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Treatment of Chronic Nonunions of the Humerus with Free Vascularized

Fibula Transfer: A Report of Thirteen Cases

Article in Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery · November 2008

DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1090624 · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Bobby Chhabra William C Pederson

University of Virginia University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio


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Treatment of Chronic Nonunions of the
Humerus with Free Vascularized Fibula
Transfer: A Report of Thirteen Cases
A. Bobby Chhabra, M.D.,1,2 S. Raymond Golish, M.D., Ph.D.,1,2
Michael E. Pannunzio, M.D.,3 Thomas E. Butler Jr., M.D.,4 Luis E. Bolano, M.D.,5
and William C. Pederson, M.D.6

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Chronic nonunions of the humerus remain a challenging problem. We reviewed

13 cases of chronic nonunion of the humerus resulting from trauma or osteomyelitis treated
with vascularized fibula transfer after failure of conventional treatment. Patient averages
were 35 years of age, follow-up of 19 months, and 4.2 prior operations. Healing was
obtained in 12 of 13 (92%) patients with an average healing time of 18 weeks and graft
length of 12.5 cm. In total, 11 of 12 (91%) patients who united had good to excellent range
of motion of their shoulder and elbow. There were eight complications in 7 of 13 patients
(54%). Two patients developed fractures of the graft, and three had superficial infections at
the harvest site requiring operative debridement. Two patients had median neurapraxia
that resolved by 4 months. Two patients complained of intermittent pain at the donor site.
No significant correlations were found between time to heal and other covariates.

KEYWORDS: Humerus, nonunion, vascularized bone graft

H umerus fractures account for 3% of all frac- and multiply operated fractures may not respond to
tures treated by orthopaedic surgeons. Fortunately, conventional attempts at union. Pseudoarthrosis and
current treatment methods for these fractures often chronic osteomyelitis require extensive debridement of
result in primary healing. Humeral nonunions are bone and can result in large defects not suitable to
uncommon but pose a very challenging treatment standard techniques. In these complex cases, the soft
problem. Most humeral nonunions are successfully tissue envelope is frequently dysvascular, and nonvascu-
treated by compression plating, intramedullary fixation, larized bone grafting may fail.
corticocancellous bone grafting, the Ilizarov method, Free autogenous vascularized bone grafting (rib,
electrical stimulation, or a combination of these tech- iliac crest, and fibula) has been used successfully for the
niques.1–7 Union rates vary from 46% with electrical treatment of several challenging problems including
stimulation alone to > 90% with a combination of mandibular reconstruction, avascular necrosis of the
compression plating and cancellous bone grafting.4,6 hip, congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia and forearm,
Traumatic fractures with bone loss or comminu- traumatic defects in the lower and upper extremity,
tion, open fractures, fractures complicated by infection, chronic osteomyelitis, recalcitrant nonunions, and limb

Department of Orthopaedics, University of Virginia; 2University of of Virginia Health System, Box 800159, Charlottesville, VA 22908
Virginia Hand Center, Charlottesville, Virginia; 3Reconstructive Hand (e-mail:
Surgeons of Indiana, Carmel, Indiana; 4Southwest Shoulder and J Reconstr Microsurg 2009;25:117–124. Copyright # 2009 by
Elbow Surgery, Tucson, Arizona; 5Scott Orthopaedic Center, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Huntigton, West Virginia; 6Hand Center of San Antonio, San NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Antonio, Texas. Received: May 2, 2007. Accepted: June 8, 2007. Published online:
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: A. Bobby October 15, 2008.
Chhabra, M.D., Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University DOI 10.1055/s-0028-1090624. ISSN 0743-684X.

salvage after tumor excision.8–22 Treatment of humerus after multifocal osteomyelitis as children. Four patients
nonunions by vascularized bone grafting is most often had open fractures. Four patients were morbidly obese
indicated following multiple failed operations, for and one patient was a diabetic. The nonunion site was
chronic infections, when vascularity of the humeral soft the proximal third humeral shaft in four patients, the
tissue envelope is poor, and when a large bony defect is midhumerus in five patients and the distal humeral shaft
unlikely to heal by other means. Vascularized cortical in four patients. The average number of failed conven-
bone transfer provides immediate structural stability and tional attempts at union prior to free fibula transfer was
has been used in the humerus to bridge bony gaps 4.2 (range, 2 to 9). All patients had at least one attempt
> 15 cm.12,17,23 Because the vascularized graft relies at union with compression plating and bone grafting.
solely on its pedicle circulation and not on the surround- Electrical stimulation was used in five patients without
ing soft tissue for viability, it is uniquely suited for use in success. Five patients (38%) had infected nonunions. In
salvage surgery. these nonunions, aggressive surgical debridement and
Since Taylor et al first reported the technique of antibiotic therapy was instituted to control the infection
vascularized fibular transfer in 1974, the fibula has before free vascularized fibula transfer.
emerged as the preferred graft for long bone reconstruc- Before free fibula transfer, each patient’s vascular
tion in the upper extremity.24 Although the ilium, status was assessed by pulse examination. A Doppler was
scapula, rib, radius, and femur have also been used as used if pulses were not palpable. The donor and recipient
bone grafts for long bone defects, the fibula is often the site were examined in this manner. An arteriogram was

