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Title: Web basedGarbage management system

A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

B.Sc. in Information Technology


Name ID

Seblewongile Dessie---------------------------------GUS/6803/09
Mohammed Asefa----------------------------------------- GUS/6798/09
Mulie Ayu-------------------------------------------------- GUS/5608/09
Zeleke Zera-------------------------------------------- GUS/6844/09
Solomon Shambi--------------------------------------GUS/6814/09


June 2022

Gondar, Ethiopia

Web basedGarbagemanagement system

Negash Asres

Tadilo Getachew

Tesema Kassaye

Wotet Enyew
Mognnet Alamniw



University Of Gondar

This is to certify that the project work prepared by group five members of Information
Technology students entitled: developing web based Garbagemanagement system for online
this system users submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Information technology complies with the regulations of the University and meets
the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Advisor.1. Name_________________ Signature_____________ Date_______________

Examiner.1. Name_________________ Signature_____________ Date_______________

2. Name _________________Signature_____________ Date_______________

Signed by the Head of the Department:

Name --------------------------------------------Signature _____________ Date______________

First of all we would like to thank GOD keeping us healthy. Lots of problems have overcome with the
assistance of GOD. Without his will nothing could be done. We have taken efforts in this project. And
also thanks our Advisor Mr. for all his support with this project. Mr. always has time for our questions
and his comments on our project have been valuable. In addition to this we wish to thank our friends
for supporting us in many ways. Last but not least, we are deeply grateful to our family supported in
many ways. Lastly, our thanks’ and appreciations also go to department of Information Technology in
developing the project and people who have willingly helped us out with their talents.


Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................4
1.0. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................................................5
1.2. Background of the organization............................................................................................................6
1.3. Statement of the problem....................................................................................................................6
1.4. The main objective of the study project...............................................................................................7
5. Methodology....................................................................................................................................7
1.5.1 Data collection tools..................................................................................................................7
1.6 FEASIBILITY STUDY...........................................................................................................................8
1.6.1 Technical Feasibility................................................................................................................8
1.6.2 Operational Feasibility.............................................................................................................8
1.6.3 Economic Feasibility...............................................................................................................8
1.6.4 Legal Feasibility......................................................................................................................8
1.6.5 Schedule Feasibility.................................................................................................................9
1.7 Scope of the Study...........................................................................................................................9
1.8 Significance of the study..................................................................................................................9
1.9 Tools............................................................................................................................................9
1.8.1 System Implementation Tools....................................................................................................9
1.8.2 Hard ware tools: -.......................................................................................................................9
1.8.3 Software tools: -........................................................................................................................10
1.10 Project cost................................................................................................................................10
1.10.1 Hardware cost: -..........................................................................................................................10
1.10.2 Software cost: -.......................................................................................................................11
11 Schedule of the project.....................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................12
2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................12
2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................12
2.2 Existing System Description......................................................................................................13
2.2 overview of the new system.............................................................................................................15
2.3 Input And Outputs The New System................................................................................................16
2.4 System Requirement Specification..................................................................................................17
2.4.1.Functional requirements...........................................................................................................17
2.4.2 Nonfunctional Requirement.....................................................................................................18
2.5 System requirement analyses..........................................................................................................20
2.5.1 Actor and use case identification..............................................................................................20
2.5.2 Use case diagram......................................................................................................................22
2.6.Sequence Diagram...........................................................................................................................25
2.7.Activity Diagram..............................................................................................................................28
2.8 Analysis Class Diagram.....................................................................................................................34
2.9 REFERENCE......................................................................................................................................36

List of table
Table 1. 1 List of Hardware coast...............................................................................................................12
Table 1. 2 List of software cost..................................................................................................................12
Table 1. 3 Time schedule project...............................................................................................................13

Table 2. 1 use case identification...............................................................................................................22

