salary weekly and
moth;y you will make 440$ .

if you have 50 people in your down line at 1st and 2nd level you will get 190$ salary weekly and
moth;y you will make 440$ and monthly salary will be 760 $ .

if you have 100 people in your down line at 1st and 2nd level you will get 250$ salary weekly and
moth;y you will make 1000$ .

if you have 200 people in your down line at 1st and 2nd level you will get 400$ salary weekly and
moth;y you will make 1600$ .

if you have 500 people in your down line at 1st and 2nd level you will get 1000$ salary weekly and
moth;y you will make 40000$ .

if you have 1000 people in your down line at 1st or 2nd level you will get 2500$ salary weekly and
monthly you will make 10000$ .

member must be active and minimum 100 shop owner

The weekly salary of the team is very easy to reach, many people have got it and many people are
moving to higher weekly salary.

In order to keep more active agents, PEC gives weekly pay to partner team leaders to help members
solve problems, teach lower level members how to make money, and help members increase their

Many partner team leaders are not very concerned about this, only interested in the weekly salary, but
not very helpful to team members, so the team is not very mature, and they lose another hidden profit

Note : if you make sure bring 10 people under you then your team size will very fast increase we just
need to guide them proper way and manage their earning we will help them, make good profit and if
they start bring people you will make 1000 people team i will teach you all ways .
Third way to bring some one under you

you want earn more Commission and you said 5% commission is very less may be and you want earn
more so you will ask PEC how can i get more commission because i want increase my earnings .

PEC know you are Agent and he/ she is you second level distributor and you are helping them increase
their distributors So PEC must think about you and helps you also make high profit . because if you
make more profit you will bring more distributor or shop owner for PEC .

So PEC offer if you pay only first month subscription fee of member who you bring PEC will give you
10 % commission not 5 %

Note : As i told you in PEC you are important because you are helping them get more
distributors so PEC will give you 50% discount on subscription fee you just need to pay first
month half fee and you will get life time 10 % commission from shop owner which you bring .

you can see this in below picture as well :

in this Promotion you will get 5 % commission from PEC by your first level member also from 2nd
level member 5$ commission its means if he is earning 1000$ from pec you will get commission 5%
from 500$ it will be 50 $ from each order and in one month it will be good profit .

if you pay your down line only first month subscription fee you will get 5 % commission extra its
means you will get 10% then from 1000$ earning you will get 100$ and your monthly earning from
PEC will be increase .

The benefits that PEC gives to frontline workers are not one-time, but permanent. It is also an incentive
system to give back to all those who have team leaders' efforts, which is the case in many companies.
But whether it is a permanent or a short term benefit needs to be seen by all the team leaders, and why
should we explain permanent benefits in this way! We need to discuss here, you will hear my analysis
and summary next
I have received many inquiries from team leaders, and here are some of the problems you are currently
experiencing that I hope to address for you through this session, so you can gain experience and thus
avoid these things from happening.

Team member attrition, which is a problem that many people are currently facing in team leaders, think
about it in a different way. What kind of employee would choose to leave this really great job? Why
would a team leader choose to continue working?

Because you have all earned enough in PEC to understand more about PEC and know how to increase
your income, PEC has allowed you to reach the salary level you were initially promised, and there are
already many of you who earn more than $10,000$ per month. So the head is very confident to
continue working because you believe you can earn more, but if at this point you are not paying
attention to the development of the team, your earnings may be short-lived.

Because your team members will not very familiar with PEC, and even because you did not introduce
your consultants (your most senior) in detail, so that your subordinates and consultants do not
communicate a lot, resulting in their understanding of PEC is not a lot, do not know how to increase
their income, after working for a period of time do not see the hope of increasing income work
motivation slowly decreased. Finally, they leave the job. Your team's income is also reduced, which is
a short-lived team income, due to the reduction of team income, your motivation will also slowly
decline, and eventually may also leave the job. The demise of a team begins with these details.

Some teams are developing better and better, and some teams are experiencing bottlenecks. Because
you as the head of the team or as a superior, you should take the initiative to cooperate with the
consultant (your most superior) to let your members understand the way to make money, help him to
increase his income, so that he will always work hard and add new members to your team, until each
new member is clear about the way to make money, only when the team members are earning money,
they will work for a long time. As the team leader, your team's earnings will last for a long time.

You need to enforce these strictly, you need to introduce your advisors (your superiors) in detail to new
members who join, and you need to help them to earn more income, and to help yourself to earn more
income. Keep your own income for long term gains. I hope every member who is here executes it, don't
let the new joiners find no goal and go dark, amen

Now to summarize, how the income gap is created.

The first way to make money does not produce much of a gap, because after everyone makes money
will go to open more brand agency stores
The second way to make money produces a big gap, some people can invite few friends because of the
lack of methods, you can contact your advisor, he will teach you
The third way to earn money produces a huge gap, if not improved, your income will decline, and after
improving perfectly, your income increases
The fourth way to make money is the root cause of the gap, the impact is the future income, all
improve your income will increase over time, because you are a mature team, team members are
always increasing

There is a way and a method to any job, only if you are familiar with the job and understand the
content of the job, you can find a way to find success, try to contact your consultants, consulting
methods to seek experience to improve yourself and improve your income
All Screen shots related to Agent work which every team leader must know :

How to Recharge

How to Bind your USDT wallet Address to withdraw Funds

How to Find your link to Invite Members
How to transfer orders to your Downline

How to Upload I.D

Account security authentication:

All PEC cooperative users need real-name authentication, please upload your identity information in
the account security in the APP in time. (Holding: ID card, passport, driver's license and other
documents to take photos, one of them) Please see the sample.
You can Hold Any of one thing. Like CNIC just.

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