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most suitable for reconstruction.21 The triangular cross not obtained preoperatively if a noninvasive vascular
section of the fibula resists angular and rotational stress, examination was normal. All patients in this series had
giving it exceptional strength. Furthermore, the fibula is a normal vascular examination by palpation or Doppler
a straight cortical bone, with sufficient length and a exam. The operations were performed by one of two
predictable vascular pedicle that can be harvested with experienced microsurgeons.
minimal donor site morbidity, making it a prime candi-
date for grafting.9,21,25 Free vascularized fibula transfer
to the humerus has been reported following tumor OPERATIVE PROCEDURE
resection, trauma, infection, and soft tissue lengthen- In all cases, the patient was placed in a supine position
ing.18–20,26–28 Harvest of the fibular graft is demanding, and the contralateral fibula harvested extraperiosteally on
but the pedicle is consistently large in caliber and reliable the peroneal pedicle through a lateral approach using a
in location. There is minimal associated donor site standard technique that has been described in detail
morbidity if 6 cm of fibula is preserved both proximally elsewhere.12,17,23 A small skin island (osteocutaneous
and distally.29–31 fibula) was harvested in four patients for the purpose
This study reports our experience with the treat- of postoperative vascular monitoring.32 At least 6 cm of
ment of recalcitrant humeral nonunions with free vascu- fibula was preserved proximally and distally as recom-
larized fibula bone grafting in 13 patients who were mended to avoid knee or ankle instability. In children, a
referred to the senior authors (W.C.P. and L.E.B.). distal tibiofibular syndesmosis was established to prevent
valgus alignment of the ankle as recommended by
Weiland.17,23 The fibula harvest was performed under
MATERIALS AND METHODS tourniquet control, but the tourniquet was deflated to
This study retrospectively reviews 13 cases of chronic allow reperfusion before transfer to the recipient site.
nonunions of the humerus treated with free vascularized The length of fibula harvested was determined by the
fibula transfer between 1989 and 2000. Data were size of the recipient defect, adding an additional 2 to
collected by chart review. In all cases, fibula transfer 4 cm to allow for insetting of the bone graft. The
was not performed unless conventional treatment op- proximal and distal periosteum was elevated off the
tions had failed. All patients were referred to the senior ends of the fibula prior to final trimming of the graft.
authors for the treatment of the recalcitrant nonunion. This extra vascularized periosteum was sutured both
Seven males and six females with an average age of proximally and distally across the fibular–humerus junc-
35 years (range, 11 to 76 years) were included in the tion site after insetting of the graft. The average graft
study. The nonunion site was in the dominant extremity length was 12.5 cm (range, 9 to 16 cm).
in eight patients and in the nondominant extremity in The recipient site was prepared prior to fibular
five patients. The average follow-up was 19 months harvest. Gross infection was ruled out before proceeding
(range, 12 to 32 months). The initial humerus fracture with vascularized fibula transfer. Aggressive debride-
resulted from a motor vehicle accident in seven patients, ment of devascularized bone ends and necrotic tissue
a gunshot wound in two patients, a plane crash in one was performed. This was done through previous surgical
patient, and a fall in one patient. The remaining two incisions when possible. A dynamic compression plate
patients developed a proximal humeral shaft nonunion was used to stabilize the humerus in nine patients (69%),