Table 2. 2 login Use case description.........................................................................................................24
Table 2. 3 Customer register use case description....................................................................................25
Table 2. 4 create account use case description........................................................................................26
Figure 2. 1 Use case diagram.....................................................................................................................23
Figure 2. 2 Sequence diagram for create user account.............................................................................27
Figure 2. 3 Sequence diagram for login use case.......................................................................................28
Figure 2. 4 Sequence diagram for Send Compliant use case.....................................................................29
Figure 2. 5 Activity diagram for login use case..........................................................................................30
Figure 2. 6 Activity diagram for login use case..........................................................................................31
Figure 2. 7 Activity diagram for customer registration use case................................................................32
Figure 2. 8 Activity diagram for Driver and Customer account update use case......................................33
Figure 2. 9 Analysis Class Diagram...........................................................................................................35
List of abbreviation and acronyms

HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS-Cascade Style Sheet

PHP-Hypertext Preprocessor

MySQL – My Structured Query Language

SWM:- solid waste management

SWMS:- solid waste management system

UC:-Use case


1. Introduction
This chapter contains a brief introduction of the research topic, background of the study, problem
statement, general objective, specific objectives and the research questions, significance of the
study and the scope of the study.

1.1. Background of the study

Increasing population levels, growing economy, rapid urbanization and the rise in community
living standards have greatly accelerated the municipal solid waste generation rate in developing
countries Municipalities, usually responsible for waste management in the cities, have the
challenge to provide an effective and efficient system to the inhabitants.
However, they often face problems beyond the ability of the municipal authority to tackle mainly
due to lack of organization, financial resources, complexity and system multi dimensionality.
Throughout history, human advancement has been intrinsically linked to the management of
solid waste due to its effect on both public and environmental health. Solid waste management
(SWM) has a long and convoluted history.
SWM became important as a result of growing population, lack of space, and sanitation
Access to safe sanitation is essential to health, a basic human right and a component of effective
policy for health protection. The level of sanitation directly affects our water resources as a result
of contamination. Solid waste is one of the major contaminants of ground water.
SWM technologies have advanced in the past century and include the use of garbage cans and
creation of incinerators and sanitary landfills; the latter replaced the practice of open dumping
and has become a common practice in the developed world .Other technologies include resource
recovery,recycling and composting;and waste-to-energy plants have been developed. Waste
systems took on a more organized approach to waste management, and new policies and
regulations imposed on waste helped to dramatically improve the waste management industry.
However, countries in the developing world have not yet had many of these advancements to a
large scaleunlike the developed world.
Traditionally, the municipalities have been in charge of providing SWM services in developing
countries. The municipal responsibility is to organize and manage the public sanitation system,
including providing the infrastructure for the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of
wastes. However, with the ever increasing population and economic growth, many cities in
developing countries are struggling to keep SWMS working in a sustainable manner. Oftentimes
these systems either become ill managed or even cease to exist because of various social,
institutional, and technical constraints.
Urban population in Gondar, just like in other towns in Ethiopia and other city generallykeeps
growing, and so does the solid-waste management burden, a situation worsened by poor funding
for urban sanitation departments and a lack of enforcement of sanitation regulations. Without
proper controls, solid waste is often dumped in abandoned quarries or similar sites. Residents
living close to the dumpsite are therefore exposed to environmental and disease risks. The
disposal sites are, in most cases, located in environmentally sensitive, low-laying areas such as
wetlands, forest edge or adjacent to bodies of water.
1.2. Background of the organization
Gonder, also spelled Gondar, city, northwestern Ethiopia. It stands at an elevation of 7,500 feet
(2,300 metres) on a basaltic ridge from which streams flanking the town flow to Lake Tana, 21
miles (34 km) south.
The current city of Gondar geographically, is situated in Northwestern highlands of Ethiopia,
Amhara Regional State at about 1203' N latitude and 37028' E. It is located at a distance of 727
km. from Addis Ababa, which is a capital of Ethiopia, and 120 km from Bahir Dar, main town of
Amhara National Regional State.The town is divided into 24 'kebeles', 12 of which are classified
as sub-cities, 11 as rural 'kebeles' and one as a special 'kebele' (Gondar Town Administration.
Administrative classification of 'kebeles' in Gondar town, 2014, unpublished). 'Kebeles' are the
smallest administrative divisions in Ethiopia.Solid waste management is one of the critical
services in Gondar town municipal offers to her people but its efficiency is wanting. This is
evident of the scattered solid waste in the town and road side drains.This not only causes
flooding but also offers good breeding environment for disease causing vectors like mosquitoes,
flies, snails, cockroaches, rodents etc.Unpleasant smells emanate from garbage dumps, pollute
airand deny a free relaxation atmosphere. Beside ground water and environmental degradation,
spread of many communicable diseases like cholera, dysentery, meningitis, influenza etc.result

