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bred and wed

jenna thalia



A Word of Caution
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Check out the next in the series

Step into Club Sin where the Kaplings got their start!
Meet Gideon, Margaux, Lazlo & Dax
Pay a Visit to Temptations in Paradise
About the Author
a word of caution
. . .

These books are erotic in nature. While they are romance focused, there’s a
whole lot of sex that happens before the H.E.A.
They are full of filthy words and even dirtier situations. By title alone,
this book contains role-play situations involving three men and one women,
engaged in specific kinks. If this bothers you, please don’t read the book. If
oral, vaginal, and anal sex bother you, you shouldn’t read the book. If
you’re looking for a story to get your rocks off… you’re in the right place.
Oh… and I prefer them long and thick, with much more stamina than
most. So also a heads up that this book isn’t a quickie.
Welcome and enjoy!
. . .

When I joined Club Sin last year, I expected some fantastic sex, and
possibly a little confidence booster. Dating on apps and all that bullshit
really messes with your head about your perceived value to the opposite
sex. Between getting ghosted or used and passed over for seemingly
“better” people, you really doubt yourself and overall appeal.
I’d expected some great orgasms, maybe a newfound partner or two
who was into the same kinks as me, but my expectations stopped there. I
never expected to find a single man, let alone three, who made me feel so
adored, supported, and well…seen. In my most authentic self.
“Damn, Princess, you look so pretty right now.”
Odin gathered the tail attached to a plug he’d nestled between my
cheeks and gave it a gentle tug. He traced the soft fur along the globes of
my cheeks, over the cleft of my ass, and up the small of my back,
introducing a riot of gooseflesh everywhere it touched.
My three men had me bent over a spanking bench. It had my hips
jutting upward to expose all of the parts that ached for them. My clit had
been pulsing with need since they’d divested me of my panties and
positioned me according to their vision. They’d tweaked my nipples
between a set of nipple clamps that did little more than make them swollen
and achy.
“I never thought I’d be one for animal play, but Odin’s right,
Principessa, you sure look beautiful with that long white tail.”
JP stood on the opposite side of me. His fingers found the weeping wet
beneath the plug and worked them in and out of my pussy. He was so
gentle. Too gentle, actually. I pushed against his fingers, already desperate
to throw my head back and fall into the first of what I knew would be many
We’d all become so busy lately that playing at Club Sin was an
indulgence. We had to plan our play nights at least a month in advance. Not
that we didn’t all see each other, have sex with one another in various
combinations, and just live as a mish-mashed foursome in our day-to-day
life—but the hedonism that came with playing at the club was always
“She needs some ears.” Casey’s cock was already in his hand,
centimeters away from my lips. I could smell the musky scent of pre-cum
dotting his tip. I licked my lips, anticipating what he was about to feed me.
“What exactly is she anyway?”
While the three discussed the merits of various animals, from cat to
horse to puppy, Casey never took his eyes off me. His fingers caressed my
jaw, and then took a lazy journey through my hair, starting at my hairline.
His cock was so close. Odin and JP playing with my clit and holes had me
on a razor’s edge of desperation.
“Uh-uh. Daddy decides when you get this, doesn’t he?”
He traced my lips with the tip of his cock anyway. He pushed it past my
lips, pumping in and out enough to barely coat him in moisture. He pulled
from my mouth with a subtle pop. While they continued to debate what
animal could possess a long white tail, Casey tortured me with the image of
him working his throbbing, weeping member, right in front of my face.
“There is no one like our little Poppet.” He told the other two, “She’s
unique. Impossible to duplicate. The most vivid fantasy. Something no one
would ever believe. Clearly, she’s a unicorn.”
“A unicorn,” Odin agreed, his voice a battle between the heady timbre
of desire and the wonder of realizing what Casey said worked well for his
fantasy. “That’s exactly what she is.”
“Perfect.” The word was a song as JP’s cock pushed deep into my
Each nerve ending became its own firestorm of sensation, nearly
blinding me with unbridled need. Whenever we came to play at the club,
everything we did seemed to turn up the dial on how hot we were for each
other and how quickly the orgasms came. I’d expected our relationship to
cool somewhat as we fell into the monotony of day-to-day life. Except with
my three men, the more I got to know them, and the more we guided one
another into the exploration of every fantasy imaginable, the deeper the
bond became. Our bond was the match to a gasoline-soaked stick of
The needy clench of my pussy delivered liquid heat through every
synapse I possessed, flipping the switch from gluttonous recipient to
insatiable whore. I was desperate to drown in the sensations that being
fucked with three cocks delivered. It had been so long since we’d played at
the club, and it was exactly the release I sought.
“If only you could see the look Odin is giving you Poppet.” Casey
cradled my jaw as he thrust in and out of my mouth. “Whatever he’s
thinking, I guarantee you it’s fucking dirty.”
JP’s fingers tickled up my haunches. He pulled me hard against his
groin, trying to get every millimeter of his cock packed into me. I just
needed Odin. It wasn’t full magic until I felt connected in every way to all
three of my men. Odin’s large hand landed with a stinging slap across the
apple of my ass. The plug shifted inside me, sending molten laced desire
pulsing through my blood stream with each stuttered beat of my heart.
“Do you think she can take it, Casey?”
The rich baritone of his voice insinuated itself deep into my psyche. In
response to its timbre, gooseflesh broke across my skin from my scalp all
the way down my back.
“I don’t know Odin. You haven’t prepped her for that.”
I couldn’t even form the words in my mind before I found out what that
was. JP’s fingernails dug into my haunches, he moaned low in chest, a
string of expletives in multiple languages accompanying sound.
“Fuck, that—shit. Do you feel that, Princess?” Odin asked, his large
hand digging into the opposite haunch as JP.
I lost the ability to speak. The feeling of the two of them pushing
against one another, desperate to find space within the pussy they both
filled, simultaneously caused my brain to short. The sensation was too
much. It wasn’t physically possible to be stuffed to the point of bursting as I
was. It should hurt. Should feel like I was being ripped apart by the two
large, muscled men presently see-sawing their cocks in and out of one of
the most sensitive holes on my body.
“What do you think, Poppet? Does it feel good? You should see what I
see. Odin and JP fighting for control of my precious.”
“Principessa, you need to come soon.” JP reached his hand around,
sloppily manipulating my clit while trying to speak and hold off his orgasm
concurrently. “I can’t hold on much longer my love.”
Casey took the hint and dove beneath the spanking bench, out of sight. I
felt his warm mouth cover my mound, within moments sucking at my clit
with ruthless precision. I imagined Casey between my legs, feasting against
my pussy while simultaneously being accosted by two sets of swinging
balls. I could hear JP’s hungry moans as the pair found a rhythm taking
turns scissoring in and out. Knowing the pair’s cocks rubbed against one
another while also pushing and pulling in and out of my pussy had the first
band of my orgasm clenching my pussy and flooding my brain with a rush
of pleasure that had me seeing stars. I tried to warn them. Tried to tell them
I was about to come but I couldn’t form the words fast enough. I exploded
on a wail, bearing down against the cocks inside me and flooding Casey’s
mouth as the world blew apart.
“Don’t think we’re even close to being done, Poppet.” Casey pushed the
sweat dampened tendrils of hair off my face, providing a much-needed
breeze to my overheated face. “By the end of tonight, we’re going to have
you so flooded with hormones, so boneless, Odin’s going to carry you out
of here.”
. . .

It just kept getting better. We’d all been playing together for the better part
of a year now. While I’d always hoped for exactly this outcome, I never
truly expected to get it. Had it all been rainbows and unicorns? No. Not
even close. When you try to explain to your family that while technically,
yes, I’d found the woman of my dreams, but also shared her with my two
best friends—let’s just say I wasn’t my mom’s favorite person at the
moment. And my dad wouldn’t even take my phone calls.
Then, of course, there was the matter of how we’d navigated the
normality of life. Each of us had been independently established prior to
coming together as a foursome. We each owned our own home—and none
of them were very close to the others. If we wanted to play together as a
group, it was at Club Sin, or we’d have to plan and meet at Odin’s house—
as it was the biggest and allowed for the most comfort as a group of four.
“Have you guys thought about what happens next?” I asked Odin and
JP over our weekly poker and football night.
“Next in what sense?” Odin asked, dropping two beers in front of JP
and me.
Poker and beers were also held at Odin’s house. It had always been so,
even prior to meeting Clover. Of course, the fact she lived just a few floors
below Odin didn’t hurt either. It had been one of the best discoveries after
we started playing with her.
Clover was presently hosting book club at her house with a few of her
friends. This month’s book was about big blue aliens with special ridges on
their cocks and tails that “seated” in their backdoors to hold them in place.
Knowing she was discussing such a book with her girlfriends at that very
moment had my dick twitching.
What her girlfriends may or may not have known is the four of us
thoroughly enjoyed reading book club books together. Big blue aliens with
ridges and tails had made for some tawdry playtime. JP had scoured the
internet to find a perfectly ridged phallus to fit over his cock so she could
experience as close to the fantasy as possible.
“With Clover. With the four of us. It’s been almost a year.” I told my
friends, “I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t stop thinking what comes
Odin looked at me over a sip from his beer bottle. His wide eyes and
raised eyebrows broadcast his abject discomfort with discussing future
plans. JP pulled at his lip, nodding as I continued.
“I want more. I want everyone to know Clover belongs to us. When we
go to a restaurant, I want the waiter to know it’s the three of us who put that
smile and blush on her face.”
“How is that any different from now?” JP asked.
I guess it wasn’t really. But it felt disconnected. It was hard to verbalize
what I felt.
“I want more.”
That was the easiest was to explain it.
“We feel disconnected. This whole rotating days with Clover where she
spends a night at my condo or I spend the night at hers, and then she rotates
to go on a date with JP, then one day here—one day where we all spend it
together. It’s too much and not enough at the same time.”
I felt my pulse race as the frustration with my inability to explain what I
felt increased.
“Odin?” I asked in place of trying to continue to poorly explain myself.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.” He tossed aside his cards, as if
unable to hold a conversation while also concentrating on the game. “What
exactly is it you want from us?”
“I want us to fish or cut bait.”
It wasn’t the best way to phrase it. That sounded like an ultimatum. Or
worse that I didn’t want to be an us anymore. That simply wasn’t true. I
wanted us to be a more permanent us. A committed us. An us that couldn’t
ever splinter apart.
“Hi guys, who’s winning?”
Clover waltzed through the front door in the sweetest summer dress. It
was a green gingham check that floated over her body. The way the wind
caught the dress, pressing the fabric out had my cock thickening with an
image of Clover that perfectly summed up exactly what I wanted with her
and my friends. A future.
She slipped right onto my lap, nuzzling into my neck.
“We kind of lost track,” JP admitted, caressing Clover’s naked thigh.
“How was book club?”
Clover shifted her weight in my lap, repositioning herself so that JP had
better access to what I was certain ached for attention beneath her dress.
There was no way she could sit through a two-hour round of drinks talking
about getting railed by horny aliens without her greedy princess parts
needing attention.
Beneath her dress she wore a sweet pair of cotton panties with
butterflies on them. I chose them for her this morning with the matching
cotton bra. She’d looked so beautifully innocent in the set, especially when
coupled with the dress. My little Poppet.
“Odin, I don’t think you and JP did a good enough job wearing out our
little princess. Look at this.” I spread apart Clover’s legs, revealing a
significant damp spot. “A couple of hours talking dirty with her girlfriends,
and your little princess is already desperate for more.”
Odin scooted his chair so he sat directly in front of us. JP’s fingers still
caressed Clover’s thigh, and a trail of gooseflesh rose everywhere his caress
landed. I watched Odin’s hand creep up the opposite thigh, her skin as pale
as freshly poured milk in stark contrast to Odin’s deep umber tone. Clover
wiggled against my groin, circling in an effort to find the cock which was
stiffening to the point of discomfort.
“What did you think about while you were having drinks with your
friends, Princess?” Odin asked, his fingers tracking as a spider would, one
digit at a time slowly up the fleshy thickness of her inner thigh. He was
millimeters from the elastic of her panties, yet his fingers moved at a glacial
pace. So slow in fact, their ascent had even me fighting back a moan of
“L-last Monday night.” Clover licked her lips, shifting lower in my lap
to give Odin more access to her spread thighs.
“Last Monday when your Papi put on his alien cock and fucked you
senseless?” Odin’s voice dropped into his lower register, and the smooth
gravel of that timbre felt like hot water vibrating against the skin of my
Clover could only nod. She’d wiggled against me, as if desperate for
any kind of contact. I loved when Odin and JP played good cop bad cop.
Odin would torture her, withhold his touch until she begged and wiggled
and mewled, but JP always took pity on her. All Clover had to do was bat
those big green eyes at JP and he’d give her anything she wanted.
“Please, Papi,” she begged him, taking hold of his hand and bringing it
toward her dampened panties. “I need it so bad. I’ve been thinking about
you for hours,” she continued.
I loved her sweet inflection when she used the Spanish version of
Daddy. JP traced the outline of her pussy with his fingertip, drawing little
hearts around the area where her clit would be, instead of touching it
directly. Each time he circumvented her needy little button, Clover would
let out a grunt of frustration.
“Do you know what we were doing while you were upstairs with your
friends?” I whispered in her ear, gathering the dress in my fist so I could see
her spread legs and damp panties.
“Definitely not talking about horny blue aliens.”
She pressed her hips up to catch JP’s fingers once again as her circled
her clit a third time. Odin had spread his fingers across her mound, running
his fingers up and down the creases of her legs, just to the right and left of
where the elastic of her panties hugged her. I circled my hands around her
belly, feeling its softness. An image ripped through me so hard and so
fierce, I knew, right then the future I’d seen moments ago was exactly
where I wanted to lead all of my lovers.
“We were talking about putting a baby in you, Clover.”
I felt the shift in the air. Sensed the shock and trepidation from each of
them. But, beneath the moment of surprise, I saw something glimmer in the
eyes of both Odin and JP. Perhaps they’d been blind to this need, and by me
giving it voice they realized that they too, wanted exactly what I did. Or
maybe they’d also been having breeding fantasies about Clover whenever
they took her vaginally.
Lately for me, I secretly prayed my condom would break every single
time we were together. The more times we played as a foursome, the more I
craved to make love to Clover slowly, by myself, and spill all of my
feelings into her along with my semen.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, Poppet. Every time I have to pull off my
condom, I think about how much I wanted to make love to you bare. How I
want to come deep inside of you, and hope that it finds its way to an egg to
make the perfect combination of the two of us.”
I cradled her stomach, burrowing my fingers beneath the elastic
waistband, and caressing her belly in wide circles.
“I want you to sit exactly as you are now, as you ride your Daddy’s stiff
cock, begging me to do it harder while I feel the hardness of our growing
child between these hands. I think about how with the first baby, the three
of us will spend all nine months wondering who got to be the first to fill
you. We’ll be imagining if it’s our baby you’re carrying. What do you think,
princess? Do you want to make a baby with us?”
I felt Odin’s fingers intertwine with my left hand beneath Clover’s
panties. The contact surprised me, but when I looked at Odin, I saw the
picture I painted rang true for him as well. JP’s fingers joined from the
opposite side. The three of us caressing our lover, trying to show her with
our touch how worshipped and adored she was.
It was more than sex. Of course, all of the sex we had whether one-on-
one or as a group was as satisfying as it was continually transformative.
However, as I waited for her answer with barely concealed anticipation, I
realized this was the fish or cut bait I’d been talking about. Moving on to
more. To becoming a family and figuring out what our personal definition
of a family would entail.
“No condoms.” Odin dipped beneath her panties and drew his finger
through Clover’s wet slit, taking long moments to worship her little pearl.
“For tonight, let’s throw caution to the wind. Let us all experience our
favorite girl with no barriers and see where it takes us. What do you say
Odin bowed at the waist, affixing his lips on the inside of her thigh,
taking a slow journey up to her cotton covered mound.
“I bet when she is full of our babies, her pussy will taste different. I’ve
heard it gets sweeter.”
Odin pulled Clover’s panties to the side, and softly coaxed her clit out
of its shell with the wide expanse of his tongue.
“She already tastes so sweet though,” Odin continued, “I can’t imagine
how she could taste any better than she does right now.”
He pushed two thick fingers into her pussy, withdrew them, and fed
them into my mouth. That was a surprise. While we’d played together for
years, we’d never really had much interaction between the three of us.
Sucking on Odin’s fingers, even if it was to taste Clover from them, was a
new level of intimacy for the three of us.
“¿Tendrás a mi bebé, Principessa?” Joaquin whispered in Clover’s ear,
asking her if she would have his baby.
He rolled her panties down her hips, giving Odin a second to back away
from where he worshipped her with his mouth. When Clover was naked
from the waist down, JP continued, kneeling between her legs, and sharing
the oral responsibilities with Odin.
“Do you like that?” I asked her, pulling her dress down and adjusting
her breasts so her nipples rest against the soft cups of her bra.
“Mmm, yes, Daddy.” She wrapped her arms around the back of my
neck, pulling me against her mouth.
Between kisses, she sighed and moaned out the pleasure that my other
two lovers graced her with as they made a study of her clit, pussy, and
“Poor Odie won’t get to play with his favorite body part if he wants to
fill me with a baby.” She giggled, lifting her ass off my lap, and throwing
her legs open even wider, I assumed to give Odin access to the very place
she joked would be off limits.
“Don’t worry sweets.” He nipped at her inner thigh, working his fingers
in and out of her tight little hole while JP fucked his tongue deep into her
cunt. “We’ll get to use my favorite little wrinkle for months while you grow
that baby in your belly. And as your sweet cunny heals after my son is born,
we will get plenty of use out of it while we wait for the doctor to say it’s
okay to put the next baby in you.”
My cocked twitched as the first droplets of pre-cum escaped. If we
didn’t get this show on the road, I feared I’d blow in my pants just from
their discussions alone.
“Couch,” I commanded shoving Clover off my lap and shucking my
jeans and boxers off in one determined tug.
I’d convinced Odin to purchase one of those oversized sectionals that
could double as a super king bed when configured in such a way.
Obviously, we used that configuration often, and it was beyond useful on
nights like tonight when we all wanted to be with Clover singly, but also
“Do you want this, Poppet?” I asked as Clover crawled toward me. “All
three of us, inside of you. No barriers?”
She nodded while she crawled toward me. “No barriers,” she repeated.
“Where is your cup, Principessa?” Joaquin’s fingers dipped between her
pussy lips, pressing into Clover’s warm wet, tickling her insides as he
Clover stopped mid-crawl, threw her head back and moaned deep and
low, the action stretching her neck muscles into such a delectable tease. I
wanted to suck and bite at it and feel that sound pulsing through her throat,
but I feared any motion against my cock—even if it was removing my
hand, would cause me to blow my load before I got to set out on the most
important task of my life.
“I only wear it when we play at the club.” Her words came in pants. I
could hear the wet squelch of JP’s fingers deep inside her, saw her nipples
tighten and her thighs slip across the soft velvet of the couch as she
widened her stance for him. “Are you sure?” JP asked with a mischievous
smirk. “I wouldn’t want our efforts to be wasted. I think maybe Odin better
help me check, just to be sure.”
“Guys, I’m about to lose it here.”
“Ut oh,” Clover leaned over, the tips of her breasts brushing against the
head of my cock, “you guys made Daddy mad.”
I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to feel surrounded by my little
Poppet. I wanted to smell the citrus scent of her shampoo, caress her silken
skin, and get lost in the rhythm making love to the woman who had
surprised me with how perfect she was.
“So guys.” I could barely speak as Clover straddled me and sunk down.
The wet warmth of her stole my words, slackened my muscles, and
scattered all thoughts in my head. I knew I had something incredibly
important to tell my friends, but talk of breeding our princess, knowing I’d
just entered her barrier free with the sole intent of creating a new life—that
knowledge robbed me of any other thought.
Each time I was with Clover—whether fucking her or making love to
her—I tried to take my time. To make sure she felt worshipped and adored.
That each stroke of my fingertips, or whispered word, or powerful thrust
was done with purpose and intention. This time however, I’d unearthed a
caveman inside of me. One that hid in the shadows waiting for his moment
to break free. That caveman didn’t care about anything but putting as little
space as possible between my sperm and her egg.
I bucked into Clover with abandon. Mercilessly pounding my cock as
far into her depths as her hips would allow. I held onto her shoulders and
pressed her firmly against my groin, as if by that action alone I could ensure
biology would take over. The thought of reproducing held me in a
chokehold. What I’d hoped would be a marathon session of orgasm after
orgasm for Clover before I finally gave her everything I had, ended instead
in an embarrassing eruption minutes after we began.
Rather than make some kind of joke about my lack of stamina, JP
instead took hold of Clover, placed her on her back next to me, covering her
pussy with his hand to make sure not a single drop escaped her.
“You honor us, Principessa.” JP guided himself in to where I just
finished, rolling her clit against his thumb once he was fully seated inside
“I am not a fan of going last,” Odin grumbled to no one in particular,
falling back into the sofa cushions on the other side of Clover and Joaquin.
“Next time we hop on the baby making train, I get to go first.”
“Oh you like that don’t you my little love?” Joaquin used his full hand,
scissoring Clover’s clit between his fingers, rolling it back and forth as she
undulated and keened. “Let go for me,” he pressed, “Show your Daddies
how you can come apart so beautifully.”
Of the three of us, JP could bring Clover to orgasm seemingly by
request. It took little for her to shatter under his touch and suggestion. I
always suspected it had something to do with his being a psychiatrist—
maybe it was a kinky version of hypnotherapy or therapeutic suggestion.
Perhaps the combination of his knowledge of biology as an M.D. as well as
knowing all the avenues of the mind.
“That’s a good girl,” he praised, bending down to take Clover’s mouth
in a lingering kiss. “I knew you could do it for me.”
“How about we speed this along?” Odin asked again. “I swear I’m
going to come in my hand any minute.”
“Such impatience,” JP smiled down at Clover, swiping a few damp
locks away from her forehead. “Don’t worry, the big bully doesn’t scare me.
I’ll take my sweet time.”
He continued pressing into Clover as if he had all the time and not a
care in the world.
“I’m sure if you asked nicely, Odin, the warm silk of her mouth would
be more than accommodating until I’m ready to let go.”
Odin grunted. The hand that had been working his cock stilled and
pinched the already pinkened tip. If his bared teeth didn’t broadcast how
quickly he was morphing into full discomfort the string of expletives he
spat in JP’s direction certainly did. But JP continued to slowly rock in and
out of Clover. He hunched over her, whispered in her ear, making her giggle
and sigh with whatever he told her.
“Are you ready for it, Principessa? Tell me you want it.”
I couldn’t look away if I tried. The two of them and their exceedingly
romantic moment held me rapt. Her nails were so sweetly polished in the
most precious shade of bubblegum pink. They scored down Joaquin’s
sideburns and into the hint of beard he had grown as she smiled up at him,
gasping every so often as he caressed all the secret spots inside of her.
Each time she bit her lip, or sighed, moaned, or flexed her hips up to
meet him, my dick twitched. It was as if just by how she vocalized, my
cock knew exactly where inside of Clover Joaquin had caressed her.
“Please, Papi, put a baby in me.”
It may have been Joaquin she begged, but I too felt my cock expel a
shot of cum at her request.
“Your wish is my command.”
The two of them came together in the softest and most peaceful joining
of two bodies. I nearly convinced myself I wasn’t actually lying next to
them bearing witness to it. Odin, however, took pity on no one, and was
shoving JP out from between her legs and positioning himself in his place
with military precision.
“Sorry sweets—but I’m not making any promises on how long I’ll last.”
. . .

