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JUN 30,2023

First of all will like to praise our God for giving us patient and help throughout our study. Next
our special thanks and sincerely gratitude to our Advisor a lecturer at university of Gondar
department Management. of for his scarifies his time and his knowledge to keep us on the right
direction through in variable guidance as well as his patient in helping us to do every well
throughout study.

Next is will like to thanks university of Gondar employees to help us by giving necessary and
relevant data. We are also thanks to our family, best friends and any concerned body for their
financial and moral help throughout conducting the research.
The main objective of this study will to investigate the job satisfaction of employees at the
University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus. In collecting the data, the researchers will use both
primary and secondary source of data and investigate in detail. The study will use sampling
techniques for taking planned samples from sampling frame through simple random and
proportionate stratified sampling techniques. The researcher used both qualitative and
quantitative approach. The researchers will take 80 Academic staff employee from a total of
400University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus Academic staff in three departments . The
method of data analysis will be descriptive analysis which, the gatherings data from the
respondents are carefully arranged and categorized in to suitable form and merged in to similar
ground and data will cover in to percentage and accurate show by table in detail. The results
will be describes to assessing job satisfaction of employees at the University of Gondar Aste-
tederose campus. Some of the problems faced by job satisfaction of employees at the University
of Gondar Aste-tederose campusin academic staff Increasing of demand in salary, benefit and
position concerning are the problem in University as well as any educational institutions
concerning job satisfaction of teachers. This study primary examined employees job satisfied
with some selected facets of job the following conclusions can be drawn from the feeling
reported above .The financial benefit and compensation system, promotional opportunities and
practices appreciation, authority careers prospects,\ feeling of the job itself, employees – top
management relation, fairly evaluation of job performance and recognition of employees
contribution were conform with the job . The finding of this study was believed to a have some
implication for practices. This implication might shows area of intervention to improve the
extent of employee’s job satisfaction. Finally 80 questionnaires distributed out of these, 70
questionnaires filled properly and collected back. 45% of respondent replied that financial
rewards affect their level of satisfaction more than other factors. Based on a very slight overall
job satisfaction of employees the University administrators collaborate with regional educational
bureau should take necessary measure for the optimal provision of intrinsic ( especially
recognition, appreciation, autonomy. Promotional growth) and extrinsic job rewards (good
compensation, financial benefit, clean and resource environments, and respect full supervisions)
to make their core work force highly satisfied and to reap the benefit of improved work behavior.
Key words: Job Satisfaction, Promotion Opportunities , Work load , Wok It Self

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment........................................................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract............................................................................................................................................................................................ ii
List Of Table................................................................................................................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the Study.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Statement of the problem...............................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Question............................................................................................................................................................4
1.4. Research Objectives....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1. General Objectives................................................................................................................................................4
1.4.2. Specific Objectives................................................................................................................................................4
1.5. Significance of the Study..............................................................................................................................................4
1.6. Scope of the Study.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.7. Limitation of the study.................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.8. Organization of the Study/Paper................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Theoretical Framework of the Study.........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Job Satisfaction................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Definition and Concepts of Job Satisfaction...............................................................................................7
2.2.2. Theories Related To Job Satisfaction...........................................................................................................8 Maslow’s Theory of Needs Hierarchy.......................................................................................................9 Herzberg’s two Factors Theory..................................................................................................................9 Alder fear’s ERG Theory..............................................................................................................................10 McClelland’s theory of needs.....................................................................................................................10
2.2.3 Dimensions of job satisfaction......................................................................................................................10 The Workload.................................................................................................................................................. 11 Promotion Opportunities...........................................................................................................................11 Pay/Compensation........................................................................................................................................12 Physical Environment and Facilities......................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3. Research Methodology...................................................................................................................................................14
3.1 Research Design.............................................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Research Approach....................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Target Population.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Sampling techniques..........................................................................................................................................15
3.4 Source of data................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.1 Primary source of data..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Secondary source of data.................................................................................................................................16
3.5 Method of data collection........................................................................................................................................... 16
3.6 Method of data analysis...............................................................................................................................................16
3.7Budget Plan....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER FOUR..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
4. ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION OF DATA.....................................................................................................18
4.1 Descriptive analyses for general information of respondents........................................................................18
Table 4. 1 general information of respondents..........................................................................................................18
4.2 Descriptive analysis’s of the basic information from the questionnaire.....................................................20
CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................................................28
5.1 Summaries........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.2. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Recommendations......................................................................................................................................................... 29
REFERENCE.............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
APPENDIX1............................................................................................................................................................................... 32

List Of Table
Table 3. 1 sample size determination..................................................................................................................................15
Table 3. 2 cost of the project..................................................................................................................................................17

Table 4. 1 general information of respondents...............................................................................................................18

Table 4. 2 general information of respondents...............................................................................................................20
Table 4. 3 sample gave their response about satisfaction.............................................................................................20
Table 4. 4 feeling towards performance.............................................................................................................................21
Table 4. 5 satisfaction with equal payment.......................................................................................................................22
Table 4. 6 the working environment....................................................................................................................................22
Table 4. 7 satisfactions with top management.................................................................................................................23
Table 4. 8 authority to perform duties effectively..........................................................................................................23
Table 4. 9 treatment of employees by the University management/deans.............................................................24
Table 4. 10 Provision of satisfactory salary......................................................................................................................24
Table 4. 11 The Physical Working Condition..................................................................................................................25
Table 4. 12 sharing experience............................................................................................................................................ 25
Table 4. 13 quality of performance and satisfaction with workload........................................................................26
Table 4. 14 appreciation for accomplishment of work.................................................................................................26
Table 4. 15 employees overall job satisfaction................................................................................................................27
Table 4. 16 cares prospect.......................................................................................................................................................27

1.1. Background of the Study
Job Satisfaction can be define as psychological state how individual feels to ward work. In other
words it was peoples feeling and attitudes about variety of intrinsic and extrinsic elements
towards jobs and the organization they perform their jobs in. the element of jobs satisfaction are
related to pay, promotion, benefit, work nature, supervision and relationship with colleagues
(mosadeghard, 2003). Employees’ satisfaction was considered as all around module organization
human resource strategies.

According to Simataw (2011), job satisfaction means a function which was positively related to
the degree to which one’s personal needs are fulfilled job situation kurian (2011) argues that
employees were the most satisfied and highly productive when their job offers them security
from economic strain , recognition of their effort clean policy of grievance . Participation in
decision making and managing affair ,clean definition of duties and responsibilities and
opportunities for promotion ,fringe benefit s, sound payment structure, incentive plan and profit
sharing activates , health and safety measures , social security compensation communication
system and finally, atmosphere of mutual trust respect, job satisfaction means pleasurable
emotional state of feeling that results from performance of work (simatwa,2011). In addition).
Job satisfaction is widely studied factors in management literatures.

job satisfaction was a crucial factor in the success of any organization. It has been shown that
employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more productive, engaged, and committed to
their work. Conversely, employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs are more likely to be
absent, disengaged, and may even leave the organization. Therefore, it is important for
organizations to assess the job satisfaction of their employees and identify areas where
improvements can be made.