from poor SWM.If a proper solid waste management system is put in place, these challenges
would be counteracted.
1.3. Statement of the problem
Gondar town municipal has taken some steps to improve the solid waste management (SWM)
services through engagement of the private sector and the local government. The overall
objective for thisis to improve the efficiency of SWM in the town.Private operators who collect
at least 2/3 of the total waste provide door-to-door collection charge the households and
businesses directly for this service.
Despite the existence of an integrated waste management system in the town municipal, a big
volume of solid waste remains uncollected especially in the market places.Also, most of the
private operators do not care much about the final disposal of the waste. This results into
inefficient operations and illegal dumping of waste in communities, with a lot of waste dumped
in open dumps in marginal low lands. Even the dumps set up by the local authorities are not
properly managed.
They are not demarcated or fenced, the scavengers at the dumping ground are not regulated,
vectors and animals are all over and the smell is unpleasant. A combination of these factors leads
to contamination of ground water, degradation of the environment and increased spread of
sanitation related diseases.
1.4. The main objective of the study project
To design an improved solid waste management system for Gondar Town municipal.
1.4.1 Specific objectives
The specific objectives for the study are:
 To evaluate the current methods of solid waste management.
 To evaluate the nature and quantity of solid waste generated by the community.
 To design an appropriate solid waste management system.
 To produce cost estimates for this system.

5. Methodology
Methodology is the philosophy or idea behind the method of data collection and analysis. It
involves tools used and procedures taken to carry out the study.The techniques to use will

include: site visits, questionnaires, photographs, data collection through interviewing and

1.5.1 Data collection tools

 Questionnaires: structured questionnaires will be used to interview the chosen persons

like heads of families, town council officials and the business community.
 Interviews: to the key informants, interviews will be held with the town council health
inspector, the contractor handling the solid waste management in the town council.
 Observations: movements will be made throughout the business area observing how the
solid waste was stored, the observations were made depending on the situation in the area
taking note of how the waste was being collected and transported to the disposal ground.


The objective of feasibility is to determine whether or not the proposed system is feasible.

The feasibility is determined in terms of the following aspects. These are:-

1.6.1 Technical Feasibility

In this, one has to test whether the system can be developed using existing technology or
not. It is planned to implement the proposed system usually php, MySQL server, micro media,
dream weaver and because the team has well experienced on these tools and programming the
project will be technically feasible. The solution is technical feasible.

1.6.2 Operational Feasibility

It is evident that necessary hardware and software are available for development and
representation of the web site. It is also standard that insure the entire operability without shifting
completing and innovation among user to the benefit of public both in terms of cost and service
quality. The proposed system is acceptable to the user, So that the website is operationally

1.6.3 Economic Feasibility
As a part of this, the costs and benefits associated with the proposed system are compared and
the project is economically feasible only if tangible and intangible benefits outweigh the cost.
The costfor the proposedgarbage management system is outweighing the cost and effort
involved in maintaining the system. The system also reduce the administrative and technical staff
to do various jobs that single software can do.So, this system is economical feasible.

1.6.4 Legal Feasibility

Legal feasibility determines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal requirements.
Example The data protection act. It will be done by some legal advisors.