The night had to be the most surreal we’d experienced. It still seemed as if
our relationship was brand new, even though we’d been together for some
time now. To be honest, the four of us had barely “come out” to our
respective families. It had gone thermonuclear with Casey’s mom and dad
so quickly; I hadn’t yet approached my dad and sister. I knew for damn sure
Joaquin hadn’t yet told his family about our arrangement either.
But, if we intended to start a family together, the two of us clearly
needed to sack up and let our families know our chosen life path. The
Admiral would not be pleased. Pleased or not, I wanted a life with Clover.
When I looked into my future, I saw the four of us together—just as we
were now. Did it sound crazy, even to my own ears? Absolutely. But, just
like Casey—I’d always hoped that someone like Clover would come along.
Smart, gorgeous, sexually adventurous, and expressive—who also loved
calling me her own version of Daddy and letting me take her across my lap
and spank her when she got mouthy. I couldn’t have created her from an
order sheet any better. I wouldn’t lose that. Not to family or societal
“How long do you think it will take until we know that one of us
knocked her up?” I asked over coffee.
Last year, after an amazing night at Club Sin, we’d run into Clover at
our favorite haunt, Ground Control, which was across the street from my
condo. Also, Clover’s condo as she only lived a few floors below me,
totally unbeknownst to any of us. Serendipitous, Casey would say. It
became our tradition. We began our days here as often as we could. Today,
however, Clover had an early morning meeting and passed on our morning
ritual. Joaquin took a long sip from his coffee, pondering the question for
much longer than I’d wanted either of them to take to answer.
“It’s not a one time and wait for the results kind of thing.” Casey joked,
“I plan to have her legs spread at every opportunity. I’m telling you—the
second I spoke that desire into the universe, it’s literally all I can think of.”
He spun his coffee cup between his hands while he spoke, breaking eye
contact every few seconds to look over my shoulder at our condo across the
“I’m getting twitchy just sitting here. It’s like I’m in heat and all I want
to do is rub on Clover and fuck her all day.”
Joaquin was not usually a man of few words. That big brain of his
usually produced novel length responses on even the simplest question. We
all had it bad.
“Ditto,” I admitted. “But we also have a lot of things we need to figure
I don’t know when I became the voice of reason. That was Casey’s
responsibility. He was the cautious one. He weighed options. He thought
things through. Made pros and cons lists. This whole let’s just knock her up
thing should have been my idea—of the three of us—I was the most devil
may care.
“Like what?” Joaquin asked, pulling out his tablet and opening his
“notes” function. Jesus if he wasn’t always a therapist first. If I hadn’t
known him for as long as I had, I’d swear he was born with a notepad in his
hand and a pair of studious glasses that accentuated the vending machine
variety of smoldering looks he possessed.
He tapped his digital pen against his lips. It was a tell of his. He could
pretend he was detached, viewing things from a research perspective, but
that tap of his lips said everything I needed to know. Joaquin was
legitimately worried about something pertaining to my comment.
“First—logistics. Actually, that’s probably items one through five.
Logistics in terms of do we keep our special days and those are ours
exclusively for baby making. Do we limit baby making to times when the
four of us can all do the act together? What happens when the baby actually
arrives? Are we going to wait until she has it to decide where it will live?
And how is that fair to Clover for her to continue to pack bags and move
around like a fucking merry go round. Which then brings up the question—
do we all move in together? My house is the largest, but is a condo really a
place to raise a baby? I mean—my balcony alone. I’m getting heart
palpitations just thinking about it and there isn’t even an actual child
growing yet.”
“Woah. Take a breath O.” Casey’s hand covered my own, which
somewhat soothed my skittering pulse.
“He makes good points. We definitely put the cart before the horse. But
allowing yourself to unravel into an emotional frenzy is not productive.”
Joaquin scribbled furiously into his tablet, looking at me from above his
glasses. It had to be all these crazy hormones from our wild night—but the
stern set of his mouth and how direct he was with that single phrase, sent a
shiver up my fucking spine.
“Okay then let’s answer the simplest question first. Logistics. I say we
continue as we have been, with us each getting our own days with Clover.
The only difference now is that we’ve removed the goalie.”
Casey and his damn hockey analogies.
“As far as what happens next? Well, none of us are very young
anymore. I don’t think she’s going to get pregnant overnight.”
“Casey is right.” JP set his glasses down on the table and rubbed at his
eyes, “Women’s ovarian reserves decline after thirty-five, and Clover is
going to be thirty-nine in a month. Us at forty-four are still virile to an
extent but our testosterone levels begin to taper off—though men
technically might still conceive all the way into their eighties and beyond.”
“Can we please just discuss this like people? I don’t need a biology
lesson, Dr. Perales. And that leads me to my second point. Let’s say Clover
gets pregnant and when the baby is born, we DNA test and discover JP had
the winning sperm for baby number one. Do each of our children have our
last name? What about Clover? Does she keep her last name but all three of
her kids have different names?”
The table went quiet as both Casey and JP contemplated what I said. It
was complicated. While I tried not to allow any kind of negative thoughts to
invade my psyche, they began pressing in unbidden. I never wanted to feel
anything other than a hundred percent content with what we did together. I
refused to allow society to make me feel guilty for not living according to
what was defined as a “normal” relationship. However, the more questions
that surfaced, the more complex our situation became. I couldn’t help but
think we’d cannon balled into a pool of lust, damn the consequences. And,
well, those consequences came with far too many questions and not enough
“This also isn’t a conversation the three of us can have without buy in
from Clover.” Casey held his hand up as if that would stop me from
“I say, whomever makes the first baby also gets naming rights for both
Clover and for the baby.” JP winked at me as if what I’d just suggested was
now spoken into the universe and absolutely certain. “Bred and wed. That’s
my vote.”
. . .

A week later we hadn’t come to any hard and fast conclusions. We’d all
agreed to press pause on our obsessive need to keep our cocks buried in
Clover twenty-four hours a day until we could at least dialogue through our
feelings. We’d spent the better part of the weekend not having sex and
discussing the pros and cons of our various homes, or the sale and purchase
of a place for all of us.
Odin and Casey both had officially declared their love for Clover to
their families. Casey had gone first a few months ago and it had not gone
over well. I knew if Casey’s mom didn’t take it well, she for sure had
mentioned something to my mother as they both sang in the church choir
together. More than likely, they bonded over praying for our souls.
I was a chicken shit. My mom hadn’t called me to discuss anything
Casey’s mom may have shared. Our Sunday conversations hadn’t veered
from the typical discussions about my siblings who still lived in Kansas,
close to home. For as much as it went against every ounce of training I
received through the years—I enjoyed existing in a “don’t ask don’t tell”
philosophy with my parents. I’m certain none of my other siblings shared
their sex lives with them—so why did there need to be a huge discussion
about how I expressed myself sexually? Simply because there were more
people involved?
“We should go on vacation.” Clover and I walked along Amsterdam
Avenue, sharing a fresh from the oven cookie from Levian.
“Vacation?” I asked with a chuckle, “I’m not opposed, but where did
that thought spring from?”
“Sasha—you remember my friend from Chicago who told me about
Club Sin? Her friend Rae went to this all-inclusive in the Bahamas that is
like a gigantic sex resort. It has over the water bungalows, a gorgeous spa,
all these secret hideaways everywhere on the property for sexy
exhibitionism…and I thought since we’re all hot for each other right now
anyway.” She shrugged with a shy smile. “The three of you are desperate to
get me knocked-up—why not go on a baby making vacation? It could add
an extra layer to the breeding heat. Like dial it up another notch.”
I pointed to a bench near one of our favorite fountains in the courtyard
of Odin and Clover’s building. She took a seat, broke off another piece of
our gigantic cookie and passed it to me.
“Are you in heat though?” I asked, trying to find a gentle way to
navigate our delicate conversation.
“I think about the four of us non-stop, Papi.”
“Thinking about us differs from wanting to create a baby so bad you
can’t fight that biological need. We haven’t made love since last week.”
She stared down at her shoe, drawing patterns in the pollen scattering in
the wind. Every day, I discovered something new about Clover that stopped
me in my tracks. Whether it was the way the sunlight caught the million
fractals of red and auburn and russet, showcasing just how stunning those
ringlets were, or how her eyes could be many shades of green depending on
her mood. How much I loved how lush she was, from her rounded belly to
her well-formed thighs. I got lost in her softness. I craved her submission,
anticipated with rapt focus each new petal of her mind that opened,
exposing a new desire or dirty thought.
“We all agreed that we would take a step back for a second. To talk. But
that doesn’t mean my kitty isn’t feeling very neglected right now. And you
know how Odin gets if I touch myself without his express written
permission filed in triplicate.”
She rolled her eyes in my direction, catching herself before a fully
completed rotation. As if she feared Odin was lurking on his balcony
seventy floors above and could see her eye roll from way up there. My
sweet princess vexed me, charmed me, and twisted me with desire. There
were too many words to express what I felt for her.
“Your secret is safe with me, Principessa.”
We sat in amicable silence. Clover was a thinker. She needed to unpack
thoughts in her own mind before she spoke them into existence. Taking
walks was one of our favorite things to do. Not just for the exercise and the
ability to experience our city in so many varieties—but it also allowed for
lingering conversations.
“Do you feel like we have talked through the important things?” I
She rolled her lips inward, hiding them between her teeth.
“I agree.” I chuckled, knowing I’d at least arrived in the right
neighborhood of where her thoughts had landed. “We have a lot of
questions that need to be tended to, don’t we?”
“It’s less about things like who’s house we live in.”
She shook her cup of coffee. Determining there were a few remaining
droplets, cleared its contents before continuing.
“I don’t want to be married to just one of you. I’ve been doing a lot of
thinking about it. And if I ended up having your baby first, Casey and Odin
then get shifted to the back. With your little breeding contest, you’re all
saying that one of you is more important than the other two. And that’s not
the case. I love you all equally. I want to be with all of you—equally.”
“Have you discussed it with Casey and Odin?”
She slid her palm into mine, linking our fingers together.
“You know I always come to you first.”
While inherently I’ve always known this to be the case, it still thrilled
me I had a role. Not that I ever doubted her feelings for me, but there was
always lingering worry that because she bonded with Cassey and Odin for
six days longer than with me, that perhaps I was the afterthought. I
wouldn’t pretend like it wasn’t something silly to feel so insecure about.
But even those with advanced degrees in the science of the mind carry their
own sets of baggage and hang ups.
“Paint me a picture, then.” I pulled her against my chest and buried my
nose in her soft curls. “When you think about the four of us—in the
absolute perfect scenario—what does that look like in your imagination?”
While still technically summer, the first whispers of impending fall
teased in the wind. At four in the afternoon, the heat from the summer sun
waned and while not chilly, I could definitely feel the shift in the air
temperature. Clover clearly did as well given she burrowed herself into my
side. A position I would be remiss not to cherish.
“It honestly looks pretty similar to us now. With the exception that all
we all live in one house. A house with a yard—a big yard so we can have
dogs. And a pool for barbecues in the summer. And a big basement with a
gigantic TV so we can host football game parties in the winter.”
“What about our bedroom? Are we sharing one room for all four of us?
Are we doing what we do now? Each of us gets you by ourselves for a
night. How about the club? Are we still members?”
She bit at her lip and closed her eyes as if studying a movie behind her
“I don’t think we live in New York anymore, Papi. Maybe the suburbs
—but with the amount of land in my head, and the beautiful river rock
cabin— maybe we live up near Syracuse? But to be honest, except for
Casey we all could pick up and move wherever. I think if we’re going to be
raising kids together, we need to get out of the city.”
The scrunched nose and twisted mouth broadcast her very obvious
displeasure at the thought of raising urbane kids.
“I’m only one of four people though. I would prefer we all share, but
I’m only one quarter of this relationship. But if we’re all going to live as a
foursome and raise our kids all together—wouldn’t be strange if Mommy
and the Daddies didn’t all share a room?”
Clover had clearly been thinking through all of the pros and cons.
Moreso than I think Casey and Odin gave her credit for. I’d definitely
underestimated her.
“I love all of you equally. I want to be with all of you equally. But the
three of you need to figure out the dynamics of your relationship with one
another and how those fit into a full-time marriage, or whatever you call our
ring of trust.”
Ring of Trust.
“Speaking of trust, you need to have a conversation with Casey and
I said nothing.
“Papi,” her voice gentled, and the rounded tips of her fingernails drew
soft patterns on the top of my hand, “they’ll understand. You’ve all been
friends since childhood. They love you exactly as you are.”
It wasn’t a conversation I was prepared to have. Not with Clover or
anyone else for that matter. I still had my own inner work I needed to
unpack before I could even bring voice to it.
Rather than allow the conversation to go down that rabbit hole, I stood
and extended my hand to her. Signaling, rather abruptly, that the walk and
our afternoon date was over.
The truth was I had pictures in my imagination on what our future
looked like too. I wanted us to be a family. Christmas trees in a big living
room with an oversized fireplace, and nights around the couch in the family
room playing board games. Dinners at oversized tables where the four of us
and our brood of kids, each looking like different combinations of one of us
and Clover, all stared at us up and down the line.
Our relationship wouldn’t work though if we were just cars all parking
in the same garage. Three, separate, one-way relationships in my head,
didn’t jive. I just couldn’t see how it worked. Of course, it could also be
because I’d been in love with both of my best friends since college.
. . .

