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Digital Marketing

(Paid Marketing – Week 1)

Class Norms
✔ It is assumed that you have watched all the videos before the session.

✔ Concepts are covered in the videos while Applications will be covered in the Live Virtual Class

✔ Please use the chatbox to ask questions. Every effort shall be made to address all the queries

within the scope of the session in the allotted time.

✔ If any query remains unanswered, we encourage you to raise a support request on Olympus.

✔ The session is being recorded and the link to the same will be shared via email.

✔ Let’s respect each other’s time by being on time.


Introduction to Digital Marketing

• Different Goals
• Strengths of DM that an advertiser can leverage
• Digital Marketing Channel and Google Ads
Understanding Campaign Metrics, Currencies, Performance Measurements
• Measuring cost and results
Basic understanding of web analytics metrics
Introduction to Digital Marketing


Some Examples (Live Demo)

Engagement Visibility ❑ Social
❑ Search
❑ Display
❑ E-mail marketing

Leads /

Introduction to Digital Marketing

Drive Transactions E-commerce

Leads Visibility
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Offline Online

Targeted: Gender, Age, Interest, etc.
Reach (Deeper Measurable
Perception Cost Effective
(Have you
arrived?) Accessible

Strengths of Digital Marketing Measurable

Introduction to Digital Marketing

Searching SEO (Free)

SEM (Paid)

Communication Target Social Communication

Target Communities
Media (Free)
User Email, SMS,
User Paid Ads (Paid)

Content Marketing (Content

Consuming creation / Advertorials)
Display (Banners, Videos,

Digital Marketing Channels & Google Ads

Few Examples (Live Demo)
Case Study – Sitara Foods

Goal: Boost Brand Awareness

Initial Approach: Approach:

• Homemade secret recipe Targeted locally relevant,
• Started small with their neighborhood
high-intent search terms
After the initial success, adopted Google Ads
Targeted search terms: “traditional pickles”, “regi pallu”, “chicken pickles” • Generated 3x more orders
Targeted with different locations, dates, and time during Covid-19 lockdown
• Expanded employee base
❑ Ongoing Optimization:
Conversion tracking in Google Adwords, Google Analytics
from 4 to 50+ employees
❑ Analysis of keywords that were performing well like “homemade pickles”, within 18 months
‘locally sourced ingredients”, chicken pickles” • 900 orders per month

Expanded with Display Ads on recipe/food-related websites

Usage of Google trends/YouTube Ads

Case Study – Saraf Furniture

Saraf Furniture:

• Boost brand awareness in a competitive furniture market
• Increase leads, online sales, and conversion rates
• Drive more visits to the website

• Launched Display Ads and Shopping campaigns, in addition to Search Ads
• Created time-sensitive and contextual ad creatives
• Pivoted website content to showcase the quality of wood as a differentiating

• Monthly leads increased to an average of 3,500/month
• Revenue surged 2.5x
• ROI on Google Ads surged 80x
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Searching SEO (Free)

SEM (Paid)

Communication Target Social Communication

Target Communities
Media (Free)
User Email, SMS,
User Paid Ads (Paid)

Content Marketing (Content

Consuming creation / Advertorials)
Display (Banners, Videos,

Digital Marketing Channels & Google Ads

Some Examples (Live Demo)
Introduction to Digital Marketing


Paid Ads
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Referral Traffic

Case study - Netflix

Objective: Launch Netflix in India as one of the global

streaming services

TG: Male / Female, 25+, Digital Native, Monthly

income > 50,000, Online Shopper

Approach: Search, Social Media, Content partnerships,

Influencer activations, Video Ads
Understanding Campaign Metrics, Currencies, and
Performance Measurements
Measuring Costs & results

Impressions Clicks Conversions

CTR Conversion Rate

Live Demo: Excel Sheet working

Understanding Campaign Metrics, Currencies, and
Performance Measurements
Measuring Costs & results
Deal Type
Fixed Type (Display)
Impressions Clicks Conversions Impression Based (Display – CPM)
Click Based (Google – CPC)
Conversion Based (CPA, CPT, CPL)

CTR Conversion Rate

(CPT, CPL, ACoS (Input / Output),
ROI – Output / Input)
Excel Sheet Working
Understanding Campaign Metrics, Currencies, and
Performance Measurements
Measuring Costs & Results

• Ad Rank
• Bidding
• Quality Score (Relevance, Quality parameters)

Ad Rank Example
Understanding Campaign Metrics, Currencies, and
Performance Measurements
Web Analytics Metrics

Traffic (Users,
Sessions, Pageviews, Sources of Traffic
Bounce Rate, Time on (Direct, Paid, Referral)
site, Pages per session)

Geo, Browsers, Tech, Events / Goals /

Devices Conversions

• Google Analytics
Any Questions?
Happy Learning!

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