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Programme Project Report (PPR}, Department of Sociology, ‘MASO-17 (M.A Sociotogy) (2) Programme’s Mission and Objective. The main objective of the MA Sociology is to provide its learnces a wider standing of the socicly and vacious social issues related to country and the world. The progeamme emphasis to prepare students with the knowledge and skills thoy need to be part of the community and society in which they live. The programune also provides ils learncrs an advanee understanding and ability t0 use sociclogical paradigins, theories and concepts. (b) Relevance of the Program with HEI's Mission and Goals- The M.A sociology programme has all the relevance with the HEI’s mission and Goals. {0) Nature of Prospective target group of leamers, The target groups are individuals who ave acquired a graduate degtee in any subjects and or related fields from accredited Institutions. ‘The Jeamers are from different and diverse background from marginalized seclions of the society to the unrcached learners as per the geographical conditions. (4) Appropriaicness of programme to be conducted in Open and Distance learning mode fo acquire specific skills and competence- The M.A socictogy programme is tho systematic study of forms of social organization and patterns within social life. The course explores the relevance of theory and philosophy for thinking sociologically. It also considers the range of methods employed for engaging, in sociological research. M.A sociology programme has all the components of self learning to provide overall knowledge of the socio.ogy Io the learners. The Curriculum offers various streams of Sociology ic. Seciology-Aut infroduction, Sociclogy of Health and Medicine, Indian Sociological Thought, Sociological Theories, Social Research. Rural Urban Sociology anc Hill Area Sustainable Development. (©) Insteuctional Design. The Dept. of Sociology has developed courses after rigorous exercises, the syllabus first passed and discussed by the experts invited from the top most institutions and university of the country and curriculum finally was developed keeping in mind the objectives of ODL. The tiew paper like Sociology of Health and blocks and further divided in units. The Units consist of many small chunks so that the learner could understand easily, first the unit introduces the there of learning, then the ‘ebjectives of the theme are clarified and the theme is provided in small chunks. For checking students? progross small cxcrcises are provided in the units, Summary of the theme is given, glossary, reference, suggested readings are also provided in the Unit The duration of the programme is tuinimum 02 years and maximum 06 years. The Programme consists of 09 courses of O8 credits each. The learning material is made in the print as welt as in the soft form along with video lectures, The learners are given counseling ia the Study Centers as well as in the model Study Center in the University. ICT is being used to counsel the learners. The syllabus of M.A Sociclogy is as given below M.A. First Year Course Structure MASO-101 | Introduction te Sociology 8 Credits wares oT oP MASO-102 | Sociological Theories 3 Credits warsenrety Rat MASO-703 | Gocial Research methods & Computer 6 Credits Applications TUN fare sepia Piha site ea sear MASO-101 | Raral Sociology 8 Credits ater aT Total papers 32 credits M.A Second Year Course Structure MASO.201 | Urban Sociology 8 Credits atl BATSRTET ‘MASO-202 | Indian Sociological Thought 8 Credits aed wererereter ae MASO-208 | Sociology of Health & Medicine B Credits Farea aft face Fr ATT MASO-204 | Sustainable Developmentin Hill Area 8 Credits vert aa a ade Fear MASO-205 | Social Feychology 8 Credits arate aetfeaet Total 5 papers 40 Credits a4 (0 Procedure for admission, curriculum transaction and evaluation, The admissions for the programme are opened in the winter and summer sessions each year, The t ‘munimium