The building where both Odin and Clover lived was quite old. The benefit
to that was the walls were thin, and sound traveled easily through the air
registers. On weekends when we were all together in Odin’s unit, it was
easy to tell exactly where each person was throughout the house by how the
sound traveled. I could also easily hear when Odin or Joaquin was doing
naughty things with Clover.
Clover’s soft giggles carried down the air registers to the library where
I’d spent the better part of the day sketching. The idea had been niggling at
me for weeks. Ever since our plan to impregnate Clover, I couldn’t get the
picture out of my brain. Finally, I had a moment between projects where I
could take a breath and allow myself the creative freedom to draw
something not work related.
The home was beautiful. Large but not ostentatious, similar in size to
Odin’s penthouse, but in house form. I pictured us on acres of land
somewhere—obviously not Manhattan. But, with soft as carpet grass in the
backyard so our kids could run barefoot through sprinklers or play football
or soccer or whatever the hell else, they wanted to explore.
In various sub chambers within my creative center, I had other plans
desperate to be drawn and given life. From treehouses to sleepover rooms in
the oversized loft to a kids play area in part of a barn garage. But those
would come later. Progressively. Once the main house was a perfect
representation of what teased me day and night in my head.
“That’s it, Papi. You’re doing so good.”
I heard our little Poppet’s voice float through the air register with crystal
clarity. She cajoled JP, which wasn’t typical of our little troublemaker. As
our baby girl, she would plead, giggle, sigh, and moan, but I’d never heard
her voice take on any form of authority.
Upstairs in her princess room, I could hear them in the bathtub. Her tub
wasn’t a normal bathtub, it rivaled a health club hot tub in size. Odin loved
to get her slippery and play pass the Poppet, hence the need for a large tub.
The last time we’d played, she had so many orgasms between the three of
us that she knocked out right in my lap and we had to try to maneuver out
of the tub, and carry her to bed, with bubbles still dotting her hair.
Her bedroom door was wide open—we tended not to bother with closed
or locked doors. If we were in Odin’s house, it was a free-for-all, and
anyone could join in the fun at any time. Something in the deeply satisfied
moans coming from the bathroom rooted my feet in place and prevented me
from interrupting.
I crept to Clover’s bed, sitting on the edge where there was a blind spot
in the bathroom but gave a perfect view of what was happening in the tub.
Odin had designed the room that way so when we eventually found a baby
girl, we could watch her play in the tub without her feeling like she was
being watched. Of course, finding Clover, and having her as our princess,
most of the time we all played together in the tub, so this blind spot rarely
got used.
“I know you want this, don’t you, Papi. His cock. You want it here, in
your special place.”
Crisscrossed around Clover’s sweet buttocks were the tell-tale belts of a
strap on. I watched in fascination as Clover’s delicate fingernails on one
hand, presently painted in gold glitter, tickled down JP’s haunches. He
arched toward her hand and sighed, while she continued to score her nails
up and down his skin, in delicate figure eight patterns.
In her other hand she manipulated a thick, veiny, dark brown cock
which stood in stark contrast against her own fair skin. With the base of the
cock strapped into her harness, she rubbed the tip up and down between the
cheeks of Joaquin’s ass. I could only see the pair of them in profile, but the
look of unfettered bliss loosening the muscles of Joaquin’s face caused my
stomach to drop.
We’d been friends practically our entire lives. Declared best friends
since the fifth grade. How did I never know this? Why hadn’t he ever told
me? Us? We’d played for so long together, yet he’d never once mentioned a
single word.
“I want to hear it, Papi.” Clover cooed, “Have you been dreaming about
this? Thinking about our special time together.”
Clover painted her cock with a bottle of lube that we kept stashed on the
“Watch me.” She ordered JP, “If you want Odie’s cock, you have to
watch me get it ready for you.”
He turned toward her and watched without hesitation. Took her
commands like a perfect sub. But—he’d never shown any interest in
bottoming before. In fact, he’d always been so disconnected with our
playtime, choosing to always play doctor with our girls, and never really
immersing himself fully until Clover.
“Please kitten.” He licked his lips, his hips gyrating in the air. “I know
what a good girl you are. Papi needs it so bad.”
“Ah, ah,” she chided, stepping back from him, she stood to rub her
lubed fingers against her own pussy. “Your kitten doesn’t take orders when
wearing the cock.”
Watching her string JP around by the proverbial balls had my own
tightening in my pants. Being her Daddy, watching Odin and JP care for her
in the same way, I didn’t think there could possibly be anything hotter. Until
I watched Clover dominate my best friend.
Clover took pity on him. She guided him further over the bathtub lip.
When he was open enough for her liking, I watched her rub her fingers
along his crack, taking long moments to drive him out of his head
stimulating all of those nerve endings. Seeing JP throw his head back, moan
his delight, keen, and beg for more while fucking against her fingers, had
me taking my own cock out from my jeans.
I fought an inner war between joining them in the tub and burying
myself in Clover while she fucked into Joaquin and staying where I was to
play voyeur. It was a bitter war of needs and desires. Voyeur won out. There
were plenty of opportunities in the future where I could convince the pair to
reenact this so I could play participant. I’d never get to experience the
delight of discovery for the first time, ever again.
“Are you ready, Papi?”
Her voice was sweeter than honey though just as smooth. The bulbous
head of her fake dick circled his entrance around and again. She patiently
waited for him to give her permission to breach that tiny back hole with that
giant fake cock.
“Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
“Kitten,” he rasped, licking his lips, “I need you to fuck me, right now.”
“And what are the rules?” she asked, pulling against his shoulders so
she could whisper in his ear.
While she waited for his response, she pressed in just a centimeter
before pulling back out, and then repeated the motion. With each little tease
she was met with a symphony of frustrated cries from JP. The sight of her
delicate hand wrapped around the head of a cock pressing into JPs most
private place like we would do to her flipped my brain and twisted my
insides in a way that I wouldn’t have expected and had never felt before. I
never wanted this to end. My cock throbbed. Each contraction felt like a
plea for release. But I wasn’t about to waste a drop of baby making potion.
Clover had a surprise waiting for her when she came out of that bathtub.
She was going to get fucked into next week. I debated texting Odin, who
was downstairs working out, and telling him to come check out the show.
Instead, I recorded a snippet of the debauchery I played witness to and sent
it off to him.
“The only place I come is in Clover’s princess parts.”
“You’re such a good Papi.”
Clover praised him, pushing the tip of her cock in. JP panted and
moaned, canting his hips in slow circles as he adjusted to being breached. I
couldn’t help but be filled with pride that she knew exactly how to be a
patient top. She didn’t move at all while she waited for JP to adjust. I
wondered off-hand how often the two of them experimented like this. It
couldn’t possibly be the first time. Pegging someone with such confidence?
Clearly, they were fairly practiced with this routine.
“Good boy,” she cooed, massaging his shoulder. “Here comes the rest.”
I couldn’t tell if she intended to call him a good boy. Especially since
she’d still referred to him as her Daddy during most of their interaction.
Either he didn’t notice or didn’t mind, because she pressed the rest of her
cock into him, and from the flaccid muscles on his lips and eyes, he was
soaring on endorphins.
“More.” It was a hoarse whisper. “I can take it now.”
Clover circled her hips, pressing the remaining length of her cock into
Joaquin before pulling out and repeating the process. Over and again, I
watched the two of them. As she found her rhythm and her confidence built,
she took one of her hands and pressed beneath the waistband, moaning as I
imagined she manipulated her own clit.
“Mmm, Papi.” Her arm stretched all the way up to his shoulder as she
used the extra leverage to rub against the fingers that still remained hidden
from my view. “I love being in your special place.”
She picked up pace. The muscles of her thighs and buttocks flexed, her
skin rippled as she fucked into JP with focus. There weren’t any more
words, just sounds that bounced off the tile walls and marble floor. If they’d
intended to keep quiet about what they were doing in the bathroom, there
was absolutely no denying the entire house would be clued in.
“Now, Princess!” JP grunted, the strain in his voice a clear signal he was
desperately holding back his orgasm.
Clover unclipped the dildo with efficiency. It stayed buried inside JP
while he turned around, ensured Clover had braced herself against the
opposite lip of the tub, and fucked into her as if he were a beast and she, his
captured prey.
“You’re the best princess.” He flattened her hair, pressing a kiss to her
head as he ruthlessly drove into her, the end of her dildo flapping against
the back of his thighs as he did. “I love you. I love you for who you are, and
I love you for everything you allow me to be, mi flor.”
His flower. Usually, he called her his princess in Spanish. However, I’d
never experienced a moment this intimate before.
“Are you ready for me?” he asked, circling his arm around her front,
assumedly to manipulate her clit while he continued to power into her.
“I’m close.” She panted. “Almost there.”
“Reach for it, Principessa, otherwise your Papi is going to blow without
you. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. You did too good a job
on me.”
Clover threw her head back, braced against Joaquin’s neck. He pressed
kisses along her jaw, until she turned, and her lips were ensnared by his
heated kiss.
“Maybe next time I’ll wear the strap on so Papi can have your treasure
and your starfish together. What do you think, Principessa? Do you want
Papi to own both your holes or is Odie still the only one you prefer?”
I was on to his talk. While there was no hard and fast rule that said only
Odin could have Clover’s delicate little wrinkle, he did tend to be the most
frequent patron. Clover loved it when we got territorial over her body parts,
or suggested she was “cheating” by allowing one of us to experiment with
something one of the other’s tended to do. Like when I give Clover a bath
and sometimes take her temperature like her Papi does. It twists her insides
so tight she goes supersonic.
The suggestion did exactly as intended. One last stroke and Clover’s
orgasm rang out through the bathroom, bouncing off the walls, mingling
with the steam, mixing with the violent slosh of water in their tub. Her solo
cries of satisfaction were short lived, as JPs joined in just behind hers, the
pair seemingly lost in their post coital haze for long moments of silence.
The weight of my intrusion hung heavy in the cooling air. I didn’t want
to be party to their pillow talk. The soft sighs and giggles as they tried to
find more comfortable positions to regain their bearings.
I quickly and silently tiptoed from her room, down the stairs, and
rearranged myself on the family room sofa. Moments later, a sweaty Odin
came up the stairs from his home gym in the basement, shirtless and doing
very little to hide the giant snake that typically did not appear when he
lifted weights.
“Tell me that my eyes are playing tricks on me.” He ran his towel down
his face a final time before tossing it on the ottoman. From his pocket he
produced his phone paused to the very moment that Clover pushed that fat
cock into Joaquin’s asshole.
“Not a trick.” I pulled up my T-shirt, showing him my still unzipped
jeans and a very hard cock pressing against my boxer briefs. “Quite
possibly the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen. I can’t wait for that little
minx to make her way down here because she’s about to forget her name.”
Odin took hold of his own cock through his athletic shorts. I watched
him pinch his tip over and again. I was the one that had witnessed the whole
tawdry scene and even I wasn’t at pinching my tip to push the cum back
down, territory. Maybe the sheer surprise of receiving something so
unexpected had given him such a vesuvian reaction.
“I need to shower. There’s no way Clover would want to come
anywhere near me right now. I have dibs when you’re finished with her if
she comes back before I’m done!” he called down while bounding up the
stairs three at a time.
By the time Clover’s soft footsteps padded down the stairs to where I
sat, I’d already lost some of the battle. My jeans were around my ankles,
briefs being held in place by the underside of my sack, and weeping cock in
hand. I’d been biting back my orgasm for close to ten minutes. My battle-
weary cock throbbed, spitting droplets of pre-cum, desperate for the final
act that I continued to refuse it.
“Hi Daddy.” She greeted me, her voice raising in question as she
rounded the sofa and saw what a state I was in.
She wore nothing but the white terry cloth robe Odin gifted her for
Christmas. It had a princess crown on the back of it with Daddies’ Girl
written across it in script. Odin was in hysterics when he came home from
the teen store in the mall where he’d purchased it, and the embroidery place
across the way where he’d had the special moniker put on it. The overly
helpful sales associate tried to convince him his grammar was incorrect, and
he should be embroidering it with “Daddy’s Girl” not Daddies’ Girl because
“ies” denoted plural Daddies and surely, he hadn’t intended to imply his girl
was the property of more than one Daddy. According to Odin the look the
salesperson had given him when he admitted that yes, in fact, his princess
did belong to more than one Daddy, was one of total, abject mortification.
“Princess.” I couldn’t avoid the throaty grit in my voice. I’d moved past
the point of desperation easily twenty minutes prior. “Did you have a nice
“I sure did.” The emerald color of her eyes deepened to evergreen as her
eyes took a languorous journey down my body, eventually landing on the
hand that strangled my cock.
With my other hand I signaled her to come closer with the universal
come-hither sign. With a smirk on her lips, she cautiously stepped in front
of me, squaring herself directly between my spread legs.
“Yes, Daddy?”
I could smell the sex on her. I knew if I stuck my fingers inside of her
I’d be able to feel the sticky wet of Joaquin’s cum. She glowed. The haze of
her and JP’s coupling still hadn’t yet worn off.
I leaned forward and pulled apart the flaps of her robe, exposing her
bare pussy.
“It sure sounded like you thoroughly enjoyed your bath.”
The moment my fingers came in contact with her warm skin, it erupted
with gooseflesh up and down her thighs. I took an unhurried path up the
inside of one thigh and back down the other, intentionally avoiding the
greedy little pearl peeking out from her gorgeous clam.
She giggled on a sigh, bracing herself against my shoulders as she
widened her stance.
“You’re pulling my leg. You couldn’t hear me from all the way down
“Actually, I’m tickling your leg.” I drew a heart on the meat of one of
her thighs. “But your sighs and moans and ‘Oh Papi’s’ carried through the
ducts of the house creating surround sound to your afternoon delights.”
Her wide-eyed gasps could be attributed to my fingers gently tracing the
damp lips of her used kitty, the casual strokes against her swelling clit—or a
not well-hidden concern that we’d heard Joaquin begging her to fuck him. I
indulged their privacy. If JP wanted us to know, we’d already be aware of
this little game they played.
“Such a greedy little Poppet aren’t you?” I continued, running my
fingers along her seam all the way back to the cheeks of her ass. Over and
again I gently rubbed and caressed, never quite giving her enough to satisfy.
“All that alone time with your Papi. All those sighs and moans. He took real
good care of you, didn’t he?”
Clover chased my fingers, swishing her hips back and forth in an
attempt to stay my hand and allow her to rub against them.
“Yes, Daddy.”
She looked up at me with such a serious expression in those soulful
eyes. Her mouth hung open, precariously held in place by the lip scissored
between her teeth. With each circular pass of her hips, my fingertips slicked
more with her warm desire. It was at that very moment that my heart
squeezed. So precious. Clover was perfection. In tune with each of her
Daddies. Willingly giving herself to each of our specific tastes and desires,
and gluttonously feeding whatever we gave her in return. Despite having
just been filled by JP, she opened for me like a thirsty flower desperate to be
watered again.
“I can feel him.”
Or at least I imagined I could. Her insides were molten, slippery with
her desire and I assumed JP’s cum. Feeling it, knowing he had soldiers
marching toward her eggs, potentially being the first to lay claim and
fertilize her, dialed my inner caveman to a million. If he could fill her full of
soldiers, so could I. I imagined our armies waging war within her fallopian
tubes. I would be victorious. My flag would be the first planted.
“It’s not enough.” I tell Clover, pulling her toward my straining cock.
“You’re only three quarters full Princess. Odie is in the shower getting
ready to fill you up too. He heard you all the way in the gym.”
I watched her eyebrows raise, her eyes dilating until the green fully
disappeared. She rode my fingers with unabashed enthusiasm, pressing
them right against her engorged g-spot.
“He’ll be down here soon enough to fill you full. But until then
Princess, it’s Daddy’s turn.”
She didn’t wait for me to take my fingers out of her or tell her to get on
top of my cock. Instead, she crawled up my legs, eagerly forced my cock
deep inside of her, and started to ride me like I was a prize show pony
competing in the finals.
“Do you want your Daddy to put a baby in you princess?” I asked,
tweaking her nipples while she bucked against me. “Because there’s
nothing I want more than to have this belly round with my baby. I want to
suck on these, and nurse from you like our baby will.” I twisted and
pinched her nipples, nearly losing it when her inner muscles fiercely
clamped onto my cock. Obviously, Clover liked the thought of that too.
“All I know is your Daddy best be moving along with the baby juice
because I’m fixing to rip you right off his lap, wrap your hair around my
hand, and fuck you standing so your Daddy can see exactly how he should
be making that baby.”
Odin took his time coming down the stairs, wiping the water from his
hair and face as he did. He’d wrapped himself in a towel that was doing
very little to hide how hard and ready he was. With each step he took, I
could see his cock bouncing against the soft cotton that proved little
resistance to the length of steel beneath it.
It wouldn’t take much longer. I’d been fighting off coming even before
she’d impaled herself on my cock. I was in such desperate need to explode,
my lips had begun to tingle with the overload of sensation.
Odin stood in front of us, watching with hawkish interest the final
moments of our coupling. With a lazy flick he sent his towel floating to his
ankles, taking a long moment to drink in the scene that played out in front
of him, before taking himself in hand.
“Tell your Daddy to put a baby in you Clover.”
Odin used his Dom voice. The one that twisted Clover’s insides, but
also she was powerless to. Whatever he said while using that voice, she
obliged almost immediately.
Clover threw her head back, eyes closed and sighed. I felt a shiver run
from her shoulders all the way through her. When she opened her eyes to
look at me again, her eyes were jet black. Dilated with so much desire she
looked otherworldly. Possessed. Imbued with spirit of Aphrodite. Our own
flower, while she gyrated in my lap, soaking me with her desire, demanded
instead of requested.
“Give me a baby Daddy.” Her grinding morphed to bouncing. As if the
violent and rapid thrusts could cause me to come harder, and higher, and
more powerfully. “I know you can do it. I know you want to feel it.”
She took hold of my hands and wrapped them around her stomach as I’d
done to her last week. Her hands stayed on top of mine, both of us cradling
a would-be child that we were hopefully about to create. Demonstrating the
deep level of trust she had in me, she leaned far back, knowing I’d shift my
hands enough to brace her back as she leaned.
I imagined her shifted position opened her up to assist in getting my
seed up to her ovaries. That shift in position allowed me to feel how much
deeper I sank into her. Odin stepped behind her head, holding her in a
nearly prone position. His cock was millimeters from her face yet she
remained laser focused on me. On our coupling. Completing our goal.
“Who’s good girl are you?” I asked, caressing her clit, trying to hold
back until I felt that first squeeze of her orgasm.
“Yours,” she panted, “Always yours.”
With her own hand, she rested on top of mine, the pair of us working
her button together. Odin’s hand joined in, holding onto Clover’s fingers.
That joining is what took Clover over the edge. She bucked and howled
against the pair of hands that trapped her pearl. Her pussy sucked at me like
a blocked straw desperate to get the last few drops of a milkshake.
“Here it comes baby.” I pressed into her, holding myself as still as I
could while I shot pump after pump of cum deep inside of her. “You’re
going to feel so full after we’re done with you.”
“Princess, I hope you’re still riding high,”
Odin didn’t even bother lifting Clover from my lap. He simply pressed
her forward against my chest, allowed my flaccid cock to slip from inside
of her, and replaced it with his own. I could feel his balls along the top of
my softened cock. The knowledge that he and I rubbed against one another
so intimately in this setting felt completely different than the millions of
times we’d come in contact with one another over the years of sharing.
Maybe it was the image of JP getting railed with Clover telling him it
was Odin’s cock that had stirred these new thoughts. But feeling him
pressing into Clover, knowing it was the soft caress of his waxed testicles
tickling along the upper ridge of my cock—I felt blood pressing through my
own, thickening it once again.
“Do you know what?” I whispered in Clover’s ear, loud enough for both
of them to hear, “Your Odie wants to put a baby in you so badly that he isn’t
even paying attention to the fact that he’s rubbing his balls all over my
cock. It feels so good baby. It turns you on, doesn’t it? Knowing that your
Daddies’ cocks are rubbing against one another.”
The smooth glide of Odin pressing into Clover stopped suddenly.
“Fuck, Casey. I’m already on a motherfucking tightrope here and you
have to go and whisper that kind of shit in her ear? She’s so hot and wet,
overflowing with cum, she feels the best she ever has. Then you go and tell
her dirty shit so she’s gripping me like she wants to strangle me? You’re a
dirty motherfucker.”
Odin pushed into her again, thrusting with purpose.
“Clover, princess. I will make this up to you, I promise.”
His head tilted back. His hips thrust of their own volition. No sooner
had he uttered the words, he groaned out his completion, humping into her,
crushing me beneath her, as he forced her pussy to swallow every last drop
of what he had to give her.
. . .

