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Name:Codie Nathaniel O, Lee Date: August 05, 2021

Grade & Section: 8-Violet Teacher: Miss Mallari

Answer the question briefly.

1. What name do you like to be called in class?

2. What are you looking forward to in school this year?

To get high grades.

3. If you could look back at the end year, how would you describe a successful
year? What advice would you give yourself to make it an even better year?
Study more.

4. What can I as your teacher do to help you this year?

To help me in other subjects.

5. Think about your favorite teacher you’ve had so far. What are the characteristics
of this teacher that you like?
Good teacher

6. What is your best quality or greatest strength?

I do not have a greatest strength.

7. What online software, websites, and apps do you use to help you study and with
Slides, Google

8. Which 5-7 words best describe you? How do friends describe you?
I am 5 10, Really .

9. What are your hobbies or interests?


10. If you were the teacher, a leader or someone who influences society, what will
you do differently?

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