1.6.5 Schedule Feasibility

Schedule feasibility determines whether the proposed system will be completed on the given
time or not. Whatever the scarcity of time given for the project by the internal motivation and
potential of the team member of the project, we surely expect the project will be completed on

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study will be carried out in Gondar town. It will cover only city kebelesi.e. 1-21. The study
is aimed at finding out the methods currently being used for managing Solid waste in Gondar,
the type of waste generated and designing the most appropriate improved system for managing
the waste. The study will be carried out for a period of 8 months stretching from February to July
2014 E.C.

1.8 Significance of the study

When this problem of solid waste management is properly addressed, disease outbreaks like
malaria, diarrhea, typhoid, dysentery, plague and other epidemics like cholera which have a high
mortality and morbidity rate among humans will be minimized, consequently the government
will spend less on health management. The road side drains will no longer be blocked by the
solid waste thus the associated effects of floods leading to road destructions will be
minimized.This is going to address the challenges of rampant waste disposal hence a mechanism

for environmental conservation, yielding to sanity of the area for good health living. This
research could also be using as reference for further research.

1.9 Tools

1.8.1 System Implementation Tools

In this project the following system development tools will be used: -

1.8.2 Hard ware tools: -

➢ Laptop or disk top
➢ Flash disk(8GB)
➢ A4 size paper
➢ Pen
➢ Pencil

1.8.3 Software tools: -

➢ MS word 2010: for the purpose of writing documentation.
➢ Apache server: is a server which let us to use client computer as client and
➢ Microsoft PowerPoint 2010: is software that we use for presentation
➢ Adobe Photoshop (CS4): - it used to edit school photos used in website.
➢ MySQL database; - for Data base Server purpose
➢ HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT: -for writing Script languages.
➢ Web browser: the web browser such as Mozilla, internet explorer and
Google chrome use to see our system.
➢ Edrawmax version 7.9: -for diagrams like use case, sequence diagrams, class
diagrams, deployment diagrams.

1.10 Project cost

Cost estimation has a great impact for the successful accomplishment of the project. The costs
associated with each items required have been estimated. This will help us to limit the constraints

related to cost while project is conducted. From the beginning up to the end of this project we
planned the following cost list.

1.10.1 Hardware cost: -

Table 1. 1 List of Hardware coast

No Material Amount Price per unit Total price

1 Flash disk 1 350 Birr 240Birr

2 For Print 100 sheets 2 Birr 200 Birr

3 Computer 1 0.00 Birr 0.00 Birr

4 Miscellaneouscost - 2000 2000

Total 2440 .00 Birr

1.10.2 Software cost: -

Table 1. 2List of software cost

No Material Price per unit

1 Microsoft office 2013 Free

2 Visual paradigm 12.0 Free

3 Rational Rose Enterprise Edition Free

4 Apache Xampp server Free

5 Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver Free

Total 00.00 Birr

11 Schedule of the project

While developing our project, we will have followed a scheduled time for each activity. The
activities with their time schedule that we will have followed are as follows:

Table 1. 3 Time schedule project

No. Task Name Nov16- Dec25 Dec26- jan20 Feb 18- Mar25 Mar27- august10 august11-
august 15

1 Requirement

2 System

3 System designing

4 System

5 Operation



2.1 Introduction

This chapter contains the views of different authors on integrated solid waste management, and
challenges of solid waste management system .This is in an attempt to come up with the core
components of integrated solid waste management in municipalities, challenges associated and
possible solutions for improvement of the management system.
Waste management refers to all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its
generation to its final disposal. This includes amongst other things storage, collection,
transportation, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. It also
encompasses the legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste management
encompassing guidance on recycling.
Waste can take any form that is either solid, liquid, or gas and each have different methods of
disposal and management. Waste management normally deals with all types of waste whether it
was created in forms that are industrial, biological, household, and special cases where it may
pose a threat to human health. It is produced due to human activity such as when factories extract
and process raw materials. Waste management is intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on
health, the environment or aesthetics.
Waste management practices are not uniform among countries (developed and developing
nations); regions (urban and rural areas), and sectors (residential and industrial).A large portion
of waste management practices deal with municipal solid waste (MSW) which is waste that is
created by household, industrial, and commercial activity.