It had been five days since Casey sent me that video of Clover pegging JP.
Five days that it played on never ending repeat. It wasn’t just her pegging
him that got me. Or that she pegged him with a black cock. It was that she
pegged him with a black cock she called Odie. Her baby girl name for me.
She pegged him, as a bottom acting like a top.
I still didn’t know if she nicknamed her cock Odie because it was a
black cock and she had made a joke to him at some point and it stuck, or if
he truly wanted me to fuck him. Five days and I hadn’t arrived any closer to
even a single answer. I desperately wanted to ask JP, but I wasn’t supposed
to know.
There’d been plenty of opportunities for him to tell me. Even after the
two of us filled Clover mere minutes after she finished with JP, he never
made mention of what they’d done upstairs. We’d all played together the
following day, taking Clover over every available surface of my kitchen,
living room, bathroom, bedroom, and her princess room. In all honesty after
Sunday’s marathon, my cock had been painfully sore for being so used. But
sore cock be damned, every time one of my lovers mentioned our collective
desire for a family, I was hard and raring to go once again—painful chafing
be damned.
Casey asked Clover to attend some work function with him. Our usual
Thursday poker night became JP and I watching baseball, while Clover and
her Daddy painted the town red. While we perused the various delivery
apps deciding on dinner, I thought I felt a strange vibration in the air but
chided myself for imagining something that didn’t exist just because I’d
seen a video of JP taking a cock named Odin.
Of course, I’d spent the better part of the week unpacking how I felt
about that. Truthfully, it was part of the logistics I’d told everyone we
needed to consider anyway. We couldn’t be a functioning foursome with a
solely linear relationship to just Clover. Was that actually a foursome then?
It seemed more Sister Wives in reverse. Like Clover was the polygamist
with the three of us, instead of a single man with three women.
I didn’t mind it. I could imagine us all existing in a house together, our
collective children running around, and the three of us men doing as we had
been for the last twenty years. But Clover was more than any woman we’d
shared in the past. And I loved JP and Casey.
“You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.”
JP touched my arm and I felt sparks explode through my blood stream
with such ferocity I yelped.
“Los Dios! What is wrong with you? You’ve been acting really fucking
It was now or never. Either I told him what I knew, or I forgot I’d ever
seen it. Eventually we’d settle back into our normal groove. Though
truthfully we’d never go back. Taking these steps with Clover meant we
were on a collision course with a future that closed off the gates to our past.
We were embarking on a new normal with new definitions of intimacy that
included sharing emotions and long hidden truths.
The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass JP. I loved him too much to
cut him with a shame-soaked dagger. Instead, I found an alternate tack.
“Do you remember when we played at the club the last time and you
and I both shared Clover’s pussy?”
We sat in front of the TV in T-shirts and athletic shorts. Thankfully the
shorts provided ample room for my quickly stiffening cock to grow. I
grabbed at, feeling it grow even harder beneath my own hand.
I watched JP’s Hershey kissed eyes track my own hand down, watching
with rapt attention.
“I can’t stop thinking about it,” I told him, pushing my hand beneath the
elastic of my shorts and feeling the spongy heat of my thickening rod. “It
was hot, wasn’t it?”
With panther like grace, I flipped onto my knees straddling JP. So far, he
hadn’t yet balked at what I’d done, and I hoped my luck would continue.
“I didn’t think we’d fit.”
When JP got turned on, his voice reminded me of asphalt being poured
in the middle of summer, searing hot and smattered with gravel. It was a
sound I listened for when we played together. Craved it even.
“Me neither,” I admitted, setting my cock free from the confines of my
Just being around any of my lovers guaranteed I was hard and ready
with just a single thought. I watched JP watch me as I worked my length,
taking my time caressing my tip. I fought the urge to lick my palm. That
kind of slick lubrication would feel too good against my skin. I’d like that
too much and wouldn’t be able to engage in the tease. There was
information I wanted from JP, and I needed to remain levelheaded if I
wanted to get it out of him.
“Do you remember when we both pushed in together?” I asked, “Your
cock pressing against my cock, Clover’s wet pussy acting as lube between
us? Every time you pushed in further, it was like the head of your dick
jerked me off.”
I wanted to lean into him. To rub the head of my cock along his cotton
covered shaft. To suss out whether he was as hard for me as I was for him.
He had to be. No, he was. I knew it with certainty. Maybe though, Clover
and JP’s play time meant nothing, and he didn’t actually want me like I
thought he did.
I held myself suspended over his lap, pressing against the outside of his
thighs, balanced over him, taking a slow, meandering route between my
root and my tip. For long moments JP looked only at my cock, licking his
lips as if it was the middle of summer and he’d walked miles without water.
I imagined his brain weighing out the pros and cons of moving forward.
Did he admit what he wanted and risk potentially changing the entire
dynamic of our relationship? Did he keep quiet and hope that he and Clover
could continue to silently feed whatever need he was too afraid to voice?
“I loved it,” I told him. “The feel of you sliding against me. Both of us
making love to our princess at the same time. Trying to impregnate her at
the same time. Feeling you pulse inside of her, coming along with me. I
loved it. Every moment.”
He lifted his hips off the sofa meeting my slow thrusts. While he hadn’t
yet spoken a word, the way he looked at me said so many things. His eyes,
molten chocolate and full of heat, watched my every move. His tongue, wet
and serpentine poked out from between his lips with each pictured I painted
with my tawdry words. I could see his nipples poking out from beneath his
Jayhawks T-shirt.
“I want to see you,” I asked him, running my cock along the
pronounced ridge beneath his shorts. “Take it out. I need you to show me
exactly how much you want it too.”
“Odin,” JP grunted, holding the elastic in place.
That one action held so much meaning.
“No?” I pursued. “I guess I was wrong then. I thought it turned you on
as much as it did me.”
The first needles of shame pressed against my psyche. I hadn’t been
imagining things. The video Casey sent so clearly showed JP’s interest in
me. Yet, for whatever reason, he chose to stay my hand instead of fall into
the safety net I’d wrapped him in.
Instead of retreat, I leaned forward and ground against him. I took my
cock in hand and pressed it flat against his ridge. I forced as much of it to
flatten against him as possible, even if his shorts separated us.
“Fuck, JP. This is heaven.” I mumbled close to his ear, gratuitously
humping against him.
My shorts fell further down my thighs collecting at my knees as I
pressed into his groin. I’d reach the point of no return. Bliss called to me
like the Pied Piper, bringing me out to sea where I’d lose all thought to the
siren call of sensation.
“Tell me you love this as much as I do, JP. That you dream about feeling
my cock against yours.”
While I ground against him, my hand dipped from his chest to his hip,
eventually my fingertips grazed along the top of his waistband, and to the
cock beneath it.
“Odin! Bro, what are you doing?”
If I wasn’t on top of him, pinning him to the sofa he more than likely
would have stood up and fled the room. Instead, he was imprisoned by my
thighs, and I easily outweighed him, and pressed tripled what he could in
the gym.
“I heard you and Clover,” I told him. “Heard what the two of you were
experimenting with in the bathroom.”
I had his shorts in my hand. I pushed them down beneath his cock. As I
expected, it was already moistened with precum. I’d expected him to voice
some kind of protest. To try to explain away what I might have heard. But
he was stone-faced. There wasn’t a glimmer of recognition as to what I was
referring to. The only expression he provided was a raised eyebrow in
challenge, as if testing to see if I’d pull out his cock. His eyes widened in
wonderment—like he wasn’t exactly sure what I’d do once he was set free
from the confines of his shorts.
“Is this what you want?” I asked, tracing a line along the veiny ridge on
the underside of his cock, with my own weeping tip. “For me to press
against you? To feel me, skin to skin?”
He widened his legs, taking hold of my hips like he wanted to help me
balance. I took it as a request to continue. To deepen that sensation. I
practically sat in his lap he and I were so close. Cock to cock, pelvis pressed
against pelvis. I could feel his wiry hairs tickling along my waxed skin. The
more I gyrated against him, the more I needed to feel us skin to skin
“Tell me,” I demanded.
I watched his tongue dart out from between his lips as if he were getting
ready to say something. Never had I felt so desperate for validation. Instead
of admitting what he wanted, his hands crested over the pointed peaks of
my hips, circling around to the globes of my ass. He held me, pressed
against his own groin as he flexed and rolled his hips, increasing the skin
real estate of our two cocks touching one another.
“Not good enough.”
The shake in my voice surprised me. While the three of us had always
in casual ways brushed against one another or felt the hard press of
another’s cock during the times that we shared, I’d never really thought
about it in terms of being sexually gratifying between the men. We were
always so laser focused on pleasing our woman, at least I was, that I’d
never considered whether or not I liked to be fondled, groped, or caressed
by other men. The notion suddenly seemed strange to me. That I’d never
questioned my sexuality until this very moment. Did I find men attractive?
Did I want to have sex with other men? Was it just an attraction to Joaquin
and Casey because we shared so much intimate history, both sexually, and
as long standing friends.
“Am I wrong, Joaquin?” I chanced taking hold of his cock. It flinched in
my hand, twitching with each pulse of blood Joaquin’s beating heart
delivered to it. My body liked it. The fire that licked at my insides, skittered
my pulse, and twisted throbbing heat in my groin, demanded I press on.
Push further. See just how far Joaquin was willing to be led.
Instead, I stood up completely. Every cell inside of me howled like a
werewolf kept from shifting at the full moon. Rabid desire tore through me.
It wanted to be closer to Joaquin not further away.
“Until you tell me what you want Joaquin, I’m not going to continue.”
I made a show of running my hand up and down from root all the way
to the purple and weeping head of my cock.
“I don’t want you to stop.”
He croaked out the words. His bloodshot eyes broadcast his inner
torment. I wanted to kiss away the deep v between his eyes. To soothe any
doubt he had that what we were doing was wrong, or shameful, or any
different from the moments we’d been sharing for the past twenty years.
“I don’t want to stop either,” I admitted, straddling him once again, and
taking both of our cocks in my hand. “I want us to go right now to Clover’s
house and beg Casey to let us fuck Clover exactly like this. Cock to cock,
stuffing our princess to her limits.”
JP’s arms snaked around my back, pulling me flush against his chest.
There was a moment where his lips grazed against mine, a brief flash of wet
heat and then it was gone. It easily could have been a suggestion of a kiss,
disguised as an accidental grazing—or it was an actual accident. I didn’t
want to exist in a gray area, but I didn’t want to push either.
“Fuck it,” I whispered, seconds before I took hold of the back of his
head and pressed my mouth to his.
My insides were tied to some kind of electric wire that jolted and
skittered sensation from the tip of my hair follicles down to my toes. His
lips slithered against mine, tickling along every nerve ending. He took over
the kiss, traversing across the expanse of my mouth with his tongue,
lighting explosions of desire with each pass.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Despite his protest, his hand joined mine in working our cocks together.
Having his abrasive palm join mine had my toes curling. Our hips gyrated
in counter measure, creating a friction that unfurled a string of expletives
from both of us.
“Ohh,” the word was strangled and drawn out, “I’m going to come. Is
that what you wanted from me, to bare myself entirely to you? Show you
how much this turns me on?”
“No matter what,” I told him, holding his face between my hands to
force him to look at me and see the sincerity in my eyes, “I love you.”
No sooner had the words spilled from my lips than JP spilled every last
ounce of cum he seemingly possessed in an explosive shower against my
own cock. Feeling him pulse against me, sensing the heat as it pooled in the
divot between my balls, I too came on a roar.
We lay, collapsed in a heap on my sofa while we tried to catch our
breath and return back to earth for wherever our orgasms sling shot us.
“I love you,” I told him again as soon as my lips felt like they would
cooperate. “No matter what—if this is a one-time thing or you want to keep
examining our foursome, my opinion of you won’t ever change. Whatever
you need. You have it.”
. . .

All that love making, and still my period came, right on time. I’d never
been regular in my younger years, but of course as soon as I went off
injectable contraceptives and actually wanted it to not show up, it was
punctual fucking Patty. My men bent over backward to try to console me
and assure me that pregnancies didn’t happen overnight.
I mean…technically they did.
As much as I wanted to smile and nod and agree that yes we’d keep
trying, and of course there was always next month, and yes now we had a
baseline of the perfect start day—I also didn’t want to spend months trying
while my biological clock shouted at me.
“All right Clover, I see you’re here today to talk about getting
Dr. Prather had been my gynecologist since I’d moved to New York. I
didn’t have any kind of deep connection to her, but we’d known one
another for about seven years.
“We’ve been trying to get pregnant for about three months,” I lied. I
knew it was the minimum amount of time to get me a prescription for
Clomid. “It’s been about a year since I stopped injectable birth control. For
a while we operated on an if it happens it happens mentality, and the last
three months we’ve actively tried with ovulation tracking and lots and lots
of sex.”
She scribbled into my chart, nodding as I explained my situation.
“I can write you a prescription for Clomid, and we can have you on that
for three months and then refer you to an infertility specialist. Given your
age, I’d say it’s not too surprising that it’s taking some time especially with
as many years as you were on hormonal contraceptives. Your body just
needs a little time to regulate.”
Papi could have probably written me a prescription for Clomid if I’d
asked him.
“I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from.” I’d hoped coming
in for a checkup would have made me feel better yet the more I talked the
worse I felt. “Being that it took me so long to find men who truly
understand me and love me and make me feel loved and adored—suddenly
the only thing I can think of is giving them each a baby that is part of me
and part of them because they’re such amazing men. I never thought I’d
reach a point where I wanted kids. Hell, I spent most of my thirties flat out
rejecting the notion I would ever get to a place where I even felt any form
of mothering instinct. And yet, now, being loved and fulfilled—that need to
be a mother had become an incessant song in my heart and a thrumming
beat in my blood stream.”
“I’m sorry…” She held up her hand as if physically stopping me from
speaking, “Men? More than one?”
While the tone of voice sounded very, I’m clarifying a point of fact her
face did little to hide the abject mortification that scrunched her mouth,
wrinkled her nose, and widened her eyes. Normally I am fairly laid back. It
takes a lot to ruffle my feathers. Maybe it was nerves, disappointment, or
just generally feeling on edge and panicky that maybe I wouldn’t be able to
give my Daddies the babies they wanted. But I wasn’t having it.
“I would think the number of men trying to impregnate me would help
my chances. I mean my eggs are probably marinating in a pool of healthy
I honestly hadn’t realized I’d made the slip. There were few who knew
that we existed in a foursome. However, the more immersed we became
exploring a truly fulfilling and intimate relationship, the more I found
myself talking openly about it. People’s ridiculous judgements be damned.
“Yes, you heard right. Men. Three to be exact. And I would think with
the amount of sex that we’ve been having, pregnancy for me seemed
absolute. Yet, it hasn’t been.”
The doctor sat in silence for a moment tapping her pen against her
mouth. I could tell by the thin line of her lips that I wouldn’t like whatever
sentence formed in her head.
“Perhaps you aren’t conceiving because you aren’t experiencing the
euphoria and the release of the bonding hormones after sex. There have
been papers linking a high level of oxytocin—the love hormone—to higher
chances of conception. Is it possible that because you are sharing yourself
between three lovers that your body doesn’t know who to bond with?”
I needed to get out of there. Bile rose in my throat and if I didn’t leave, I
feared I’d throw up all over her. Not that she wouldn’t deserve it. How dare
she. She didn’t know my life. Or how much or how little I “bonded” with
my partners.
“You know. The more this conversation evolves,” I said, incredibly
proud of myself for standing up for myself, “I’m realizing that I don’t
believe that this is the right doctor patient relationship for me, Dr. Prather. I
appreciate your services for the last seven years, but I’m going to search
elsewhere for healthcare needs.”
I stepped off the exam table and into my panties and redressed while she
sat and gaped at me.
“Clover, I don’t mean to offend you. But you come seeking counsel and
I am providing you with my opinion based on research. Maybe focus on
having a baby with just one of them? Perhaps you’d find it more successful.
I only want to help you achieve your goals.”
If she didn’t leave the room, I was going to burst into tears right in front
of her, and I flat out refused. When I was a kid, my mom could always tell
when I was about to cry. She’d tell me to tuck in my sissy baby lip. Dr.
Prather certainly wouldn’t bear witness to my sissy baby lip. I’d bit that
fucker off before giving her the satisfaction of knowing she’d upset me.
“Thank you, Dr. Prather. I can see myself out.”
She stood there for a moment, looking stunned. Her hand protruding
slightly from the clipboard as if she debated shaking my hand.
“Thank you, Dr. Prather. I’d like some privacy now.”
With a nod she left. I shook so bad it took three tries collect my things.
Once in my car, I called my Daddy as soon as the phone connected to the
blue tooth.
“Hiya Trouble!” Just hearing Casey’s voice soothed the erratic pulse of
my blood.
“Getting surprised phone calls in the middle of the day are my favorite.
Are you calling because my princess has tingles that need Daddy’s special
The last sentence was practically whispered. Usually hearing his voice
do that sexy rattling thing would turn me inside out, but his words barely
registered. Inside my panicked heart just kept repeating Daddy will make it
better. My words tumbled out in a mess of choppy sentences trying to
download everything that the doctor said but getting tangled in the fray of
my panic and upset.
“We aren’t bonded. That’s why we can’t get pregnant. She said there’s
too many of us and I shouldn’t be trying to get pregnant with three men
because bonding hormones and maybe Papi can write me a prescription for
Clomid because I told her I wouldn’t be a patient of hers anymore. It was
I tried to catch my breath and I couldn’t. Every time I tried a sob
escaped instead. I knew Casey was talking but his words didn’t make any
sense. Over and again, he spoke but every time I asked my brain to hold on
to his words to make sense of them, they disappeared like smoke.
“Are you at Columbus and ninety first? Clover!” he shouted at me. “Did
you see Dr. Prather today at Columbus and ninety first.”
The word was barely a whisper. I felt like I was breathing through a
straw underwater in a hurricane. Air refused to get into my lungs.
“Odin is five minutes away. Can you switch to video chat? I want to
make sure you’re okay baby.”
Casey talked about nothing. The color of the river rock he picked for a
building he was working on. About how slow the elevator ride was, and he
was sardined in with seemingly the whole office. That Janice their office
manager made the most amazing cupcakes for one of the other partners
birthdays and she said he could bring one home for me. It seemed like he
chatted for hours until my pulse finally slowed, and I could breathe again.
Seconds later, Odin tapped on my window nearly startling me out of my
skin. He’d run from our condo to my doctor’s appointment. Nearly twenty
city blocks.
“Odin’s here,” I told Casey as I unlocked the doors.
“Princess, how about you let me drive us home?” Odin asked, reaching
in, and unbuckling my seatbelt.
“I’m heading to the car now,” Casey announced to both of us. “I should
be home in thirty minutes.”
“Oh, Daddy, that’s not necessary,” I told him, mortified he was
interrupting his day.
“Of course, it is. You are rightfully upset, and I want to hear all about
what happened now that you’re feeling a bit better. Odin can take you home
so you can get the rest of the shakes out of your system, and when I get
home, we can all watch a movie and have some lunch.”