and an Ilizarov external fixator was used in the remaining started on an aspirin on postoperative day 1 that was
four patients. The plate was placed on the anterolateral continued for 1 month. Vascular monitoring was per-
or anterior aspect of the humerus. Rigid stabilization was formed every hour for the first 5 days. Heparin or
obtained so that early shoulder and elbow motion could dextran was used routinely for the first 5 days in all cases.
be initiated. Intraoperative radiographs or fluoroscopic After discharge from the hospital, the patient was
images were obtained to confirm adequate reduction and kept immobilized in a coaptation splint for 2 weeks until
appropriate position of the hardware. The free vascular- suture removal. Pendulum exercises for the shoulder and
ized fibula was placed within a longitudinal trough range of motion exercise for the elbow were encouraged
created in the proximal and distal humerus segments after healing of the operative wound. A protective
such that the graft would traverse the nonunion site as humeral splint was maintained until clinical or radio-
described by Jupiter.27 The graft was placed either graphic union. Supervised therapy was initiated for each
anteriorly or medially depending on the placement of patient for shoulder and elbow exercises after 4 weeks.
the plate. The plate was not placed on the graft. One- Strengthening exercises were not started until evidence
centimeter step cuts were made at the proximal and of radiographic healing.
distal ends of the fibula graft, and one or two screws were The donor leg was maintained in a short leg cast
placed at each end only to protect the vascularity of the postoperatively. Weightbearing was allowed in the cast
graft. If the nonunion was in the proximal or distal third after discharge from the hospital. The cast was discon-
of the humerus, the fibula graft was impacted into the tinued at 2 weeks postoperatively.

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medullary canal of the humerus at one end and stabilized Radiographs were obtained at each clinic visit and
with one screw at the other end. Intraoperative radio- compared with previous films to document progression
graphs were obtained after insetting of the fibula to of healing. Healing time was based on radiographic
confirm the position of the graft. evidence of healing at both the proximal and distal
Through a medial or posteromedial approach, the fibular–humeral junction. Full activity was allowed after
brachial artery or a branch of the profunda brachii artery radiographic evidence of healing and acceptable return of
and a superficial vein were exposed. After the fibula graft range of motion of the shoulder and elbow.
was secured, arterial and venous vascular anastomosis
were performed to the pedicle of the fibula using an
operating microscope. An end-side anastomosis was RESULTS
performed between the peroneal artery of the fibula Healing of the chronic humerus nonunion was obtained
and the brachial artery in eleven patients. An end-end in 92% (12 of 13) of the patients. Figure 1 is a
anastomosis was performed to a branch of the profunda representative case. Average healing time determined
brachii artery in the remaining two patients. An end-end by radiographic analysis was 18 weeks (range, 12 to
venous anastomosis was performed between the venae 32 weeks). There was no evidence of graft resorption
comitantes of the fibula pedicle and a superficial vein in on radiographs. There were eight complications in seven
the arm in all cases. The fibular vascular pedicle was patients (54%). One patient required emergent venous
adequate in length in each case, and no interposition vein anastomosis revision 12 hours postoperatively secondary
grafts were required. to flap compromise. Two patients had fractures of the
In all cases, the excess vascularized periosteum on fibula graft after healing. One healed with fracture
both sides of the graft was sutured across the junction to bracing, and the other required open reduction internal
enhance the healing potential. The fibula graft was also fixation. There were two superficial infections at the
supplemented with autogenous corticancellous and can- fibula harvest site and one at the iliac crest bone graft
cellous bone graft harvested from the ilium and packed harvest site. These three infections required operative
around the proximal and distal fibular–humerus junc- debridement or antibiotics but healed without further
tions. The graft was monitored with an implanted complications. There were two cases of median nerve
Doppler probe (Cook Inc., Bloomington, IN) placed neurapraxia. Both resolved entirely by 4 months post-
distal to the arterial anastomosis or with a skin paddle. operatively. A total of six additional procedures were
Skin closure was performed and the extremity immobi- performed in four patients.
lized securely in a bulky splint to protect the vascular Two patients complained of intermittent leg pain
anastomosis. If a skin paddle was used for vascular at the donor site with activity. Eleven patients who
monitoring, it was kept visible. For the donor site, a healed had a good to excellent range of motion of their
split-thickness skin graft was used to cover the defect left shoulder and elbow after union. No patient lost motion
from harvesting of the skin paddle if primary closure was as a result of the procedure. Six patients obtained full
not possible. range of motion of both the elbow and shoulder post-
Postoperative care included strict bedrest until operatively. All twelve patients denied shoulder or
postoperative day 4 or 5. Thorazine was used to provide elbow pain. The six patients who had shoulder stiffness
vascular dilation as well as sedation. Each patient was denied significant functional deficits. Five patients who

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Figure 1 Radiographs of a single patient who underwent free fibula transfer for infected nonunion. (A) Preoperatively.
(B) Intraoperatively after debridement and provisional fixation. (C) Immediately postoperatively, showing position of fibular
graft. (D) Nineteen weeks postoperatively, demonstrating union. The patient experienced venous thrombosis requiring
revision of anastomosis at 12 hours postoperatively.