The University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus was a leading institution of higher education in
Ethiopia. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. The
university employs a large number of faculty and staff members who play a critical role in its

success. Therefore, it was essential to assess the job satisfaction of these employees to ensure
that they are motivated, engaged, and committed to their work.

The purpose of this study was to assess the job satisfaction of employees at the University of
Gondar Aste-tederose campus. The study will explore various aspects of job satisfaction,
including pay, benefits, job security, work-life balance, and opportunities for career growth. The
findings of this study will be used to identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance
employee satisfaction and retention.

Therefore the proposal consider that it is important to study whether teachers were satisfies,
because it was belie that workers who are more satisfies will likely exhibits more positive
feelings thoughts, and more positive actions towards their job.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Assessing job satisfaction of any organization would help to build organizational power capacity.
To stay in good employees job satisfaction, every organization needs to have responsible and
accountable employees which were well satisfies. For full accomplishment of each activity
participation of worker was important. To come up with this active participation the employee
satisfaction regarding with their job plays a vital role. It is absolutely clear that instructor spend
many of their time on work.

Increasing of demand in salary, benefit and position concerning are the problem in University as
well as any educational institutions concerning job satisfaction of teachers. The teacher argument
is in with Adam's equity theory calls for a fair balance to be struck between employee's input
(e.g. hard work, skill level tolerance and enthusiasm) and employees out puts e.g. salary,
benefits, and intangible benefits such as recognition). A fair balance serves to ensure a strong
productive relationship with the employees, with the overall result being satisfied the employees.
According to qureshi (2007), Employee satisfaction could not only measure with financially
rather other incentives. Like promotion, moral recognition and other motivational factors.

Most of the time managers or any of other people who held the higher position would not bother
the employee would satisfy or not. Even though these person know the importance of employee
job satisfaction (Armstrong,2002).Job satisfaction will be influence employee productivity,
turnover and motivation(willber, 2002).So the magnitude at this problem was high because in
this period when the employee are dissatisfied.

University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus is one of the higher learning institutions in
Ethiopia. It has give the responsibility to prepare skill man power that will be able to attain the
objective of education and training policy and the strategies containing within the national
development program. It is to be realizing this responsibility is believe to be that the role of
training students who are committed for the success of their university is crucial.

In general, what we can infer from the above literature is that job satisfaction is important for
better attainment of institutional objections. And also those who are satisfied with the different
dimensions of the job and more committed to their organization exhibit more involved and
positive work behaviors. But the researches experience shows that there are specific sign of job
dissatisfaction among workers expressing their complaint among themselves – heavy work load,
unreasonable pays lack of resource. The purpose of this study is investigating or assessing of
employee job satisfactions with various job facts at the University of Gondar in Aste-tederose

Though studies have been conduct in different parts of the country related with job satisfaction
and other related issues they did not look the satisfactions of employees in university. The reason
the researcher select this topic is to assess teacher's job satisfaction as one of the major problem
of University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus in relation to motivation behind the job
satisfaction this study will be try to fill the gap by asses the feeling towards the different
dimension of job. Therefore, this study will be intended to consider different factors of job
satisfaction Such as; salary increase, incentive, better working condition, nature of the job,
compensation, leadership that may contribute for job satisfaction of academic staff.

1.3 Research Question
1. What are the major factors that affect academic staff job satisfaction?
2. What does the current job satisfaction of academic staffs look like in University of
Gondar in Aste-tederose campus?
3. What are the current practices that the university is practicing to satisfy academic

1.4. Research Objectives

1.4.1. General Objectives

The General Objectives of the study will be the assessment of employee’s job satisfaction in
University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus.

1.4.2. Specific Objectives

1. To assess the factor that affect academic staff job satisfaction in University of Gondar in
Aste-tederose campus.
2. To assess the level of academic staffs job satisfaction.
3. To assess the current practice used by the university to satisfy academic staffs.

1.5. Significance of the Study

This study will be important for the researcher for getting BA degree for the organization to
know and solve its problem, for systematically documenting the assessment of employee’s job
satisfaction in University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus. For another researcher will used as
a reference to conduct researcher for future investigation something in this study area. For the
University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus employer It helps to provide information about
the existing factors that affect the level of job satisfaction in University of Gondar Aste-tederose
campus and the management students to identify the factor affecting job satisfaction of employee
of university of Gondar. This research output will serve as a reference material to those people
or academic students who will undertake further researches on the same or related topics. This
study would have contributed for the university administrators to take corrective action..

1.6. Scope of the Study
The various major aspects and elements that are involved in assessment of employee's job
satisfaction in the University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus are Teamwork, communication,
reliabilities & job performance. The process of job satisfaction is The results will also help the
management of the university to identify areas that need improvement and develop strategies to
improve employee job satisfaction and retention.

1.7. Limitation of the study

In this study, we proposal facing some problems like: Shortage of enough time to collect
information from the respondents because we have a problem that some respondents are not
easily attending and they are not founded at where and when we needed them. Another problem
is that there is little bit over lapping duty to collect the data because we were attending the class

The limitation of the study also include a relatively small number of females ,unmatched gender
ratio and the fact that the conclusions related with gender may not be reasonable shortage of time
and finance.

1.8. Organization of the Study/Paper

The study will consists of five chapters, the first chapter includes introduction, back ground of
the study, statement of the problem. Objective of the study, significance of the study, limitation
of the study , organization of the study, the second chapter is about review related literature. The
third chapter deals with research methodology that includes research design, research approach
source of data, data collection, target population of the study, method of data analysis. The forth
chapter will be This phase not include in the proposal; phase but it includes in the research phase
data presentation and analysis. And the final chapter will be conclusion and recommendation of
the study

There is limited literature specifically examining job satisfaction among academic staff at the
University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus. However, studies on job satisfaction in academic
settings more broadly suggest that promotion opportunities are a key factor in determining job
satisfaction among academic staff (Kuo et al., 2019).

One study found that academic staff who perceived promotion opportunities as fair and
transparent reported higher levels of job satisfaction (DeCelles et al., 2016). Another study found
that academic staff who perceived their university's promotion criteria as clear and achievable
reported higher levels of job satisfaction (Kuo et al., 2019).