Casey made good on his promise. We all cuddled on the big couch and
watched British Baking Show while we ate grilled cheese sandwiches and
chicken noodle soup. Dr. Prather’s comments bothered me significantly, but
being book ended by two of my three daddies definitely made me feel
“JP will be home in a few minutes.” Casey glanced at his phone sitting
next to him on the end table. “He’s fired up. Talking about going to the state
medical board and filing a formal complaint.”
“When Papi comes home, we’re going to talk about what happened
okay?” Odin pressed.
Casey ran his fingers through my hair. It was his go-to move to soothe
me. It worked like a charm every time. His fingers against my scalp melted
me into butter without fail. Odin, not one to miss out on an opportunity to
bring me any kind of pleasure, took hold of my feet and swung me up so
that I lay prone between them, my head in Casey’s lap and my feet in his.
“I’m sorry you had such a bad day at the doctor,” Casey whispered as he
pressed his lips to my forehead. “I know that you really wanted a baby
inside you already, so you went in to that appointment already feeling on
“It’s only been a month, Princess,” Odin added. The soft rumble of his
lowest register was like valium through my blood stream. The pair working
in tandem had calmed me into a practical Zen state.
“I’m getting old,” I told them both. “And sometimes you can just feel in
your gut something is wrong.
“What’s wrong?” JP joined the conversation, setting his briefcase on
one of the armchairs next to the sofa.
“Poppet is afraid that something is wrong with her body because she
hasn’t gotten pregnant yet.” Casey continued to massage my scalp and run
his fingers through my hair. “Also, something happened with her
gynecologist. Whatever Dr. Prather said or did triggered Clover into a panic
attack. But I think she’s ready to talk about it now that we have some
distance from the appointment, right sweetheart?”
Thinking about her got me wound up and mad all over again. The nerve
of that woman. I realize that relationships with multiple partners is not
everyone’s cup of tea, but what happened to if you don’t have anything nice
to say don’t say it?
Daddy ran his hand down my neck, working the muscles at the base of
my skull, and I went boneless. Dr. Prather who? Angry because of what?
My lips loosened to the point they felt numb and uncontrollable.
“She doesn’t approve of our lifestyle,” I told them.
“But we don’t care what other people think, right, Princess?” Odin
pressed his thumb into the arches of my feet, releasing another heady dose
of endorphins into my blood stream.
“No.” I agreed, “I told her that I was going to find a new doctor.”
“We’re so proud of you for standing up for yourself, Principessa.” JP
crouched in front of me. I watched his eyes take inventory of my face. He
looked me in the eyes, his deep chocolate brown to my green, then I felt
that gaze float across my forehead, my cheekbones, my lips and back to my
eyes again. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss against my lips before
asking, “But if you stood up for yourself, why did she make you so sad?”
Joaquin was great at what he did. Even if technically, he was my lover
and not my therapist, the way he approached discussions provided such a
safe bubble for me to express whatever was in my head.
The question was so simple yet trying to explain seemed so
overwhelming. I could feel tears collecting behind my eyes, threatening to
make themselves known. My breath pushed against my lungs and ribcage,
feeling as if it was weighed with cut up glass.
Joaquin took my hands in his, taking slow moments to kiss each
fingertip before pressing them to his lips.
“It’s okay, Poppet. Take all the time you need.” Casey leaned over me in
his lap, so he and I looked at one another face to face, albeit upside down.
“She said that because I’m splitting myself between three men that my
body doesn’t know who to bond to. I’m not producing a high enough level
of oxytocin to help with conception.”
“Oh, Poppet.”
Casey guided me into a seated position so that all three of them could
look at me in the face. Each wore separate but distinct expressions of
concern. Even Papi, who as the doctor of the group always had something
scientific and sensible to say.
“You guys look like you think she’s right?” I tried to say it without any
emotion, but it came out shaky as my voice cracked.
“Not at all.” Odin spoke up first. “Not even in the slightest. I was
thinking what kind of jerk not only places judgement on a patient of hers
but also passes off that judgement as medical advice.”
“Except in his head he probably didn’t say jerk,” Casey joked, drawing
a smile from me.
“I’m surprised and disappointed in your Dr. Prather. What prompted the
discussion about having three partners? Not that I ever want you to feel
uncomfortable expressing your true self—I’m simply curious.”
“I kept using the terms ‘we’ and saying my ‘men.’ That caused her to
follow up and clarify and I told her I was in a relationship with three men.”
As much as I didn’t want to take her suggestion to heart, I couldn’t help
it. She’d found a way to insinuate into my psyche and had taken up
residence there. I didn’t know the ins and outs of getting pregnant. I did,
however, hear about a girl from my hometown who’d been doing IVF with
her husband for years. They’d spent all of their savings and were flat out
miserable that they decided to separate. And in the midst of a terrible fight
somehow, they found something that sparked between them again and
they’d had sex that night. Eight weeks later she came to him and told him
that she was pregnant. The whole town thought she’d gotten pregnant by
someone else. But when the baby was born, it was his. So, maybe emotions
did have something to do with it.
“You’re worrying at your lip like it’s going to give you an answer,
Poppet.” Casey pulled my lip from my teeth, running his hand along my
jaw, before pressing my temple against his mouth. “Talk to us. How can we
“I’m just worried,” I told him.
“Worried about what, specifically.” Joaquin sat crossed legged in front
of the sofa, facing me at eye level.
“I don’t want her to be right.”
“Oh, Principessa, do you think she’s right?”
All I could do was shrug. Honestly, I didn’t know if she was on to
something or not.
“Tell me this. When you were upset who did you call?” Joaquin asked.
“My Daddy.” I pointed to Casey who pulled me against his chest.
“Right, and why do you think you called your Daddy?”
“He always calms me down and can make me feel better.”
“That’s right; because he is your comfort. And why do you think your
Daddy called Odin to come make sure you were okay?”
“Because he can outrun you?” I tried to crack a joke, but no one
apparently was in the joking mood.
“Best watch it, Princess. It’s been a while since you’ve gotten a
spanking and my hand feels a little out of practice.” Odin caressed his palm
along my calf before giving me a gentle thwap against the meat of my
“Try again,” Joaquin said.
“Because he protects me.”
“That’s right. All of your Daddies will always look out for your best
interest, but the big bad military man with his mean muscles will always
make sure you never face anything alone. He keeps you safe. Now, why do
you think your Daddies waited for me to come home before talking about
your doctor’s appointment?”
“Because I can talk to you the easiest.”
“That’s right, sweetheart. And why is it that you can talk to me the
“Because you help me organize my emotions, so it doesn’t feel
“You’re such a good girl.” Joaquin pressed his lips to my forehead
before continuing. “And why does your brain get overwhelmed
“Because I grew up in an upside-down childhood where everyone
depended on me, and I didn’t have anyone to depend on. So, I get
overwhelmed when I want to depend on someone but am afraid of being let
“Now do you think that if you weren’t bonded to your three Daddies,
you would be able to carefully place that dependence and trust into our
Joaquin was always the path out of the woods. I shook my head, unable
to form words. He had me in awe. He always managed to carefully pull
apart the bramble of my emotions.
“No, Papi,” I answered.
“And why is that?”
“Because of trust.”
While I did trust all three of them implicitly, there was something
deeper that nagged at me.
“Maybe it’s not me who needs to bond with you, but you who needs to
bond all of us together.”
Each of them had such distinct looks of confusion. Joaquin was always
assessing, forever the psychiatrist. He always held his emotions very close
to the chest. Odin didn’t have patience for his own misunderstanding, so he
always looked like he was ready to chew someone out, and Casey managed
to look affable and confused.
“I’m not tracking, Princess.” Odin tipped my chin up so he could look
me square in the eyes.
“We’re a unit, right? All four of us. Right now, though. It’s me and you.
Me and Casey. Me and Joaquin.”
“But we also play together.” Casey shook his head as if nothing I said
made sense.
“Yes, we play together. But when we play, the focus is on me, not on all
four of us.”
“I’m still not understanding,” Joaquin added. “How should we be?”
“You are all feeling unfulfilled in different ways. But none of you are
talking about it except with me. Daddy wants to feel a connection. Odin
wants to be reassured, and you Papi…”
I pointed at him but stopped myself. I couldn’t do it. It wasn’t my place
to out him. Fuck. My stupid mouth had truly backed me into a corner, and I
hadn’t even intended it to.
“What?” Joaquin pressed. “What about Papi?”
His words held no malice. He didn’t even look upset. Maybe he didn’t
realize what I’d almost just done.
“Princess.” Odin ran his hand down the back of my cheek so I would
turn to look at him. “Do you want to know what Papi and I did?”
I looked between them. They seemed to be having some kind of
unspoken conversation. I looked to Casey, and he had no idea what either of
them were talking about either given his furrowed eyebrows.
Papi sighed loud and long. “Perhaps it would be best if we showed
. . .

I hadn’t forgotten the feel of Odin’s hands on me. Or the way we humped
wildly against one another, until we exploded. It was burned into my
retinas. Implanted so deep in my psyche that it would remain there forever.
I wouldn’t ever forget. Not that I wanted to. Just the image of it got me hard
every time I so much as breezed across the memory. I wanted more. Despite
our promise not to jerk off and keep all of our “juice” for Clover, I’d jerked
off multiple times to images of Odin. I’d taken a bite of that apple, and
damn if I didn’t want to gorge myself on it now.
Odin pushed himself off the sofa, shucked off his shorts, and stood in
front of me naked from the waist down.
“Princess,” he called to Clover. “Are you paying attention?”
He palmed his balls, biting his lip as he took himself in hand. With a
self-assured smirk, he pulled himself from root to tip.
“Like what you see?” he asked me.
His confident taunting skittered my pulse, tingling my cock to full
“Why don’t you tell your Principessa what we did last week, Papi.”
Odin spoke six languages as a result of being in the military. His
Spanish would rival that of a native. Hearing Clover’s pet name in such a
dominant voice with the proper inflection had my asshole tightening with
the quiet and as yet unspoken need for him to fill me. There. In the place
only Clover had breached.
Our exploration of my antechamber of fantasies had happened both
accidentally and organically. One night while sucking my cock she pushed
into my asshole without warning, and I’d shot off so unexpectedly she took
a lungful of my ejaculate. After laughing it off and cleaning up, we spent
the night talking, and she spent the evening “playing with Papi’s wrinkle.”
Eventually a finger turned into a vibrating bullet, then an actual dildo. At
some point our very observant little girl pulled out a strap on and named her
fake cock Odin. She said she noticed how I reacted to his touch.
“There is a term known as frotting, mi flor. It’s when two men rub their
penises against one another to achieve orgasm.”
“Dr. Perales, perhaps in real people terms,” Casey pressed, pulling
Clover into his lap, and pushing down her pajama pants.
“Yeah, Papi. You would tell me that I was hiding behind a mask. Don’t
hide, Papi. We want to see you.”
“Why don’t you tell her how I took hold of your cock, just like this.”
Odin took a step closer, running his fingers slowly down the buttons of
my shirt before shoving my pants down to my knees. He tickled his fingers
through my pubic hair. It was pure torture. His fingers on me were absolute
heaven, but the frustration of them being nowhere near low enough pulled
at my balls.
“It’s not nice torturing him like that Odie. He looks like he’s going to
growl at you.”
I was close. I wanted to take hold of his wrist and force it further down.
I wanted to show him all of the places I wanted to feel his curious
“Do you like it when I go right for your little button, Princess, or is it
better when you have to wait for my fingers and anticipate when they’ll get
to where you need them.”
Clover yelped. I couldn’t see them clearly around Odin and the ocean of
his eyes, and the heat of his hands, but I assumed her Daddy was tending to
her needs. Against my leg I felt the first suggestion of his meaty appendage,
growing just past the end of my thigh.
“Should we go to the couch so our baby girl can get the show she’s been
waiting for?” Odin asked, scissoring his fingers around the root of my cock
and twisting.
He hadn’t yet taken hold, and it was taking every ounce of self-control
not to beg him. I could smell the amber of the aftershave he wore,
practically taste the peppermint of the gum he liked to chew. My fingers
itched to pull him in close and surround myself with feelings and sensations
that were quintessentially Odin. But I didn’t. Instead, I nodded and allowed
him to lead me to the sofa and push against my shoulders so that I fell
backward onto the sofa directly next to where Casey had Clover spread
wide open revealing all of her pink parts and his fingers were teasing and
fucking her.
“Are you watching, Princess?” Odin asked as he placed his knees on
either side of my thighs. “Look at your Papi and me. Watch how good we
make each other feel. This is what you wanted to see, right?”
Odin held his cock in his hand, directing his tip to the underside of my
cock. He took a slow journey with his overproduced mushroomed head and
drew patterns along the sensitive veins that protruded beneath the skin of
my shaft. A bead of cum spat from my hole like Old Faithful, rocketing into
the air and landing on Odin’s thigh with a wet plop. With his thumb he
collected it and pressed against Clover’s lips.
“Papi wanted me to give this to you. So, you know how much he loves
what I’m doing to him.”
Clover took hold of Odin’s hand, spending long minutes I assumed
caressing her sweet little tongue around his thumb.
“Minx,” Odin said with no heat. “Acting like a little troublemaker right
in front of your Daddy.”
“If I didn’t want her to miss the show, I’d take her over my knee,”
Casey admitted.
Instead, they repositioned themselves so that they were closer to us on
the sofa. Clover rode her Daddy’s cock reverse cowgirl, so she could still
have a front seat to all of the action. Casey had worked her top open, the
beautiful teardrop breasts shaking with each thrust. Casey twisted and
pinched her nipples as she rode, sighing and begging him for more.
“See, Princess,” Odin directed his focus to her once more, “do you think
that if we weren’t so deeply connected, we’d know exactly what you need
and when? Do you think that if we didn’t have a special relationship that
Casey and I wouldn’t have discovered how since you’ve come into our
lives, all of our walls to our most secret desires can live in the sunlight
without shame? You’re our glue princess. Because of you, all three of us are
free to be exactly who we need or want to be.”
While Odin distracted himself blathering on to Clover, I took hold of his
meaty cock and pressed it against mine. Relishing in the heady feeling of
my hand being overfilled with both of us. Each upward pull smashed Odin’s
against mine, spitting pre-cum all over my own tip like he was drizzling
frosting on a cupcake. There was so much more I wanted with Odin. The
tawdry images of my jerk reel exploded behind my eyes, showing me all of
the filthy ways I wanted to explore Odin’s body.
“Daddy.” Clover gasped. “I can’t stop it.”
She rode Casey’s cock like a pogo stick, thrusting furiously up and
down. He grasped her just under her breasts, trying to control the speed at
which she impaled herself. The two were lost in the haze of their own lust.
Neither of them even paid us any mind. Both their focus and their shouts of
ecstasy were directed toward the ceiling.
“You want more. I know you do,” Odin teased, pressing against me
chest to chest as he ground against my cock.
I felt out of my own body. Watching from above as Odin made a show
of tracing my abdomen, hip, and thigh with his hand, before pulling up off
my chest and burying his hand between my legs. I knew exactly where he
was headed. I couldn’t speak. I made no comment in the affirmative or the
negative. Though, I did spread my legs wider and lift my hips from the sofa.
He assumedly took that as my begging for exactly what he gave me. His
tongue caressed my nipple, the underside of my pectoral muscle, and back
up again.
I held his hand in place, pressing his palm against my cock and balls
and rode his finger gratuitously.
“You like that don’t you?” he asked, jiggling his hand. “You want my
cock down here, don’t you, Papi.”
Fuck. When he said it, it felt so different than when Clover did. And I
did want his cock. I wanted him to bend me over in the shower, force me
face down on his bed, to lift up both of my legs and take me slowly and
lovingly. I wanted it all.
“Poppet is one quarter full,” Casey announced. “It’s time for her other
Daddies to drop off their deposits.”
“We’ll put a placeholder in this,” Odin leaned in and whispered in my
ear, running his lips along my jaw as he pulled back.
“Come and sit on my cock, Princess.”
Clover took position on Odin. As soon as they were situated, I found the
lube hidden in a little trinket box behind the sofa. I generously coated my
cock to make sure we’d be good and slippery.
“You’re not allowed in my starfish, Papi.” Clover looked over her
shoulder at me. “Baby juice stays in my cunny you know the rules.”
Odin smacked her ass hard enough to make her yelp. “And you don’t
take that tone young lady. And for your information he’s making his deposit
exactly where I am. Both of us are going to enjoy the feel of Papi’s cock.”
We’d done it once before, but she’d been flying by that point so more
than likely the details of our double penetration in one door were probably a
bit fuzzy.
What a picture my lovers made. Casey lay with his head cradled by his
hand, his cock moderately stiffened in appreciation of the scene playing out
in front of him. Odin sat directly to his right, with Clover spread wide open,
her legs resting against his knees as he fucked up into her.
“We aren’t going to stop until we give you that baby, Clover,” Odin
promised. “You know why?”
Clover’s arms snaked behind her and around Odin’s neck, using it for
leverage as she pulled and pushed against Odin’s cock.
“Because we love you sweetheart. We’d do absolutely anything to make
you happy. And we won’t stop until you get everything you ever dreamed
Her back arched, tits pointing to the sky as Odin rode her through a fat,
wet orgasm and her cum was rolling down Odin’s groin and coating his
“She’s ready.” He nodded at me.
It looked like I didn’t need all of the lube after all.
“Fuck. JP.” Odin’s head lolled back and forth against the pillows as my
cock pressed against his upon entry.
“Mmm, Daddies.” Clover gasped, trying to shimmy her hips around the
girth of two where there was usually one. “It’s so much,” she whined, trying
to move and shift.
“Hold still, baby.” Odin held her hips as I pressed in the last few inches.
“Give him a minute to find a path in.”
Once seated all three of us groaned in tandem. The feeling was
otherworldly. The wet warmth of Clover’s pussy. The steel shaft that flexed
and jumped beneath me. Knowing it was my lovers that surrounded me.
“Okay, Principessa you move how it makes you feel good.”
We both circled her hips with our hands. As she shimmied and found
her rhythm, I reached around and tickled her magic button as she keened
and sighed. Odin leaned forward, his hands taking a long journey around
Clover’s back, knocking against my hip bone, before encircling my own
hips. Forgetting Clover was supposed to be driving, I fucked into her
gratuitously for three strong pumps, unable to control my wild urge to fuck,
knowing exactly what Odin’s intention was.
He traveled down to where our cocks stretched Clover’s greedy little
hole, collecting as much moisture on his fingertips as he could. One minute
I felt his hands alongside my cock and the next, he pressed them deep into
my asshole. His fingers inside me felt like heaven but did little to slake the
fire that burned for him and the things I wanted him to do to me.
“Are you my best girl, Princess?” he asked Clover, leaning as far as he
could to get to her ear.
She only nodded. Her glassy eyes and dilated pupils told me she was
out of her mind with pleasure. If we were able to get her to come again it
would definitely be the kind that blew out her synapses and made her pass
“You should really pay attention.” He tisked in her ear. “You’re not the
only one that gets to play with Papi’s wrinkle.”
She moaned in response, her walls clamping down so tight on the pair
of us, I wondered if we’d be permanently cemented inside of her.
“I’m going to fuck him, Princess. Not right now. But one day, I’ll bend
him over your princess bed while you watch. Maybe once you have a baby
in you, I’ll bend him over and have him kiss your pink parts and tell us if
they taste different. He doesn’t think they will. I’ve heard your little cunny
will taste so sweet when you’re cooking a baby. Until then, my fingers will
have to do. And he likes them so much, Princess. He’s fucking my hand like
a little whore.”
The picture that Odin painted, combined with the indescribable bliss I
felt as Odin caressed my prostate had me biting my tongue to keep my
orgasm in check.
“I’ve got four pumps tops before I blow.” I could barely get the words
“Do you have another one in you, Princess?” Odin asked, sucking on
Clover’s nipples. “Papi why don’t you play with her button. We’ll all go
over together.”
Instead of that I yanked Odin towards me, fusing my mouth with his.
Out of shock, I think, he tried to pull back for a second before pressing
against my lips with the ferocity of a caged animal that just tasted freedom.
His teeth abraded my tongue. His fingers surely left bruises on the back of
my head. But that heated kiss was all the stimulation Clover needed for her
pussy to clamp down on the two of us and rip an orgasm so gigantic out of
the three of us, that no one held on to consciousness.
. . .

