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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [1]

NMOS Round 2

Intensive Course Paper 3

Name : __________________________________

Date : __________________________________

Teacher : __________________________________

Number of Total Time Parent’s

Total Marks
Questions Taken Signature


• Time Given: 1 hour 30 minutes.

• No marks will be deducted for wrong answers.

• Unanswered questions will not get any marks.

• No calculators or mathematical instruments are allowed.

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [2]

Questions 1 to 10 are worth 4 marks each.

1. Find the value of
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1 − − − ⋯ − ) × ( + + ⋯+ + ) × 4046
2 3 2022 2 3 2022 2023
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
− (1 − − − ⋯ − − ) ×( + + ⋯+ ) × 4046.
2 3 2022 2023 2 3 2022

2. Town A and Town B are connected by a single road. A red bus departs from Town
A at 6:20am and arrives in Town B at 11:50am. A blue bus departs from Town B at
3:35am and arrives in Town A at 9:20am. If each bus moves at a constant speed
without stopping, at what time will the two buses meet? If your answer is 8:20am,
write down 0820. If your answer is 8:20pm, write down 2020.

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [3]

3. The average score obtained by a class of 100 students in an exam is 79. If the average
score obtained by all the girls in the class is 75, while the average score obtained by
all the boys is the same as the number of boys in the class, then what is the total
number of girls in the class?

4. In trapezium 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 with 𝐴𝐵||𝐶𝐷 . Let 𝐸, 𝐹 be the midpoints of 𝐵𝐶, 𝐷𝐴

respectively. Suppose that 𝐴𝐶, 𝐵𝐷 intersect 𝐸𝐹 at 𝐺, 𝐻 respectively. 𝐴𝐵 = 20
and 𝐺𝐻 = 2. Find the length of 𝐶𝐷.

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [4]

5. Satya has some number of apples and oranges. It is known that the total number of
those fruits that he has initially is between 100 to 300 and the ratio between the
number of apples to the number of oranges is 7 : 4. Then, each day, he randomly
eats two of them, but not necessarily of the same kind. On the 10th day, after he eats
two of them, the ratio becomes 8 : 5. How many apples and oranges in total does
Satya initially have?

6. The circumference of a circular lake is 30 km. Jack and Jill start walking from the
same point around the lake in different directions. Jack’s speed is 6km/h and he
rests for 10 minutes after every 50 minutes. Jill’s speed is 4km/h and she rests for
5 minutes after every hour. Find the time taken (in minutes)when they first meet.

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [5]

7. The diagram below on the left is made by five copies of the token on the right and
one unit triangle:

In how many positions can we place the unit triangle on the board such that the rest
of the board can be fully covered by the remaining 5 tokens?
(Note: the tokens can be rotated or flipped).

8. For a rectangle with area 12 𝑐𝑚2 , the greatest number of the intersection points of
the grid lines that the diagonal can pass through is 3 as shown.

Find the greatest possible number of points of intersection that the diagonal of a
rectangle with area 2160 𝑐𝑚2 can pass through.

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [6]

9. Students from Class 𝑋 and Class 𝑌 sat for a Math test. Each student scored an 𝐴,
𝐵 or 𝐶. The numbers of students from Class 𝑋 and Class 𝑌 who got an 𝐴 are the
same. The ratio of the percentage of Class 𝑋’s ‘𝐴’ students to the percentage of Class
𝑌’s ‘𝐴’ students is 5:7. The ratio of the number of Class 𝑋’s ‘𝐵’ students to Class 𝑌’s
‘𝐵’ students is 3:1. The percentage of all the students from both classes who got a 𝐵
is 20%. If 40% of the students from Class 𝑋 got a 𝐶 , what percentage of the
students from Class 𝑌 got an 𝐴?

10. A palindrome is a positive integer whose digits are the same when read forwards or
backwards. For example, 2882 is a 4-digit palindrome and 59195 is a 5-digit
palindrome. There are pairs of 4-digit palindrome whose sum is a 5-digit
palindrome. One such pair is 2882 and 9339. How many such pairs are there? (You
may disregard the order, that is, 9339 and 2882 are considered the same pair as the

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [7]

Questions 11 to 20 are worth 5 marks each.

11. Suppose that 𝑛 is a multiple of 19 such that when its digits are read in reverse
order, the resulting number is divisible by 36. Determine the smallest possible
value of 𝑛.

12. A regular 𝑛-sided polygon 𝐴1 𝐴2 𝐴3 … 𝐴𝑛 is inscribed in a circle with centre 𝑂. If

∠𝐴1 𝑂𝐴16 = 135°, what is the sum of all the possible values of 𝑛?

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [8]

20212022 + 20222023 + 20232024

13. Let 𝐴 = 20212021 + 20222022 + 20232023 . What is the largest integer that does not exceed

14. There are 55 students that participated in a math competition which has rules that
state that every participant gets a “ ※” for each correct answer, a “☆” for each
incorrect answer and a “○” for each unanswered problem. Assuming no two
participants have the same number of “※”s as well as the same number of “☆”s, what
is the minimum number of problems that this competition can have?

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [9]

15. A farmer has 140 m of fencing and wishes to make an enclosure of three equal
rectangular sheep pens, using a hedge as one of its sides as shown in the figure. Find
the maximum value of the total area enclosed.

x x x x

y y y

16. In a primary school, the number of P2 pupils is 100 more than the number of P1
pupils but 53 less than the number of P3 pupils. If the number of P3 pupils and P1
pupils are both perfect square numbers and the total number of P1, P2 and P3 pupils
is a four-digit number, what is this four-digit number?

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [10]

17. In the diagram below, 𝐴𝐵𝐶 is a triangle where 𝐴𝐵 = 𝐴𝐶 and ∠𝐵𝐴𝐶 = 90°.
Points 𝐷 and 𝐸 are on 𝐵𝐶 such that ∠𝐷𝐴𝐸 = 45°.
If 𝐵𝐷 = 5cm and 𝐸𝐶 = 12cm, then what is the area, in cm2, of triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶?

18. Ali and Bala play a game which begins with a pile of 𝑛 coins, given that 𝑛 ≤ 15.
They alternate turns with Ali going first. On each player’s turn, he must remove 1, 3
or 4 coins from the pile. The player who removes the last coin wins the game i.e. the
player with no coins to remove when his turn comes loses the game. Find the sum
of all values of 𝑛 which Bala have a winning strategy. (In a game, a player has a
winning strategy if, regardless of what the other player does, there are moves that
he can make which guarantee that he will win.)

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [11]

19. Five colours are available for the painting of the six faces of a cube. One colour is
used to paint two of the opposite faces, while each of the other four colours is used
to paint one face. How many differently painted cubes can there be? Two cubes
painting the same colours on corresponding faces after rotation or flip are not
considered to be different.

20. For four different positive integers 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 and 𝑑, where 𝑎 < 𝑏 < 𝑐 < 𝑑, if the
product (𝑑 – 𝑐) × (𝑐 – 𝑏) × (𝑏 – 𝑎) is divisible by 2023, then we call this group
of four integers a “friendly group”. How many “friendly groups” are there from 1 to

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NMOS Round 2 Intensive Course Paper 3 [12]


1. 2 2. 0748

3. 20 4. 24

5. 176 6. 204

7. 12 8. 13

9. 48 10. 36

11. 2394 12. 64

13. 2022 14. 9

15. 1225 16. 1981

17. 225 18. 32

19. 15 20. 57

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