NAR-PD-0139-103-en V200 N4 AMCS BaseSoftwarePackage Instructions

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Base Software Package
Instructions (Base Version 2)

Version 2.00
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V2.00 - 22/01/18
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Associated Documents and Links


Revision Overview
Version Date Author Changes
1.00 20.05.2016 ASc initial document
1.01 31.05.2016 ASc Corrected naming of the configuration file
Modified chapter 1.3
1.02 17.06.2016 MRe Rev. 2.2
1.03 01.07.2016 MRe Rev. 2, new Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7
1.04 18.11.2016 MRe Rev. 4.3
1.05 02.12.2016 MRe Rev. pictures of PH tool
1.06 28.03.2017 MRe Rev. pictures of PH tool, Fig. 7, corr. 4.4
1.07 04.04.2017 MRe Rev. 2 Note for ph.exe requirements, New 6.1
1.08 20.06.2017 MRe Corr. Document name
2.00 22.01.2018 MRe Corr. pictures of ph.exe; New chapter 5

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© 2018 NORIS Automation GmbH
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NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

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Associated Documents and Links ..................................................................................................... 2
Revision Overview ............................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Definition: Base Software Package ........................................................................................... 4
1.1 Components............................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Release process and versioning ......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Folder structure and working process within a project ................................................. 7
1.3.1 Placement of the provided base software .................................................................. 7
1.3.2 Working process within a project at the company ................................................... 7
1.3.3 Workflow with a service engineer on board ............................................................... 7
2 Integration of a base software package into a project ........................................................ 9
2.1 Setting up a new project ................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Updating of an existing project ........................................................................................ 11
2.3 Creating backups of the work folder ............................................................................... 11
3 Creating a release ...................................................................................................................... 12
4 Updating the system .................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 PLC Update ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 VMP Update .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Visu Update .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Config Update....................................................................................................................... 13
5 Get a backup of all network devices ...................................................................................... 14
6 Trouble shooting project helper (ph.exe) ............................................................................. 15
6.1 Startup failure of ph.exe .................................................................................................... 15
6.2 Check local network settings ............................................................................................ 15
6.3 Executing of ph.exe in other domains ............................................................................ 15
List of figures ...................................................................................................................................... 16

NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

phone: +49 381 519944-0, fax: +49 381 519944-4,
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Base Software Package page 4 / 16

1 Definition: Base Software Package

This chapter contains the general information about the NORIMOS 4 IAMCS base software
package. The document contains the definition of all components and requirements of the
package and informs about the documentation of the file versions together with the release
process, the folder structure as well as the associated process within a project.

1.1 Components
The challenge of designing Integrated Alarm, Monitoring and Control Systems (IAMCS) is
the great variability between the different projects and the number of the required files
and software parts. To ease the use of our system and to minimize the required effort to
adapt those projects the base software package was created.

Fig. 1 Components and relations of the base software package

As you can see in Fig. 1 a distinction is made between files that are components of the N4
Base Software Package itself (here displayed in green), files that are required for this
package below it and the data which is added on top of it to finalize the software for a
specific project.

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The files in Device Software and Development Environment are already compiled ready to
use software by Noris or external suppliers. The Base Software Package together with the
project specific parts will be compiled in the end of the process which is described in chapter

1.2 Release process and versioning

The base software package is developed by the R&D
Division of Noris and does not include any software
parts which have to be adapted for the projects.

If a Base Software Package is released by the R&D

Division it will be provided in form of the folder
structure in Fig. 2. In case of Noris Automation
Rostock GmbH it is provided at the following link:

The folder 01_AppBasePackage contains the

components of the recent Base Software Package.
In the folders 02_Devices and 03_Tools you can
find all the necessary device software and the
development environment you need.

