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Word log


Hello everyone, we are here today to analyze the knowledge and examples about word
formation. As you know, in English morphology, different processes are employed to form new
lexemes, including major processes and minor processes. In this presentation, we will analyze
ten words and their means of lexeme formation, examining the specific type of word formation
used and providing a brief explanation for each word. By exploring these examples, we can gain
insights into the rich and dynamic nature of English word.

 Biodefense

Now, let‘s clarify the first word, biodefense. Mark Buller, the head of the University of St. Louis,
stated, "The whole focus was to contribute to the biodefense agenda of the country". By
analyzing the word, it is formed through compounding, which involves combining two or more
individual words to create a new word with a distinct meaning. Biodefense is composed of
'bio,' meaning life, and 'defend,' signifying the act of warding off, driving away, and protecting.

So according to this, the apparent meaning pertains to the military, governmental, and
industrial management of research and development in order to defend against biological
weapons and warfare. It encompasses the creation of weapons, strategies, and other means to
safeguard our nation from these threats.

From the dictionary, as a noun, this word is defined as measures taken to protect people
against an attack using biological weapons.

 Bizarred

Here, Let me bring your attention to next word ¨bizarred¨. Its context and source can be traced
back to a friend who expressed feeling bizarred by the high level of activity on campus one
night, as recorded on May 20.

By looking at this word, it is formed through derivation, which involves adding affixes or
modifying the base form of a word to create a new word with a different meaning or
grammatical category. In this case, the suffix "-ed" is added to the adjective "bizarre" to create
a new adjective. This formation implies a state of finding something bizarre or odd.

If we consult the dictionary, we can see that "bizarred" is defined as being in a state of having
found something to be bizarre. It captures the essence of feeling bewildered or perplexed after
encountering something out of the ordinary. An example usage could be, "I feel so bizarred
after watching that odd movie."

 Blacksploitation

Next, I would like to share a thought-provoking term: "blacksploitation." The source of this
term is from a comment overheard in a classroom during the week of April 3rd. The word itself
is a blend of "black," representing a certain race, and "exploit," meaning to take unfair
advantage of someone, combined with the noun-forming suffix "-ion."
In my perspective, the apparent meaning of "blacksploitation" refers to the experiences
endured by African-Americans during periods of discrimination and exploitation, primarily at
the hands of white individuals. If we check the dictionary, we find that the meaning of
"blacksploitation" is the systematic discrimination and exploitation of African Americans,
especially by whites.

 Blog

Now, I want to discuss a term that has become popular in our digital age: "blog." The context
and source come from a casual remark overheard from my suitemate during the week of
March 2nd. He mentioned the need to update his online blog.

The word "blog" is formed through the process of clipping, which involves shortening a word
by removing one or more syllables. In this case, the word "weblog" is clipped to "blog." "Blog"
is a compound word formed by clipping the term "weblog." It consists of "web," representing
the interconnection of many things, and "log," referring to an account of many objects. The
apparent meaning of "blog" is an online journal or diary where individuals can freely express
their thoughts and feelings.

In the dictionary, we find that "blog" is classified as a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to
the apparent meaning mentioned. And as a verb, it refers to the act of posting entries in an
online journal or diary.

 Blogger

"blogger." The context and source of this term come from an article in the Houston Chronicle,
published on November 16, 2003. It mentions Adam Kalsey, who set up a web log, or "blog," to
share his insights on online business and the digital revolution.

The term "blogger" is a compound word composed of "web," referring to the internet, "log,"
representing a diary or record of events, and the suffix "-er," denoting a person engaged in a
particular activity. So according to this, the meaning of "blogger" could be one who posts diary
entries about themselves online. The word "blogger" is formed through a combination of
blending and derivation. The blending process merges the sounds and meanings of "web" and
"log," while the addition of the suffix "-er" creates a derivative noun indicating a person
engaged in a specific activity.

And when we go to the dictionary, we can see that a "blogger" is literally a person who
publishes an Internet diary, share their experiences, thoughts and ideas.