2.2 Existing System Description

Gondar city municipal garbage management system is one of the main services provided in the
city of Gondar. It has some tasks that are responsible to work itOverview of the new System

The existing system is manual so that there are so many problems in their task. But the new
system would be solving the problems. My aim is to change the existing system which is manual
to computerized system. In new system, there might not be many additional things from the
existing system but the new system would be fast, secured and material, manpower and time
saving as compared to the existing system.

The new system we are proposing to develop makes the organization move one step in the
direction of its way to success. The new system will try to help the organization and the
customers in giving service in amore facilitated and timely manner. The proposed system
guarantees save document management with a much secured database. Individuals file are not
vulnerable to attack posed by unauthorized parties. The proposed system will also support easy
manipulation of waste management as it tries to identify each works through a unique work
identification. With which the system can search easily to get the individual work descreption.
Doing this updating, deleting is a matter of few seconds. The system can also provide a
sophisticated way of doing the most tedious and difficult task, the garbage for lot of workers
shortly with greater accuracy and less manpower. The new system also made a new
improvement on the function of branches making them work together more conveniently.
Every worker in anywhere any time can access easily working information being on the website.
So any staff members can be treated by any other whereas if they were his own work. The
workers can interact with new system without physical presentation, being on the website can
access his individual tasks and can see different notifications.

So this new system will decrease the manpower needed and the time of giving service to
customer while assuring greater accuracy and elevated customer satisfaction. And finally, the
new system will make the organization become more competent and more profitable
organization giving facilitated service than it was giving before.

Generally the new system is:-

3 Less time and fuel consumption as the trucks go only to the filled containers.
4 Decreased noise, traffic flow and air pollution as a result of less trucks on the roads.
5 Our smart operating system enable two way communication between the dustbin deployed
in the city and service operator. Therefore the focus is only on collection of route based fill
level of the containers.
6 In this way both service providers and citizens benefit from an optimized system which
results in major cost savings and less urban pollution.
7 Reduces the infrastructure (trucks, containers), operating (fuel) and maintenance costs of
the service by upto 30%.
8 Applying this technology to the city optimizes management, resources and costs, and
makes it a “SMART CITY”.
9 Historical information on collections helps adapt the deployment of containers to the actual
needs of the city, therefore reducing the number of containers that clutter up the road and
increasing public parking spaces.
10 It keeps the surroundings clean and green, free from bad odor of wastes, emphasizes on
healthy environment and keep cities more beautiful.
11 Reducing manpower required to handle the garbage collection.

2.2 overview of the new system

In Gondar town, the solid waste generation of each household averagely was currently reaches to
76.65kg /annum (Abebe Tegegne (2006). As a result of this huge generation of solid waste,
town residents considered MSWM as a necessary and vigorous urban service. For instance, from
total 165 sample households of the town around 15(9.09%) of them are regarding this service as
a burning urban service just like road, water and electricity. This is because absence of qualified
and efficient municipal solid waste management service exposed them to various health,
aesthetic and environmental impacts. On the other hand, respondents are also asked to estimate
the effort made by municipality to provide efficient municipal solid waste management service
compared with other services of the town. And majority 125(75.5%) of them responded that
municipality has made weak effort.

In order to collect primary data from Gondar town, we classified the town in to kefle ketemas.
Gondar town is classifying in to twelve kefle ketema. In order to reduce the cost of time and
energy, four kefle ketemas were randomly selected namely, Chirkos, Gebriel, Azezo Demieza
and Arbegnoch and one kebele from each kefle ketema and their household number as a
representative sample randomly in the following way were selected respectively.

