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Directions: In this part, you will hear FIVE recordings. There is one question for each recording. For each
question, choose the right answer A, B, C, or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and
fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.
Question 1. Which sport will the woman learn on holiday?
A. Water skiing.
B. Windsurfing.
C. Diving.
D. Swimming.
Question 2. What does the girl’s penfriend look like now?
A. She has long straight hair.
B. She has curly long hair.
C. She and her sister have hair the same length.
D. She has short hair.
Question 3. Which animals did the children see?
A. Lions.
B. Tigers.
C. Horses and monkeys.
D. Horses, monkeys and birds.
Question 4. Which TV program is on first?
A. Sport.
B. Music.
C. News.
D. Tennis matches.
Question 5. What does the boy decide to buy for his grandmother?
A. Wooden boxes .
B. Roses.
C. Perfume.
D. A black T-shirt.

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