Something shifted. I felt it. Odin, usually not one for flowery words or
effusive descriptions, had been so spot on when he’d said that because we
could express our truest selves in our basest nature, we were deeply
connected. Watching my two best friends exchange a block buster movie
level expression of passion had me desperate to re-integrate myself in. To
be as deeply connected to them as they were to each other and Clover. I
wanted all of us to be more. I wanted to call these two amazing men my
husbands. To have them on my arms at parties just as I did Clover.
“Is there anyone you know in the research community who might know
a kink friendly doctor?”
Joaquin was a research psychiatrist whose focus was on the presence of
kink in relationships. He was world renown. People paid him big cheddar to
come and speak at their conferences.
“I can ask around for sure. I think you are definitely on to something
with that.” JP pulled his laptop out of his bag and turned it on. “We
definitely are not the norm. Rather than put Clover through the emotional
distress of trying to find someone who is understanding of our dynamic, we
should probably just cut through the BS and find one for her.”
She slept soundly between us on the couch. Other than clean up and
reassembling our clothing we hadn’t moved very far from where our little
escapade ended. Odin had barely moved. He still remained in the same spot
where he’d come, his forearm draped across his face. Given his general
silence I could only assume he was still reassembling after getting blown
apart by that orgasm. Playing voyeur had been the hottest thing I’d
witnessed since watching Clover peg Joaquin. It took them quite a while to
resurface from their post orgasm bliss. Clover refused to be roused,
choosing instead to be carried off to dreamland. Odin would carry her up to
bed once we were ready to go upstairs.
“I think the issue goes deeper than that.” Odin mumbled beneath his
arm. “It’s not just a judgmental doctor. We’ve been talking about whether or
not Manhattan is the place for us to raise our kids. Casey keeps talking
about big suburban houses with huge backyards and tons of property.
Clover is picturing a giant cabin surrounded by nature. Maybe we need to
look into areas where people like us can live without shame.”
“That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?” JP looked up from his computer,
pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“Is it?” Odin challenged. “Imagine we have three kids. One each. What
happens when we walk up to P.S. 166 and take them to their first day of
school. Do we all split apart, Casey and Clover take their daughter to class,
then Clover comes back and collects JP, and they take their son to class, and
then she comes back again and takes our son to class? What happens when
their teachers, their classmates, and everyone else start to find out that they
have three daddies and one mommy? Do you think all of the teachers will
be accepting? Or what happens if one of the kids wants to have a sleep over
and little Tommy’s parents are like absolutely not you can’t be friends with
JP3 because his parents are perverts.”
I could picture that daughter. With curly red ringlets and bright green
eyes just like her mom. Or maybe blue eyes like me. Red hair and blue
eyes, she’d be the most beautiful girl ever created.
“Of all the places in the country, I think New York is probably the most
accepting of alternative culture, don’t you think?” I asked.
I’m certain we’d be better received here than in our little apple pie town
in Kansas. I mourned the loss of our children’s access to grandparents.
From what Clover described of her home life, it didn’t seem like her mom
would be a very reliable grandma. And the three of us were zero for three in
any kind of enthusiasm or acceptance of our lifestyle. Maybe that would
change with babies. I could only hope. At least the babies would have my
brother Gideon as an uncle. Foster brother, technically, but as close as any
blood brother would have been.
He presently was exploring a polyamorous relationship of his own, so
who knew? Maybe my parents would be forced to accept it given both of
their sons were in the same kind of relationship.
“I just think we need to figure out where our community is.” Odin
continued, “Certainly between our contacts at the club, your brother’s
contacts at Club Sin in Chicago, Clover’s friend Sasha and her husband, and
JP’s connections to the kink community in general, we’re bound to find a
place where people like us can live normal lives free of judgement.”
That was a tall order. However, my house wasn’t designed to be in
Manhattan. It wasn’t even designed with New York in mind—unless it was
somewhere expansive like Syracuse or Buffalo, even Albany or Rochester.
Somewhere that you could still get a nice piece of property.
“We’re not going to solve all of this tonight.” I slapped my thighs and
pushed myself out of the sofa. “JP can put some feelers out. We’ll figure out
our game plan from there.”

I don’t think technically it was my night to sleep with Clover, but that’s how
we ended up regardless. Perhaps JP and Odin snuck off somewhere and
further explored their attraction to one another.
“Good morning, Daddy.”
Clover whispered across the quiet of early dawn. It wasn’t even seven
o’clock. Mussed hair, pinked cheeks, and delectably soft, warm skin I could
get lost in. There was nothing I loved more than waking up next to her. To
holding her. Burying my nose in her neck and getting lost in the scent of
her. In the big house—what I called my plans for our forever home—I’d
made sure to create a master bedroom big enough to house a double king
bed so that we could all sleep together and share in the magic of sunrise.
“Did you sleep well?”
She shook her head, burying her face into my chest.
“I couldn’t turn my brain off,” she explained. “So I woke up a lot
throughout the night.”
“Do you want to tell me what was running through that pretty head of
yours?” I brushed the coppery curls from her face so that I could look
directly into her eyes.
“I think that I’m not pregnant because my body doesn’t want to choose.
Just like I don’t want to have to pick one of you over the others or marry
one of you at the expense of the other two or carry one of your names and
not the others. I don’t want to just have one of your babies.”
I felt my heart expand and contract. Every day she did something that
made me say I’d never loved a woman more or deeper—and then that love
just expanded again.
“You make me so proud to be your lover Poppet.” I cradled her against
my chest, relishing the warm closeness. “But, help me understand how it
could happen any other way than one at a time? Once you’re pregnant your
body tends to stop releasing eggs for the duration of your pregnancy except
in those weird one-offs.”
“I want to see a specialist. One who is either part of the kink community
themselves, or someone who would understand our situation and wants to
help us equalize it.”
Sure, we’d had a similar conversation last night. But only similar by a
small margin. I was proud of her though for working through her upset and
figuring out a solution.
“And what about the one baby at a time thing?” I asked. “How would
any of us have any control over your body not choosing?”
“I want to talk to an IVF doctor about implanting fertilized eggs from
each of you at the same time.”
I felt my eyebrows raise nearly to my hairline. It was definitely an idea.
Actually, it was a great idea.
“Poppet, carrying three babies would be really hard on your body.”
“I’d rather that than any alternative.”
“What happens if despite the best efforts let’s say only one egg takes
root. Or three do but they are only two of our babies and one is left out?”
“I say we cross that bridge when we come to it. But I know you all
would love any baby we made together regardless of who the biological
father was. What if I get pregnant once and the doctor says I can’t have any
more babies because of my age? Or I can’t get pregnant at all. There are so
many ifs. I think meeting with a specialist who understands our needs as a
poly relationship and can help us through a fertility journey is the best bet
we have for success.”
Her eyes flashed with determination; her mouth set in a very serious,
expressionless line. As if she expected me to challenge her or call her crazy.
If it made her happy, and brought her a modicum of hope and joy, I’d fully
support anything she wanted to pursue.
. . .

Thanks to Joaquin’s expansive contacts in the kink community, we found

Dr. Boris Constantin out of Chicago. Thankfully, we had lots of friends and
family in Chicago we would be able to connect with when it was time for
embryo transfers.
“This is one swanky assed office.” Odin whistled while looking out over
the city skyline in the Chicago Loop high rise.
“Fertility doctors are some of the highest paid doctors in the country,”
Joaquin told him barely looking up from his magazine. “It’s no wonder he
can afford offices in the ritzy part of town.”
I’d had all of my preliminary testing done at a local ob-gyn that Dr.
Constantin had referred me to. He’d told me that all of my tests looked
fantastic, and I still had a healthy amount of ovarian reserve. He didn’t
foresee any issues with successful implantation. The men had been asked to
turn in sperm samples as well, just as a precaution. Odin had been
peacocking around the house for two weeks that he had the highest sperm
count of the three of them. Despite Casey complaining that the cold he had
more than likely is what affected his normal but not above average count.
From what Joaquin had told us, Dr. Constantin was a Daddy as well.
While he was in a monogamous DD/lg dynamic, he worked with plenty of
couples just like us and assured me and JP and Casey that he would be very
open and accepting of us and our desires.
“Everything looks really good, Clover.” Dr. Constantin walked in with
my file in his hands. “All signs point toward a great probability of success.”
Of course he couldn’t give any guarantees. I’d take probability of that’s
all he could give me, but I’d feel so much better if he could say “absolutely
I can get you pregnant.”
“Now I wouldn’t be doing my diligence as a doctor if I didn’t tell you
that carrying three babies to term is an enormous strain on your body. More
than likely given your high risk you’ll be on bedrest for most of your
pregnancy. I’d say that once you are successfully pregnant with your babies
and we refer you back to an OB-GYN, they’ll put a plan in place for
elective C-Section probably around thirty-three weeks which is just at the
eight-month mark. Given your age, many doctors would be telling you to
have a selective reduction plan in place in the event you ended up with
multiples. We’re going into this intending to give you multiples—it’s not a
case that many fertility doctors would take. But I completely understand
where you are coming from and the motivation behind it. There are
significant risks both to the babies and to you.”
All three men paled. Casey looked at me as if to ask if I really wanted to
go through with it. Odin quietly pushed his fist into the open palm of his
other hand, as if he could grind away his anxiety. And JP sat in stoic
silence, though I could see from the rapid movement of his eyes that his big
brain was processing everything the doctor said.
“I’m sending you home with injectable Follistim. It’s a good thing you
work from home, you won’t have to carry around your injectables in a
lunch cooler like so many ladies do to keep on top of your injections. The
side effects as you know are a very high sex drive. Though, I’m sure your
Daddies won’t mind.”
At least that got a laugh from everyone.
“You’ll go and be monitored for follicle growth at your clinic in New
York until we’re ready for retrieval. Then you’ll come back here to
Chicago, and we’ll do the retrieval, fertilization, and implantation here.
You’ll stay a few days past implantation and then we wait for two weeks to
see if they take.”
Maybe the three of them didn’t realize what a complicated process
being pregnant was. But watching the reality of the situation appear on their
faces filled me with trepidation. They looked like they were ready to pull
the plug and head home.
We wrapped up with the doctor, collected the prescriptions and
ultrasound schedules and headed out for lunch.
“Maybe we should hire three surrogates to carry our fertilized
embryos,” Odin suggested as soon as we settled into our rental car. “That
way our Princess stays safe, we don’t have to worry about her possibly
having any one of the things they list on here, like bleeding out from a
placental ablation, and then someone else can be pregnant and
uncomfortable and I don’t have to worry about losing you.”
I sat in the backseat with Odin while Casey drove and JP navigated.
“I think I agree with Odin on this one,” Casey chimed in. “This seems
really unsafe.”
“People have babies all the time.” I tried to control my eye roll.
“I assure you. She will be perfectly safe. She’ll have me monitoring her
twenty-four seven, and I’m considering hiring a nurse so she can be
constantly monitored for even the slightest hint that something is amiss,
she’ll be able to take care of it immediately.”
“You guys are forgetting one important thing,” I smiled, looking out the
window, “I’m not even pregnant yet.”

Dr. Constantin had not lied when he said I’d be like a cat in heat. By the
second day of my treatments all I wanted to do was rub against anything
and everything that would give me some relief.
Daddy had to go into work to discuss a big project he was working on,
so I didn’t have him to take care of me when I woke up. We’d agreed we
would all make Odin’s house our unofficial group home until we figured
out our plans. Thankfully I normally lived just downstairs so anything I
needed was only an elevator ride away. It was JP and Casey whose lives
were turned topsy turvy.
I went hunting for JP and Odin and didn’t have to look far. As Daddy
had said weeks prior, the air vents in old buildings leave little to the
imagination. The sounds of running water and muffled moans drew me to
Odin’s oversized shower in his master bedroom. Odin’s bathroom was
heaven. All the bathrooms in his house were, but his waterfall shower was
what dreams were made of. Three spouts recessed into the ceiling rained
one to up to three occupants, where they could either stand beneath them, or
sit on one of two stone benches and be kissed by the water.
At the moment my two lovers were doing just that, while slowly jerking
one another off. They were so absorbed in their tasks that they didn’t even
hear me disrobe and enter their space. My pussy throbbed in time with each
of their strokes against the other’s cock. I pressed myself against their sides,
forcing my tongue between their lips, holding their mouths in place so we
could share a kiss between the three of us.
“Princess,” Odin drawled with a lazy tongue. His eyes were half
shuttered, practically drunk on the haze of sexual desire. “Did I give you
permission to come in here?”
“Since when do I need permission, Sir?” I asked, turning my back on
him and pressing myself against JP’s back, snaking my hands around his
stomach to his cock.
“Just because you’re swelling with eggs to hold our babies, don’t think I
won’t redden those cheeks of yours.”
It had been forever since I’d felt the sting of Odin’s palm. They’d been
treating me with kid gloves. Getting bent over his knee sounded like
“If you want to spank me,” I taunted, turning to the bench behind me,
bending over, and spreading my feet so he could see all of my greedy holes.
“I’m right here.” I looked over my shoulder at the two of them, hoping I
gave them my sauciest and most taunting stare.
The crack of his palm against the meat of my cheek bounced off all the
stone. Heaven. It felt like heaven when that heat rose just beneath the skin.
“How many do you think she needs, Papi? Five?”
“It’s certainly been a while since we’ve kept a running tally,” JP replied.
“Maybe ten. I think that’s a nice round number.”
“Do you think her little bum can handle ten?” Odin asked with mock
concern. “She’ll be as red as a stoplight.”
“What if we switch off. Since we have different styles of spankings, it
will be like she’s only getting five from each of us.”
As if they’d already agreed, JP’s hand cracked down on my other cheek,
landing with a bite that spread heat all the way down my thigh. The two of
them rotated between cheeks and turns, raining down their punishments to
me, stopping every so often to tease my holes.
“Principessa, you are the best girl.” Papi folded himself over me to kiss
my cheek. I could feel his hard cock pressed between my thighs, pushing
against my clit. I spread my legs wider to give him better access, and the
moment I did he pushed in, shooting delicious relief through my whole
blood stream.
“I think our poor Princess has an achy cunny from all that medicine,
what do you think, Papi?
Odin took a seat on the tile, positioning himself beneath JP and me. He
pressed my hips up enough to accommodate his head beneath me and began
to go to town lapping at my clit and fingering me in tandem with JP’s cock.
Given the moaning from JP, I was certain Odin played with his cock and
tickled his balls and asshole while eating me.
“You don’t taste any differently yet,” he told me. “Still just as sweet as
you always were.”
I couldn’t reply. Between JP rolling his hips to get his cockhead to kiss
my g-spot and Odin sucking my clit like it was a milk producing nipple, I
was ready to fall backward into my orgasm.
JP came on a roar, pumping into me with furious determination. Odin
took a seat on the bench and pulled me toward him, pressing his cock into
the place JP just finished bathing with his cum.
“Tell me, Princess,” he implored, biting my nipples as he pressed so
hard into my pussy I thought he’d push into my cervix. “Tell me what you
want me to give you.”
“Give me a baby.” I panted, “Please Odie, I want your baby.”
He gave me exactly what I asked for, coming and pumping into me for
long minutes.

Casey didn’t come home until really late. Like Odie and Papi already fed
me, bathed me, gave me my fertility shots, and licked me in tandem through
a “lullaby orgasm” which they said would put me to sleep. No dice. I tossed
and turned unable to find the place where sleep caught me.
“Poppet, you’re still awake? I thought for sure you’d be asleep.”
Casey crept into the bedroom, not bothering with any before bed
preparations. He simply shucked off all of his clothes and crawled into bed
behind me.
“I couldn’t sleep.” I told him. “I can’t get my mind to turn off.”
He opened his arm so I could snuggle against his chest cradling me once
I’d settled.
“How come you’re so late?” I asked, finally feeling a sense of calm start
to whisper in my ear.
“I’m working on some zoning issues. I have a project I need to get
approved in the next few weeks. The zoning commission doesn’t
understand my vision or why I need a plot of land zoned for so many
different things. I thought every state at this point had mixed use space that
was co-zoned for residential, retail, office, and commercial. But apparently
not. And trying to explain it to a bunch of onery old cowboys is becoming a
herculean task.”
“Do you know any mobsters?” I joke through a yawn. “Maybe they can
grease some skins.”
“How does a sweet little angel like you know about greasing skins?”
I shrug.
“Probably mobster movies.”
Casey kissed my head, chuckling into my hair.
“Why can’t you sleep?” he asked.
“What do you think will happen to us when the babies are born.”
“In what regard?”
“Like, me and you. Our Daddy time. Won’t it be weird to be my Daddy
when you’re actually a daddy? When we have three little ones running
around crying for their daddies…but also I want my Daddy?”
“Oh, Poppet.” He lifted my chin, even though the room was practically
pitch black, I could feel his eyes on me. “I will always be your Daddy. Even
if your name for me changes, my role will never change. I will always care
for you. I will always put you first. You will always have that same safety
that you always have in my arms. I’ll catch you whenever you want to
jump. You will always find the freedom to explore, and play, and figure out
what turns you on and brings you sexual satisfaction with me. So if you call
me something other than Daddy because the two become conflated, we’ll
find a new word that means the same thing. The man who will care for you
and cherish you and always, always, find and explore every curiosity
without shame. Because you are my baby girl.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
His kisses were the softest of the three men. They were comfort and
security, wrapped together with heat and desire. I hadn’t ever expected to
love as deeply as I did. In all my twenties, skipping from man to man,
worried I’d never find someone who truly understood me, who saw me, and
wanted to get to the root of me. But Daddy and Odie and Papi—they all did.
Daddy though, he filled in the cracks created by that “upside down”
childhood JP liked to talk about. The safety of our dynamic allowed me to
be cared for. To finally unburden myself around someone and know it was
safe to do so. He taught me how to lean on others for support, for guidance,
and safety.
“Daddy?” I whispered, checking if he was still awake.
“I love you too, Poppet. You are my very best girl.”
“I know Daddy.” I stretched my neck to kiss his cheek. “But that wasn’t
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
I threw my leg over his, hoping he’d feel the heat of my uncovered
kitty. When Odin and Papi put me to bed they said no panties. I’d been
naked and aching waiting for Daddy to come home.
“I have the tingles, Daddy.”
Casey ran his hand down my back, finding the edge of my nightgown
and gathering it in his hand, pulling it over my rump.
“Do you now? Didn’t your other Daddies take care of you when they
put you to bed.”
“They played dirty tricks Daddy.” I pouted.
His hand caressed my reddened ass, still sensitive from my earlier
spankings, and discovered what I referred to. He grabbed hold of the little
protrusion between my cheeks and rotated it, making me moan and writhe.
“What did they do?” he asked, both entertained and surprised.
I felt the bed dip as he turned the light on.
“Out of Order? Odin plugged your bashful with a plug that says out of
Even though I could hear the laughter in his voice, I could also hear in
his voice that tone that said Odin would be in trouble in the morning.
“My poor Poppet. How long have you been here with Odin’s plug
teasing you?”
“Umm, since ten o’clock.”
It was just past midnight, so it wasn’t a terribly long time. But it’s been
so long since any of them had paid any attention to my secret place that
having something in there again had sent fire licking through my blood
“They’re meanies,” he said, rolling me to my tummy. “Hips up,” he
requested. “I’ll take care of all the tingles, okay baby?”
“Yes, Daddy.” My voice sounded muffled buried in the pillow.
“That was not nice of them. They both deserve a spanking if you ask
me. Especially since they know that Poppet’s poor hormones are off the
charts with those shots.”
I heard the drawer open. The special drawer. The one with all of the
toys, and the lube. He was definitely about to give me the princess
“Your poor little bashful hasn’t been tended to in a long time. He had to
have known this would be torture.”
Daddy took hold of it and twisted it gently, then pulled, then twisted
gently, and pulled again. The repeated motion against all of those nerves
had me moaning into the pillow beneath me. I’d become so lost in sensation
I missed when Daddy dug out a French tickler and teased it along the lips of
my princess parts.
“You’re going to give me at least two cummies before I let you go to
bed, Poppet. What do you think? Can you handle that?”
I didn’t know if I could. The way he played with the plug in my
backdoor in tandem with feather light touches against my clit, I could
already feel the tension winding in my belly. It was a dark pleasure, one that
I felt extending its long tendrils of desire deep into the recesses of my brain.
“Give me one and the plug comes out,” Casey demanded.
I felt his cock pressing against my slit. I just needed to push back ever
so slightly, and he’d slide right home. I didn’t know what Daddy was
waiting for.
He pulled the tickler off the bullet and pressed it directly on my clit. I
unabashedly humped against the air, unable to handle the intensity of the
vibrations while similarly being unable to stop the greedy press of my body
against it. It took my breath away. That first orgasm appeared out of
nowhere but everywhere simultaneously. I was powerless to do anything
else but moan out my satisfaction as Casey continued to tease my little clit
with his bullet.
I realized somewhere between humping the air and exploding into a
million pieces my butt plug disappeared. Replaced instead with the bullet
that had just yanked an orgasm from my clit. It jumped and shimmied
against all those hyper stimulated nerves of the outermost ring of my shy
little wrinkle.
While I focused on all of the new sensations there, Casey pressed home,
taking his time to feed me inch after inch of his thick cock.
“Mmm, your little kitty is the best place to be.” Casey pushed his hips
into me even harder, pressing the bullet against my backdoor with each
thrust. “It’s so needy lately isn’t it, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I agreed, “The neediest. All day long it tingles.”
“My poor princess. Maybe all of your Daddies should work from home
until we leave for Chicago so we can be sure to always be around to tend to
this hungry kitty. What do you think.”
“I think it’s a good idea,” I replied, pressing back against him, relishing
in the sensation of each thrust and withdrawal.
The three of them had such different approaches to sex and love
making. Casey was slow and sensual. Drawing out the pleasure. Awakening
every nerve ending and working them all up into a frenzy. Odin was hard,
uncompromising, found exactly the most direct and efficient way to bring
me to orgasm and did it over and over and over again. And Joaquin, being
so well-equipped with medical knowledge, knew exactly where to touch,
caress, and stimulate to ensure I went hypersonic each time.
“Daddy is so close. Let’s watch the fireworks show together. What do
you say, baby?”
He flipped me over so we could make love face to face for the final few
thrusts. So I could understand what he’d said earlier. He was my Daddy.
Regardless of whether I called him my choochoo train, or my alligator, it
was the emotions that defined our dynamic not the words.
“You are my whole heart, Poppet.” Daddy whispered against my mouth
as he kissed me, “I love you to the moon and beyond.”
We slipped into our completion in gentle thrusts. Soft and quiet instead
of our usual loud and explosive. It was exactly what I needed. The perfect
balm to lull me into deep sleep.
. . .