Users of the Existing System are:-

Driver:-Is An Actor That Collects The kind of the waste liquid or solid or semisolid.

Customer: is a customer that is pay for the garbage collector.

Admin:Admin has the official powers to control the flow of the data from one part of the system to the

Business rules in existing system:

To participate in Garbage management system:

 Measure business waste.

 Reduce waste going to landfill.

 Identify local collectors of recyclable materials.

 Understand waste and recycling collection contracts.

 Implement material collection systems at business premises

2.3 Input and Outputs of New System

 Can be appended with environmental accounts covering waste emissions, resources.

 Waste flows are accounted for as waste generated by sectors and final demand .

 waste used by waste treatment sectors.

 waste generation accounting.


 waste footprint calculation.

 The quantification of waste generation is an important functionality of a model
since it is a key parameter for waste management analyses..
 We distinguish four scales: single- and multi-region, and, subnational and national
 the time dimension. We distinguish between static

2.4 System Requirement Specification

2.4.1. Functional requirements
Functional requirements are fundamental building block requirements. It is a statement of exactly what
the system must do. The new system being the following functional requirements:


 admin can view all the detail in brief like new lodged complaints.
 admin can view Assigned lodged complaints.
 admin can view Rejected lodged complaints.
 admin can view Completed lodged complaints
 admin can view total drivers .
 admin can view total bin cleaning in progress.
 admin can view total bin cleaned .
 admin can manage bin(add/update/del).
 admin can manage driver(add/update/del).
 admin can view the complain which is received by users and assign it to the driver.
 admin views the status of complain which is marked by or done by the driver.
 the admin views the status of the bin which is marked by or done by the driver.
 admin can search the bin allotted to the driver and lodge complaint by bin id and
complain number respectively.

 driver can view all the detail.
 Can assign complaints.
 in progress lodged complaints.
 competed lodged complaints.
 assign garbage bin.
 bin cleaning in progress.
 Total bin cleaned by him/her
 Generate Reports.
 driver can view the count of assign complain.

 The system shall allow the customer can lodge the complain.
 the customer can view the status of lodged complain.
 the customer use can search his/her own lodged complain details with the help complain
 can also update their profile
Functional requirement

Functional requirements are fundamental building block requirements. It is a statement of

exactly what the system must do. The new system being the following functional requirements:

 admin can view all the detail in brief like new lodged complaints.
 admin can view Assigned lodged complaints.
 admin can view Rejected lodged complaints.
 admin can view Completed lodged complaints
 admin can view total drivers .
 admin can view total bin cleaning in progress.
 admin can view total bin cleaned .
 admin can manage bin(add/update/del).
 admin can manage driver(add/update/del).
 admin can view the complain which is received by users and assign it to the driver.
 admin views the status of complain which is marked by or done by the driver.
 the admin views the status of the bin which is marked by or done by the driver.
 admin can search the bin allotted to the driver and lodge complaint by bin id and
complain number respectively.

 driver can view all the detail.

 Can assign complaints.
 in progress lodged complaints.
 competed lodged complaints.
 assign garbage bin.
 bin cleaning in progress.
 Total bin cleaned by him/her
 Generate Reports.

 driver can view the count of assign complain

 The system shall allow the customer can lodge the complain.
 the customer can view the status of lodged complain.
 the customer use can search his/her own lodged complain details with the help complain
 can also update their profile
2.4.2 Nonfunctional Requirement
The following are the non-functional requirement associated with the system:-Unit of measurement
usually divided into two broad categories:

 Execution qualities, like security and quality, that unit evident at the run time.
 Evolution qualities, like liabilities, maintainability, flexibility, and quantitative, that unit
embodied among the static structure of the code.
The non-functional garbage management system needs to place restrictions on the merchandise
being developed, the event technique, and specify external constraints that the merchandise has
to be compelled to meet. Our project qualifies all the factors of helpful and not helpful
consequently, and the system is up to mark performance device.