had elbow stiffness obtained a functional range of demonstrates a freshly harvested fibular graft with
motion (30 to 130 degrees) with therapy. Only one pedicle and skin flap.
patient who healed did not achieve a functional range of In this series, no significant correlations were
motion of the elbow postoperatively (30 to 90 degrees). found by parametric or nonparametric statistics. There
The one patient who failed to heal was the oldest was no correlation between graft length and time to heal
patient in the study (76 years). Figure 2 demonstrates by Pearson correlation (p ¼ 0.36) or Spearman correla-
loss of fixation at the proximal fibular-humerus junc- tion (p ¼ 0.98). There was no difference in time to heal
tion at 5 months. She refused additional surgical between patients with osteomyelitis and atrophic non-
intervention and was lost to follow-up at 7 months. union by t test (p ¼ 0.068) or Wilcoxon rank sum test
Table 1 summarizes the results of the series. Figure 3 (p ¼ 0.064). There was no difference in time to heal

Table 1 Summary of Results*

Age (mean) 35.3 y (range, 11–76 y)
Prior operations (mean) 4.2 (range, 2–9)
Infection (n) Osteomyelitis ¼ 5 (38%)
Atrophic nonunion ¼ 8 (62%)
Graft size (mean) 12.5 cm (range, 9–18 cm)
Hardware (n) Plate ¼ 9 (69%)
Ilizarov ¼ 4 (31%)
Union 12 (92%)
Time to healing (mean) 17.75 wk (range, 12–32 wk)
Complications (n) 8 in 7 patients (54%)
Subsequent operations (n) 4 in 2 patients
Follow-up (mean) 19 mo (range, 12–32 mo)
Mechanism (n) Motor vehicle accident ¼ 7
Gunshot wound ¼ 2
Osteomyelitis ¼ 2
Figure 2 Radiographs of a single patient who underwent Plane crash ¼ 1
free-fibula transfer that did not unite. The figure is at 5 months Fall ¼ 1

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postoperatively, demonstrating nonunion at the proximal end Donor site pain (n) 2 (15%)
of the fibular graft. The patient refused additional surgery and Iliac crest bone graft usage (n) 13 (100%)
was lost to follow-up at 7 months. Stiffness (n) 1 (7.6%)
Complications (n) Fracture of fibula graft ¼ 2
Superficial infection ¼ 3
between patients with or without a bone stimulator by Neurapraxia ¼ 2
t test (p ¼ 0.79) or Wilcoxon rank sum test (p ¼ 0.86). End-to-side anastomosis 10 (77%)
There was no correlation between age and time to heal with brachial artery (n)
by Pearson correlation (p ¼ 0.087) or Spearman correla- End-to-end anastomosis 3 (23%)
tion (p ¼ 0.32). with profunda brachii (n)
Open fractures (n) 4 (30%)
Osteomyelitis as a child (n) 2 (15%)
*All percentages are based on 13 patients total.
Although nonvascularized cortical bone grafts have been
used successfully in the humerus for the treatment of
nonunions and following tumor resection, use of vascu-
larized bone grafts provides certain biological advan- resorption and revascularization.37,38 The reason for
tages.33,34 Vascularized bone grafts maintain their this ‘‘weak period’’ is the mechanism of graft incorpo-
structural characteristics by remaining viable and being ration. In standard cortical bone graft implants, integra-
incorporated into the graft site in a mechanism similar to tion occurs via ‘‘creeping substitution,’’ in which the graft
acute fracture healing, as opposed to the ‘‘creeping is slowly broken down and replaced by the bone remod-
substitution’’ seen in nonvascularized grafts.9,32,35,36 eling process. In contrast, union and remodeling of
Nonvascularized cortical bone grafts, although initially vascularized grafts occurs rapidly at the host–graft in-
as strong as vascularized grafts, undergo a period of terfaces similar to normal bone, eliminating the period of
progressive weakening over the first 6 weeks due to weakness seen with creeping substitution. Dell et al

Figure 3 A photograph of a freshly harvested fibular graft with pedicle and skin flap.