cligibility for admission in MASO-17 is Graduation in any stream, Tolal fee for the first year is Rs.3750)- and Rs-4080)- for the second year, The printed learning material i sont to the learners by the University. The soft copy of the material is up loaded in the website also. The learner's progress is checked by assessing the assignments, The assignments of the Icaructs are cvaluated in the study centers as well 38 by the faculty The syllabus of M.A sociology is given below (3) Requirement of laboratory support and Library Resources, Laboratory work is not done in MASO-17 programme athough Universily has a library containing sociology books, (H) Cost estimate of the programme and the provision, Abou! Rs. 16 lakh is estimated for the development of M.A. (Sociology) programme, f @) Quatity assurance mechanism and expected programme ontcome, The Depl. of Sociology reviews its programme (ime to time thrcugh its expert committee, board of Stadies meetings to enhance the standard of its curriculum and instructional design as er the instructions received from UGC time to time. MLA Gooiolegy) 1" Year Paper 1. Introduction to Sociology PATTI Bock 1 Introducing Sociology area a Unit 1. ‘Origin & Development of Socioiegy armen raft ol Ferrer Unit 2. Sociology: Nature & Scape araraeren: apfR ate Unit 3 ‘Sociology & Other Social Scencas: Social Anthropalogy, History, Poltical Sciance & Economios rarer ote ar arene Far: arafing afar, aftare, cet Rarer ate sre Block I Basic Sociological Concapts ae arene severe Unit 4 ‘Sacioty: Conoapt, Nature & Types sro: aramreo, spf ate Tae Unit 2 ‘Social Structure’ Role, Status, Norms & Values arene scar: afte, Peaf8, arate ate er Unit 3. Community and Association srqera she dea Unit 4. ‘Social Groups: Characteristics & Types: arf mag: Fadia ake ae Unit 6. Culture: Meaning, Forms & Characteristics steph and, rare or Feet Block i ‘Socal nsttutions aris cert Unit 1. Marriage: Forms and changes: Prag: rane she afte unit 2. Family & Kinship afters shearer Unit3. Religious Institution Unit 4 Poiitical Institution Unit Economical Institution Block It ‘Socialization & Social Control unit 4. Socializaton-Conceot & Agencies of Socialization Unit 2. Anaomie & Deviance Unit 3. Social Contiol: Concept, Types & Agancies of Social Control Block IV Social Stratification Co oho? . ie a 5 & Unit Soda Stratiicalion-Meaning & Characteristios [unit2 Forms of Social Siratiication: Caste & Class units Gendar, Race & Social Inequalty Paper2: ____ Soctologial Theories Block Sociological Theories and Soclologiesl Concept Uni 4 Meaning and Nature of Sociological Theories Uni 2. Deveiopment of Sociological Thought Uni 3. Beginring of Historical Sociology Block Il August Comte unit Beginning of Sociolouy as a Scientific Discipline Unit2 Hierarchy of Sciences & Law of three stages Unit 3 Positivism Block lI Karl Marx Uni. Dialectical Materialism Unit Modes of production: From armitive communism to Socialism unit lass Conflict & Alienation Unt é Neo-Maniem Concept: Dharencor & Coser Block IY Ernie Durkheim Unit Socal fact: ule of Seciolagieal Matnods unt 2. Sulcite & Sovery unt 3. Social soldanty & Anomie unis Sociclogy of Callecve Consciousness & representation Unit Religion & Clessifation Clock V Max Weber Unk Soil Acton & Idee! types Unit 2 Forms of Authorty: Chariomatio, Tredticnal & Rational units Felgion end Economy: Protestent Ethic & Spit of Copitaliorn Block VI George Moad Untt Symboe Ineracionsire unt2 Sol & Society tna 3. ‘Theories of Socialization Black Vil____Taloott Parsons Unt Concept of Social Action ni Structural: Furctionalsm and Pater Variables Uni Social System & Subsystom intorinkages Qa Block VII RK Merton Lot 4 Function & Functional Paradigrn Unit 2 Social Structure 8 Anomie Unit 3, Reference Group and Social Mobiity Paper 3: Social Research methods and Computer Applications Block 4: Introduction to Sacial Research Unit Social Research — Meaning and Purpose of Social Research Unit 2 