Here we’d prefer to need the care of few lots of things before heading towards the system. The
many sensible, intuitive interfaces are usually created. That ultimately build an interface easy to
use for a lengthy time. In distinction to ancient vogue wherever the goal is to create the difficulty
or application physically enticing, the goal of interface trend is to build the user’s interaction
expertise as straightforward and intuitive as double – what’s typically mentioned as user-
centered vogue.

Where smart graphic/industrial vogue is daring and eye-catching, intelligent interface vogue is
sometimes delicate and invisible.

Keep things simple and consistent: –

Straightforward and harmonic means that are making u i is extraordinarily intuitive and needs to

Observe the use of typography: –

The typography is taken care strictly as the wish of the system.

Use colour and distinction correctly: –

Color band of skin and dark is sweet means that stress and done well throughout this method

Consider feedback messages: –

Feedback sort may well be an excellent means that are taking feedback of forms and rising the

Simplified forms: –

The structure is made simple to fill with a clean program.

Business rule identification proposed system:

BR1:- customer must be first register to Garbage management system.

BR2:-No person should throw.
BR3:- No person should burn.
BR4:- No person should bury the solid waste generated by him.
BR5:-No person should open public spaces outside his premises or in the drain, or water bodies.

2.5 System requirement analyses

The purpose of System Requirements Analysis is to obtain a thorough and detailed understanding of the
business need as defined in Project Origination and captured in the Business Case, and to break it down
into discrete requirements, which are then clearly defined, reviewed and agreed upon with the
Customer Decision-Makers. During System Requirements Analysis, the framework for the application is
developed, providing the foundation for all future design and development efforts. The primary goal of
this phase is to create a detailed Functional Specification defining the full set of system capabilities to be

2.5.1 Actor and use case identification

Actor identification

 Admin: Admin has the official powers to control the flow of the data from one part of the
system to the other.
 Driver:- is a customer that is driver can view all the detail.
 Customer:- is a customer that is acquiring service for Garbage management system Registers
to online.
 .

Use case identification

Each Use Case describes the functionality to be built in the proposed system, which can include
another Use Case’s functionality or extend another Use Case with its own behavior. The most
important and basic use cases of this system are the following:-

Table 2. 1use case identification

ID Use Case Name Include

UC1 Login
UC2 view Assigned lodged
UC3 view total bin cleaning in UC1
UC4 view total bin cleaned
UC5 manage bin(add/update/del). UC1
UC6 views the status of complain UC1
UC7 views the status of the bin UC1
UC8 search the bin allotted to the UC1
UC9 in progress lodged complaints UC1
UC10 assign garbage bin/ UC1
UC11 bin cleaning in progress UC1
UC12 Update Account Information UC1
UC13 Generate Reports UC1
UC14 view the count of assign UC1
UC15 update their profile UC1
UC16 competed lodged complaints UC1
UC17 Logout
UC18 can lodge the complain UC1

2.5.2 Use case diagram

Figure 2. 1Use case diagram

23 Use case diagram description
System use cases reflect analysis description, design decisions and it consists of actors, use cases
and their relationships. An actor is an external entity that interacts with the system. A use case
describes a sequence of actions that provide a measurable value to an actor
Table 2. 2login Use case description

Use case Name Login

Actor SystemAdmin, Driver, Customer.
Description Required for login to access the system.
Precondition The user must have a valid username and password.
Post condition SystemAdmin, Driver, Customersuccessfully login to his page.
Flow of action Actor Action System response
Step 1: user wants to log to the system Step 3: The system displays the
Step 2: open the system login form.
Step 4: .enter user name and password. Step 6: validate on the form
Step 5: Submits the form. controller andcheck on the
Step 7: Notifies about the status
of login (success or failure).
Step 8: Use case ends.
Alternative Course If user submits invalid information to database, send a notification to the
of Action user to re-submit valid information.
The system redirects to step 4.