As shown in Fig. 3 the Base Version contains its

components with a certain version, e.g. PLC
Template V1.0.3 and requires specified software
versions as CodeSys V2.3.9.50. The required
software can also be a set of allowed software
version, e.g. Microsoft Excel 2007-2013 which is
been successfully tested and can be chosen by the

The documentation of the provided N4 IAMCS Base

Software Package is documented in the file
nnn.pdf in the folder 01_AppBasePackage (whereby
XXYYZZa is the version of the software package and
nnn the release of the document).
In this file which will be also copied to your project
you can find all the information which software you
have to pick from the folders 02_Devices and
03_Tools to make your project work. Fig. 2 Provided R&D Folder

For your project it is recommended that you do such documentation in the same way. So
the system requirement for your project will be a certain Base Package Version and
together with the components you have adapted or added there will be a global project
version you can share with your service engineers, customers and surveyors.

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Fig. 3 Versioning of the files and packages

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1.3 Folder structure and working process within a project

1.3.1 Placement of the provided base software

Once you have placed the provided base software package on the intended folder on your
server you can import the latest software into your project. The exact “how to” description
is provided in chapter 2. If you do not have implemented a supported folder structure on
your server yet please contact the R&D division for support.

1.3.2 Working process within a project at the company

Fig. 4 displays that beside the Base Software Folder two more important folders exist, the
work folder and the release folder. These two folders are placed in every project.

As you can see in the picture the base software package is imported into the work folder
and the project-specific files are added on top of it. As the name of the work folder already
says: This is the folder where the project team is working in.

The work is organized by the project leader or his representative. He can delegate the
different tasks to the project team members. So the configuration, the user code and the
visualization can be adapted by different persons. But don’t forget: Every file can be edited
by only one person at the same time.

Once the project leader decides that the project is ready for the next step, e.g. testing, he
will create a release. A release consists of two parts. Firstly it contains the “frozen”
project files you have worked in the work folder. Secondly there are the compiled versions
of your software known as images which can be directly copied to your system.

This “frozen” state of your project will be created in your release folder with the project
number, the date and a consecutive number. So you have an explicit number which
indicates this certain state of your project. You can use this identification to document your
test results as well as the version which is currently installed on the vessel.

1.3.3 Workflow with a service engineer on board

In case you send a service engineer on board he takes a generated release folder with a
tested software state with him. It contains the images as well as the “frozen” project files.
Together with the required software and hardware equipment he has the ability to bring
the system on the vessel in the same state as in the test lab.

In case of urgent adoptions it is also possible for him to change for example the
configuration file and bring it to the system. As soon as possible he hands over the adopted
file to the project leader who replaces the file in the work folder and creates a release with
the current date and the remark that this was installed on the vessel.

In the rare case a project member has changed another file in the meanwhile it becomes
a bit more complex. The project leader has to create a backup first. After that he brings
the work folder to the state the service engineer has received and includes the modified
files. Now he can build the release which matches the system on the vessel. Finally he
reintegrates the changes of the project member to the work folder which are still not
implemented on the vessel yet.

NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

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Fig. 4 Folder structure and processes within a project

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2 Integration of a base software package into a project

The project will be handled by an especially designed software tool to provide simple and
flawless work. The software project helper (ph.exe) is a command line tool to support the
project design team for creating a project, updating a project with new base software as
well as creating project releases and compiled device images. Next an update of the AMS
channel configuration can be directly sending to the project specific PLCs. See Fig. 5 for
the interface of project helper.

Fig. 5 Project helper tool

N. Entry Description
0 Quit Close the tool
1 Copy config to PLC & PC sending configuration to all online PLCs and PCs
2 Copy image to PLC & VMP sending the compiled project to the online PLCs and VMPs
3 Create release create a release package from the current work folder content
4 Create archive archive the current work folder content
5 Get/Update ALA-Base Software create a new project / update a project with new base software
Fig. 6 ph.exe interface description

The tool uses an initialization file (ph.ini) for some base settings, e.g. the original path of
the base software location, see Fig. 7 below.
If the base software does not use the original path, e.g. if it is used outside of the Noris
company network the path entry “BaseSwDir” has to be adapted to the local requirements.