Furthermore, research suggests that promoting from within can lead to increased job satisfaction
among academic staff. One study found that academic staff who were promoted from within
reported higher levels of job satisfaction compared to those who were hired externally (Purcell et
al., 2017). Overall, the literature suggests that promotion opportunities are an important factor in
determining job satisfaction among academic staff. Ensuring that promotion criteria are fair,
transparent, and achievable, and promoting from within can help to increase job satisfaction and
foster a positive work environment

2.1 Theoretical Framework of the Study

The section contains the theoretical framework of the study the general objective of this study
was examining employee’s satisfaction with different aspects of jobs. To achieve this goal the
following conceptual framework was develop from review of related literature on job satisfaction
of employees. though, number of different theoretical perspectives and models have been
applied to employee satisfaction this study mainly used Herzberg’s two factor theory of needs as
theoretical ground .The one among these theories ,Herzberg teals two factor theories categories
man’s works needs as fallows achievement promotions autonomy , recognition and work itself
they called them the motivation factors whereas the hygiene factor are pay/salary , job security ,
working condition , police and administration , supervision and interpersonal relationship .
Though the above theories have their own distinct approaches to satisfaction this study was not
intend to check their approaches rather, the selected areas of needs from the above theories
formed the components of job satisfaction in this study.

In addition to the facts of job selected based on the aforementioned theories and research
finding, selected demographic characteristic of employees are including in the model since they
have exhibited significant correlation with job satisfaction.

The following major facts of job and demographic characteristic that became the domain were
identified these includes; work itself, pay recognition promotion / growth opportunities
Supervision, co-worker relation, autonomy, physical environment and facilities , work load
gender, tenure, age , educational level Each facet Is assumed to have caused relationship with
overall job satisfaction this fame work assumes that if an employs is satisfaction with the
selected approaches of his or her job the decision is often made to be a committed on for the
institution if an employees is not satisfied with aspects of his , job , the institutional college
Therefore, relationship between the factors / job facts overall job satisfaction and employees
overall job satisfaction are the theatrical frame work in this study.

2.2 Job Satisfaction

2.2.1 Definition and Concepts of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction refers to the level of contentment or fulfillment an employee experiences in their
job. It is a subjective measure that can be influenced by various factors such as work
environment, compensation, job security, relationships with colleagues and supervisors, and
opportunities for growth and development.

Assessing employee job satisfaction at the University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus in

academic staff only involves gathering data from academic staff members to determine their
level of satisfaction with their job. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus
groups. The term job satisfaction refers to the attitude and feeling people have about their work.
Positive and favorable attitudes the job indicate Job satisfaction. In negative and unfavorable
attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction (Armstrong, 2006).
Job satisfaction the collection feeling and belief that people have about their current job.
People's levels of degree of job satisfaction can range from extremes dissatisfaction, in addition
to having attitudes about their job as a whole. People also can have attitudes about their job as a
whole. People also can have attitude about varies aspect of their job such as the kind of work
they do, their workers supervisors or subordinates and their pay (George, 2008).

Job satisfaction is complex and multifaceted concept which can mean different peoples. Job
satisfaction is usually linked with motivation but the nature of this relationship is not clear.
Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job satisfaction more of an attitude and internal state.
It could, for example, be associated with a personal felling of achievement, either qualitative or
quantitative (mllmullins.2005). We consider that Job satisfaction represent s feeling that appears
as result the perception that a job enables the materials and psychological needs (Aziri, 2008).
Job satisfaction can be considerate as one of the mean factors when it comes efficiency and
effective of business organization. In fact the managerial paradigm which insists that employees
should treated and consider primarily as human being that have their wants, needs and personal
desires is a very good (Azeri, 2008)

2.2.2. Theories Related To Job Satisfaction

There are several theories related to job satisfaction that can be applied when assessing employee
job satisfaction at the University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus in academic staff only. These

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory: This theory suggests that there are two types of factors that
influence job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors such as salary, working conditions,
and job security can prevent dissatisfaction, but they do not necessarily lead to job satisfaction.
On the other hand, motivators such as recognition, achievement, and growth opportunities can
increase job satisfaction.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: This theory proposes that individuals have a hierarchy of needs
that must be met in order to achieve self-actualization. The basic needs such as physiological and
safety needs must be met before higher-level needs such as esteem and self-actualization can be
achieved. Job satisfaction can be increased by providing opportunities for employees to meet
their higher-level needs. Equity Theory: This theory suggests that individuals compare their
inputs (e.g., effort, skills) and outputs (e.g., salary, recognition) to those of others in similar
positions. If they perceive that their inputs and outputs are equitable to those of others, they will
experience job satisfaction. However, if they perceive inequity, they may experience job

Job Characteristics Model: This model proposes that there are five core job characteristics (skill
variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback) that can lead to meaningful
work and job satisfaction. By designing jobs that incorporate these characteristics, organizations
can increase employee motivation and satisfaction.

By applying these theories when assessing employee job satisfaction at the University of Gondar
Aste-tederose campus in academic staff only, the organization can identify areas where
improvements can be made to increase job satisfaction and ultimately improve employee
retention and productivity. Maslow’s Theory of Needs Hierarchy

Maslow's Theory of Needs Hierarchy proposes that individuals have a hierarchy of needs that
must be met in order to achieve self-actualization. The basic needs such as physiological and
safety needs must be met before higher-level needs such as esteem and self-actualization can be
achieved. This theory can be applied when assessing employee job satisfaction at the University
of Gondar Aste-tederose campus in academic staff only by identifying if the organization is
meeting the basic needs of its employees such as fair compensation, safe working conditions, and
job security. Once these needs are met, the organization can focus on meeting higher-level needs
such as providing opportunities for professional growth and recognition. By meeting the needs of
its employees, the organization can increase job satisfaction and improve employee retention and
productivity. Herzberg’s two Factors Theory

In terms of Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory factors that make employees feel good about
their work, are different from factors that make them feel bad about their work. According to her
berg employees who are satisfied at work attribute their satisfaction to internal factors, while
dissatisfied employees describe their behavior to internal factors. Factors that play a role in
contributing to the satisfaction of employees are called motivators.

9 Alder fear’s ERG Theory

Alders revised Maslow’s theory to align work more empirical research (robins, Odendaal, and
Roodt, 2004). Alder’s theory is referred to as ERG theory is based on the following three needs:
existence, relatedness and growth.

The ERG theory suggests that more one need is in operation at the same time. When the
aspiration to satisfy a higher need is passive, the desire to satisfy a lower order level need
increases. McClelland’s theory of needs.

McClelland's Theory of Needs proposes that individuals have three basic needs: achievement,
affiliation, and power. In the context of assessing employee job satisfaction at the University of
Gondar Aste-tederose campus in academic staff only, this theory can be applied by identifying
the individual needs of each employee. For example, some employees may have a high need for
achievement and may be motivated by challenging work assignments and opportunities for
advancement. Others may have a high need for affiliation and may be motivated by a positive
work environment and strong relationships with colleagues. Still, others may have a high need
for power and may be motivated by opportunities to lead and influence others.

