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Module 4 A

Case/story unfolds
To visit key sites - ესტუმრო მთავარ ღირსშესანიშნაობებს
Out-of-this-world experience – experience you will never forget
My heart sank – I felt sad and disappointed
Freeway - motorway
Shortly after - მალევე
Flying saucer - მფრინავი თეფში
Weather balloon - is a balloon that carries instruments aloft to send back
information on atmospheric pressure, humidity and wind speed by means of a
small, expendable measuring device.
Hangar - a large building in which aircraft are kept
Creepy - very scary
Soar into the sky – to rise high in the air while flying without moving the wings
Draw nearer – come closer
Hover above the city – to stay in the air in one place by moving the wings quickly
Phenomenon (singular) phenomena (plural)
Video footage – a piece of film showing an event.
A far-off world – very distant (a place which is situated at a great distance)
Spot (as a verb) – notice
Debris – broken or torn pieces of something larger
Eye-witness account – story told by a person, who saw an event at first hand.
Doubtful – to be in doubt
Eerie – strange in a frightening and mysterious way
Module 4 B
Replica – an exact copy of an object.
Stand guard = to be on guard (დგას სადარაჯოზე)
Plaster cast – statue made out of plaster (თაბაშირი)
Specimen (pl. specimens) – a typical example
To become fascinated by something - მოიხიბლო
To set about doing something – to start to do or deal with
To date – up to now
Countless versus uncountable
Screeches – to make a long, loud, high noise, which is usually unpleasant to hear
Turn to somebody or something – address to someone or something for help or
To hold a BA in Zoology - ჰქონდეს ბაკალავრის დიპლომი ზოოლოგიაში
Post-graduate – after or later than
His opinion is valued – his opinion is highly appreciated
Demand hard evidence – (მოითხოვს მყარ მტკიცებულებას)
Hoax – a plan to deceive someone, such as telling the police there is a bomb
somewhere when there is not one
Inhabit – live
Convincing evidence – (დამაჯერებელი მტკიცებულება)
If someone says that you should take something with a pinch of salt they mean
that it is not completely true.
Virtually = almost
Virtually unknown – almost completely lacking the details of something.
Sighting – the first time something has been seen
Human settlements – (დასახლება)
To be few in number – not much is left
Secretive – people who are secretive hide their feelings thoughts, intentions and
actions from other people
To glimpse – to see something for a very short time or only partly. catch a glimpse
To be reluctant to do something – not very willing to do something and therefore
slow to do it

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