Entry Description Standard value

PcConfigDir location of compiled Config\Export\
configuration in project
BaseSwDir directory of base software \\vfile\Projekte\Anlagen\Alarmanlagen_N4\01_Basissoftware\
PcFtpConfigDir Directory for configuration at PC /Norimos4CFG/
Fig. 7 ph.exe initialization file content

The project helper tool ph.exe requires Microsoft

 NOTICE .NET Framework 4.5.

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phone: +49 381 519944-0, fax: +49 381 519944-4,
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2.1 Setting up a new project

Setting up a new project or adapting a project to the recommended project structure
comprises the following steps:

1) Create a new folder Work in the folder Software in the directory of the project.
2) Copy the ph.exe from the Base Software Package manually into the folder Work
3) Run ph.exe

4) Execute option number 5 to import the latest Base Software Package into your
 Result 1: Execution is not completed because of missing configuration data
 Result 2: The Work folder contains new folders and files now
5) Adaption of the configuration file:
a. Open the configuration template Config\ALA-config.xlsm
b. Add configuration data into the file
1. Run the Import-button to get the data from an old config file and do
the adaptations required by the pop-up window
2. Fill in the data required for your project (especially the NwMaster
and the PLC worksheet)
c. Export the CSV Files by clicking on the button Save/Export
d. Close the config file and rename it: XXXX_ALA-config_YYYYMMDD-nn.xlsm
(whereby XXXX is the Noris project number and YYYYMMDD_nn the date
with a consecutive number)
6) Execute ph.exe, option number 5 again to reload the Base Software Package
 Result 1: Execution was successfull
 Result 2: Every configured PLC has an own folder in Work/PLC where the
user code can be adapted
7) Adaption of the PLCs and of the Visualization-Project
a. Uncomment the desired templates and modify it to the requirements of the
project:, … (remember assigning a software version)
b. For the PLC with AES function: Setting a tick in the check box
Target Settings -> „Support network variables“
c. Integrate the project-specific mimics and pages of your visualization into
the new created visualization base project file

NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

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2.2 Updating of an existing project

Once the project is brought to the recommended folder structure, the steps are simplified
in the following way:

1) Execute ph.exe, option number 5

 Result: Execution was successful

2) Adaption of the configuration file:

a. Open the configuration template Config\ALA-config.xlsm
b. Run the Import-button to get the data from an old config file and do the
adaptations required by the pop-up window
c. Export the CSV Files by clicking on the button Save/Export
d. Close the configuration file and rename it: XXXX_ALA-config_YYYYMMDD-
nn.xlsm (whereby XXXX is the Noris project number and YYYYMMDD_nn
the date with a consecutive number)

3) Adaption of the PLCs and of the Visualization-Project

a. Uncomment the desired templates and modify it to the requirements of the
project:, … (remember assigning a software version)
b. For the PLC with AES function: Setting a tick in the check box
Target Settings -> „Support network variables“
c. Integrate the project-specific mimics and pages of your visualization into
the new created visualization base project file

2.3 Creating backups of the work folder

By executing the tool ph.exe, option 4. Create archive, you can create a backup of your
work folder at any time. It is created within the folder Work/Archive with the date and a
consecutive number. It is expressly permitted to extend the created folder name with a
personally remark, e.g. 2016-05-23_01_MRe_PMS_ready.

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3 Creating a release
To create a release the tool ph.exe with option 3. Create release, has to be executed. Next
the variant of the VMP has to be selected – VMP70-I (XV-112) or VMP70-III (XV-3x3).

This option creates a new folder Release besides the folder Work if it does not already
exist. As already explained in chapter 1.2 a release consists of two parts: The “frozen”
copy of the work folder in the project folder and the compiled versions of your software
in the images folder. Images for PLC and VMP are provided automatically. The visualization
has still to be handled manually at the moment.

