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The history of technology dates back to the early days of civilization .

Invention of simple tools such as

the wheel, the lever marked the beginning of technological advancements .These early innovations
improved the efficiency of tasks and laid foundation for more complex inventions in the future .As
society evolved so did their technological capabilities .Invention of the printing press revolutionized the
way information was passed on ,leading to spread of knowledge and ideas .This marked the beginning of
technological advancements .

The evolution of technology can be traced through several major events that have shaped its trajectory .
One such event is the industrial revolution .The invention of steam powered machinery ,the
development of the telegraph and the rise of the factory system revolutionized the economic and social
landscape , leading to economic growth band urbanization .The development of technologies such as
radio , television ,and the computer each had a huge impact on society and culture .

The growth of technology was marked by many key figures .An example is the American Thomas
Edison .Thomas Edison is known for the invention of the light bulb .His work in the field of electricity and
communications led laid the ground work for modern electrical inventions .His contribution
revolutionized how we live , work , and communicate .This led to further innovations and progress .

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