Special Care Dentistry

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Name: Nguyen Phuc Bao Tam Student ID: C190487

Report: Summary expression about today’s lecture

Today, I learnt about special care for people with intellectual disability and autism
spectrum disorders. First, it is important to identify people with these diseases,
because it is difficult to cooperate with them as well as understand their intentions.
Training and pre-medication may be required prior to treatment of these patients. In
difficult cases, inhalation or general anesthesia could be conducted for a smooth
Personally, this lecture is very helpful for me because knowing how to treat a variety
of patients is very important for a dentist. There are more and more patients with
disabilities, and I really want to deliver the best treatments to them. Regarding the
slideshow, I like that the lectures include many videos of movies and TV shows,
which makes it more lively and easy to understand.

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