2.2.3 Dimensions of job satisfaction.

There are several dimensions of job satisfaction that can be assessed when evaluating employee
satisfaction at the University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus. These may include:

Workload: Are employees satisfied with their workload and the amount of work they are
expected to complete?

Compensation: Are employees satisfied with their salary and benefits package, including health
insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off?

Work-life balance: Are employees able to balance their work responsibilities with their personal
life and responsibilities outside of work?

Supervision: Do employees feel supported and valued by their supervisors? Are they receiving
constructive feedback and opportunities for growth and development?

Relationships with colleagues: Do employees have positive relationships with their colleagues
and feel a sense of camaraderie and teamwork?

Opportunities for advancement: Are there opportunities for employees to advance in their
careers and take on new challenges and responsibilities?

Organizational culture: Does the organization value diversity, inclusivity, and employee well-
being? Is there a positive and supportive workplace culture?

By assessing these dimensions of job satisfaction, the University of Gondar Aste-tederose

campus can identify areas where improvements can be made to increase employee satisfaction
and motivation. The Workload

One way to assess workload satisfaction is to conduct a survey asking employees to rate their
workload on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied.
Additionally, open-ended questions can be included to gather more detailed feedback about
specific tasks or responsibilities that employees find challenging or overwhelming. Promotion Opportunities

Another important factor to consider when evaluating job satisfaction among academic staff is
promotion opportunities. This could involve examining the criteria and processes for promotion
within the university and assessing whether they are transparent, fair, and merit-based. The
university could also gather feedback from academic staff on their perceptions of promotion
opportunities and identify any areas for improvement. Providing clear and achievable paths for
career advancement can help to motivate academic staff and encourage them to stay with the
university long-term. Additionally, promoting from within can help to foster a sense of loyalty
and commitment among academic staff, which can contribute to a positive work environment
and overall job satisfaction.

11 Pay/Compensation

Another crucial factor to consider when evaluating job satisfaction among academic staff is their
pay and compensation. To assess compensation satisfaction, a survey can ask employees to rate
their salary and benefits package on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5
being very satisfied. It may also be helpful to compare the university's compensation package to
industry standards and benchmark against other organizations in the same field.

Another important aspect to consider when assessing job satisfaction among academic staff is the
quality of supervision they receive. This could involve evaluating the effectiveness of
department chairs, deans, and other supervisors in providing support, guidance, and feedback to
academic staff. The university could also consider providing training or resources to supervisors
to help them better understand the needs and concerns of their staff. Additionally, the university
could provide opportunities for academic staff to provide feedback on their supervisors and
suggest areas for improvement. Ensuring that academic staff have effective and supportive
supervision can contribute to their job satisfaction and overall well-being. It indicates that setting
up shared decision making processes in educational institutions, such as management committee,
academic committee allows teachers to participate in institutional processes. Rather than feel
subordinates to their principles and it likely contribute for teacher’s satisfaction. Physical Environment and Facilities

Physical environmental In addition to the survey and focus group discussions, the university
could also assess the physical environment and facilities available to academic staff. This could
include evaluating the quality and cleanliness of classrooms, offices, and other workspaces, as
well as the availability of necessary equipment and resources. The university could also consider
providing opportunities for academic staff to provide feedback on their workspace and suggest
improvements. Ensuring that academic staff have access to a comfortable and well-equipped
workspace can contribute to their job satisfaction and overall productivity. Though, empirical
studies show that the physical working environment and facilities have a potential to employees
satisfaction. And Yitbarek (2007) indicate that the provision of adequate and appropriate
working environment and clean facilities were related to high job satisfaction. That is, an

increase in the availabilities of facilities such as computer and teaching aids, clean and well-
arranged offices increase the probability of better job satisfaction. Recognition
Job satisfaction of employees at the University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus. However, if the
university wishes to assess the job satisfaction of its academic staff, it could consider conducting
a survey or holding focus group discussions. The survey could include questions related to job
satisfaction, work-life balance, career development opportunities, compensation and benefits,
and overall job experience. The results of the survey could then be analyzed to identify areas
where improvements can be made to enhance employee satisfaction and retention. Additionally,
the university could also consider implementing regular check-ins with academic staff to ensure
that their needs and concerns are being addressed.. It tells how the work of an employee is
assessed and how much appreciation he\she gets in return from the people around, supporting
this idea, Craig (2006) suggested that the effective reward package enhance the productivity of
the employee’s such as recognition and appreciation from the boss which leads to satisfaction of
the employees. Work load

Several studies have highlighted the harmful consequence of high work load or work overload.
Work load creates stress can be defined as reluctance to come to work and a feeling of constant
pressure accompanied by the general psychology and behavioral stress symptoms (division of
human resource 2000 cited in rehman, irum, tahir,ijaz, noor, and salma (2012), however
Rehmanetal (2012) concluded that work load is positively related with job satisfaction of
employees. They further interpreted this positive relationship was resulted from poverty: and the
relationship between work load and job satisfaction dependent upon the compensation system a
particular organization follows.

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
The type of study will use for the purpose of study is descriptive study. It will be uses because it
is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the finding. It describes what
the reality is. Since the present study is concerned with assessing employee job satisfaction at the
University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus the researchers will assume that the descriptive type
of research will the most appropriate method to be use..

3.2 Research Approach

The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative approach.Qualitative research is the
approach usually associated with the social constructivist paradigm which emphasizes the
socially constructed nature of reality It is about recording, analyzing and attempting to uncover
the deeper meaning and significance of human behavior and experience, including contradictory
beliefs, attitudes or behaviors and emotions. WhereasQuantitative research is generally

associated with the positivist/post positivist paradigm.It is measurable and manageable approach
that can calculate or assigned in frequency and percentage value It usually involves collecting
and converting data into numerical form so that statistical calculations can be made and
conclusions drawn.the last one is mixed research that use any of the methods, techniques and
procedures typically associated with quantitative or qualitative research.

3.3 Target Population

The study focused on University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus and the total population that

means the number of Academic staff Employee are 400 from these 140 Natural and
computational science, 180 department-of-information-technology, 80 department-of-computer-

science. This data is obtained from University of Gondar Aste-tederose campusAcademic staff

3.3.1 Sampling techniques

sampling that can be used to select a representative sample of academic staff from the University
of Gondar Aste-tederose campus is stratified random sampling. b/c using In this technique, the
academic staff will be divided into different strata based on their departments or faculties. Then,
a random sample of academic staff will be selected from each stratum to ensure that the sample
is representative of the entire population.