Theory and Research: Qualitative & Quantitative Unit 3: Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Research Unit 4: Ethics & Social Research Block ii Research Design Unit 1 Formulation of Research Problem Untt 2: Forms of Research Design :Descriptive, Diagnéstic, Explanatory & Experimental Research Design Units: Comparative Analysis in Social Research Unit 4: “Textual Analysis, Media and Content Analysis Unit 5: Evaluative, Action and Participatory Research Block tl Methods of Data Colfection Unit 4: Levels of Measurement and Use of standard scales ‘Sempiing, Types of Sampiing-probahilizy ancl Non-probabilty sampling Source of Data:Primary and Secondary Nata Focused Group Discussion {FGD) Narratives and Oral Histories Secondary Data bases and Official Docurnents Data Analysis & Interpretation Tabulation’ Coding of Data ‘Analysis and Report Writing Social Statistics: ‘Social Statistics: Meaning, Concent and uses Measurement of Central tendency: taean, Median andl Mode Measurement of Dispersicn, Co-afficient of Co-relations ‘Computer Applications and Social research Fundamentals of Computer-Mistory, Language and components ‘Applications of Computer operating System and Internet MS-Office, Word, Excel SPSS & SAS Paper 4: Rural Sociology Block Rural Sociology Introduction and Concept Unit 1: Concept of Rural Sociology, Origin and Development and Scope Uni: Subject matter, methods and Tools of Rural Sociology Units Rural-Urban Continuum-differences and Linkages Block 2 Basic Concepts of Rural Sociology Wait 4: Indian Rural Community CB Little Community, Peasant Society and Folk Cultura Unit 3: Littie and Great Tradition Unit 4: Parochialisation and Universalization - — [Block 3 Rural Social Structure and Institutions ‘Unit 3: Rural Social Structure in India-Concept, Changes In rural social structure Unit Rural Social Institutions: Family, Kinship and Mar Unit 3: Rural Social Stratification-inter-caste relations and jejmani system ‘Unit Dominant caste and Rural Unit 5: Rural Power Structure and Leadership. Block 4 Village Change & Reconstruction ‘Unit ‘Social Change in Vilage india ‘Unit 2: ‘Sanskritization, Westernization and Modernization in Villages: ‘Unit 3: Rural Social Problems Block 5. Rural Developmet and Governance Uni Rural Reconstruction Unit’ Commyhity Development Programme. Unit Panchayati Raj and Democratic Decentralization Unit 4: Green Revolution and its Impact in rural economy unit Recent Rural Development Programmes Paper S :Urban Sociology Urban Sociology and Cities Urban Sociology- Origin, Nature, Subject matter, Scope and Importance. Methods and Tools of urban Sociology Process of Urbanization in India Basic Concepts of Urban Sociology ‘The City, Functional Classification of Cities Urbanization, Urbanism, Urbanity Suburb, Metropolitan, Corporation and Neighborhood Cities & Urbanization In Historical Perspectives: Urbanization in Developed and Developing Countries Pre-indusitial, Industrial and Post-industrial and Colonial City Internal Structures of Cities: Star Theory, Sector theory and Multiple-Nuclei theory ‘Location of Cities: Central Piace Theory, Spectialzed Functions, Urban primary and Rank: Size Rule ‘Urban Social Structure and Approaches to Urban Society Urban family, Urban Social Stratification and Occupational Divisions Urban Life, Rura-Urban Continuum Theories of Urbanism: Ecological-Classical Neo Classical and Socio-Cultural ‘Marxist Approach to City Urban Governance and Gartiers of Urbanization Meaning and Princioles of Urban Governance, Urban Governance in India Nature of Urban Policies, Urban Development Programme Challenges to Urban Governance: Urban Violence Poverty, Power, Crime and Slums Bur Paper 6: Indian Sociological Thought Indlological/Textual Perspective Radhekamal Mukherjee GS.Ghurve ‘Louis Dumount Structural-Functional Perspective M.N.Srinivas: S.C.Dube unit 3: Mckin Marriott, Block il Marxist Perspective Unit 2: DP. Mukerji Unit 2: AR Desai Unit 3: