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TUe toudu thoty o! o-00t0 28 waol .

Som! catoulate sou'n om,





Tue Nolass cou duhuy |HCOO H
wol. otototo

Calarbfou Souble at’

loctiate od
Tue toudinthivty 382Y IoG
fo be
Chiveu toule teuducta

Asoluotitiy l : 763



Dsiweusible tuey ued Ouly ouce

I. Dry ceL (heaulameue cee)
trausistovs oud
coutas COutafue tuor au as au!
Qd Cousbou
grapute uod s used as
&yooUnded by waguese On
(Hu) te Apae between tue
wI moist haste of amonun culorde aw

Mn O, NHy +e
2 ) Nuolo)
ut JNn,t NH,


(Rubem Haltony ceu)

Tus io sutable for low wwweut deurtes ke
aids Wateues te

amd paste op Meu CUue ox de(Hgo) aud cax bon

Catuode elecheolyte saste of
WOH oud uo tue potutial of

Auode ’ 9H
Cottho de Ho t de H_la
touw ’
Poteuti l tow eleeoy
Poteual Hou a eleckuocueuat

Tuese. cets Ca be by fastug

tuougeu u obþosite
au be agatn
tead storag tead Quode Qud o guto
þaeed wu lead oride (Pbo) ay o
lead þauked
Q B8 y. by mass ilpuus'e qud (H,so,) i
takeu as du elecuolyte
Auode ’ Pht 8o, fb s0y + 2e

Catuode Poo,

Ou euese

auode andlb amo Pol


weael- Caduuum
touge e teu lead Atorge
WAOv expeusive tHie OVEMall
for tue
Hyduogeu ad e Ued as

for prouisin
Velect'al pouwen
ue watew Uoþouy
he aboto "ap ale progiam
broduud ta tuis toton
poyous canbou eleddes aue Wsed
w'uest 5ecause A produes a tot o

coucetratud RoH/vaoH

Auode H, t


9t 83. wuicu d þYo duces "23V

2 o6

s ke plathum o adladtm

Tue lou) deqxa daio 9/ uetl sace due

clue to
lenbuou as coYyogiom
te F e 42e

Ye t30, + H, 0 Fe , O," nH, O


Watew Uapouus tee

Hot Co, H,co, Ceaubonfe acfa)

Beaues Qs electeoyte
glueu by causr
ac to form iou dxde
Elettuo Ws lost
dssoloed oxygem u als to
0, t 4H + 4e H0
fonme d (hally ttie Hetcl
4Fet 30,t n H,0

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