The researchers will take 80 Academic staff Employees as a sample to select the sample size by
using stratified sampling techniques. The researchers will indicate the sample selection process
in the following table based on TayroYamane (1967) sample size determination.

n= Where, n=sample size
1+ N ¿ ¿

N=total population


1+ 400 ¿ ¿


Table 3. 1 sample size determination

Strata Number of Proportional Sample from each

Academic staff allocation formula Academic staff

Natural and computational 140 140 28
80( )
department-of- 180 180 36
80( )
department-of-computer- 80 80 16
80( )
Total 400 400 80
80( )

3.4 Source of data
Building needs different materials for successful construction so, the only possible way of
achieving the objective of the study is through gathering relevant data to do this the researchers
will use both primary and secondary source of data.

3.4.1 Primary source of data

Primary source of data are original materials that have not been altered or distorted in any way
and are the raw material of original document and objects which were created at the time.
Primary data are original observation will collect by the researchers.

3.4.2 Secondary source of data

A document or recording that relates or discusses information presented. Are document written
after an event are happened occurred provided second hand accounts of event in at the University
of Gondar Aste-tederose campus.

3.5 Method of data collection

Source of primary data will collect through questionnaire propose tools for the primary data
collection method that is close ended and open-ended type questions prepared to employee of at
the University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus to express their feeling and provided alternative
to choose. Source of secondary data will gather from different published documents are source of
date such as books, reports and internet websites and also previously done researches on
different aspects of documents University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus are source of
secondary data.

3.6 Method of data analysis

After the data collected the analysis of the data began in the study descriptive method of data
analysis is finding to be important for transforming of the raw data in to a form that makes easy
to understand and interpret. Primary descriptive techniques are use with simple statically analysis
such as percentage and some other relevant tools are will use. In addition, categorical method
such as tabular presentation will use to the study briefly.

3.7Budget Plan
There are different costs that we will incur in order to achieve our research objective. The
researchers estimated the following per item costs that we will incur till we finish our study.

Table 3. 2 cost of the project

Item Unit of Measurement Quantity Unit Price Total (Birr)


Paper (A4 size) pack 2 150.00 300.00

Pen (blue & red) Number 5 10.00 50.00
Note book Number 1 50.00 50.00
Lead pencil Number 1 15.00 15.00
Printing cost Page 30 2.00 60.00
Total 475.00

The main objectives of this study were to assess or investigate the job satisfaction of employee in
University of Gondar Aste-tederose campus .According to difference question were raised and
the result obtained from the data are presented in this chapter. The findings are based 80
distributed questionnaires and out of these 80 distributed questionnaires 70 questionnaires were
filled properly and collected back

4.1 Descriptive analyses for general information of respondents.

Table 4. 1 general information of respondents
Q. no Items Alternatives No of frequency Percentage (%)

1 Sex Male 70 87.5%

Female 10 12.5%
Total 80 100%
2 Age 21-30 47 58.75%
31-40 29 36.25%
41-50 3 3. 75%
>50 1 1.25%
Total 80 100%
3 Marital status Married 36 45%
Unmarried 42 52.5%
Other 2 2.5%
Total 80 100%
4 Academic First degree 10 12.5%
qualification Master degree 50 62.5%
Phd Candidate 20 25%
Total 80 100%
5 Year of service Less than 1 year 10 12.5%
2-5 year 40 50%
5-10 year 20 25%
Above 10 year 10 12.5%
Total 80 100%

With respect to gender of respondent indicated in the above table the firsts item shows the
research 80 sample size of the total population at University of Gondar Aste-Tederose campus
70(87.5%) are males and 10 (12.5%) are females. With respect of age of employees in University
of Gondar Aste-Tederose campus indicated in the above table item two shows us 58.75% of
employees in the University were found between 21-30 years, and 36.25% of employees found
between 31-40 years 3.75% of employee are found between 41-50 years, and 1.25%ofemployees
are found to be greater than 50 years of age. This shows us most of the employees working in
the University of Gondar Aste-Tederose campus age are found between 21 and 50 years old .
This age group is known more stable and enabling to have families and social responsibility
compared to lower age group of employees .

Regarding marital status of respondent indicated in the above table shows us the employees
categorized in married and unmarried. The marital status of employees in University of Gondar
Aste-Tederose campus implied us 45% of employees are married the rest 52.5% of employees
are not married an 2.5% are in other cases. We can conclude from the above information most of
employees in University of Gondar Aste-Tederose campus established their own families .

According to the data about academic qualification , indicated in the above table are
10(12.5%)of employees have first degree , 50(62.5%) of employees have master’s degree from
the respondents take has a sample an 20(25%) Phd Candidates.

Therefore the data about academic qualification showed as most employee in University Of
Gondar in Atse- Tederose Campus have master’s degree and Phd Candidates according to the
degree, most employee already assigned their respective profession.

Regarding years of service in the University of Gondar Aste-Tederose campus indicated on the
table shows 10(12.5%) respondents less than 1 year of experience 40 (50%) of employees have
2-5 years of experience 20 (25%)of respondents have greater than 5 years and less than 10 years
of experience ,and 10 (12.5%)of respondents have above 10 years of experience .This indicate at
most of employees in the University are experience or stayed in the University for 2-5 years to
be exploit.

4.2 Descriptive analysis’s of the basic information from the questionnaire.
Table 4. 2 general information of respondents

Q. No Items Alternative No frequency Percentage(%)

2 What factor Financial rewards 36 45
affect your level Praise and 6 7.5
of satisfaction acknowledgement
towards work Public 6 7.5
Job security 6 7.5
Working 26 32.5

Total 80 100
Source surveys 2023

Table 2 shows that level of factors affect job satisfaction of employees regarding on 45% of
respondent financial rewards , 7.5% of respondent praise and acknowledgment 7.5% of
employees public recognition, 7.5% of respondent job security, and 32.5% of respondent
working environment .so this data shows that most of the employees in the University level of
factors affect job satisfaction towards work is financial rewards, financial are monetary system
that increase or decrease employees job satisfaction which employees receive for performance a
specific job.

Table 4. 3 sample gave their response about satisfaction

Q. No Items Alternatives No of frequency Percentage (%)

3 Which of the Salary increase 40 50

following facts Promotion 22 27.5
satisfaction you Leave 1 1.25
more Motivation 5 6.25
Recognition 12 15
Total 80 100

Source ,survey 2023

Table :-3 shows the respondent selected as a sample gave their response about satisfaction which
satisfied them more on the questionnaire I the table 50% of respondent satisfaction by increasing
their salary, 27.5% of employees are satisfaction by promotion, 1.25% of employees are
satisfaction by Leave , 6.25%of them satisfaction by motivation , and 15% of respondents
satisfaction more by recognition .

Based on the data indicated in the above table most of the employees in the University Of
Gondar in Atse- Tederose Campus are more satisfaction by their job when the government
increase their salary. So increasing salary for employees University Of Gondar in Atse-
Tederose Campus indicated us the most factor of job satisfaction more than other factors.