Ramkrishna Mukherjee Black IW Unit d: Surjtsinha LEvidyartht Subaltern Perspective B.RAmbedkar RanajitGuha David Hardiman ‘Cultural Perspectives Manu & Kautiiya Ghandhian Thoughts ‘AK Saran Paper 7: Soclology af Health and Medicine Social Sclences, Health & Medicine Health; Concept, Meaning, Dimensions and Indicators Forms, Cancepts of Health- Biomedical, Ecotogical Psychological and Holistic definition of Health Factors affecting Health: Social, Economic and Cultural Secial epideniology and Health Status Geriatric Health Block it Sociological theories of Health and Medicine (Mitushi Gupta, INU) Unit Funetionallst Theories: Parsons Si Unit Mansist Creativeness Feminist Approech ‘Approaches to Plural Medical Knowledge and Practica systerns Medical institutions Medical Care, Hospital, Healing Centers Allied institutions: Family, Neighoourhood Pharmaceuticals Health Care Systeminindia__(mitusht gupta jnu) Health Planning and Policy in ingia Health care Agministartion in india CHW Primary Health Care & Private Health Care in India Problems of Health & Medical Facilities Private Partnership} Paper &: Sustainable Development in Mill Area BLOCK] Introduction te Sustainable Development Unit 1 ‘Changing conception of Development: Economic-Humar-Social Sustainable development linkages nit 2 Sustainable Development principles Unit 3 Deyelorment — Environment Debate Unit 4 Sustainable Development Parameters: Measuring Progress and Success BLOCK Environment ard Development Unit 4 Environmental Issues: Meaning and Concepts Unit Z Environment and Development: Maaping different approaches Unies Development induced displacement and its impact Unit 4 Environmental Management: Land, water, forests BLOCK IE Environmental Issues and People’s Consciousness Unit 1 Environmental degradation and pollution of natural resources unit2 Encroachment over community property resources Unit 3 Mobilizing communities for aroteetion of environment: Role of NGOs, Women and stakeholders Unita Eeo-spinituality and conservation ethi Unit 5 Disaster Management BLOCK IV Sustainable Develoament in HUI Areas Varta Challenges of development in hill areas Unitz Models of sustainable development Unit 3 international conventions and frameworks of sustainable development and local communities Unita Poverty reduction, Ivelihood and sustainable development in hill areas Paper: Social Psychology Block ‘Basic Social Psychological Proves Unit ‘Social Psycholagy: Concept, Scope and importance _(rupall) Unit 2: ‘Attitude: Concest and Determinants (Garima Gupta a Unit Methods of studying social Psychology frupall) Unit ‘Motivation and Social Motives (Rupall) Unit §: Perception, Belief and Prejudice: Meaning and Concept (Rupall) Block I Human Behaviour and Social interaction Unie Human Behaviour: Concept, Datarminants and Prindpies unit 2: ‘Concept of Social interaction and its types Unit 3: Social interaction & Social stimull, Social Aftitudes, Class fication of attitudes Unit 4: Forms of Social Interaction, Co-operation, Accommodation, Assimilation, competition ‘and Conflict CHL Blockill | Social Norms & Conformity (Esta) Unit Concent of Social Norms, Characteristics and Its Impact on Sock Unit 2: ‘Social Norms: Tradition, Customs, Folkway and Mores Unit Social Role and Social Norms Unik 4: Formation of Social Norms and Conformity Block IV, ‘Socialization and Development of Personality Unit i: ‘Concept & techniques of Socialization Unit ‘Agencies of Socialization and its Factors Unit 3: ‘Theories of Sccialzation: Durkheim, Cooley and Mead Unit Personality: Definitions, Types and Factors affecting personality and social Factors influencing personality Block V Social learning and Leadership_{ Scema Srivastva) nit Ip ‘Social Learning: Meaning, Definition, factors on the process of learning and Principles of, Learning Unita Concent of Leadership, types and Characteristics Unit 3: Emerging Trends of Leadership.

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