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We concluded that not all the chocolate had the same durability or strength to endure before
they got broken to pieces. Like for example the first chocolate we tested for named Goya nuts
and raisins which was the hardest to break out of the 4 chocolates we experimented from.
When the chocolates bars broke, they exhibited different kinds of breaking. For example,
Chocolate bar 1, 3, and 4 sheared into distinct pieces, while Chocolate bar 2 sheared along the
lines to create a similarly sized and shape pieces.
As we continued with the experiment it was seen that the other chocolates were a bit easier to
break when we used the same heavy materials we used to test their strength or brittleness. So
in conclusion with this experiment we had been that from the differing brands or kinds of
chocolate we choose they are made with different ingredients that would make one easier to eat
or comfortable one would say in which it would attract the people who likes either soft or a bit
tougher chocolate.

So if one would recommend a chocolate to another person they should ensure what type or kind
of chocolate that person prefers in order for the correct choice of chocolate be paired with them
to achieve a satisfying result. If you are a person who likes tough or chewable chocolate then
we would like to recommend Goya Nuts and Raisins, while if you are a person that prefers
softer then we’ll suggest Goya Cookies and Cream. But if you are one the types that prefer a
strong flavored or tasted chocolate then we would recommend Hershey’s Dark Chocolate and

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