I kind of liked Chicago. It had a nice vibe to it. The downtown area where
Dr. Constantin’s office was hugged the lakeshore and provided stunning
views of the city. I could definitely get used to something like that and
wondered off hand if maybe a move to Chicago should be part of our
“The retrieval went better than I could have ever hoped.” Dr. Constantin
approached us in the waiting area. “Clover produced a huge batch of
healthy eggs. We have nine in total. Seven of which are the ideal size and
maturation stage. Which means that each of you has a potential of two
excellent shots and one 80-90% shot.”
“Will you implant all nine eggs in Clover at once?” Casey’s shock and
discomfort couldn’t have been more apparent. If he’d read the brochures the
clinic had sent us home with, he’d know that most of those either wouldn’t
pass the blastocyte stage, and if we were lucky we’d each have one good
egg that fertilized and began to develop.
“It’s okay,” I turned to Dr. Constantin, “I can explain to him what the
pamphlet said on the way back to the hotel.”
I saw Odin roll his eyes at me but at least one of us had come prepared
and informed.
“Clover should be ready for release in about a half hour. She’s still
coming out of anesthesia. She’ll be woozy most of the day. Sore, cramping,
there may be some bleeding. It’s all perfectly normal. While you wait, this
would be the time to produce your samples so we can get right to
fertilization. There is a room to your left. Collection materials are all
located inside the rooms.”
I personally thought we’d have Clover with us for that part. It had been
such a whirlwind getting to Chicago, injecting her trigger shot, and getting
her all set up for retrieval, we hadn’t even thought about producing at home
prior to arrival. Now we’d have to blow on command.
“This isn’t awkward or anything,” Odin mumbled as we made our way
to the collection room. “I wonder how many people have jerked off in this
room to those magazines.” He pointed to the basket by the door.
“Surely they wiped them down or something?” I insisted.
“So how should we do this.” Odin asked, unbuttoning his jeans, and
shimmying them down to his hips.
“You’re just going to do it right here?” Casey asked, mortified.
“Shouldn’t we each go to our own rooms, or I don’t know turn out the
“Why bother with separate rooms? We come together all the time,”
Odin replied, jerking himself with a dry hand.
I passed them both collection cups. Though watching Odin manhandle
his cock had me thinking other tawdry thoughts. Since we’d probably never
be in a situation like this again, I dropped to my knees, took out my phone,
and hit record.
“What are you doing?” Odin asked as I took hold of his cock.
“Making a porno for my Principessa.”
I tickled up Odin’s inner thigh, using a gentle touch that I knew drove
him crazy. The moment my lips touched his cock, he moaned long and
hard, taking hold of my head and fucking my mouth with purpose. Casey
stared at the two of us, as if he was just learning for the first time about
Odin and me.
“You should get in on this Casey. JP has skills.”
I swallowed Odin as far as I could get him down my throat and was
rewarded with a low moan.
“Fuck I’m already close,” he told me, pumping short, shallow strokes
into my mouth. “Only a few more and I’m a goner.”
It was just two strokes and he pulled out and came into the little cup that
I’d given him from the basket by the door. He came so much he practically
filled the cup to the brim. Which he seemed to take immense satisfaction in.
I watched him screw the top, write his name on it, write Clover’s name on
it, write 1 of 3, and place it in the little two-way door.
“Good job, Papi.” He smiled at me and kissed me. As he did, he reached
around, wiggled his hand down the back of my jeans and caressed my ass.
His lips abraded mine with each passing swipe of his mouth against
mine. I wanted to feel so much more than the touching of our lips but now
was not the time to express that fantasy.
“The two of you. Why the hell is that so hot?”
Casey worked his cock from the chair closest to the door. Odin looked
at me with mischief that lifted his eyebrow and pulled up one corner of his
lip. Knowing exactly what Odin was thinking sent a shiver down my spine.
“Because we’re a unit, Casey. My love for JP turns you on as much as
my love for Clover does.”
He crouched beside Casey’s chair and ran his hand up his denim clad
“This coupling, we’re tightening as we bond, like a knot.”
Casey jerked himself faster. As if each word Odin spoke twisted his
desire and stoked the flames. Odin had traversed the entire length of
Casey’s thigh and rested on the hand that worked his cock. Knowing that
Casey was the least of us to exist in the gray area of sexual fluidity, seeing
Odin chancing the opportunity to take Casey in hand pooled desire heavy in
my balls, which reminded me with urgency they needed to expel as well.
I took my time with a reintroduction of my cock, gentling caressing the
length, softly pinching the tip, never taking my eyes off of Casey and Odin
across the room watching me watch them. There was a heady presence,
erotic and thrilling that hung silently between us.
Inch by inch, Odin chanced more landscape closer to actually jerking
Casey off. I could see three of his fingers had bypassed Casey’s grip and
caressed the skin of his stiff rod. One more twist of his wrist and he would
have his entire hand on Casey’s dick.
“Either do it or don’t.” Casey growled through gritted teeth. “You’re a
damn good tease but it’s not the time.”
Like a starting gun at a fifty-meter sprint, Odin took no time taking hold
of Casey’s cock and working it like he would his own. They both stared me
down. Casey’s molten gaze wound me higher, set my blood on fire, and
shot the telltale tingles of orgasm down my cock. I would explode, but not
until he did.
Odin looked on as well, witnessing our stare down. He licked his lips,
lifted his eyebrow, and smiled a wide, mischievous grin. It was as if life
slowed down and moved in slow motion. I could practically hear him say
“watch this,” as his mouth opened, his tongue snaked out, and wrapped
itself with serpentine grace around the head of Casey’s cock.
The moment that wet little snake connected with his purpling head,
Casey lost it. He moaned like a foghorn into the ether. Odin pinned his hips
down as he attempted to lift from his chair, pumping and thrusting blinding
with desire.
“You motherfucker.” Casey growled, “You sneaky little bastard.”
His words were barely intelligible. They came out drawn out and
garbled on a tongue heavy with desire. While Odin fused his mouth onto
Casey’s tip, he pumped with hard and fast strokes. Even from where I sat I
could see the veins of his cock pulsing. Casey was going to come any
second. Which was a good thing because, so was I.
“You better get your ass over here right now,” Odin demanded. “Bring
your cup.”
I didn’t ask questions. I practically floated across the three steps that
separated us. The moment I was close enough to reach, Odin throated me
the same way he had Casey. Switching between the two of us. I silently
wondered if the rooms were soundproof because there was absolutely no
mistaking what the three of us were doing to provide our samples.
“How sweet,” Odin teased, working the two of us in tandem, “You’re
going to come at the same time. Are your cups ready? I’d say you won’t
even make it to three strokes.”
Casey readjusted himself in his seat taking over the responsibilities of
his own masturbation. He furiously pumped his cock. I marveled at the
speed with which he was working himself. I tried to keep time. We’d
entered another plane of existence where every moan, sigh, grunt, or slap of
flesh spurred us on, pressing us toward the finale.
“Say it, Casey.” Odin pushed. “Tell us what I can see battling to be
voiced on those sexy lips.”
Whether he heard Odin or not, he seemed to be solely focused on
expelling the cum from his sack. The slap of flesh reached a fever pitch. He
curled his lip, causing his nose to wrinkle in the telltale signal that he’d
reached his conclusion. As he spent into the cup, the very words Odin had
commanded fell from his lips.
“I love you. Both of you. So much.”
That was all it took. I hadn’t been consciously aware that my own finale
was teasing up my cock, but watching Casey deliver his duty into his white
cup, I also shot pump after pump into my cup.
Other than our stuttered breath, no other words were spoken for long
moments. Finally, Odin lifted Casey’s cup from his hand, secured it, wrote
Clover’s name and 2 of 3 on it and handed Casey the pen.
“Sign your name.”
As Casey busied himself with that task, Odin took to doing the same for
me, marking my cup 3 of 3.
“Okay, Dr. Perales, you too.”
He bent down and kissed me as I handed him my cup. And did the same
with Casey’s. Seeing the three of our cups, lined up along that two-way
door, with all of our names, attached to Clover’s and knowing what was
about to happen twisted my heart until it ached.
“This is it guys.” I said, “Our love is about to make a baby.”
We stood and exited the room as a group. Odin first, and as I passed
Casey, I pulled at the waistband of his jeans, yanking him as close to me as
he could fit. I chanced making my fantasy come true. He didn’t back away
when my lips touched his. For a moment the surprise of my action caused
him to jolt, but he relaxed into the kiss, softly working his mouth against
“I know, JP. Me too.”
There wasn’t anything else left to say. We were a foursome, fully and
. . .

It would take at least three days for the actual fertilization to take place. The
first day of recovery Clover felt achy and sleepy. Her Daddies happily spent
all of their time ensuring she was fed, pain free, and comfortable. On day
two, she woke up feeling much better and open to meeting my brother and
his partners.
Gideon wasn’t new to the kink community. He’d opened up to me about
his desire to dominate early on in his college years. The kid did me proud
every damn day. Though technically, he wasn’t a kid. He was in his late
thirties. He too found himself in the exact dynamic as me, one female
partner and two male partners.
I’d visited Chicago a few months back, just after I told my parents about
Clover and our desire to get married and have a baby—as a polyamorous
couple. It hadn’t gone well. I’d finagled a business trip to Chicago so I
could lick my wounds with my psychologist brother.
I couldn’t wait for him to meet Clover. Joaquin and Odin he knew well.
My parents became his fosters when he was in his late teens, so JP and
Odin were practically brothers by extension to Gideon.
He’d invited us to stay at his house while we dealt with our IVF
journey, but all of us felt it was too intimate a process to have to experience
in a home with people we hadn’t yet met. We’d rented out an Airbnb
instead, close to the hospital. However, Gideon invited us over for dinner
on any of the days we were in the city, at our convenience. Since Clover felt
better, we decided to call him up and see what they were up to.
He greeted me with a huge smile as he swung open the door on his
Frank Lloyd Wright home. I swear he bought the house just to tease me. I
had a hard on for Frank Lloyd Wright ever since I got into architecture. His
talent was so expansive, every work I studied, every artist he influenced,
my crush on his creative mind only deepened. Gideon’s house was no
exception. Dark woods, stained glass everywhere, clean lines, expansive
rooms with wide doorways. It was heaven.
I hugged him fiercely; we didn’t see enough of each other and that
needed to change.
“You already know JP and Odin, but I’m so honored that I get to
introduce you to our lovely partner, Clover.”
While not quite as affable as I am, Gideon certainly was expressive and
warm. He instantly made anyone feel comfortable and at home. It was a
talent of his.
“Clover, this is my brother, Dr. Gideon Lange.”
“Professor Gideon Lange,” Joaquin corrected. “He is a philosophical
doctor, not a medical doctor, just for clarification.”
“Only JP would get his panties in a twist from not getting to be the only
doctor in the room.” Odin clapped his shoulder before pulling Gideon into a
We followed him into the kitchen at the back of the house where his
partners were dancing around the stove and sink preparing dinner.
“I’d like to introduce you to my partners. Margaux, Lazlo, and Dax.”
While I already knew the seductive blonde at the restaurant the last time
I visited Gideon was the very same one who stood barefoot at the stove
stirring something that smelled divine, I couldn’t resist needling him just a
little bit.
“It is nice to finally meet the woman in the striking blue dress from the
restaurant.” I extended my hand toward her. Since she was near an open
flame I could wait for a hug.
“At the rest—oh my goodness, you were his dinner partner that night!”
Everyone in the room aside from me, Gideon, and Margaux looked
completely baffled and Gideon brought them all up to speed as we hugged
and introduced ourselves to one another.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Gideon tipped his glass of bourbon toward
me sometime later as everyone around the table chatted.
“Same, brother. We should really do this more often.”
“Well, once you get the new venture off the ground, I’m certain we
I nodded and looked at my lovers to see if any had heard Gideon’s
comment, when I was certain they were fully engrossed in their
conversation still and none the wiser to ours I continued.
“It’s a surprise. I intend to take them there once we transfer the
embryos. I figured it would be the perfect place to distract us from the two
week wait.”
“You know that no matter what happens with Mom and Dad, I will
always be solidly in your corner. The four of us will be your family.”
The words I wanted to say got stuck behind a ball of emotion. Instead, I
opted to squeeze his shoulder in a modified and awkward half hug.
The two of us excused ourselves from the table, Gideon using the
excuse of wanting to show me the beaming in the modified attic. They’d
turned it into an office. It was of course, gorgeous, and as expected, I
couldn’t stop running my hands over all of the original wood.
“Can I ask you something?” There wasn’t a smooth way to open the
conversation I wanted to have with Gideon so I just dove right in. “Dax and
Lazlo clearly are romantic partners.”
“They are,” he agreed. “They were established subs to Margaux before I
became involved with them.”
“And how does your dynamic work?”
“You and I are different,” Gideon began. “I’m not a Daddy Dom, I’m a
straight up Dom. My satisfaction comes from control. Topping. Leading
others into the blistering light of sexual freedom.”
“Such a poet,” I teased. “I understand that. Margaux tops the two of
them, and she kneels only for you. Mmm what a heady thought. Lately,” I
picked up a paperweight from his desk and played with it, unable to still my
hands, “our dynamic has shifted a bit. I discovered that JP likes to be
topped by Clover who loves to do it. And Odin and JP have recently begun
to be intimate with one another, which previously to Clover hadn’t ever
been in our bag of tricks for lack of a better word.”
“Ah.” Gideon’s face lit with understanding, “You’re asking about sword
crossing. While I never actively pursued other men, nor did I ever really
think I’d be into it. I love Lazlo and Dax. As much as I love Margaux. And
that love, sometimes crosses over into sexual expression between the three
of us.”
“So you’ve had sex with them as well?”
“Casey, do you go around asking all of your friends about what happens
in their bedrooms?”
“Gideon, you’re my brother, and I’m really struggling here.”
He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. His
unflinching gaze settled some of the anxiety ricocheting through my blood
“Case, what feels right is all that matters. If you just like to watch the
two of them, then that’s what feels right. If occasionally you jerk them off
or they jerk you off—that is what works in your relationship. If you’ve
found that where you were fully heterosexual but now, because of your
expanding love for your partners you want to express that physically—” He
shrugged before continuing. “Kinsey said we all land somewhere on a scale.
None of us is fully heterosexual. So, wanting to make love with the men
that you are in love with would be a natural extension of your relationship.”
He took the paperweight from my hands and placed it back on his desk.
I thought he was going to give me a dose of tough love, but instead, he
pulled me into a hug and didn’t let go for long minutes. Of all the kids that
my parents had raised, Gideon would always be my favorite brother.
“Don’t let anyone put doubt in your head. Especially Mom and Dad.
You do you brother, and you’ll always be happy.”
. . .

I existed in a hazy cloud of discomfort, trepidation, excitement, and desire.

Knowing that my eggs were joining with my lovers as we spent the evening
having polite conversation with our sister and brothers-in-law had a swarm
of flies exploring every vein, and antechamber of my heart, stomach, and
ribcage. I’d feel totally fine for ten minutes then my brain would remind me
again that sitting in three petri dishes in an office overlooking Lake
Michigan were my babies. Would those little blastocytes be girls or boys?
Would they have my curly hair? What would a baby look like combined
with Casey, Odin, and JP. They were going to be beautiful for sure, but who
would inherit my green eyes. Would my baby with Casey get his striking
blue or a turquoise combination of the two of us. Would my baby with Odin
inherit my light eyes and his dark skin? Would they have brown hair like
him or would they get a shade similar to mine. Would JP’s baby get his
dimples? My freckles? I could spend hours thinking about it.
I didn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. The doctor had told us to
prepare ourselves for any number of terrible scenarios. I think for me the
scariest of all of them would be if there was an imbalanced distribution
inside of me. If say JP’s embryos didn’t sustain and Odin got a set of twins
and no one else did. Or if Casey and Odin each made one baby and JP
didn’t or any combination. That was what throttled me by the neck and
yanked me down from the blissful highs.
I needed out of my head so bad. I felt so rude losing the conversation
over and again when Gideon’s partners tried so hard to keep me engaged. I
hoped they realized it was the situation and not the company. Thankfully,
when Gideon and Casey returned from the house tour, Casey signaled to all
of us that it was time to go.
“We really need to make sure Clover stays rested and keeps the stress to
her body at a minimum,” he explained, handing me my tote bag. “I hope
you know we are thrilled to have been able to have dinner with you today,
and any distraction on our part is a result of our exciting potential family
about to begin.”
Everyone smothered us in assurances as they followed us to the door.
We left with promises to keep them updated and to be more consistent with
staying in contact. As we got into our rental car, I couldn’t help but think
how nice it would be for our babies to have family. Especially since JP,
Odin, and Casey’s parents were still all question marks.
“Do you think Gideon, Margaux, Dax, and Lazlo are going to follow the
same path? Want to have babies just like us?”
“It’s possible.” Casey caressed my thigh from the driver’s seat. “They
sure seem to be quite smitten with one another. And already fully living
together after only, what? Five months?”
“Margaux said six but it’s splitting hairs,” Odin chimed in from the
Casey pulled into the driveway of our home away from home for the
week and turned off the car.
“I want all three of you to get inside, go directly upstairs, strip, and get
into bed. No questions, no backtalk.”
The three of us paused in the middle of unbuckling our seatbelts to just
stare at him. In all of the time we’d been together, I’d never heard that tone
from him. He sounded like Odin.
“I am quite certain I spoke in very clear English,” he teased. “Upstairs.
Now.” And likely thinking better of it he added, “Please.”
I didn’t look back at what the other two men were doing, but I made
sure to follow directions to the letter. Once in the bedroom, I knelt on all
fours, in the middle of the bed, ass up as high as I could lift it.
Heavy footfalls behind me clued me in to the arrival of JP and Odin.
“Mm, Princess, it’s been so long since I’ve had the pleasure of
exploring this little hole.” Odin ran the pad of his forefinger around it,
taking long moments to stroke and tease. “I do hope we get to play with it
“How are you feeling, Principessa?” JP took a seat on the bed next to
me, caressing my breasts, running his hand along my back, and over the
globes of my ass to where Odin was still exploring.
“Good. I feel good.”
“No cramping or swelling? How is your belly? Does it feel sore?”
The doctor had warned of hyperstimulation as a result of the Follistim.
He’d said there was a possibility that as we retrieved the eggs my ovaries
would swell. But I felt fine.
“No, Papi. No pain.”
“And what about Daddy’s treasure?” I heard Casey cross the threshold
of the door. “How does it feel?”
As if on command, JP shifted on the bed, and gently ran his fingers
back and forth over my slit, waiting for me to give permission to breach my
“It feels okay too.”
Casey joined us all on the bed, sitting directly in front of me, so I could
see his hard cock directly beneath me.
“Did your dirty Daddies tell you how we got all of your baby juice out
for the procedure?”
I shook my head. With Odin playing with my wrinkle and JP pressing
gentled fingers in and out of my weeping kitty, I was a tornado of sensation
and need. Every touch, caress, word of praise had my insides twisting.
Every nerve ending felt like it had been lit with firecrackers. Each touch
caused my skin to ripple and twitch as if touched by something electrified.
“JP, show our Poppet your phone.”
Instead he passed it to Casey who slid it into my line of sight and
pressed play. The moment Odin began to moan both he and JP worked my
holes with focus, pummeling in and out of both of them. Just as Odin
exploded into his collection cup, I too lept from the summit.
“That was way too easy. She never comes that fast.” Odin almost
sounded disappointed. “Those drugs that they put her on have her on a hair
trigger. I wonder how many we could wring out of her.”
“Not too many.” JP warned, “She needs her uterus to be strong to hold
our babies.”
Babies. The word skittered pleasure from my brain and down my spinal
cord, drowning me in warmth. We were almost there. Soon, we’d be a
“Here, lay her down.” Casey asked Odin and JP to help me unfold my
Once on the bed, he turned me so I faced him with my leg propped on
his hip, my kitty open and exposed to the greedy tip of him. From behind
me, I heard the tell tale snick of a bottle of lube opening.
“You’re right, Poppet. Our love isn’t just a one way garage between you
and us individually. We didn’t realize it, because we’ve loved each other for
so long, we lost sight of what it looked like. But you were brave enough to
give us room to grow. To hold us as we learned to walk in this space. To
challenge us to examine our feelings and evaluate what a relationship with
the four of us looks like.”
Hands and limbs were everywhere. Casey suckled from my breasts,
Joaquin’s fingers spread lube from my clit to my backdoor, and everything
in between. Taking an occasional opportunity to caress Casey’s cock as
well. Casey would moan against my breasts with each touch. From behind
me I heard the wet exchange of kisses between Odin and JP. A song of their
pleasure rang out sporadically as Odin turned JP toward him and they
coated one another with lube.
“This is happening,” Odin growled. “Tell me how much you want this
“Dios,” he swore. “You know I do. Principessa, it’s time to let your Papi
Casey pressed into me, holding my leg high above his hip to keep me
open. Once he was deep in my pussy, he pressed against my clit with his
whole hand, manipulating it in wide circles. The motion sent my synapses
into overdrive, sending me deep into the firetails of my own pleasure.
“Here I come, Principessa. Do you think Odie is jealous he isn’t in your
special place tonight?” JP’s thumb worked the skin of my anus as he
continued to press forward. The dark pleasure that came with being taken in
both holes greeted me like an old friend. I willingly fell into its embrace
losing myself in the hedonistic fire of taboo desire.
. . .