Table 2. 3Customer register use case description

Use case Name register

Actor Driver, Customer
Description Required for register the Driver information
Precondition The customer must have a valid user data.
Post condition The customer information registered to the database in order to
participate in the apartment.
Basic course of Actor Action System response
action Step 1: customer wants to register in the
Apartment database.
Step 2: click customer register link. Step 3: The system
Step 4: Fill customer registration form. displays the customer
Step 5: Submits the form. registration form.
Step 6: validate on the
form controller and
check the input data in
the database.
Step 7: Notifies about
the status of registration
(success or failure).
Step 8: Use case ends.
Alternative Course of If customer submits invalid information to database, send a notification
Action to the customer to resubmit valid data.
The system redirects to step 4.

Table 2. 4 create account use case description
Use case name Create account
Actor Admin
Description Required to create account for register customer.
Precondition Adminhave valid user name and password in order to login the
Post condition Admincreate account for the registered customer
Basic course of action Actor Action
Step 1: Adminlogin in to his System response
page. Step3: the system displays
Step2: Clicks create account create account form.
form. Step6: the system notifies
Step4: Admincreate or fill user about the status of (success or
name and password failure).
Step5: submit the form. Step7: use case end.
Alternate courses of action The system display error message when the customer information
is incorrect.
The system redirects to step 4.

2.6. Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are used to model the logic of usage scenarios. Usage scenario is exactly
which its name indicates-the description of a potential way our system is used. The logic of
usage scenario developed here comprises the basic course of actions.
The boxes across top of the diagram represent classifiers or their instances; typically use cases,
objects, classes or actors.
The solid lines hanging from the boxes are called objects lifelines, representing the life span of
object during the scenario being modeled. The long, thin boxes on the long life lines are method
invocation boxes indicating that the target object/class to fulfill a message is performing
processing. Messages indicate as labeled arrows, when the source and the target of a message is
an object or class labels the signature of the method invoked in response to the message.
However, if either the source or target is the human actor, then the message is labeled with brief
text describing the information is available [2].

Figure 2. 2 Sequence diagram for create user account.

Figure 2. 3Sequence diagram for login use case

Figure 2. 4 Sequence diagram for Send Compliant use case

2.7. Activity Diagram

Activity diagram are best starting point to model logic of business process, use case or method. This
activity diagrams are developed based on the requirement analysis which is done previously. The team
members try to depict the logic of the business process and use case which was done previously. The
black filled circle represents the starting point of the activity diagram effectively. A place holder and a
filled circle with a border represent the ending point. The rounded circle represents a process of
activities that are performed. The diamond represents decision points and arrows represent the
transition between activities modeling the flow order between the various activities[3].

Figure 2. 5 Activity diagram for login use case

Figure 2. 6Activity diagram for login use case

Figure 2. 7Activity diagram for customer registration use case

Figure 2. 8Activity diagram for Driver and Customer account update use case

2.8 Analysis Class Diagram
Class models are the main study of object-oriented design and analysis. Class model shows the
classes of the system, their interrelationships (including inheritances, aggregation and
association) the operations and the attributes of classes. In this class diagram the team members
try to describe the types of object in the system and the various kinds of static relationships that
exist among them as well as depicted the detailed understanding of problem domain of the
system. These Class diagrams are developed based on the functional requirement.
Show the classes of the system, their inter-relationships, and the operations and attributes of the
classes [4]. Class diagrams are typically used, although not all at once to:
 Explore domain concepts in the form of a domain model
 Analyze requirements in the form of a conceptual/analysis model
 Depict the detailed design of object-oriented or object-based software

Figure 2. 9Analysis Class Diagram

[1] f. g. fethiya mehammed, " Organization, Enterprise," 19 april 2004. [Online]. [Accessed 21
november 2016].

[2] E. Torlak, 2 Spring 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 12
december 2016].

[3] M. Felici, 14 January 2004. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23
Decmber 2016].

[4] D. Bell, 15 Sep 2004. [Online]. Available: [Accessed
19 December 2016].


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