Table 4. 4 feeling towards performance

Q. No Items Alternatives No. of Percentage (%)

4 I feel that my job Strongly disagree 12 15

performance Disagree 42 52.5
fairly evaluated Agree 18 22.5
Strongly agree 8 10
Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

Based on the above table the data shows 15% of respondent where strongly disagreed 52.5% of
respondent were disagreed, 22.5% of respondent were agreed and 10% of respondent replied
strongly agree by fairly evaluation of job performance in their University. so as clearly indicated
on the data most of the employees job performance were not fairly evaluated by the
administration of the college and this indicated us the University do not use praise and
appreciation as a means of extract work form employee .

Table 4. 5 satisfaction with equal payment

Q.NO Item Alternatives No.of frequency Percentage (%)

5 In my opinion , Strongly disagree 24 30

my payeement is Disagree 39 48.75
equal with those Agree 15 18.75
with a similar Strongly agree 2 2.5
education and Total 80 100
work background
Source, survey 2023

As indicated on the above table 30% of respondent replied strongly disagree with their
payement equal with similar education and work back ground,48.75% of respondent replied
disagree with similar situation ,18.75% of respondent replied they agree about the idea
mentioned on the table , and the remaining 2.5% of respondent responded strongly agree with
their equal payee with those a similar education and work background of employees in the other

The analysis indicated on the above table was an evidence to say employees in University Of
Gondar in Atse- Tederose Campus were not feel comfort with their current payment for their
work doing now. So above half or 48.75% of employees gave their response
unfavorably .employees in the University attributes their dissatisfaction of payment to similar
institution, education and for similar work.

Table 4. 6 the working environment

Q.NO Item Alternatives NO.of frequency Percentage (%)

6 How is the More 35 43.75
working participative
environment Less 36 45
Poor participate 9 11.25
Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

According to table -6 above, 43.75% of the respondents answered the working environmental of
the University was more participate 45 % of respondents replied that the working environmental
was less participative, and the remaining 11.25% respondents answered the working
environments was poor participative from the data analyzed on the above most of employees
replied the working environment of University Of Gondar in Atse- Tederose Campus was less
participative in controlling the schedule of their work as well as in the decision making

Table 4. 7 satisfactions with top management

Q.N o Items Alternatives No of frequency Percentage (%)

7 Are you Yes 29 36.25
satisfaction with No 51 63.75
top management Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

As indicated in the above table 36.25 of respondents said that they are satisfied with top
management and the majority or 63.75% of respondents said that they were are not satisfied with
top management

Table 4. 8 authority to perform duties effectively

Q. No Items Alternatives No of frequency Percentage

8 Your feeling the Very dissatisfied 10 12.5
job it self Dissatisfied 36 45
Satisfied 32 40
Very satisfied 2 2.5
Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

From the above table we can understand that 12.5% of respondents replied they are very
dissatisfied, 45 % of respondents replied dissatisfied, 40 % of respondents they are satisfied, and
the rest 2.5% answered very satisfied. A relatively more than half of employees replied they
were dissatisfied with the nature of the work they were doing.

Table 4. 9 treatment of employees by the University management/deans

Q. No Items Alternative No of frequency Percentage

9 The management Very dissatisfied 15 18.75
of the college Dissatisfied 29 36.25
deans care and Satisfied 34 42.5
treat all Very dissatisfied 2 2.5
employees Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

As shows on the above table 18.75% of respondents very dissatisfied, 36.25% respondents
dissatisfied 42.5% of respondents satisfied, and the other 2.5% of respondent very dissatisfied.
Dissatisfaction with management of the college is a sign of less respect for employee’s and
unequal care and treatment

Dissatisfaction with top management in University Of Gondar in Atse- Tederose Campus was
attributed for different reason. The first one is lack opportunity to contribute on issues, also
employees were not happy for that their supervisors treat them unprofessionally, giving them less

A prevision study in the area such as ting (2010) holds the idea that dissatisfaction with top
management supervision is a significant predicator of job dissatisfaction

Table 4. 10 Provision of satisfactory salary

Q.NO Item Alternatives No. of frequency Percentage(%)

10 Does the organization Yes 15 18.75
provide satisfactory salary No 65 81.25
according to your work Total 80 100
Source, survey 2016

As indicate in the above table, from the sample we taken out if population 15(18.75%)of
respondents replied yes the organization college provide satisfactory salary according to their
work, and the majority65(81.25%) of respondents replied No they didn’t get satisfaction salary
according to their work. Based on the data analyzed above the government didn’t provide

satisfactory salary for majority of employees in the University this cause the most dissatisfaction

aspect of the job for employees in University of Gondar campus.

Table 4. 11 The Physical Working Condition

Q.N Item Alternatives No.of frequency Percentage (%)

11 How is the physical Good 6 7.5
working condition in the Average 47 58.75
college Poor 27 33.75
Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

As shown on the above table 7.5% of respondents replied there were good working condition in
the University 58.75% of respondents replied average and reaming 33.75% of respondent replied
that there were poor working conditions

As indicated above, it is believed that a physical working condition is a factor that has a
moderate impact on the employees’ job satisfaction so, depending on this idea show in the above
data relatively more than half of employee’s in University of Gondar in Ate-tederose campus
hand medium job satisfaction by the physical environment and facilities

Table 4. 12 sharing experience

Q.NO Item Alternatives No of frequency Percentage(%)

12 Does the employees sharing Yes 41 51.25
experience to help each other No 39 48.75
Total 80 100

Source, survey 2023

According to the data show in the above table 51.25% of respondent responded that they shared
experience and help each other to increase their skill and work performance, and the reaming
48.75% of the respondents replied that they do not shared experience and help each other. so
based on this data more than half of employees were respond they share experience to help each

This show sharing experience and helping each other in the University increased job
performance as well as job satisfaction

Table 4. 13 quality of performance and satisfaction with workload

Q.No Item Alternatives No of frequency Percentage

13 The workload on my job is Strongly disagree 7 8.75
too heavy and the quality of Disagree 14 17.5
performance Agree 40 50
Strongly agree 19 23.75
Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

As we can observed on the above table 8.75% respondents replied strongly disagree on the idea
of the work load on their job is too heavy and reduces the quality of performance.17.5% of
respondents replied disagree,50% of respondents responded agree and the reaming 23.75% of
respondents responded they are strongly agree so as we observed from the above data more than
half of the employees replies that they were agree by the idea which was the workload on their
job is too heavy and reduced the quality of their job performance therefore, more employees in
University of Gondar in Aste-Tederose campus feel dissatisfied with workload and they oppose
additional work assignment because this leads to reduction of quality of work performance

Table 4. 14 appreciation for accomplishment of work.