It was rare I got to be in Clover’s anus. It was heaven. Better than heaven.
That tight channel strangled me with each forward press.
“Princess, give me your cummy,” Casey cajoled, working her clit as he
held still until I seated myself.
“Did we bring any toys?” Odin asked. “I don’t know if she’s going to go
over without a bullet at least.”
“No, the doctor had advised against toys. She’s so full of hormones, I
think she’ll be fine. She just needs a minute,” I told him, reaching back and
making a sloppy pass at trying to take hold of his cock.
“You can wait, Papi,” he chided. “Focus on what you’re doing with our
Princess. Then we’ll get to you.”
There wasn’t any bite to his statement. In fact, I heard him open the
bottle of lube again, and in seconds felt the heated press of his fingers to my
own asshole. That touch alone had my cock threatening to spill.
“Did you feel that, Clover?” I pushed back her hair and whispered in
her ear. “Odie is about to put his cock in your Papi. Just like you do.”
With that she shot off like a rocket, opening her back door to my
“Yes, Principessa, that’s it. Good job giving Daddy your cummy.”
With a final press, I seated myself fully inside of her and paused while
her insides kissed at me. The soft flutters of her molten insides were blissful
torture. My own balls were drawing up and my anus puckered trying to
hold on to every lick of pleasure that danced up my cock and shot through
my entire nervous system.
“Don’t tighten on me now.”
Odin chuckled, pressing his fingers deep inside me, before separating
them. With each twist of his hand, my mind went white with an overload of
desire from being buried in Clover, and the fire of need that Odin stoked
from behind. If someone didn’t start moving soon I’d launch into my
orgasm and have to tap out.
“Casey, you can move.”
I could barely get the words out. I felt like every cell in my body
vibrated at hypersonic speed. It was as if everything was heightened. The
smell of the four of us, our comingled colognes, the neutral smell of
lubricant, the intoxicating scent of Clover’s wet pussy, and the musky scent
of the desire of my two lovers, was a song of the senses.
“There’s too much sensation,” Casey admitted. “I don’t know if it’s that
we’re all dialed up from Clover’s hormones or what, but feeling your cock
against mine, and knowing it’s you rubbing against me, with Clover
between us? Fuck…did you feel that? It’s too much.”
I felt Odin’s smooth chest against my back, his hard nipples abrading
my shoulder blades. The heat of his breath against my ear as he took my
lobe between his teeth.
“Here I come.” He told me, just as I felt the breach of his cockhead
against my backdoor.
I pushed against his intrusion. I thought I’d be prepared for him since
Clover had been pressing into me for months. But the soft jelly of a phallus
and the spongy steel of Odin’s actual cock were vastly different beasts. I
moaned out the discomfort of his giant mushroomed head pressing into my
most intimate place.
“Almost there, Papi. I promise, it will feel good real soon.”
Odin caressed my back as he pressed in more. He scissored his fingers
around his plundering cock, stimulating all of the nerves of my outer anus
as he went in. As he pushed forward, Clover pressed back against me,
seating me even deeper into her own secret place. The sensations of the two
whipped me into a tsunami of pain and pleasure. I lost track of what end
was up, and tumbled blindly into a new horizon of lust, love, need, and
At some point in the haze Odin pressed home.
“Papi, your ass is heaven.” He whispered, “Maybe while our Princess is
out of commission, I’ll use your man cunt instead.”
Never had Odin been so foul. He’d reached a new level of debauchery
that tickled at my brain, thickened my cock, and shot long tendrils of
pleasure from where he breached me all the way to the tip of the cock
breaching Clover in the same way.
We were indulgence.
We were vice.
We were lechery in its basest, nastiest version.
“Daddy’s going to blow, Poppet. Are you ready for me?”
His orgasm triggered a chain reaction. Clover came as he did, gyrating
between the two of us, forcing our cocks deeper into where they were
seated. The contraction and pull of all of those muscles yanked an orgasm
out of me so fierce, my entire groin contracted, shooting cum into her with
the force of a shotgun. Odin, triggered by the rest of us, plowed into my
asshole unchecked, forcing as much of himself into me as he could. The
result of course, extended the soul shattering bliss I’d already lost myself
into, and drew it out to the point of creating a tidal wave of sensations that
became so intense my only avenue of relief was to sob out the last vestiges
of pleasure.
None of us moved. Odin twitched inside of me. I felt Clover’s muscles
kissing at the tip of my cock, as Casey rubbed his along mine. Everything
brought on more pleasure. Each slight movement triggered another lapping
wave at my psyche. This was it. Our joining. The final loop in our knot.
“I want to get married.” I spoke into quiet. “I want us all to be officially
a family. One name, and as legally bound as we can be.”
“Whose name?” Clover’s small voice broke into magical silence with
“It doesn’t matter. We’ll make up a new name. One that is just us. That
has pieces of each of us.”
“I love it,” she replied. “I love you. All of you.”
fi teen
. . .

Our sperm and Clover’s eggs had produced six healthy fully formed
blastocytes. Two each. We decided to implant one per Daddy, and froze the
second set. Just in case. Or if we were blessed with a perfect and successful
first round, perhaps we’d entrust a surrogate to take on the responsibility of
carrying our babies for the next round. Though the thought of my child
being that far away from me unsettled me. We’d cross that bridge when we
came to it though.
We spent an extra two days after the transfer in Chicago, making sure
Clover stayed in bed with her feet elevated and well rested and stress free.
We lavished her with massages, and snuggles, lots of her favorite movies
and all of her favorite foods.
On day three, we’d gotten clearance ahead of time to take Clover on a
little adventure. Casey had an idea he wanted to show all of us. A surprise,
he said.
His surprise involved boarding a swanky as fuck private plane and
heading off to destinations unknown.
“If you have this kind of coin, Casey, we need to have discussions about
why you shop at fucking Kohls.” I teased as we watched the city get smaller
out the plane’s window.
“It belongs to one of my real estate developers. He is allowing us to
borrow it.”
Clover lay on the couch to our left. JP fussed with her as she insisted
she was perfectly fine, lifting her feet and propping pillows beneath them.
While we chatted, he worked her legs, and massaged her feet and calves for
“better circulation” he told her. Despite the doctor saying it was perfectly
safe for her to be flying, JP worried that poor circulation would lead to lack
of oxygen to his newly implanted child.
“I found the perfect ring,” I whispered, pressing the box into Casey’s
A jeweler friend of mine had been working on designs for a while. The
band consisted of three braided strands of platinum, rose gold, and gold. It
held a single, nearly flawless, flat diamond, known in the industry as a
unicorn diamond. Perfect for our little unicorn.
“It’s beautiful.” Casey examined it in the light from the window.
“Perfect,” I agreed, “just like she is.”

We touched down in Big Springs, Montana. And my god it was the most
beautiful landscape I’d ever seen. Huge trees, lakes as far as I could see,
and acres and acres of unspoiled land.
“Where are we Daddy?” Clover perked up, looking at the beauty that
surrounded us.
“It’s a town called Big Springs. And it’s where my surprise is.”
We were escorted off the plane and ushered into a Yukon. Our driver
greeted us, asked if we needed any water or coffee and once we were all
settled took off toward the highway. Within minutes we stopped at the gate
at the mouth of a property called “Troublesome Creek.”
I could only laugh.
“Look Princess, Daddy found you a perfect place to live. It’s even
named after you!”
Casey waggled his eyebrows as he got out of the car. Once we all stood
beneath the sign, he opened a set of drawings.
“Gideon and I have been keeping a secret from you guys. A while back,
Odin and JP and I talked about how we wished there were a place where
those of us in the lifestyle could feel free to live our lives without
judgement. To live in neighborhoods and take our kids to school, shop at
the grocery store and eat at restaurants without feeling judged or maligned.
So, we put some feelers out to various people in the community, and if you
all agree, this could be our new home.
“While we wait for our house to be built, there is a main home up the
road, along with eight cabins along the lake. Our Troublesome Creek would
take a while to be fully visualized, but the plot of land is zoned for houses,
so anyone who wanted to come and live here with us could. They could
open grocery stores and book shops, clothing stores or restaurants. It could
be our own little town. And, while we wait for word to spread, the actual
town is only forty-five minutes away and has everything we could ever
“You did this, all for us?” Clover asked, wiping away tears.
“For our family.” Casey beamed. “It will be our safety, our security, our
community, and enable us to raise our kids without fear of prejudice or
condemnation. We could truly exist as a family and be among others
looking to be accepted just as we are. Gideon, Margaux, Dax, and Lazlo are
already chomping at the bit to come and check it out. Margaux’s friend and
her two men have expressed interest as well.”
“I wonder if Sasha and Stavros would be interested?” Clover asked.
Her friend Sasha was the one who introduced her to Club Sin. She lived
in Chicago as well but was vacationing in Greece for the summer before
classes for her and her husband—both college professors—started again.
“You could certainly ask them,” Casey agreed.
“Odin and JP you both work remotely for the most part anyway. So
once we get government level secured internet here, you both will be ready
to rock. And this would be my new job. Developing the land, designing the
homes of the families who want to join us. The cabins that are already here
we could rent out to potential families so they could see our vision and
decide if they wanted to buy in.”
“I love it.” Clover clapped her hands with excitement. “I love you for
thinking this far into the future for our little family, Casey. Thank you for
always being our north star.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” JP agreed. “It provides everything that all in
our community desire. And think of the research I could conduct here. The
impact of psychological feelings of safety and security in the kink
Him and his big brain had already checked out of the conversation.
Thinking of all the ways he could become even more fabulous, become
more renown that he already was. It was so hot.
“That just leaves you Odin.” Casey’s blue eyes burned bright with hope
and love. I could see his desire for this kind of future broadcasting so loudly
from the depth of those twin oceans.
“I think we have a question for Clover first, don’t we?” I nodded toward
his pocket.
“You get the honor my friend. This beauty is your brainchild.”
He pulled it from his pocket and passed it to me.
“Clover,” I began, taking her hand in mine. Casey joined me at my left
side holding both of our hands, JP mirrored him on the other side, “from the
moment you blazed into our lives you have set our world on fire in all the
best ways. You challenge us, fulfill us, endear us. You were the puzzle piece
that we were searching for and never thought we would find. Our gorgeous
unicorn. Be ours forever.”
I slipped on her ring. It looked regal. Sat perfectly nestled on her ring
finger. A combination of all of us.
“Well,” she chuckled through her tears, “I guess today is the day for
flowery commitments.”
She reached into her pocket and produced three rings. One, that looked
like wood, she placed on Casey’s finger. One in tungsten metal she placed
on mine, and one in simple gold, she placed on JPs.
“My three men. My comfort, like a beautiful old home that welcomes us
and keeps us safe from the storm. My safety, who protects us like an
armored car. Nothing will ever get past you if you can help it. And Joaquin,
my strength. I will never feel the heavy burden of blind independence
because I know that you are the safe keeper of my trust, my fears, and my
insecurities. Because of you, I can fly. And I will always fly into your arms.
Each of you. Forever.”
We stood there, locked in an embrace, silently reflecting on the future.
“What should our last name be?” Casey asked after a long span of
“It should be combination of all of us.” Clover insisted. “We can’t just
take one of our names and suppress the identities of the other.”
“Perales, King, Kattan, and Lange. That doesn’t make for a very clean
combination.” I started trying to work out names in my head.
“What about Pearlking?” Clover suggested with a shrug.
“That’s a very long, choppy last name.” JP pulled at his lip, not sold on
the idea.
“But you are all the kings of my little pearl.” Clover pointed toward her
princess parts with a blush.
That pulled a chuckled from all of us.
“What about Kapling?” I suggested. “It takes a piece from each of us,
and still works with each of our names: Joaquin Kapling, Casey Kapling,
Odin Kapling, Clover Kapling. They all run off the tongue beautifully.”
“I love it.” Clover’s smile couldn’t possibly have been any wider.
“As much as I love you.” I told her, pulling her in for a kiss.
“Careful, no turning me on for two very long weeks.” She laughed
pushing against my chest.
“That’s okay,” I assured her, “Your Papi said I could use his wrinkle
while you’re out of commission.”
I watched molten heat light in her eyes. “Odie!” She stomped her foot
on the ground, “You are breaking the doctor’s very express rules.”
“He said no orgasms, a little light teasing isn’t going to hurt.”
“You should really be more responsible than that,” JP chided. “We
should be doing everything to ensure her safety and the safety of our
“Don’t think I won’t take you over my knee like I do her.” I warned.
“Alright, let’s reel it in. This is a picture book moment; do you really
want to remember it as being the day that Odin threatened to take Papi over
his knee?”
There would be many days just like this one to come in our new home.
The future looked bright and full of promise. Soon, we’d find out if the
little troublemaker who teased her way into our life a year ago would give
us all a title we’d all been desperate to have: Daddy.
. . .


When Casey had pitched the idea of Troublesome Creek I’d been excited
and also a little hesitant. It was a lot of risk. Would people come? Could it
possibly be successful? Were there enough people that lived our kind of
lifestyle who would want to pick up their lives and move to Montana?
Granted, we lived on land that was so beautiful it was nearly impossible
to describe. Casey had taken exactly what I’d pictured in my head and
found it. A lake, beautiful meadows, forests, lots of grass, plenty of room if
we ever wanted to get horses. Our home to raise our three children. Joaquin
Perales Kapling, whom we called JP3, my son with Joaquin, Indigo, my
daughter with Odin, and Poppy my daughter with Casey. Our three children
had my men wrapped so tightly around their fingers, they only had to hint at
a tear and the three men fell over themselves to ensure they never had to
suffer for anything.
We spent far too many hours lying in bed just staring at our beautiful
creations. They were still infants, just barely three months, but they were
just beginning to look like people instead of wrinkly little aliens. All three
of them had stunning, crystalline green eyes. Seemingly their only feature
they inherited from me that bonded them all together as siblings.
“When does Gideon arrive?” I asked, handing Indigo off to Casey as he
placed Poppy on my breastfeeding pillow.
“They just landed at the airport, so probably twenty minutes.”
They were coming obviously to meet their new nieces and nephews but
also to discuss the plans for a “Kink Camp” next summer to introduce
people to the property and introduce potential singles to the idea of moving
here. We hoped they would be interested in moving here and establishing
businesses to help populate the town.
It would also be the first time since the doctor gave us the all-clear that
we could actually have a night to play without someone needing to get up
and take care of a baby. Let me tell you we were counting down until we
could hand them off and sneak off to the basement. Every chance one of the
men got to flash me their hard cock, they took. I reminded them that we had
an entire day of polite company we needed to get through before asking
them to baby sit for a few hours.
There were seven plots sold for homes from couples like us. Even Dr.
Constatin and his baby girl purchased a plot out by the lake. Once our home
was complete, the home we presently lived in would become the main cabin
and we’d rent single rooms for people wishing to get a feel for our new
venture without needing to commit to a cabin. The plans expanded every
week as more people learned about what we are doing and offered to take
on specific projects.
Home. Community. A safe place for our three little loves to grow up.
When I walked into Club Sin over two years ago and met my husbands,
I could never have imagined the life they’d lay at my feet. I would have
never expected that just two years later I would be blissfully bred and wed.
Ready for the next special delivery?
Read: Bred by The Mountain Man by AJ Alexander
step into club sin where the
kaplings got their start!

I was never one for coloring inside the lines.

Authority was always meant to be questioned.
Answers simply reasons to dig deeper.

Club Sin was a curiosity.

A place to explore my wildest fantasy.
In Room 23, they call me Trouble.
Good thing I have three Daddies to keep me in line.
Because as the saying goes...trouble never comes alone.
meet gideon, margaux, lazlo & dax

A woman like Margaux could never be overlooked. As if her luscious hourglass shape, and sultry
walk as she prowled Club Sin weren't enough to steal the attention of every path she crossed; her
regal grace commanded it. Despite her proclivity for collecting "little pets," something primal in me
desperately wanted to see her kneel. For me.
pay a visit to temptations in

Burned out ad exec Rae is tired of love and well, just plain tired. She didn't know what possessed her
to book a vacation at an adult resort. Actually, it was the over-ocean cabanas that drew her in, and the
opportunity to act out every kinky fantasy she'd ever had. Her life would be a week-long romance
novel of exploration and satisfaction. It's just supposed to be a week of wild fun with no strings
attached. So why does it feel like those strings seem to be attaching quite quickly to Fraser and Leo?
Will a week with them be enough to slake every burning desire?
about the author

I tend to avoid most of the socials. If you’d like to join my mailing list so you don’t miss any of my
updates. I swear the emails will be pretty sporadic.

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