reported that 6 to 12 months after transplant there is segmental defects of the humerus in 15 patients (eight
little difference in strength between vascularized and males and seven females; average age, 41 years).25
nonvascularized grafts, but the decreased strength of Surgical indications included segmental nonunion in
nonvascularized grafts leading up to this point may result nine patients, gunshot wounds in three, tumor resection
in increased mortality and failure to obtain union.37 in two, and one failure of an allograft-prosthesis recon-
Vascularized bone grafts also offer several other struction. The average humeral defect measured 9.3 cm;
distinct advantages over nonvascularized grafts for the the mean fibular graft size was 16.1 cm. Of the
treatment of nonunions. Most authors agree that the 15 patients, 11 achieved primary osseous union (73%)
number of remaining viable osteogenic cells is greater with all 15 ultimately being successfully treated. Three
and the repair of nonviable bone is accelerated in patients had an early failure of graft fixation within the
vascularized bone grafts when compared with nonvascu- first two postoperative months. Each was successfully
larized ones.11,39–42 Combined with the method of graft treated with open reduction, internal fixation with a
incorporation, these observations likely account for the compression plate, and additional bone grafting at the
improved mechanical strength and stiffness of vascular- nonunion site. The final patient presented for follow-up
ized grafts, especially during the interval from 6 weeks to at 2 months with graft resorption and signs of infection
6 months after surgery, a time when Enneking has at the site of proximal nonunion. Union was ultimately
shown nonvascularized bone to be the weakest.38 Other achieved with a second osteoseptocutaneous vascularized
reported advantages of a vascularized bone graft include fibula graft.

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a faster healing rate, a higher rate of union and graft Other studies have also supported the success of
hypertrophy, and a lower incidence of fatigue frac- this procedure. Muramatsu et al reported primary union
ture.40,42,43 Accordingly, we believe the use of a vascu- after vascularized bone grafting in 21 of 23 patients who
larized bone graft should be considered when structural had previously undergone at least one surgical procedure
stability depends primarily on the graft, such as in the for humeral nonunion, with the two remaining patients
treatment of segmental bone defects. In addition, the achieving union following additional bone grafting and
vascularized graft has an independent circulation and alteration in internal fixation.45 Grafts were harvested
will heal and hypertrophy within a relatively avascular from the femur in 10 cases, scapula in 3, and the fibula in
soft tissue envelope. We believe that maintaining the the remaining 10. Nine of the 10 fibula graft patients
viability of the periosteum is critical to success. The obtained primary union with the last patient obtaining
fibula harvest should be atraumatic, and an excess peri- union following a second operation. Judet et al reported
osteal sleeve should be preserved and sutured over the that a free vascularized fibula graft treated 70% of
repair site. humeral nonunions in 10 patients.46 Similar success
Because vascularized fibula grafting is a difficult was noted by Wright et al, who reported successful
procedure with long anesthetic times that places the treating eight of nine patients with humeral nonunion
patient at risk for complications, the indications for its by placing a vascularized fibular graft in the medullary
use in the treatment of humeral nonunions must be canal.47 Recently, vascularized bone grafting with the
scrutinized. Most authors agree that segmental bone free fibula graft has been gaining acceptance for a variety
losses > 6 cm is an indication for vascularized fibula of indications in the upper extremity.48–51
transfer. The majority of failures in conventional bone Currently, we do not attempt vascularized fibula
grafting occur in defects > 6 to 8 cm.14 For bone defects transfer unless three previous surgical procedures have
in > 12 cm, Gazdag reported nonvascularized grafts failed. The harvest is performed carefully to protect
failed twice as often as vascularized grafts, with failure the vascularity of the graft and preserve periosteum. We
rates of 50% and 25%, respectively.44 In this series, agree with Jones and others, who feel that preoperative
vascularized fibula grafting was considered only after angiography should be considered only for the patient
conventional attempts at union had failed. Jupiter re- with an abnormal vascular examination, significant
ported successful treatment of five humeral nonunions symptoms of peripheral vascular disease, a history of
with this technique.27 In the two largest published severe trauma to the leg, or previous reconstructive
general series of upper extremity reconstruction by vascular surgery.52 We do acknowledge the work of
vascularized bone transfer, the overall success rate was Rosson et al, however, who reported complications of
> 80%.17,20 Healing appeared to be enhanced following fibula flap harvest due to variant anatomy. They found
tumor resection presumably because the nonresected the prevalence of peronea arteria magna to be 5.3% in
tissues and vessels are normal.8,19 Urbaniak reported an urban population and therefore believe that mag-
that in traumatic long bone nonunions, the healing netic resonance arteriography imaging of the donor
rate was lower and the complication rate was higher limb, being minimally invasive, is cost effective and
compared with tumor resection.15 indicated for free fibula transfers to minimize the
Heitmann et al published a study in 2002 report- chance of devascularizing complications with fibular
ing their experience with vascularized fibula graft for harvest.53

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