As to the archive folders the same rules apply to the release folders: it is common to extend
the created folder name with a personally remark, e.g. 4753_2016-05-19_01_SeaTrail or

Fig. 8 Project folder

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4 Updating the system

The project helper tool tries to delete all existing

 NOTICE files at the devices first.

4.1 PLC Update

 Check the required RTOS version on the PLCs using Chiptool.exe. If false:
o Chiptool -> connect via Telnet (User: tel, PW: tel)
o Press Strg+F until User Mode is active
o Press Shift+X to shut down the RTS
o Chiptool -> Program Flash Image and start update process
 Run ph.exe from Release/Project/ (!)
 Execute option 2. ‘Copy Image to PLC & VMP’
 Power cycle or cold reset all the PLCs

4.2 VMP Update

Due to the fact that the VMP does not contain any user code at the moment a static image
is created which is copied into the release image folder. This image can be updated
manually or via ph.exe, by using option 2. If the process is finished, power cycle the VMPs.

4.3 Visu Update

The visualization is not included in the automated processing. It has to be updated in the
familiar way respectively the way described in the corresponding manual.
See document AA57 for details of installing
and updating project visualizations.

4.4 Config Update

If only the configuration has changed you can update the PLCs as follows:
 Execute ph.exe, option 1 ‘Copy Config to PLC & PC’
 Execute a cold reset on the PLCs and PCs

NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

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5 Get a backup of all network devices

Network backups can be created if the project

 NOTICE helper tool is started in location Work as well as
Release, but it requires a configuration export
regarding sufficient network master definitions!

To create content backups of all network master devices start the tool ph.exe and execute
option 6 Get Network Backup.

This option creates a new folder NetworkBackup besides the folders Work and Release, if
it does not already exist. For the current backup process a subfolder with a leading “BU”,
the actual date and an additional counter number for folders with the same date will be
created, e.g. “BU9900039_2017-11-30_01”.

The project helper tool tries to establish a FTP communication to each network master,
listed in the configuration. If a connection can be established it creates a device subfolder
and copies all content from the project directory of the device. For PLC devices the flash
drive will be copied completely.

Not successful connections will be listed in the command line printout. Next the backup
folder contains subfolders only for devices which were able to establish a connection.

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6 Trouble shooting project helper (ph.exe)

6.1 Startup failure of ph.exe
 Make sure that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is installed.

6.2 Check local network settings

 Windows Control Panel -> Internet options, select the ‘Connections‘ tab
 Press the button ‚LAN-settings’
 Delete the tick in the checkbox for ‘automatically detect settings’

Fig. 9 LAN settings for PH tool

6.3 Executing of ph.exe in other domains

 Windows Control Panel -> Internet options, select the ‘Safety‘ tab
 Select Zone ‘Trusted Sites’ and press the button ‘Sites’ Button
 Deselect ‘For all sites in this zone server verification required (https:)’
 Add the IP address of your server to the trusted sites, e.g. \\ or
\\vfile for NORIS Automation Rostock server

Fig. 10 Internet options for running PH tool in other domains

NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

phone: +49 381 519944-0, fax: +49 381 519944-4,
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List of figures
Fig. 1 Components and relations of the base software package ............................................... 4
Fig. 2 Provided R&D Folder ................................................................................................................ 5
Fig. 3 Versioning of the files and packages.................................................................................... 6
Fig. 4 Folder structure and processes within a project................................................................ 8
Fig. 5 Project helper tool .................................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 6 ph.exe interface description ................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 7 ph.exe initialization file content ............................................................................................ 9
Fig. 8 Project folder ........................................................................................................................... 12
Fig. 9 LAN settings for PH tool ........................................................................................................ 15
Fig. 10 Internet options for running PH tool in other domains ................................................ 15

NORIS Automation GmbH, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 10, D -18119 Rostock

phone: +49 381 519944-0, fax: +49 381 519944-4,

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