Q. No Item Alternatives No of frequency Percentage (%)

14 Do you appreciation if the Yes 25 31.25
desired No 55 68.75
Work/targets are accomplished Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

As we observed from the above table from the sample of 8 0 which Is 31.25% of respondents
replied that they get appreciation if they accomplished their desired work, and 68.75%of
respondents replied they didn’t get appreciation for the work performance by the administration
of the college. So if employees didn’t get appreciation for the accomplishment of the desire
work/target, the dissatisfied by their work and show poor work performance.

Table 4. 15 employees overall job satisfaction

Q.NO Item Alternatives No of frequency Percentage(%)

15 Your overall satisfaction as an High satisfied 4 5

employee of the Satisfied 11 13.75
organization/college Average 40 50
Dissatisfied 25 31.25
Total 80 100
Source, survey 2023

As indicated in the above table, 5% of employees responded that they are giggly satisfaction
beaming as an employee of the college 13.75% of respondent responded that they satisfied 50%
of respondent responded that their overall satisfaction was average, and the remaining 31.25% of
respondents. Replied they were dissatisfied so, as discussed in the above data more than half of
employees relatively satisfied in average that is in between high and low satisfaction as an

employee of the University of Gondar In Aste-tederose campus.

Table 4. 16 cares prospect

Q. No Item Alternatives No of frequency Percentage (%)

16 Do you think Yes 28 35
there are good No 52 65
cares prospects
in your college? Total 80 100

Source, survey 2023

As indicated on the above table 35% of respondents replied there were good cares prospect in
their college, on the other hand 65% of respondents respondent there were no good career

Prospect in their University, so as we understood from the above analysis there is unfavorable
conditions regarding, prospects in the college and this leads employee’s job dissatisfaction

Q. No Item Alternatives No of frequency Percentage (%)
16 What factors do Appreciation 23 28.75
you believe for your work
contribute most
to your job Good work-life 42 52.5
Company's 15 18.75

Total 80 100

As indicated on the above table 28.75% of respondents replied there were Appreciation for
your work in their college, on the other hand 52.5% of respondents Good work-life balance
in their college.18.75% of respondents Company's financial stability in their college.
Prospect in their University, so as we understood from the above analysis there is Good work-
life balance regarding, prospects in the college and this leads employee’s job satisfaction.



This chapter provides an overview of salient research findings emanated from the research. It
also provides conclusion that can be drawn from the research and offer suggestion for change
and research in job satisfaction.

5.1 Summaries
The main objective of this study was to find out or to assess employee’s job satisfaction in
University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus in order arrive at the intended objectives.

In collecting the relevant data target respondents selected by using by simple random sampling
techniques based on these 80 respondents were select out of the total population of 400
employees in University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus. Finally 80 questionnaires
distributed out of these, 70 questionnaires filled properly and collected back.

 45% of respondent replied that financial rewards affect their level of satisfaction more
than other factors.
 52.5% of employees responded that their job performance is not fairly evaluated.
 48.75% of employees replied that there were no equal payment with similar education
and work back ground
 63.75% of respondents dissatisfied with top management
 17.5% of employees responded their unfavorable feeling on workload. 17.5% of
employees replied they didn’t have good feeling for their job \ dissatisfied by their job

5.2. Conclusion
This study primary examined employees job satisfied with some selected facets of job the
following conclusions can be drawn from the feeling reported above

• The financial benefit and compensation system, promotional opportunities and practices
appreciation, authority careers prospects,\ feeling of the job itself, employees – top
management relation, fairly evaluation of job performance and recognition of employees
contribution were conform with the job
• The main rescans for employees job dissatisfaction presented and analyzed in the above
description were lack of recognition, workload , low payment, unfair evaluation of job

performance, unequal payment for similar education and work back ground, loose
employees top management relation are some the reasons.
• It is concluded that the University was unable to respond the increase needs of employees
• Employees with low job satisfaction reluctant to care for the fate of the college, have
weak desire to continue member ship, and do not want to work for realized of
institutional goals. Also they were less likely willing to devote the effort beyond the role

5.3 Recommendations
The finding of this study was believed to a have some implication for practices. This implication
might shows area of intervention to improve the extent of employee’s job satisfaction. The
suggestion below arises from the discussion conclusions made before.

• Based on a very slight overall job satisfaction of employees the University administrators
collaborate with regional educational bureau should take necessary measure for the
optimal provision of intrinsic ( especially recognition, appreciation, autonomy.
Promotional growth) and extrinsic job rewards (good compensation, financial benefit,
clean and resource environments, and respect full supervisions) to make their core work
force highly satisfied and to reap the benefit of improved work behavior. The University
administrators should strive to create opportunity in which employees can get comparator
in order to decrease employees job dissatisfaction resulted from workload with
unreasonable payment
• It was also unpleasant to observe negative implication job dissatisfactions in University

of Gondar Aste-tederose campus. Taking this finding as a series problem , College

administration are expect to provide an environment which increase , the job satisfaction
of the staffs in the University , staffs especially with no longer stay In the University had
a relatively higher expectation of autonomy, recognition appreciation and financially
benefits : if so, understand their needs may generated better attitudes.
• employees with longer stay and\or relatively better education levels are also believed to
have high expectation : Therefore the University administration should take necessary
measure for the best fulfillment of their needs
• Based on overall job satisfaction and affective commitment of employees, it is possible to
suggest that an effort made to increase employees over all job satisfaction where by

increasing employees, emotional attachment with the University. Therefore, it may be
important to examine feeling of employees continually and take measures.
• Since this study concluded in this way, further field study on satisfaction should be
encaged to look in to other possible contribution factors that were not investigation in this

Craig (2006) suggested that the effective reward package enhance the productivity of the
employee’s such as recognition and appreciation from the boss which leads to satisfaction of the

Armstrong (2002) “marketing management”, 6th edition University of India.

Kuria E.(2011) Factors influencing the level of job satisfaction of the deputy head teachers of
public secondary schools in Kenya. Un published Thesis.

Simataw. (2011). Job Satisfaction and dissatisfaction among teacher in kenya. journal of
education planning Economics and management,vol 3, 114-123.


Armstrong ,M.( 2006),A Handbook of Human resource Management practice.10 th ed. Kogan
page publishing,London,p.264.
Staff,D.(2004).The Routledge Dictionary ofBusiness Management, Third edition, Routledge
Publishing, Detroit,P.78

studies on job satisfaction in academic settings more broadly suggest that promotion
opportunities are a key factor in determining job satisfaction among academic staff (Kuo et al.,

George,J.,(2008), Understanding and managing organizational behavior. 5 thed. Upper Saddle

River,New Jersey; pearsonprerntice.