Next one, BRB." The source of this term is a posted message on an instant messenger back in
1998. It stands for "be right back" and is used as an abbreviation to let someone know that you
will temporarily step away and return shortly.

Personally, I think the meaning of "BRB" is to indicate a brief absence or interruption from an
ongoing activity or conversation. It has become a common phrase used in both spoken and
written language. From a morphological perspective, "BRB" is an acronym, which involves
abbreviating a phrase or set of words by using the initial letters of each word. It is formed by
the phrase "be right back" and combining them to create a concise abbreviation.
Consulting the dictionary, we find that "BRB" is used as an adverb to indicate the intention to
return and resume an activity or conversation.

 Bunyanesque

Is the next word I found from the dictionary. In the context provided, "Bunyanesque" is used to
describe the proportions of an inlaid coffee table.

It is belong to the process of analogy and affixation. It draws an analogy to the character Paul
Bunyan from American folk tales, known for his incredible feats of strength and size. By adding
the suffix "-esque," which means "in the style of" or "resembling," so in my mind, the word
takes on the meaning of something very impressive or almost superhuman. In the dictionary
entry, we find that "Bunyanesque" describes actions that are not only remarkable but go
beyond ordinary human ability.

 Concerting

OK, Let’s move to the word “concerting”. In the given context, the speaker expresses that there
are very few things these days that bring comfort, and their Spanish class is one of them. By
using the term “concerting”, they convey a sense of suitability.

The word "concerting" is formed through derivation by dropping the prefix "dis" from the word
"disconcerting." This process transforms the meaning of the original word and creates a new
term with an opposite or reversed sense. In this case, "concerting" suggests a state or quality
that is comforting, suitable, or satisfying, contrasting with the negative connotations of
"disconcerting." The dropping of the prefix 'dis' changes the overall meaning of the word,
resulting in a derived adjective with a positive sense.

According to the dictionary entry, “concerting” describes something as suitable, as

demonstrated by the example of a “concerting telephone conversation.”

 housekeep

The word "housekeep" is derived through a back formation process. It is created by removing
the suffix "-er" from the word "housekeeper," resulting in the formation of a new verb. From
the literal meaning of the word, I think it means to perform the tasks and responsibilities
associated with managing and maintaining a household, including cleaning, organizing, and
taking care of domestic chores. According to the dictionary, "housekeep" is a verb that has the
same meaning as I personally think.

 Runners

The final word runners in the given context, the speaker mentions that their mother bought
them new "runners" for track. By using the term "runners," they are referring to a pair of shoes
specifically designed and used for running. The apparent meaning of "runners" in this context
is simply "running shoes."

From a morphological perspective, the word "runners" is a coinage. Coinage is a word

formation process where a completely new word is created, often by naming an object based
on its function or purpose. In this case, the term "runners" is derived from the action of
running, which the shoes are specifically designed for.
According to the dictionary, "runners" are defined as a pair of shoes especially made and used
for running. This aligns perfectly with the context provided, where the speaker's mother
bought them new shoes for track activities.


English morphology offers a diverse range of processes for word formation, we can determine
the type of word formation by looking at the definition and characteristics of each word
formation process and looking at the structure of the word such as its roots, suffixes, prefixes,
etc. The ten words analyzed in this essay demonstrate the various processes: such as
Compounding, derivation, blending, clipping, acronym formation, analogy/affixation, back
formation, and coinage. These are just a few examples of the methods employed to create new
words in English. By examining these examples, we can appreciate the intricate interplay
between form and meaning in language construction, allowing for effective communication
and the constant expansion of vocabulary.

Bunyanesque, Dictionary,

Collins, (n.d.), Housekeep, Collins Dictionary,

Oxford University Press, (n.d.), biodefense, Oxford Learner´s Dictionaries,

The Associated Press,(2003), Bio-engineered superbug stirs debate,

Youdao Press, (n.d.), Housekeep, Youdao dictionary,


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