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1. What does the phrase Taghoy sa Dilim mean? What exactly is it about?

The taghoy ng dilim phrase, in my opinion, means crying in the dark because of the wrong
decision in life. Some people’s lives become miserable as a result of their drug addiction. They
don't care how illegal drugs affect their lives. Taghoy ng dilim is all about illegal drugs and the
negative consequences of them not only on our health and bodies but also on our lives and our
surroundings. It tells the stories of various people who have used illegal drugs and what
happened in their lives and to their mental health as a result. It depicts the various consequences
of using or becoming addicted to drugs. This documentary provides many important lessons.

2. Give at least five factors that influence a person's drug-taking decision. Explain how to deal with
or counteract these signs.

A family problem is one of the factors that influences a person's drug-taking decision. To deal with it, try
to remain calm and express your side of the story clearly and honestly. There are people in our lives who
have a negative influence on us and push us to do bad things. Peer pressure is another factor that
influences a person's drug-taking decision, particularly among teenagers nowadays. We must avoid or
limit our contact with people who are harmful to our health. Make an excuse; it's fine to say "no"
without having to apologize or explain "why." Problems at work or school are the things that push a
person to take drugs to escape the stress and fatigue they experience. Make time to relax and manage
your time so that you can deal with school or work issues, and you will not be stressed and have no
reason to use drugs. There are people who want to try illegal drugs because of curiosity. To counteract
it, consider the negative consequences and try to exert control over yourself. There are young people
who are addicted to illegal drugs, and one of the reasons for this is a lack of parental guidance. Parents
should set a good example for their children. Parents must provide unconditional love, boost their
child's self-esteem, and foster a positive attitude toward seeking professional assistance. These are the
factors that influence a person's drug-taking decision and methods for avoiding illegal drugs.

3. Describe in detail a sequence from a video that has stayed with you the most.

A video sequence that has stayed with me the most is when the Lord helped them change and start over
despite of their wrongdoings. The people in the video go through a lot of issues with their mental health
and their lives as a result of using Illegal drugs, but they change and stop using drugs because of the
people around them who help them to stay close to God.

4. What new insights have you gained as a result of seeing the video Taghoy sa Dilim?

Drugs are not a solution to our problems and difficulties. A person's body and behavior can be
affected by drug addiction. Even if you want to, it will be difficult to stop using illegal drugs once you
become addicted. This is one of the reasons why crime in our country is on the rise. Illegal drugs and
drug addiction have long been regarded as major issues in the Philippines, affecting many people,
particularly the youth. "Taghoy sa Dilim" is a life-lesson documentary that depicts how drugs can
ruin a person's life. People who use drugs do so for a variety of reasons, including poverty, curiosity,
boredom, peer pressure, and a loss of hope. Drugs had a negative impact on them, which is why
their lives have been destroyed. The film delves into the lives of drug users and the consequences of
their actions. If you truly want to change for the better, there is no better place to seek courage and
knowledge than from God. Make the right decision and stop destroying your life. Say no to drugs
while saying yes to God.

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