Smith &Croje(1992),Organizational citizenship behavior; Its nature and antecedents.Jornal of


Mullins,J.L(2005),Management and Organizational behavior,Seventh Edition, Pearson

Education Limited.

Quresh(2007), Impacts of Employee participation on job satisfaction.

One study found that academic staff who were promoted from within reported higher levels of
job satisfaction compared to those who were hired externally (Purcell et al., 2017).

(robins, Odendaal, and Roodt, 2004). Alder’s theory is referred to as ERG theory is based on the
following three needs: existence, relatedness and growth.

And Yitbarek (2007) indicate that the provision of adequate and appropriate working
environment and clean facilities were related to high job satisfaction.

According to qureshi (2007), Employee satisfaction could not only measure with financially
rather other incentives.Even though these person know the importance of employee job
satisfaction (Armstrong,2002).Job satisfaction will be influence employee productivity, turnover
and motivation(willber, 2002). We consider that Job satisfaction represent s feeling that appears
as result the perception that a job enables the materials and psychological needs (Aziri, 2008).
Another study found that academic staff who perceived their university's promotion criteria as
clear and achievable reported higher levels of job satisfaction (Kuo et al., 2019).



Aquestionnaire on assessment of employee job satisfaction in case of University of Gondar in

Aste-tederose campus Dear respondent,

This questionnaire prepared to collect data’s in partial fulfillment of the requirement of BA

degree in management at University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus. The purpose of these
questionnaires is to conduct the data research on assessment of employee job satisfaction in
University of Gondar in Aste-tederose campus. Your response is very important for the
success of the research study and it was also be confidential and your assistance in completing
this questionnaire is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking time to fill the questionnaire

General information

 No need to write your name

 please put sign”√ ”in the box corresponding to your response

PART ONE: personal information

1. Sex : Male  female 

2. Age group: 20-30  31-40  41-50  above 50 years old 

3. Academic qualification : Certificate Diploma First degree Masters degree

Others please specify

4. Marital status : Married  Unmarried 

5. Years of service in the organization : Less than 1 year 2-5 years 5-10 years 

above 10 years

PART TWO: Question related to specific objectives (variables)

1. Question related to the factor that affect academic staff job satisfaction inUniversity of
Gondar in Aste-tederose campus What are the factors affecting your job satisfaction
towards work?
A. Financial reward B. Praise and acknowledgement 
C. Public recognition D. Job security  E. Working-environment 
2. Which of the following facet satisfied you more?
A. Salary increase  D. Motivational task 
B. Promotion C. Recognition E. Leave 
3. How is the physical working condition in the university?
A. Good  B. Average C. Poor
4. The work load on my job is to heavy and reduces the quality of performance
A. Strongly  B. Agree C. Disagree D. strongly agree
5. How is the working environment?
A. More participative B. Less participative C. Poor participative
6. In my opinion, my payee is equal with these similar education and work background
A. Strongly disagree B Agree  C. Disagree  D. strongly agree
Question related to the level of academic staffs job satisfaction
1. Your overall satisfaction as an employee of the organization / university
A. High satisfiedC. Average
B. SatisfiedD. Dissatisfied 
2. Your feeling the job itself
A. Very dissatisfiedC. Satisfied
B. DissatisfiedD. Very satisfied
3. Do you think there are good career prospect in our university?

A. YesB. No
4. I feel that my job performance is fairly evaluated
A. Strongly disagree B. Agree  C Dis agree D. strongly agree
5. Do you appreciation if the desired work (targets are accomplished)
A. YesB. No

Question related to the current practices used by the university to satisfied academic staffs
6. Do you have necessary authority to perform your duties perfectly?
A. YesB. No
7. .Does the organization provide satisfactory salary according to your work?
A. YesB. No
8. The management of the university / dean career& treats all employees equally
A. Very dissatisfied B. Satisfied C. Dissatisfied D. Very satisfied
9. Are you satisfied with top management?
A. Yes B. No
10. If your answer for question number 15 is no specify your
11. Do the employees share experience to help each other?
A. Yes B. No 
12. If your answer for question number 16 is Yes specify your
13. What factors do you believe contribute most to your job satisfaction ?
1. Opportunity
2. A healthy environment
3. Appreciation
Respectful treatment of staff at all levels in the organization.
14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall work environment and culture?
You can adjust these questions to evaluate employee satisfaction with specific
topics like work environment and culture. The formula to find the ESI is:

ESI = (question mean value/3) x 100=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55/10=5.5

The result is your ESI, a number between 1 and 10. A higher number means greater
employee satisfaction. The score itself does explain the data.

15. How often do you receive feedback or recognition for your work from your supervisor or
colleagues, and how does this impact your job satisfaction?
An earlier review found one feedback intervention out of every three actually decreased
performance. Postgraduate students’ experiences of feedback from research supervisors
mirrors employees’ experiences of feedback from managers. Our analysis of the past decade
of academic literature on feedback to postgraduate research students confirms the problem is
16. Have you ever considered leaving your position due to dissatisfaction with your job or work
environment, and if so, what were the main reasons?
1.Lack of growth opportunities: Feeling stagnant in a role with limited chances for
advancement or professional development can lead to dissatisfaction.
2. Poor management: Ineffective or unsupportive management can create a negative work
environment and impact job satisfaction.
3. Excessive workload: Being overwhelmed with an unmanageable workload or unrealistic
expectations can cause frustration and burnout.
4. Lack of work-life balance: When work demands consistently encroach on personal time
and commitments, it can lead to dissatisfaction and a desire to leave the position.
5. Toxic work culture: A negative work culture characterized by gossip, bullying, or lack of
teamwork can make employees unhappy and prompt them to seek other opportunities.
17. What improvements or changes would you suggest to increase employee job satisfaction?
Provide growth opportunities: Offer training programs, mentorship, and clear career paths to
help employees develop their skills and advance in their roles.

2. Foster a positive work environment: Encourage open communication, collaboration, and

teamwork. Address conflicts promptly and promote a culture of respect and support.

3. Ensure manageable workloads: Regularly assess workloads and provide resources or

support to prevent employees from becoming overwhelmed. Set realistic expectations and
prioritize tasks effectively.

4. Promote work-life balance: Implement policies that support work-life balance, such as
flexible working hours, remote work options, or wellness programs. Encourage employees to
take breaks and vacations to avoid burnout.

5. Cultivate a healthy work culture: Encourage inclusivity, diversity, and a sense of

belonging. Address any toxic behaviors promptly and promote a positive and inclusive
workplace culture.

6. Offer competitive compensation and benefits: Regularly review and adjust salaries to
ensure they are competitive within the industry. Provide comprehensive benefits packages
that address employees' needs.

7. Communicate company values and mission: Clearly communicate the organization's
values and mission to employees, ensuring they understand how their work contributes to the
overall goals of the company.


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